Importance of Coryneform Bacteria in Infective Endocarditis
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Infectious Disease Reports 2015; volume 7:6103 Importance of coryneform Toxigenic strains of different clonal groups have exhibited an aggregative-adhering pat- Correspondence: Alexander von Graevenitz, bacteria in infective endocarditis tern in HEp-2 cells.11 While strains of C. pseu- University of Zürich, Nidelbadstrasse 10, CH dodiphtheriticum affected males and those 8802 Kilchberg, Switzerland. Alexander von Graevenitz with prosthetic valves more frequently and Tel.: +41.44.715.3274. University of Zürich, Switzerland showed higher mortality than non-toxigenic E-mail: [email protected] strains of C. diphtheriae,12 strains of C. stria- tum causing endocarditis were frequently Key words: Infective endocarditis; coryneforms; Coryneform bacteria have been defined as corynebacterium; propionibacterium. non-sporing Gram-positive rods with an irregu- nosocomial and multiply antibiotic-resistant lar outline.1 Almost all can be grown aerobical- but the majority of patients survived under Conflict of interest: the author reports no conflict 8,13 ly and assigned to the class Actinobacteria appropriate treatment. of interest. which are characterized by a high guanine- P. acnes is probably underestimated as an cytosine content (>50%) and specific 16S agent of infective endocarditis. While the per- Received for publication: 7 July 2015. rDNA signature nucleotides.2 Some of the gen- centage of isolates from blood cultures that Accepted for publication: 21 July 2015. era in this class are environmental bacteria can be attributed to endocarditis is very small – most isolates are skin contaminants – This work is licensed under a Creative Commons but some (e.g., Actinomyces, Brevibacterium, Attribution NonCommercial 3.0 License (CC BY- Corynebacterium, Dermabacter, Propion - approximately 50 cases have been reported in 14 NC 3.0). ibacterium, and Rothia) belong to the human the literature. Males and patients with pros- microbiome and have also been reported as thetic valves were affected predominantly; and ©Copyright A. von Graevenitz., 2015 agents of human and animal disease. complications such as myocardial abscesses Licensee PAGEPress, Italy Coryneform genera and species have been and valvular insufficiency were frequent.15 In Infectious Disease Reports 2015; 7:6103 either confirmed or newly outlined since the spite of treatment with antibiotics that were doi:10.4081/idr.2015.6103 1990s when biochemical and molecular tests effective in vitro (penicillin alone or with an (PCR, 16S rDNA sequencing) were undertaken aminoglycoside) ci. 75% of the patients had to on a large scale.3 undergo surgery. Interestingly, only 62% 6. Shakoor S, Fasih N, Jabeen K, Jamil B. 15 Coryneform endocarditis is rare. 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