Bridge station

A bigger, better , fit for the twenty-first century

A station transformed One unified station accessible for all users. This includes people with special mobility, visual, We've rebuilt London Bridge station, For the first time in its history, all 15 cognitive and hearing requirements. transforming central London’s oldest platforms at London Bridge are now The entire station is accessible for station into a station fit for the accessible from one central space, passengers with reduced mobility, twenty-first century by making it simplifying the layout of the station with all platforms accessible by lift modern, spacious and fully for passengers. The huge, street for the first time. Seven new lifts accessible. This has all been level concourse is the largest in the have been installed in total. achieved while keeping the UK’s United Kingdom, and is roughly the fourth busiest station open for the size of the pitch at Wembley Other accessibility improvements 50 million passengers that use the Stadium. include tactile paving to support station each year. wayfinding, a Changing Places toilet, We've also unified staff facilities at induction loops throughout the Work began in 2012 with the the station, bringing station and accessibility assistance removal of the old train shed, parts and train operator staff together in points at every entrance. of which were preserved and one welfare area. The new, state of donated to the Vale of Rheidol the art control room, located above An exciting destination Railway in . the ticket office, is also a joint facility, encouraging collaboration The redevelopment of the station is To keep the station open among the station staff. also ensuring that it becomes a throughout meant adopting a destination in its own right and a phased process of demolition and Better connected real asset to the surrounding area. construction, moving south to north We’re creating a place for people to across the station between 2013 New entrances on meet, eat, shop and socialise, as and 2018. and St Thomas Street have well as travel, opening up the area improved connections between the for business and communities to Bigger, brighter, better areas surrounding the station. thrive. We've delivered a station which The Stainer Street walkway offers As part of this investment we are now has two-thirds more space for locals another north-south link introducing 92,000 square feet of passengers, future proofing the through the station, opening up the new retail and more than 70 retail station amid unprecedented area. Tube and bus links have also units – the most ever in a Network passenger growth on the been improved. Rail station. These new units will , Southern and offer a fantastic mix of shops, Southeastern networks. This More accessible cafes, bars and restaurants to enjoy. equates to around 90m passenger London Bridge station has been They include big brands and a journeys per year. designed to be inclusive and number of small independent retailers.

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Bigger platforms for longer trains Untangling the approaches Every platform has been completely rebuilt at London The railway on the approaches to London Bridge is part Bridge and platforms are 25% more spacious than of the oldest railway in London, where the London and previously at the station. This is partly achieved by Railway first ran in 1836. It is also one of the extending them to accommodate longer, twelve car busiest and most complex track layouts in Europe. trains through every platform. In fact, the station footprint is now so long that if was laid down This historic stretch of railway has also been completely beside the station, the station would be longer! transformed with new track, signalling, power and telecoms systems installed across a three mile stretch of Every platform now also has a striking full length canopy, railway which is more than eleven tracks wide in places. the first station in the UK to have every platform This adds up to a total of more than 42km of new track, covered for their whole length. This helps encourage more than 150 new sets of points (equipment that allows passengers to use the full length of every platform and trains to change tracks) and is the largest signalling maximise platform capacity at busy times, now and in replacement scheme ever undertaken by Network Rail. the future. This mammoth scheme of renewals was integrated Remodelling London Bridge seamlessly with the plans for the rebuild of the station itself. During each phase of the station redevelopment, The London Bridge redevelopment project was about the tracks approaching the station had to reflect the more than creating a spacious concourse for passengers changing platform arrangements in place at that time, at the station. It also gave an opportunity to completely across more than six years of constant flux. remodel both the platform and track layout at the station to unlock the bottleneck London Bridge had become. The layout has been simplified with resilience built in to the network through the creation of dedicated lines for Previously there were nine terminating platforms at each service group at the station, as well as the use of London Bridge, with six through platforms. This meant brand new, state of the art materials and equipment. Thameslink services and Southeastern services to/from Charing Cross shared lines and platforms, reducing the available space for Thameslink services. In fact, during peak hours with the previous layout there was just one Thameslink train per hour. The platforms have been ‘flipped’ as part of the rebuild, meaning there are now six terminating platforms and nine through platforms in the final layout. This means more trains to and from more destinations can serve London Bridge and carry on across London and beyond. Working with the new infrastructure to the east ( Dive Under) and west (Borough Viaduct) of the station, Charing Cross and Thameslink services now have their own dedicated lines and platforms at London Bridge for the first time. This means up to sixteen Thameslink trains per hour can now call at London Bridge at the busiest times - a huge uplift in capacity.

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