Canada A t War T he K e lo w n a C ourier A Review of Developments on the Home Front VOLUME 39 Kelowna, British Columbia, Thursday, October 8th, 1942 NUMBER 11 The Wartime Prices and Trade Board is taking steps to reorganize its ration system, the chairman, Donald Gordon, said SUGAR HERE IS THE COMMANDO DAGGER! APPLE this week. By enlisting local people with an intimate know­ Retail Stores End ledge of community conditions, it is planned to set up L O C A L AFFECTING SALES SUP R A T IO N O F F IC E S in the municipal buildings at some 500 centres across Canada. W hile final plans, have not yet been APPLE SALES BADLY Harvest Closing announced, the Boards will be so located as to give represen­ tation to all areas. The local boards will be staffed by volun- Change in Regulations Has Car Shipments For Week Drop teers chosen front among leading citizens of the communities Serious Effect on Sale of AJmost Fifty Per Cent— Bulk Jonathans Sugar is a Factor After Next Week concerned, who will work without pay as part of their war effort. Mayors and reeves arc being asked to act as chairmen B.C.F.G.A. MAKES PLRA MILLION BOXES of the local ration bpards and to submit nominations for board SHIPPED Will Close on Monday and Thursday Next Week— members. The hoards will be made up of people representing Several Varieties Cannot Be Expect Bulk of Crop to be Picked by That Time agriculture, trade and industry, labor, the professions, and Sold if Sugar N ot Available South America, United States, —Less Than Fifty Per Cent of Students Returned Newfoundland and Iceland •yvomen. “The move is designed to give better and more under- Fruit growers of the O k an agan Buying ' to School This Week—Many More Expected Next standing service to the people of Canada with a minimum of #l6®B!$Sli Week—Concern .Over Junior Matric Students— expense and inconvenience,” Donald Gordon, chairman of the apple thraatened by a del- Due to two factors, the sale of Fruit Officials Urge Townspeople Continue Har­ apples has taken a serious down­ Wartimevvaiumx. Pricesi in-ta and.iiiu Trade xiciyv, Board, explained.i “It will bring , i ders,uKo of duo canceUations to a lack of of sugar carlot to use or- w a rd p lu n ge d u rin g the inast w eek , vest Efforts, Even Though Stores Remain Open local knowledge to bear upon local ration problems. 1 ne local ^ith apples. These stop orders es- which saw only three hundred and —Does Not Mean Need For Help is Passed sovenly-flve cars shipi>cd as against boards will have wide powers in administering local matters the live hundred and flfty-odd of relating to rationing. This includes such work as issuance of shipping of apples loose in box cars the past few weeks. One of the fac­ tors which has accelerated the cur- Growers Thank City People ration books for new born babies, collection of tl.c ration books - , , I A r 1 ^4. 1 Thls XDis JSIs vncthe symnoisymbol of v^anuauCanada’s s nuwnew Victory vicwiy j^uun.Loan. i It i is uiuthe uuiiujiuiiuucommando of deceased persons, replacem ents ol lost books, special allow - es available to pack the whole crop, dagger, and it typlncs the grim spirit of the great Canadian force in tion, as reported in another column of this issue. Th e second factor Is E L O W N A retail stores and small businesses vyill be again anccs to soldiers on leave, allowances for preserving, or other the varieties that will stand up England which General McNaughton described as “a dagger pointed at the fact that about a million boxes anees lu suiuicio iJii i under this form of shipment are for heart ol Berlin.” K closed today, Thursday, and next week will be closed all have been shipped to prairie points special circumstances, changes of address and similar business, the most part used for culinary pur No more appropriate symbol of Canada’s titanic war effort could since the opening of the season, and Monday and all day Thursday, but thercaftet will resume poses by prairlo housewives, and which it is believed can best be handled by persons familiar be devised. some Blight lull must bp expected their normal bu-siness hours. The change next week is made are being sold at a low price to Actual commando daggers are being flown from England, and one ______with local conditions. assure quick movement. until these supplies are consumed, Monday is Thaiiksmvinu- Day and the stores will b e ^^nr‘*to‘^mT°rnfSr"voucher rvs- ^ the'2,541 municipalities In Canada participating In thd Neverth*eIessi^“BrcTTi^ Fruiroffr-. th-o fl iv nf v teS beine with^r^n on SenS campaign commencing October 10th. dais are concerned over the extent day instead of luesday. Retail Merchants of- lem Demg wiinarawn on oepiem Oh Victory t Loan Ci.nan.,Sunday, rintnHo,.October lotv,18th, ....mWinninaceremonies will mark the of the decrease in sales. ficials decided on Tue.sday that the closing next week would end ber 30th, consumers could buy su- Startling figures of Canada's W AR PRODUCTION— fig­ rccelpt of thls dagger in every Victory Loan area, and at the conclusion There has been a big movement-to the harvest effort. It is expcctccf that by the end of next week f^ipi^diirlno'thii. month of October the campaign, these daggers will be flown back to England. Each date with, up to October 5th, 561,000 the Jonathans and, Delicious will be well on the way t'o being ures never previously disclosed in this country— were announ­ bm evidently very few p e o p ^ l^ w ‘^^^ger will carry with it a personal message from the community in- b o x e s o f i Dut evmenuy very lew people Knew delivered to a military unit in England whose mem­ ’ Macs, 350,000 iw^s^^of harvested and it will not be necessary thereafter to close the ced last week by Harry J. Carmichael, Co-ordinator of Pro- nnyto'ing about it, for . on Monday W ea lth ies and 100,000 o f sundries bers came from the particular area affected. moving to the market. s t o r e s . duction in the Department of Munitions and Supply. Thirty-eight cars of bulk apples The slow coloring' of both Jpna- Carmichael estimated that in 1942, Canada’s total production ed why sugar is hot obtainable with have been shipped to prairie points, thans and Delicious this year caused and the; movement in these has been somewhat of a lull in picking activi­ of munitions and supplies (exclusive of metals, foodstuffs, etc.) X c h nevlr Spearedi'^ereTsed confined principally to Jonathans. BULL URGES ty this 'week, anr^ some of the av­ would exceed $2.6 billions. The corresponding figure for 1941 inform the public', which has only Story of London*s Raids For the first day or two the apples ailable pickers were not used. It is H e estimated that Canada would awakened to the fact that su were too green, but a few qpoler expected, however,- that Delicious fe» J he placed at $1.2 billions. . . . gar is n o longer available, VICTORY LOAN picking w ill begin in earnest today, nights improved that situation mat­ ship in 1942 an additional $850 millions of metals, foodsturfs Cancellations are poiurlng In, lo a d - e ria lly . ’Thursday, and it is anticipated that As Told by R. Haybrook every available picker will be in and so forth to the United States, Britain and Empire coun- These latter cars met ready ac­ SUPPORT ceptance on the prairies and in demand. On the other hand, spine tries. production fof the year he placed at approxi- no place to put the surplus. A. G. some towns, such as Indian Head, growe^rs have their Delicious plck- Tells Audience Kelowna Can- ihS well under way, and a number mately $3.5 billions. H e placed percentage increase in certain Gr‘owem Sask., they were cleaned up in for- ty-ei^ t hours. Since the first of the not Afford to Fail of orchards have cleaned up on the strategic metals production as follows: S T E E L , up 110 per tlon, has made a desperate appeal month, however, the sujgar question Jonathans. to the authorities through the Can- xt . r it. tt j j i tit- . t-.- r . has entered the picture and there The return to school of a number cent from pre-war years; P IG IR O N , up 150 per cent; M A L L E ' adian Horticultural Council, -with , , ^ „ i. “How can anyone fail to give the of students who were employed in London, Veteran of Two Hundred and Ninety-Eight have been a number of cancellations men of Dieppe every bit of necess- the hope that some relief may be _To» y, y, „ , , thc orchaTds and the packing hous- ABLE CASTINGS, up 500 per cent; ALUM INUM PRODUC Raids Feels British Columbia EspeciaHy Vulner- of bulk car orders. given before a tremendous wastage apr supi»rt? C. B. Bull, local Na- gg jjgg caus^ some confusion this TION, up 600 p'er cent. Peak production on SM ALL ARMS ■trt Tnrr»nfHarv "Raid*;___ Annrovpti n f A T? P Jonathans are now being shipped tionaT War Finance Committee week, although officials stated on occurs. -approves Ol These have been chairman, asked the audience gath- ammunition production he estimated would be reached during The new record crop of Canadiaii- Tuesday that less .than fifty per cent Efforts But Deplores Laxity of General Public— nicknamed “jumbo” or “piano” ered in the Junior High School au- of those registered had returned to the first half pf 1943, and would amount to 300 million rounds triS d ^ o n p r I i S tiie If Civilian Defence'Had Failed, Britain’s Story crates are those releas- dltoriuih on Tuesday night to hear school on Monday, as they were per month. • In the best year of the last war, Canada’s peak pro- fruit growers feel that the small - ^ 1, TT T> Tx-rr ’ . ' t • TT- r ^ by the cancellation of the United Rudolph Haybrook, London fire- suonosed to do Mlgbt Well Have Been Different—Junior Hlgb Kingdom order for fresh onions, gghter. to t^ the High School there were duction-in any one year was only 150 million rounds. Mr. Car- M t 'j ^ Aiiriitnrintn Mac Canani'hxr PrnwH (’This order was changed later to “There can be no holding baric Turn to Page 12, Story 2 Auaitoriumnas, capacity A.,roWa .dehydrated onions.) The piano in this loan,” Mr. Bull stated. “Can- michael predicted that peak production on the entire war pro- prdize the national sugar stocks, crates .hold about twice as many ada urgently needs every d o lla r ductionriiiftinn program nrncrrpm lArniilriwould be attained in 1943— assumine"assuming the ore-pre- motion again, setting would the en- in h e people of British Columbia do not yet realize that there ^ oi^na^_^apple b («. you have. Not every dollar you^can V.G. Winner T ' . • • t • ^ .1 Alu; uxr&ii siiiuuiciiw sent basis of operations viras maintained. Other pertinent pro- a b le prairie consumers to secure ' Jc! y^ ^raytr , ^ y o ^ ^ y ^ Tb® shipHients of tiicse movcd spBrc, l)ut cvcry dollar you have IS a w ar on and are. very lax m their preparations to protect out on Wednesday, available.” duction facts and figures:- MACHINE TOOL PRODUC- Sate°that their own property- in the event of an air attack which could Seine apples have been sold to ’ He urged that Kelowna make the TION quirements High Auditorium on Tuesday night, eniphasizing that in his o a ii^ arr^^ a toture ingthegreat sa^ of matchlessfor- , tries. In the last few months more than 1,000 machine tools thing el^. opinion the A.R.P. organizations were generally well organized dgte. , ' ' titude just recounted by Mr. Hay- ha-ve been shipped from Canada to the United States. ‘ S M A L L C U I C T U I T C but the general attitude of the publie mitigated the A .R .P.’s Thirty cars have also been sold b.roolt “Every-saOT m i^ T O O L S -A N D C U T T E R S will be produced at the rate of 2,000,- Kl!^ dHlliLII HlliJ efforts to a considerable extent. In this regrard,regard, British Co- 'to’ „ ...... mto-'to'...... the. Navj?.' 000 per month before the end of 1942. This is far greater than H A I F W A Y M AR lC worse than Britain was before September, 1940, the*umte^Stat«, dhiefIy™°to^te"6 Canada’s annual pre-war production. SHIPBUILDING-—In ggALU fT A A but, he pointed out, British Columbia is the tim ber country and Chicago, Western Michigan and Milr V?rio^ Bonds is no sacri- ^ the current fiscal year Canada will produce 1,000,(W tons of ArilJ^iTHeadquarters to“be th?l?a\rbit°Li5^rep^^^^ SuX l ^ merchant shipping plus two or three hundred naval craft and Hope to Reich S iO O O O b- Mr. Haybrooh spoke to mom than his opening remarks. One hears, too S s'KJ w S S ° “ M r . -Bj Asa C there is a ^ shortage^h^yt^rr^ Haybrook. TXairhynnlr For Wny moremnrt>~ thanthan an an hour hniir not nnt fighting fifThtino- for fnr New TSIow Zealand. Tiaalanrt W e with no reduction iin y price. put DUt thiSthis lOHn loan acrOSS.’,’across.’ 450,000 horsepower, Some figures he gave in dollars are of canvasses, the ‘ public — are ur- ‘ he recounted...... his experiences, and have a common cause, all fighting , A. K. Loyd, who has been in the most interesting: MERCHANT AND NA'VAL VESSELS gently invited to co-operate by there was at no time the indication for our very existence, \\ east, for the past two weeks, is still , f 1-1 • ..1 £ bringing in their contributions to of a movement in the entire aud- fireat fn R n in Ottawa, while D. McNair, ^les b u ilt in 1941 were worth $91 millions, while m 1942 the figure the drive headquarters at 194 Ber- ience. Mr. Haybrook is an excellent w eai i^djui.y in i>. i/. manager of B.C. ’Tree Fruits, is on FOURTEEN will he


IK•’.(l ^ S'SSS’ ' ■ '■ THimSDAY, OCTO81K ». t»i2 PAOS TWO THE K E L O W N A COUEIEE THE KELOWNA COURIER -and a lower standard of Hying Jto many is umir- SS’SNI niabie, but wc can face the future with stout hearts. Slowly but surely the tide of battle is Jk »vw9tmp^ 4rv^«« turning and the might of the United States added HMrelnff by Tli« KclowtAE Courier _ Lt«i*_ T'lieTbe JKL JC«Ww»#«rWwihi C *m r^ m * »fE^f tl>«tb« C«tuKSiii» WcMdkJrWedtiy N«wci^p«r*N«w»j»>»r* »«4 «■ to that of the Umpire will soon be in a position to CdumiMii W««Ui’ N «w»p*i>er» AwKjcUtkm. 0 8«Uoit|>tiwi« K *t«! 12,50 So C»B*d«; fO.OO in ««W •ooatitiMl strike at the heart of the Na/i war machine. idtwcl* A*t nmtu, MBUBBH OF ‘’CLASS A" WBBXLIBt d'ogcther with thaMkbgiving that the forces

W in n er, 1039. 1940, 1941 of freedom wiil stxjn be on the march will be Charlies Clark Cup joined a prayer for embattled Russia, whose peo- IT ONE o r THE paradoxes of war that all that EnOicniatia oi tb« bcM »U-rvniMi O mw B wwki/ fal j)le have fought on vrith flaming courage and an is real, true end wortinwhllc about life Is rediscovered by mankind In U>o midst of holocaust. In wartime, tl»e W in n er, 1039. 1041 implacable resolve never to admit defeat. The shadows of artiflclal things ere swept eway. and otJce MacBeth Memorial Shield defenders of Stalingrad have given their allies Emtiltoiuitio of tb« best editorisi p»K« in iu dsss ia Canada. again man stands forth in the image of his Maker. In jirecious wcck.s in wliich to perfect plans for the 'MliikZ battle, in fighting the defence of Uie everlasting intang­ Winner. 1033 so-called “second front" ami to create the tcxrls M. A. James Memorial Shield ibles, man demonstrates that he has kinship with the Embt«tnsti« of the best front psKc in its class in Canada. necessary for the drive toward ultimate victory. Son of Heaven; foi', under Are the Are of the human spirit names up, and docs so In a manner once aeen it Turning to the local scene, we havp much for O . C . R o w , can never be forgotten. And now, once again the world R. A. Truer, Secretaiy whicli to be thankful. The clouds of doubt that 1 is at war, once again is at its height; and R. P. MacLcan, loomed over our economic horizon last spring once again tlie spirit of mankind vanquishes all. That Editor and Manager have been dissipated by the sunshine of prosper­ is one of war’s greatest parado4ics, the reverse side of ity. Fruit crop yields have exceeded early esti­ M u . the tragedy that Is war. . . , Many, many times has tlio The Ketowiia Courier baa by'far-the (realeel clrjulallon of any iicwapaper circulatiiiK in the Central OkaiuiK*» Valley. mates and in most cases the demand exceeded world been given that lesson, and each time has forgot­ ten it. Always, once the pressure is removed, once the the supply and growers will receive returns above T H U R S D A Y , O C T O B E R Bth, 1942 reality of war Is over, men and women have slipped back all expectations. Even the apple crop seems as­ into the age-long pursuit of shadows and mirages; for­ m Jt sured of adequate marketing outlets in contrast saking the substance for the w ill o’ the wisps that beck­ '' Ill-Advised Regulations to the hopes of the most optimistic growers last oned In the void of man!s night. Possessions repossessed spring, when it was considered certain that a sub­ them. Ambition rode, booted ond spurred, over follow W hile admittedly, the National Selective stantial i>art of the yield would have to be left on men and women. A ll that which was a heartache to re­ Service regulations were not made with an eye member was relegated to a forgotten corner of the mind. the trees. to this particular district, it becoming quite Disease, poverty and Injustice were passed by on the apparent that they were framed with no desire Truly we can exclaim with full hearts as we other side. The dawn of human conscience, the power to assist the part-time employer in the processing go about our daily tasks in this peaceful and of the human spirit—so near, so easy to reach out and 'I grasp—were allowed to recede again, unpossessed and ! of foods. Indeed, it would seem that the objec­ happy valley, “Thank Thee, O Lord, for Thy manifold blessing.s.” unknown. , . And now, in its recurrent patterns, war has tive of the regulations is to make such operations come again to remind mankind of that other side of life more difficult. which has nothing at all to do with the head, but every­ thing to do with the heart, Man suffers, and, through The difficulties being experienced in the K e­ Is Thankfulness Enough? lowna district must be but a reflection of those his suffering, grows. The artlAclal falls from him like a threadbare cloak, a thing of holes and patches. The hundreds of other districts Across the country. W hile WQ give thanks next week-end that substonco of life—which Is its splrit-7-iB re c a lle d fr o m the Axis has, so far, failed to carry out its dream Here canning factories and packing houses are thc| shadows and for a while man lives as his Creator desperately short of men. Yet, according to the of conquest so far as this great Dominion is con­ intended, as one fa^ionc^ In the image of the Son of National Selective Service regulations, they can­ cerned, let us also review our own actions and Heaven. It Is not an easy thing to put into words but every not go out and find men to come, into their plants ask ourselves: individual who has seen war has seen that vision, and knows its outlines. He has reaUy’ lived; overcoming for one, two or six weeks. They cannot even H o w much have we done, individually, to ' ii / ,, <;j tf;:-.;,! iryinc.aipi ■sovor. the

‘'m . THUES0AY, OCTOBEH 8. 1M2 THE KELOWNA COURIER PAGE THREE PROVINCIAL These chilJy mornings—start them right with a OKANAGAN LOAN & INVESTMENT piping hot bowl of wholesome VICTORY QUOTA TRUST COMPANY , We have had years of experience as trustees for K.G.E. CEREAL AND CRACKED $75 MILUON estates, in property management, etc.; and shall be glad to discuss any problems with you. WHEAT , Provincial Chairman 'Urges Support of Coming Loan iS U l L lli J W e are anxious to obtain good listings of farm and Your cows will pro­ MORE EGGS I residential properties, cither for sale or rent. Consult duce MORE MILK, Healthier chickens— British Colwnbla and tiie Yu- ‘V ia O R Y ’ our real estate department. kon’s quota in the TTiird Victory ‘ M Wt. ‘ if you feed them feed them L o a n w ill bo $75,000,000. s , ...... ^ ^ P H O N E 98 P H O N E 832 This announcement has been K.G.L DAIRY K.G.E. LAYING made by George Kidd, Chairman of CARS Uic Provincial National War Fin­ MASH MASH ance Committee. Subscriptions from the larger business firms, their executives and Now Is tho time to directors, known ns special subscrip­ PAINT YOUE tions, are expected to amount to UOMIS a p p ro x im a te iy $31,000,000. Me & Me Furniture It is expected that B.C.-Yukon'n for the coming share of subscriptions received in At a glance, perhaps, the boxcar, aboye, looks like any other new- w in te r. the cast from life Insimance compan­ type railroad freight carrier, but this latest Cantidian Pacific Railway on 2nd Floor ies, banks and other large estab­ creation is of special interest to British Columbians. It is panelled With WX.L CONCERT lishments with branches here, will five-ply B.C. fir, five-eighths of an Inch thick, replacing the one-tenth of through the amount to opproxlnuitely $15,OC)0,000. an inch steel sheathing formerly used. Tho C.P.B. has 750 such cars KELOWNA GROWERS’ EXCHANGE T h e rem a ln lh g $29,000,000 m ust be under construction at its shops, and the total saving w ill amount to some NETS NICE SUM CROCKERY DEPT. Phone 29 FEED STORE Free DcUviry raised by the sale of Victory Bonds 700 tons of Steel badly needed for the war cflort. Use of B.C. plywood to the general public. In place of steel reduces net weight of the cars by 1,800 pounds and en- FOR C.R.C. CORPS .... Everything you need in furni­ Mr. Kidd, who was Associate ablcs each of the now cars,to increase its freight-carrying load by 700 ture. W e can completely furnish Cliolrman of the provincial cxecu- pounds. In addition to advantages of less weight and ■gi'eater load capa- tlve In the two previous Victory city, the new cars have been subjected to the most rigorous tests and Sunday Night Concert Enjoyed your home with Bedroom Suites, by Packed House Loans, and who lifts now succeeded H. B. Bowen, C.P.R.’s chief of motive power and rolling stock, says they Chesterfield Suites, Dining Room Austin C. Taylor as Chairman, ex- are rugged ond durable as the ftlLstecl cars, pressed confidence that this area There was a bit of envy In Man­ Suites, Occasional Chairs, Coffee would not only reach Its quota but ager W. Harper's eyes on Sunday Tabes, Tri-Lite Lamps, Table would pass It. evening as he looked over the more- m “Citizens of British Columbia and NEW FUND HOSTESS CLUB ithan-packed-to-capacity house that Lamps, etc. Things could be worse tho Yukon have responded splen­ filled the Empress Theatre to greet didly to the previous appeals,” said HAS ASSOCIATE ■The Winnipeg Light Infantry con­ Mr. Kidd. "During the last loon cert party, ‘The Oak Leaves,” which A Chenille one person In every five subscribed. IDEA FOR presented an entertainment in aid TRI-LITE British Columbia and the Yukon MEMBERSHIPS of the local Canadian Red jiross BED SPREAD Timber Control restrictions affecting con­ profits and payroll are now the Corps, through the permission of CHARITIES . , . makes a useful gift II struction types of lumber are rigid and far highest on record.' The deposits in Hope to Raise Funds to Equip Lt.-Col. H. F. Cotton, conunanding LAMPS our banks tell the same story. Our ’ the regiment. The concert netted Me & Me have, a very reaching. Of necessity we are giving first place Allies, particularly in Russia, are “ Phantom Parties” Arc New Headquarters tho Corps about $20^ which w ill be attractive range from which to choose. • to essential war requirements. sacrificing to an extent which It Is Vogue for Raising Funds— used to equip one'of the Toe H fro m 12.95 impossible for us to realize. As a means of securing funds to buildings, to accommodate about “I am confident,” he continued, Conserve Rations assist in the financing of its activi- fifty soldiers while spending week- Complete with A large shipment of However, our Sash and Door Department "that we shall not fall them now In "7 ------, ties, the Kelowna Servicemen’s end leaves in Kelowna. can still supply sash, doors, windows and items their desperate need.” Faced ■with the need for saving Hostess Club is selling associate' The crowd seemed to enjoy the Lamp Shade Enamelware The Victory Loan organization Is electricity, gasoline,. rubber as well memberships. Members of 'the club humor of the skits and the music, and G lo b e has just arrived and Is of finish, niaking it still possible to carry out re­ being geared swiftly for the tre- as tea, coffee and sugar, p>arties and gj-g now approaching citizens of the while the air raid opening sequence on display. stricted remodelling or repair jobs. mendous task of calling on every public functions for raising funds town and district, seeking associate figuratively tore off the roof. individual in the area. Organizers for war,, charitable and welfare pur- members of the club, The concert was under the direc­ are now In the forty-flve units poses are hard. hit. The primary and sole purpose of tion of Lieut. J. Duncan and Band­ throughout the territory, assisting “Phantom parties” as benefits are the organization is to provide some master Grant, O N Y O U R the army of cltlzep volimteers in taking their place in many sections sort of entertainment for the men The opening blackout scene ■was making preparations. of the country. The plan is simple, from the Vernon Camp who come an excellent -way of .getting the Methods used in this Victory Loan l?ie, guests stay at home and send to this city for week-ends. For two audience in an acceptable mood. XMAS LIST w ill be the same as followed In pre- tljeir contribution to the cause in- years these men wandered the Planes droned overhead, bombs S. M SIMPSON, LTD. ylous campaigns. More emphasis volved. streets with nothing to do, but fln- could be heard biursting and the this year don’t leave off O ffice P h o n e 3J2 M IU P h o n e 313 will belaid on the Payroll Saving The president of one large organ!- sRy the Hostess Club was formed fire of ack-ack guns was deafening. p l^. Employees in i large esteb- nation, in supporting lAantom par- and has rendered Invaluable / ser- Women screamed, men whistled, lishments. will once again be asked jjgj ggy. g large vice by arranging meals and beds and probably a few kisses were ex- TOYS to form their own committees and ]^ngfit bridge for instance, each for the men in various homes in the changed in the pitch-black dark- . . . for the little one. Me & undertake the responsibility of sell- gggg|. usually pays 50 cents The city. In addition, some sixty girls ness. Presently searchlights probed Me are going to have a large HELP CANADA KEEP FIT ing bonds to thdr fellow workers. • ^gjjjjjg^g contribute food, or the act as escorts to the men, go to the skies and then came the all- Employers ■ w ill be asked to assist cost is taken out of the returns. Car- dances, on picnics, to movies. clear signal, and the crowd settled Toy Town early in November. in every way by making it possible g^. gg^g other transportation The dub • arranged to establish down to enjoy the concert, for their employees to buy bonds cost must be considered. 1 doubt, if jheadquarters in the Kerr Block, One of the .most frequently heard on the partial payment plan and pay expenses were taken into hut one of the essentials was sAni- remarks about the performance was Turn Dad’s den^ Into a b ed - for them out of current income. corislderation; If the net returns tary facilities, and 'the organization regret that L/Cpl. Wickbergh was cme o f “This plan worked exceedingly ^g^j^ be iZ5 cents ner person. 'Why is now endeavoring to finance this not heard more often. He sang .two ro o m at night with OCCASIONAL well,11 during +v,.»the ioo+last i„ar,loan, •• stated j^g^^ then, ask our ^ends, if they undertaking. 'When this is done, numbers, one of which was “’My Me & Mo’s . Mr. Kidd, "although sufficient * time “ are interested in the cause we are there will i be a conunodious dub Buddy," and was apparently the CHAIRS was lacking to make it thoroughly «« « e • • ^ supporting, to give the 25c contri- room where games may be played, most popular individual performer effective. Su^risingly good results .^ytjgn instead of the 50c admission magazines read, andi where the men during the evening, although the CONVERTOS $8.95, $12.95 and up ------r e ob tain ed w h en em p lo yeeeswe fee. Let each member do .the same, may spend* many hours throughout duet,“ Out Where the West Begins,” were allowed to run their owp show. instead of.contributing time effort the less pleasant ■winter days. ■■ 'waS equally popular, The plan has been tested now an d , and______food,______and_____ see if the ^ tptal ■will The associate membership idea The comedy skits, “The Private’s o f ^ e x p e rie n c e ^g^ satlsfa'c'to'^y.” has been adopted because it was Dream,” “Reveille’’ and “The Dis- 32 Piece ' behind the method, much better re- ' •______ifelt by Hostess Club offidals that'orderly Room,” were thoroughly suits should be achieved this time.” • * _ V there sure many persons in the city enjoyed and contained some clever BREAKFAST Thousands of Canada’s war A new plan has been worked out ^w er M d voluntary sai^gs.’These gn^rely .in sympathy ■with lines, but possibly the program 'workers start their day ynth two fo>r r this loan to enable farmers, four drives _nmst succeed if we. are the .movement but -are not in a could have been strengthened with SETS Nabisco Shredded l^ ea t and fruit growers and cattle raisers to to defeat inflation, if w e a r e to position: to ^ is t through toe pro- more of L/Cpl. Wickbergh^s sing- . a re V e ry popular just now: participate in cases where cash is maintam a , sound doll^, if we are vidiiig of eitoer rooms or meals for ing, more of the excellent voice of milk every morning. It’s made Me & Me have them on the not available, due to the fact that ^to win the peace as well as the war. men/ To these people the Lieut. Duncan and more oj! Pte. from 1 0 0 % w h o le w h eat, includ­ Mazzanine Floor, with a large proceeds of marketing have not yet It is up to us to make this prCgram Hostess Club is appealing and ask- Rumlnski’s piano, ing all the bran, m inei^, and stock to choose from. wheat germ. It’s ready to eat^ been received. On a special applica- woA. , ing them to take out associate mem- — ready to give you all the nour­ tion form to be known a's a “Victory Every dollar we spend on our- ijershfps in the club. Patriotic Canadians who want ishment and food-energy o f , pure Tickets,” the producer authorizes selves means that some one is work- ______this war to be won, and won quick­ FANCY CUPSr and SAUCERS at all prices f whole wheat. the buyer to whom he w ill sell, or- in g fo r iis ■who should b e tu rn in g ly, will not use increased purchas­ Eat NabiKO Shre^ed Wheat, has sold, his products to deduct a out war pquipmept The purchase ing power by demanding additional McLennan, McFeely & Prior (Kelowna) Ltd. with milk; every m 6niing..It will specified amoimt which will be re- of goods that we do not actually SIX ARE FINED goods and services, reducing toe help keep you ai^ve and on the nutted to toe National W ar Finance need at this time detracts from our country’s economic and human re^ job every day I , Committee for the purchase of war effort and increases the danger IN POLICE COURT sources needed for toe war. In­ THE CANADIAN SHREPDEO WHEAT bonds or WaF Savings Certificates, of inflation. The money that we lay stead, they will use their savings COMPANY, LTD. If ; you have not been asked to you can do is to L E j^ your money The plan has been, given endorse- aside np'w will prove a very wel- to buy Victory Bonds . Ntagora Falli, Canada ment by a^icultuial authorities., come “ nest egg after " .i---the war - is won. Six residents of Kelowna' pleaded hriwbreak home ties,^ to equip those who do toe fighting “While our fighting forc^ are do­ when toe new goods we need will guilty to charges of intoxication, in the of batUe J ^ ing their part in the J>attle zones,” once again start pouring from the the Police Court on Monday mom- returns to themselves later., and to nsk your life, toe least that ^or ______, - N A B 1 S C O said; Mr. ffid^ “we must hold fast factories, better and cheaper than ing, October 5th, on toe' home front.______As __ Hon. - J... L. they are now. The Victory Bonds John Tarasoff, a minor, was found Ilsley pointed out in his budget in the hands of toousands of indiv- .guilty of possessing a liquor permit, speech; there are four drives on the iduals ■will prove a welcome source and sentence was suspended on this SHREDDED WHEAT home front: the price ceiling, con- of buying pibwer that will guard charge, but he was fined $25 and trol of supplies; direction of man- against economic dislocatiim” costs for being intoxicated. ------^ ^ ; ...... — Sam P. Markin was also fined

'Of intoxication. John Prior was fih ^ $to.00; and costs for creating a ’disturbance. Percy O’Shaughnessy pleaded MEN gmlty of being intoxicatod and was ^Sl^esterday we lived far apart. . . the worker required; to enter into a bond of in the mills . . . the feirm woman in her kitchen $50.00, gu aran teein g h is g o o d b eh av- . . . the fisherm^ do'wn by the sea. ior for six months. Nick N. Dergousoff was fiped Ydsterday we went our several ways . . . $25.00 and costs on a ch a rge o f in ­ Urgeutly Required for Bush Work each in his own place . . . following his own toxication, "and George Felix, an occupation . . . working for his own ends. In d ian , w a s fined $5.00 and costs on the same charge. Today there is but one end, one interest, one task for all, if we are all to live. W.A.F. Ground Attire And that end is victory. NEVER IN THE HISTORY OF CANADA WERE BUSHMEN SO URGENTLY REQUIRED FOR THE”PRODUCTiON OF LUMBER Xou, on the farm . . . you, in the bank . . . FOR WAR PURPOSES. you, in the forest or factory . . . whatever you IGTORY do now is of smeill account' unless it hastens The lumber and logging industry is officially classified as an es­ victory. sential war industry—maximum production of lumber and'timber Over and cLbove what you are doing, where- products at the moment constitutes one of our main -national ever you are; you can^ help shorten the war . . . necessities * in the prosecution of the war—j-logs are extremely by your savings. • urgent. IS i n That's the truth . . . a solemn truth . . . a truth you should think about when you hofd Men now engaged in agriculture for part of the year may now back a dollar that might go into war savings. serve their country to their utmost in year ’round employment. Think! . . . a dollar might perhaps lessen By a minute the duration of the war. A hundred dollars might cut off an hour. Generally in, or near as possible, to their £• y o u r A million dollars might save months. own community ' t Months of suffering for millions! . . . that ia what you may be saving .. . not simply dollars, So essential is the supply of logs to meet the demand of the lumber but lives. industry that consideration for . 1 -t -f

P u t every dollar you can into the new Victory Postponement of Call is being Loan. That is what the life insurance com­ panies are doing. granted -r'- to those men subject to military call who are engaged in logging. : The business of life insurance is protection, and we know of no better way to protect the four million people who entrust the guardian­ ship of their future- to us, t h ^ by investing in MEN REQUIRED ARE: victory. V SAWYERS (Fallers and Buckers), SWAMPERS (Axemen for limbing) There c£ui be no protection for any of us, uxiless we win through to victory., GENERAL BUSHMEN FOR AXE AND SAW WORK And victory is in our pockets. AND TEAMSTERS T h is message is sponsored by —GOOD WAGES— Life Insurance Companies, operating in Canada •Mrs. Nancy Love, commander of Apply:- the Women’s Auxiliary Ferry Squadron, wears toe “standardized attire” newly adopted for-toe wo­ men pilots to wear while on toe ground. In the air they wear flying suits.

! / I THE KELOWHA COURIER THUiiSJDAY. OCriOBJEJi 8, IHZ P A G E F O U R It lsa» also b«eii said that tties* sand* Elim inate Politics Victory Loan Sign s j v dlJttesi't to excavate, tJ a m v io m a r m y CAMP MISSIONARY i h « Imck. of slerciapmeKt. The Can­ adian Arm y has ov^ia-com# grtiater Local Jaybees Argue Ottawa difficultica in thl» war. and we are CLAIMS JAPS *uie the difficulty of the excava­ tio n o f ih m t i Hch eand depoaiia /'Relieving cvagvsUon of mail in Should Handle Post-war Problems w o u ld presMcnt n o Inaorm ountabl® ute hmiiijf the Vernon Post Oirice, and giving AFTER ALASKA difficulty to engineers who are ac- the soldiciB at Vernon MlliUry At a meeting of the British Co- aUractionik than others. euatomed to overcoming difficulUea. *k '*** Camp quicker mall delivery, are 1 u m b 1 a Post-War ReliabiRtatlon Again referring to the cost of ad- 4. Let tlie Govenument handle benefits arising fromirom tlieui« new«ew »Post «»* The ^panese consider Alaska the Council in Kelowna on Wednesday, m ministration inlsb of this kind. As your A LL loans and mortgage# at a very Office which commenced operation secret o i success or failure in the nominal rate of Interest Tliia will Wdirkd ■ September 23rd, tlia Kelowna Jun- Committee knows, the overhead of M at tiie cainn on Monday of last war and tliey intend to conquer It ior Board of lYade presentisd the our (governmental system in Canada provide mene revenue for tlie sadly 4 hfitabU week/ ^ drive tfarwgh Alberta and, following brief, which was read by is alim dy top-heavy, msinhatoing abused coffee* .of th* GovemmeRt ' ‘ t I 4 IM Tem ^rary accommodation has Montana into the heart of the Unit- H Mitchell; eleven separate administrations end will provide a sense of SE- CRJIUTY for Canada’s people who /.y - , ‘ been provided in a building erected ed States. This body is firmly of the opinion with their coatly staffs and build- on the grou n ds o f tJie 19th In fa n try Th iM is the “design for war" that that any post-war rehabllltaUon of hoi:? to administer the governmental fuugiit for that security. Let u# not Brigade, with a permanent staff of jg come, according to Hev, Wil- men returning from active service needs of 12,000,000 people—less pop- have foreclosure# by private con­ one N.C.O. and three men. A larger ^ Eckels, who spent 23 years should b® under ONE control, and ulatlon that has the city of Greater cerns who reap a harvest from the building is bcln^ built opposite thd ^ missionary In Japan. that control under the adminlstra- London, England, and Its environs, poor man’s dilemma. Thing# of this Brigade Command. ______missionary, in addresses at tion of the Federal Government at Let us seek to reduce our govern- nature tend to create a hatred, and Ottawa There should be an ad- mental overhead, rather tlian to In- certainly a depression, among our »»-nniir warrmrH Lethbridge, Alberta, said the Japs own people—particularly among OEOEGE IBEOOIE have completely blue-printed this ministration manager located in the crease It by adding yet another de- I 11 those men who fought to preserve George Hcggie retired on Septem- y^iberta-Montana region, spotting capital of each province and under partment .to each of our Provincial life and liberty for mortgais^es, etc., beroer jmn30th xrumfrom theww Aaa«*sa.«>^.--^.--management or every oilfield,ouiieids oil well, weu, mine, river, him competent •’key men." who are Governments, and also another at Dr. Chasei Nerve Food who were either too old or too busy the L. & A. Ranch, Vernon, a posl- y ■ Even- ’ the...... depth of streams outstanding men in their lines of Ottawa, with all their required sal- CONTAINS VITAMIN Bl planning more ways to make mon­ tion ho had occupied for thirty-two indicated, he claims. business, and reoog^xed as such In nries for needlessly created Jobs, ey "when the boys come home.” years. the provinoe. These men would be Our recommendations for the In a recent address. Rev. Mr. Ec directly rc^nslble to the Provln- Federal managemont of rehabili- 5. Let tho Government seize the kels declared the Japs have fully clal Manager, who would bo directly tatlon problem arc jw s: property and all other holdings of charted .the Fort Peck Dam In Mon­ responsible to Ottawa for the effl- Our returned jST earn enemy, internees—these to bo used tana and know that. If it were blown dent pUcing of men bock Into their their own living from Uio voiy mo- for distribution among returned up, largo areas In the Mississippi nlchc of civilian life. Do not let ns ment they step back Into civilian men t^ n their re-establlshment to valley would bo flooded. have political "heelem" handling life. This must bo done for the civil life. This action w ill assist the The missionary said more. A Jobs of these kinds, as this will only good of the man himself and his Gpvemroent in two ways: one, to teacher for ten years In Japanese spell disaster to the plan. family. If any. No Intelligent m ^ help the (3ovemmcnt to pay for schools where only military reserve If as It has been rumored, the with an ounce of Initiative wants the keeping and guarding of the officers were employed, Rev. Mr. provinces of Canada are going to any form of “reUef’ which Is o t^ internees during wartime; two, to Eckels declared that General Yama-Yama Weapon of ruthless, all-out war- handle the rehabilitation problem a dressed-up fora of the ^uper-s help defray the expenses of rehab­ —— shlto. who took Singapore. Bataan t^e commando dagger, shown independently, more or less, of each dole. Our men have initiative and ilitation assistance. and Corregidor, is now poised with jjere In the hands of the Canadian other, the cost of such planning w ill Intelligence—they w ill demonstrate To sum up: If we lay the doors an army of 2,000,000 soldiers ready commando, will be the symbol of be terrlflc—there having to this fact In a hard way when tlmy of Opportunity open, our returned to push across Siberia and attack thg third Victory Loan campaign, geporato and distinct adminlstra- return from active duty, unless the men w ill rehabilitate themselves— Russia, and then America. They are Each community unit is to be given tlons, as well as a similar set-up ® given a good start and sound advice where needed? These men will need royal specially trained in fighting in nor- of 722 daggers flown here from at Ottawa. Also, there would devel- Intelligent simple * them climates. §SefLd. WhL they reach their op a spirit of competition among “ble one, real tor a p p U ^ no encouragement—only a “break.” Let this country, give them that He qflva North America Is In oblectlve In the loan, which opens the provinces, each seeking to at- ow ^ n retuim to civilian mo. “break.” Let us forget the old ways; let us not try to salvage old ideals; rather, let us get ready for the new yeast h« doc, not look lor any great at- Ing tho commuidW and will also would cven^^^^ dothea-not to mollycoddle them world of "PLENTY FOR EVERY­ tempt to take the dominion down actual ^ ^ more to offer In the way of for a 1 brief period of two or three ONE," not “SO MUCH FOR SO under.” of the regiment iieiy ^ ______years, then to “cut them pfiT’ and FEW.” Let us keep the Atlantic c a k e s Charter and its contents In our 'I have them end up on relief, such t as h appen ed a fte r th e w a r o f 1914- mind’s eye. Also, let no man of us forget, In our thoughts of rehabili­ PfcqprcT 1918. Let us profit by this past ex­ I AO p erien ce. tation, that to try to plan another 1. For those men who ARE farm­ man’s life and his work is folly—let ers, or have the qualifications to be­ us place the tools necessary in the come a farmer and desire to be one; man’s grasp, and he’ll plan his own. Give these men farms of one-half This way w e‘shall be a prosperous and happy country. section each and assist them to stock As to what Kelowna , can do re­ it properly Put adequate and sub­ FULL STRENGTH garding rehabilitation, w e can ad­ stantial buildings on it. This could vise this Committee that the people be financed over a period of from Cow^c# of this community w ill be behind DEPENDABLE fifteen to twenty years, with NO any plans like the ones here sub­ INTEREST and NO TAXES for that time. With a half-section of mitted, or any other plans that are IN THE AIRTIGHT intelligent, effleient and NON-PO- good arable land, a farm er can earn a good Uving and still pay off on his L m C A L . principal. DON’T let us give him WRAPPER a “1919 homestead”—a quarter-sec- “He’s too slow for anything,” said •tion of land In a semi-arable dis­ the girl, “I don’t seem to be able 1 trict. Let us do the job properly to make up his mind to propose.” and start the man off on the right foot. There are thousands of acres of the world’s finest farm lands in this country that, at this writing, are producing nothing but noxious weeds and no revenue to the own­ ers, only tax bills—whether they be C.P.R., C.N.R., mortgage companies, individuals, or the Government it­ FALSE ECONOMY self. LET US PUT THESE ACRES TO WORK FOR ’THE COUNTRY AND EVERYONE IN IT. Do not let When you make; or revise your Will, you may the owners of that land play “dog in the mamger” with it. T^ey can’t cousider appoiutiug a frieud or a member of your or won’t farm it themselves, nor will they part with it only at a pro­ family as, your Executor with a view to saving fit. For the V good of Canada let the Goveniment take this land oyer and expense in the administration o f yoiu: Estate. use it as suggested. A fair price only ’ to the present “non-developers.” IB. There are othCT men going to *• Such an appointment, made for such a reason, return to Canada who are interested in other lin ^ of enterprise. Let the usually proves to be false economy because of the Government assist these men sim­ ila r ly , Executor’s lack of experience in such matters. 2. Let ' the Government break combines or monopolies, or at least The Royai Trust Company can provide safe make them proclaim themselves as such and publish ■ publicly their and sound administration for-yonr estate at low holdings and interests. This must be done, for, if itf is not, these oc- cost, acting as your Executor. topi will make it impossible for individual enterprise to exist. Some o f our returned men are grocers, or men trained in the theatre or en-. Xet US hdp you plan your WiU. tertainmfent lines, or hardware men, or- bi many different callings, .- and they may have wved up sufficient of their wartime earnings to open a little enterprise of their own to THE ItO YAi TRUST earn a decent living. What chance CORFORATB have they of earning this li'ving if 8ECUR1TT C O M P A ^ f Y 8BXV?CB they have to compete with weal­ thy monopolists? Tlieir little enter­ prise 4s doomed to failure before 626 Pender Street, West, Vancouver they start—the enterprise they worked and fought for. If the mono­ Assets Under Administration $725,000,000 polist is allowed to function, let them be governed by a rigid con­ trol as to price-attraction and pur­ chasing power, so ttiat the small enterprise has ^ chance of sur- - vivaL' ■ ■ ■ ' ' 2B. AU monopolies who have “rights” granted them by the Gov­ ernment (such as timber, drilling, mining, etc.) must develop , these rights by an appointed time—and this must be a short time, tovgiye the 52 -J# “other man” a chance. 2C. Let .the Government itself develop its own natinal resotirces. Let us “open up the store ^ closets” of our coimtry. We were given, by Nature, a huge stock of this world’s the labels and Libby’s will pay you double goods—goods that are marketable A P P ^ rraS — ho! Libby’s "Gentle Press" in the four comers of the world. Jh Tomato Products made of tmw crop the purchase price.” Let us take up these goods and sell them to others at a profit for ow - M ' tomatoes are now on your grocer’s shelves. Libby’s ^‘Gentle Press” Tomato Julce-r selves—CBnada. Do' not let ,., tne And what tomatoes! Vine-fresh, specially is an excellent source o f Vitamins A and C, QUICK AND EASY CAN OPENERS : (^vernment- h ^d -th e . “rights” vol these Natural resources over to in­ i p i grown for Libby’s ’’Gentle Press” Totiutto which Science tells us our ’systems require F O R JU ICES dividuals for development; let aff­ Juice, Tomato Soup and ^tebup. Babied along every day, i f we want to stay young longer— airs of this kind be handled by , the r Government. Development of ithis by expert care from the time they are scien- have sound teeth—elastic blood-vessels— kind will create work and pay-en­ ceepii...... ______use as required. Ubby'a velopes for the workers, and the tifically-seleaed seedlings until they attain better digestion— clearer complexions—and wiugrill Email you this opener for two Libby's "Gentle Press Tomato'Juice labels and 5c in stamps or lash to Cover profit of their labors in develop­ the foil midwmmer goodness—plump, sleek more vitality. mailing charges. Mail this coupon today. Limited,supply ment would be in . the cpim'tiy s compds L ib ^ ’s to reserve the right to cancel this oner beauties. coffers, hot in the hands of individ­ Libby’s '^Gentle Press” Tomato Soup— without fi l l e r notice. uals to grow rich on.'Let us develop is made from tomatoes fresh from the garden, our coimtry’s wealth with the idea Libby’s patented ’’Gentle Press" method of and N O T from canned tomato pulp. You’ll Libby. McNeill & Libby of Canada, Limited. in mind of “the greatest good for processing brings to you that garden-fresh, Chatham, Ontario. the greatest number.” Rehabilita­ note the difference injhe flavour. tion w ill flourish under such a plan. m t if / flavour that distinguishes Libby’s Tomato Please send me a Quick and Easy Can Opener., I endosa •^••and face the .facts 5c and two Libby’s "Gentle Press” Tomato Juice labels. 3. Canada is a young country—w e Products from all others. Libby’s confidently Libby’s “ Gentle Press” Tomato Catchup need roads to accommodate our Sure the war costs money. Paying for it will Sam*. say to you: "T r y all three- o f our Gentle — made with Libby’s exclusive "Gentle Press” tourist industry and to facilitate be tough in the montha^ead. Let’s accept commercial transportation. Let us that fact— and face it. Now ia the time to Press’ Tomato Products, and if you don’t process. An ’’appeteaser" which wins favour build these roads and' build them Sharpen our pendls and figure what our taxes say they’re the best you have tasted, return by its flavour. -- properly—to last. LiCt us pay the builders a good wage, according to actu ally a r e . . .h o w w e Ore g to pay them p resen t , standards, ^$30.00 p e r w e e k . . . and how we can adjust our living habits fo r a sin gle m an and $45.00 a w e e k to get along on what’s left. This is a job for for a married m|an. money every patriotic Canadian. . . a job that must spent on such a communication sys­ tem would soon return i^o-fold to be done now. ^^gentle press the Government in increased trade, traffic and taxes. This is truly an USE THIS BOOK TO PLAN “investment in Canada” by the Gov­ YOUR SPENDING ernment as well as employment for manpower. Let us not be niggardly A special Wartime Issue of The R. VICTORY BONDS rightful owners—the Government. WyitSOAY. OCTOBKl #. IfO THB KKJLOWWA COUJOIIjK PAGE FIVE

Civilisris rely o h our wttned tor* Man icantied to fly hJjjhcr, Ikty: "Fapa. vai 1* odesieiT'' CANADA’S PRODUCTION GUN AIMED AT HEART OF THE AXIS ce*. for victory. Our armed, force* fteter, and fartlier tlian Papa:; "My. how could you bo cu rely cm» Uk* civilian army fojr Uie birds, ar»d he is able to fly across stupid, Ikey? Science is do«o thirrgs GET READY FOR THE. sinews of war. One cannot operate country in weatljer that limits birds vat say 'No Smoking’ and 'Keep Culd W eatber wiUiout tl»e other. to short, local flights. Off de Or»i^.” • HEATERS HSjfVW

0. L JONES FURNITURE c o , is x 3 ;, r. Congratulations to the iPirc ISrigadc on its 33rd anniycrsary. : WANTED •man \mGmg for _ MOTOK HA17IAOB CONTBACndBS Mid WAJumousmcN

P H O N E 29S

OoatrMtdi taken tor moU/e haulage Here in terms of gun sizes is what has happened to Canada’s production of guns in d year, *X1ie big gun of all dcMrlptlmia. Indicates gun production In the Dominion this year is 30 times what it was last year, as represented by the small gun. Canada now produces month more than three times as many naval and flcld guns and small Pulp and Paper arms as It turned out In the whole year of 1941. Fruit growers, don’t b«5 disappointed I Now is at Ocean Falls, B. the time to arrange to r this year’s PEACHLAND BOYSCOUT C.R.C.C. OPENS FRUIT HAULING COLUMN W e are open for a limited number of contracts. MAKING QUILTS DRIVE FOR WE ABE STILIi WELL SatUPPED AND CAN GUABANTEB 1st K e lo w n a T ro o p Omt SEBVICE. FOR RED CROSS Troop Firstl RECRUITS S e ll LastI Mrs. J. L in go Has M ade Province-wide Drive For More 5th October, 1942. Women—An Essential Ser­ Twelve— Filling is Wool Orders for week commencing Fri­ day, O cto b er 9, 1942: vice hi Owner leaving for Air Force and must sell Lack of rain and cool weather has Rallies: The Troop will rally at held up the picking of Jonathans in the Scout Hall on Tuesday, Octo­ The Canadian Red Cross Corps this district, while Uia Mclntosih ber 13, at 7il5 p.m. , opens a ten day campaign for re­ are pretty well all in to the packing Duties: Orderly Patrol for week, cruits in this proving on October SO FT. CABIN CRUISER house. The color on Macs was riot Cougars; next for duty, Beavers. 10th. The object of 'the campaign as good as usual for the same rea­ Promotions: P/L Jack Noonan to is to recruit members in all Corps , (VaiuecI at $1,500.00) son. be* Troop'Leader**as^of September Detachments and Emergency Re- • • • 20, 1942, and Second Bill Smith to serve Units and to promote the or­ The Women’s Institute has started Bids are invited. ' be P/L of the Lynx Patrol as of the ganization of Emergency Reserve its fall program of quilt making for sam e date. Units by branches which have not the Red Cross and two crib quilts A t the Rally last week three new yet organized, these Reserves. Would be sold without motor if desired. Hull made of ^ere maae xnursuay aLivxuuuH, wi;- recruits presented toemselves. Scout The wide responsibility of the Red cedar and oak. Interior lined with cedar, Sink, built-in tober 1, by women who gathero^ Donald Catchpole,.>vhq, Is a tran^ej: Cross, * 1, undertakena » o ^ in co-operation ’ hand quilt these tvyro Small bed cov- jg^ Rossland Troop, Ken- with the A.R.P. and other govern- cupboards, etc. erings. One large quilt or two TCnmhoitT) and Sixer David ment and municipal services at the small ones is the usual afternoon’s vereshack of the 10th Toronto Pack present time, calls for a highly —APPLY— .For full information apply to work. The quilts are pieced and qj W olf Cubs. Unfortunately, the trainied disciplined personnel.. Tlie -l'' ■' ■' ' T- ■ V '■ ('■- put together in blocks by some of jattej. not twelve until the Canadian Red Cross Corps is organ- the members of the group. Mrs. 1st - of - next --May, so' in. the mean­ izing to provide for this need ■h-.rby en­ GEO. H. FLI|4TQFT, Lingo has twelve small quilts to her time w e < cannot, accept. him. Scout listing in its membership volun­ credit, which she pieced and put to­ C a tch p o le has ,been x>osted to ti^e teers who are trained to give ser­ EMPLOYMENT AND SELECTIVE SERVICE OFFICE, Box 1229, Kelowna, B.C. gether. The filling is wool made Cougiar Patrol and Recruit Kam- vices in the event of emergency, of lo-ic into batts from odds and ends of beitz to the Lynx Patrol. We ex­ any kind arising through war, dis­ wool gathered up and sent in to tend the Troop’s welcome to these aster or epidemic and to help in the Vancouver where it is cut and fluff­ new additions to our strength. reconstruction which must follow ed up into beautiful warm fillings The Patrpl standing at present is th e w ar. for the quilts. One hundred pounds as follows: Otters 144, Cougars 127, Appeals w ill be made for recruits of old wbol pieces makes foiu: batts. B e a v e rs 80, L y n x 63. O w ls 63 and for the four sections of the C o j^ ^ The fall program of quilt making is Eagles 0.. None of the Eagles has Auxiliary Nursmg, .Food, Office in charge of the secretary, Mrs. C. as yet attended, which accounts for Administration and Transport. Vol- THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY T. Redstone. their zero standing. As soon as the unteers w ll be sou^t also for Em- current farm, packing house and ergency Reseroe l^its-w om en who OF K ELO W NA Donald Gregg was taken to the cannery work is over we may have caijhot join the Corps l^cause of Kelowna Hospital Sunday, after ser­ to do some re-arranging of our Pat- Im ng in localities where no active iously cutting his hand while chop­ rols, depending then upon the at- to so many miles per week. also that Pte. Percy Simpsbn, son of First determine in which catego^^ of essential drivers 2. Limit your drivijog to BULK JONATHANS l l - 2c The United Church Badminton ■Mi ’, and Mrs. Harvey Simpson, is you are listed . .. your nearby Firestone Dealer has ’essential transportation. If Club w ill meet in the Church parlor safely overseas with him. you drive to work, take Glenmore, October 6, 1942, the official information and can advise you. Next, on Wednesday evening, October others — and rotate trips To the Editor, 14, for the purpose of reorganiza­ Arthur G. Pollard has now been fill out an application for a Tire Ration Permit . . . . ’ with them. . 'Pouring From Cans sealing jellies and. conserves, the Kelowna Courier. tion and making plans for the open­ moved from No. 4 S.F.T.S. to No. Firestone Dealers have these forms. Send or take 3. Have air pressure checked ,I listened to the broadcast the The secret of pouring liquid from paraffin should be piping hot. Tilt- in g night. 7 I.T.S., in Saskatoon. this along with the'Dealer’s. Inspection Report to the every week'. Underinflotion a can is to make, two holes in the ing .the glass from side to side will other evening regarding bulk Jon­ is the greatest enemy of athans. ‘Who is responsible for the Bill Friesen was home over the nearest office of the Wartime Prices and Trade can instead of one, directly opposite get the melted paraffin around the . In Britain today, every fit man tire life. . sending of such inferior apples? week-end from Vernon, where he each other; One hole is for the li- side of the glass as well as cover- .^tween eighteen and one-half and Board which issues the required T ire Ration Permit. .Certain requirements were set by is in training, 4. Drive slowly—avoid quick quid to pour from, the other hole tng over the top, forty-one has already been drafted When you have this, the dealer can then furnish the starts and stops that ^n d is to let air into the can. ‘ the Tree Fruits Ltd. as to size and ^ „ , into the forces, unless irreplaceable color etc. Friday mght a party and necessary .tires “to you. off the tread. Go easy on in an essential job. TheP^age'limit The fruit was to be inspected. 'dance was .held in the Winfield curves and use gears in­ :-To..use paraffin .successful^ in.?TBY COTOliat C L A S S H ^ ADS^h^ now been raised to ^ -o n e . Surely a legitimate question is:— Conmimity Hall in honor of Jimmy T o obtain a T ire Retreading job you must go through stead of brakes on steep rrrr How is it that such.inferior Jonath- Robbins, w ho^lewK shortly for his the same procedure. However, no Permit is neces­ ■ hills. an apples have been shipped? About th« Winfield sary for Tire Repairs .. . and if your tires have any 5. Park with care —r do. not . The blame certainly lies entirely and p y ^ young people^ attend^ small cuts or bruises, we urge you to have them scrape sidewalls or bump with the Inspectors and packtog danced, to records playra by the curb. , ■ houses, and not with the growers. Tony. Kobyashi’s public address repaired immediately, before they lead to more •k it ■ k V EDWIN. SNOWSELL, system, and all present enjoyed serious trouble. themselves immensely. THE FIRESTONE • ' And don’t forget every Firestone Dealer is pledged DEALER CAN HELP OLD TEACHINGS REVAMPED Miss Chelan' Edwards was a week­ Y O U BY to help you get the very last mile out of your present end visitor at the home of Mrs.R. B. Com pletely inspecting R.R. 1, Sidney, V.I., Oct. 1, 1942. Pothecary, at Oyama. v drps, regardless of their make. For 25 years tires and tubes at fre­ ... ..».. •.• . To the Editor, Kelowna Courier: Firestone has been training their'dealers in tire con­ quent intervals for outs - Jack M iller was fortunate enough If the medicos are now going to servation. Consequently, Firestone Dealers have and bruises.. tell us that we can all be well if to shoot a deer and a bear on the we eat right, they are m erely repeat­ same day recently. the experience, knowledge and equipment to be of Rotating tfie tires every ing something that has been taught m m m . definite help to you. This service, plus common- 5,000 miles to even the already in three countries for fifty Registered at Petriefs Lake Shore sense wartime driving on your part helps you extend wear. • Inn were Mr. and Mrs. Hill, Van­ years, more or less, by many suc­ the life of your, tires for thousands of extra .miles. Checking wheel align- . cessful naturopaths, vegetarians and couver; E. Blaglain, Vancouver; Ed. ment dhd brakes. physical culturists. Savage, Okanagan Mission; Mrs. See your nearby Firestone Dealer today. No. needless or unneces­ M5st of the advice on food that McMartin and daughter, Okanagan sary expense-work dostr Mission; Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Casorso, is flooding our magazines and news- , .l, . .. • Turn in every ounce.of scrap ruBber to . only when' regulred. '' papers is not new to those of us your local Sidvage Com m ittee— NOW. who were reding the published J®*"* and !Rto. E. Itolson aito son. writings of dru^ess doctors twenty- Lawrence, Mr. and Mrs. R. Suttan, five years ago. I believe these heal­ and S. Radloff, all of Vancouver. ers are (or were) referred to as Stopping in the Hostel were Mr. "quacks.” Those whose works the and Mrs. Cade and son from Seattle. writer studied gained their useful The fish are-starting to nm again knowledge by a more sensible and now ,» more ^ hiunane method o f research J. HL Aberdeen arrived home on than that of animal experimenta­ Thursday afternoon, after having tion. Now, however, all that wise spent sixteen days In the Kelowna teaching which used to. be sneered Hospital. While somewhat improv­ at as “quackery” seems to have be­ ed, he will not be able to get out come suddenly fashionable. for at least another week. But, if the doctors are really and ..•‘ a truly bent on preventing all dis­ The .little daughter of Mr. and ■■■ •o> •m hf y i*P .Nw/y li^ ^ •t0> mm ease, surely they w ill do,themselves Mrs. Sam Tyndall, who was kpock- out of a .living! Th^n, a^in, what gd down at school by one of the ’ w ill. become of the “spoiled. child" teeter-totters, is reported as doing — Let us help you keep your tires in good running condition I — of the medical profession, the .germ, verv nicelv th e o ry o f disease? ■ ______— ------— ------■'...... ; KATHARINE E. MORTON. defeat, you lose all. Speed the Vic- BEGG MOTOR CO- LIMITED — ‘• j:— —----- — ^------tory by backing dur armed might This a^ertisement is not published or displayed by the tiq Board or by the There is only one issue jn this with your dollars. Without civilian KELOWNA, B.C. Government of British Columbia war—Victory,- or Defeat H it is aid our troops could not carry on. PAGE SIX t h e k e j l o w n a c o u r ie r •mUKSDAY. OCTOBJEK 8, IM3

Aswciste ai«{ut»er»iit» PAYS raOPESSIOHAt. TAX H M t M Clmb Fro£«*siois3l tax has been by SERVICE A im o d tz ie co«tBt!«>'ricbj,p m »y n . O. Ib^-rJa, an twitwi>«th, it was re- Life Goes On As Usual in be * t tliMS d c s s te . o f ib.e prci-ried to the City Council on Mon­ Iteytil Aruio Hotel. day nlidtt. Ancient English Village LIST TO BE A PRESENTATION OF ■n.0 cS ‘haf S2S Block FElirrS and VEC.PTABbE8 COMPILED 2, Map 402. to Fmnk McClure for While freali vegetables ore avaJl- Despite W ar’s Alarms S5.00 per moiiUi, subject to sale and able Jn wide variety on tire market, other usual tenna. H *» important to Include tl»cm In H. G. Horsficid Named by City /\/e€a ^ a U GofUi^f ...... —------every meal. Fresh fruits are also By MARGARET BUTCHER to Compile List of Men in TRY TIIK COUaiEil plentiful and form delkioua dea- Services CUkSBIPIEO A»VTm. sorts. O M l‘:VVHERIi IN E N G L A N D — This time I fed as if I am writing to you from another planet. Nearly three weeks The Cjty Council on Monday night Ilf^ WilSWSlISSIlMlWBWBOWasWltWIWIIlBISWIPWai^^ ja c k e t i f ago 1 had to come to this little country town on family hup- appointed A. G. HorsfieW as lii« «f- jie.s.s, and real life has faded further and further into the dis- ficial recorder of the Keldwna men taVice with every day. Of course, I am as homesick as a child; entered act- 13 Vz Acre O rch ard I lie in bed o' niglits and wonder what the AHirtmcnt is doing, ^he Gyro Club suggested to the FOR SALE ajid .if the sheei)-dog still sniffs intjuiringly under m y door.^ city that such a step should be tak- Every now and tlicn my friends write and say “ D o hurry back;" en to ensure a complete record of m ON 17 ACRES OF LAND but who ever heard of fam ily business which allowed itself to at FUMERTON’S VARIETIES— McIntosh, Jonathans, Newtowns and im hurriedr l licre is a constant influx of solicitors, auctiop- present there is no adequate record Delicious. A heavy producer. cers and callers of all kinds, and one or the other of us seqms and It Is hoped that a complete re- New Fur Trimmed Coats, $25.00 to $45.00 Home consists of living room, kitchen, 2 bedrooms to be endlessly writing letters or sorting out r u b b is h . W hat a cord can be compiled. Probably the jjj-„ I co-operotlon of the people of the arc an important fashion success. Captivating styles and bathroom. city will be requested in due Wo have no radio and no elec- fully—that I have never bought a course, from Rritisli imported woollens and tweeds. All chamois PRICE ...... $5,800.00 trlclty. Consequently my mind is packet of candy since those days Qne of the tragedies in the last lined to the waist and a two year “Courtauld’s” satin guar- now as dim as my eyesight. Occas- i^lthout having a picture of her v/ar was that many names were gintecd lining. Tliis applies to our For this excellent buy, see lonal trickles of news come through somewhere at the back of my mind, omitted when lists came to be com- from some neighbor, but, to all in- j>fy old f^ u ra c piled. In making Its suggestion the L t d . tents and purposes, the war might Tj,en there is "Old Alice," who Gyro Club had in mind tiie city Cheaper Utility Coats, $14.95 to' $22.50 be five thousand miles away. True, i nursed mo, many a time, when I naming some person who would • t soldiers march or stroll post these E. M. CARRUTHERS & SON was a baby. Alice is seventy-flve undertake the compilation 'bf such . . . as well. So why take chances? Buy yours now while windows' all day, and there are MORTGAGES - REAL ESTATE - INSURANCE now, but her pretty brown hair Is a list of all persons in the services the choosing is good. Sizes for misses and women. Xbarriers r^ rh .,M tit h ^ each r« i U end of « the main stlll brown, and she can cook with and urged the city to offldally spon- Phone 127 Kelowna, B.C. street, but there Is a kind of spurious a u ,.« « o r Bi.oh .. M r anybody. Every morning Alice sor such a move. Mr. Horsflcld New Styles in Sport Jackets, $4.45 to $12.50 ^ nyru-uanj-i-« 2 ^ I t o o l thS no plSe In this country' oolite remuneration. ^ •'of life fo r us, w e e p s o v e r m e a ------Shown in this season’s most fashionable fabrics. Loose should suggest peace to such on ex- or fitted styles. tent. Well, I suppose I must be len­ little and looks as if, with the llT T T in n T I A TkYY/* slightest encouragement, she would w yn^l * ient with the old town—which was still pick mo up and nurso mo, THE a little town, quiet and settled, in bless her. ------those far-off days before the Rom­ A smart collection of CANADIAN CLUB MEETING ans came to Brltainl T l^cause The Mac run In Westbank pack- Grey Main Street houses Is nearing the enefand ^ , », 1, ® it is expected that the end of the NEW DRESSES “HATS THAT called for OCTOBER "sth Only those of you who luiow long. AU those bits of gossip and vriU see the clean-up of this ^gland cam picture such a place, rth ^ social dlstlnctions-so vepr variety. Delicious and Jonathans The main, street, which wanders baffling to one who can’t see a pin belna nicked bv some crowers $2.95'” $9.95 ARE NEW” down Into the vaUey, Is narrow and of difference between the status of S r L fhft color Hsis Been Cancelled Included in this choice selec­ We've wired for a complete as the speaker. es, cheek by Jowl, flat against the lesome. I am sure I should horrify. noqtnone nleklnir tion are flattering new styles new assortment. W e've had narrow sidev^k. Almost every- everybody by getting to know all P,® »• Wing Commander PITT CLAYTO N with slenderizing lines, neat a complete sellout of the thing is built of the local grey the “wrong people”—and find them A number of visitors are guests necklines, novelty trims, fash­ had an Immediate call for duty. stone, and every shop has a mor- over so much more Interesting than at Westbank homes at the present Growing Girls’ models. 11-lc bid fancy for brown paint on its the right onesL time, some of these being: R. Ross ionable sleeves, new exciting woodwork. Half-way down the Even up In the cemetery there is Sutherland, of Victoria, who is colors. Sizes for misses and street widens to an Irregular square, a strong smack of social exclusive- staying with Mrs. M. E G. PHtch- women. $ 1 .9 5 $ 3 .9 5 and there stands the ancient mar- ness, I observe. There is a tendency ard and family. A.C.1 “Bill’’ Granf, ket cross and the last of the old for the Best People to herd together R.C.A.F., stationed at Vancouver, Is stalls or shambles—-the latter roofed under large and expensive looking spending a p ^ of his furlough vdth over with old red tiles and looking stones, while .the rank and file are his aunts, Mrs. C. Butt nnd Mrs. DEAFENED ? just as it did in the Middle Ages, just so many little green mounds t . G Mahon. He hM been a frequent Hene and there some ugly building on the side of the hill—and so In- visitor here during .school holidays S U o e i of the Diamond' Jubilee period finitely more pleasant to look at, I fa the i>ast and Is renewing many raises its head as a bank or a muni- fancy that I am being a shade diffi- old acquaintanceships among the New H earing H elp Is H ere! cipal building; and how those build- cult to "place," for I am behaving yoimger people, all of whom wish Suedes, Gabardines, Calfskins, new heels, new trims, new ings have shrunk since I saw them in an indiscriminate manner, talk- him 'the best of luck in his chosen colors, We invite you to see our array of “GRACIA” as a child! They seemed very tall ing to this person and that, and be- work. A visitor who has many In- and grand then—as did many of ing equally discouraging to all who teresting storiesvto tell of his work SHOES for women. Priced at:— the people. I have met a lot of those show signs of interrupting me when as a missionary in Formosa is Mr. RADIOEAR people again during the past three l am working. Hay, who lectured on Sunday to $4.95, $ 5.95$6.50 weeks and, like the houses, they And what work it has been! A gatherings ip the Gospel Bkill. VACUUM TUBE HEARING AIDS have grown short, podgy and not at salvage truck has already rolled • • • all awe-inspiring. . f away from .the door, positively filled Mr. and Mrs. C, D. Dobbin, who No static, clear natural hearing is yours with the I come face to face with some- to the brim with good rtuff for the had been in Vancouver for the past NEW BADIOEAB! Velva-Snede Lingerie body in the High Street, and 1 find war effort. And it has made me year, returned last week to West- Celanese Locknlt Gift PANTIES, myself thinking, now, who IS that? wonder if we are tackling piur old bank, where the latter is the guest It’s Radio amplified. Three Dimensional Hearing. Marvellous . BLOOMERS and VESTS—Run proof. understandabillty of speech—particularly In distance hearing. And presently a name swims tip folk in the right way? There must of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.-David BALCONY In tea rose and white. KO/» Volume controlled, tone control at your finger tip. You have ,from the deeps of memory. So this be a wealth of salvage in almost Gellatly, while Clifford has gone to never seen anything like the BADIOEAR. (I think) is the Miss So-and-so who every big house in .this long street; take up new work in Vernon, FLOOR S a once scared me nearly to death with if only one could' persuade these * * •.* . for Velva-snede PYJAMAS and NIGHT hCT severe glances at me; this is the people to send for the truck and Westbankers leaving the district GOWNS in tea rose, white and blue, Mr. Whatnot who used .to look so throw useless sentiment overboard, include Mrs. J. U. Gellatly, who is. Children’s Reefers, in gift boxes. Priced, each:— t^l and important; As far as. I can After sJl, of what real sentimental spending a few weeks holiday in FREE DEMONSTRATION make, out, nobody has ,died; they value is a bundle of bits and rags , V^couver, and the Misses Joan Little Girls’ Dresses, $1.95, $2.49, $2.95 to $3.95 are all'here still, and living , in the weighing over a hundred pounds, Pritchard and Mary Dobbin, who G irl’s W in ter Dress"- Kayser UNDERWEAR - l 15% wool. Ask for Mr. W. B. PITM AN ^m e houses. An astonishing place, and who gets any real joy out of are attending school'in Kelowna, Panties and vests. Royal Anne Hotel, Kelowna I have ju ^ popped in to see the a* trunk filled ,'with old newspapers^ taking their Senior Matriculation. es, Ankle, or E ach ...... D i S 'C old dear who used to seU me can- or a back room stocked ■with bits of ------— ------^— over the knee Hos­ SLIPS— 1 pm. to 9 pm. dies when I came here as a kiddie, old metal? And where is the pleas- r«n *A M /'IC 170 $1.95 She is a cripple now,'^ and there is ure in pictures himg in dark, imseeh Lv/Lil!a5 iery, Underwear, and G IR D L E S — ■ , FRIDAY, OCTOBER 9th a strange face over the counter; but comers? I have come to the con- ■* * «««# * a a a complete Baby’s Vancouver Address, 605 Hastings West upstairs my old friend sits looking elusion that we ought to have a new p A C x p S A i«AY a t ...... $1.95 ouL and beneath a thatch of .white slogan: * Wear Dept. . G O W N S an d ®-j Q R C IK hair the same twinkling blue eyes “Grandmas Must Give It Up." -:----- — PYJAMAS, ea.d>X*«yeY laughed at me. She was tickled to Just think about it. Grandmas, Wa«s Horn in death when I.told her-quite truth- will you? .h-iaeriy Kesiaent I — •' ' — :—• ; This house has been a revelation Somerset, England, 74 Years of useless homding, and there must A g o be houses like it all over the world.; —:------> Now the whole place looks brighter, death of Francis Henry Coles, fresher, more pleasant to live m - 212 st: Paul Street. . occurred last “WHERE CASH BEATS CREDIT” more easy to .keep Saturday, October 3, at the Kelowna IS more, it is far 1^® General Hospital after a ^ o rt ill- iikely to make a funeral pyre for He wis bom in Somerset, somebody, should an^ m cen d i^ England, on September 18. 186», and plop down on it one of these nights, jg |Siwived by a son Haiiy. in Oc- And m otions me ail that mueff gan Falls, and an unmarried daugh- toe richer. Yes, ^ve it a thought, ^ married-daughter, Mrs. W. Grandma. It’s worth ff. Johnston, in Kelowna.' More About . Gf Partner in his funeral services for the late Fran- i^ual bhthe ^ints, has.taken pen j jjeniy Coles were held from St STORY OF Michael and A ll Angels’ Church on potatoes were left m too long to 1^ Tuesday last, with Rev! C. E. Davis really new; the lettuce and spinach LONDON’S have bolted to seed, and, if we don’t ' FOR SALE get rain soon, “everything w ill per­ ish.” He completes his' effort by From Page 1, Column 5 FULL PRICE:— putting .the wrong address- on the people of Britain that the CiviUan Built only two years. envelope, but since all is known BOOK REVIEW Defence Corps could do a real job. Five rooms and large about everybody here (and then There, the R A.F. did a superhuman some) the letter, reached me .with-, (AU books mentioned in this job,'and the Navy did too, and the glassed-in porch. Nice out delay. I surmise that the GJP., review are on the shelyes of Merchant Marine, but much of the taking everything into considera­ the Kelowna branch of the Ok­ credit for that evacuation, must be basement with hot air tion, is enjoying himself in his ovm anagan Union Library.) given the mien of the Civilian De- quiet way. It is only when he bmsts ______fence Corps, who were ready to do furnace. into jollity that I feel something is -“Only The Stars Are Neutral,’’ by a'job mid who did it. They were REAUL.Y ■v^ng. Quentin Reynolds. “If you ■want to able to do it because they were_or-. So here’s hoping that life 'will spend some time with ChurchiU at ganized and accustomed to disci- McTAVISH, WHILLIS & GADDES LTD. soon resume its. normal trend for his home and listen to him talk and pline. If they had not been avail- TH E PIONEER HAIL INSURANCE AGENTS me; life with its digging and chat- joke over his after-dinner b r a n d y ; able, Dunkirk might have been a ter, its old friends and fresh ideas, if you wish to conie into the Krem - great disaster. Phone 217 ^ Kelowna, B.C. its atmosphere of ir^iriting strug- lin and meet Stalin and Molotov and Mr, Haybrook told how he was gle. After all, one is happier that Vyshinisky and Voroshilov; if you one of the auxiliary firefighters sent To have Good Neighbours is one of the blessings of way, even when the news is not so wish to watch the greatest brain as part of the crew of a small good and the rations less plentiful surgeon in Russia take- incredibly London flreboat which made its way 1940. retiurns expecting a little peace and the Canadian way of life.... to have them when one needs than they are here. I have been large.... ^ bits______of shrapnel ___ from______the_ out of toe Thames______and______around__ to Great Raid quiet in a once-loved home aiid them most is fortunate indeed. promised. . — _a welcome ' home; and medulla oiblongata; if you wish to Ramsgate. (In his opinion Mrs, Min-lyrr Haybrook pointed out that biim- back I shall go, a little dingier from spend a night in the pubs, in the iver does not do justice to the scene —„ oje too inclined to underestim- f “ throu^ the care- livinglivinff for.for week.i!weeks in a suitcase, a moQ.,mess andanri in the ni,*air witiiwith +>io'Rthe R-A.F. A F’ atot -DemoemtaRamsgate.) ^ ’ ' ate-i- — our :. enemies, -who o..e are , really tessness. , ofj the • jparent.-m failing ■ to . , The fruit growers of the Kelowna district are very little, more determined never, never night fighters; if you_^wish to come it was there that the fleet of aU very clever, this raid proving 'it. to. hoard._ I have lost a job through behind the scenes ,and listen to ^ our ggrts of craft was assembled imder The Gtermans - took advantage grateful to the merchants of the city who came so whole­ this untimely interruption m m y arguments with censors m half a the direction of the Royal Navy and three conditions. It was Sunday, and heartedly to their assistance by the cloring of all stores affairs, but who knows? Something dozen countries; if you wish to ^tTcross to Dunkirk. the City of London would be prac- Mr. Hay- better may come along., Anyway, spend one hellish night (if vicari-, w - ■■KrnrirPfi a

With a full knowledge of how this help has disrupted the business and private lives of our friendly neighbours dive-bomb vou for nearlv an hour- Practically naked, as that, they, could read gathering with a num- and without wishing to encroach upon this friendliness, PORTM AN-At the Kelowna Gen- i t y o u wLt to drink wfth us and Lond^r^y'iSes iway^ ber of stories of burned London and eral Hospital on Friday, October play with us and argue with us in wei^t, ^ Mr Haybrook emphasized that in k waW we* sincerely hope that the assistance so generously 2, 1942, to. Mr. and Mrs. John bars from Fleet Street to Cairo,- and uniforms ftat we ,be 6, • London there are no wooden build- Portman, of Kelowna, a daughter., if, by any incredible chance, you . As they reached the toat, t^_sol- no*shingle roofs. There extended will be continued until harvesting is completed. w a n t tn, know what lort of life a diers stretched out hke sardmes, i“ SS 8 ^ no^ xiicxe ^ h MARTIN—At the Kelowna General foreien cori-esnondent actually lives and they were covered with bian- fliw unfit for-active service in the Hospital on Sunday, October 4, cor^ndentnrt^^^ kets S tied to the deck. When of the incendiaries start fires. ^ ^ Again, thanks . . . . a million. . 1942, to Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Mar- J the flreboat had all she could carry, ' B; C. Vulnerable one fire station crew puUed from ' tin, of Kelowna, a son. . ^ ^ made her way out to a larger what would happen in B. C.? . In the. station’s wreckage, foUowi^ a , MANN—At the Kelowna General and oualffy of thta bdok; Quentin ship off shore and there tr^sferr^ his opinion, at l^ t forty per c?nt dteect hit by a bpm^ and h^ Hospital on Monday, October 5, 'Rpvnnlds’ writine alwa'vs nrovides cargo and turned back to the of the incendiaries dropped would ^ a sercre. leg inju^. He" is one of 1942' to Mr and Mrs Mann of beach for another load. This fire- start fires. How would the people the party, sent to this continent to A. G. DESBRISAY, President, KelownaTson - boat rescued six hundred men and of, say, Vancouver cope with the assist in AJRJ>. organization, and he js.eiowna, a son. the distinguished American corre- ^ - situation? And 'yet the people of has travelled some forty thousiahd NISHI-At the Kelowha General spondent’s imsu^asse^ ability in Sentember 7th British Columbia especiSly the miles while lecturing. H o s p ita l o n T u esd a y. O c to b e r 6,-Openning sp irited n a rra tiv e bu t A n d te e n cam e S e p ^ ^ ^ ™ v u ln e ra b le C o a s t ^ i e s . h a v e ------^------mx .o Mr. and Mrs. S. Nish., a£p^^atUhnia «.at -I. can-. _ Mstresj Kelowna, a dau^ter. close friendship With the^e^ and J o ^ L i^ o n sev^ 1 h ^ h ^ ^ . ^ near, great.. He reports events__by ^ or ^ & ____ j _ fu ,i,4o thni: hedause one or. two church, and father goes to chapel.- Baitista Colmnbia Fruit Growers’ Tom Alexander, Indian, appeared anH Hire looked towards the East End and titude that, because ^ , before Magistrate T. F. McWiUiams all butftanding^rrespondents,’poss- saw miles of streets, docks, .ware- sons or d a u ^ ters^ ^ thpir^th^e Associaicion on Monday last, and pleaded guilty esses uhus?al^qualitiS as a “mixer” houses going up in flames, but the of coi^5° U is Ihe^^ns ' to a charge of mtoxication. He -was g ^ , g rare capacity for understand- A.RP. proved itself and came ActuaUy, of course, it is me sons Antiquarian: “ This vase is two gcd .XOO mid CCS., cr she daPS in, SS'^erdeZ whom he comes in contact. oinrv This book is'now to be found on owing May, London^was _subj^^ «ot be a sad indictment on me, prof^or; PU be as c a r p i ' Chester Owen left on Wednesday the shelves of the Ketoyma branch to 298 m«or_ raids, gg^J^y parent, when his son of it as if it was new. for Vancouver on a business trip. of the Okanagan Union Library. , the great raid of December 29th, against any


kumt twcutjF'ibvc wiAfdm i »d4|r' tKMiAi WUfdn O I t t (.cut CttCftca. 'ROCERY $i Cupy U ftccoHipamcd by c*ab «>f *«cv«mc CARD OF THANKS >• pai4 wkt-hiu wcckf (rufsi «lil« ia»u«, • (i»»couui %4 twenty fi»« ceau tl£ nocmbcrs o t Uie Executive of will t« ;«*d€. TbiiH • tw««ty-6T* w S l come from any of toe battle W. R. TRENCH, LTD. — 1—------:------. 1942. Th e Pliunher Protects the Health H. V. CRAIG, register with the Board. Those per- Drugs and Stationery of the Nation. For goodeood protec­nrotec- Executor. sons not registered may obtam'toe conjure up P H O N E 73 KELOWNA, B.C. tion. Phone Scott Plumbing Works, 216A Bernard Ave., Kelowna, B.C. necessary forms by writing to the ^ “ S Take a few examples: Lieut.-Col. IK 164 or 559-L. Plumbing, Heating and 8-5c Secretary, B.C. Interior Vegetable C. C. I., M erritt V.C. winner, “ .'. . Sheet Metal work. 5-tfc Marketing Board, Kelowna, B.C. Although twice wounded Lieut-Col. By Order of the Board. F. you need shrubs, perennials, cut Merritt continued to direct his im- THE CORPOBA’nON OF THE P. C. HILES, , in Canada, where toe. wheat IS flowers, pot plants or wedding it’s (South Saskatchewan Regiment) , C I T Y O F K E L O W N A I ll-2c Secretary. grown and toe flour made, a man or funeral plants, caU or phone 88. ELEANOR LAKE operations with great vigor and de­ your local florist Richter Street termination and while organizing I knew bought up half a ton of Voters’ List, 1942-43 Greenhouse, comer of Harvey and the withdrawal he stalked a sniper ■ flour. The war was over before it Tenders are invited for ex­ with a Bren gun and silenced him. was half done, as he had ; a • small m Richter. Member of the F.T.D. THE CORPORATION OF , , J , , A ll “Householders” and “Licence- cavations between Eleanor He then coolly gave orders for toe fanuly. nobody w ^ ie d when holders” whose names are not on YTSE your home washing eqnlp- Lake and Naramata Lake as THE CITY OF KELOWNA departure and announced his inten­ he to torpw nut hund^^ the Municipal Voters’ List for toe V ment for toe small pieces—send fo llo w s :— tion to hold off and ‘get even with’ poimds of w e e ^ ^ ^ d ^ floii^. J ^ y^g^. 1941.42, who are not toe Reg- M i i us toe large. Kelowna Steam Laun­ Drainage Ditch between the enemy. When last seen he was istered Owners, in tthe Land Reg- dry, Phone 123. 49-tfc North and South areas of Elea­ TENDERS collecting Bren and: Tommy guns about the gasohne hoarder?, He . . nronertv situated in nor Lake, and Outlet Ditch and preparing a defensive position a w n Mowers expertly sharpen­ For Gleaning Out of ; Pit which successfully covered toe with­ w^and^t^kThS negro^eiwifrto of’Kelowna, and desire to ed.^ We give you service using from Eleanor Lake to Narama­ dig a hole i i d bury it. When toe voters at the Municipal L ta Lake Dam. Estimated yard­ Type Privies drawal from the beach." the most modem equipment We to L returned he Usked him if he age, forty-three hundred cubic Extra skill and Lieut.-Col. Dollard Menard, D.S. call for and deliver. Phone 1(^, J. R. O., Les Fusiliers, Mont-Royal, had buried the gasoline, and the TOto yards. , ■ ••yassuh, and un^^i^Sned, and may obtain Campbell. 45-tfc experience sive to “ . . . When finally taken,on board a black man replied: —, .. - . . Tenders to be delivered to Tenders w ill be received by _ „ Hoarding, my neighbor says, is where you want me to hide de emp- tbe necessap’-forms fort^^ O ld Style Beer landing craft (tank) although woun- La w n Mowers sharpened and re­ toe office of toe Naramata Ir­ toe imdersigned up to noon on de(\fortoeaftht!meterimiji^t- ... - to kuthoritod to teiS to neSxSw paired. Expert workmanship. rigation District, Naramata, - its', finer quality Saturday, lOth October, fOr emptying, removal and dis­ M Sati^action ^aranteed. Our one not later than Wednesday, and famous flavor. i£Si.SS^SS,-^Sm % S!^- Wdmdnto i.b in this .my low price includes a thorough October 14to. • posal of the contents of pit Declarations must be delivered to “Hon. Capt. the Rev..James_Porter or she gets enougl^ and toe imdersigned within 48 hours^af- check-up. Ladd Garage Ltd. iPhone type priviefe, this work to be GEORGE WEAVER, Browne, Canadian Chaplain Service, any one els^ It u^ally ^ rts with in toe last copy of the Life nmga- g e with: 252. 41-tfc done twice each year during no such Dec- Secretary to toe Trustees. “ . . With total disregard for his a whisper about this or th^t going zine. Conservation is not Jiist _^l- 1 the months of October-No- o w n s a f e f ^ 8 nd‘’w SS'fuW e*rt«’ a^ to "brS ort. a'ia"the”stoiy’ £nw 1 rraSLg fate,'tto and tha like, laratlon wUl ba accep^ imlass d^ 10-2C e ORNS and CaUonses mean mis­ vember and March-April of ^ <» toa editorial a^a, but o , e ery.' Lloyd’s Thymolated Com each year, toe tender to quote Are he reneatedlv went to exTDosed certain things follows. I heard such .vation goes further. Every luxury .auemoon or uctooCT Jisv 1^ . and Callous Salve means instant re­ a price per pit. noStions S e r iL ever? S b t o a whisper, she says, about olive yoji purchase gives Hitler a better . G. H. DUNN, lief. 50c at P. B. W illits & Co. Ltd. The Contractor will be re­ aid and asS n ee to th^^ oiL and it sounded reasonable, too, chance. Every can you open taxes Kiriowna, B.C., City Clerk, 40-tfc aid and, assistance to toe wounaea. know that olive oil comes ithe war machine just a. little more. October 1st, 1942. • ll-4c . I ■ ... 11 > • I. ii.i. ' I..1 'i • I...; quired to provide his own wounded'^ ■ Mrty^^to th^’’ from'lt3fy“ But w^ out, This means economics in the kit- g e n t s for Briggs and Stratton equipment which will be sub­ ject to the approval of . toe “ Whpn morp of hi


INSPECT OUR SUGGESTIONS for DON’T Je/au / Tr nU o t i Get your OVERSEAS PARCELS away PRACTICAL OVERSEAS before CHRISTMAS OCTOBER 15™ GUTS Visit our display of suggested items— ^it will be much easier to make your selections. Ye#, we’ll man in the look after the wrapping, custom# and mailing, too. Send your eM‘Gkh4jf. M it o k e lL

Services the Home MEN’S WEAR SPECIALIST THE McKENZIE CO., LTD. Town news every ‘Okanagan’s Finest Men’s Wear Store’ P.O. Box 194 phone 214 week.

special Soldier . 3 '■ Rate, GtirlstHias Gifts for .tfl for Overseas___ • $1.25 m our Soldic^rs overseas Friends per year and friends ^ould be mailed NO T LATER Fancy Linens and Laces would be greatly than OCTOBER 15. appreciated. for the ir r I \ DOILIES ® TABLE CLOTHS T..efriirfinna ^uppllcs. pBctly cnough to rcslst the pressure Post Office Issues Inst further facilitate the problem of other mails In the sack and the PIPES 1 RUNNERS . ® BUFFET SETS KELOWNA as to What to Send and How of providing adequate .shipping* handling In transit.. Use strong cor- 'D'lrrnlc spacc for the Christmas mails to the rugated containers, not light card- A wide variety to choose Sec our nice display of HANDKERCHIEFS to £>ena Lnrist s Forces, it Is suggested that, although board boxes, wrap in several layers from. Individual boxes. Men in Forces Overseas the maximum weight of a parcel at of thick wrapping paper, and tie se> Priced a t .... 50c, $1.00 COURIER ------reduced rate Is set at eleven pounds, curely with strong cord. Do not RITCHIE’S DRY GOODS Santa ClaUs must get oil to an 'senders should voluntarily cut down use Christmas tissue paper for wrap- RAZORS and BLADES ...... Phone 534 Bernard Avenue early start if our Armed Forces as far as possible on the weight and per, or colored ribbons to tie. Par- fr o m ...... ;__ 25o overseas are to get their Christmas size of their Christmas packages. If cels may be sewn in strong cotton FOUNTAIN PEN BETS, TOBACCO POUCHES, boxes on time. Though that holiday they do so, they’ll help make more or similar fabric, fr o m ...... $2JJ5 to $5.00 seems far in the distance, TODAY accommodation available for other Jams, syrups and any other sub- English make .... 50c to $4A0 is not too soon to start Christmas parcels on the same ship, and give stance likely to leak and spread. If AHLITARY. BRUSH SETS, Leather Bound .Overscxui overseas mailings. The Postmaster the Po^ Office the chance to make ggnt at all, must be. enclosed In seal- New stock just arrived. w r i t i n g s e t s General, Honorable William P,. Mu- deliveries in time for all. There gjj containers, (not glass bottles), P r ic e ...... !...... $1.50 to ?54>0 complete* with pad, pencil, etc. lock, advises that gifts should be is the most vital need for full co- surrounded with absorbent material BILL FOLDS,. FLASHLIGirrs and sent now and during October—the operation by the public, for .this year, jj, corrugated cardboard, and secure- E n glish m a k e 50c to $9.00 B A T T E R IE S fr o m ...... $1.00 earlier the better—to ensure timely the Post Office expects an all-time ly vvrapped and tied. A completed LIGHTERS, including .. WRIST WATCHES, with delivery. All are urged not to defer record in the overseas volume of Customs Declaration form ^ould Tlonsons, .... . SOo to $13.00 g u a r a n t e e ...... $3.95 to $8.95 mailing until the very latest pos- military mails will be established accompany every parcel. Apples, sible date but to mail early and and is already preparing in every grapes, etc., or any article likely to r,— Parcels wrapped for .-mailing— .-s prevent cpnge.stion, and give the way possible to handle and expe- spoil or become damaged or to in- Postal authorities opportunity to ar- di^ the influx. , ^ jure Postal personnel, or’the malls, range for cargo space aboard ocean Greater care than ever before is are not acceptable ^ T h e wii^iHng- o f m e vessels. A great influx of mail necessary on the part of mailers, in Matches, Safety-Matches and Light- CAPITOL CIGAR STORE reaching the Base Post Office the preparation of their overseas er Fluid or any other Inflammable Phone. 226 P. R. BUTT Bernard Ave. MAIL YOUR GIFTS EARLY around, or after the “deadline" set parcels, in order to avoid delay. substance Is strictly nroblblted .by would result in delivery being de- Address all mails In Ink, fxiUy, law. layed, for not only would it accent- clearly and without misleading ab- Citizens, by refraining from writ- OCTOBER IS TIffi OVERSEAS MAIUNG DEADLINE uate the problem of handling, but breviations. Be sure to place re- ing to our Forces overseas that gifts of , finding sufficient storage-space turn address on cover—also include are being spnt, nntn maiiaa, THESE A ^ ACCEPTABLE GIFTS abpard ship because only a limited a slip in the parcel bearing sender’s can save much disappointment Do space is allotted the Post Office in address as well as address of parcels not disappoint our men by mailing Send them Vitamin Mineral Reinforcements! MILITART BRUSH view of the urgent requirements for Prepay all mail correctly., . their gifts too late for Christmas de­ S E T S ...... S4.50 •“ $10.00 A L P H A M IN — ...... ■ forwarding munitions and other war ■ Parcels should be packed com- livery. Special Overseas Offer ...... $2.75 WATERMAN’S SERVICE SETS— LEATHER BELTS - WALLETS tPv'^ F ro m ...... $2.25 SHAVING KITS MU3T BE MAILED BY OCTOBER 15 I V . /' SANTA SAYS:- Brown’s IHarniacy, Limited Don’t Forget Your ‘Prescription Specialists” Phone 180 Soldier and —Parcels 'Wrapped "Tdr M ailing- Friends Overseas! MAIL YOUR GIFTS AS EARLY AS POSSIBLE !

MAIL THEM NOW • • Here’s News • • W e have made arrangements to have your Gifts for Overseas Overseas Parceis insured CHO O SE A N D .. including postage for a very nom ii^ stun—-Take advantage i We have a nice selection of gifts from which 0 Woollen Sweaters 0 Hand Woven Scarves © Angora of this PROTECTION—it is yours for very little cost ! to choose. Berets and Matching Gloves. 0 Rain and Windproof . Jackets Be sure, your parcel contains a su pply o f WRITING PAPER SOX © TIES ®:.BELTS ® Wool Herringbone Skirts 0 Lisle Stockings © Slips Ready packed lor Overseas VITAMIN CAPSULES M a ilin g . © RAZORS © BLADES © Handkerchiefs © Gowns © Pyjamas - © Panties PLENAMINS are good. Vitamins i i .A,B,C, and D, plus iron $1.75 © Various SHAVING OUTFITS and liv e r. 50 capsules .... © House Coats © Moccasins © Wool House Slippers M % 40 c WARM SWEATERS © SHIRTS, etc. I g GILLETTE BLADES An Ideal The best blade made OVERSEAS GIFT ! ARE AMONG THE MUSTS fllM W lON’S LTD. English Woollen Shop Ltd. for your Overseas Parcels—not only at i g A complete set containing Christmas but at all times. - - “Where Cash Beats Credit* Phone 667 Kelowna, B.C. blades m E Adrienne 25c, 10 ““'’“ 50c LIP STICK, ROUGE ■ and mm Parker and ^ VERNON WOMAN FACE POWDER m o n e y - s a v i n g TEST MATERIALS | Waterman’s These items, so essential to 1 HUNDRED AND ONE morale and. smart appearance, ------NUT COOKIES FOR SHRINKING | are common to us, but almost PEN & Mrs. James Tarry is Vernon’s impossible to obtain in the q u i c k - t o - m a k e Oldest Resident — In Good' Laundry-Test of All Materials Old Country, They will be PENCIL appreciated! H ealth Zttblespoon* ^ T e lls Whether Garments SETS 1 egs; 2 toblesp^ns m l k ^ ^ The.Three, flour, 2 teaspoons Magic W ill Shrink P o W d e n ^ teaspoon sain I COP ready packed R e c e i v i n g con gratu lation s ^on $2.10 $2.50 Thursday^ October 1st, upon attain­ chopped nuts# , One 'of the most disappointing ing her 101st birthday, was Mrs. Cream butter and su g^ things that can happen to garments CHRISTMAS CARDS for Overseas Mailing, 36 cards for 98c James Tar^, Vernon’s oldest citi­ add weU beaten eggl^floujt is to have them ^rink or stretch. zen. ' ' baking powder ““ ‘I. Either misfortime may-happen when A resident of Vernon since 1929, a garment is being either, dry- Mrs. Tarry icelebrated the day quiet­ clean tbma- great-grandchildren. Oiie of her was cut at the same time. While it Garrick, Sask., arrived on Friday think of using it. ^ . toes that-are free, from cracks, skin sons, Frank Tarry, is-a .resident of is-teing laundered, the sample w ill last and are guests at the home of Make fish, an important part.of the punctures 'or insect injury. Wrap the Valley. She livM 'with her corn- MADE IN ^ortlaM Beverage v f Thoueanda lose some of the yams along the their daughterrin-law, Mrs. B. family menu planning. Learn to ap- each tomato separately in paper Panion, Miss Jessie Bacon, who ac- CANADA P H O N E 224 : edges, and so it w ill be impossible Spiers, on the Ben-Carr Ranch, peciate the humbler fish (less ex- (newspaper, w ill do) and place in epmpani^ her to Gfmada^^ f^^ For Free Hom e Delivery to calculate the exact amount of _ . _ ■ : V *. .• t««- pensive and often more plentiful), shallow, closed boxes or in drawers: land ip 1929. . - . ® / shrinkage that has occurred, but. if _ Art Reed, -w^o, with Mrs. and parts of the fish which are rich Keep in a cool pantry or store room; . . Mrs. Tarry can look back upon there has been any shrinkage, the had been at home for the COAST BREWERIES LTD. in'food value. Do not throw away where the temperature be inain- world events of out^aiidirig imiwrt- VAKC- OVER . NEW WESTMINSTER . VICTORIA fabric should be shrunk before the P^t. month, left early^tot w garment is cut. ■ , ^ejorn his unit in ■ C^gary. Mre tho roe. It .ipakes a delicious sand-- tained at about 50 degrees. .The use ance, one-, of her earliest...recollec- wich spread., of small containers simplifies the tiohs being tbe fall of: Sebastopol Fabrics that are. not, to be washed children^ will Th is advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor <5honM‘be ^te?fo‘r^^^^ remain for some time at the home BoU the roe for 10 or 15 minutes sorting of the tomatoes during rip- when she'was a smaU . girl. , . Indstret^i^ of and Mrs. Reed, Sr. . in salted water to whij* a teaspoon enin& An -interesting feature of Mrs. Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. ^ t W w V n ' « . • ...... o f v in e g a r has b een added, or p la c e A n o th e r m eth od is to p u ll th e v in e T a r r y ’s 101st b irth d a y w a s th at a nricclrfff Jnri 4hiQ Mrs. P. S. Noycs, w;ho had spent the roe in dampened parchment pa- before there is any sl^ of frost in- broadcast was dedicated to her that Ua? tr/woQbino-TA the past two weeks at the home of per, sprinkle with vinegar and salt jury and hang the entire vine from day over C K O V. J. W. B. Browne, TEAKETTLE CARE IMPORTANT with a fine scouring powder. From liar ro _wasning.___ her daughter,-Mrs. -lo le ,^c ^ lao G. C. c , Hume, dauehter.-Mrs. re- G. C. Hume, re- and boil. Cool M d remove the skin the ceiling of tire store room; the of Kelowna; visited Mrs, Tarry at: time to time the inside of the kettle tumcd' to: her home at Naramata on and mash. To one cup of roe add advantage of this method being that her home Pii Monday, Sept. 28th, ® Careful attention to the teakettle ing test and steam them by .placing Mohdav ^ ^ N O A U r i » l should be given a good clean-up. two or three tablespoons of may- ripening can be observed without and made a recording of an interview) is sometimes lacking in the kitchen. under a-damp cloth, ironing over , , , ' onnaise and two tablespoons of the necessity of .handling the tbma- with her. : V ; For instance, water- should never . ■. ■ , the, cloth. This will give some-clue Geor^FUntoft is building a home chopped pickles. ' toes. A temperature of 50 degrees __—_ ——————- ; j be allowed to stand in a_ teakettle______Men can be kept m .the field only as to their probable behavior when on Manhattan Beach, and is trying ■‘ii I ,v■ 'h'iiV^ V■ ' ' ; Skill and ingenuity in cooking fish is best for this inethod too. when_____ it is__ ___ not in _ _ use.___ I f water is if T^oney is increasingly forthcom- they go to the dry cleaner. . to rush it to completion before being If our armed forces lose the fight, j can make.this a more popular food _ 1_— left inside, lime deposits form and ing for their weapons and mainten- Sometimes a ready-made garment called up by the R.CAJF. w e at home have lost it, too. Strengr • the time to heat'is'increased; Any ance. They are protecting our pri- must be tested before it is cleaned . « « tem l,ttorS‘^rectp^-iftvS^^^^ inan is wrapped up in in limeUme deposits formed this way may vileges,viiege^ ouro ^ liberty.uner^. , HelpKelp equip inm orderorder-to to discoverdiscover. whetherwneinerK it may Mr. ivir. and ana Mrs. ivirs. ^ivi. M. Ktson, r.Tson of or East i!,ast ^ himself he makes a mighty, small air. with every dollar you can spare, be loosened by heating in a vinegar them by buying Victory Bonds to be laundered or must be dryrclean- Kelovima, were Sunday visitors at opm the Department of Fisheries, ® ^ This is the iob of those at home. parcel. solution and removed by scrubbing the limit of your power. ed. Since there is no: extra material, the home of Mrs. R. Spiera \€

4 f

■C- j m THiraSOAY. OCTOfiJEE S. 1M2 THB K:b £ 6 w 'MA - c o u e ie e F A Q S H IK E

CtJLt’E rO « EBPAI» o r No. 1 Ifxdiistry R.C.A.F. Drum Majorette TV Ptwa»4 Ae«idst-war'economy. There are those who bdieve. that the post-war period should bring a r^ihquishing .<)£ the present con­ trols ‘ as rapidly as possible, their ideal being; a complete absence of governmental control over industry. ;; The Canadian Federation of Agri­ cu ltu re ; rep resen tin g 450,000 o rga n - ■ ized farmers, believes that the tre­ mendous problems of post-w^ set­ tlement cannot be siicces^ully solv­ ed without deftriite p la n n er with its corollaiy of cohtroL /&^-Tecognize the dangers of bureaucracy but **I’m glad I live in Canada. My family is safe here. There is no b ^ eye that the m ista^s of a plan­ ned .economy .wiU, be fewer and Gestapo, no hunger, no brutal aggr^ion. I have a good job, and less, painful than the jtingle law of the survival of the fittest and the I am free, add unafraid. I disastrous booms and : d^ressions which-result from the uncontrolled or unregulated law of supply and ‘ **In many lands, the people have been robbed and beaten, their denuind.''' V' money and posi^ssions forcibly t ^ ^ from them^ Here in my vih the solution of th e » problenu industry, commerce, labor and a ^ " country^ I e s a i le n d my money and know that it is backed cidture must join hands, recogiiiz- ing them as: matters of national and by all the resources of Canada, and that 1 will get int^est on it, not of group interest; • too. 1 am glAdly doing without some things so as to be r^ d y to wisiSlA lend every dollar 1 can to the country that has been so good to if 5'?!'I* T O H ^ S ^ ^ me and my family.*’ ♦ o o As continued collection of scrap, rubber is of paramcamt importance to the national war effort, the Post Every dollar you lend to Canada helps to protect you • gives Office Department has tmdertaken to .continue to function o.n ro you the right to work in personal freedom instead of under brutal mail delivery routes arid in .rural post offices Ontario stod Quebec dictators .. . enables you to live your own life^ for yourself and as a scrap rubber collection agency. Assistant Deputy Postmaster Gen­ your loved ones. * eral. P. T. Coolican has hotifled Clearly printed on Charles LiFerle, Director bf Na­ tional Salvage, of his department’s Victory Bonds are a good way to save . . . this country has always decision in the matter and,; through the District Directors, has forward­ paid back every penny loaned to it, with interest. Plan now how ed to the rural postmai^rs . of the two provinces the, thanks of, the you can lend your money . . • figure how you can save to lend Postmaster General for fiieir succ­ These signs will withstand essful efforts in past weeks; more. Back up the men-who'are fighting for your freedom • • • "in yoiir contact with postal pat- rain and vinnd. . ronsV’ the notice to thet poshnarters let your self-denial show your loyalty to Canada. states, “you should at all ■ times stress the urgent need for scrap rub­ ber for the prosecution of our, war — ^Also— effort. Kindly t^ e the Matter up with rural mail delivery contractors operating from your office and point out that this is one way in which , PRINTED ON HEAVY CARDBOARD they can continue to perfonn a very valuable service to our. coun­ 3 try in the contribution to the defeat WORK SAVE...LIN On sale at of Hitlerism, and request them, when they meet any of the patrons on their routes, to point out the ur- gent need for scrap robber, and THE KELOWNA COURIER bring to the post office any such scrap ^ it is still possible, to collect.” Courier Block, Water St. Phone 96 \_ If only for selfish considerations, FOR VICTORY Victory Bonds help you. save for a rainy day and pay good interest. NATIONAL WAR PINANCB COMMITTER The good citizen, however, will buy them to help speed Victory.



You cannot remam aloof from the PLAN CHRETMAS SERVES UQUOR JUNIORS WIN war. YOU are Involved in the final ONE BRANCH OF S A SERVICE Issue. YOU, therefore, must also fight, if only with the doliars that PROFESSIONAL b o )£e s t o s a v e TO MINOR AT ARMSTRONG you lend. A m in im u m fin e o f |300, o r three Among the winners at ti>e Inter­ SHIPPING SPACE months imprisonment, was Iniposcd ior Provincial Exhibition held at and BUSINESS upon George Jackson, bar tender Ai-mstrong recently was M iw Mary of the Kalamalka Hotel, Vernon, Cameron, Kelowna, who won sec­ To Insure Chritttmas parcels when ho appeared before Magis­ ond place for the best-fitted and reaching service men overseas in stiown lamb, raised and exhibited good time, postal auUioritics at Ot­ trate W. Morley in Vernon Police Court on ’I^esday of last week, by Junior farmers. Lexy Cameron, tawa advise mailing not later than also of Kelowna, plac^ third In .October 19, earlier if possible. Jackson entered a plea of “not guil­ ty" on a charge of supplying liquor tills class. * Directory Auxiliary Services, Department of to a minor, but, although tliere was P. J. Gaynor, Peachland. took National Defence, concerned par­ considerable conflict in the evidence, second place wlUi his entry of green ticularly wiUi the welfare of men or white grapes. In the service#, advises families and he was found guilty. AUTOMOBILES CONTRACTORS friends to club together this year and to send one sutetantlal Christ- JOSEPH ROSSI ,mas parcel instead of duplications LADD GARAGE LTD. in several. Everyone must remem­ CONTRACTOR D ea ler to r ber, however ttie need f^r. conserva­ tion of shipping space for war m at­ BTUDEBAKEB And AUSTIN Plastering and Masonry CARS and 'TRUCKS erials. See that parcels will stand up to shipping by using, good .cor­ Massey Harris Form Implements Office - - D. Chapman Bam P.O. Box 12 rugated cardboard reinforced with H m SAB irnD N EIV L a w re n c e A v c . P h o n e 252 ihLn wooden strlpa and scaled with brovm gummed paper. See they are firmly packed to avoid being crush­ H O M E G A S INSURANCE AGENTS ed in by the weight of other parcels. SERVICE STATION Address fully and legibly on both sides. W M E M A P E m A r / Bert Dickens, Prop. S. R. DAVIS It is anticipated that turkey and Prompt, Friendly Service chicken will be on the Christmas Call In TODAY—TBY US. J. C. KENNEDY, C.L.U. fare of Canadians overseas this year as previously. “Send a small (Next to Kel. Steam Laundry) Maclarcn Blk. - Phone 410 tin of cranberry sauce,’’ Auxiliary T f f e r R B A Red Shield mobile canteen pulls up at an English airport to give Services advises. ’Tills is one of the $nai SUN LIFE OF CANADA boys of the R.C.A.F. a hot drink and a snack on their arrival back from homely touches lacking in past o B u o m s f j "a trip.” This Is but one part of The Canadian Salvation-Army’s Christ­ years. Cranberries are scarce in m BARBERS ian service to humanity.. . . Every Arm y must have a base, and the Cana­ B ritain , dian Salvation Army’s base, whether for work among the troops In Crj^stallized fruits, maple - sugar, SOSRSYIP Canada, in Britain, at Dieppe or among the needy and the sick in the toffee, nut, fruit or cocoanut-rlch C. M. HORNER, C.L.U. community. Is the Home Front right here in Canada. It is the base which chocolate ^rs; fruit cake, dates, Canadians will support when they subscribe to the Bed Shield Home flgs, peanuts, in vacuum-sealed tins; District Representative, Northern Front Appeal this month. ' lemon powder to make lemonade; wG h m . a Clean, Friendly Shop O kan agan concentrated orange Juice, meat Expert Work cubes, cocoa with powdered milk ROYAL ANNE MUTUAL LIFE OF CANADA Secured Living and sugar added, are high on the list BABBER SHOP of things to be included. Avoid any­ thing with a strong flavor, such as peppermints, fancy cheese (unless MONUMENTS Stability For Agriculture sealed in tins Ur cellophane), soaps, BICYCLE SHOPS etc., that will penetrate to other MONUMENTS Is V e g e ta b le G row ers Plea foods in the parcel. RICE KRISPIES , RIDE A BIKE A Sand Blast Lettering TOFFEE CHEWS I ’The Kelowna Vegetable Growers’ responsibility of the farmer to pro­ ’The successes, so far, of Axis ag­ VERNON GRANITE TH EY U SE H lb. toffee FOR HEALTH ! Association presented the following vide food at a price that is so low gressors are largely dqe to their pol­ I & m a r b l e C O . NOSUOAR! 2 tablespoons o f cream , We carry C.C.M. and Englito brief to the British Columbia Post- that even the lowest income groups icy of total war. Civilians, as well 1 {BHpz.) packageckat o f _ m akes. Established 1910 War Rehabilitation Council at the can purchase it The feeding of the as troops are mobilized for intensive 'ITT- Kellogg s Rice Knspies effort which continues 24 hours a Expert Repair Work Agents: Kelowna Furniture Co.^ sitting here on September 23rd, the lower income groups Is the respon­ Melt toffee with cream in sibility of the nation as a whole.” day, seven days a week. ’The least CAMPBELL’S BICYCLE SHOP double-boiler. Pour over sons: The farmer has to take risks to that we can do is to lend our money Kellogg’s Rice Krispies in a These notes are presented by the produce the nation’s food—^weather, to sustain and equip our men who buttered bowl. M ix well. Press are face to face with toe grim real­ OPTOMETRISTS Kelowna Vegetable Growers’ Asso­ markets, pests and a host of other Yes, air, another Rice Krispies hit for '421 Toffee hi shallow buttered-pan. Cut ciation, which includes in its mem­ things quite beyond his control. It ities of total war. in squares when cool. CARTAGE bers mixgd farmers, fruit , farmers is a gamble at the best of times,, Chews, made with crunchy Kellogg’s Rice Krispies, and dairy farmers. and there are many unf^iriite^(ds really fill the bill for parties, teas, school lunches, D. CHAPMAN & CO. A s farmers are exceedingly busy that by common usuge, are corisid* ‘Xri skbrt:’ - at this time of year, the following is ered normal. Most people 'see no N o country cari be really prosper­ or those panicky moments when unexpected guests P H O N E 298 L T D . hardly in the nature of a' brief, but reason for a change in the farm­ ous. If her farming population is arrive. Rice Krispies Toffee Chews are so easy to F R E D E IU C K j o u d b y only notes on a few problems. ’The er’s status. So long as h^ produces not prosperous. Haulage Contractors. Warehous­ m ^ that little Sue can dash off a good supply in ' Optometrist Vegetable Growers’ Association cheap food, is all they care. ’They ■ No farming iwpulation can be ing iand Distributing. W e special­ Phone 373' Royal Anne Building. hope to be allowed to present a then have a chance to buy luxuries secure, if other interests are con­ a few minutes. B ut you’ll J^ve 'to hide them, or ize in Furniture Moving. Con- , more comprehensive brief at a later the farmer 'never sees. stantly working against toe farmer the whole family will finish them the same way 'Uiey tract or Emergent Fruit Hauling. date. - Farm taxation is one of the glar­ getting a stabilized price for his finish Rice Krispies at breakfast-time! The British Columbia Govern­ ing injustices. It m ay have had some produce equivalent to that given to PHOTOGRAPHY ment is to be congratulated bn set­ Justification fifty or sixty, years ago, in du stry. "Rice Krispies” is a registered trade mark of • $ - ting up. a non-political Post-War but not how. A farmer must have security'of Kellogg Company of Canada Limited, for its d ^ tenure of his land and should , never DAIRIES Rehabilitation Council with instruc­ Farm .School Tax'.—So many re- licious brand o f oven-popped rice^ Get a package ARTS PHOTO tions to enquire and collect informa­ •solutipns have, gone in toi the G ov­ be in a position to lose his land through t^ es alone. of Kellogg’s Rice Krispies tpday . . . then your t •* GET YOUR PURE tion on a very broad basis arid hot, ernment from farm organizations, STUDIO as most people at first thought, on­ rural school trustees, etc., pointing' : Fanners and- their wives are en­ breakfast worries axe over! titled to a secured living in their Portraiture—Photo Finishings. l y re g a rd in g d ire c t rein statem en t in.- out at length the imfaimess o f this MILK AND CREAM o ld age. - — fr o m — Films and Cameras - to civil life of men and women' re­ tax, that all of the Committee is turning from war effort. conversant with this subject and FILMS DEVELPPED, 25c up. This basis' of investigation .with probably realize the injustice of it TUTrS DAIRY a view to improving general condi­ as a land tax. tions gives some hope to the hith­ : The Farm Land Tax is just as erto forgotten man, the agricul­ unfair; as now assessed. The farmer .-r'fVv-. ■ turist. As a rule, when a farmer has .to pay, regardless of any income voices his problems, he is told that derived from the farm. He may have DENTISTS his only chance of getting any no­ no income, in which case the tax tice taken o;^ his troubles , is to get becomes a capital levy. T h e farmer IMPORTANT organized, then he .can demand at­ ^Iso pays taxes on any mortgage DR. G. D. C AM PBELL tention. . . he may have on thp land and, if he This is to recognize t^e principle cannot, through no income, pay his DENTIST that “Might is right,” which xmfor- taxes, he loses 'his farm jat a tax tunately is often the case, but not sale.Had the farmer bou ^t interest CHANGE bearing securiti^ instead of a farm, WUlits Block Phone 171 always justice. As to whether it is a good thing for the peace and pros­ he vwould only pay on the income IN perity of a coimtry to Jiave a lot of from those securities and-would not orga^zed groups demanding by lose them at a tax sale, because of Need Salad- O il ? “hiight’’ concessions from a Gov­ no' dividends. ernment that might be directly det­ Farm Income Tax should be // d r ; MATHISON rimental to other organized or un­ assessed on a three-year basis. So organized groups, is a moot i^int. often a farmer may lose money for DENTIST The farmer has as much right to a year or two.from weather or mar­ UNICO"." “Unico” Special Blend OH as much, qnd probably more, en­ rapidly become favorites throughout Canada, r Train No. 4, “The , Dominion,” they have made along these lines - “Aqnila” Blended Oil . have been spasmodic and discon­ titled to a living wage old age pen-' will leave Sicamous daily at “Liberty”-Salad Oil . ' . nected, sectional and generally in­ Sion as a judge or high govern­ 7.20 a.m. fo r C a lg a ry , W in n ip e g “ Salute” 'Finest Macaroni effectual. • ment official, and without having “Western -Glo’Mttacaroni: FUNERAL PARLORS and Toronto, . to surrender what he may , have But Mr. Donald Gordon’s state­ .“Bravo” Blended Oil :; For connection with these ser­ saved, in the way of a house to live ment to a delegation of farmers in / “Bravo” .Spaghetti Sauce ; vices. Train No. 707 , will leave in, .etc. The present administration Sold by Leading Grocers in Kelowna Ontario that “the fanners ,)vill pro-, “ Bravo” Grated Cheere : I KELOWNA FOBNim BE CO.| Kelowna'^'.daily, - except Sunday, of ’old age pensions is like the par­ duce anyway,” may explain to some 'Bravo”. Plum Tomatoes ■ l t o ; at 4,00,pan. instead of 3.50 p.m. able of the talents: “To him that extent the Ctovemment’s apathy to "Bonus” Salad Oil . • Funeral Directors as formerly, arriving Sicamous agricultural . problems, which >are hath' shaU be ^veri, but from him oW e supply Wholesalere and Betailere 6.00 p.m. often of a very complex nature.- that bath, not shall be taken away GIURIATO BROS iD a y P h o n e , 33; N igh t, 502 & 79| If the often-made statenvent,, that even that- which he hath.” The old I IV KELOWNA. B.C. TBAIN SEBVICE SICAMOUS the world w ill be made a , better age pensioner should not be made TO VANCOUVEB place to live/in after: the war, is to : to feel, that he is receiving; charity. \i 4 ’T rain ! • - 9.45 a.m. be, impleriiented, the farmer is The niggardly way. in which every T r a i n s - 8.30 p jn . nearly at the top, if not at the top, excuse is made, to reduce.or cut off I PLUMBERS T ra in 7 - 8;55 p.m. of the list for consideration, if the completely the small' allowance, in­ X welfare. of the coimtry is really to correctly called a pension, is par­ J. GALBRAITH Connections at Vancouver with be considered. ticularly mean, a ^ he is not allbwr B.C. Coast Stemnship Service. L td . ,'The agricAilturlst must have a, ed to augment this pittance to any Convenient. bUs service also in extent, by light work or gifts, with­ PLUMBING and HEATING stability apparently not hitherto effect from, Kelowna . to Penticr considered necessary. A standard of- out having a. reduction made in e o • Sheet Metal Work ton, connecting there with Train living and security equal to other his aUowance, A highly paid Gov­ .1 Estimates Gladly Given No. 11, at 10.50 p.m. for Vancou­ professions or. industries. . Farm ernment official may get a daily P H O N E 100 v e r. ' ■ ■ ■ ■, prices must be istabilized. ’The ex­ allowance of expenses nearly equal pression in this regard of parity of to the monthly cheque of the old Por further particnlars see your prices is not easy to define.^ It should age pensioner. local ticket agent, or write G. be used in a very broad ‘sensfr—to Some of the . smaller European Bruce Burpee, General Passei^;er mean, at least, that minimum prices countries which, before the war,' Agent, C.PJL Station, Vancouver, must be assured to the fanner so had the greatest s^urity for their B.C. „■ that he can pay wages comparable people, if not .the greatest industrial to those of the industrial laborer. tortun^ had a form of universal Broken Auto The anomaly of a farm laborer penrioh, and, at a . 'bertain age, all W in d o w s being able to leave .the farm and were entitled as, their, right to a H ouse W in d ow s, etc.— iPhone 312 go into the packing house and get a sufficiency .to live on; ; and they S. M. SIMPSON, LTD. higher wage for handling the same could own their own hoilse, etc. I produce is absurd. But, with Gover- Understand the amoimt w as" the 8-4c ment-set minimum, wages for pack­ same for a judge or a farm worker. ing houses and no minimum-conr The higher-s£driried people could DRINK MILK— trolled prices for produce; the farm save any extra they wanted from prices are often r^uced below cost their incomes. ‘What wonderful s^b- NOT FAHENING of production, and all costs are tak­ ility this would give to Canada! en off before the farmer gets what Farm-Settlement.—Until the Gov­ T H R O A T ernment can truthfully say that “I know I should drink more is l e f t , there is a reasonable-^chance of a m ilk, but I’m so afraid of getting The Marketing Boards have most living being made from farming, fa t” That’s a favorite saying of girls S O R E ? / ' assuredly helped the growers in the no CSovemment settlement schemes and women who are keeping an orderly marketing of their produce, should be undertaken. . anxious eye on the bathroom scales. but they have little pOw,er. to set forconnm on Regarding the new returned sol­ C h f i^ ic s What they don’t realize is that m ilk prices according to, cost of. produc- , ordinary sore ^ dier settlement scheme, which is is not the fattening villain it is tion. Marketing : Boards®must be khroafc / designed to make things easier for sometimes made out to be. Pastry, given more powers backed by Gov­ toe veterans of this war than the PREMWM: jam, rich dessert^' chocolate sim- ernment authority. It is to be hoped S.SJB. scheme, of toe last war,-any ' daes and other fatty and starchy that the recommendations : of the easier terms should be extended to foods are the true culprits; they w ill Commission on these Boards may' make the daily cailorie totM go sky- make some suggestions of value to SB.B. settlers of toe last war. Widows of S.S.B. veterans, who high. But no one. w ill ever get fat the well-being of the growers. have been trying to keep up the CRACKERS from drinking a half-pint to a pint Consumers,, particularly, in the larger towns, have been so much in payments, should have clear titles of m ilk a day. £23-1 Women (or men) who don’t have the habit of getting cheap farm given to them, as in most cases toe products that any/increase of prices husbands died through war disabili­ at least a half-pint every day can­ M not possibly be getting enough cal­ to the point of giving the farmer a ties.,. TBY COUBIEB WANT ADVTS. Medical attention, including oper­ cium in their diet. And calcium is FOB QUICK BESULTS. living wage is bitterly and often vo­ needed for the strong teeth that are ciferously ■ resented, yet the amount ■ ations, should be. given to all who just as important to beauty as a of out-of-season fruits and vege­ cannot afford to pay. It is a disgrace to. .a civilized country to-see people slim figure. calcium and B -vitamins without the tables coming in from the south, Those who are actually on a re­ fat of whole milk/ No matter how that is sold, show that there is no going through life crippled because ducing diet can get their quota in you are haunted by the bogey of /Portage of money for luxury pro­ they could not get toe .price of at­ the form of buttermilk or skim being overweight, don’t cheat your­ ducts. tention. ' milk; both of which contain protein, self out of your daily m ilk! Dean Clement says; *‘It is not the To sum Up rather lengtoy notes

II .


T«kt Part of Y«»r Sfeans# P. B. WlllltS i CO MifS Marlorie Matljesori left last M t m m J i m '( f m J t week for Toronto, where sli® will SAFEWAY is War Sav- W »r Savings Raffle Ttcketa alwai^s o a t y o u r enter the T\}rojrito Bible College. and War Savings Stamps KEXAIX STORE. She is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. ♦ Hmm idttu yvmr Tbamk^hittg di>m*r ★ A sfM tcia t U A t f A. S. Matheson. infii Stampt. • • • Mrs. M. Cameron, Vancouver, Is a Tbamk$ghin$ /flW V that w ill $0 V t j p m m m * y ★ Tbi%€ m lditrs fa rt w *V iatr^TiaBCMBTWiSafciMiitoQs^^ visitor in Kelowna, a guest of Mrs. - - 1 9 Your Rcxall Drug Store PHONE - K Chamberlain. • • • Mrs. E. Nordrnau returned last week from a holiday spent at the J&J Coast. e • » • “ BABY PRODUCTS Mr. and Mrs. P. Z. Nosper, Lum- B A B Y by, spent several days in Kelowna during the paH week. OIB p e r Mr, and Mrs. G. F. Hale, Vancou­ c^his iW fifiil help you b o ttle ver,^ are guests of the Royal Anne 60c, $1.10 Hotel this week. RSenu ideas tor The Misses, Eileen and Phyllis your hesfUionhoyiviny ever K L E E N E X Tissues Hawklln, Prince Rupert, are visitors BABY POWDER in Kelowna tills week, guests of the In extra-^food PEAS, Sugar Belle, Sieve 2, 16-oz., each m An ^S s i z e s r s IS' Royal Anne Hotel. 28c, 55c ftCQULAlft SIZE S ' f • • • CORN, Golden Bantam, Garden Side, 16-<-oz rtw IrtsY (Mrs. A. St. Cyr, Moose Jaw, Is a Thanks^ving t o m a t o JUICE, Libby’s, 15-oz. tin ...... visitor In Kelowna this week. BABY 0 0 0 CRANBERRY JAM, 12-oz. jar ...... SOAP AW Capt. and Mrs. T. Murphy, Ver­ p e r bar, non, spent the week-end In Ke­ Dinner MINCE MEAT, Weathies, lOJ^-oz. pkg...... 16c 15c low n a. PUMPKIN, Aylmer, 16-oz. tin ...... 10c • to • Generously laden tables are tra­ Mrs. P. Combolds and Miss T. ditional for Thanksgiving, but in BABY Combolds, Oliver, were guests.of the WB CUARANIEB TON A QRANP^TASTNIW Per lb., CREAM 0 h I^ Willow Inn for several days last this war year to set an extravagant w e e k . tabic would be unpatriotic. You'ie T U R K E Y 3 5 C 60c m 0 • ■ probably planning to serve a n. Mr. and Mrs. 'M. P. Horton, Omak, extra-good dinner, but still your <—A (hnSwy tost w N raart 8«lds|i Iwoww ■4«iMlsr sod were week-ond visitors in KeloW- dsfichws. Esmy UM b tenfeSy [selsctod sad prar I B A Y E R 'S ASPIRIN- na, guests of the Royal Anne Hotel. menu and decorations no doubt 100 fo r . sox « to to will be simplified. Safeway Home- psnidL E m y Srfswsy taihay Is tsadswpiastsd ■">0ssw w ISSUES Mrs. Helen Roe, Vernon, was a nmkers’ Bureau oilers the follow- BMd l» fdssM you Is «nay wsy Of aO y «ir M M y btok. visitor in Kelowna over the week­ ii^ nxapra forTIumkO^viUg, 1942. For Y ou r end, . REXAtL NOSE iind THROAT Dr. and Mrs, F. L. Wilson, Trail CORN STUFFINGS A IR W A Y COFFEE, frfesh ground, lb...... 346 I i RELIEF with Ephedrln. C|¥^ spent several days In Kelowna* this Tasty in tnilcey or with poric, ham, GRAPEFRUIT and ORANGE JUICE, 20-oz. tin 19c P er bottle ...... t J l r C week, guests of the Royal Anne Ho­ duck; goott, efaideen, os capon, te l. KETCHUP, Heinz, 14-oz. bottle ...... 21c ■ to to this rtufling is simply made. Cora­ »r lARom snuNaiooiH **Attmnburya PAST! m OOAT Mrs. F, W. Elmore left on Sunday h s WH <»P* ,wh^.kernel «orn, PIPKLES, SwWt Mixed, Family Circle, 27-oz. bot. 29c BRITAINi evening for Powell River, where a cu^ '|K>ft bretdp cnuhbsk i l i she w ill be the guest of her daugh­ PHEESE, Krdfi Canadian, 2-Jb.' b o x ...... 67c tbsj^ sadv K : k H M g r ^ PcpjP**’ o*" were week-end guests of the W illow parsley.' iuM H 'melted butter 'DETTOL' -Mrs. G. A. Matthewson, Ganges, ^ d 4 WePrbeat^"i ,- ir n : arrived in Kelowna on Friday and well Makes guffl^epl; stuff­ HE MODEgN AN^SBPTIC A ^ j^ l^ —For sore 3 5 ^ is the house guest of Mr. and Mrs. ing for a 12-‘pound turkey. . fwInttanlappDcaMan: H, G. M. Gardner. to oil _ _ _ tu b e 3 0 c,5 0 c to '' to " to ' MINCEMEAT CUSTARD PIE w iH ca a iK i ' O K N WOUNDS^ * Mrs. 'H. P. Hodges, Victoria, Is a guest of the W illow Inn this week. -Here's a royal finish-for your . to ; .1 to. ^. to' * LEGS of . tAM B, lb...... 32c SEALERS—Gem. curs • scRATdjns |lei>Q m in Deodoranl KOF-FIX—The guaranteed Tbanksgivmg dinnw. Beat 3 eggs Ueut.-CoL H. F. Cotton, Winni­ quarts. Dozen ... . $1.39 ABRASIONS Cough Syrup, 16-oz.'bot, v V C slightly^ >' Add H ’ cup sugar > and CHfCKEI^S^ EoBsting, lb...... 29c peg Light Infantry, Vernon, and RUBBER, O'... Mrs. Cotton were guests of the Roy­ kk tip- B(dt; bekt'welU.add 2 cups s h o u l d e r 6|[ LAMB, lb...... 22c R IN G S ...... al Anne Hotel during the weekrcnd. milk gradually, stirring until 4 23c K U h Gmrms Fait - to f,. p Z)c«^/,n^'r6t :^ r e a ^ thoroughly ,'mixed^ Line a deep FlLLi^TS of VEAL, lb...... 33c RINSO—Giant, ,Po0g N o t H i/if. or men'll shirts. Does Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Sawyerj Van­ heavy 9-inch pic pan with pastry p e r p k g ...... 46c not Irritate sldn. couver, were guests of the, Willow SHOULDERS^ of VEAL, lb...... 22c ^on-pofgonouf rolled slightly thicker than usual DQG FOOD—Pard. L No waiting to drr— Inn last week. Pon-Haining • • • Spread ciips mincemeat over SAUSAGE, Brookf’ld; pure pork, lb 24c 16-oz. tins ...... 2 ““ 23c can be used right ( Miss Marjorie Gooderham return­ bottom of crust. Pour custard mikr Per bottle, after shavhig. - ed last week from a holiday spent tureovermincemeat;s|HiDkle with CHKESEy r Armstrong, mild, lb. .... 29c CHERUB MILK— i. Stops perspiration in Vancouver. nutmeg. Bake in hot oven GSO** T a ils ...... 3 ““ 29c for 1 to 3 days. 5 0 c ,'1 .5 0 P.) 20 minutes; reduce'to mdd- P e r case, 48 tin s ...... 34.64 I. White greaseless, vanishing cream Mrs. W. Page Pow ell Vancouver, isthe guest of her sister, Mrs. W. A. crate hveibi (850* F .) and-bake [25 C A N A D A 3 large O K g» I. Arrld has the American Instate o M im ro . minutes longer, or, until silWr Laundering Approval Seal for beln< ■ m to to . . MATCHES .... boxes fUcJl/ STORE OPEN knife inserted in center comes out HARMLESS TO FABRICS. Miss Agnes Kelly, Los Angeles, ORANGES, Suftkist; juicy 3’ lbs. 37c GRAHAM' WAFERS— ITUES., OCTOBER 13 clean. Serve warm. Makes one fl­ who had been a guest of the Royal LEMONS, Sunkist 2 lbs. 29c I.B.C. 16-oz.'pkg. ... 22 c Closed THURSDAY, OCT. 15 ARRW /39^ and 59# a |ai Anne Hotel for the past two weeks, inch pie. Serves 6. to 8. • * except for Prescripition and left Kelowna on Satiuday, GRAPEFRUIT, Juicy Sunkist 3 lbs 35c, SARDINES— Emergency Servicej Regular ■Safeway Brunswick ..... 4 ““ 25c ' store hours from then on. W e prepay all parcels or Mr. and Mrs. Don McLean, Carm l CABBAGE, local,; firm heads .. 2 lbs. 5c Homemakers* Bureau SALM ON—^Extra quality mall orders. were guests of the Royal Anne Ho­ Box 519, Vancouver, B. C. LETTUCE, crisp, firm heads .. 2 for 9c tel during the past 'weeki JULIA LEE WRIGHT,' Director K e ta , 16-oz. tin ...... • ■ '.to.. TURNIPS,, Jpe Rich ...... 7 lbs. 19c WHEAT PUFFS—Big Shot. Miss E. M. McCarry, Vancouver, Kelowna, B.C. 22-oz. p k g ...... Phone 19 was a guest of the Royal Anne^Ho- SWEET POTATOES ...... L 2 lbs. 23c t l'l tel during the past week. Capt. iand Mrs. L. J- Dake. spent r m t e e s o i o i e r s f a r e m e u OStTAINLV WAS irnoNVoosTACCNT several days in Kelowna last week, fUNHAVINOlNa AtOWIHAMAaEOUAR registered at the Royal Aim e Hotel M D DO r r eo«!iipeut.Aim OMNat.AIOr. THANKS BursWTHEa. '*WwUM^AUMT iHeoHNNESKtoS TO SMEWAY.'niRR M vim vu tee MNE/icnuu.vmiP rnmOUTSPBiOOK n u ccs ARSSOLOW ANV>MOa£THAM ««ON06RnN-iWn Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Shelton, Vaii- sototcasrpn you HOtV.IVE.CAM TOSseTHemius', I'AICOWOTOSAVe couver, were vli^tors in Kelowna TOSNKSeiviNe UaVBTHEflOyS WStMVe BEEN XNOlWHr eNouoHmooAjfir for a few days last week. \ DINNER WOOUMir s p o m m o H A RETAIL STORES BSAN’S WORLD iteaotARDumsg. eoErswCK. YBsIsueauD- Ian S. Walker and P. J. Carter, Mrs. M, Nicholl .Trail, w ^ and Toronto, spent a week's holiday in visitor in Kelowna, for several, days ■ Kelowna: guests of the W illow Inn. during the past week. .... BUSINESS HOUSES Lieut. J. C. Lister, Vernon, was . Mrs. C. Arnold, Vancouver, was a week-end visitor in Kelowna, a a guest of the Royal Anne Hotel will he CLOSED on guest of the Royal Anne Hotel. last week. \ C. H. Nicholl Trail, was a visitor Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Horton, Nelson, MONDAY NEXT, OCTOBER 12™ in Kelowna for several days during are guests of the Royal Anne Hotel the past week. this week; Vow- can serve anjextni spem^ dinner on the s ^ e mon^yiien you shop-. and all day on to ' to . to G. F. Morrison, Winnipeg, was a Capt. and Mrs. W. H. Brown, Ver- at Safeway, regularly. The savings really pile up because Safeway’s prices— -SaSEIKSY': THURSDAY, OCTOBER 15™ gue^ of the Royal Anne Hotel last non, were guests of the Royal Anne are low on everything eveiy day. Tlry it-yoursell and youTl be amazed ^ Prices etfectlvei Thursday,'.October '8th, to After which date they will resume normal week. Hotel over the week-end. the money yoa’U have fo^ Uie extra Aings. • Wednesday, .Oeibberr 14fb; ilnclnslve .O. St. P. Aitkens has returned Miss Anne Lister, Vernon, was a hours of operation. from the Coast. ^ visitor in Kelowna during the week- E. W . BARTON, Secretary. Mrs. George Bell, Vancouver, who T \ | 7 A X W ' /Yl7 George Rankin, J. L. Loudon and- • •••. hadrd been the guest of her daughter, l/ u A m w F , RETAIL MERCHANTS BUREAU Dr. H. E. Wright, Yakima, were: Mrs, David Horn, Winnipeg, an Mrs. Marjorie Wilson, Riverside Av- week-end guests of the Royal Aim e aunt of Capt. J. H. Horn, has taken enue,'returned to her home on Mon- b L l) RESIDENT PACK HEALTH AND ENERGY IN H o t e l up residence at the Royal Anne Ho- day. _____ /. tel for the winter montiis. ... . I,. , -rr ' ' Mr. and Mrs. F.H . Steele, Vancou- Mrs. Jane Sewell yVhittingJiam EVERY LUNCH BOX Lieut. G. C. Woods, yem on, spent :■' l - r the week-end in Kelowna* a guest Mr, and Mrs, Charles P. McQueen, ver, are guests of . the Royal Anne •' - ■’ - Passed' Away, in Hospital on When fruit and fann workers leave home' every morning GIRL GUIDE NOTES e w e r -r ic h t ^ ^ of the Royal Anne Hotel" West Vancouver, were visitors in Hotel this week. to ' to to' Kelowna during the past week. • • • for work, make sure the lunch box contains sandwiches 1st Kelowna Girl Guide Company September 26 L ast NUPTIALS HELD ■ Gordon-Elliot and W. Tucker, * * .? V.. '. Miss Rae Millar, Victoria, who had made -wipti Vernon, were week-end guests of Miss Jean Hamilton, Watrpus, been the guest of her aunt, Mrs. Next Rally: Monday, October the W illow Inn, Sask., spent Monday and Tuesday Marjorie Wilson, returned to h e r The death occurred on Saturday, 12th, in the Scout HaU, at 7.00 p.m. A T COAST • ■ • in Kelowna visiting friends, ,en jMfonday. September 26th last of Mrs; Jane Orderly Patrol: Orioles. R. S. Lawrence, Nelson, was a route to the Coast. Sewell Whittingham, who passed a- , SUTHERLAND’S IDEAL BREAD At inspection last -Monday uni­ Son of Mr. and Mrs. H. B. visitor in Kelowna last week. - n/r J T7. - T -D„n Mrs. Len 'Hill, Peachland, was way in the Kelowna General Hospi­ forms showed improvement but visitor in Keloama on Monday. tal, after “a short illness. - some ties still need attention. We Ewer Married at New West­ Lieut.-Col G.. G. Wannop, Ver- ver, have retiumed to their home Mrs. Whittingham had resided in had a good attendance that evening, minster non, spent the week-end in Kelow- after'spending their honeymoon in but there are still some late-comers. ______na, a guest of the Royal Anne Ho-.Kelowna. i Kelowna for the past twenty-nine years. She was bom in Atherton, We were ^ad to have our I^trol The New Westminster. home of te L ■■■■■' ■■■' ' • • COAST WEDDING SUTHERLAND BAKERY LTD. • • • Mrs. F. T. Marriage entertained Lancashire, in 1870, and came to Phone 121 We Deliver Leader^ who have ateent bride’s parents was the setting Lieut; J. C. Duncan, Vernon, was at the tea hour . on. Monday after- Canada after the death of her hus­ throu^^working late, and we h o ^ for the quiet wedding, on Saturday, a week-end visitor in Kelowna. noon,-at the Willow Inn, honoring OF LOCAL INTEREST band. H er eldest son, Fred, was kill­ we shall soon have a full attend- September 5th. of Rita Marie, eldest ance. _ , . Miss Frances Treadgold and Miss ed in the last war and she is sur­ daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. C. R. R. Sutherland^ Victori^ was a ...... Annp flurtg, who- have received vived by two sons, Harry, in Bur- -The signalling game was won by Richter, and Pte. Horace Joseph visitor in Kelowna* during the past calTfor ith? 'W^^^ t h e Larks. The compass exercise Ctt. a»d with LIBRARY HAS (Bud) Ewer, eldest son of Mr. and week. Service. Th ey expect to leave short­ was. good fun, and so were the re­ Mrs. H. B. Ewer, Kelowna. R. El- • • * ly . lay races. We also had some folk Hot McAllister officiated. Dr. A; Johnston, of Vancouver, wias BUSY MONTH dancing to conclude the Rally. w 3^(1 ,two nieces, ,®/[rs. Jack’ Butticci _ . The bride wore a mink trimmed a visitor in Kelowna this week, a , The engagement is announced of ber 28th,. when Emma R., second - oiQn liw hpre daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A.: Peters, and M i b . E, also live here. TOe Hunmii^birds 'were ptp leaf green silk and wool dressmaker guest of the Royal Anne Hotel, Angela RosSleen (Pat) Carton,-Reg.. Loans 3,387’ Books in Septem-_ this week with 64 pom^^^ Bluebirds brown accessories and a „ *' * ' , N daiiffhter of Mrs 'B J Cariori Ferni®, B. C., became the bride of services fpr^lbe la^M rs. second with 56 pomts, and Larks j.Qj.gggg. Qj pj^j^ rosebuds. As her P> C. Patterson* Ottawa, was a ber—Non-Fiction Popular fe> - ( ^ thkd with 43. .... sister’ssTsteriT bridesmaid,briSesm air MissmT s^ Norma.-Noi^ . guest of th® . Royal , Anne Hotel dur- and *h®^ate Tho^-^C^^^^^ an| ? A^’ Kmlfback! ^ ~ -- Richter was frocked in leaf brown the past week. Home, only son of Mr. and Mrs. B. W*nnipe& Ve^.,Rev,"Dean Swanson 'Buring the mdnth of September TT Fmst wool with green accessories, with a “ the Kelowna branch_of the Aid test_^d th^Health Ridea Re- corsage of white carnations, wedding ^11 take place bn October are Vernon.residents and are well - . , _ gan Union Library circulated 3,387 em it Ruth PoUard was enrolled last pte and Mrs. Ewer have taken up 12th, at the Holy Rosary Cathedral, known in Kelowna. Woods. E. Omi T. Black c. R: c. c. books among the readers ’of. this M o^ay and Ih ^ a Percival receiv- residence-temporarily in New Wast­ ______Vancouver. The cartons are former The bride wore a two-piece frock/''^ati, J. Pavie aria m ri . v ; f ; ed the Second Class badge. minster ‘ • " . city^ The adult circulation was 2,- Members of the Corns will W t residents of Kelowna. of English', turftan,-with dark brown : t-t ...— ~ ' • •We were very sorry to learn of ‘ • ''■■■■ 719,'while ;668 b ook s were borrowed '4 the Military Hospital in Vernon on ' accessories, and a corsage of A A 1K1 1|fffOCf/\1kT the passing away> of Mr. Frank rVES—ADAMS NUPTIALS by children. ■ A PROTECTIVE Ib a t serious reaSirig is a favorite Coles. He was always much inter­ Frida, avStog. iT;'jcg‘'sa,t5^ r."thur French, Vancouver, “ was S' the OKANAGAN MISSION ested in the Company and the The wedding took place in Van- Members of the Corps w ill attend _®t the Coast this week, pastime these days is indicated by. the bride’s attendant and chose an aqua FOOD Br()wnie Pack and'wiiling to help couver, on Friday, October 2nd, at the Dugout in Vernon on Friday ev- ,* * * ■ T 1- 1 iTr .3 - Afact that 885 of the books loaned to blue *two-^piece suit, with brown ac- us in any way he could, and we St. Philip’s Church, of Elsie, daugh- ening. • Mr. and Mrs. Thos. W. Smith an- Pt®. Isobel W alw orth, CW.A.C., ^ere of the non-fiction type Look for the PALM Sign shall miss him Very much. ter of Mr. and Mrs. F. T. Adams, There will be no Wednesday night nounce the engagement *keir cessones and a. corsage of-pink who graduated from the Training ^ , Vancouver, and !^ederick L. Ives, parade until further notice, due to second daughter, fJenm e. Elizabeth, ■ Centre at Vermilion, last week, ar- , mi.,— ftn;? rinn^firtion'^ books-’ were SEARCH FOB FLASHLIGHTS only son of Mrs. Jarvis, Kelowna. members of the C orps; assisting to Sergeant Ronald Giggey, ,R.C.A., Norman W illis_^s the grooms- j-iyed home on 48 hours leave l^ t^ ^ ^ ggj^gj,3j -23. TO LAST FOR DURATION ------with the picking.' of Victoria, son of Mrs. Jessib Gig- man,/nd Dick^^sene^ ^ ^ _ philosophy 38? r S n , 2^^ gey and the late Mr. Giggey, of St; Played the -we(Jding music. Miss Yvonne Baldwin arrived o g y , 2 2 ;_^language, 7; natural science. Search basements, attics and tion for the next day’s work, John, New Brunswick.The wedding Following the ceremony, a recep- at her home at the Mission last 16; useful, arts, 56; fine arts. 36; lit workshops for old flashlights and Many people unconsciously waste will take place- quietly at the end tion was held at the Devonshire, eratu re, 45; tra v e l, 200; ; biograph y, get them reconditioned. This advice battery power by leaving the switch, PETER SEIFERT ■of next Week. H?teL ^^e bride,and ^oom week-end few a short holiday. is given by the Department of Muni- on when the lantern or flashlight is • - • • will reside temporarily. Mr. Kaul- to to • ■ to 303, and h istory, 123. , tions and Supply, for metal is used not needed. It well for all DIES A T COAST : Miss Yvonne Baldwin, who has back has enlist^ with an anti^air-' Pte. Norman Apsey was home on During- the month 59 people reg­ for flashlight cases and it is import- users and particularly those on the been visiting at her home at Okan- craft battery, leave last week-end. istered as new borrowers,! 18 of i ant that metal should be conserved farm to conserve battery power as agan____ Mission, plans to return to whom were visitors inr Kelowna. for use in munition works. much as possible so as to ensure Peter Seifert, a former resident Westminster this week-end. iwan-i?<: r'naAr^ u x -v 't 1st Okanagan Mission W olf Cub Flashlights and electric lanterns that portable light will be readily of Kelovvna, died in Vancouver on , -. . * . m a iv iw s I x m a t s a u x KEiAix . ■ - -Pack-" COMPLAINS ABOUT HOUSE are being, used to a far greater ex- available when most needed and in October '2n(i. He was an old age - Mrs. E. J. Noble, Vancouver and O n Monday night the City Coun- W. Burnell, Abbott Street, com- tent by farmers and rural residents cases of emergency. pensioner. He Rved in this city Tor formeriy of Kelovvna, is a visitor in cil order that the rent from Lot 4, The Pack vdll meet at the Scout- dbut u i reiuseu refused’ ieuei;« redecoration, as the:. generally. 'With increased farm pro- There is very little: to the mech- about twelve years but in October, ‘ town this week t o attend the wed- Block 11; Map 462, be ordered paid Hall at 3.15_ on ^ursday, October 9. p ^ u~ crinQo in nnn house commanded . a very cheap'v duction and the inability of the far- anism of a flashlight or lantern— »1940, moved to Armstrong. . • ding of her son Gnr, WiRiam Ed- to the end of December, in return . La^ week, M epyn Olson^ p a^ d wtuch^^^ m er to secure tepair parts, It -be- they are easy to keep in repair and ------• , ward. Noble, and Dorothy Helen, for the services rendered- .to the his first star te^* the g^^^ p r H v C ou ^ cU ho^^^^^ comes necessary for him to repair when-used without abuse a set of a man died of hard drink—:a only daughter of Mr, and Mrs. A. L. city by Ernest J. Maguire in* the the Cubs practised for further b day _.^y^Vnight agreed___ J 4- 1,;,to ..i.,,..replace the glass TR Y A COURIER CLASSIFIED A D , his implements at night in prepara- batteries w ill last a long time. block of ice fell on him. ' Cross, R u tlan d. - C it y P a rk . ges.


More About » BLOOD DONORS REGISTER RICH SUDS GIVE SCRAP RUBBER WITH THE BEST RESULTS RECLAIMED McKe*t^4e Qa., J U t d . 7 RETAIL Cm < t T n R F S EKV IL£a3 To pd to® beet resulto when* it What happens to the old hot water U iicceftsary u> w m n cloUiea in hard bottle or womout Ur® that’s beeri water, make a rich suda In toe tub lying around in toe basement and B g t. Hoiuspiuirvy which was turned In for rubber From P«£e 1 Coluxnn 8 or waahjn# machine before the ispent i>ewral days In Kelowna this clothea are put In, and keep a good salvage? After it has been taken to SPECIALS about 142, out of 240 who had re;g- week, en luute to 'Vemon from Buds all during the washing procem the salvage pile, the scrap rubber iatcred. who reUumed to claeaes. It Prince Rur>ert where he has been to float off toe dirt and the lime collected all across Canada is bought i« known Uu»t a number Iiave not stationed for the jiast year and a curds caused by mlneraia in the by toe Fairmount Company Limit­ Titursday to Saturday Only ! regtstered as yet. ao to® number h a lf. Sgt. B la k e is « fo r m e r rtsoldi- water coming in cxmtact with the ed, which is Ck»v»rtma*nt-owB*d, would aj^roximate fifty per cent ent of Kelowna. soap. When toe scrap rubber reaches toe # # • of toe normal cnroHment. The It takes more soap to make and reclaim plants in Montreal and in a m Seiilo*" Matriculation clas# was a l-' CpL Jack Whitten. R.C.O.C, Prince Toronto, it is sheared and chopped NOODLE SOUP- keep good suds in hard water than V / lf* K most comjdetc, but less than fifty Rupert, former owner of "Jack’s in aoft ^ water, since enougti aoap into tiny pieces. This old rubber Bt ...... Vulcanizing Work*,” is spending hU H P^r cent of the Junior Matricula­ must be used to perform this soft­ is treated with chemicals and live- furlough in Kelowna. tion students were present, ening function before permanent steam, given a shower bath and Get ft Meftt SUcer for 40c wUE » ITiO higher grades of toe Junior pressed Into balea of reclaim. parcbftftc of Qn«kcr PuRcd Gilbert 'Weeley Bemcraet. Vancou­ suds can be formed. Ehccept for High were poorly attended, and silks, wools and rayons, stronger Hero Is what that reclaim la used WEcftt SFiCRKIESt ver, toe son of Mrs. Lucy Somerset, school ofllciala were reluctant to soaps give best requite, since. In for: war vehicle tires, warplane QUAKER CORN FLAKES give any indication of the attend­ Peachland. recently enlisted with tires, aeroplane detachable pontoons, the R.CA.F. In Vancouver. addition to the ingredients in pure ance there. mild soaps, they contain alkaline army ground sheets and shoulder COOKED SPAGHETTI — With pads, gas masks, steel helmet lin- Education authorities expressed materials which help to precipitate Leading Stoker R, A. Webater, Ipgs, oxygen masks, tank bogie Tomato and Q tins 25c concern over the fate of the Junior. toe mineral salts in hard water and R.C.N., Halifax, is spending his wheels, army signal wires, army Cheese fo r Matriculation students who had not reduce the amount of lime soap K L E E N E X — leave in Kelowna. footwear, A.R.P. fire hose, war in­ returned to classes. One School curd toat is formed. p e r p k ...... 15c If you want CHEESE—'“WeU, dustry belting, .tank buffers and Board member stated: "We have L A .C . F j B. Gore, R.CA.F., Van­ w e have It." When clothes are taken from the crash pads, anununition trays, life done everything wo can to explain couver, spent three days In Ke­ ______„ . _ Hundreds of Canadians are donating blood for the wounded thrdugb suds and plunged into clear water saving Jackets, mimiUon workers* to too students and to their parents lowna at his home, returning to his for rinsing, the lime curds form protective clothing, bomber cat- RINSO the~Berrouan«s of tfiese students re- the facilities of the Canadian Red Cross. Donors are shown above arriving station on Tuesday. readily. It helps if clothes are walks, and many other vrar articles. G ia n t maining out of classes any longer, at one of the centres and registering with a volunteer Red Cross worker. • • • « wrung as dry as possible before they The reclaiming process is carried p e r pk., If they fail next spring in their ex- LA.C. Ian Maofarlane, R.CA.F., ore put into the rinsing water. aminatlons, the blame can be plac­ son o f Mr. and Mrs. Dugald Mac- on very efficiently. Only one-fifth ed in only one place—on the par­ Gordon Head O.T.C., farlanc, is spending a furlouish in Putting clothes into clear hard of the ol(l rubber is lost in the pro­ CLOVER LEAF SALMON— 46 c ents. It is the parents’ duty to see Kelowna. He is stationed at Torbay, water, and then rubbing the soap cess. Two thousand, five hunted • Fancy pink. OQ/* that their youngsters como to Newfoundland. on to them, makes them gray, dingy pound.s of scrap will make tw 6 p e r tin ...... A i O C PEANUTS— school, especially in the very Im­ Press Officers Get Headache , • • • and si>otted. thousand pounds of reclaim rubber. a t ...... d i fo r portant Junior Matric. year. Par­ Lieut. Ted Weddell, son of Mr. WHEAT PUFFS— 2 1 35c| , . Get yours today! ents do not realize the handicap and Mrs. E. C. Weddell, arrived In 10-oz. pks...... 25c they are asking their children to In Officers* Training Course Kelowna on Sunday from Dundum, M a k e t h e m ost e i yourTea.m MACKINTOSH 9 lbs. assume when they consent to tholr Saak., where ho is stationed. He T O F F E E . JCi graduated on Wednesday, Septem­ (o, 69c! remaining out of school for even one (By Capt. B. Pearce, Public Relations Officer, M.D. 1) BRUNSWICK SARDINES— ber 30th, from the Rcconnaissafice FRESH EGGS—In additional week.’’ P ric e d 4 tin s 25c School at Dundurn, and w ill return cartons. Per doz. .. 52c A survey of the packing houses You don’t become an officer In Bren gun, to don a gas mask in jise BOIUffGwafe^ indicates tliat many students will the Canadian Army today simply by eight seconds, to dig trenclms, to there this weekl Also graduating HEDLUND’S STEAK and 4 /V _ { return to school on Monday next, being granted a commission and ride a motor cycle, to handle an at the same tim e was Lieut. Harry M U S H R O O M S , IG^pz. tin y b U i / l Packing house officials state that donning a smart new uniform, anti-tank gun, to march by com- Chaplin, a former resident of toe LUX Bear Creek district. HEDLUND’S STEAK and the students leaving have made it Eight Public Relations. Officers, pass, at night and to fire a pistol, ^ « very tou ^ this week, but that they including the writer, from Military In mutual instruction he • becomes L a rg e KIDNEY, 16-oz...... 4 0 c ^ Lieut. Bob Willis, Essex Regiment^ are “struggling through.’’ Few were Districts across Canada found that accustomed to handling a squad of son of M r.' and Mrs. F. J. WlHls,, willing to express any ppinlon on out recently when they were num- men and to intelligently present a X... 25c MAGIC BAKING has been transferred from Borden POWDER, 2^4-oz. tin 70c what conditions would be next beredjn a class of 30-day candidates military lecturette to his comrades, to Dundum, Sask. wefek, when all the students return at the Officers’ Training Centre, ’The practical work is done under TODDY— 16-oz. S CHICKEN LOAF— to classes. In all, there were about Gordon Head, B, C. It was an ex- the watchful eye o t a staff sergeant, Lieut. Dick Bemnore, son of Mr. H p e r tin ...... 25c p e r tin ...... 44c 114 school students working in the perience that we will not soon for- whose tongue can still carry a sharp and Mrs, G. C. Benmbre, has been packing houses or canneries, get, giving us an insight into the sting The dasses are divided into transferred from Camp Borden to ’The reopening of the schools many phases of training that go to platoons, with three of the stud- Dundurfi, 3^k. forced the retail stores and busi- fit an officer for the gruelling strug- ents each day acting as platoon SALAM Fruits and Vegetables nesses to reverse their decision to gle- that lies ahead. conimander, platoon ser^^t and Miss Frances Treodgold and Miss remain open this week. We had the opportumty to rub platoon corporal. An O.T.C, staff Anne Curts leave today, Thursday, ORANGES, large, juicy, doz...... 65c! When the situation was put up to shoulders with boys who had just officer lectures and supervises the for Vancouver, en route to Galt, the retailers last week, they readily arrived back from England after wrffare of each^platoon Ont., where they w ill join the Wo­ ORANGES, medium size, doz...... 49c j agreed to close again this week and two’years overseas, lads of the First Training at Gordon Head is div- men’s Royal Canadian Naval Ser­ .to close on Monday and all day on and Second Canadian Divisions who ided into three parts, based on the vice (WJI.C.N.S.) , Thursday next week, to assist the had earned the right to qualify for regulation three month^ .training — Fruit and Vegetables always fresh daily— LA.C. Raymond Pettigrew, R.C.«I firowers over Ihc second i >€q1c of commissions from the renksw IWEflrch*; ^iven to b11 chndifl&tes ..vrho s r e fio* Jonathans and Delicious, ing side by side were boys, from ing into. infantry, artolepr, armor- A.F., Edmonton, arrived in Kelowna That the effort of the townspeople office, factory, farm and university, ed corps, am iy service cops and on Monday to spend two weeks Is appreciated by the growers is from Ottawa, Toronto, Wmnipeg, other branches of the fighting fpr- at his home here. He has just com­ showm by the advertisement in this Regina, Edmonton and intervening ps. The first month is ‘ prnmon pleted his initial training at Eklmon- ton. The McKenzie C O .,ltd . issue in which the President of the points, French-Oanadian lads from to all arms, the second features B C J’ GA. on behalf of the grow- Montreal and Quebec, yoimg men tactics, and the final month sees toe Len Wade left on Wednesday for ■ Phone 214 The Master Grocers* ers conveys thanks to the people fresh from Reserve Arm y units and boys going to their own partiem^ Vancouver en route ' to ,i Edmonton, of Kelowna for their assistance in some who had had very little army branch for training "special to toe D E L IV E R IE S — H a r v e y and N o rth , 10.30; South o f H a rv e y , 8.30 where he w ill commence his Ihitlal the harvesting operations. experience but who , were qualify- arm.” It is an intensive courp toat training with toe R.CAJF Fruit officials, however, hasten to ing for the Pay Corps, Army Ser- takes all the m ^ t^ and physical ~ Due to Timber restrictions and the neces­ point out that toe reopening of the vice Corps or Ordnance. Every offi- concentration that the c^didate can stores does not mean that toe need cer of toe Canadian Arm y today summon, a small proportion are un- to vacuum clean or whisk off the sity of supplying essential needs for the furth­ for town help has ended. It only must take a three-months qualiping able to make the grade and go back mattress at least every six weeks.' erance of the war effort, we are compelled to means that the ^tuation has c l^ - course at an Officers’ T^mning to toeir umto. _ A cover will help to protect toe fled sufficiently to permit toe re- Centre. Those in the Dental Corps At toe end of three months toe mattress from soil and dust, and' curtail local sales. taxation of the extraordinary and Public Relations take a 30-day fledgling officer receives his _ re­ also, from direct contact ^Mth toe measures laken by the retailers. course. ward, and a well-deserved one it is. coils of an open spring. Place a \ Grower officials express the hope For iriany of us toe first week or at - a graduation ceremony which quilted pad between toe bed sheets, We hope our customers will understand that all townspeople w ill continue two was rather a tiylng experience, forms a fitting cUmax to the course, and toe mattress. Pads are sanitaiy their-efforts in the harvest every 'We took considerable punishment. W e had toe privilege of witnessmg, and prevent soil and moisture from our position. ; . available moment Thursday after- Six-mile route marches in full battle in_fact participating in one of toe^ penetrating to toe mattress itself. boons and Sundays are of valuable order and a half hour of strenuous events. It was an inspiring spectacle Commonsense care now w ill mean assistance, and a continuing effort bayonet practice do not come easily as well over one hundred _ young added life to a mattress, so look KELOWNA SAWMILL CO. LTD. w ill be necessary for the next three to the novitiate, fresh from a seden- Canadians, keen and fit, paraded after the present one. You may not weeks probably, if the winter varie- tary occupation. 'When you go at fore Major-C3eneral A. E. Pot^ be able to get another for toe dura­ lO -tfc ties are to be picked. a steady pace, from dawn to dusk, Officer Commanding the 6th D ivis- tion . Z ...... you are dog-tired when “ lights out” ion, to receive their parchments as is sounded, probably long before, secoad lieutenants, while admiring Once thb kinks are out of toe mus-, relatives and friends applauded and SAVE CARGO SPACE PIONEER SHOE cles and you become, accustomed to several hundred undergraduates the daily routine, however, camp’’ formed an imposing background for life assumes a new attractiveness, the ceremony. MERCHANT__ ___ DIES ' Gordon Head is the Officers’ Two types ^ candidates go to FOR WAR RMTERIALS - Training Centre for Western Cana- Gordon Head. On^ comprises those WE SERVE « Charles Dark Passes at Age of da. but many potential officers are- who already havebeencom m i^n- coming here from th e , east to re- ed and now seek^quahfi^tion. They Eighty-rThree Ueve the congestion at the sister wear white arm bands. The remmn- training centre in Erockville. Incid- officer cadete, lads select^ The death occurred on W^nes- S ly S the ranks by tiiOir command day morning, October 7th of Char, entally. i^h^qen^^^ ^ ^ prospective officer les Dark, at the age of 83 years; at ? ^ a bi^e^pa^on^m^^ his home, 139 'Wilson Avenue, Kel- _ officer candidates Located commissioned, a fact which is signi- IN WORK CLOTHES owna. The- deceased was b^n on Aux of o^cer^cam the wearing of white should- September 7, 1868, m North Devon, Gordon Head has been in er and cap bands. A ll are Oh a par England, and came lo this co im ^ boeration since .the spring of 1941 during their stay at Gordon Head, in 1904, when he settled at Leto- ^eration ^^cyh Candidates arl taught to look af- bridge’Jater commg to K®lowjia of virile Mntoisively-trained ter themsdlves in every-way, ‘‘Spit where he operated a shoe store for ^in e, and polish” is a byword, as the boys , . nmny years on Bernard Avenue. shine toeir buttons, clean their web ------^ ...... T h e d e c e ^ d w a s a member of a^J^^esponsto^^^^ in we Ganaaian sweep the floors of their Little Georgie: “Father, please let Mrs. Reed, quoting. from news- Diming our four weeks at .Gor- huts, fold blankets neatly^ line up i me have sixpence to give to a poor paper: “It says here that a woman of “ ^^choirjmtiL don Head, the sun shone almost un- their mattresses, polish shoes and man who has only one arm.” ' ■ in Omaha has just cremated her . Dark predeceased her interruptedly and the'nights were otherwise leam neatness^d clean- HisFather:“That’s right, myson, third husband.” JiW bv ^e sJn A E i?^k S delightedly W , f o r C h e ’ always help the afflicted. But who Miss 'Willing: ‘‘Heigho! Isn’t that ^ ’ ‘ ried out imder ideal conditions, week for the best-kept hut a d there is keen competition for the is the poor man, George?” just the way? Some of us can’t get Having had the opportunity of vis-

~ and army schools'in Eastern Cana- . _ wn-- bands to bum.' com pleted. da, we are free to say that we have phase^of O.T.C. tra^ ng. not seen a more orderly and effi- Jl^® P®w officer leavre CJonion Head, Serviceable clothing that will give the ciently conducted camp than Gor- he is comi^tmt not, o^ y to- look maximum in comfort and wear. don Head. Discipline is strict and but to tram his men. not a waking moment is wasted. It is true that they mu^ take ad- L a st tim es ton igh t, 7-8.34 W ill as many as possibly can be The candidates are thoroughly im- traim ^ at Borcten, Shilo,' IRON MAN PANTS seated BEFORE 7.pjn.' SAT.^ to “WE WERE DANCING” bued with the seriousness of the Debeit or make room for patrons attending and task which they are undertaking months at Clprdto Head has In grey, pre-shrunk. the second show. PWSSI ‘‘DATE with toe FALCON’ and with their responsibility to Pair ...... $3.25. rftMOU* P1AYIK5 THBATRI show an example to the men whom that will endure for toe ^riod of A really .good program. T H A N K Y O U . they wiU command. Certainly Lt.- their army M e “CARIBOU” KHAKI CoL A. D. Wilson. D.S.O., V.D., and OVERALL PANTS $2.00 ■^ $2.35 his staff deserve the higb®st praise uate must be able to do ever;^hing FRI., SAT., 7 and 8.48 MON., TUBS., 7-8.40 WED., THUR., 7 and 8.31 for making Gordon Head ® model to do B L U E B IB M a tin ee, S atu rd ay a t 2.30 H o lid a y m atin ee. M on , 2.30 On these two nights we offer you military training centre. ®*^*^ 3®®* ® Httle better, OVERALLS ...... $2.25 “”“$2.50^ F ea tu re an excellent ARIZONA WESTERN it is “ eoinff hack to Apart from toe excellent job be- KHAKI and BLUE picture from the skiUed hands of schoo^tor the O TG nuoils A ing done by officers, staff sergeants PrW. Clarence Kellend, who gave you sSSntiS pSto?Sdid^ySgiven and aU other staff ^on n el at C O V E R A L L S $3.25 “^ $3.95 “MR. DEEDS.” I feel sure you will over to classroom lectures on map CARSS HEAVY GREY WOOL PANTS and lik e this. T^Rclin^ m ilitfirv Iciw bfitiv orffsni* W 3S of tho fin 0 cdliDro of youn§ BREECHES. All wool. zltion.^’a^ti-gas^i^^S^ Canadian m^cxid on its to . WILL HARPER, Manager. gineering and allied subjects. That t^ e command^^ mnts ^ the Can- Breeches, O F is the academic side. In a- practical ®^^?® p a ir...... $7.50, .. $7.00 THE way toe student learns to march, Plete with keen ^ d c ^ W ^ ^ “VALLEY SL SUN” how to slope and present arms, how w^osnmOTale_is of toe ^ LUCILLE BALL - JAMES CRAIG hflnHip A FiAvnnfit to ' - firs B iiifi cliHTBctor^. I t W8S B rdro privilos© to handle a bayonet, to nre a associated for thirty days MEN’S WORK SHIRTS Sir CEDRIC HARDWICKS with these youngsters who w ill soon Good quality,, medium heavy cotton, in O K be going. on to toe field of battie — P lu s — blue; green and tan ...... Current Best Sellers and at the head of their platoons or com­ panies. W e venture toe opinion that ''Other types and weights Renters Our army is absolutely safe in their $2.50 B e iE a 's hands. ‘Ih ey are a far cry from_ the READ ■regimented goose-stepping officers MEN’S GREY HANSON SOCKS— 8 of toe Nazi arm y,. *rhey are free, 2 ^ lbs. to 5 lbs. Pair ...... M I I L I M Y THEM for 1 0 c determined yoimg Canadians, who 50c“ $1 IRR have sacrificed ' toe comforts arid “THE PROBLEM' OF THE promise of their civilian careers and . MEN’S HORSEHIDE CARSS MACKINAW IRON CAGE,” / have yolunteered .to fight for fHe Work Gloves . IN N John Dickson Carr freedom of their country. W e would; Leather Coats i In horsehide, kangaroo, etc. Sport Jackets BINO IB ID not choose to be on the opposing' Finest quality. Tan, green and Long coats and B.O. stag “ A G E N T E X ’T R A O R D IN - side when toe zero hour comes and shirt. A ll wool coats in bright, ABY,” Spencer Bayne red. Priced:— $ 1 . 0 0 “ $2 .0 0 CBOSBT'ASTJUBE these Canadian- officers from Gor­ attractive colors. Priced:— ‘‘ABOVE SUSPICION,” — ^Also— d o n H e a d go. into action. $12.95 16.95 M E N ’S , Helen Meinnes $10.00 $16.95 M A R C H O F “ONE SMALL CANDLE," MEN’S Work Boots TIME Jran Pliiilips Cecil Roberts ' M E N ’S (Men of toe MATTRESS UFE Windbreakers 'Serviceable boots with leather A powerful plot and' ‘‘FRONTIER PASSAGE.” or panco soles. Priced:— ^ Underwear F le e t) play telling the adven­ In light weight shower and; Anne Bridge $4.50, $4.75, $4.95 to $7J>0 CARTOON tures of a doctor on DEPENDS ON CARE windproof gabardine. Colors, Stanfield’s and Turnbull’s. At: -Also on this program— Latest News bright Broadway. Renew your subscriptions to green, blue; M E N ’S O K A great deal of the life of a mat­ P ictu res LIFE magazine NOW.! a irfo rce. $4.95 MELTONS $2.25*° $6.00 COLORED CARTOON tress depends on the right care and REMEMBER—Holiday matinee at — ^Also— ■■■ -'and, ■ use. These are days to be properly LATEST NEWS PICTURES 2.30 M on d ay fo r ‘ ‘H o lid a y Inn.” LATEST NEWS PICTURES ...... $5.50, No extra charges for exchange appreciative of a good mattress, as or money order. the materials from which it is made PARENTS PLEASE P R O G R A M S “MRS. M INIVER” are becoming increasingly difficult Send unaccompanied children to toe FOR OCTOBER will be shown here first week in to procure, and the situation is not J ^ i m U e d matidee Saturday, as but few can NOV. DATE SET BACK owing to MORRISON’S likely to improve for some time. be admitted Sat. night. NOW AVAILABLE APPLE PICKING. LIBRABY A NEWS STAND Avoid sitting on the edge of the QUALITY MERCHANDISE Agents for Vsneoaver Son. bed. Never roll, bend or stand the | H ■ ■ H e w e iH mattress on end. It is a good idea |