H-Women Women Cattle Drovers Discussion (Oct 1996) Page published by Kolt Ewing on Thursday, June 12, 2014 Women Cattle Drovers Discussion (Oct 1996) Query from Heather Munro Prescott Prescott @ccsua.ctstateu.edu 23 Oct 1996 A student asked me whether it was true that women were used as cattle drivers in the nineteenth century West. I told her I had never heard of this. Is it true? Query X-Posted to H-West Responses: >From Stan Gibson
[email protected] 24 Oct 1996 ...I think the answer depends on what is meant by "cattle driving." IMHO, 19c women on the ranges were usually too smart to get entangled in long drives to shipping or sale points--if they did so, they probably were also too smart to boast about it, especially when they were aware of the hardscrabble wages offered. As for the 19c cowmen, there wasn't much reason to note the roles played by their unpaid womenfolks. Moving cattle from summer to winter pasture, and other short drives, however, were undoubtedly common--and probably acceptable--chores for ranchers' wives, daughters, and perhaps even the odd girlfriend. It must have been nice change from heating water on woodstoves, separating and churning, giving birth without nitrous oxide or spinal blocks, and just generally being "useful" back at the ranch. A day or two in the saddle, even today, is fun--and, from my observations recently, still fairly common on western ranches. I have also noted that the well-praised western male courtliness can have its limits, depending on the circumstances.