Formula Index

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Formula Index Formula Index Page numbers in lightface refer to entries in Volumes I and 2; page numbers in boldface refer to entries in Volume 3. CS H 9 N02 S2 Abromine Cheiroline 284 C6 H 13 N03 CSHll N02 3: 4-Dihydroxy-2-piperine methanol Salicornine 1196 170 CS H 14 N 2 0 Fagomine 194 Arachine 167 Galegine 613 C6 H6 N2 0 2 C7 H 6 N 2 0 2-( 2-Cyan oeth y 1)-3 -iso x alin-5 -one Nudiflorine 1028 130 C7 H 7 N02 C6 H 7 N03 Trigonelline 1338 Gentianaine 624 C7 Hs N4 0 2 Gentiocrucine 626, 204 Theobromine 1322 C6 HSNI Theophylline 1323 N-Methylpyridinium iodine 302 C7 H 9 N 3 0 4 C6 H 9 NO Willardiine 1413 Guvacine 648 C7 H9 N3 S Isoguvacine 648 Zapotidine 436 C H NO 6 ll C7 H9 N4 0 2 Alkaloid CP-P 62 Isowillardiine 788 N-F ormylpiperidine 197 C7 H lO N4 0 2 C6 H 12 N 2 0 2 Lathyrine 826 Prurienine I 137 C7 H ll N02 C 6 H 13 N Arecaidine 168 N-Methylpiperidine 300 Guvacoline 649 (+)-a-Pipecoline 1108 C7 H 12 N 2 0 C6 H 13 NO N-Depropionylcorticasine 451 N-Methylpiperidine N-oxide 300 N orloline 1017 C6 H 13N02 C7 H13 NO 439 Bellaridine 197 Arecoline 169 C7 H 13 N02 1/3: 2/3--Epoxy-la-hydroxymethyl- Stachydrine 1260 8-pyrrolizidine 524 C7 H 13 N03 CS H 14 N 20 Betonicine 204 F estucine 575 Turicine 1349 Loline 855 C7 H 1S N CSH1SN 2: 6-Dimethylpiperidine 173 'Y-C oniceine 321 C7H17 NO CS H 15 NO Alkaloid AS-l 28 1/3-Hydroxymethyl-8H-/3 C7H 17 N03 pyrrolizidine 718 Acetylcholine 5 ( - )-Hygrine 72 7 C7H21 N20 Isopelletierine 769 Temuline 1292 Laburnine 820 CS H7 N02 (±)-Pelletierine 1088 Gentianadine 624 ( - )-Pelletierine 1089 Cs Hs N2 0 2 1/I-Pelletierine 1089 Ricinine 1179 Physoperuvine 339 CS H9 N02 Retronecanol 1172 Loroquine 858 Trachelantamidine 1333 CS H 9 N03 CS H 1S N02 I-Methyl-5-carbomethozy-a­ Dihydroxyheliotridane 478 pyridone 291 Dihydroxytropane 480 CSH9 NS02 3a: 6/3--Tropanediol 1343 3-(6-Amino-9-H-purin-9-yl)­ Turneforcidine 1350 propionic acid 72 CSH1SN02S2 CS H lON 204 Gerrardoline 633 Leucaenine 841 CS H 1S N03 Mimosine 966 3 :4: 5-Trihydroxyoctahydro-l­ CSH lON402 pyrindine 1338 Caffeine 234 CS H16 N02 CsHn N Stachydrine ethyl ester 1260 Alkaloid V A-A 118 CSH16N202 Nicotoine 1003 Prurienine 1137 CSH12_14N2 CS H17N Alkaloid HE-A 80 (+)-Coniine 321 CS H13 N (-)-1: 2 :6-Trimethylpiperidine I-Methylenepyrrolizidine 947 410 CS H 13 NO CSH17NO 7a-Hydroxy-l-methylene-8/3- Conhydrine 320 pyrrolizidine 717 a-Conhydrine 320 CSH 13N02 Hygroline 728 Arecolidine 169 Sedridine 1216 440 C9HSN2 4-Methoxy-a-hydroxy-l3- 4-Methyl-2:6-naphthyridine 955 phenethylamine 929 C9 HSN2 0 C9 H 13 N4 0 4 Glycorine 639 Eritadenine 535 C9HSN 202 C9H,sNO Glycosmicine 640 1-Methoxymethyl-l : 2-dehydro- C9 H9 N02 8a-pyrrolizidine 931 Gentianidine 624 C9H,sN02 3-Methoxycarbonyl-5-vinylpyridine Chysine A 292 923 113,213-Epoxy-l-a-methoxymethyl- Resedine 357 8-a-pyrrolizidine 525 C9H lON2 7-Hydroxy-l-methoxymethyl-l : 2- Myosmine 982 dehydro-8-pyrrolizidine 715 C9HllN 7a-Hydroxy-l-methoxymethyl- N oractinidine 314 1: 2-dehydro-8-a-pyrrolizidine 715 C9 H U NO Alkaloid LP-A 51 (+ )-l-(methoxycarbonyl) 6: 7 -Dihydro-6-hydroxy-7 -methyl- pyrrolizidine 922 5H-2-pyridine 469 C9 H,6NO Gentialutine 203 (+ )-Aza-I-methylbicyclo [3,3,1)- Isogentialutine 244 nonan-3-one 189 Leptorhabine 263 C9H,7NO Methylisopelletierine 951 C9Hll N02 Alkaloid CA-A 32 N-Methy1pelletierine 957 Alkaloid GT-A 79 C9H'9 N Gentiatibetine 204 N-Methyl-( + )-coniine 941 C9Hll N03 N-Methyl-( - )-coniine 941 Geoffroyine 626 C9H,9NO C9Hll N3 0 (+ )-Methylallosedridine 936 N-Nitrosonornicotine 314 C9H20N404 C9Hll Ns0 3 Alkaloid EF-A 44 Deoxyeritadenine 156 ClO HSN2 C9 H'2 N2 Nicotelline 1001 (+ )-N ornicotine 1019 ClO H9NO (-)-Nornicotine 1020 Echinopsine 502 C9 H 13 N Pediculidine 1083 N-Methyl-l3-phenethylamine 958 C lO H9 N02 C9 H 13 NO Gentianine 625 Halostachine 654 C lO H9 N03 N-Methyltyramine 964 N oroxyhydrastinine 1021 (-)-Norephedrine 1013 Siam in 373 (+)-Nor-l/I-ephedrine 1014 1: 2: 3 :4-Tetrahydro-6 ;7- C9 H 13 N02 methylenedioxy-l- 441 oxoisoquinoline 393 Tecostidine 1290 CIOHIONO C lO H 13 N02 Pediculine 1084 Longimammamine 267 ClOH lON20 Oliveri dine 1041 Nicotyrine 1004 C lO H13 N03 ClO H lON 20 Damascenine 389 Glomerine 638 ClO H13 NS ClOHllNO Triacanthine 1335 Boschniakine 212 ClOH14N2 Indicaine 740 Anabasine 143 Pedicularidine 1083 Nicotimine 1002 ClOHll N02 Nicotine 1002 Cantleyine 249 ClO H 14 N2 0 Pediculerine 1083 Cis-Nicotine-I' -N-oxide 313 Plan tagonine 1113, 341 Trans-Nictine-I' -N-oxide 313 ( - )-Plantagonine 341 ClOH14N203 Thesinisine 403 Damascinine 389 ClOHll N03 Pilocarpidine 1105 Alkaloid G-II1 44 ClOH1SN Gentioflavine 626 3: 4: 5: 6-Tetrahydro-2-(pentadienyl) ClOHll N04 pyridine 393 I: 2: 3:4-Tetrahydro6: 7- ClOH1SNO dihydroxyisoquinoline-3- Anhalinine 153 carboxylic acid 390 Ephedrine 5 18 ClOH12N2 Hordenine 696 (-)-Anatabine 147 Jaksartinine 252 (±)-Anatabine 147 Logimammine 268 Isonicoteine 768 N-Methyl-4-methoxyphenethyla- C lO H 12 N 2 0 mine 953 4-Aminoquinoline methohydroxide (+ )-Pseudoephedrine 349 72 C lO H 1S N02 Serotonine 371 3 :4-Dimethoxyphenethylamine ClO H 12 N 4 0 3 483 Alkaloid AL-A 45 {3-0-Methylsynephrine 961 ClO H 12 N 4 0 4 C lO H 1S N03 Nebularine 992 3-Demethylmescaline 153 ClO H13 N ClOH16 N2 Actinidine 19 Convolvicine 326 ClO H 13 NO Hystrine 734 Longimammadine 267 C lO H 16 N2 0 Longimammidine 268 Smipine 374 Longimammosine 268 ClOH16N202 Pediculinine 1084 Decorticasine 405 442 Lolinine 856 Robustinine 359 Lepistine 263 Cll H 12 Nd C lO H17 N02 I: 2-Dimethylquinol-4-one 488 3~-Acetoxytropane 4 Echinorine 502 Acetyllaburnine 10 Cll H12N2 Chysine B 293 Deoxypeganine 157 C lO H 17 N03 Cll H 12 N2O 30i.-Acetyl-6~-hydroxytropane 7 Alkaloid OS-I 52 ClO H 17 N 3 0 Homoglomerine 694 Dolichotheline 494 Peganol 1086 ClOH17N704 Plectocomine IllS Saxitoxin 365 Vasicine 1367 ClOH18N202 Cll H 12 N20 2 Alkaloid RL-A 105 Pegamine 1085 Siaframine 1234 Cll H 12 N20 3 ClOH19 N Jasminine 795 Dendroprimine 443 Cll H 13 NO Nor-N-methylskytanthine 316 Alkaloid GI-A 45 Saurenine 1206 3: 6: 6:-Trimethyl-5: 6-dihydro-7H- C lO H 19 NO 2-pyrindin-7 -one 410 Lupinine 866 C ll H 13 N02 Nitramine 1006 Echinine 176 Tetralupine 1302 N-2-Hydroxyethylcinnamide Virgilidine 1398 709 4-Methoxy-I-methyl-2-quinolone ClOH21 NO Halosaline 654 931 C H N0 ClOH22N4 ll 13 3 Sphaerophysine 1255 Alkaloid J-I 48 Alkaloid PF-I 53 C ll H9 N03 Anibine ISS Cantleyine 100 5: 6-Dihydro-6-hydroxy-6- Cll HlON2 5-Methyl-2: 3'-bipyridine 938 methoxycarbonyl-7-methyl-7H­ cyc10pentapyridine 468 Cll H lON 2 0 Deoxyvasicinone 449 Gentianamine 204 Thalifoline 399 CllH lON 2 0 2 Alkaloid OS-2 52 Cll H 13 N sOBr2 Vasicinone 1367 Dibromophakellin 455 (±)-Vasicinone 419 C ll H 14 N2 Cll Hll N03 Dipterine 491 Doryphornine 175 Gramine 642 Edulitine 507 (-)-N-Methylanatabine 936 Folifidine 585 Cll H 14 N2 0 Gentianamine 203 Cytisine 388 443 Cll H 1S NO Cll HlSN2 Valerianine 1364 Daucine 396 C ll H 15 N02 CnHlsN202 Bractamine 92 N-Depropionylcorticasine Corypalline 341 butyramide 451 Salsoline 1198 N -Depropionylcorticasine (+ )-Salsoline 363 isobutyramide 452 (±)-Salsoline 363 Cll H19 N s C ll H 1S N03 Do -Dehydroskytanthine 417 Alkaloid AL-I 21 C ll H 19 N02 Anhalamine 152 Tropine propionate 414 C ll H 1S N04 C ll H 19 N02 S4 N-Formylnormacromerine 591 Gerrardine 632 Cll H16 N2 Cll H21 N (-)-N-Methylanabasine 936 a-Skytanthine 1232 !3-Skytanthine 1232 C n H 16 N 2 0 2 Isopilocarpine 772 'Y-Skytanthine 1233 Pilocarpine 1105 o-Skytanthine 1233 !Ji-Pilocarpine 1106 Cll H21 NO 4(a)-Hydroxyskytanthine 721 Cll H16 N S Br 4-Bromophakellin 213 7(a)-Hydroxyskytanthine 231 C llH 17 NO Hydroxyskytanthine I 722 N-Methylephedrine 947 Hydroxyskytanthine II 722 (+)-N-Methyl-!Ji-ephedrine 947 /3-Skytanthine N-oxide 1233 O-Methylhordenine 951 Tecostanine 1290 Tecomanine 1289 Cll H21 N3 Pterogynidine 1145 Cn H 17 N02 Andrachnine 149 Pterogynine 1145 N-Methyl-3: 4-dimthoxy-/3- Cll H21 N30 3 phenethylamine 945 Shaksine 279 C ll H 17 N03 Isochaksine 752 7-/3-Acetoxy-methoxymethyl-l: 2- C 12 HsN 2 0 dehydro-8a-pyrrolizidine 3 Perlolidine 1095 N ormacromerine 1017 C 12 H9 N02 Tetrahydrocantleyine 389 Dictamnine 459 CllH 17 N/ C 12 H9 N03 Di( tetrahydropyridoimidazolinium) Confusameline 118 493 7-Hydroxy-4-methoxyfuro 2,3-b Cll H 17N 3 0 quinoline 714 Alchornine 42 Robustine 358 Arenaine 82 C 12 H9 N 3 N ormacrorine 1018 Cn H 1S NO Candicine 247 C 12 H lON2 444 Alkaloid PI-I 102 Alkaloid AL-III 22 Harmanine 212 Anhalonine 154 C l2 H lO N 2 0 6a,7-Didehydroaporheine 461 Harman 659 Hydrocotarnine 702 I-Hydroxymethyl-J3-carboline 717 N-MethYlcorydaldine 941 C l2 H l1 N04 Cl2H1SN04 Casimiroine 260 Alkaloid AL-VI 22 C l2 H 12 N2 Thalidaldine 399 Dihydroharman 165 C12 H I6 NO+ C 12 H 12 N 2 0 Indicainine 740 Harmalol 659 C 12 H16 N2 6: 7: 8: 9-Tetrahydropyrido 2,I-b Dimethyltryptamine 489 quinazolin-II-one 1300 C 12 H I6 N 2 0 C 12 H 13 N02 Bufotenine 217 Alkaloid PN-A 103 Caulophylline 269 Shihunine 1226 I: 5-Dimethoxy-(3-dimthyla- C 12 H 13 N03 minomethyl)indole 171 F olimine 196 5-Methoxy-N-methyltryptamine C 12 H 13 N04 931 Halfordamine 652 Methylcytisine 943 Thalflavine 1305, 396 C 12 H I7 N C12 H I4 N2 Nigrafactine 1004 Alkaloid GPZ-2 79 C 12 H n N02 Calligonine 242 O-Methylcorypalline 942 Eleagnine 5 12 N-Methyl-6: 7 -dimethoxytetrahydro- 2-Methyltetrahydro-J3-carboline isoquinolone 945 961 N-Methylisosalsoline 297 Tetrahydroharman 1296 ( - )-Salsolidine 1197 6: 7: 8: 9-Tetrahydro-11 H-pyrido (+ )-Salsolidine 1197 2,3-b quinazoline 1299 C 12 H 17 N03 C 12 H I4N 2 0 Alkaloid AL-II 21 N-Acetyltryptamine 9 Anhalidine IS 2 Calligonidine 98 Anhalinine IS 3 Dehydrobufotenine 407 Anhalonidine IS 3 Shepherdine 1226 Calycotomine
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