Name Name Descripon common EXOTICS Trident maple, deciduous great display of Maple Acer buergerianum red and yellow. Handles wind and drought. Ht 6m Hybrid maple with bright red Acer x freemanii Maple leaves.Medium size tree, great specimen ' Autumn Blaze' tree.Ht10m wdth4m

Hardy evergreen tolerates salt,prefers well Banksia integrifolia drained clay or grave.Has a yellow flower Coast Banksia Coast Banksia autumn through winter.Ht8 x W5

A tropical feel for your garden with their big Banana Banana leaves and beauful flowers.They like a rich free draining soil.Protect from heavy frost.

White bark Himalayan birch. Great Himalayan Birch Betula jacquemoni ornamental birch, golden in autumn, green leaves, white bark, deciduous.

This is used for tradional low formal Buxus sempervirens Common Common Box hedges. It grows best in good soil with sun. Box Plant 20cm apart .evergreen .Frost hardy

Evergreen shrub with showy white flowers Choisya ternata Mexican in spring. Prefers sun or paral shade, Mexican Orange Blossom Orange Blossom simple to grow ,free draining soil.Hardy, 1.5x1.5 Erect bushy shrub with wispy branches,load Coleonema pulchrum Pink of small pink flowers,spring to summer. Confe bush Diosma Confe Bush Plant in full sun,deep worked free drainage1.5x1.5

A compact evergreen shrub with golden yellow leaves,pink flowers. Makes a great Gold Brian Escallonia Gold Brian hedge,best in part shade in good free draining soil .Hardy H2xW2

Coastal tolerant, dark green foliage, red Escallonia rubra Red Escallonia flowers summer, great for hedges, hardy. Red escallonia ht4m

A shrub, grows up to 1.5 m high, it has so Europs Europs pecnatus grey green foliage with bright yellow flowers,summer to mid autumn.Hardy.

Copper beech, beauful deciduous, autumn colours red, purple. Light green in Copper beech Fagus sylvaca purpurea spring,can be hedged. Apply lime to acid soil

Beauful tree with fan like leaves.Likes Ginkgo biloba Maidenhair Tree moist soil ,shelter, deciduous, hardy. 15m Maidenhair Tree highx 10m wide

Great for hedge or specimen, deciduous, Carpinos betulus European European Hornbill yellow in autumn.Hardy to wind and cold. hornbeam Ht12m wdth 7m

Hardy, ground cover, excellent for banks, Grevillea 'Bronze rambler' red flowers.

Compact Australian shrub with red flowers, Grevillea 'Red Cluster' hardy .Ht 0.5m

A hardy ever green, white scented flower Grevillea' White wings' through winter, bees love it.Ideal screen Ht 3m full sun, paral shade

Natal bole brush has interesng foliage Natal bole brush Greyia sutherlandii and red flowers in spring great for containers deciduous Blue flowers in summer,well drained full Lavandar Lavandula aug.' Blue Mountain' sun,great scent.

Rosy purple flower late spring likes well Lavandar Lavandula aug.' Munstead' drained soil and full sun

Graceful compact Australian plant,light Lomondra Lomondra c.Lile pal green foliage great for mass planngs

Evergreen from the mediterranean,flowers spring to autumn with a range of Oleander Nerum Oleander colours.Full sun,well drained ,protect from frost. All parts are toxic,wear gloves when handling.

Climber with glossy green leaves .Provide Passiflora edulis support , full sun.Plant in well worked Black passion fruit 'Black passion fruit' enriched soil protect from frost,water in the summer. Fruit is tasty

Evergreen, darkgreen leaves, cream Prunus lusitancia flowers,black berries,great for topiary and Portuguese Laurel 'Portuguese laurel' hedging.Not tolerant to wet site hardy H12mx W8m

Olives Excellent Oil quality and flavor. Good for Olive "Olea Europea" frano home garden. Frost hardy.

Pin oak,vigorous, deciduous, scarlet in Pin Oak Quercus palustris autumn,prefers moist well drained soil.Ht 35m A popular palm,that is easy to grow, water Syagrus romanzoffiana Queen Palm in summer likes ferlizer, best in full sun. Queen Palm 10m x3m

Small shrub with beauful red fruit protect Tamarillo Tamarillo from frost

Fast growing,drought tolerant grey shrub. Teucrium frucans Silver Silver germander Perfect for hedging, has pale purple flowers Germander aacve to bees.good on coastal.2m x 2m

Round bush, with brillant purple Tibouchina urvilleana Glory bush flowers ,summer and autumn. Protect from 'Glory Bush' frost, likes acid well drained soil.2.5x2m

Dense glossy leaves,mass of fragrant Trachelospermum flowers,use as ground cover or small trellis. Star Jasmine jasminoides'Star Jasmine' Sun or paral shade.well worked free draining soil

Spanish bayonet Yucca aloifolia Sword like leaves, easily grown in well 'Spanish Bayonet' drained soils in full sun.Great for landscaping . FERNS Descripon

A tall fern growing to 4m not suitable for Mamakau Cyathea medullaris Mamaku coastal,likes shelter and moisture.

A beauful fern loves moist humus rich Silver fern Cyathea dealbata condions Cyathea dealbata Cyathea dealbata

Fast growing small umbrella top,has under Dicksonia squarrosa Ponga ground rhizomes.Hardy,best suited paral 'Wheki' shade,minimal wind.6m

Very hardy in all condions prefers damp Kiokio Blechnum capense Kio Kio and shady. Great for revegetaon.

GRASSES -Spear like Descripon

Anemantele lessononiana Wind grass, it thrives dry shady places, it Wind grass 'Wind Grass' has fine flowing flowers

Stunning silver spear like leaves with orange Astelia chathamica Astelia berries. Great for landscaping. Sun or 'Silver Spear' Kakaha shade, good drainage 2m

Apodasmia similis A jointed rush,grey green, great for mass Jointed rush 'Oioi' Jointed Rush planng. Austroderia richardii Hardy with beauful plumes reaching Toetoe Toe Toe 3m,tolerates wet feet.

Green sedge Carex flagellifera Green sedge, free draining soil, hardy.

Bronze coloured sedge with weeping Bronze sedge Carex flagellifera bronze appearance. A red sedge adding contrast to your Red sedge Carex flagllifera red landscaping. A handsome sedge,orange to green foliage. Orange sedge Carex testacea Hardy to cold ,coastal and drought. Full sun best . Carex secta Beauful bright green,large sedge for Purei 'Purei' weer areas. Carex virgata Bright green sedge,from weer areas but Pukio 'Pukio' will grow in dry. Hardy Amazing tussock great for landscaping with Chionochloa flavicans Dwarf its green foliage and stunning flower heads Dwarf Toetoe toetoe in summer.Hardy,likes sun and free drainage. 1mx1m Red tussock, stunning .Handles wet to dry Chionochloa rubra Red Red tussock prefers cool,wet.The seed heads are Tussock beauful.

An aracve flax like plant, with purple Dianella nigra berries summer to autumn.Prefers moist Turutu Turutu shade but tolerant ofdry and sun. Evergreen Hardy.

Libera peregrinans Creeping A spreading Iris with orange spears and Nz Iris Iris white flowers,Oct-Jan.Orange fruing 'Mikoikoi' NZ Iris capsules Jan -Feb. Hardy

Grass like plant with sword leaves with a nge of yellow. White flowers and golden Mikoikio Libera ixiodes seed capsules. A clumping form perennial. 'Mikoikoi' Likes part-shade to full sun prefers free draining soil.Hardy evergreen great for coastal locaons.50 cm

A giant rush nave to NZ can grow up to a Nave Rush Juncus pallidus 1.35 m great for wet areas

North Island plant found on banks,grows in sun or semishade . Bright green leaves30cm Pepepe Machaerina sinclairii Pepepe long. Flower stems up to 1m. Likes moist well drained soil.

Deep purple ,low grass like plant great for Ophiopogon planiscapus Black landscaping, flowers violet, berries black. Black Mondo Grass Mondo Grass Sun or shade. Prefers well drained soil. Hardy

Smaller flax with yellow flowers and twisted Whariki Phormium cookianum seed pod,drooping foliage great for birds.

Red Flax Phormium 'dark delight' A brown flax great for contrast and birds

A compact flax with yellow flowers likes Dwarf Flax Phormium 'Green Dwarf' sun and good drainage,birds enjoy it

Harakeke, green upright prefers damp will Harakeke Phormium Tenax grow in dry condions loved by birds 2m

Jack Sprat Flax Phormium jack spra

Silver Tussock handles dry condions green Silver tussock Poa cita to silver great for mass planng NATIVES Descripon This is a ground cover with mauve foliage, Acaena purpurea Purple bidibidi no barbs on its seed heads, tolerates most Purple Bidibidi soil types.

Alectryon excelsus Aracve glossy leaves, red fruit for birds, Titoki Titoki needs good drainage in clay, mulch well.

Wide green leaves,starry white flowers in Arthropodium cirratum 'Renga Renga renga lily spring tolerates most condions, frost can Renga' knock it but it will return in spring.

Tall canopy tree, leaves are thin and Beilschmiedia tawa Tawa narrow.Grows naturally in the top of the tawa south.Aracve berries.35m Tolerant of sun, poor soil, wind .Has Daisy bush Brachyglos greyii abundance of yellow daisies, grey foliage 1m

Dense bushy nave shrub. Lieths gold Brachyglos "leith gold" Grows well in semi-shade. Great for dry sites. Hardy.

Clianthus puniceus " Red Kakabeak A beauful shrub with a big red flower that kakabeak" the birds and bees love. Tolerates dry condions once estsablished.Frost tender.

Clianthus puniceus alba White White kakabeak Fast growing,beauful white creamy flowers kakabeak in spring-summer.Likes moist but free drainage, full or paral sun,protect from frost 2mx2m

Carpodetus serratus Putaputa As the name suggests this lile beauty has a Putaputaweta weta/ Marble leaf marble leaf.White flowers followed by purple berries. Intolerant to drought ,prefers moist,semishade condions.Frost tender when young

Hardy shrub with aracve variegated Coprosma Lime and Lemon leaves Hardy loved by the birds for its berries. Shrub with round leaves of many colours. Coprosma ' painter palee' Avoid heavy frost great for coastal areas.

Copper coloured foliage to add contrast to Coprosma' karo red' landscape,hardy. 3m Coprosma kirkii Hardy,ground cover handles dry and clay

Dense ground cover with aracvegreen Coprosma 'kiwi gold' and gold foliage.Grows infullsun or paral shade

Hardy shrub compact growth loved by the Coprosma propinqua birds

Shrub with large round glossy leaves loved Coprosma repens by birds, great for hedging.

Coprosma robusta Hardy shrub loved by birds,fast growing Swamp lover great for damp places,small Coprosma tenucalis leaves . Prostrate ground cover hieght 20 cm,blue Coprosma"wharariki ' berries loved by birds. Has sword like leaves a stout trunk it adds Cordyline australis Cabbage tree texture to landscapes aracve to Cabbage tree bees.Hardy

Corokia bronze king Corokia 'Bronze King' Hardy,good hedger, small bronze leaves. 2m

Corokia emerald jade Corokia' Emerald Jade' Green foliage great for hedges 2m Hardy shrub with chocolate leaves good for Corokia 'Frosted chocolate' Corokia Frosted Chocolate hedging. A coastal plant with dark green glossy Corynocarpus laevigatus' Karaka leaves, orange berries great for birds Karaka' poisonous to us. NZ giant, long weeping foliage likes moist Rimu Dacrydium cupressinum Rimu condions Dodena viscosa Hardy with green foliage great for shelter Green Akeake Akeake Green 4m Fast growing tree, it has purple leaves, use Dodena viscosa 'purpurea' Purple Aka ake to coastal condions great for shelter and Purple Akeake hedging 4m.

Prostate fuchsia, an excellent ground cover, Fuchsia procumbens Creeping Creeping fuchsia frost tender, like sun or part shade, tolerant Fuchsia of coastal condions.20cmx2m

One of our forest trees wth red foliage Fuscospora fusca Red Beech during winter can be clipped.Like cool moist Red Beech sheltered but well drained 30m x5m

Small round leaves makes this nave wind Fuscospora solandri tolerant. Suits moderately ferle, well Black beech Black Beech drained soil. Forms an aracve hedge. Evergreen .Hardy. 20m x5m.

A hardy plant used a lot for hedging tolerant Griselinia lioralis Broad leaf of wind frost and salt.Has large green glossy Kapuka/ Broadleaf leaves.

A popular culvar, great for hedging. Quick Griselinia lioralis Broadway Mint to establish prefers full sunand free draining Broadway Mint soil.Evergreen hardy.

A broadleaf with aracve red stems.Hardy Broadleaf Canterbury Griselinea lioralis Canterbury evergreen . An aracve tree with huge green glossy Shining broadleaf Griselinia lucida leaves, shade or sun protest from frosts when young.5m A bushy hebe with a dark purple flower,likes Hebe 'Autumn Glory' sun and good drainage A hardy hybrid from speciosa and Hebe" blue gem" ellipca.Easy to grow with great purple flowers over summer 1.5x1,5

This hebe has a purple nge to its leaves, Hebe 'Caledonia' has lavendar flower July- 2mx2m

Hardy, compact with white to pink flowers Hebe' Icing Sugar' summer Ht 1m

Compact hebe with oval leaf and purple Hebe'Inspiraon' flowers in spring. 75x 75 cm

Great long mauve flowers and large leaves Hebe Lila quartz' prefers full sun and good drainage.

A hardy hebe with lavendar flower spring Hebe 'lavendar lace' and summer 1mx1m This hebe has a touch of red in new Hebe 'Marie Antoinee' growth,flowers purple to red fade to white late spring. 1m Bushy evergeen, white flowers in summer Hebe'Snow Dri' hardy A great lile hebe for rockeries. Has scale Hebe 'Green Gem' likes leaves and white flowers.

Aracve shrub with showy large pink Hebe'Oraa Beauty' pped fading to white flowers,with glossy green leaves .Frost hardy .1x1m

Hardy shrub,great for revegaon grows Hebe stricta quickly to 2ms.Has white flower during Koromiko Koromiko summer. Prune to maintain shape if using for landscaping.

Hardy, compact with white flowers Hebe 'Wiri Mist' spring,great for ground cover prune hard.

A NZ nave with right green leaves and wonderful orange berries on the female Hedycarya arborea Pidgeonwood tree. Prefers a sheltered site with Pigeonwood/Porokaiwhiri moisture,good soil in semishade.Protect from frost when young. Ht 5m

Quick growing, upright, hardy, with white Narrow leaf lacebark Hoheria augusfolia flowers 10m Found on the coast and in our lowland Hoheria populnea Lacebark forest . Has large scented white flowers. Lacebark/Hungere Likes moist ferle soil. Great specimen tree, vigorous. Frost tender when young. 8m x NZ honeysuckle a tall slender tree with Rewarewa Knigha excelsia 'rewarewa' beauful red flowers that aract birds 30m

Great for revegetaon, hedges.Has an Kanuka Kunzea ericoides Kanuka aracve white flower.Bees love it .

Lepnella squalida Plas Creeping ground cover, hardy,feathery black Black brass buons Black leaves Leptospermum scoparium White manuka hardy,aracve to bees, Manuka Manuka helps with revegetaon. An aracve tree reaching the height of Leptospermum 'Copper Sheen' 3m. Fast growing drought resistant. Has Australian manuka Australian Manuka large white flowers.Frost tender when young

Easily grown in acid ,well drained soils in full Leptospermum scoparium Pink manuka sun. Drought resistant water to Apple blossom establish.Double light pink.2.4mx 2.4m

A culvar of manuka has dark green foliage Leptospermum scoparium Red with a double burgundy red Red manuka Damask flowers.Suitable for most soils wet or dry . Tolerates exposed coastal condions.

Hardy tree ineresng foliage of varying Ramarama Lophomyrtus bullata shades great for texture in landscaping. 8m

Lophomyrtus obcordata A hardy shrub with fine leaves .Well suited Rohutui Rohutui to hedging and screening.5m

Aracve shrub with small leaves, hardy Poataniwha Melicope simplex prefers damp sun or paral shade

Small tree with great foliage purple berries Mahoe Melicytus ramiflorus 'Mahoe' late summer,frost tender when young.

A striking tree with a tropical look with it Mertya Sinclairii great big paddle like leaves. Prefers a sunny Puka Puka frost free posion. Tolerates coastal .Ht 4m x 3m.

Our pepper tree, a small coastal tree with Macopiper excelsum heart shaped leaves and orange fruit that Kawakawa Kawakawa the birds love . Evergreen shade tolerant ,frost tender

A natural cross between Pohutukawa and Metrosideros excelsa Southern Rata . Crimson Maungapiko 'Maungapiko' flowers,summer.hardy to a range of soil types best in free drainage. Ht 8m x3m

This tree has red stems on its new Metrosideros 'Karamea Queen' growth .Hardy to wind, frost and coastal Pohutukawa Pohutakawa condions.It prefers full sun and most soil condions. Ht 3m x2m in ten years.

A hardy coastal plant great for screening Pohutukawa Maori Metrosideros excelsa Maori has an abundance of crimson flowers in the Princess princess 'Pohutukawa' summer.Best results likes full sun and good drainage Ht 10m x 6m

Divarcang, interesng form hardy,great for Shrubby toroaro Muehlenbeckia astonii landscaping 1.5 m Creeping wire weed, very hardy, used for Pohuehue, creeping wire Muehlenbeckia axillaris vine landscaping full sun

Maiden hair vine,great for coastal planngs Maidenhair vine Muehlenbeckia complexa forms a mat likes moisture to start,hardy.

Fast growing, great for coastal regions Myoporum laetum Ngaio protect from hard frost can trim poisonus to Ngaio stock.7m A tree with fine silver leaves great for hedging.Has fragrant white flowers. Twiggy Tree Daisy Olearia lineata 'Dartonii' Tolerant of exposed, wet, dry condions, evergreen, hardy.

Evergreen Hardy tree great for hedges on Olearia paniculata Golden Akeake exposed dry sites .Intolerant of wet sites.Ht Golden Ake Ake 4m x 2.5m

Tree,evergreen hardy. Tolerates sun or Lemonwood Piosporum eugenoides shade can be used for hedging.

A fantasc compact shrub.Has small green Piosporum tenufolium Frankie's folly foliage and grows in a rounded form great Frankies Folly for landscping.Full sun to part shade

Dense form, slow growth, dark green, Stephens Island Piosporum 'Stephens Island' great for hedging. 3m Small tree, lighter green leaves, great for Piosporum tenufolium x. Kohuhu,Black Mapo hedging, 5m. Ribbonwood, wind resistant, semi Plagianthus reguis Ribbonwood decidious, tolerates frost wet and dry.Yellow Manatu/Ribbonwood flowers spring. Podocarpus totara One of NZ giants, can be used for hedging, Totara Totara as a specimen. 15m A ground cover that loves moist Praa angulata Panakenake condions ,sun or semi-shade. Has small Panakenake / babies tears whiteflowers and red berries. Prumnopitys taxifolia One of our forest beaues grow up to 40m. Matai Matai Black pine.

Handsome, round tree, with large green Pseudopanax arboreus leaves.Blackfruit Feb- March great for birds Five-finger Five Finger and bees. Tolerates wind, prefers semi shade shade, Evergreen . Hardy.6m x 3.5m

Hardy nave it has lanceolate leaves in Pseudopanax crassifolius Lancewood juvenile form making great texture in your 'Lancewood' garden.

Tropical by appearance with its large shiny Tawapou Pseudopanax laetus leaves. Tolerates wind and shade,protect from frost. Evergreen. Ht 4m x 3m

Montain five finger hardy to frost ,wind and Pseudopanax colensoi Mountain five finger sun.Has heavily scented flowers in March. Mountain five finger 5m

A mat forming evergreen ground Scabweed mat daisy Raoulia hookerii cover.Excellent for rock gardens.Likes full sun good drainage and moisture

A NZ classic great for birds,yellow flowers Kowhai microphylla Kowhai spring,Hardy 8m

Sophora prostrata Divaricang shrub of 2m with great yellow Dwarf Kowhai Dwarf Kowhai flower, birds love .Dwarf kowhai,hardy

This has larger leaves than microphylla. Flowers from September to November, North Island Kowhai North Island Kowhai most suited to moist areas.Semi deciduous. Frost tender when young. Ht 10m x3m

Large glossy leaves, with beauful red Vitex lucens flowers that the birds love. It lke moist but Puriri 'Puriri' well draining soil, Frost tender when young. 10m x10m

An aracve tree can be maintained by Weinmannia racemosa clipping it has amazing flowers that is loved Kamahi Kamahi by the bees. Frost hardy likes sun or paral shade and drainage.10m x5m