Fraternities, Sororities to Celebrate Achievements TCU Press Survives Despite Hard Times
TCU Daily Skiff Thursday, April 16, 1992 Texas Christian University, Fort Worth, Texas 89th Year, No. 103 Fraternities, sororities to celebrate achievements By MEREDITH CAWTHRON TCU Daily Skiff The Student Center will be deco- rated with Greek columns and letters beginning Monday, April 20. to pro- mote Order of Omega's annual Greek Week. The group hopes to involve more people then ever before in the week's activities, said Amy Sturhahn. Order GREEK WEEK of Omega advisor. The events are similar to those that take place on Monday, April 20 hundreds of college campuses Picnic in Worth Hil Is Courtyard. nationwide, she said. 5 jun. - 8 pjrt Sponsored by "We want the tradition of recog- Panhellenic nizing Greek achievement to become something that students actively take Tuesday, April 21 part in at TCU," Sturhahn said. Order of Omega Faculty Reception in Woodson Room, Student Center. In years past, the week has simply 430 pm. - 6 pm. come and gone without much partic- Greek Week Awards Banquet in ipation and involvement, she said. Student Center Ballroom. 6 pm. "This year our intent istoestablish a precedent for more success in the Friday, April 24 future," Sturhahn said. Softball Tournament at Intramural Kim Daus. a member of Order of Fields. 3 pin. Omega, said the organization tried to Saturday, April 25 cut down on the number of activities Softball Tournament Finals at that they will sponsor. Intramural Fields. 10 am - 3 pm "We want to try and stress the Springfeat at Worth Hills Courtyard. quality of the events this year, not the 3 pm.
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