cholera are: Charles McAvery died Sep- pers of the city on the Panama Canal tember !>Lh, address unknown; Mrs. So- diau village. The shipment will make REACHES THE MAINLAND. A SICK question. He said: "Itis quite true the about jphia Wigman, died September 10th at 7ftS VERY WOMAN. Panama Canal Company has concluded COLLIS TRAIN ROBBERS. four carloads. THE DALTON GANG. Eleventh avenue; Win. Wigman, same an agreement with Hielard, Vice-Presi- Chief Jim of tho Songhish Indians was jaddress, the following day; Minnie Lev- dent ofthe Chamber of Commerce, pro- buried yesterday morning. Tho remains j inger, a child, died September 11th at 411 East viding for the formation of a new com- were taken to St. Andrew's Roman Cath- ! Forty-sixth street; Charlotta Heck, pany. The agreement has already been Asiatic Cholera 30 years old, died yesterday at olic Church, where requiem mass was cel- Five Deaths From ! afternoon Statement of Physicians as to approved by this tribunal of commerce. Only Two Killed ebrated by Bishop Simmons, assisted by Them, 17t>4 Second avenue. Persons in Yes- 1 Five of Including the Leader, Charles Hielard wishes to prove that the canal Father Yannevel. The interment was at in York City. McAvery was 35 years old. and Mrs. Harrison's Health. can be made, to New a plasterer's assistant, lie died and intends open about terday's Encounter. Rossbay Cemotory. A large number of Finally at £79 kilometres, and then get more Indians attended the iuneral, and when Captured. Tenth avenue. money, so Minnie was year as to finish the work." tho coffin was lowered into the grave Levinger 1 and 8 many months old. She died at 411 East Forty- of the Indians were in tears. An Express Train Wrecked. rS*fc" Lieutenant Lucien Flynne, S. N., in TEE TO PRE- eighth street, where her parents lived. U. UTMOST PRECAUTION years HER CONDITION PRONOUNCED TO Richmond (Vr.), Sept. 14.—The Chatta- ANOTHER FOSSE IN PURSUIT OP charge of the United States survey boat William Wisnum was 52 old and Gednoy, finished RUN DOWN IN NEW BY his wife, Sophia, was 63 years old. He VERY nooga express on the Norfolk and West- says that the party has VENT ITS SPREAD. BE CRITICAL. THE BANDITS. the triangulation survey for Dungeness A had been sick for eight days and his wile ern road ran into a washout this morning DEPUTY MARSHAL. hud been sick for about the length Station, on Discovery Island, Bracky same and wa.s badly wrecked. Engineer Will- I Head and will tho o! time. She died on Saturday and he on iam Pillow Point bo next Sunday. The physicians in attendance GaiMDgn and Fireman M>Artin 1 points of observation. Physicians Remain Constantly on Officers of Probst were killed. Conductor reported they believed the cases to be Tho the Government at U. P. The Sheriff", Party Degrove was probably fatally injured. In Charge of the A TEST CASE. Further Trouble Looked For in tho House Where tho cholera, and by order of the Hoard of A passengers Gnard at Each Health the bodies removed the Washinßton Are Looking Up the number of wero badly Now Pursuing Fugitives, were to shaken up. tlio Says A Physician Arrested For Not Com- Choctaw Natlon-Tlie Town of Mc- Appears to Enforce tho Reception Hospital, where they were ex- Legal Powers Disease ol" tho President lv He Will Take No Chances, But Will plying With an Ordinance. Allister amined by Professor Biggs. Ex-Consul Ryder. Under Martial Law—A Most Rigid Rules or Cleanliness- Charlotta Heck tho Matter of Temporarily San Mateo, Sept. 14.—Dr. W. S. Whit- of 17«J4 Second avenue, Sus- Shoot the Murderers on Sight—A Negro was found sick in her apartments yester- Copenhagen, Sept. 14.— H. Ryder, ex- well was arrested yesterday for not com- Taken From a Jail, No Family Allowed to Move Out of pending or Prohibiting Immigra- American Consul day morning. She was attended by Dr. here, who is under ££j Prisoner ,<_ ooflnod In the City Jail plying with tho notorious "iron-clad" Where lie Was in Custody for a \ andergaltz, who saw a House Without a Written Permit her at 9:9o o'clock. tion—A Niece of Whitelaw Reid to rest for frauds in connection with tbfej ordinance passed by tho Board of Super- He reported to the Hoard of Health that at llanfbrd Burned to Death. Brntel Upon a Young Girl, administration of estates intrusted i f Assault —Tho Quarantined Passengers at he believed the case to be cholera. She, Wed Justice Harrison on tho 27th visors of tnis county regarding hospitals him in his officialcapacity, has confessed j for and Hanged to a Telegraph by too, was removed to the Detention Hos- a the care of mental and nervous Pole Tiro Island to be Released To-Day. pital Instant. to further fraud in withholding the pay- Special to i ie Recohd-Uniow. patients. till her death, which occurred at ment ofa legacy. He also confessed that The doctor's arrest is made to a Mob of Infuriated Citizens. 11:30 the same day. he Visalia, Sept. 14.—There is nothing bring the matter before tho Supreme The physicians have unable to Special to the Record-Uniow. stole books from tho Athemuum Head- Special been ing Club. new in reference to Evans and Soutag. Court in the form a all parties to the Record-Union. find out how the cholera was Loon Lake of test case, contracted Housk (N. V.), Sept. 14.— At 4 o'clock another posse started to the agreeing that should the Supreme Court Special to the Record-Union. New York, Sept. 14.—Now that Asi- in each one of these cases. So far as they Immigration have been Doctors Gardner ofWashington, Doughty Question. mountains in search of the desperadoes. hold tho ordinance invulid, tho doctor is Kansas City, Sept. 14. A Times atic cholera has devoloped among the able to learn, none of the dead York, not to be molested any But if tho persons came In contact with the of New and Trudeau of Saranac, Washington, Sept. 14.—The officers of Frank Burke and bis two Yuma Indian more. special from Paris, Tex., says:— A tele- dwellers in this city, each may ask his had a ordinance is constitutional the hospital is cholera germs. Every precaution has consultation at the President's cot- tho Government are looking up the legal trailers started for Yuma, accompanying gram from Deming, M., states that neighbor, "Well, what of it?" This ex- been taken to to be abolished. The ordinauco is the one N. prevent the spread of tage this morning in regard to Mrs. Har- powers ofthe President in the matter of the remains of Detective Wilson. Burke which a live of the members of the notorious pression implies no over-confidence. It cholera in these different houses. The the or requires brick wall eight feet rison, and at its close issued the following temporary suspension prohibition will a high and two feet thick surround all Dalton lies within each individual's power to bedding has been burned and the houses of has return in few days, but the In- to gang were captured there last statement: "The primary disease is pul- immigration. Nothiug, however, asylums for mentally incompetent night. assure his own personal safety almost placed under observation. All these yet been done on the subject. dians say they will not come back. There Those captured were , cases originally monary tuberculosis of the right side, as- patients. Atfirst tho people thought tho leader beyond peradventure. He has but to were reported to the is talk of petitioning Governor Markham institution ought to have the wall around of tho gang; Grunt Dalton, Amy health authorities as suspected cholera, sociated with nervous prostration, a re- Coming Society for a large reward Dalton, Sam Wiugo, and Three-lingered driuk no water and milk except such as and have been under the Event. for Evans and Sontag, it, but atter three years of observation of investigation of cent complication of sub-acute pleurisy management great majority Jack. Deputy has been thoroughly boiled, and to eat no physicians connected with the New York, Sept. 14.—The marriage of dead or alive. The people are asking its a look Marshal Williams did not depart- with arapid effusion of water in the right why upon these stops as needless persecutions. wire the details of capture. food that has not been thoroughly and ment. Professor Herman Biggs, who is Miss Ella Reid, niece of Whitelaw Reid, those evidently assisting the out- the Deputy chest, necessitating two tappings with laws are Much interest is attracted to tho move. Williams had been freshly cooked. He will abstain from in charge of the Division of Pathology to Judge Harrison of will not arrested, as it is certain following on the trait and Bacteriology, has been making bac- some relief. Her present condition is crit- be celebrated at some of of the desperadoes since the butter and cheese, and may then possess the country home of Mr. them, easily named, are cariyiug BASEBALL.. last robbery, teriological examinations of tho intestinal ical, on account of the tendency to repro- and Mrs. Reid at Westchester, Septem- communications from Evans to in July. Ho them into his soul in serenity. Cholera willpass his wife, followed Kansas, lluids taken from the bodies of suspected duction of the tluid. The contemplated ber 27th. and otherwise assisting the robbers. The Oakland and Teams Colorado, and finally New" Mexico, him by. cases. He reported to the department removal to Washington is impossible, A Each Take a Game. where the capture Ever since the Moravia in port this afternoon the result of his examina- ONLY TWO KILLED. was made. The gang arrived tions, and announced prognostication as tothe immediate future San Francisco, Sept. 14.—The Oak- is wanted in Indian Kansas, as a harbinger of the dreaded plague the unhesitatingly that POLITICAL MATTERS. San Francisco, Sept. 14.—Dispatches Territory, the cases were Asiatic cholera without is uncertain." lands defeated the Dukes to-day in a close New and California on of State and local officials have been strain- from the Associated Press correspondents Mexico charges doubt. Lieutenant Parker said this morning: score: Oaklauds—Runs S, hits 12, errors , and the rewards offered ing every nerve to prevent its gaining a in Fresno, Visalia and Sanger state that ASIATIC CHOLERA. "The President will remain with Mrs. 2. San Jose—Runs 7, hits 12, errors 3. aggregate §22,000. foothold this city and being spread by New York, ADDRESS DV THE NATIONAL,DEM- the reports sent out last night, that more in Sept. 14.—The following Harrison until she gets better, and has no Batteries—llorner, German and Wilson; Later.—The following various channels the country at largo, was received at 11 p. m. OCRATIC COMMITTEE. than two persons were killed by Evans was received to other plans whatever."' It is, therefore, Harper and Clark. late to-night from L'l Paso: Afight took, but looking Caknegie Laboratory, 1 apparent and Sontag at Sampson Flat yesterday, while they were all seaward Twk.nty-Foukth that the President's stay here is AT LOS ANGELES. place between the Marshal's uosse and cholera has quietly made its presence East Stkket./ indefinite. The physicians, were incorrect. The only persons killed To Charles G. Wilson, president Hoard it is said, Los Sept. the robbers, two of the latter being killed felt in our midst, and live corpses to-day of have quietly intimated tho President were United States Deputy Marshal Angeles, 14.—The visitors captured. Healtfi—Hm: We 'Would respectfully report to Proceedings of Conventions of Both Wilson of Tuscon and met with deleat at the hands ofthe home and live Three of the gang are mark its advent. How did it get in? is that very caretul biological examinations of the strong probability of a fatal result. Andrew McGinnis yet at liberty, but tho posse expects to the question on everyone's lips. The the contents from body Chaa, The President rarely of San Francisco, formerly Constable at team to-day. Score: Los Angeles—Runs Intestinal the of leaves Mrs. Harri- the Old Parties In Varions Modesto. 8, hits 16, errors 2. San Francisco—Runs capture them within a day or two. Tho Health Olßcers are puzzled, but the ut- McAvtry.wno died September Oth, have been son's bedside. In fact, he really shares officers the very completed. autopsy 4, hits V, errors Batteries—Balsz and are keeping matter quiet, most precautions are being taken to pre- The showed anatomical the nursing of tho invalid with the pro- States. WILL BE SHOT OX SIGHT. 0. in order to facilitate the of tho vent lesion of sporadic cholera, but a biological ex- Baldwin; Hoffman and Spies. capture" its spread. At each of tho houses proves fessional attendant. Russell Harrison Fresno, Sept. 14.—Deputy Coroner other threo robbers. where patients amination that the sputum of Asiatic Dunlap the lived two doctors have cholera were present in the intestines. We and Mrs. McKee, the President's son and Stephens, who wont to yesterday Xow Water Works for Santa Rosa. been stationed, to remain constantly on theretore declare the cuse to be one of Asiatic daughter, are also in constant attendance. Special to the Recoud-Untoj*. afternoon to meet the men bringing down THE CUOCTAW TROUBLES. enforcing the It the bodies Santa Rosa, Sept 14.—J. W. Hart/oil duty, most rigid rules of cholera. Respectfully submitted, is understood that another operation New York, Sept. of Deputy United States Mar- cleanliness, seeing to disinfection, Herman Biggs, will be performed afternoon. 14.—The Democratic shal MoGinnla and Vie Wilson, returned has filed with the Council an application Town of McAllister at etc. this National Committee has issued the fol- Present Under No family must move out ofa house with- Eu Dunham. The best that can be said of Mrs. Har- to Fresno this evening. Stephens ac- for a franchise to put in a new system of Martial .Law. out a permit. Following is report: to-night lowing address: The Democratic National companied Heusley posse written another rison's condition is that it is no Sheriff and to water works. He is at present building McAllister {I. T.), Sept. 14.—Thors, The idea is to overwhelm and stamp Hon. Prtiriilpiit than it this morning Committee congratulates Dunlap, and says that when he left that Charie* O. WUmm. of the worse was when the the country on tho water works at His is has been development in out the disease in each house, as was done Health Department Sib: Mrs .Sophia Wio- bulletin was issued. Allher friends now the result of the place this morning at 10 o'clock Hensley Ckiah. plan no to-day tho upon who on September recent State elections in to bring water from the Russian River, Choctaw with typhus its first appearance. inann, died 10, 1898, and realize that any new complications will Maine, Vermont and . and his men were getting ready to start vendetta. Reports adding to the That this can be done was successfully whose body was referred to us to determine be attended with the greatest danger. In Ar- in pursuit of tho robbers. Heusley told fourteen miles. Wells are to be sunk on original list of fatalities are incorrect, demonstrated in the cholera outbreak the cause of death, died of cholera asiatica, && Mrs. Harrison's kansas the combined opposition fell short Stephens that lie would take chances the banks of the river and the water of has been shown by biological ».-.\aimuation of vitality is at the very no a only four men having been killed at Mc- 1S4»;. The doctors on duty in each of the lowest ebb, and cannot by over 30,000 of the vote of the Democ- and that the posse would shoot on sight. piped to reservoir on an elevation near intestinal discharges taken before death. No successfully resist town, give a pressure Allister and Hartshorne as tirst reported. infected houses will remain there until reliable conclusions could be drawn from the further inroads. racy alone. This brought dismay to the Itis now certain that there were two sufficient to of the danger a or biological ninety pounds to the Square inch. It is Further trouble, however, is almost of further outbreak is finally post mortem examination made Dr. Gardner said this evening that combination in the South and its manip- meu in Young's house with Evans and passed. The health otlicers fully be- after death, or of her husband, William Wie- there was a slight improvement, and the Soutag, who aided tho robbers in their claimed that it willcost $50,000 to bring sure to come. Governor Jones and In- lieve this will be before long, mann, and both bodies have been embalmed. tluid ulators. In Maine and Vermont the con- murderous attack upon the officers. the water from the river to the reservoir. dian Agent Bennett, with 110 men of the other cases mi doubt, however, had not gathered in her chest as are expected to develop from scattered Wo have that the cause of rapidly as before. was tests were conducted on distinctly na- Probably the first work of the olDcers The whole cost of the works cannot be faction, are to meet a like number of tho death in both cases was the same. It learned, how- estimated. place centers of the contagion, but none in the ever, from other sources that the produc- tional issues. The Republican managers' will be to make a round-UD of all per- National party near this to-day and The biolo^i";'.l examination in the case of _ try settle difficulty same buildings. That is the way the the child Minnie Levinger, who died Septem- tion of fluid is sufficient in quantity to appeal summoned to its aid all the potent sons suspected of having given informa- Delegates at Portland. to the . It is thought tho presence of General health officers propose to drive cholera ber 11th. also shows that cause of death was indicate that another operation will be of their tion and assistance and the two accom- Bennett with from the now it has in, Asiatic cholera. Respectfully submitted. necessary resources national organization, of the robbers willbe arrested. Portland, Sept. 14.—The first of the Federal police will prevent an outbreak city, got and if to-morrow, unless there is a an a plices the citizens will use reason and get Hekjxann Iff. BIGCNS. with exhaustless treasury and splen- Countable Hill told Stephens he delegates to the Sovereign Grand Lodge, at tho conference, but there is no knowl- not Ei>\vaju> decided improvement in the meantime. had into a foolish and needless panic they are K. Dunham. did equipment of orators. The campaign learned from one of the robbers' friends I. U. O. F., which meets in this city on edge what may come later. The town is sure they will succeed, though they by NO CAUSE FOX FRIGHT. OX THE ofour adversaries for a triumphant test that they (the robbers) say they had Friday, arrived this in tho under martial law. means undervalue TURF. morning per- no the danger. Every New York, Sept. 14.—The cases re- vote in those States, so carofully planned Sheriff Hensley and Deputy McCardle in son on TROUBLE TEMPORARILY SETTLED. possibility, every ferred to in the cholera reports of tho their power a few days ago, but ofthe Committee Appeals, J. W. leature of the cholera have been Res alts Races at La tonla and and so thoroughly and forcefully spared Stebbins of New York, Chairman. The South McAllister(I. T.), Sept. 14.— epidemic has been discounted and pro- treated with the same precautionary Gravesend Parka. exe- them. The two otiicers passed within The trouble between the Choctaw Nation against. measures as cuted, ended in conspicuous disaster. Our robbers, committee upon arrival went into session vided would have characterized Latonia Park (Ky.), easy gunshot of tho who were and will the time between and the Progressive parties has been set- It is hard for the department the action of the board if Sept. 14.—The friends everywhere are entitled to take hiding, but they wouldn't use their ad- spend now and to trace they had been tho meeting ol the Grand Lodge in ar- tled for the time-being. A number of the cases so far reported, because all of immediately and positively recognized. weather was cold and tho track deep in fresh courage from the results. vantage. As proof ofthis they say they Choctaws who did the killing laid down the victims are dead. Thus no mud. Seven Kose lefta medicine bottle ranging the various details of the session. The situation is far secondary cases have oc- furlongs, Boy won, MASSACHUSETTS REPUBLICANS. at the place where This morning the committee left this city their arms and surrendered for trial. identical with that of 18W3, when cliolera curred on the premises occupied by tho Captain Drane second, Rebuff third. Sept. 14.—The Bepublican they were hid, so that the truth of their suddenly appeared persons, Boston, State might to meet tho incoming Grand Representa- Cowboys in three or four widely sick nor have any cases arisen Time, 1:36. Convention was held in Trcmont Temple story be substantiated. tives at Spokane. They took with them Between and Cattlo Thieves. separated places in tho city, alter ithad from them. The board has under exami- to-day. Ebeu Draper was Arifle pit constructed by Sontag and successfully body Seven furlongs, Red Prince won, Critic S. temporary a large assortment of Oregon fruit. (Tex.), Sept. 14.—Last been quarantined out the nation the of the woman who died Chairman and Charles 11. Allen perma- Evans on tho mountain side about one Monday, previous fall. with the symptoms ofcholera on Septem- second. Gold Wave third. Time, 1:34. mile from Young's house was found by a few miles from Presidio, nent Chairman. The platform adopted APrisoner Burned to Death. Mexicans driving The first case this year was Charles ber loth. All the suspected or reported One mile, Hedge Rose won, Ocypete opposed the inflation of currency either the otiicers. It is large enough to con- were off about tivo a plasterer by cases of second, Claret a Hanford, Sept. 14.—A negro man. McAvoy, trade, who lived cholera since September Ist have third. Time, 1:48. by inconvertible paper money or the free tain both the robbers and good amount hundred cattle from the ranch of Michael on Tenth avenue. The only possible been carefully investigated and kept Five and a half furlongs, Dutch Oven of provisions, it is approached from one name unknown, came here on last night:s when they by coinage of silver, A demand is mado that only, Ledonoz, were attacked clue may be that he had been working under observation. No suspected cases won, Mattietta second, Footrunner third a legal barrier bo interposed against in- side and the robbers could have train and was arrested by the Marshal as twenty-rive cowboys, who opened fira about the wharves. Yet, none of the have been reported to the board since Time, 1:14. discriminate held it against a small army. a vagrant. He was put with Winchesters. The battle lasted fully pest immigration. was in the City Jail, a ships had come up to the wharf. S:3O a. m. yesterday. Four and a half furlongs, Nellie Shaw Nathaniel P. Banks and John D. Long No news received here to-day of one-story thirty minutes, when tho Mexicans re- McAvoy won. the movements ofthe posse. wooden building, and about 2 was seized with cramps last DANOEB OF AN EPIDEMIC. Mattie Kinney second, Destroy were unanimously nominated for Electors o'clock this morning the jail was discov- tired across the Kio Grande, the cattlo Monday evening, and the next morning York, Sept. third. Time, 1:10. at large. coroner's inquest. ered on It being stampeded. The Superintendent took to his bed, dying NKW 14.—Mayor Grant fire. seemed that the negro Tuesday evening. had a conference to-night with President AT (JRAVESEND. The following ticket was nominated: Visalia, Sept. 14.—A Coroner's inquest started tho fire on tho inside. The pris- ofthe ranch, Charles Thomas, and a cow- Two doctors diagnosed the case as Asiatic Wilson, Governor, William H. Haile; Lieutenant- was held this morning the bodies oner was boy named Pelasco were killed. Thi> cholera, and the house was of the Health Department, and Gravesend, Sept. 14.—One mile, Joy on of suffocated and badly burned disinfected as others. They took the view that the best won, Glamor second, Algoma third. Governor, Roger VVolcott; Secretary of Wilson and McGinnis, the victims of beiore the fire could be put out. The Mexicans lost three men. a measure of precaution. Doctor Biggs, State, William Olin; Attorney-General, Sontag and Evans. Mho made servico they could render the public was Time, 1:45A. Both men wore rid- building was completely wrecked. the autop&y, declares, how- to keep it fullyinformed of all develop- Five and a half furlongs, Reginald Albert E. Pillsbury; Auditor, John W. dled with shot and must have been in- Union. fvl can act only on St. Joseph (Mo.), Sept. 14.—The St. drew forth a bitter retort, and a tre- Eleventh each case as it appears, while the disease Joe Fair races mendous uproar ensued. For a time it flicted by Evans and Sontag. Tho Laumeister Contempt Case. avenue, Charlotte Beck of 1734 Second itself is perhaps secretly and began to-day. The stallion There were more than 100 duckshot Negro Fiend Lynched. avenue and Minuie Levinger of 411 spreading record for the world was broken seemed as though the convention would San Francisco, Sept. 14.—Sheriff East inlocting the crowded tenement by Lo- break a found on the person of Wilson, many in Laiixed (Kas.), Sept. 14.—A negro by Forty-sixth street. There have been districts. baco in the free-for-all trot. In the first up, but after lengthy row ballot- Laumoister, who was adjudged guilty of The fact that live cases occurred within heat he ing proceeded and resulted in the nomi- tho bowels and thirty-hve in the left the name of James Thompson made a other cases, of which the board has not such short period acted badly, but in the second he arm. McGinnis was hit by thirty-six contempt of court by Judge Murphy, for yet made official report. a of time is strong settled down and tied his record, nation of Wertz. The platform indorses brutal assault on Miss Mabel Welch at proof that they were not spermadie at- 2:11i. the national declarations and defends in duckshot, and a Winchester ball entered failure to execute John McNulty after It is said at police headquarters this tacks, epidemic In the third he reduced this to 2:li)J, and his left jaw opposite the her boarding-house yesterday morning. evening that the disease had but of true character. the people went wild. detail all alleged partisan legislation. mouth. tiie expiration of the latter's reprieve, been brought However, the epidemic would not result Lobaco and the was arrested to-day by the Coroner, but •She fought him for two hours, and ha into the city by butchers taking meat driver, Mcllenry, were presented WYOMING- REPUBLICANS. to In such a large mortality as in the past each WIiECK OF THE GOLDEN HORN. was subsequently released on a writ of finally lied. Last evening he was arrested the quarantined Hamburg steamships, with magnificent tloral offerings. Laramie (Wyo.), Sept. 14.—The Re- corpus, in a swamp and a few hours lator he was but this could not supported. history of the plague, when sanitary sci- publican habeas rosturnablo before Judge be ence was in a crude state, but should State Convention met here this The Vessel Belus Slowly Pounded to Wallace on Friday. taken from jail by a mob and hanged to President Wilson said this evening that CHARGED WITH MUUDER. morning, and ufler a temporary organiza- a pole. Ho confessed his guilt no cholera get into the crowded tenements it Pieces on tho Kocks. telegraph there was occasion for excitement in tion was eit'ected and a number of Bemmerly and said that his soul would go would be a difficult matter to check the Sensation at Louisville Caused by Santa Barbara, Denied Ball. to hell. this city. Hie Health Department had ravages tho speeches were made, a recess was taken. Sept. 14.—When tho taken every possible of the disease. In the face of Arrest ofa Pro?nlnent Merchant. wreck Woodland, Sept. 14,—Judge Fishing: measure to prevent such a threatened calamity all political SOUTH DAKOTA DEMOCRATS. crew left the of the British ship Prewett Schooner Seized. the spread of the infection. Louisville, Sept. 14. A sensation ton Golden Horn, Monday evening, tho of Placer County, sitting for Judge Grant Sept. Sanitary Superintendent considerations should be put aside and Yank iS. D.), Sept. 14.—The Demo- ship St. Johns IN. B.), 14.—There waa Edson said the co-operation of eminent medical was created here this evening— by the ar- cratic Executive Committee was pounding on tho rocks, a of Yolo, to-day denied the motion of considerable talk there was no danger ofcholera becoming men and nom- heavy sea this morning when i& epidemic. There ol the city be sought. rest of Vincent Spaninger, a well-known inees are engaged in a conference in re- gutted the cabin and three fent of water Daniel Bemmerly to be admitted to bail, was learned that the fishery cruiser Cur- would be sporadaic There is a suspicion that gard to fusion with the Independents pending appeal Supreme cases, he said, for at least Max Vitkaft, produce merchant, and Mrs. Josephine on was in the hold. The men saved nothing. his to the Court. Icy brought iuto port the fishing sixty days, un- who was stricken with symptoms of the Electoral ticket and one or two State | Bemmorly. it will be remembered, killed schooner til real cold weather sets in, which will cholera Cole, who is said to be his mistress, Many aro barefooted and coatless and all Mat at liallio Maud of Portlaud, Me. Last year have the effect, on Tuesday night and died at oharged with the offices. The Independents are not In- I Faigle Black's Station some one of stamping out the Bellevue this poisoning of Mrs. clined to concede much, and the are penniless. months the schooner violated oi' the clause i Hospital morning, was Eugenia whole ago. treaty by disease. really afllicted plague, Sherrill and Mrs. Emma Austin, matter will probably be Captain Dunn says his of the of 1318 shipping seamen The health officials have with the ifsuch who were found dead in an assignation referred to a reckonings wore Death of an ArmyCaptain. at Shelbourne, S. sent to Ellis is the case, the infection doubtless has committee for settlement. that the was at the time N. Island for the passenger lists of all house kept by the latter woman last Fri- ship ofthe wreck Spokane ves- found a good breeding-place in the cheap It was practically decided that the Dem- away (Wash.), Sept. 14.—Captain A Leuds to a sels which have arrived there since Au- day. They were poisoned by arsenic ad- not ten miles from the south end of R. B. Brown of the Quarrel Duel. gust lodging-houses in the Bowery, where he ministered cream. ocrats could fuse with the Independ- Fourth Infantry, 29th. Every effort will be made to had a in ice Mrs. Sherrill unless the latter Santa Rosa Island, but there was a heavy United States Army, died in tho The Hague, Sept. 14.—Baron Vcn, trace the as as room. had gone the house and spent the ents were willing to di- hospital passengers far practicable. to nigut vide the State ticket, and a committee of fog and high tide. Dunn has no idea of at Wallace, Ida., to-day of pneumonia. Gartner Griedenow, Secretary of the Ger- Edson said the infection which with a man during the absence of her the value of tho ship cargo. caused IX OTHER LANDS. husband the four was appointed to confer with a sim- or The ship man Legation, and Marquis de Valla- cholera to break out here must come from city. Spauinger was ilar \v:is insured. Reported on ?5,000 to-night, committee from the Independents Secretary Spanish through some quarantine. The source of Cholera to be Raging at released bail but Mrs. and arrange matters. A party left in a sloop for the scene of SIR KDWLN ARNOLD. daro, of tho Legation, the infection is very Cole was held. The impression prevails lought a duel to-day, as the result being investigated Vora Cruz. the wreck and willendeavor to save the Ills Conduct In of* carefully. that she is the guilty person. TEXAB REPUBLICANS. papers report Japan Severely Com- quarrel. The Marquis was wounded in New Orleans, Sept. 14.—A Times- SSm and valuables and her con- "Upon. The quarantine lines at Fire Island and San Fort Worth (Tex.). Sept. 14.—The Re- dition. mented the leg. the hotels were DenwcraVs Antonio (Texas) special TWO SMASH-UPS. State 13.—Key. guarded by twelve de- publican Convention met again this This morning Dunn telegraphed tho Chicago, Sept. Mr. Bartlett, at toetives from New says: According to a letter received to- morning and the feature of the Heavy Fire Losses Indianapolis. York last night to pre- in opening British Consul at San Pedro about the a young missionary sent to Japan by tho vent their escape. day from Dr. Clove, dated Jalapa, Mex- Accidents Both of Which Lives was the prayer of Griffin, a Indianapolis llnd.), Sept. 14.—The This morning Dr Were "Sin-killer" wreck. The Consul will arrive this American Board of Missions, at tho Voight reported the health of the passen- ico, cholera is raging at Yera the Lost. negro preacher, who asked God to bless evening. Union Transfer and Storago Company's, Cruz, George Independent meeting of the Congregational ministers gers exceilent,there being only a few inci- denial of the Government omcials New York, Sept. 15.—A Herald?a late Clark, Democratic The crew say the location of the rocks warehouse with entirely troubles to the for This attacked Sir Edwin Arnold, tho contents was dental among women and contiary notwithstanding. edition says: It is reported early this candidate Governor. brought causing the wreck is absent from the English destroyed by fire this morning at J children. While there \< as some grumb- down the house, and the convention took chart. poet and editor, who spent several years The loss AT PARIS. (Thursday; morning two freight trains on a ship's o'clock. is §200,u00; insurance ling, the majority of the passengers ex- recess. The Golden Horn's owners, James H. in Japan. Mr. Bartlett was relating his unknown. The fire is supposed to be o* press satisfaction with their Paris, Sept. 14.—1n Paris and its the Pennsylvania road crashed together NEVADA DEMOCRATS. accommoda- Dewolf