II A Gutting

Essex Coiy Herald. m Essex County talk W. H. BISHOP, PaMster. FINE JOBJRINTINE. Thl, Offle U inppltod with all Mm riiliUn r Mm ISSUED ETEBT FRIDAY 4 flnt-cu- u Job I'rmUaf t tn. m4 iinm mi um, AT "" unrnM' ntm, DEVOTED THE INTERESTS OP ESSEX COUNTY. , IIUU1H, ISLAND POND, VT. TO ax or liu, wi camm, HiruintrAMTRLm, tVOrdsn kr mB will iiiwi snmpt attaaM TESXS. $1.50 Per Tear, In Advance. VOL. XVI. ISLAND POND, VERMONT, AUGUST 24, 1888. NO, 28, V. I. BISHOP. Island Pond '

obeyed and killed Church with the first shot WHALE-FISHER- Y. KEW3 IN GENERAL ENGLAND NEWS. The father and the two sons have fled. NEW TERRIBLE STORM. FOREIGN NEWS. BASE EALL MATTERS. Frank Hurd says that The stream of crude petroleum which was the allowed with him which has Georges Hues was oiling the machinery at interview RATIONAL LRAJU8 STANDI!. HUNTING THE LEVIATHANS IN started from Lima, O., three weeks ago to being Roing the rounds of the newspapers, the dry dock at Portland, Me., and someoB, Daily King fill the two great tanks at South Chicago, ia wasthere, the engina The London News asserts that Games FROZEN ZONES. and which was to severely criticised in the not knowing ha started Leopold has declared his readiness to support Per now flawing at the rate of 8000 barrels, or New York Sun, is an entire fabrication. He Hiles was fearfully mangled, and died dur- Hundreds of Houses De Won, Lot plnyod, cent. 330.000 gallons ca- the German expedition to relieve Emin 5 81 00 a day. Each tank has a has not t een in New York sinca Clevelaud ing the day. He was 35 years old, and leaves ney. New Yorks .tea pacity of 85,000 barrels. was renominated. He has not said to any a widow and child. Cuicagos 53 88 90 .&";7 3The Hardy Seamen Who Follow stroyed in Canada. Private banks at Berlin have bought Rus Detroit 47 41 88 .634 but Dangerous Kernell has submitted himself to one t iat Le believed New York would go Louis C. Eldridge and his brother went This Ezbilarat Ins medical treatment for cure of alcohol- republican. to draw blueflsb nets, sian funds to the amount of 50,000,000 rou Philadelphia.... 41 43 H .628 T. the out at Dennisport their Calling Methods of Captnr-- ism, and has therefore from Congressman has de- and noon to anchor their boat bles. 1 be purchases Include the gold rents Batons 45 45 90 .500 retired the Matson of Indiana returning at which Russia was to sell in Pittnlui-ps- . 3S 45 83 . Various Species. stage voluntarily into an asylum, where be was Mr. Eldridge was struck by the boom and unable Paris in .457 ing the clined to accept the silver service which 1887. Wnshingtous.... 8(1 54 90 will remain until cured. John is a brother ago by em- knocked overboard, drowning before his Lightning Bolts Strike in Nu .400 presented to him a few days the IndianupulU.... 33 58 90 ,853 of Harry and together they hare for years ployes of the government printing office, on brother could reach him. He was 43 years Five thousand miners in the Newcastle The finback whale, says the New York been at the top of popularity as the Kornells the ground that is not proper him to old. merous Places. district at Sydney, N. S. W., have given no- in it lor stop work unless are Telegram is so called from a fin located variety theatres. accept any roward for the performance of Burglars entered Higby's drug store at tice that tbey will they NEW E.VOLAND LEAGUE STANDI!?. granted an advance in wages. en his back about a third of the distance The Kalamazoo (Mich.) Daily Telegraph duty imposed on him as member of congress, Milford, Ct, and blew open the safe, secur- Per cent the flukes toward the head, lie is wns sold recently, and Congressman anil that it would set a bed example. ing about $100. Tbey also broke open the Tbe bullet which struck and killed a girl Clubs. Won. Lost. Plnved. Won. from y, Capt, Sanvn All Family Dingley of Maine and his son, N. Ding-la- postoflice secured considerable booty. avd III during a riot at Lurgan, Ireland, recently (17 capable of enor-tnou- s E. Representative Norwood ot Georgia has and Lr wells 89 28 .63 lean, athletic fellow recently f the Leavenworth (Kan.) C til rnek W came from the revolver of a Nationalist who said he can go copyrighted his novel. Its title is "Pluto- John I. Greenlaw of Fryeburg, Me., a Killed harcb hile the Worcesters 38 83 71 .635 speed. It is that Times, being the purchasers. . wes brandishing the weapon in front of a 8-- cracy; or American White Slavery." It highly esteemed and enterprising business People Were Praying-- Mincliesfc r 85 70 .500 through the water at the rate of a hun- Mrs. Emma C. Fletcher, who was arrested Washington, hostile crowd. Porumouihs .... 5 13 17 .294 sought treats of life in New York and man, died in that town from paralysis a dred miles an hour. He is not at Flushing. L. In on suspicion of having and incidentally brings out the evil effects aged 29 years. He was A despatch from Suaklm to the London few days ago, a Times savs: reports concerning for by whalers, because it is dirlicult to murdered Maria Jones, the young colored of a high protective tariff. member of the class of lb$2 in Maine State A dispatch from Montreal, Que., Aug. 18, "The the girl, Rocky presence of a white the CATdTAIGN EXVELOrES. him, and when caught there is at Hill, last week, has made a college, of his held - man in capture A combination of wholesale liquor dealers and at the time death says: A thunder storm that passed over are He known as has full confession of her guilt. M 84 Lave organ- the office of first seiuctman of Fryeburg. district couflrmed. is little profit for the raptor. He but at St Louis, )., in number, eastern Ontario and the whole of Quebec Abu Dlgna. and has a' force of enormous blubberr-whic- h The steamer Alvena,' which arrived at ized with a en sto-- of $100,000. to build Ha little is the oil bearing ital Linton nson's Jewelry store at South inoluding force of half-nak- EUven Million I'ard Unrlnr tb ' New York from Aniiiwall, had on board as capacity 200 bar- early this morning was the most terrific ever strength, a large . tissue enveloping the body under the a distillery with a daily of Berwick, N. H., was robbed a few nigths men, Niam Sea.lna Cong-reai- passengers the chief officer, second mate and is probably from the Niam Pr.Mit of is worth rels. The organization a rebellion against since. The'theives entered a sido window, known here. Hundreds of houses and barns country. is skin, and the bone small and four seamen of the American schooner yacht the whiskey which is claimed, has This a strong point in favor of Representative O'Donnell of Michigan, a trust it blew open the safe and took $3000 worth of have been burned or blown down. Crops tne idea mat tne is Stanley." but little. It is short and frowsy, and Rambler, which went ashore at Aspinwall, fixed the'price of high wines entirely out of jewelry, watches and money. wnite menil er of the house committee on accounts, used chiefly for making coarse brooms. and was condemned an i sold. are in many places entirely destroyed. Advices from Zanzibar sav that the sultan proportion to that of distilled goods. The assessors' valuation of the city of Bos- has been busy auditing the vouchers for en- twenty-fiv- e Eleven hundred persons, Horses and cattle by the hundred have been has officially transferred the administration It is worth only about cents mostly suffering Commissioner Brazlove has decided that ton f r the year 1888 is $764,443,000. The velopes u ed in distributing the speeches from ono affliction or another, many people are of the coast line to the German company( of a pound, while that of the bow head, left Ottawa, the Chickasaw nation has no right to collect polls show an Increase of 4926 men and 126 killed, and, worst of all, whose flag, jointly been members of the house during the present Out, by two special trains on Tuesday, on cattle of $1 per head with the sultan's, has the whale of the Arctic seas, sells now a the tax from women voters. The tax rate per $1000 is lost hoisted at 14 ports. When flags were session. Most of the sreeches nave been on pilgrimage to the shrine of Ste. Ann de of nation. This of $ 13. the $2.75 and $3 per pound, while sales the settlement 40, the same as last year. Louis de Gon-- hoisted they were sa- the sul joeiof lho tariff, and $21,000 have for Beaupre, where, at the altar of the saint, a much troubled question is of great im- At a small village called St greeted with the royal have been made as Irish as $4. 80 Joseph Ennis, a Portuguese, aged 85, of lute. The Italian envoy has not yet renewed been expended in furnishing 11,000,000 en- recently they will ask to be relieved of their suffer- portance to the 75,000 s of the zugue, Capt Louis Sauve, his wife, son and ings. Westport, R. I., was drowned in the Sauea-tuc- k his relations with the Sultan. velopes ntcssary to distribute campaign per pound. nation who have large cattle interests, and daughter were sitting in the kitchen when documents river on Tuesday, while dredging for Eleven persons were at evic throughout tho country. By an Within a few years it has increased iu The big brokerage firm of Kissam, Whit- who, in fact, comprise the greater part of oysters. A gust of wind bolts struck house at arrested the eximi-intio- of the record Mr. O'Donnell ney & Co. struck the boat, several of lightning the tion of Farmer Somers of Coolroe, Ire. as a new field has been opened in of New York has been refused a the population. and the boom knocked him overboard. De- finds that, previous to tlio present session, price, new trial of the ectinn in the same tlmo. The building seemed to col Somers and his assistants offered strenuous application to some of the electric which the receiver Miss Louise Bates ascended 10,000 feet In a ceased was unmarried. the largest number of envelopes used for its of the broken First National Bank of Albion, lapse and then caught fire. The flood of rain resistance to the evlctors all day, but were this purpose was during the systems. While the linb:ick whale- hot air balloon at Cincinnati and de cended Sharon Heights nnany nunareo ponce, campaign of light N. Y., lecovered a verdict of $103,000 safely. The ascent was to have been made crossing, on the Providence extinguished the flames, and those villagers overpowered. two 1871, when 7,000,000 envelopes were re bone, is located as a fringe around against mem. division of the Old Colony railroad, was the armed with a battering ram, attacked the that AiDert j. vvarner who m panic-strick- en ouired. wrecked the bank was daylight, tiutthe balloon tailed to wont scene of an accident on Tuesday who were not dragged the house, which Was fortified with earthworks the lower jaw, is only about two feet its president and made until 10 o'clock at night which awny with upwards of $3u0,000. came noar resulting in the loss of two lives. family from under the debris, but it was and surrounded by trenches. long, the bowhead bone, that grows in Seth Green, the well-know- n fish culturlst. Dailey, CHALLENGE TO MR. BLAISE. ag-i- David who drives the two horse been by Emperor William, in concluding his speech 13 eighteen There is trouble in Pike countv.Ky., found that, while none had even cut the upper jaw, sometimes died at Rochester, N. Y., on Saturday, aged team which carries freight between do-p- between the Hntflelds and McCoys, Frank the the falling house, all of the family bad been at the breakfast given in his honor at Frank feet in length. This is the valuable Phillips, 71 years. and Mann's mills, having with him his fort, after the unveiling of the monument to the sher.ff of Pike county, who struck by the lightning. Father, wife and Ilrniocrnt Want Illin to Talk quality. The bowhead is also the largest made the former arrests, and whose daring General Lew Wallace, the distinguished little daughter, drove on to the track in rnnce Frederick cnaries, said: "une thing Tariff with CarlUle. whale as well as the richest in bone and deeds made him author of "Ben Hur," and life-lon- g friend of front of the passenger train due in this city son were killed instantly. The daughter I must add. gentlemen. We all know each famous, seems to be the A proposition is oil. One is on record as having yielded coveted prize of the West Virginians, who ueneral Harrison, has just complete! an au- at 12:30 p.m., while the train was at full cannot live. other too well to entertain such a thought, under consideration by seem destined to get his scalp. thorized biography of him. W. TJ. Hensel a sp?ed. Both horses were killed, and the yet 1 must defend my departed father the democratic campaign managers to ar- 320 barrels of oil, and those of L0 and staunch leader national of wagon was hurled to one side. Mr. Dnlley At Eagle Creek Church, in councils the against tbe shameful suspicion that he could range for a joint discussion of 200 barrels are not rare. The most val- Kentucky, on democratic party hns just completed an ad- escaped with a cut on the sca'p and another farm, wns killed by a bolt that struck the have relinquished the Sunday, Constable t V. u?"? any part of the gains of a uable bowheads are caught in the Arctic Vestal, with two brothers mirable biography of Cleveland with a on the face. The little girl was considerably barn half an hour uil-- r iie wis struck. turill question by Speaker Carlisle great time." .....I TI- T- Ol...- Tl. - . named Warman acting ns deputies, at- bright sketch of Thurman. bruised. At S . Icnace George S. Loriinur was killed uu in, iitumti. lb J.is proposed to waters of the eastern coast of America, tempted to arrest Jack Hamlin, who was by a tree, which had been struck by lightning, A terrific wind and rain storm has de challenga Mr. Blaine is Editor Daniel II. Huxford of the Randolph to meet Mr. as the proportion of bone the greatest, charged with the betrayal of a sister of falling upon him. Hyacinthe the son vastated upper Austria, doing great damage fnrli-il.-- i - , find ili.:niitn ton mioctlrtn 1. the (Mass.) Register News At St vUuv.uu ju aiuiiolWn.t.uaig and has just been to crops and set es averaging about twenty pouuds to the Warman brothers. Hamlin, assisted by his A BATTLE EXl'ECTED. of tho proprietor of a small hotel was killed the orchards. Lightning spe-ch- in 12 principal cities of the union, six commissioned a district deputy grand regent fire to 20 while those in Bearing Sea and brother Tom, resisted arrest and fired upon wane ciobiug iae wmuows in rns rouui. houses in the Ischl district, and a iaj u uy auu Dy .barrel; by Grand Regent J. M. Thompson, over the a woman two were ii'uii mi. uicillltt six the officers. Both of the Warman brothers report comes iroin Cbaudiere that two lum- and children killed. The Sneaker Carlisle.- The.- - nninten...... ctv, a numK. to the northward thereof yield ouly from councils comprising the 89th Royal Arca- ( j. . u UUIUUV, were killed, and Vestal received two very A Lai g Hand of Sioux Gone to (be bermen were swept over the falls while they ground is covered with dead cattle and of prominent democratic congressmen as to ten to twelves pounds. The oil is of little dangerous num district birds. Him uniti. a Unn I... wounds. Both of the Hamlins Cheyenne Country. were crossing the river. Lightning struck ".-- nili viunliilifv...... i . . rfv. . u wu to uaa uwu and is used mostly to mix with made escape, Rogers j ouu ,value their but are being pursued by At the Pine Ridge Agency, Dak., on Sat Elmer Strain, chief clerk of the their canoe. The hotol at Smith's Falls was A meeting of strikers was held in Paris a asked and there is a very general concurr- other oils for painting. the police. Ocean Sido hotel, Magnolia, was drowned set on Are and it is reported that the wife of few ago. syndi- ence of approval. urday, there was a grer.t commotion when days The secretary of tbe Sperm whales are found in any seas The senate has confirmed the following while bathing. He was a student in the the proprietor died from fright cate announced that there were no funds.and between the Arctic audjAntarctic waters, nominations: J. H. Haynes, consul to Bag- it was learned that a lurge band of Sioux medical department, Boston University, end From all over Quebec come reports ot that each man was free to act as he thought Application! for Staff Po.ltions In tho during his vacation was engaged at the houses being set on nre and whole families and are sought for on account of the ex- dad; J. E. Bacon, minister to Paraguny and had gone to the Cheyenne country on the fit. The majority of the men have decided Army Noun to be Vacant. Uruguay; Rufus Magee Tongue iu of in- above hotel. left destitute, and at a small place called to resume is ended. cellent of the oil, which is un- envoy extraordinary river, defiance objections work, and the strike Applications for the Beveral staff positions quality and plenipotentiary at Sweden and Norway; terposed by Accent Gallagher. They left While the Blaine train was at Original the parish church was struck by emperor as lubricant for tine machin- was The recently, at the reauest of In the army which become vacant during the surpassed a R. B. Roosevelt minister to Netherlands; word that thoy wore going to attend a suu port station Tuesday afternoon, Hiram ligh.ning. The church full of people at the rebels, sent Prince to next few weeks timer 10 p. m. praying Muley receive their continue to pour iu. The ery. They are not supplied with Lambert Tree, envoy extraordinary and dance, but it is feared they have more seri- Walker of Amesbury vias relieved of a the for protection submission. The prince had an escort of 200 first of the vacancies occurs on Monday ns gold from the storm. A panic ensued and many next :whalebone, but their lower jaws contain minister plenipotentiary at Belgium; C. L. ous intentions, they have often threat watch, and another man had his cavalrymen. An ambuscade had been pre- - when Inspector One-ra- l Baird retires. The Scott, minister to Venezuela, ened to join the Cheyenn- s ami massacre the pocket picked. It is reported that thieves people were seriously injured by being tram- teeth that fit neatly into sockets in the pled upon. Eared by the rebels, and when Muley and latest candidate for this place is Captain Alf is 1 unprotec:ed whites along the Tongue and secured three gold watchts at Ipswich. upper jaw when, the mouth is closed. It state on good authority that the ngnts came up, the insurgents attacked Morton, Ninth infantry, who is said to havo president's letter of acceptance be Powder rivers. The Indians requested It Is announced Eon. Carlos French in Montreal tne eiectrio went out. them and massacred whole force. This some powerful backing of a political They live upon squid, a jody-lik- e living will not that and in the big hotels there were small panics the nature. given to the public this week, and possibly Agent Gnllngher to allow them to go to the of Seymour, Ct, who represents the New treachery was due to a desire for revenge It is still believed, however, that the priiso mass, which they swallow in parts as it not during the following Tongue river country last week, but the bit- among the guests, ine uaimoral notel was upon killing to Captain week. Haven district iu congress, does not care for struck by lightning, and a corner of the roof the emperor for the delegates will fall either Lawton or Cap- .breaks off, and then dive for again un- In the case ter, suspecting that there would be trouble a renomination. sent by the insurgents to treat for peace, and tain Bourke. Captain Campbell, Fourth against the editors of the New refusod to permit thorn to leave shattered, but the fire was extinguished til they finish the entire lot. The finest York Press for the publication of an alleged The steamer Maid of Isles which for whom the emperor had promised a safe Artillery, is also one of the recent the reservation. As soon as it th was The postoflice dome was struck, and the ma conduct candidates for tbe position. oil and the greatest quantity is in the libel on Mayor Hewitt, , the defen- launched at Long island, Lrtke Winnipesau-ke- e, chinery of the four big clocks badly disar For claim wns learned that the Indians Mr. report in the captaincy in the subsistence de- animal's head and is called the "case." dants that they have committed no had gone, a telegram was sent on Tuesday, is an elegant pleasure ranged. The Electric Lighting company's Pamell denies the that he crime, and that as not to Gen. tends to vacate his seat in parliament until partment. Lieutenant William P. Duval, A sperm whale that would yield 100 the article printed was Ruger. who wired Col Dudloy at Fort Cus steam launch and the fastest steamer on the station was set on fire and badly damaged. Fifth artillery, v ho is well known in official libellous. lake. either the parliamentary commission or the barrels, would havo sixty barrels of this ter to send out troops i t ones to intercept telephone, Scotch court has completed its inquiries into and sociil circles here, ia a recent and most An accident occurred on the Little Miami or Mrs. Chamber- down, and mlies of telegaph, and G. in its head. mem. in tne art l noon two companies At Upton, Mass.', 'Henry electric lighting wires entirely burned out the Times' charges against him. formidable candidate. A. Paul, captain railroad at Cedorville, O., a few days ago, the 1st cavalry started in hot pursuit across lain upset a kerosene stove, and her clothes of the watch of the state, war and navy de- north-boun- estimated The czar will prohahlv start on his Innmev When a whale is brought alongside a the d passenger train colliding by the lightning. It is that the building, is the country to meet the recalcitrant reds. caught fire. She was horribly burned, and done by storm in province to Poland In few partment one of the oivilian ap- head is cut oil and hoisted with a freight train. The engineer of or 12 damage the this a davs. Fortv thousand ship the the The troops nre in cominnni t.laj J. W. died after hours of terrlbla suffering. She reacn over soldiers are in to occupy plicants for either this or the captaincy soon passenger train was fatally injured and a and 1st Lieut. R P. was 35 husband alono will ?i,ouu,ouu. resilness the rail to become in de- aboard. The oil is then baled out with Hamilton Wninwright about years old, and leaves a Twenty houses were destroyed and four way lines over which is to vacant the quartermaster's lady passenger killed. It is believed that a bloody bnttie will tie and three little sons. he travel. partment. Scores of other applicants, both buckets. The sperm whale is a fighter persons killed at St. Placide. been The general feeling In Jacksonville, Flo.,is fought before the Sioux are taken Lack to Moses - It has resolved to start a fund to as from army and civil life, are mentioned in when attacked and many are the thrill- growing E. MeRov and his Phon- At t. otique, on tne nonn biuo oi tue sist Mr. Pamell in meeting the expense of more cheerful every hour, and it is their reservation, as they tire in a bad state so Nash, were re- connection with both these places. adventures are met with by the well boih of Hariington, Me., St Sawreiice river, extensive damage is his action against the Times. It is intended ing that generally believed that the energetic meas- of mind aud reported armed. drowned at Cherryfleld, Me., in Schoodic lives are devoted to ures ported. The three children of Fabien to make the movement a national one. brave men whose its taken toward disinfection have been pond by the cupsizing of their boat while Rouleau, who wore sleeping in the upper Showers or Sand Flies In Chicago. is.exhilarating though and successful, and that the yellow fever is now Gen. Boulanger has returned to Amiens. capture. It EIGHT NEGROES WERE KILLED. fishing. part of the house, were swept away into a Wherever there is an electric iron nerves of the hardy seamen are under control. Two He was greeted with mingled cheers and light the Patrick Martin, aged 70 years, was trav- field, but were not injured. other groans. these there can be found with the reflection Adolph Holman, a grocery wagon driver, ersing children received injuries in the head and nights myriads additionally braced while Crossing street, Providence, when he of ephemeral picnicking at Long Branch, shot and Result of a War of Itace In Jfew was struck by an Old Colony railroad train will die. Under the direction of the Porte, the those insects sometimes that a whale represents a big pile of mother-in-la- wounded his killed his wife, I.tt. in- Egyptian government has protested against called sand flies Canada money and each has his interest, or "lay" Iberia, on the grade crossing. His death wns The widow of Joachim Blssonelle of St and sometimes and then commuted suicide. Jealousy led stantaneous. parallel to Zotiaue was killed under the rums of the the establishment of an Italian protectorate soldiers. They blown were not a commer- to The particulars are being received of a The accident was a are in from the as it is called. If it the quarrel which ended in this tragical that in which Kimball lost his life, and is house, which was struck by lightning. Many over Zulla. take by easterly winds, would be the grand- manner. fight in New Iberia, La,, in which one white persons injuries, and, being cial pursuit whaling the fourth iatai accident of the kind in sustained severe and one. George Weber, the Germin historian, is Mtracted by the glare of the lights, they sport the world. Reports from 85 representative points in man and several negroes were killed. Trouble J ane Montpetit of Thomas had his arm dead, aged 80. est in three days. St drop down, flutter around the globos for Many ambitious hunters go to Ceylon northeastern Nebraska show that wheat, had been brewing for some (toys, growing Deputy United States Marshal Tarbox of broken. In the same township seven houses The pone is sufferiner from rheumatism. oats completely damol- - awhile and then fall to the sidewalk, to an elephant. An and all small grain are a total failure. out of an attempt of the better element in Biddeford arrested James T. Banford for are reported to have been He was able, however, to give audience to and India kill Almost continuous rain and the heavy wind ished and the occupants left without any where pedestrians trample them under is a big animal a large one weigh- New Iberia and neighboring parishes to selling liquor at Old Orchard without a li- several cardinals on Sunday. and hail storms of the last week destroyed drive out a class of idle and immoral char- shelter. foot. Thousands of them, unable to reach ten how small he cense. Ho was taken to Portland for trial. Is Kinc Christian, of Denmark, and the prin ing perhaps tons, but the little prospect which there was of saving Tho public highway strewn with the e acters. Many of these people found refuge in of Manchester Law- cess of Wales and her daughters went from the globes,-ar- blown against the fronts is comparison with a whale. AVhen a the crops. ne- Attorneys the and ruins of demolished buildings, jno loss tnan in Freetown, a small village composed ol rence railroad have served two writs on the Weisbaden to Frankfort, wherethev met and of stores, to which they remain attached whale is seen sporting in the distance the One of the most daring and successful rob- groes, and began arming. Finally their 23 farmers in the immediate vicinity ol ot Concord railroad one beinir an action in Zotique had their houses and barns des dined with the prince of Wales. The prin- until they die or are brushed off by porters man at the mast head calls out: "There beries that has occurred in Chicago for a number grew to over 600 mounted men and cess Wales proceedod to Gmunden. years trover to recover a large amount of rolling troyed. of armed with brooms. number of was perpetrated at the res- they became threatening. A party of white $300,-00- she blows 1" All is now activity stork and personal property valued at It is announced that Lieut Wissman, who other a monster army idence of George W. Wiggs, on Michigan citizens living in the vicinity was formed to which is claimed as property of The night ot aboard. The vessel is headed toward avenue. disperse negroes. They the the Is now in Egypt, en route to Zanzibar, is a Over $3000 worth of diamonds, a and disarm the had ana Lawrence AX L'MXTERESTIXG COMET. the "soldiers" invaded the South the spot where the spout was seen, and quantity of silver little trouble with most of the Freetown men, Manchester railroad, but member of the Emin Bey relief committee. plate and numerous arti- which tho Concord railroad refuse3 to turn proves successful, Side, and it became necessary to Boon the boats are lowered, each con- cles of fine jewelry were taken. but about 15 of the negroes intrenched them- If the relief expedition it over. The remaining suit is an action of as- Wrbnt 8a.ru is intended to form and maintain a com- shut off half the electric lights of taining five men and an officer. The Great excitement hns prevailed in and selves in a house and began firing on the sumption for $80,000 of alleged money of the Prof. !! About tbe regulators. The shooting became general, mercial highway, with stations from tbe .bow man is called the "boat steerer," around Abbeville, in Vermillion parish. La.. Mancnester ana .Lawrence, earned under a latest Vldior. purpose "Ger- ana was Kept up tor hours. j& r. amicn, lakes eastward. For this the because after he throws the harpoon into uurmg iue last inree days, over tne attempt l business agreement under which the roads The Brooks comet, discovered Aug. 7, has man African Lake company" will be formed. of the regulators to break up miscegenation a leading white citizen, was killed, while wore operated for some years. the whale he exchanges places with the trying to break down the door of the house. been observed three times at Dudley obser Three German generals in the service of uotwBtiu wnues ana DiacKS. non-recei- stage One of the largest and most delighted au- Turkey have resigned, owing to officer, who is called "boat header" and One At this of the fight the negroes became vatory by Prof. Boss on the nights of Aug. of the passengers on the steamer panic-stricke- diences ever seen in Brattleboro. in re of salary. to bow and lances and attempted to flee the Vt. 10, 14 16, one-ha- lf the latter goes the the Wieland was Arno Woifs. a merchant, of cent years filled the town hall a few nights and just the entire num whale until he is dead, or shoots a bomb house. The deadly work was soon brought ber of observations thus far made in the Gen. Boulanger was elected to the chamber Goessnitz, who, on his arrival in New York, to a close. When the fight was over the ago to hear a citizens' testimonial concert to of d putk8 in tbe department of Somme by into him from an iron gun with a was arrested for forgeries amounting Miss Mary young United States. It was in the northwest at lance to bodies of eight negroes were found in the Howe, the phenomenal 30 a mnjority of 34,723. He also heads the inches diameter. 11,000 marks. soprano lroni a wonderfully evening, and only about from the sun, so ibarrel about three in house and five others were found outside. It lust returned that it does not remoin long above the polls in the Charente and Nord departments. The gun is heavily charged with powder, Secretary Fairchild has directed that all is reported that three or four more were succes-sfu- l debut in Berlin, where she wrn The announcement of the figures caused the name of the American nightingale. Miss horizon after sunset. Prof. Boss calculated and the recoil frequently kicks the boat the bonds purchased by the government since killed. It is thought by some that a few an orbit for the stranger, and the result great excitement in Paris. of Howe is a charming blonde, barely 20, of Cne SAND-FL- Y header overboard. the 1st July shall be applied to the pur- made their escape, but others who were at was telegraphed by code message to the Mahnr ud Pashi, ex minister of finance, is A OR CANADA SOLDIER. poses of the sinking fund. The estimated re the scene deny this. physique. Sho was repeatedly called before of having embezzled $75,000 of the the curtain. Critics were present from American Association for the Advancement accused fhe division to escapa them. They filled This is a contratemps not to be con- quirements of that fund for the present fis of Science, now in session at Cleveland, to government's funds, and an inquiry, with cal year are $ ,oou,uuu, ana secretary several large cities. Mies Howe will sing in the lamp globes, covered the walks and sidered if the bomb does its work. It the S'tw England the eari or crawiora ana to the astronomi- open doors, will be instituted at once. requires some resolution to come up proposes to meet them, if possible, by the lVimion. tne Worcester musical lestival tnis tail. cal intelligence bureau in Berlin. Germanv. store fronts until the latter looked as if purchase of bonds made under the terms of New England pensions have been granted The ceremony of laying the corner-ston- e The new comet will not be an interesting they had been bespattered with mud. alongside of a whale which looks as big circular of April 17. Call for a National Convention In Cin the as follows: of the new St. D omimck's Ctithoiic church oojecr. in ine sense, is siowiy ap- There is an establishment on Clark street as a ship upside down, and stick a sharp Me., popular it ciniiatl The Norwegian steamer IJhfirtn.. from 'Wow Maine Original, Eli Allen, Cherryfleld; took pluce at Portland. on Sunday in proaching the earth and receding from the B'lt. It. that displays a picture of General Israel lance into it repeatedly until it spouts York, bound to was Benjamin F. Pray, Lewiston; Ken- tho presence of a great throng of people is A call for a Stettin, wrecked on Timothy sun. It now in the lowerpart of the great national convention of the Putnam, of revolutionary fame, a blood. When struck with a harpoon White inland, otr the east coast of nedy, National Alilitary Home; Lewis Love-io- from all parts of the state. The services constellation, is national greenback party, to be held at Cin- riding Halifax. bear and moving toward at speed the whale usually darts off at full speed, She must have lot her reckoning in the fog Norway; Miohael C. Cash, National were conducted by Bishop Healy, Fr. Leo. At present it is 42,000,000miles from the cinnati on Wednesday, Sopt 12, has been white horse full down a rocky dragging the boats after it at a rate of and dashed on White island, which is a long Military Home; James L. Boston, Strong; aicuariny ana a choir. earth and will be 2.000,000 miles nearer on issued by George O. Jones, chairman of the declivity. Thousands cf the "soldiers" narrow of Charles W. ob- speed that takes away the breath of the stretch rocks. The crew took to Carman, Washburn; Abraham John J. Fox, aged 16. was arrested In the 2oth inst Then it will recede, and will national commi tea Among the stated fastened on this with death grips, and the boats, and have reached Marie Joseph Jordan, Presque Isle; Sylvester Griswold, Salem, Mass., for burglarizing the store of probably be lost to view about the middle of jects of the convention is the nomination of as transparent wings and oblong crews. They care little for this, or the The steamer is National Military Home; their a total wreck, and her cargo John V. George H. Goldsmith, dealer in cigars, pe- September. Its path is not similar to that candidates for president and bodies assumed a chalky shade in the long row back towing the mammoth is floating out Stone, Carmol; increase, Peter Clark, riodicals, etc. A quantity of stolon cigars or any recorded comet, and it win probably and to take such action as may be deemed National Military necessary to glare ot tbe electric lights, they gave tho as long as he been caught. -- Home; Andrew was recovered. Fox confessed he was a not again return to the for thousands preserve the name and organi- carcass, has Brig. Gen. inspector-genera- l, that earth Absalom Baird, J. Blackwood, South Lubec; Charles gang years, zation and "keep before the people the sturdy old revolutionist the appearanca When sitting in their scats with oars has reached age 64 member of an organized of youthful of if ever. ti the of years, and H. Merrill. Newport: William S. great principles on which party was snow- outstretched, waiting for the whale to will pass from the active to the retired Alexander, burglars, and gave the names of seven others the of escaping the British bullets in a list North Milford; Charles Skinner, Port Clyde; of uis own age, whom he implicated. originally founded," storm. The "soldiers" not rise and the harpoon to be delivered, no There is considerable speculation in regard P. RAILROAD SUITS. did content William Smith, Waldo; reissue and in- keepei Cottage Mass., of danger enters the head of to his successor. K. The hotel s at City, themselves with attacking lamps and thought the crease, Edward Ransom, East Hiran; were unable to accommodate the great rush THE MARKETS. He only wants to be prompt in A despatch Lydia, widow of Dudley Bean; Passadum-keag- ; store fronts. The fell on the pedestrians, sailor. from Greenville, Miss., says; or visitors Saturday. Many were unable to Action to BuiDvur Nearly-- a million response to order for your The rainfall on Wednesday in the Yazoo Margaret, widow of William Blades; got This perching on their hats and coats, some- the "Starnall, alias a squire meal resoit has never valley was the heaviest ever known. At Blake, Portland; Keziah, widow of had so prosperous season. Sunday is (34) BOSTON. times literally covering them from head lives," that comes the moment the blow David Btrong, Gardiner. a Next Leeland it measured 11 inches, and was Papers in tho two suits of the Manchester 8 CJ to is harmful is struck. New Hampshire a "big" Sunday and the landlords are at Beef Good to choice 8 foot. There nothing about followed on Thursday by a rainfall of nine Original, Lorenzo D. their wits' end to provide for the jam. & Lawrence railroad against the Concord Hogs Live (it nor Safety depends on getting back out ot inches. The Cate, Manchester; increase, William in to recover t them; they are not poisonous, do water in some fields was from J. and the railroad, one an action trover Northern Dressed 7 & 1 reach blow from enormous four to five feet deep. Mills, Portsmouth; Francis A. Sawyer, Bells were rung whole town turned $300,000 in rolling stock and personal pro- they even bite like an ordinary fly, but the of a that & Pork Ex. Prime, per bbl..l4 50 $15 00 Tamworth; William Dearth, alias John out on Sunday at import, Mo., to search perty, which is alleged to be the property of are uncomfortable enough when they fluke. Perhaps the boat is struck and year-o- ld Lambs Fancy Spring 11 ($ 13 The total amount of bonds purchased under for Willie, the two son of D. P. , Barney, West Stewartstown; Peter Crowell, the cc Li., now in tne nanus ot me uon-cord- happen to topple over the edge of a coat all hands are thrown out into the water, tne circular oi April 17, is a3,ai7,00, of Newport McGurk of Boston wuo strayed away at 8 al Mutton Chicago 8(9 fil and the second a writ of assumpsit, Veal Eastern 8 collar and commence an exploration of but the other boats do not come to the which $22,762,600 are 4 per cents and 810.- - Vermont Original, o'clock in the morning. The boy was found. Le- 9J Orson Whitney, North calling for $600,000 in money, claimed to 5 15 5 SO 535,800 i)4 par cents. The cost of these Tunbridge: drowned, in a t well in the yard, iuto Flour Spring Wheat patent the anatomy under one's undershirt. relief of their unfortunate comrades until Thomas Barnaby, Barre; Loyal long to the Manchester & Lawrence, alleged Corn High Mixed 00 bonds was $40,283,283. Jeffersonville; Wil- which be had fallen. agree 6n(i Chicaao Herald. they have either caught or lost the Potter, increase, Thomas to have been earned under a business Oats Extra White fil & 62' despatch from Miss., Ge-rg- e mills in Sufflold, A Jackson. savs: A liams, Hydeville; D. Fuller, Derby The White paper Ct.,were ment existing between the two and under Rye 80 (ft 88 whale. has on State bill in chancery been filed there to have Centre; William Woodward, Waterbury found to be lire saturdav afternoon in whlca they were operated lor years, Potatoes bbl 1 75 2 00 Understood Baseball. The finback is not caught this 1 D. Cen- presumably spontaneous com in the lands lying in levee district No. sold, Centre; Edward Battles, Waterbury the attic, from and which the Concord rofusns to pay over, Apples Spies. 2 50 3 50 $600,000 1 Fruit Young lady in grand stand to her et manner, for it is very difficult to harpoon to pay about of No. bonds and tre. bustion among mutches and rubbish stored were served unon the Concord railroad Aug. Spitz 8 00 3 60 coupons. Is claimed all Massachusetts the was apparently extinguished. eoit, just as the pitcher has knocked him at sea. He swims so rapidly that, It that sales hereto Original, James E. Larkln, re. The fire 18th. F. 8. St.eeter, counsel for the Con Greenings... 2 60 3 00 made are illegal, null Everett; Foley, Boston; broke out again, entirely over when he comes up after down as fore and void. This John Silas San- but destroying the cord railroad, states that the stilts simply Baldwins. .. 3 60 4 00 a batter with a swift inshoot "Oh, going suit involves titles to over 1,000,000 acres of born, West Somerville; John H. George, building. made in the bill inequity he blows, he may be many miles away. in'im cover the claim No. 2 1 50 1 75 yes, I remember this game now, I the richest and most desirable lands in the Methuen; Napoleon Stone, North TJxbridge; The tent moating of tho Prohibitionists which was filed some nn nths ago, to which They are sometimes caught otf Long Butter State Creamery.. . 23 m S3 thought I had never seen baseball before, whole south. increase, John H. Hulford, Lawrence; at L ke Quinsigamond closed on Sunday the Concord ro sd mwie answer, lie says Dairy 17 (ft Capo Cod George A. IS but 1 have. , Papa used to take me when Island and by getting into It is just one month since the tiny little Hawley, Ware; James Delaney, with an attendance ot anouotiuu, i lie speak- that the suits are brought in a now form for Western Creamery, 20 h de- 18a I was a little girl. Papa used to play shoal water and grounding, when they craft, the Dark Secret, and her intrepid Worcester; Willie Butters, Plymouth; ers were John MoT mini my of Worcester some purpose th.it is not known to the Cheese Nor. Choice tj 9 will S himself, ball are harpooned and shot with a commander, Capt. William A. Andrews, Hirst Worcester; Albert Holloy, and Mrs E. Trask ot uoston. fendants, and that someordors probably Fair to good 10 fa 11 but he used a much larger bomb Bridgewater; liu tooptem- cast his moorings off Gun Rock cove, Cohas- - William Noal, Athol; Thomas nearly 20,00.) people passed be made in the bill in equity at the Western 13 (& 12 a wooden ball, you know, and instead lance. It. Thorp, Tt is said that jMiisnna. set, and started for yueenstown. Jor more Whitman; George Clark, Lowell; at O ik on bur term or the court at Eggs Eastern fresh 19 of having a man to knock over whaling interest is very William Wallace Gardner, Springfield. through the gates Island, Mass,, Vi4 with it The small than two weeks now nothing has been soon buniay. Turkeys 13 14 be used to have wooden pegs about foot pow compared with a few boat or her dauntless Rho.le Island Original, John O. Monogan, years ago, or heard of the little Attempt to ItaUt n Train on the Vn Ion Chickens 23 Q 25 high. Oh, yes, I un lerstand gam from New Bedford alone, commander, and, though there is still room Providence; Gilbert M. Barber, Rockville, the when there Connecticut Originnl, J. H. Thompson, Pnt'ltic Uiinil, new Tonic thoroughly now." Escort falls oil were 600 whalers at sea, and from New for hope, the chances are greatly in favor of Mr. A I'erfpct Chain th the theory that the little vessel foundered in Fairhaven; D;invid H. Geer, Waterford; Parnll' A special from Cheyenne, Wyo., says: An Beef, good to prime 8 m h bench and dies. SU Louis liepublio. Martha's 200 oil EvUkiico. London and Vineyard the recent heavy gales, and that her solitary Hanford Moekor, Danbury; Mary, widow of attempt was made by masked men to rob the Calves, common to prime. . . 8 (fy i '. east-boun- Thomas McGoe, Woodbury. gives prominence to each. occupant has joined the silent majority. The Dublin Journal Union racitio d passenger train, Sheen 4 (ft 6 Whore the Fault Rested. Whales are scarce, too, and will soon Rev. George Thomas Dowling, one of the nn authorized paragraph declaring that At Dara station, near Rawlins, three masked Lambs 8 (ft 9 Mr. Paruell is ablo to make the clearest men covered engineer with revolvers and 6 50 lie was so mortified that you a most noted ministers ol Cleveland, unlo, and Uliiine the Hogs Live (800 "I become extinct unless syndicate should Xof lilic'r and trlile case of disproof of the ch irgo that he was compelled him to throw up his hands. Brake- - Dressed 7 should see me fall from my bicyle, Miss to pastor of the Euclid Avenue Baptist church, Will ":Come To(rther. 7( be formed charier Hudson's Bay as a resigned his pastorate, owing to a radical man Frank Tillman grappled with one of Flour Ex. St., good to fancy 4 75 5 25' Maudio, but I can assure you that the whale ranch. This may sound ridicu to It is hardly likely that Carlisle and Blaine of evidence of the mon perfoct character, the robbers. The express nies?onger pame West, good to choice 3 00 Cj 6 00 change in his belief in regard the Baptist and Buckle, savs Jour- fault rested entirely on the bicycle." lous, but only a few years ago it was creed. It is said that the principal point at will meet in joint debate. Mr. Carlisle Messrs. Walter tho to the reseu, aud the masked marauders Wheat No. 2 Red 7 C5 98 no n.il. will denv ail knowledge of the letter were put to flight shots 80 fe "Yes, for a moment, Mr. Geelip, and seriously considered to bring some of the Issue was In regard to close communion, In that he know of such proposition, but he after thirty or forty Rye State 67 say they got them from Manager ( bicycle rested entirely on the wmcn Mr. uownng no longer poueves. siiid that. U ne were invited to engage In and that had been exchanged. Jtriremun JNash am Barley State 85 thon the valuable lur seals from the South Shet- debate, and if the time was fixed so McDonald, who will refuse to give evidence. Brakeman Tillman were seriously wounded Corn Ungraded CO 65 1km York While named Lester Church such a Mixed.... Uult." Sun. land Islands, southeast of Cane norn. a farmer and as to interfere with his congressional The Journal has opened a defence fund with the former being shot in the hit) and arm an. Outs White State 40 ft? 43 named not 50. the son of another farmor Loveless subscription of Archbishop Walsh, & land breed them in Repulse Bay. the duties he would consent to servo. a the latter in the side. One robber was Mixed Western. 89 41 coven ana a hair million dollars, were fighting at Trenton, Ont, the father of Mr. Cox he belioved Mr. Blaine Mr. with a similar subscription, sends a warm wounded, but was carried off by his pals. Hay Mod. to 17 00 (818 00 aocoralns northern arm of Hudson's Bay, which it Loveless revolver to siys and prime w the Parliamentary return, was rpodvei handed a another son Carlisle would be just as likely to meet in ao letter indorsinf Mr. I arnoti's action. The sheriff of Carbon county, with a posse, Straw No. 1, Rye 17 00 18 50 buvu an muustry. ordered to shoot Church. The , rjeu and bin ion Opium joint as in a joint dolmte, iswpui-ouit- Lard-C- ity Steam 8 30 & 8 Q