'Af , ■I '■ . ) '■ ■ '' I ' . " .. -r^J- '■ ' I- !•■ ' :'f ' , \ , •''■■ 7 /■ ■ , ; t - . \ . 'I ' I ‘ . , .7 - X... T > • - • / • 1 1^ ; . ■'■;■/■■■ ■ —'v:- V ■■' . " i.,. .Ji :--’r^~ ■: f _.. j IfOKDAY, MARCH 22, 19S4 V V- ATtrgge Daily Nti Run ■r M’ Pfr thaWaek___ — - - r j . • ■i V Maioh M, 1954

,1^ *•■■■-- V-, '~Jt \ 11,195 m ’’-- Meoahar Of Ska A o «t ■ W O M o f O lM SEUtlM M -■ BfSfiSSWtAi- .. ; f tV' ■. ' Manche$Ur-^A City of VUlage CKtarm V ■ ■' ■ VOL.LXXIII,N0.146 (OaaalfM AdvartMng oai Paga.14) MAffCHEST^R, CONN^ TUESDAY, MARCH 23, 1$54 '-'tvil^-.- s'- ' (SIXTEEN PAGES) • -1 Indochmese

I,*#- f« . ^,-c -■. , ' Aid Vpw^ 5; v f o L ' N i ; -A .. Turn Back Vietminh To FrfeDch /. — / Washington, March 23 (AO French General Visits President — Secretary of ' State Dulles MARCH VALUE SALE Combiiied With Rebel Unit pledged today that the United f'"V . States woqla respond rapidly to any ngW French requeats y s i : J GIVEN WITH Loses I f 5 for additional military sup* MAKESTTAGALA plies needed to defeat Com- ’/ " I munUt forces in Indochina. Queen’s Chaplun aiiid Fiancee CASH sales SHOPPING DAY A T Jn Thrust Dimes told raporters at a news Union Raps ci^erencs that he docs not bSlieve Ipdochlna, a highly strategic South­ Hanor,/Indochina March 23 east Aala_ar«a, will fXU undsr Com­ Hat Plant’s W —The beleaguered French munist domination. LADY PEPPERELL and CANNON FLATSMETS and flLLOW CASES REG. 59c S9" SANFORIZED U.nioiw defenders of Dien Support Nararre Plaa Bien m u reported today they Despite recent 'Increase Red at­ PRINTED and PLAIN DRESS^ tacks ta th* area, Dulles said, th* A c t o n s X SNUGFIT BOTTOM and TOP SHErf$ AT^$ALE PRICES had Mat back a aharp Viet- U. S; government still supports the BROADCLOTH minl^ attack on one of their Navarre'plan, authorised by Gen. Drastically IMueed batplions and claimed they Henri Nayarre, leader of 'the Portland, Maine, March 23 fsshington, Msrdi\28 FLAT SHEETC and_PU.L9W CASK Twanty.ei|^t' solid colors and dozenii of beautiful pp ^ ' kiI|TO 176 of the rebels. French forcte in Indochina. — An AFL spokesman Md^larthy (] pattama in wonderful SS** sanforised Springmaid The Navarfo plan, which the charged today that the Hat broadcloth, ifard The clash yesterday was the today he would be' hfirdeat fighting reported iii a United States is supporting as th* Corporation of America had "XI TYPE 144 TYPE 180 ONE GKOUP / ec AA test method ofVihning in fodo- e up sny vote cm TYPE 130 Veek from the besieged fortress in recruited strikebreakera here ite subcommittee im __ ^ LADY PEPPERELL VALUES $12.9$ m i $13,9$ ..... ^ W .WW fiqrthweat Indochina but nowhere china, calls for ^eaUy increased ",. ». LADYPEPPEREU tf.S. military aid to psrmit th* in violation of Maine law. The CMHOH HNE MUSUN SUPERNNE MUSUN /near Ok the scale of the initial all- gaUng his row with top Aniay^ • ■ ■ a CQMRED YARN PERCALE out onslaught in which th* French French to break the hack of enemy company said an unauthorized officials so long as he retained REG. $3.29 72x10$ . . . ./ S2.49 CfiiscMit/ ONE GROUP / resistance ta that l*nd>< and "over-zealous” employe claimed they killed 3.000 of ^he Dulles aaid the ChtqeM Com­ the light to cross-examlM .1 m . $2.49 72x10$ .... $2.19 REG. $3.49 $1x10$ . . . J $2.99 REG. $3.49 72x10$ .... $ l7 9 VALUES TO $14.9$ ...... $8:00 Communiat-Ied rebels and wound­ had tried to hire workers for witnesses. ed another 9,000. munists could demonstrats to the / R I« .$ 2 J 9 $1x10$ .... $2.39 90x10$ ...i $3.19 REG. $3.79 $1x10$ .... $3.09 BEAR BRAND KITS TO < N / • - / v/orW that they are n ^ longer the strike-bound Norwalk, McCarthy mad* the statamont ONE GROUP / ' ' Hoad under Attaek aggressive in spirit by o u t^ g off Conn,, plant. at a news cooferaaca bald a—til S9e 42x34 CASES m . 49c 42x34 ...../.. $9e REG. 79c 42x3$Vi^______49c KNIT or CROCHET / . The Frenc^Army Commander military sLqjpUes to the Red-led Phil -Block of Boston, an Inter­ ■QounUng praaonra from RapuMi- cn liOiO said the rebels attacked, on can leaden for him to otap Off tlw X. LIMITED QUANTITIES OF EACH VALUES $19.9$ M $25.00 ..... $13.00 Vietminh r«tel foices. \ national representative of the the road^^king the heart of the United. Hatters, Cap and Miliinwy subcommittaa completaly whilo it Reg. 11.49 and $1.6» Clip Cap KiU /\ He acknowledged, however, tMt SNUGFIT FITTED BOTTOi and TOP SHEETS \- Dien^Blen Phu fortifications with he has no evidence the Ohinera Workers Union, Said all but * makea its inquiry. Reg.:. J1.7911.79 Howdy DoodyDoo cotton string gloves to whIU and c^ors. Pair A good assortment'of^regular siias^^d half sixes. ported since the rebels broke off areas. Ths United States favor* Mira Marion E. MarUn, State last night that tha WUta Honaa HEAVY QUALITY their Initial moss assaults—first of ool Co. D i^ectors more restrictlcma on this commsree Commissioner of Labor and In­ waa Jitetag to preeeurt. from Sian, HALE'S CHARMHOUSE th. 7-year Indochina War—late lost than do other Western nations. dustry. said at Augusta tha com­ ate Republican kaOan for M c^ ^ ATTRESS COViRS Tuesday. But th* Vietminh, dug 2. The United States has no pany told her its advertisement in thy to stand aalda altogetlier into the hilla. rlniilng the . dusty plana at present to send a full- a Portland newspaper bad “inad- from the ta^ry, TOWEL EI^MBLE HOLLYWOOD plain of Dien Bien Phu, continued In l^ower Sti^uggle fledged ambassador or preaiden-. vertenUy” omitted notice that the Hall Backs Senate Hente HADE SPEaALLY FOR US B ^ A FAMOUS MILL AND TW IN $ED SIZES ceaseless artillery bombardment of tlal envoy to the Vatican. AN ASSORTMENT OF BLOUSE^ the fortress. plant was struck, as reqiAred by GOP Chairman Laonard Ran Ria. $1.1* 22x44 BATH SIZE . CAMPUS EANTIES I. France is not demanding final Maine law. said in PhUadelptea that te agroed REGv $4.29 ' - Th* French said today,' howsver, ' RU$$ER lU n O N S ^3 In;dlaatic leg or band leg briefs, ;Miiiite and colors. Small, medium. Boston, March 23 (JP)— The long-i ilted annual sharehold- settlement of its quarter with Ger­ Block charged that the corpora­ /''■ - / ' ■■ • > with Senate laatlara. And vrtien large. • VALUES TO $3.9$— NOv/.'...... 32.00 the Vietminh ShslUng hi^ tapered Canon Uharira E. BavDn, 88, peraonal/thaplnin to Queen EUMi- REG 4$9c 14x2$ HAND SIZE off today. \ ... era meeting of the deficit-ridden many over the future of. the Saar tion had advertised for help her* asked whether he win raflactiag ...... REG. $4.9$ Wl ZIPPERS ...... lerican Woolen Co., is without indlcaUng that a labor teth, emllee at his bride-to-te, Sfrp. Ethel ,L. Pain* Moors, 85-year-old The FYehch Air Force continued scheduled for today with two riv_.______befor* ratifying the proposed widow after Ida arrival 4t ter BrookJIae/Slass., home yesterday frona the position of the laseahowsr ad- $3>9 A variety of sixes, materials and colors. for control of the huge European Army Treaty, Nor doea dispute existed ta Norwalk. tainistraUon. HaU said that woold REG.29C FACECLOTH ...... 2 S c Same high quality mattress cover which we have carrisd fo^. 3 F < / $ 1 . 0 0 under bright, sunny Okies to carry firm. The only husines* before th ^ e e t in g is the election of London. Whddtaf is schcdoled for'tenarrow at Boston’s *rrtnlly out masslvs strikes on Vietminh Italy expect a complete aettle- Jack Shea, business agent for .appbjte t o t e "a'very sound dedac- years. four directors for 3-year terms and* ' ment of its Trieate dispute with Ohorah w ita The R t Rev. Henry Knoii SterrtU, Praoiding Blshap o f tiau,**'~ '-', ■ Xua heavy weight in eight beautiful colon.'"lloBe.^blue, slight concentrations. the AFL Painters* Union hers, the Episeteni ChiUh*, aaietatlng. (A p Wlrapheto). th,* election of a clerk and treas­ Yugoalavia befor* approving its saiiL^that such advartisUig la pro- Tha apedfic QuaSUan pUt t o freoB, hunter green, yellow, petal pink and grey. The rebels meanwhils steppsd urer. However, botji sides Indicated' up harassing guerrilla attacl^ on memterahlp. hiWtad by Main# taw. ^ Hagerty was whatlwr th* Prast-\ \ FIRST QUAUTY SHEER x that the group that electa the.dl >ockers Battle 4. 'n * Secretary has mads no At Norwalk. W. P. Morrta, com­ dent agreed with HaU. vital French Unss of commualca- rMtots will decide th* futurg of ‘ / HALE’S OWN BRAND decisidii on whether to ask a M- p ly * preoident in charac of [ Th* Senate laywtigatloni sub- SLlCHT IRREGULARS OF NYLON HOSIERY WOOL SKIRTS tiona in the Red River delta ra u i oompony. V ic obvious Mfort to d iv «t atUmtim, pai^is*^ group of eongresaBmal labor ibUtlona, oaid that ‘tao ac- oommitta* •was maetiiw todhy to $1.29 EXTRA SIZE 24 x 46 In M '.'^uge dark seam with reinforced heel and ysDtng-for miziagameet-4* On Waterfront, loaders tV accompany him to -the cr*4lit*d repseashtottqa’ 0(->*4ll STURPYWEAR toes for Mtra wear. All new sprihg.shade*. Sizes 8% ICfyerish preparatioiis arm site Royal ^ttle, forthcomiak Ganeva Conferanceon company had heeii In UN MKlan( to 101*. Pa|r VALUES TO $t.«S-N0W $3.98 a. . $ 5 .0 0 •assaults oh Disn i\of Textron, In% and counsaL - I "4 CANNON BATH TOWELS B(«i Phu. . Korean andv lodochlnea* peace area last week. rtaer Masaadiusetto Mayor l^oreB problems. Hwxexpects to discuss Morrta did ray iM n^er that M This closed door sassibn could quantity of these fine quUity Cannon ir- PADS 1/ _____ Siies ,10 to JO. Il a seriao of ambtiahes, raids B. «1>. R ^ r in five celors. Also t$ro colora in floral K X # * this with key ISglslatora Mbn. company worker "over-seajously e r produce a ilaciaioa whether Mc­ > \ '■ ■ ' ' ' SporUwear Department—Second Floor . Three Btafe* New York, March 23 (<«V-Bat- and voluntarll/’ did attempt' to Carthy should taka any rol* in tho XI X shannon first quallty^^BaHi ...... Me. $3.*R 3*x7* TWIN BED SIZE .. <2.77 iMd oa Piaga Blavea) Three atates have put for­ \ REGULAR $2.9&x v - broke out again today be­ (Ceattaned e« Fhgp Bevra) *Tecruit some of his friendsV^ and hearii^ excapt tbat-of witneoo. ward for tha four dfrectbfohipB at today is being "severely/repri- Sea. Symlz^on (D*Mo): gpiiw ltE6. S4.TE 14x74 F U U lEO SOS.. , C3 I77 stake today, . tween members of rival longshore- mahded for his enthusiasni. ^Los' Angeles, March 23 (JP)f upon his return to the continentai into ths committee room, toM' rS- 46H T IBl^EGULARS OF $1.19 LAbl^S' HANDBAGS 1. The management group— inen’s unions in the face of a plea —Crooner Dick Haymes, ac­ United States from Hawaii on portera the issue "ought to oomo GMuUful extra liMvy rada fitted wlUi pure white cotton that In . plastic calf, genuink leather and faille. Top handle/styles. Frederic C. Dumainh, Jr., Now Morrta hdded that the''compimy ‘ “ ION FINEST QUALITY Tatted Sy steins by Mayor Robert F. Wagner that "never has stqttd therei is no la*, June 7, 1953, w* was excludablt up." t. w|ill launder a purejvhTte. Cellophane' wrapped. fitted clutch bags and obqr the shoulder style*. Goloraf Black, Haven Railroad president; Roy A. dock workers end their paralyzing Scientists S'eel cused 'of illegally re-entering by law at that time. brown, navy; tan, red, etc. A / ter troubls atthe plsiit during It* But Sen. Muadt (R-SD), who GIRLS' DRESSES Toung, Boston banker and presenf J|9-day-oId port tieup. the UnHed States after a visit Accordingly, be was found ds- wiU preside at th* inquiry, said ho HAND SIZE TURKISH TOWELS cteirman of the woolen compimy's efforts to recruit z^torkera.' t'V . Sisas 7 to 14 and pre-teens. Urged^s Key T h e clashes were ta Brooklyn, Research A m is ;'We are/wEdUv famlllsr with with Rita Hayworth in Hono- j portable 'under Section 241a considers "our first Job" is to agrso All we can say is that'qvezy shipment is a complete board; Cuitta M. Hutchlna, presi­ where violence erupted last week lulu las^ year, , today was;the ImmigraUoa and Nationality on a apacial counssl for UM iafplzy. ^ out Be here early fqr best selection of colora SALE PRICE $ Eat the Main* law prohibiting such ad­ MORE OF THOSE EXTRU^HEAVT REG. 11.49 2.49 dent, Bangor A Aroostook Itall- and led the mayor to order/stiff Ywr' .1 ’■”1 ... ' ' ^ vertising," M m te sold. into the eh air^ and counter v ' The finest quality t o w ^ that Cannon makes and the - PIUS Ta* road, and Endicott R. LovSll, presi­ ordered de^ rted tdvhis native' VALUES TO ss.*i - n o w $ 2 .1 9 t . $ 6 . 0 0 To Medical Aid poUc* feihforcements to guard the 5 The special inquiry officer qIm charges swapped by McCarthy and / U .1 irregularitlsa ai)i so sHgkt they can hardly be found. dent of Calumet A"'Iecia, Inc/ piers. ' nse ^ fh w tod n n iiM DUfer Argentins. Sacratary o f tha Araty Stavaaa. / I: ' J Beautiful jacquturl patteiba in^jiina colora. Rach . . . W Norwalk found that Haymes had failed to % 0 FLANNEL BACK DRILL Girls'Dept.—2nd J ’loor __ __ 2. Th e nominees o f A. If. Son- Shortly after daytime operationa ■District Director,-H. R.'.Landon furnish notlScatlDn of his Mundt and San. Jacksan (D- By THE ASSOCIATED PBBSS nabend, Boston hqtel m ^ , who iiegan at the Bull Steamship. Line Cambridge, Mass., March 23 (Ft -vfried with, those given of the U. 8, \ Immigration and - , Suppose you’re oh* of the many during January, 1953, and did not Wash), who were-stendiag to­ NEW SPRING COLORS IN POPULAR SMALL has urged acceptance of jO ic Tex. piers at I9th and\20th ^reeU, — The industrial selehtiat may te here t e to the -giamter of Maine Naturalisation tervlca announced gether, both aaid they dwoght IRONING BOARD COVERS .Beqpl* who becomes dangerous sl­ men and womah aBegedly recriiit- establish that the faBur* to do ^ \ FIRSTS U; ■ ' - " ^ With Elastic tron bid — Gerald Henderson, thsrc was a s k ir ^ h between whistling in the dark — but he "This order is/flnal .and a de­ waa reasonably ^curable whoever is chosen for ths teak i e r ^ to penielllin or oome other Boston insurance roan; Robert L. strUcing and ' non-Stt^ing union thinks that managemsnt will go ed for st^ e breaking Job*. portation warrant\will be issued 80 or SQUARE drug. A company aourc* oays they con­ was not wilfull. would wont soms’vpfe* la wrlthw' All pure ailk w i^ rolled heins. Huffines, Jr.,r president of Tex­ men... " right on picking up th* check. forthwith. the rules. TERRY FiNGE to w e ls And suppose you’re hurt and tron; Arthur O. Wellman, presi­ Folice quickly quieted W out­ . The' head of a leading research stituted "one iNia load-^abbQt T T ' Can. Be Aj "He . found that Haymra waa e ^ fit extra oise boards. Each . . . . ' . . 4. ^ 4',.,., knocked unconscious. Could a doc­ Jackson suggested thht if tho dent of Nichols A -Uo., wool brok­ break, with-nobody arresteAand organisation here says that re­ thercfojre -subJict to deportation subcommittee could hlro *Tho bast SALEPRK tor unwittingly give you the drug (UohtlMiid on Page Bleven) "However, the ordeV is appeal- under Secflon 241A (5) of th* Im c E«h HOUSEWARES DEPT. ers, and Sonnabend. himself- no ohe hurt. , - search ththklng has beitoni* Im- able within 15 days to tne Board of SPECIAU ■ * 49 which is bad for you ? ■ A short while later police migration and Nationality Act of ■/■ • ««s , 8; The group pipposed by Wil- heddtMl. in . management's mind (Catolanad an Buy for yourself and buy for gIfU. Teh A little taitto<>—put in a place Immigration Appeals ta\Wash|ng- 1952." > •) lors h^^practical terry Uam Smith, Trenton, N. J„ casket ported that a "battle royal” since World War II. Perhaps that's ton, p . C., ta which .evenrdeporta- towela Coral, hunter green,' royal blue, rad. yellow, grey. \ which even a Bikini bathing suit broken out. Some arrests a-ere re- Haymes. 37, came to the Unitod , wouldn’t reveal—could , be- your manufacturar and a leader ta the research haa paid- odme tion will te stayed pending dts* blue, pink and whlU. PERFECT WRITING -EVMi ALUMINuV CORN POPPER p<>rteA ndustry’s lushest dividends in States ta 1937 but never' became vital protection, a physician sug­ atockholdera protective commit­ position of sudvappeal." \ a citizen. The government con­ Reg. 13.25 tee — Garfield R. MacDonald, Th’O Workers Arrested newNproducts and new industries. SPECIAL. gested today in Cleveland. News Tidbits London's announcement, hSnded tends that he is now ineligible for LATEX FOAM IRONING |ALL f OINT PENS $1.98 Symbol Could Be Used president of Talon, Inc.; Dr.-Max In Manhattan, two workers also -And WMttjirlll Am^ican busliisaa to newsmen an^ contatning - the REG. S9c FIRST QUALITY EXTRA Gelier, New York advertising.ex­ were reported arretted. They were heed mora'bf the same than in the Caned from AP Wires citisenship because during the war With' nsrttal caps. Colors: Black, red, blue greM. Each - The tattoos, perhaps the six* result of hraring here and ta New he claimed exemption from mili­ \, •BOARD PADS 25c of a penny, could be squares or ecutive and New Haven Clock accused cf attempting to interfere months and years Just ahead? ~ York, said: from the AP W ircs^ ALUMINUM CABD SHAPED CAKEFAN ' and Watch CD., board chairman; with a picket line., Eeonbmite tary service as a neutral alien. CONE FACE CLOTH \-' triangles or othsr Symbols, or- let- “ Special inquiry officer Joseph Thus, wben he left continental With drill cover. Iron twice aB fast and-EaMer. HearU, diamonds, clubs, spades. Individual sixe cakbs. i A i tsrs of the alphabet, representing Irvin D. Karpers,* retired New - A plea last litghh by the mayor So the scitetlst. says he sees Former Gov. Chiwtar BoWles A. ^m m el found that -Haymes $ 2 . 7 9 Reg. $2.95. SPECIAL ...... S 1 * f « York garment manufacturer, and for a general return to work,was little change oKany sixahte slash sain after returning ftom 5-w ^ United States tast May to visit some sp ecie drug or condition. became an alien ineligible to Rita Hayworth in Honoiulu. hD , TWO 2 S C Each 4 For 9 9 c The meaning of each symbol would Sinlth. himself. - --■ virtually ignored on New York in refearch funteS.hy business .as cruise he has “no idea" on whether a whole, althougnC tome little he'll enter Demecratle guberna­ cttlseiishlp.^ because of harins-61*^ was ..not etlgtble to return without aoeaga, March St (MN-Twe V y**-* hJ*>««!Buy plenty at thie low>rice for such a value, j^ua. be khbwn, by prior agreement, to Little >'1^ offered to exchange piers, ,eaHy’ survey* indicated. ■ranten wars h flM RB aia •won ... companies mi|ht seite on that as torial race . . . New'Haven newa- an application for exemption as a a ie-ehtry pftriiiTL the government Xfrasn. flainlilXo, yellow and peach.' ^ BOXm s t a t io n e r y s GARDEN FENCE SPlEClAi all doctors. • American'Woolen common--stock _'Did Manhattan waterfront _was iMiqt^ alien and such exemption tajnras today vtoaa a JUST WHAT YOU’VE BEEN WAITING FOR! Paper, and envelopes m. white and colors. Note and 3' X 5’’ Wooden, painted white.' While stock lasts at Identification cards in your whilst for,Textron stock plus cash. Ely all but lifelesB, and few were "re­ a way to economise. Mper reports Mayor Thoniu F. J. brick waa leads A group which seeks eal-ly J" Industry Spent 29. mllllbii dollars Quigley of Stamford la being pre- h ai^ g -teen granted and that, (Confinaed' oo Page Eleven) 1 letter slxe. Box a « a •seeeeaasaaeB e a • afbeaeaeo Ahls unuBual price. SPECIAL.Tt-...... or pocketbook, or dog tags around ported on ttellob along Brooklyn’s ttey-fougkt 49c Each co'hsoiidatlon with the Bachmai\n on research in 1920. Toohy the in Now Haven and Irar* WHILE THEY LASTt yoqr neck; c' ild do the same .thing. big dockfro^' - ' . ^ ■ ------4 - — ^------tte ■ear Waat Another Shipnieni . _ But you might lose the cO i^ or Uxbridge Worsted COrp. - 'Acroas.the Hudson River ta New annual bill is aifouhd three Billion field Uoiintlea f o i/ Democratic, ^ ' FIRST QUALITY ~ ’ I^ORTED SPANISH TILE forget to wear the dog tags on the dollars.. nomination for goyecnoi-. Research officials are inclined n*te of - ^nnecticut, Develop- tea^$ttug to.aaai i r r e g u l a r s o f 89c YD. B ' Squaib. Decorated design. Wrough.t.lron’ or A d a day of some diisaster, or automo­ (Coattaned oa Page F»«r) (Centlbjted on Page Flftii«a) roaf a te watt sC a PLAYTEX SUPIRFOAM bile accidsnt. scoff at the Idea that the death of teOntnient .CommisMon C supports estab* Costless Jap Graves toriMiiwt* TdlLETRliS, Etc. braas frame. Reg. $1.98. SPECIAL, ...... # l* O v Each ■ The tattoo system 'could be a th* excess prollts tax will sSem to ''-•-mentn^men of State part anthority to rrapen New London and Bridge partetaq BED PILLOWS INDIAN HEAD . A ■ , *.■ _ •V' ■ ^ more scientific way of carrying make researah dollars too costly, REG. S9.9S EXTRA PLUMP SIZE . . your 'medical wanting against' or that a drop ta gross sales will’ hrorld shipping . . . Johns $1.00 Value—slergen Lotion and Stick Deodorant . .49c DUNCAN SANDWICH PATTESN OLASSVMRE drug or tihatment which would give do anything but make, the mar­ Univsrnty scientists fig­ Cpifer Iwo Jima $6.95 Permanent, Finish, Pre-shrunk, Fast Color , . ' • — -JT. ------^ •A ‘ 86c Noxzema^ Skin Cream . . . . , . . 69c ' GobleU, cocktaila, Ice cream, ice tea. T' plate, juice. you a veiy bad reaction or might riage of competition and research ure 'H-bomb dropped without REG. $11.95 KING s iz e ' Reg. 95c to $1.40 value. SPECIAL -t.. v 9 C warning near/White House might le UONVIUTS E S C A m . Th# irregularities ard\so slight th e/ canhbi be Each oven cause your death, said Dr. the mors binding. . $8.95 noticed.ed. 3S:* wlde. YardX... 83c Lady Esther Cream ..... *...,. .69 c I ^ h H. Hussey, of .Waabiqadon, D. kill two thirile of 84,000' people Iw6 Jima, March 28-(P) — Un-*ter, WlUiamsbUi-g, Pa^ haa made Hsustaa. TbXi Match St/W t Thsy/admit, however, - that If known thousands of Japanese eol- an extensive study of th* undst’- —Ten e*Birlcla~ so'^SiS^i.Sf piuo^^rw Kolynos Tooth Paste. 2 Tuties 69c C „ medlca] editor^of GP, Magaxine Over Return Trade sate* drop enough to drain the till living in suburbs 5 to. 12 miles 1 m won^rful to $deep on/ Sanforised sippered coverD* Fourteen Colors:—EMERALD GREEN. FOREST GREEN, $AG-0’SPONGE of the Ainerican . Ae^ainy of Gen­ off. diers lie buried in honeycombed ground positions since he cam* to 76c Bayer’s Aspirin T a b le ts...... 62e iff Cash, that would te a different caves beneath Iwo Jima while the island in October, 1953. He has ;% p r im gnaSd whara hares STEEL GREY. SILVER GREY, BLACK, BROWN, PINk. RASP. 7 colored cellukiae spohges. Pius plastic baa * eral Practice. , story.. . Officials rsport two plants owned by former—German armaT American Marines ironically ]irac- mapped 18 fantastic. undergroUndT threw htai ate had caAy today BERR^ ORCHID, LUCKY BLUE, CIEL BLUB, WHITE, 60c Alka Seltzer ...... 54c Reg. $1.50. SPECIAL ...... J Dr. Hussey, MlEhillfe the Acade­ W -rA n?sia and her Communist satellites Here they do'^-perhaps a aixth of REG. $9.96 f l a m in g o , CHARTREUSE. ' . a my's annual »n tix K said the tat­ **®?^*i ^lng_ quietly clr- from getting strategic goods. ment U iv Alfred Knipp von Boh- tlbe on the 9-year-ofd battlefield honeycombs scattered oyer the frara Harirna Pifoah f m t m Geritol Liquid ...... $2.98 and $4.98 all the nation’s scientUlb researeh leb^ are now prodnetng penteon* to defend Japan. five mil* tong island. He haa made rautheaat af hare. ' too method wsiM ba discussed edi­ the Department of Strategic goods mdy Include *L on which industry draw* And they AWNING SPECIAL torially Jjlitks May issue of GP. CbmnmccejMys Soviet Ruuia can most anything, if ta undue quan- forVEgyptian government... Neff An Ar Force chaplain whCL^hMino^tfoi’t to map ths hundrads of 100% DOWN FILLED Bufferin Tablets...... '.ir;...... 53c and $1.23 expqirt Yankee ingenuity- literally French demand for veto power studied the fantastic uhdergrrandr smaller cavra- Green with White stripe. 30 ' and 36” width - Boipe pOoi*i^tre sensitive to be expMted to pressure the West tity. But emphasis 1* upon soarc* TERROHIST SLAYS SOBDI, REG. 69c 39’' CREASE ilESISTAN’f, Larg^e Listerine ,‘v .:t;. .79 c penicillin other drugs, or to in coming montte for "a ratiirn to or speclflcalfy m llitartr^at^M s around tha world. over German economic relation* defenaea: said "rv* seen at least i He is confident he is on the Fart lyautey^Masaeaa,' tiatrh BED PILLOWS s p e c ia l Raymond Stevens, vice-president with Saar interrupts latest effort 5,000 bodies." : track of the'General’s ' Cava, last Ji^ASkABLE PRE-SHRUNK • ' Toni Home Permanent Refills . . .T.C7T.$1.50 normal trade relatioTis. ’ i.and products, like atomic taa. U (Mt—A tonrarito to te hhad (Ceatinaed ea Page Foot) —Since mid-1953 RuMia has. 'peen I terials, explosives, weapons, hard- to rattle long French-German A Marine engineer said "thtra < -command post of Gen. Tada- ate kUlad Sheik S L o ^ ^ iy u ‘ m smaller Arrid Deodorant Cream . .43c and 63c cariytag on what apparently U a i enlng alloy*, planes, etc ' ’ (CeatlBned ea Page Fifteen) quarrel over rich border territoiy, fnay be-10,000 bodies here. We all! ihichi KurihajraMit, who detenOed El Banteurt at GLASSWARE SPECIAL know there 'werr-SOtOOO Japanese I the island to the death. Th* gen- u'f* otheewiae the IU yM BUTCHER l in e n Kleenex Tissue* ...... • ...... 2 for 55c preliminaty effort to soften up! Most Westeih nsUona have ...Yugoslay and Green military ksoae. Tha Shril • SSI •"»* <»ownproof Boxed In sets of eight Cocktail*. Sherbets Western businessmen wjUi visions agreed upon a list of things to te misatons afrl«% at Ankara for con­ here' and only jl handful. got off. I erai’s fate haa never been con- • im eg Mat af pn blue and white atriped ticking. . _ ' Large Johnson Baby Powder- . H .. 4i9c Juice, Wine, GobleU...... ^ 23 ^ Canal’ Walk of inexhaustible trade with'^til sultation with Turkish general-staff It stands to reason the rest ara\! cluaively proved. With him Saay Twelve colors in this popular fabric. Yard 5 9 e Russia. Thousan<)a of items George Raift Fet«^ Communist world’s 800 million long, this Hat is kept by the U.-S. officials . . Secretary of Agriculture still down in the caves." | be documanta'dstailtag ths full Resuming JourniBy subjects. In the eyes of many Department of Commerce; U. 8. aid Benaon tells Senate Committee . Bodies Net Burned grim picture of the. luuforgfouiid I wav* aC I $-Pc. GLASS DESSERT*SETS Western merchants those 800 mih- At ^ Friarsr Banquet rigid price props afe "tremeodiHw. The bodies ar* not burned,.Thsy defehse. ■ €,rrr,r.^^ ' ^2 ONLY ^ other Western nations is largely mahMasth. Sandwich pattern. Boxed. ' lion sohJeets-Hznilerfed; lUMT-irClaB, ly wamefid and expensive" and' rest where the men .died or were Many bodies rest where men OF $8.96 and $9.96 .conditioned upon strict obsfirvanca committed suicide. Some line pas- Shop 4 footed sherbets. 4 7" pUtls. SPECIAL . . . Fort Frederick, Md., March 23 underhoosed,. underequipped and of the trade boun^ set by this list. likely to become more so. carried. . REG 69c YD. (JP). »—Bupreme Court Justice Wil­ Hollywood, March 28 ' (AV,- Prime Minister Nehru rays he te- The oaves have been placed off M ^ways where they wan piaeSd 25% WOOL and 50% WOOL uAderaerviced—represent a tempt­ But loopholes have been officially Oeorge Raft. a All cMors HOUOW STEM $EER GOELH slseping in the open, ute only out­ Russia’s apparent desire to ered by radioactive aabes in mighty to the defense o f Japan. ' Many Japaneaa 'ware buried in - I - - Boxed. Set of S. ' Among , the chief questions fac- - P4(rhapa the s a d ^ t note of^aU hydrogen test blast. Marin* MaJ- Roland M. Daly of mass gravaa altar fita Marinaa Wla). e o l - .D OR W RO O F and FEATHiaiPROOF door camping scheduled Tiw t ^ e. Rap. ^maii. report finding some bedlra ta peCtSd. - .r-. . ’A- • • ♦ • ♦ a ( Reg. Price Frojii $1.98 to $5.98 Watsra. W. Va. That would put craaMngly aftas Hm oUrt of the pa thw speaker's- 4Ma-and 4he» -eant workers* mosUng... teglc goods mode /jvallable to said:- " , Thomas (D-T*x> Says offite or almoat every-Mg ceve. t- Soma ot the _ _ 95e them # S t a 100 mile* ^ their Korsan Weir in 196f. a bigBarfan CommunisU. 1n~fw^ Wi^, peon and gold. 7 ‘ “ Thla la a groat honor for a IsM.:Dofons* MobilizStion (.OOM) -has caves are littered with oM levMa .town, UtesalBr.------SaU Price From $1.19 to $4.59^ Blittoation, which they ptaa to UsUcaUr^oottpUcated systom has yWtithrithe Sevtst qtapire taking low who hasn’t done a thing to a teebm* "th* pluahirat' agency in id dangerous ammunition and Ora govenuMht” with Mggost pro- S ;xote*i ■) (CsaMMsd aa JPagarow) .- (ConttM on yactioBte top brnobiM Jbba. aSytoiii cept 0|tM)(ve f.

V-V " W ' - y ■ . T i .. - i y-iA , ■ - V' T . * !• -y : • / / ' , ,' r*-7= ^ ■■ i ' - -i '* . 'V. ;. A t> 'i 'A. I •-. ;■ ■]. ■A ... ^ '-5^." -■ • V ' ^. . , ^ • MONDAV, JiARCH 22, IW j mik Daily Net PriMN Ri iianrlfpati^r O w ning til!i . • ■ ■ rtr tiM Wcah'lae 'I Mu«h M, itM / 11,195 ■ ..ggifl ' Menbtr •( mt, AwHt .1 • . > BorcM «f ^ •% Mancheiter-^A City of Village Ctiarm\ 4 Mpi Em, NO. 146 (CfaunMIad Aivarliatag M) MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, M^RCH 1654 », (SIXTEEN PAGES) ea Indochiiiese

• \ . f Aid Vowed Back VI To French / Is, Washington, March 23 (fl>) [ARCH VALUE SALE Combined With French Generiil Visits President' Secretary of StRte Dulles R e b e l pledged today thsit the United ■V States would respuisd rapidly rw to-any new French requests / GIVEN W I T H i^KESlTAGALA L o se s 117S foR additional military sup- •9 plira needed to defeat Com­ / I; V. munist forces in Indochina. Q ueen’s (lMi|i|Mn- and FitUDi^ SHOPPING DAY A T In T h ru st Dulles told raporterz^at a newa UnioK R^ps Puts / coitference that he dose not believe Hanoi, Indochina, March 23 Indochina, a highly atratcgic South­ |i east Aaia area, wlH fSU under Com- Hat Plant’s L A pY PEPPERELL and CAN N ON FIAT SHEETS and PILLOW CASES WV—The beleaguered French muniat. domihaUon. Quiz REG. 59c'36” SANFORIZED Union defenders of Dien Support Nararre ^ a a .. Bi*h Phu reported today they Despite recent Increase Red at­ SNUGFIT BOTTOM and TOR SHEETS A T SALE PRICES PRINTED and >LAlN DRESSES He / had beat batic a sharp Viet- tacks in the Srea, Dullea said, the ‘Recruiting’ On AciRonS t U. 8. government still aupporU the / BROADCLOTH mlnh attack on one of their Navarre plan,. authorized by Gen. Drastically Reduced. ^ " battalions and claimed they Henri Navarre, leader of 'the Portland, Maine, March 23 FLAT SHEETS and PILLOW C>^ES Twenty>cight aoUd colorii and dozens of beautiful m m killed 176 of the rebels. French forces in Indochina. (/P) — An AFL spokesman patterns In WNUiderful S«” saitferiked Springmaid S A # * ■rae Navarre plan, which Uie broadcloth. Yard . . r ...... ih ,.....,...... T*** c>»*h yesterday wza the charged today that the Hat r r n u A T Y P E l 5 6 O N E O R O U P herdcat fighting reported, in a United States is supportihg as the Corporation of America had to/gtyg up tny vote on th« T Y P E 1 3 0 week froid the besieged fortress in beat method of winning In \ Indo- LADT/WKREU VALUES412.98 4n4$13,f8 $5.00 wins, caUa.for greaUy inenased recruited strikebreakers here S b n ^ luljcoininittee invotti- IJ^DY P E raE li northwest Indochina but nowhere CANNON HNi MUSUN SUm nNE MUSUN near on the scale of the Initial all- C.S. military aid to permit the in violation of Maine law. The gnti^ his row with top Army • CPM ED YARN PERCALE French to break the hsibk of enemy company said an unauthorized REO. S3JI9 72x108 .... $ 2 .4 9 8 C loseou t! O N E G R O U P out onslaught In which the French omcinls so long as ho rotainad claimed they killed 3,000 of the reaistance In that land. ' afid “over-zealous" employe the right t6\ crosa-ezamiiM m . $ 2 . 4 f 7 2 x 1 0 t . . . . $ 2 .1 9 REG. $3.49 81x108 .... $ 2 .9 9 REG. $3.49 72x108 $ 2 .7 9 VALUES TO $1$.98 ... toeeeooa $ 8 : 0 0 Communist-led rebele and wound- Dulles said the Chineoe Com­ had tried to hire workers for «d another 9,000. munists could demonstrate to the witnesses. ^ ‘ RI 6 . $2.19 «1x10t .... $ 2 J 9 REG. $3.49 90xT08 .... $ 3 .1 9 REG. $3.79 81x108 $ 3 .0 9 BEAR BRAND KITS TO v/orW that they are no longer the strike-bound Norwalk, McCarthy mad*\Ui« ■tatamwit/ . Rood Under AttMsk M O . S9e 42x34 CASM m . 4 9 e REG. 49e 42x34 ...... S 9 e REG. 79e 42x38Va »•••••• 4 9 e O N E G R O U P aggressive In spirit by oi-tting off Conn., plant. at a newa coEif«r«ao*xheld KNIT or CROCHET The, French Army Commander mIliUry sLqipliea to the Red-led Phil Block of Boston, an Inter­ mounting ptcmiui m LIMITED QUANTITTES OP EACH VALUES $19.98 and $25.00 $13.00 here aSid the . rebels attacked on Vietminh rebel forces. national representativeH of the can leaders for him tol . the road TUiktng the heart oflthe subcommittee completelji Reg. 11.49 and $1.49 Clip Cap Kits _ He acknowledged, however, that United Hatters,. Cap and Millinery SNUGFIT FITTED BOTTOM and TOF^SHEETS Dien Blen Phu fortifications with he has no evidence the dhinese Workers Union, aaid all but a makes its inquiry. Reg. 11.79 Howdy Doody Slipper Sock Kite ALL SALES FINAL > the southemmhet outpoet of the At the White House, 7"X Howdy D<^ Toy KlU Reds at present ere in anything handful of 150 men and woipen re­ _ T Y P E 1 2 8 T Y P E 1 4 4 . T Y P E 1 8 0 Prcnch-beld plalh. but an aggreeaive, militaristic and turned here when they found the a hint that Prosident ■ •_i R*f. $1.49 and, $1.79 Glove Kits . KIT \ \ The Vietminh mad(^ a bold ef­ himself might speak out ^ , Yam Dept. expansionist mood. plant had been under strike for PEPPRREU MUSUN / LADYKPPERELL LADY PEPfiRELL fort to wipe out a French Union nine montha. question at a aews eoEifertlMe«\ At hia news conference, Dulles morrow. battalion moving, from the center tMde these, other ppints in anewer> SUPERHNE MUSUN ^ ^ COMREDPERCi^ Uaed Chartered Bates . Asked Etoenhower’s view ,__ h of the fortress to join another bat­ A thakes hands with Gen. Paul Ely, eklef of ing questions: He Said the group went to Nor­ REG.$2.49TWIN . . . . . t l talion coming up from the sOuth. Ecoaomle Parley Been tdential Press Secretory James' REG.93J9TWIN ...... $ 2 .3 4 REG. $3.49 TMHN ...... $ 1 8 5 GROUP OF DRESSES ef^Freach armed ferasa who called at White Honee yesterday to walk Sunday .in four chartered Hagerty said; French tanka and mobUe unite dlacuee the Indochina war situation. (AP WIrephoto). 1. A special economic meeting buses and 14 cars. A company M G . $2.89 FULL...... \ \ FABRIC GLOVES / “I think 1 know how tha Presi­ % > JEG . $3.59 FUU ...... $ 2 .4 9 REG. $ 3.8 9^ U ...... $ 3 .0 $ VALUES TQ $ . * » - N O W . . Joined the infantry and artUlery to may be called with Amerieg’s prin- sjMkeamsn, however, said there In m p on stoles. Double orjdngle woven nylon gloves 10 e e • • e $ quickly smash the rebel attempt. > dent feels and I suggest you ask In abort and longer lengths.JSoloiri: White and pink. 8 W # * 5 . 0 9 cipel ^liez to Iron out proMnt dif. was "one bus load—about 74 per­ him that at hto preaa conference." Only petrol acUons have been re­ feren.c.es on trade with Communist sona/’ . Alao cotton atring gloves in wfaita-and colora. Pair / w 3 r V A good assortment of regular sizes and half si) There had been An indlcatkm ported since the rebels., broke off **'*q^; The United Statea favors Miss Marion E. MarUn, State tost night that tha White Houao HEAVY/QUALITY \ their initial mass aasaults—first of HALE'S CHARMHOUSE m^re restrictions on this commerce Comralseioner of Labor and In­ waa Joining in preeeuTL from Ben. \ the 7-year Indochina War—late last than do other Western nsllons. dustry, said at AugusU the com­ ate Republican leader* for McCar­ ' ■ MATTRfSS COVERS Tuesday. But the Vietminh, dug 2. The United States has no pany told her ita advertisement In thy to atand and* altogether \ , TOWEL ENSEMBLE Into the hills ringing the ' dtssty plans at present to send a full- from the inquiry. • /* HOLLYWOOD f, plain of Dien Bien Phu, contl|ii^ In Power Struggle a Portland/newspaper had “ inad­ MADE SPECIALLY FOR US BY A FAMOUS MILL FULL A|lb TWIN RED SIZES .. m bqwdor or prealden- vertently" oml^ed noUce that the Hall Backs Seimta r reaseleaa artillery bombardmeiH'of tlal envoy toN^he VaUcan. A N a s s o r t m e n t OF BLOUSES the fortjteas. plant waa struck, as required by GOP Chairman Leonard Hall REG. $1.19 23x44 RATH SIZE ...... 9 9 ^ CAMPUS'PAHTIES 1. France ia not demanding final Maine law. .- ■ - REGv $4.39 WITH RU 8BER SUnONS . $ 3 .4 9 In elastic leg or band leg hrlafs.' a. White and colora.col Small, medium, The Fiwncdi aaid today, however; ■aid in PlUladelphto that he agrosd large. VALUES TO $3;7I^O W ...... the Vietminh ehelling had tapered 'Oaton, March 23 The long-awaited annual sharehold­ settlement of its quarter with Ger­ Block charged that the corpora- with SepaU leaden. And when RM J9e 14x28 NANO SIZE ...... jJQg $ 2 . 0 0 many over the future of the Saar tidl had advertised for help here fiaEioB ^bhlutos |LTtavaB,.S8, persoEuI fhaplsln to Qneen EUzs- REG. $4.98 WITH ZIPPERS ...... $ 3 * 7 9 off today. ers meeting of the deficit-ridden American Woolen Qo„ is beUi, smiles ht hto hnde-to-be, Mn|. Ethel L. Pune Mooro, 86-year-oM asked whether he was reflaettog The -French Air Force oonUnued before ratifying the. p r o p o a e d without indicating that a labor the poaition of the Etoetilwwwr ad- A variety of Zizee, materials and colora. scl^uled for today with tvbo rivals for coritrdl of the huge European Army Treaty. Nor does dispute existed in Norwalk. widow after bis lunvat at her Brookline, Mnss^ home yeatentoy from RBG. 29C FACE CLOTH ...... The same, high quality mattreae cover which we have carried for under bright, eunny akiee to carry miptotrsUon, HaU said that would $1.00 finrtAThe only business before the meeting is the election of Italy expect a complete... settle­ London. Wedding to achednied for tomorrow nt BMton’s Trinity tob e |to'very sound dedac- yeara. - out,^ massive strike, on Vietminh four directors for 3-year terms and ' ' Jack Shea, buaineaa .agent for Ctonreh with - R t Rev. Henry Knox SherriU, PEetidIng BtohM « f heavy weight in eight beauUfuI colors.'ltoee, blue, ment of ijia Trieste dispute With the AFL Painters' Union here, green, hunter . / ■ conceptraUona. the electipn of a clerk and the Eptecop(4/Obnr!^ oileinthig. (AP WlrephotoL nr g i ^ yeUowi petal pink and frey. The rebels meanwhile stepped Yugoelavia before apj^iring its said that surii advertising ia pro- Tha Bparific -rqpMHiaa put to urer. However, bdth sides memberahip. hlbltod by Maine law. ^ Hagarty was wlullwr tha Pnai- FIRST^QUALITY SHEER up haniZE^lng guerrUla attack, on that the group that elects I Docker s/Battle 4. 'Ihe Secretary hap madie At Norwalk. W. P, Morrln, com- 7 dent agTMd with HaU. / HALE'S OWN BRAND vital French line, of communlea- rectors winm cide the future of the ^ ligMt ir r ^xsulars o f NYLON HOSIERY WOOL SKIRTS, tione In themed River delta in an compahy. deciaion on whether to ask a preeldeht in charge of The Senate tovaatigatlOEto into- $1.2$ EXTRA SIZH 24 x 46 In 60 gauge dirk seam with reinforced heel and obvious agort^to divart attantl)-;^t- and voluntarily" did Nattempt/ ,to* Carthy should take any r^ ela tha $ 2 . 7 7 _ REGULAR $2.98 IC^ttnned an Page E le v ^ )' Three alatee haveXbeen . jt tor (Con ^ u ed on Page Blevcai) "recruit some of hia friends" and hearinga except that of wltnaoa ward for the four dlrector^iss at tlea b r^ e out again ^ a y be- M 6 . $4.ra M «7t niL l lEO SIZE ''■v~ ^ Stake today. i tween m^mbefs of rival longshore- today ia being "severely repri­ Sen. Symington (D-Mo), gliiijg /. $ 3 . 7 7 LADIES' HANDBAGS manded for his enthusiasm.’/ Los „Angela, March 23 return to. the continentalnftol into the conuuttee room, teld re­ SLIGHT IRREGULARS OF $1.19 1. _ n e usuuigement group—men'e unions in the face of a plea United ^MUtiful extra hCavy pads filled with pure white cotton that In plastic calf, genuine leather a«d faille. Top handle rtylea, ■ ‘V ' -■ Morrin added that the company —Crooner Dick Haymes, ac­ :es from Hawaii on porters the toaue "ou ^ t to ooma CANNON FINEST QUALITY Tattoo System^ P r ^ r ic C. Dumalhe, Jr., NeW by Mayor Robert' F., Wagner that June we waa exeludable up.” win launder a pure white. Cellophane wrapped. fitted clutch bags and over the shoulder etylea.‘ Colon; Black Haven Railroad president; Roy A. Sefientists -Feel "nevei' has stated there ia no la- cused of illegally re-entering , prown, navy,"t|ui, red. etc. . . » \dock workers end their paralyzing hiw trouble at the plant during its 'by law at thdt time. . Bqt Sen. Muadt (R-80), who / GIRLS' DRESSES tfoddX. Boston banker and present 19-day-oId port tteup'> the United States after a visit will preside at the inquiry, said ho / HAND SIZE TURKISH TOWELS chainnan of the woolen company’s “ Tta to recruit woners.’ ..w dila TTa/. ..LI. * TT i Accordingly,' .he was found de- AH wa e » aay la that every tfilpment is a complete Siaea T to. 14 and pre-teens. as K ey The clashes were in Brooklyn, with Rita Haywortl^ in Hono- I portable under Srotlon 241A of considers "our first Job" to to e f f t o f SALE PRICE board; vuitia'M . Hutchins, preai' where violence, erupted last week Research Aims are wholly .nmlllar with out Be here eaidy for beet eelection of colors. ^ $2:49 Each the Mtone law pntolMUng such ad- lulu last year, today was the immigration and Nationality bn a apedol counasl for tha toqniiy MORE OF T H O ^ EXTRA HEAVT REG. »1.49 — + . dent, Bahgor A Aroostook Rail­ and Ibd the mayor to order stiff The flnaat quality towels that Cannon makes and the Plus Tax \ vertlatog," M o ^ if sold. ordered deported to his native into the charges and counter VALUES TO SE.i»-WOW$2,19 t . $ 6 .0 0 ToMedical Aid road, and Ehdicott R. Lovell, preai police rciiiforcemente to.^guard the charges swapped by McCarthy and toregularitlea are ao sHght they can hardly be found. dent of Caluthe^ A 'lecla, Inc. piers. • j n s e Vignrea INtfer Arsentina . The special inqulryMffficer also BcautxfOl jacquard patterns In nine colors. Bach . . . FLANNEL BACK d r i l l Secretaty of the Anny Stevzaa. X - Girls’ D e p t.-^ d Floor / 2. The nominees of A. M. Son- Shortly EtftDr daytime operations Figures quoted .by Norwalk District Wrector H. R. Landon ?ayme# haUNtoOM to \ By THE ASSOCaATEp PRESS sources variiM uflth ihoee givan furnish notification of hto Mundt and Sen. JadopEi (O- nabend, Boaton hotel man, who began at tife' Bull Steamship Line Cambridge, Mass., March 23 W of /the U. 8. Immigration and Waah)., who were IRONING BOARD COVERS NEW W r in g colors in po pu lar sm a l l Suppose you're one of the many has urged acceptanbe of the Tex­ piers at 19th and 20th StreeU, here as to Uka^tumber of Maine Hdturalization 8ervice announced: during January, 1953. and did not people who becomes dangerous al- — Hie industrial scientist may be eBtablish. that; the failure to ‘ gether, both said the ht FIRST QUALITY ' “ tron bid — Gerald ..Henderton, there was a akirmish between whistling in the dark — but he men and yrobSM kOsgedly recruit­ "This order to final and a de­ With Elastic • ' ler^c to penlelltin or some other ed^ for silica bp to^ g Jobs. BO waa reasonably uccuaable whoever to oho s q u a r e S C A R K V drug. Boaton insurance man; Robert L Btriklng and non-striking union thinks that management wiU go portation warrant Will be issued was not wilfull. - would want aoa Extra heavy Weight drill with fUnnel back. Will Au pure aUk with rolled herns. Huffines, Jr., president o f Tex­ men. right op picking up the check. A company aoRiim says they con forthwith. ^ rules'. •/ ■ TERRY FINGERTIP TOWELS And suppose you’re hurt and atituted "one bus M arabout 7S "He found that Haiunes waa even fit ejrt.ra sIm boarda. Each ...... j ...... D # C tron; Arthur O. Wellman,'^presi­ Police quickly quieted the out The/head of a leading research Clan BZ Appealed B u g g e d that if tha knocked unconacious. Could a doc­ dent of Nichols A ^o., wool brok­ break, with nobody arreated and therefore subject to deportation . / SALE PRICE 4 9 c Each, ^ tor unwittiogljr give you the drug organizaUoh here says thst re­ "However^. the order is appeal- nmlttee ^diild hlro "tha bant R i SPEaAL 4 F.r $ 1 0 0 r A R E S ers, and Soimabend, himself. no one hurt. search thinking haa b ^ m a im (Oontinbed on Page Sloven) under Section 241A (5) of the Im- II - . -■ which.ia bad for you? A. khort while later pplice re- able' within 15 days to the Board of migraUon. and NatiOBiOlty Act of Buy for youraelf and hi^ for gifts. Ten colora in practical terry .-/) A iitUe. .tattoo—put in a place 3. The group ptoiMsed by Wil­ bedd^ in management's mind Immigration Appeals in Washing­ 9 e e » iBaveo) liam Smith. Trenton, N. J„ casket 'pprted that a "battle royal" had since World War II. Perhaps that’s 1952." _ ' hw tor green, royal blue, green, red. yeUow. grey, 'N-. which Aven a Bikini bathing suit ton, D. C., in which event deporta­ Haymes, 37. came to the United - wue, pink and white. • REG, $3.49 manufacturer and a leader in the broken out. Some arrests were re- because feDeardh has paid some PERFfeCT/^RITING WEAR.EVER ALUMINUM CORN ROFPER woulm’t reveal—could be your porte

^CHESTER EVENING h e r a l d ! ItANCHEST^, cb>IN.. MARCH 1964

liM year. Hi* Hartford airoat vlo- ■A ' ■, ,,....- i y . ■ ■ ' ■. ■■ ■■ ' , ; . Jataa hi* probation.. Cpvmury Gas Dealers InvUed- Andover MANCHESTHR^XVENING HERALD,' MANCHESTER, ICONN., TUESDAY, MARCH 23,1954 In Hartford laat month, ^tilnn Fmanuel (k^ouji>8 wafe fined |M , ordored to iicrvo SO f iti i o w n All local gaaoUne doalara are Local Stock$ ;.C o^6H tfy " ■ ■ . ■ "■ • > length giewn fashioned of net and r ii:--e n ­ da^ of a thra* monUia aentence invited tb attend;, tonight's T*ewn Clerk Calls Plaii lo r Mo^tiiig . ■ and Mrs. Harold Patrice' spent Bmaill^iii at pie church which la v-.-'-’i ■. *:•' ' for breach of peace .and 60 daya lace. She wore a crow'n to which O O tn g lO n Sunday in NUntic. at the Fourth Sunday in I4n« aerv- meeting of the Mancheater aa^cadBOfr wxa attached a fihgertlp net velj. used by tha primary clam and the iesn Sunday. . ' bldrSHUi auapended and probation for two To St u e ^ Gasoline Dealers Aaan., Salva­ tiekwni « IMUMMbroak. IM. Nsrlaa CkBYch AiMvItlee Calendar' WM in r e d yeara on the obacene picturea Attention to Fine The Advance -for Christ Oom'i, Mseree* O'Rato He't cascade bouquet was carna­ 6(aadM*ter'^rSfaif Bendd Wf. tore Vendrillo, preaident. said Ip , as.-ptlesa tion* centered \ylth an orchid and Graiige Degrees The OuHllettght au^b hM clean- The'Rev. Mrijohnaon will preOrti ot 10 charso. today. ' ^ r - Bank SteclBi miUse of Emtouel Lutheran "Go Man Go” "W ar Arrow'* iss Hansen Takes First ad and^aintei^ the walls of the Uagton aorteapondent, Mrs. Q. F. t e n t y Jail \ O f E upils .. Andover, March 23 (Special) ^jSiufch, together with th* vlelta- streamer* Of honeysuckle. on th* toplc” fIhy Will Be Done," Beer, telephone jBockvilie 6-6lt8. \. The meeUng will be held at ' i Bid Asked ai sili Tech. Sit*4it1 Mra. Davis wore a yellow gown Mc- Moriarty Brotlters, SIS Center "Town; Clark EUaworth Covelh ha* First NaUowU Bank Aion committee, will attend a mjip- To Be Conferred icMater Por similar to \the bride’s. She wore a tlHl' Peilas Stirpri8e at 2 p. rp., the th* opportunity at both aervice* of la ^ *nter*d a two-tone auit In The bride graduated from the /enty-elght membera of , tb w the officer aald, wa* try* ding cake, baked by Mra. Kathe* Boards of Selectmen, and Welfare, tura about the Ufa of Ben Bemie. Andover School js taken from a Conn. O e n ...... 320 — offering their pledgee for mlsalon The Krefty Klippera 4-H Oub local school and attended Windltam Gra^Ke .attended the, .Neighbor 'flig to atari » f l^ t ieith the aailor. rine Peretto. quotaUon by Horace Greeley: Hartford Steam Boll. . 56 59 "Forever ^ 2 m w^ 1 crepe with a three-quar- will meet tomorrow at 3:3!) p.m-. the'local clergy, the agent of the That’s the kind ot offers I j^t work. Those unable to attend "Paratrooper" High School in Willlgiantlc. She Night liiaettng at Vernon recently. Tha accuaad came back a abort On the 10th the PCilaa had re­ ‘‘Fame la a vapor, popularity is an T ravelers/...... 1 0 3 0 1050 will be visited by the visitation I la rater) FeauUe” ^ "fJ** ^*«Het. She received a |5 at the Hans Hanaen home. • The I* employed at the E2ectro-Motive Ghm»h Women to Meet juvenile court, the truant officer, nowadays” *!l*2' yoii how to ' time later and . heaped abuaive ceived a beautiful bouquet of a i‘epresentative of State Police accident, riche* take Wings. Only FaMIe OttBtlea committee choaen for this work.- *:Sa-*:«S Frisky Needle 4-H Chib will meet Co., Wiliimantlc. The Won:en’e Council of th* ' P o H e l f e lanauaia on the' officer who ar* flower* from Jibe group, and on But the evening was mostly one thing endures and that it Conn.^ght Power .. 16 V4 1814; The plages will be carried over a ham High School and is a student from 7 to 8:30 p.m. tomorrow.at CongiygaUoh"*) Church will meet and taachera will meet with the character." /- in tlw advanced class of .Mr*. ' Lee graduated from the local reatod nim, broai;ht him to police Sunday they preaented the couple filled with Uugha, 60 per .cant of Obnn/Power'...... 40H 42 perioid of 18 weeks, enabling mem­ Wed.: "The Long, Long Trailer" the hone of Miss Naomi Griffith, SChooU and Windham High Sebool in the' church "apclkl. room* :.t 11 I6t Oe.tto.B9„ kaedqaartera knd found tha pic* with a handaome Boaton rocker. Bdard of 'Educatiem to diacusa Th* luncheon menu for thh re­ Hamord Elec. Lt. 64H 56H , Charles Helmbpldt of the Home leader. tbls schdol and towii problei them bawdy, ber* to pay on a weekly or month­ Lucille Ban, Deal Arnaa--’^ . Economic* Department. and is taking an apprenticeship a.m. Thursday, "w>toB k pot-luck add a * iforaa on hi* peraoii.'. - Mr. and Mra. Peila, who came mainder of the week: VYednesday, Hartford Gas Co. .... 36 36 ly basis. , The .'Second Congregational course in tool and die luaktng at luncheon wiU be adrved. After the - ■ ■ \ ' Quina waa convicted of indecent from Pennaylvanla, have lived in Some of the apecifle pMblems Although suck high priced com baked beans, cabbage salad, pea­ New Th* Advance for Christ Com­ Thomaa B. Danielkon of ChurOh tvlll meet tomorrow a t 7 lunch a buaineae meeting will bd ^ axpoaure la tha local coiirt June to be studied tbe-group of town ice as Martin and Lewie, Georg* nut butter eandwlchea, apple­ ■ Center Is Chairman of the Pratt-W hltoey Divlalon of -if-i Mancheater for nearly 25 yeara Tel...... 36 87 mittee of Emanuel Lutheran p.m. in their sanctuary. The First United Aircraft, Bast Hartford. held followed by miaaiiMiAry sewing d, ItSS. Ha waa fined SOO; received leaders include abeenteeisni in the Burns and Parkyakarkua were on sauce. milk; Thursday, cOok's ape- ManafMtntng Oeaepanles Church includes the Rev. Carl E. Girl Home Congregational Cfiiprch Choir will work. \' "\, yourself! '. M t dhya la Jail, execution aua* The Oreat Liakea could be aeen school and the series Of recent the program, it was a former ciaL butlcred peas, epic* "eaxp; AlUto^ermal...... 36 36x Olson, Dean Berg, Roy Johnson, "T ^ Makers' .Committee, under whose meet at 7:30' p.m. tomorrow in Personal MenUoiiX ! pended and placed on probation for from the.ipooji with the naked eye. home Juid school breaks . which Ught heavyweight champion^ of mUk( Friday, egg saUd Am. /HaTOware IS 18 ■ Mancheater Kvjhlag Herald C*v- Ruth Chambers, Retty Heck, Lil­ ‘ aubSiitted^*'^ winning entry wa* their aanetdary. . eatrv correapopdent, Mr*. Charle* Mra. Marie Shenehan of Mbadow havo-iosulted in theft ^ d dam. the world who got liidet of the wichea, vegetable aoup, butter, Arrow, H * ^ Heg. . . . 39 42 lian Larson. Harry Shenning. Her- Brook Rd., ia a patient in the Mpn- U. age to private and public property laughs. can pudding,' milk. ly will be the guest of the The pareAt-member* of the Cp- L. Little, telephone Pilgrim 2-8281, Aaeoc. ^ i W ...... 26V4 26H m w Johnaon, Hugo Benaon.' Ray- MANCHESTER operative Nursery and Kinder­ •' — - . cheeter Memorial Hoepital. \ .With the suRgeatione and boohlets we bffer you can ilucic a A growing prevalenM of pupil Slapsie Maxie Rosenhloom, in Mra. Doris H utchins*^ was Bristol Bras# , . „ . . 16 17 moind Wogman, Arthur Ander­ ' CAR at a luncheon n e x t Mis* Ida Bancroft of Hill Crejir disobedience toward u a ir teach* elected'president of th* Tolland- Cheney.Broa, T.. 8H 10 , ^eadAy. in the Flrat Oongrega- garten will meet tomorrow at 8 cozy, coififortable room under the eaves of your attic . . . with troduced as "Marlon Brando'* dlC' son. p.m. Mra.' Harmon Cochrane, Mr*. •pent Sunday inlhompeonvlll* aa built-in bunks and closets . . . and do it yourself! Or, we’ll era haa also been reMrted, and tion teacher,” said it was Raft Wlndham District School Lunch C ollins...... X . , 66 106 . ttonal Church, East Hartford. She guest of Mr*. Mary Thompaon. H ri Tt'N J will model her dreM At the annual Ronald Knapp will be hoetesaea at Deaths Last Night will he considered ^ r possible who first taught him how to fight Group at a meeting hbrd at the Em-Hart ...... 26H 32H Mr. and Mrs. Lm Ryde:^ and Mr. recommend reliable builders, if you wish. 'You’ll find a big remedy. "Dia bum Raft picked me up Stom Grammar School Tuesday Fafnir Bearing ...... 86 38 , *pring conference of the Connsc- the Nathan -Hale Commi^ity Cen- variety of materials at McKinney’s . . ..lumber, doors, wall- By t h e ASStHNATED PRESS - i - when I didn't have a quarter to evening,. March 16. Other repre- Landers, Frdry. Clk. . 28H Tobacco Barn Lost • Bcut DAR. . . boards, paneling, flooring, hardware and paints! X my name.” recalled Maxie.' "Now aentaUves of Andbver School New Brit. Mach. Oo. . 46^ 46H LAST DAY J She haa been active in 4-H CTub There will be a setback party Pari* — Mme. M*rie-There*e wer# Mrs. Chamberlalh. principal, North and Judd ..... 28 26 "The Glena MlUer Story" ^ • 3Y°''k for the past eight year* and tomorrow at 8 p.m. ih the Nathan Bonnet, 92, mothec of the French 1 owe 620;000. Thanks, GeorgeV In Windsor Blaze _ “TEXA8 RANGERS*’ / Norwegiap^ Couple Raft, who will admit h4'a not M ra Jtllaon and / Mra. .Konrads Ruasell Mfg., .... /. 9H 11H j plana to attend the UnlvSraity of Hale Community Center wjth Mr*. Anmaaaador to Washington, Henri the worid’s greatest actor, came Problems diacuMOd were the col­ Stanley Works coni. . 43 46 OTARTS'TOMORRdW ' , Connecticut In the fall aiming for Leo T. Leary a* chairman-. , ' Bopnet. Died Sunday, EMERGENCV SHOE REPPIR Cheered; fieported in for much ribbing on that score. lection of luncKtoeney, the freeser Terry Steam ...... 100 110 Windsor, March 23 (F) — A to­ "Red O a r ^ ” I -A laska Seas'* • a career as a" clothing apecialist. The Democratic Towii CdmiMt- /Chicago — Wallace Gamble HO W. T 0 - D O Ih'the Innch program, , and the Torrington ...... 26 26 bacco barn on the H. C. t»nhll A TerhBiMter I _ . . _ te* will meet tomorrow a t 8' p.m. C E N T E R ■/< 12" LONG PLAYING “Once;” said Georg* Bums, K. CiMsry I Mtf* Sr** ’ Hoeplfal Note* BVan*, 49, assistant to the freight OIL lURNER Raft and pasy Cooper played value of ths/achool lunch as op­ U. S. Envelope com. . 70 ' 77 Sons' tobacco plantation Was de­ Uar MItehril I Aae Sirtllas^ ; Edgar W. Dynes of South Street in the Booth-Dtm'ock Memorial traffic manager of the New York Hartford,^M ^Tn iB-'nie Im* posed to ,toe lunch' put up at U, 8. Envelope pfd. ..60 66 stroyed. last night in a wind­ library to ditouaa the by-laws with SERVICE r migration and HaturailMtion Serv­ scene in front of a cigar store. • t* a paUent at Windham Com­ O n tra i Railroad before hi* ratire- It looked Uke the wooden Indian home. Veeder-Root ...... 8H4 3 3 ^ swept fire, A calf partahed, a trac­ munity Memorial HoapiUI. He suf­ Raymond /Bradley, chairman, in ment in 1950 and a son of Timothy ice has ordered the deportation of Th* Hc^leman family, recently The above quotatlona are oot to tor waa destroyed, a home wae charge. / . / / PTTTTl a. Norwegian coupl* living in Bran­ standings between them waa over* fered A heart stuck at hU home Evans, a New York O n tral vice CALL U'LUPIT acUng.” moved from New Mllfor^to An­ be construed as actual marketa. threatened and A quantity of hay. Friday. / Lee»Kei|y president. Died Monday. ford on expired alien vlritora per*. dover ynav* entered t^ r three grain and charcoal waa burned, Miss Mary France* K«U^. mlt*. , Schary, the hoes of MGM, aaid , Mra. Rae Grombie of D e p o t Menasha, Wi*.—Richard Thick­ M I"9-4548 of Raft; "He and Pat 6'Brten en­ chlldim in the school/Susan has THREE WRV AWARDS Sparks riding on- high w i n d ■ Road was admitted to Windhm daughter of Mr, and Mrs. ArthUr The couple. Storm Halvoracn, entered Grade 5. Nancy, Grade 3 New Hacen, March 2S (8)— Three en*. 64. president of the George A\S U f P L Y C 0 . - I 0 L I* 0 H SA, and hla wife. E ras O. Halvor* joy the diatlnction of being the landed on the roof of the home oc­ Community Memoril Hospital on Kelly of Root Road, wa* married Bants Publishing Co., and a vice HIIIMTS and Judith. Grade 2: Yale students have been named to cupied by M. C. Thrall, Jr.r bat Saturday. . Saturday at 11 a.m. to Jesse Rlch-Ri: '^ I ^ U J A M / aen, were admitted aa visltora from o t^ two non-buxom stare discov­ Meetings at .we ScJiobI receive Fulbright awards for study p^ldent of the Northwestern En­ Canma.in 1962.They hav* lived in ered by Howard Hughes.” firemen put out the email blase Pereat-Clilliiien Oame^Slated ard Lee, Jr., son of Mr. and MIra. graving Co. Died Monday. OPEN ALL DAY S^pbA Y - EASY PARKING-ON 44 A Wednesday evening, Teen-Age in foreign universities. Joseph A. before it spread- .Thrall estimated J . R. Lee, Sr., also of Root OIL SERVICE ^ MG.$i.4S-NOW Brahford since, both being em­ group; ‘Ibursday evening. Re­ Grimes of Providence. R. I.; Philip Th* Rolierison School'girls wilt- Minneapolis — Roacoe E/ Whit­ ployed aa house servants. They damage would exceed $7,500. The play their laat basketball gs)ne ot in. the F ' r a t Congregiatl worth, 54, president of Nutrena gional High Sbhool Group; Friday B. Heymann of PltUburgh, Pa,, barn was empty of tobacco. Church. have one cbjld, bom in this country evening, Cub Scouts and Movie*; and Joseph R. Grodin of Oakland, the season March 31 in a night Mills, Inc., since 1944 and a direc­ laat August. Canouliead LisM nm e with a mother-father team. The Rev. ^Truman O. /ii^land. Saturday / afternoon, religious ert Sprenkle from heavy smoke inhalation. within 10 days after/his written de­ will be awarded hie badge as a Fireman John Dillon, alee x smoke Schwager (captain), DOrothu Lati­ cision ia served on^toem. Home”, "In the Local Pariah”, mer, Roberta Vance, Darbv C^raon, the Diocese", "the Natian”, and 0Staria r Scout.B victim was treated at the scene. The Rev. Emanuel R Branch, Ibe blaze which started in a tire K»rgn utUe, Annette Uehmen. OALt INCLUDE CLASSICAL AND POPS the World”. Qort* Bugsiere. Marie Sehwog After aervice, the visitor will^ 3/.,, preached pw the 11 a, m. worship store, spread to three other stores J.,. Churcli Jl^others servicervice on Sunday. before firemen conquered it after a Carol Bridgeman. Joyce S^ly, OPEN TUESDAY UNTIL I P.M. lead tha l.enten diacuMion group, two-hotor fight. TELEVISION Anita DUtte, Pamela (Jieraey, sponaorad thia w*ek ^ mcmbei Adverttsement-r- /Nancy BlWll, Joanne ^chling. You DON’T NAVI TO GAMBLI ON ALSO THURSDAY UNTIL 9 P. M. Coniifiict Meeting of the aO-50 Club, married ebupkis' Well eeaspned wood for sale. Martha Mci^mbe. KareifEldredge. Mon., Wed., Fri„ Sat. Until 5:30 P. M. group at 81. Mary'A' Cut any length. (Jordon Rice, Jr. Roaeann Cbiaririb aiid Hazel UtUe COMDINATION VriNDOWS A DOOM I Although Canon Raad Is a hative AU Day Wedfiesday Until 5:30 P. M. Mrs. R u^rt Uptllng, iwesident P I 2-7534. PROGRAMS a* scorer, Janet" Eidredge and Eva of Akron, ^/Ohlo, he-has spent his of Ctntef ■ Church Mothera Club, piette of the alumni ^11 referee OVit 10,000*000 INMAllATIONS AND 17 entire c-ialstry, ^xcept//or one m d e o Everyday.-All Rights Reserved—H. T, 4ha game. The-ikdmiaaion wUl be 50 conducted a brief buaineae meeting year, in tlye (Uocesa of O o^eeU cut cenu. J YIAM OP MFINDABLI ttRVlCI YIU YOU... last evening, with Mra. Clifton A gi-aduatw of Leldgiy^ University Sbower CoWducted Pastor to Preach Monaghan in charge of deiotions. A- and of the Genen^ Theological The Rev; Truman 0 .\ Iraland, In the absence of Mra. Ll T. Seminary he eervad during liu For Miss Trebbe minister of the First. Cbngrega- Hi'ri. because of illness, Mrs. ; tional Church, will preach the YOU’RE RIGHT WITH Charles Gipson led an interesting diaoonate' at th^Church of St. John the Evanguiat in Boatan. / ■' • guest Limten setmon Thufroay at and enlightening dlsouesion follow­ 130 CENTER STREET. — CORNER OP CHUkCH Canon Rmd/hama to ConnacU- Miaa Bernice Trebbe, daughter of Auto Radio Silont? ; 7:45 p.m. in the Congregational ing playing of the CSiriato’ihu' Mra. Leon Trebbe, 28-Stone St., ■ Church in South Windham. records on sex education, released cut in 1953 M aaaiatant in St. — r - v » John’s Chui^, Bridgeport. He was honored at a personal shower WE'LL HX IT IN . Rev. Anders laind, minister, by the Chiietopher Poundctlon, Sunday at the home-of Mias Veroni­ • be in chairge. RUSCO , later became chaplain In the Rec­ founded by Fattier Jo e ^ h Keller. ca Smith, 343 W, Center St. Klipper Group OrganI, A social hour followed and re tory S^ool In Pomfret, then OURPRIVE.IN/ W(i' cJLofyfst Mon.jfo'ti '*" X Cofrib'-ttif. •’ Wi. * ______J ' ■ . 1 joined the staff of Christ Church Mias Smith will be-Miaa Trebbe's, • ^ Kiai'ty Kllppers 4-H Senior rreahmenta were served by Mi maid gf honor at her wedding to’ ; group haa been of^anized, with Jerry Pierce, Mra. Otto Am C sth^al. Hartford. Lt. Mario Frattaroli, of Stamford, A uto -liodio aiaparlvnanl Iiy^l941, Canon Read \ ap- ^tamk ■ \ I M y Hansen and Mary FArrell as and'Mr*- David FemelL on May l in St. Jam es’ Church; / i/junlor leaders, under the /direction For free home demotiftralioh, call mpowted_aaaistant , ^ to the ••1 ,»*-aon Guasta from Springfieid, Stam- “■ John ■ P. Plumb, then .ei^ccut 277 RROAD / of Mra. Hana Hansen. M atings ara e:.ccutivt fofd, Suffield and Manchaater were NI-6-1124 ; Wednesdays at 7:30 p/m. at the jm eraU ry of the dipceec. Upon t)v. present at the Ihewer, and pre­ STARTS WEDNESDAY \\ M l . 9 . 7 3 8 2 ^Plumb's death in 1947, Canon Ri /* t^ Long, Long Trailer” ' Hansen home. Additiotu members -fo r-l Read sented the bride-to-be with many M L i V 1 S 1 0 N SALES and . include Roberta Vance, Sandra 2 waa appointed a* hu auccesaor. • RADIO lovely gifts. , "Callaway Went Tbntaway” SERVICE He waa made an honorary canon ' Hanaen, Ann MaeVane, Barbara of the cathedral in 1650. , Contoa, Patricia J^gehaen. R. J. LYONS ChauBl a (formarir *) Maw Bavas, Fereonal Mention , The midrweek morning aervices C*a*. " *:*# ( Ml) MILTOM BEBLE 8hOW— ■ Mr. and Mr*. /Eugene Clairk , \ M E N T FOR;— iff S t Mary’s, will be held tomor­ Cto>**i M Mew Btitel*. Cass. Berg Chaaact It Boteak*. Ma». '/ have returned to their home In THE IARTtm.|RAtNARD COMFANY S A L E ^ ^ row at 7 a.m. and 10 4.m, Both ;3I-*5) BlSHOr FtlLTOM Gerald Park Mter spending six will be services for the Feast ot £bae**J ft Wetorteinr, C**a. 589^NEW PARIL aVE,,, WEST HARTFORD ffMvIEwllVUTVw Ch****l *1 Sr*t*cll«H. .Ms«t. *.3®) CAFTCEKD—-Cheater Morfii . 'weeks in Fionda. the Annunciation, which falls bn (M) ALL STAB THEATEB Mrs. A d eli^ G. Simmons- of tm d f P o in r Thursday but wUl be observed a IM) PANTOMIME QUIZ Caprilahds ^erb Farm will give A Prodaet of J. F. Ruasell Ctk, Clcvelaiid’ ^ \ y f day earlier because of the local *:** ( «> fiMIliat, TIHE wEatwiM ruVAf a Ulk W M n e ^ y at 8 p. m. a't -V, ..M program. Intercessory prayer will Ogteni Sunday, March 2Bth\ IwR— Taitd of t h* Out­ _lb* Farmingtoh Valley - Woman's ^•■I/Mi** Me bit tolfTletea hit, "TOAST OF THE TOWN” wllk £d 8*Uiv**, 8*edey etcele*. • te *, Stattea WNBC-TV,■ C h aa^6 _ S6» krsad 8 L ,/T ^ Ml-S-fiSgl follow the 10 o’clock service. law*” / , WUTEBM PLAVa O- fib E G. E. Winis A Sdii, file. • Club, Faimingtdn, on "Herbs for OPEN EVfcNlNO '^s The children’e mid-week Lenten L'MCLE ED’S FUM CLim FlaVorXfor Fragrance, and for ae> y ^ at St. Mary’s .will be held , , —Ed Hatch 2 Slain SL Phone 60-6^128' ■/Kin;”/' - • ■ O N m 6 SHOLES UKESIDE CASINO i:lt < S) * -TBE OOLDEN on Thursday aftamopn at S:30. OLD LEHIGH COAL Coming EvenU Automobiles will again pick up JOUtH ;pOVENTRY . i:ta ( aeii howdy doody tim e SHELL f u e l o n , ^ The Merry'Sewers 4-H Cl»b will children^, at the .more dlataht a lit ( »B>JT’a o v a pboblem < inecL'''tomorrow at 9:30 a. m.- at Schools a t ^ p.m, With Amazlag P)DA-6x (U> FIlV " Six-Pet* atonw ------FOR CLEAN ttM T •the hoqie of >Mra. Ethel Cargo, > ... SUN., WElIi, aiil FRI. NIUHTS _ (U) LADY o r THE BOOa6HEl,F , Mias Shirley L. -Weik, county as- own . , -^Ealeen Kneeland raociate club agent, will inspect MNOKEYS (*1) CISCO KID t.-to ( LW) MKETj MILUE —Ifctei™ -tbeir articles for dres* revue. Legion A HaJop, RE-COVERED WITH NEW'I NEW* A WEATHEB Backus Jim , V. ■' HUD E. HOUSTON Si Ident of the American Legion THURS„ FRI„ M T. (U) DEADUME EDITIOM 9:39 .( ■> SrSMCNSE—■ 4PE * Auxiliary, announced at the meet . -Fred Dwyer ' • ■i.’IiJ'lrP**' B'unlnn'’ • -Here yOii get the jdunbus, carefree, wide-open feeling of A SONS. Inc. (*l) BFOET6--Jerry Healy WEATHEB FOBECA8T a convertible—with all the comfort, the'wind and PlahoB Since 1618. “rlct meeting will be h*ld \ Sun- (M) rtuf"" • now brings you the most ’ weather protection of a/sedan. The Suif VaDey^ is' Ravor Sutid -Matc% 2g. a t 2:30 in Bulkeley ’ . ;•»{ 59^CBJBBVlEW * FREE ESTIMATES CITY DETKimVE another Mercury first—wd it’s a beautiful thing to see! School, Maple Avenue, Hart- »:## (X U FOB VOUBSBLF' ' / TEL. AD-2-2846 fpriL She also reported receiving l*R|ldl*iUeiAtofto ~ DAVIS BAKERY advanced car on the road^the But that’s not ail! As idth every ncw^jflercury, it has a <**) DANORB tfcie k eur rkeiie egein" offer. W# a rMueat for a ahower of playing SFEOiALlZINa IN new, 161-horsepowerj/overhead valvd V-8 engine—new cards for uSe at the veteran hoe- OMMoanuNyoN MOVIES ScofcIMrisli-EopgllsIi 1*:M ( •) FULTON LEWIS, JB.. N«»> Sun Valley—Amm<»’s' first ere leetiag ferwerd te ‘ Meing_eld— Bey pltals. These should be brought to cominenury power that makes miy driving easy. And you get new the April meeting. ^ PASTQIES oR d (3*) 8 m IT NOW EdwardtR. ball-joiliit front wheel suspensjon that makes your iliEiiaiiiy triead* egem • , , end ateeiing new Kurrow / Fairbanks appointed as RAKED GOODS ' (U). NEWS and w eathbb • transparent-top cRr. And it Mercury easier to. handle, safer ih cornrnng'andttltnini- THE CAR ' ****** 5e, cente In end enjey egein BW^m lize, auditing committee, Mrs. Hariy Wadtog-Farty Cakea !«'» WOBY TpEATEB > DONT Sweet, ^ r a ; Elmer Rice and Mrs. le.tt ( t) THE LITTLE THEATER’ costs less than you’d expect! If you' wantown a dream car—a car that’s years Harold Itolcbsr. CALL MI-S-8286 u:*e ( •) y B E y montoomebt ahead-T^Ou’Vy go( to see your Mercury dealer—todayl THAT MAKES ANY DRIVING EASY fmeet^fraik fette ef Oeiry throw UiMi Away -'■J^ENTO: The Quallly niNjMEy The s(im of $15 waa voted ,to 616 Mala S t—At the Oeater Ouaea. ffamamber, it'i freian juit ' StiU Plenty Of Wear Left " purchase toye to.be sent to Korean fW) NEWS—Pete Stoner ■ Hftdmtat In Shoes Repaired Here children-at Easter. The Depart­ <*U FINAL EDITION-Juy Drury lecandt infer* y«« **« Mf ment also Sent toys at . Christmas •i*3 < *) THK NEWS TOOay 11:19 (*I) WEATHEB-John QulIL,.., get sail IM) m M Uifil (M) THE XTB naow-_ ;:;SAM YULYES to Korea., y--. WEATHEBVANB-CareU J#. • Mft affiliated coAipenie* ar# now tto j Exams Toi lorrow ICEiTH's'Va r i e t y Isrtett k>*n ro u p in th* U. fi. A TIE AT rOK TA8TC THE Of f i c e OF ’ **

___ / : V' J

r' ,- v i. 1 / \ MANgaESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN., TUESDAY, MARCH 28,1I|M, MAKCHESTER EVE nW h e r a l d . MANCHESTEll. CONN., TUESDAY. MARCH 23,1954 'A', ' ' r ' i —" t ...... : '"r""'" -:----- — r — - — ■■■■. n - ■ ... -i-n.,.,...... promise to ralaS the level df So- a newa tfsrence with setonce F^ure H ike Foes ivfet living, H a l B q y l e Wqoo-.t9B0 ^having the blood available hai w'ritcrs oktag Into a number of W H A Y -^8 H e b r o n .callora on Mrs, E.. O. Lord, Mrs.. ,4. Soma pftan, -at least, to sail 'TRUSS Mieant a life aaved," he stated. Paine's 8iri«r-to-law. Mrs. Paine, Tattoo l^ystettis research >roJecta being sponsored w km iM m . Blopd Donor Strangfeid appealed to the Q uestion Profits "hard goods’’ ' mining machinsry, by tha fmarican Canqer Society. Daily Radio WGTH—f4l8 lived herr for many yaara before construction steel, sutomoblles and ny AKRON arndoatad/ Bxpqrta WORD—iW ; ikhthooka of local citizens whien N e w 4 -H S .f5w i i i g her marriaaa and takes a keen tn- Contest the like—to bnok a recant Moscow Could It Spring ? Dxplalas Tip-Otf Kaatera tttandard TIqm w n c —1^ ^asixes the aavinga the Urged as Key Ha the UpiUp-off on the poeai- Also AbdaialBal Bappafta. Etaa- Real Veteran terest/in alFdoinga to the old town. Hartford. March 38 (gV-Hart claim of "williliigneBs to help all Ho Hoatery aaMl aU Ippaa of Program has meant in dol- She is a daughter of the late N. E.' ford opponents to a OonnecUcut4 countrias promote Internal eco­ hie usei ilnesa of these antt-malar- foUo^ling program ached-la one of' the "repeat" 025 If it had been secured through at , tile, home of Mrs. Bussell J. Spring Danee Slated dtaatariBOB wlUi^Jthat coi round. ; aeema io be several objrotlvaa here. •urn wfld growth would be of WDRC-E R Murhiw ^ Mercies, OfflcerA elected, are: the leash. , break open like popcorn, and the DiabetiesJ usually carry Identity WOTH-Eddie Fleher dohora recruiting fo r, the next commeroial. thannels, if it could Parents bf children in the Ele­ •ra at pTMent ''ia iteyanca. The..^ company la asking to in­ Soipo *PP**'*"Uy Conflict, such brown woods swim in a gro«a mlat, cards ao that It they suffer from greft Importance 8> have beeii secured in time to save' presldent^^ Beyerly\ Hills; »vlce mentary School, aa well as any Uttla diarrad laa^niglltHt crease Its rates from lO' cents to aa offers to buy production equip- • Tha pigeons aUrt JayWglking to ,e Box MsUnee W)fAV—Pollih"'M»rhat did/you say?" end voice of duty is drow^i^ out by said; WH^.—Weelern Carsvsa be donoi'8?"\he ask'h^. "I believe (^nip M ^ri-W pod are no more thaiKSfr Proof. But layed mlltng a meeting of hia neck?, knd the dog tags could cs r- JJ;01^Record RevUw that there. Are two Yeasons for is not adequate to cover . damage before or after taxes. T|he ratio Director William; Wise, of the the; boss nods for a moment and a big fat yawrw-w-w-w^n/' "Ufe is being prolonged, and done, but Will he of help. The ehereiwideia to .vote on the plan, ry audk medical information I >r there la always that possibility WDRC—Johnny Dollar their lack of \interest. First, they Fleischtauinn's is 90 Proof-r Is the relationahto of costs to in­ Stats Water Commission, will go says, "when?” / Work Is for horses and htaetors. warnlnlgs:. n"'V WTIC-Juit Plain Bill r* frame of the house Is intact. The ^•uuiae he knowa X’m trying to come/ and the difference represent A man feels like peeling w his that sqtoaone may corns ,tp ffeconle ^ Newe; 8|wrU are afraid. Serond, they think 'O! R euiiioii\Satiirday NOTICE and this means you get more flavor, over-plant tonight with the Board High in the /akyacrapperf the Tattoos—removeable if a a< n' WGTH—Sfi. Preeton of Yukon Porters, aS previously mentioned, ft" profit or loss. 1 ^ 8 a ratio, of of Directors for the expansion of swivel chair jMkeya muse over past and going for a swim to cto an answer to time to mve such ' Nisht Watch someone else Will take care c|f more jfenjoyment in^e^ry drink. ny.nraleea the work of altiVlty disappeared later in l(fi /k- §;lO— WTtC—Dragnet nved in town until a few years During my mboence my store 100 would show X b^ance. whi|e the sewage disposal plant. what would happen if they threw seas far away . . , far. far away could people." Wfitern Ckravsa that. It doesn’t/concern me.!’ ” Saturday will, fin^ many of last ago. I Americaa’a Preaident Francia W. a ratio Of 93 would Indfeate a profiV better method , In another report at the newi' / :^ V WOftC—JMnny Dollar will be OPEN ns Usual and will The Directors will alt aa the a apitball at ^air aecratary. Thay with Miss JOnes, the file clerk. £ying, the small percentage Review VG'TH—Dance Music / Strangfcid emjphaaixed toe paij summer’s Girl Scout and-Brownie" be in charge of .William Bray. Proof| determines the amount of m u te and aaid, “he'e had a dllfi- of five per cent. ' \ maybe her grandmother. , pao- conference. Dr. jaCob Furth told W ^^B-^ew e; Juke Box HaUnes a:sh- . Mxth Grade Teacher Resigns d of Wqter Commissionera to have a eacret yearning to open u^o have dangerous fsltlvi- ' ^'ai* Psrrell IcEsnesa and the^ack of any seri­ campers returning to Camp Merri- Watch repairing wlil be taken taxes ^collected by the U.-$. Cov«' eult and dlacoUraging thak, for Siihpson said the rate bjM for of e]A>osing. "siversl thousand’’ WHa Y —Newe; Nlshl Watch Mto. Nellie ManWarren, one of aiKinformSl meeting with sanitary the window end sail paper air- Don't know 'what's wrong with r. Hussey said, WORC—Record Shop - ous consequences \in giving a pint, Wood, the Manchester Girl Scout the primary teachers st the Ele­ cAre of siKuiHinL ernment on whiskey. And mU' }H’a a wool manufacturer and not a transportation company fluctu­ planes down on the heeds ef mice to an ^perimental atomic WGTH—Sgt, Preston of Yukon ' Fortune of blood, as do qll the camp on Gardner. .Street, for their enpbheers at «8 o'clock in the evejybody. But it It's apiing,fever, tattoo, placed In-an/ Incgn explosion—presumably one at the WDRC—My Friend Irm a ■; mentary school, is giving up. her a promoter like UtUe.'' ates sharply as equipment Wears, M u n ^ al BuUdtog. strangers. doc, don't glvb us any wonder drug aptcuoibs spot, could answer the ^^WCTH-.^r. Cha. Com. donors. annual reunion. 'y though Fleiachmann pays tlJ)3 Bly. aleb referred to Walter aa 'out and has to he replaced/ Pacific Bfoving Grounds or to of Records position for the remainder of this DetatM plana tor the first two The cop im the beet plods along to cure It. It's a wonderful dlsease,- worry o$,a]l drug-senslUYe people WCOC—R ^ r d Review W HAY--kcwe; Niabt WalCh "Everybody has Wbout The procedure ao cloeely paraV school year, and her place is be­ \inore per case than 86 Proof .. an "exlMlant^ textile man.” 'Therefore, he said, the aysteh^ and auddtoily finds himself dream­ —except iqaybe atrip te m ^ . Nevada; WraYB—Newk; Juke Box llaUnes of blood in their veihs. GiVing one* lels that of the summer, bus fronv^ steps inXthe expansion 'program thia lot'ds virus, and tha best medi­ Hs/hald that a number of the WTIC—Loreneo Jones Fortune ing token by,Mra. Walter C. Hew­ f . blends, Flebclimann's cqats yoh ttader tlUf acqulBition plan. Bhy of net 'investment' in property ing of the days when he used to go cine of the year. In Boaton\ the quest yior drugs WOTC—My (Friend Irma pint does no, oneAsnv''any/ harm/'hai the Mary Cheney Library at 10 EyBRAY vrill be dishuaeed with, represents-- eventually developed tumors WDRO—HemorKl/nae ^^WGWI—ChriSilan Science ■ itt during het absence. The resig­ iEW ELE^ less than many braiida-^bf lower A five ot the aeven dlrectora on used by gas and elsctric utility barefoot. He looks dow’n at his to fight malsMa may hkv^ turned WGTH-Bky Kiniv. he aaid. 'The body starts-replacing a.- m., nosebag lunches, evsn rub­ companies does not apply to trana-- tlvea of-tha'State bureatk of saiil- ^ t h e pituitary gland-apparent- nation of Ignatius Lombardy, . ‘ 181 MAIN ST.\. . |ke Anarican Woolen board would tary englneerntg. A coat of a mll- shoes, aa If he had half a mind to OP some new fp et for qancef, a ,. 8*44 ■ ■> WHAY--^ews; ’Night Watc^h that pint which has Men donated bers, that many peopla will be sixth grade teacher here, will not ~ /Proof. No wonder Fleiischinanii’s c a p r o ^ Bachmann Uxbridge, portation companies as readily. pull them off. ly from the atomlo-radlatlon—but W H ^ -H s II of Rett^-de WTIC—Fibber, Molly hopeful summer cannot he far be­ State Ihenter Buliaiig. llon dollars has-been.,estimated to aciantUt aaid today. , '' he offered no comment aa to WrCC—Record Review WDRC-L ParSona before you are out .<« the hall. go into effect until "the close, of is America's best/blended whir whteb would become a branch of In tenement windows winter Dr. Sidney F a r tt^ ^ the Chil­ WOTH-I - P r n - There ia nothing harmf\il Involved hind. complete the pi-„.- — quilts are hung out to be a)red AboutTowir whether humans i.ilght ba subject WKNB-^ew»; Juke Hatlnee tank Edwa^s the school- year. _ key value! / ' AMCleaa Woolen. The Directors alaowill meet to- dren’s Cancer Reaemh Founda­ / WTIC—Pays lo M am in being a donor.. In faOt, I really After a program sure to please JtctniiM To Hoapitol ^Tfitaeday. i^ponenta of. the H ous^ver lean out and call to to sUnUar danger. WDRC-Msmov. Tiltra • WHAY-^Newh: NIaht. Watch all who attend, the girls and lead­ Soviet May PreR$ formally Friday at \ p m. for tion aaid that flva/rapertmantal ^ WGTH-Sky Kina • WTIC—Can You ‘itQaC'nto believe I feel better whe^ I give a Henry Pomprowicz, who lives in Ammlcan 'iFooIcn-Textron, Inc., public hearins on V proposed each/other, *Tdy, la roy house a ' The Past Mistress Club of compounds orlglnhlly Nn'roduesd WDRC-Gnlen DrAe \ pint of Jslood regularly.’ ers wiU-reUirn to the library at the Amston section, has again be­ ‘ flterter faded to muater a qunram mesa? How do you like the Daughtora of Liberty, No. 125, will In 1900 only about 18 per cent * ‘wtAY-Newe WGTH—Starlight Symphony •I :4V . . For^'JTrade R eturn transfer of 8 ^ from'vtoe toxn with .the idea of (tombaUtag- ma­ of the people of .the United State; W n c—New* The "let George do it" Attitude come a patient at the Newington »*4, for a apecial alpckholdera meeting leather.?," , meet tomorrow evening with Mrs. laria have yielded /tepiPpraiY ben­ I 81JI— Registrations and a twenty-five 'Veterans Home. He i.s suffering manager’s appropriaUon^^to the Margaret Donnelly, 85 Garden S t lived' outside their native sta' ^ THGinURE WDRC—N«ws ' • News; Night Watch of the /ubiic is a~case of not facing rent fee covering bus, drink and oUled to enlai^ the American querulous treble sounds in the efits when given some people ^ WGTH-Newi from trouble with his back, for Board of Directqr’,a approbation while in 1950 about 43 per.. 8;»— 1. Symphony OrcheBtra lb's rea’ity of the situation, Mr, program muai be in to the leader Woolen board, of dlrectora. (Oaattmwi tnm Page Oae) and the e.xpediture of the money voices of children. They complain suffering from /'acute leukemia Mood* for Romance \ Strangfeid asserts. which he has previously been 0/ atran'ga pains and are comfort- S t Matvarpt Mary's Mothera Hved outaide-their native'atatea. \ WHAV- -Spoiltihi Sports WOTHttHIII; Starlight Symphony no later than tomoirow, so toe ~P‘ - At the aame time Textron an- with three other towns to oppqM and' scattered other tumors.” \ WTrC-StrIclly Spom It Is not Hke giving moneV, or treated. .9^ w'heh their elders tell them, Circle will meet tomorrow night at \WUKU—J Girl Scout office can make trans­ ^ bounced an mctenatba to S p.m. In industrial centers like Csecho- tha request of tha Connecticut 'Leukemia Im a cancer of the '^fDRC—*Jsrk Kairaan NAY'-Newi: Night Watch even time, to a community proj­ Personal Meation April 8, of Ita offer to Uwap a fifth ■lovakia, oil-producing Romania /‘Oh, they're Just growing pains. the -home of Mrs.' 'tAwYehca La­ blood. " 'V , ^GTH-f.patterion M. Symphony Orcheitra portation arrangements. Mr. and 'Mrs. Wilbur V. Paine' Aii«CKnnieNi Power CO. for an increase in rates -Mood* for Romanc* ect, he poiii^ta out. 'The pint of ft weather will not permit out­ of a ahare of ita four cept and the vast land, mineral and You'ro getUng bigger every day." bile. 28 OUa St. / Farber said that while the bene­ of-' East Hartford were Sunday . COMfOtl . to residential consumers-. Toriing-^/ One^minute \a child stands in a Hill; Starllght~8)mphony blood that might have been tfven, door activity, the reunion will be preferred aeflea, a half ahare of human resouroaa of Manchuria ton, Stamford and New Londo fits derived from, the-di^ugs were tl sUU— \ u.:TbxtraB cbmmon atock, > and .18 dopey-eyed trahca/ aa 'iiough he - Manchester tsxige of Elks vrill lebalII veragkI WDR(>-0. Lombardo WHAY^ewr and wasn’t, may deny someone held April 3. and China, is anf but ar narrow also will epgage conaultahts I of short duration, they were auf- WGTH-«m aiem ' W TIC-Newa of a chinci for life. How can caah. for each ahare of American list of apeciflc war goOds' any had a head fuU o t adenoids. TOe meet tomorrow at the American fleientty strong to warrant fur­ ^ At LOW PRICES / 4 WDRC—NeV* fight the rata hlka. / next minute he is racing, up the Legion Home at 7 p.m. Election the pfrson who didn’t come to( w- SWITCH AND SWIM ^ Woolen' common. . \ longer of real strategic Im­ Appointment of a member/of ther investigation of compounds WGTH—Ne a'donM, be sure it will, .not be h'e,\ Here la the background.to tm portance? afreet like a maddened colt, run­ of oiflcdra will be held at this u:ia— THE DENTAL OFFICE the School Building Oocsaollitse ning for no other reason except of. this general type in connectiqn. iVDR::-!.. Tboms* WHAY—Nile Watch or Aomeone in his family, who will Brussels four Styles team ■atockiuUdera’ war that haa been OoM West Need Tradet . meeting. Supper will be served at With the battle against canCer. k Arthur Drue Stwas j WGTH—Dlnner\P«le W TIC-W orld New* and the Town Planning there is aomething stirring within 6 p.m. and at the conclusion of 1:1 V despil^rately need that blood right •elay event was^the main feature OF rogigg for three montha lo gain And, to what extant, if at all. The doctor told about it during WDRC-lNIght 0»1\ theff? control of New Bngland’a textile is East-West trade becoming nec- Sion will be Considered. WUlti him that won’t let him keep still. the session. WMa y —Supper Serenade ^WGTH—Sports Report of the opening of a new Brussela Moore resigned both posts ram tty Uttle boys gat-out their bean- __ *- WTir -Mueir, With a Beat f s easy en^gh to think that. swimming pool. This waa a relay ...DR. M U RR A Y giant, American Woolen: aaaary to the mainteflAnce of gen- w o n r—Tenn. Erni* WHAY-Njte Walrh Over 100 million doUara in net eiml prosperity (itielf strategic) because he haa moved tb yemom shooters and aet but to ambush Dr. John I. Nurnberger, distin­ 7 ^ _ WGTH-r. Lewis, Jr. . ' JWTIC—Starlight Serenade liV caae of emergency, you can race bv teams of four swimmers. SCHW ARTZ nroftta.'Were rung up. during the In the West? / Next step in the wtd< the first robin.'which annoys the guished authority to the field of WDRC—Night Owl lund ijp friends and relatives to Each team member swam 100 '/• -A 11:48— ve blod^/to a member of your 10 DEPOT SQUARE luah war and early poatwar yearo. Hero la an outline, in the Com­ extiKITon of Purnell plai robin as be is busy -with hot^e- mental health, psychtotry and Television Programs WHAV-Nit*. Watch meters in a different atyle-^rawl, nection with the Purnel koeping towbleina and has no tlto« family. / I . have - known many butterfly,' breaststroke and back- Throe yeara agOvtho tide turned merce Department report, of what neurolog>-, will talk on. ‘jiienial On Page Two WTIC—Starlight Serenade WILL BE CLOSED and during 1M2-83 the company may be exp^ted from Russia If its Project will bO to turn the matter for little boys. Uttle girls get Health of Teen-Agers" tonight at W DRC-NIght Owl cases /A'hen toe time saved by stroke. out forgotten ihdla and begin to loet a total of almoet 10 nUlllon.did- drive to pry open the doors. of oyer to the Too-n Planhing Com- 8 o'clock in the auditorium a^-,the FROM 40*4 •*• HH CatAlOB lara. East-West trade continues: miSeion. This step wllL be taken croon to them. i IVaddeU School, u nd ^ the apOn- Management aaid the loeaea were Friday. ^ ; > Rheumatic twinges Uowly flee INSURANCE MARCH 18 b I 4 FRAtT STRUT 1. Offars to buy heavily from aotohlp of the Home^hool Chun-, the bones of old folks, -pad they ^ 4 u o ^ - ional||L ge- cil of Manchester Htoh School, i^ y THRU MARCH 27 HARTFORD crb'aieaih gbwriment and cohauihi- This already started In offers— 13CTBNDEO FORECAST lose the envy of better-off neigh- interested adult i / invltod to at­ IS OUR ONLY BUSINESS NIW LOW ^ IC | 1 OPENTHURSpAY EVENIMOS er . demand . and uneconomical .rejected at laast on a.cash basis—r bore who spent the . winter in tend. f m M M i plant!. to soak up some of thito nation's Boston, March 33 (F)—The .tem- . "Pneumonia weather,” $ 2 9 9 ^ - To atem loaaea management governmant-owhed SOrptwa buttar paratuji^e to Naw England during they aay wiqply,' whan the. first cloaed half ita M nlanta during that and cottonseed oil. \ the hextYlve days, Wedneaitoy rains turn the landscape sodden. Adonirato/Council No. 14 of \ period and then, naked atockholdera 3. Offers to buy heavUy .where through Saturday,, will average In the suburbs a husband opens Rockville ^ 1 hold past masters' fHsmwq m jsYom to approve at a apecial December, purchases might relieve -unem­ near normal, .Uttle temperature hia front door to gat the morn­ night Frtoay at . 8 p.m. at the loss, atockholdenr meeting theae Masonlc/Hall, Rdwto Foeter will ployment. The ahlpb'uUdingv In- change through Friday and be­ ing pai>er and see taro baby rab­ A ll INSURANCE ' lERT PARKS SAYS - propoaala by company Pre^dent duatiY might be a target In this coming little/warmer over the bits acampering acroAi the laam. preside/as master. All members KeHip’s, InOi .\ i A Y M C ^ E. are uxYed to attend. — Francia White, apd General Counael country. weekend. Ha jgrtoa. steps out to look at the f i n A G E N C Y SALES ond SERVICi Robert'K, Montgomery. X ' rU|creaaed offers to buy foo^ Preciplt^on during thia period lawn and growls, "Oh, no, not A, 1. LiS|Uidate IJl Northern milla. procaaaing machinery, farm mq* .yUl on Uto average total /.jege- crabgraaa already!" 913 MAW.iTRI ’ — T E L M l.3 .4 4 4 0 7S3 Mote St^l-S-SSSO .3. Rarire the coinpany'e f i chinery and production machines qqarter to ona-half indh occurring In a nearby pond Papa Frog and Brad Herald Ad^. prior preferred and 7 per cent pro- for consumar goods, ‘this would TUeeday Svaning and again Satur­ Mama Frog a n conducting . xerred. atodca. bolster Ruseia's backward food and day yrjnmday as lain m Southern amphibioua ' romance. Soon -V -"Y- awt Otrks pin in rsmik -■The aecond prbpoaal Waa consumer go<^ induatriee la line New'lbigland and anew or rain to pond will he full of Httle i> 1 Ik* a**k'’r •*( U Ik* |r**l ly oppooed by company i&rectora with the new Soviet, regime'a Nortllffn New Englknd. aU anxious, for aotot,. TV Mast krg*|M to jn Frederick C. Dumainei Jr., preal- 1 \/. tr mr Otigi SMtor. ^ dent p t the New Haven Railroad; v ' V*" \;. ■ . fohner Oov. BSy; R. A. Toimg, \ Boston banker eitd other groupe, V i - Including one headed by E. H. Ben­ . * nett, Boeton textile publisher. \ - i- .. The December .c stockholdere Cars / ■> , /■

meeting waa held Up dromatlcally \ ' — by a last minute court action and 'V a propoaal by another textile giant, -A. YOU KFAD ABOUT THIM IN TMtron Jnc. to take over control ■\ of American Wa^en by A stock exchange. On jUsptay At The meeting also produced other LIFE •fIMR stockholder groups, includ­ ing the Stockholders Protective -H THIM Hlkl Committee, opposed to. manage­ ■ ment proposals and critical of its operations. .ft?! V. XL , Moanwhllx^ these otoer groupe X seek prokiea for their proposals and four candidates to the 13-man diractora board, '-V'-l A group headed *^'by Boston \ Hotaknan A. M. Sonnabend, who 40th anniy^isary urges acceptance of Textron’s merger offer, plus this elate of . di­ rectors. including Sonnabend him- ielf; Gerald Hehdenwh, Boeton lii-' aurance broker; Robert U Huf- SENSiTIONALiy ' .1 '■ -.-S.'-/ . fines, Jr., preetdent of Textron, r\ ’*-,*■'* 1 1. ' '^.and Arthur O. Wellman, preaident of Nichols A CO., Inc., wo^ brok­ ers...... Sonnabend asserted all Ameri­ X W can Woolen's mills in Naw Eng laiid "should be ntoved if they can't YiiXArHfismL operate at profit." ...All expenses, hotels, meals, transportation Prominent among membeis of the'Stockholders Protective Com m ittoe if William G. Smith, Tren­ Are jrou worn out from working in an old-faihioned, awkwardly ton, N. J„ caaket manufacturer. arrtngtd kitchen? Well, Kclvinat^r^nn change all, that for far Smith has apoken out agalnat PLUS.. / *500 '1uii money" a ea* s aom ujus on the liquidation of Northern iiMla Teat' than you’d think. New brefthtt^n^ly beautiful Kelvinator IF YOU CAN NANO A PICrURff-YOU and expressed belief that New . Cobineta will cut hours and milea from your houaekeeping day CAN IMSrAU KnVtMATOM C A tlN IT f England operationa can compate '•V successfully vrith tha South* He providing ample working and storage space edthin easy'rrach. .Any family handyman cXn modernize hig kltchro with also is oppoeed to 4udng American Ktlvinator Cahinstt. Ptntrytttct bang just like pic­ PLUS.2 weeks' i^e of an elegant new * IL . Wodlen cash aaSela amoimtihg to Kelvinator Cabioms will give you a kitchen you-tUove to work in, tures on easily attached hanger strips. BoMlcabioets. . over 8 million dollars for retiring Let s Talk about KITES to live in, even to en te^ n in; one that will be the envy of your slide into plora like furaimre. You o n start wHk4«st - the preferred. one unit or do your'entire kitchen at -once, if yon Smith in a proxy letter proposed neighborhood. ^ - wish. Ask us for details. himarif- for. mectlon to the bw d of (Ucectofs today, along with Main St. Manchestor • Roar of Post CM^iee / Garfield R. MacDonald, Ft. Laud­ NBv«r uM imital. in ypiJf JcH ror string. iXCtU fiyf “TOTALfTf” erdale, Fla., preaident of Talon, KalTinator.‘s«zclusiTe''Totalite” fixture g(Tes' Inc., tipper manufacturers;- Dr. - CAR OWNERS lUiCIN^ASSOCIATION^^^ ' finorescent, glarefree tUuminatioo o f coun­ Max Gctler, New York advertising tertop areas while diffusinx soft light upwald ' •xacutlye and New Haven Clock S . n c S i / j RA c I ‘ ^ K ^ ™ ! ”y® iToBowi« m,H .™i „„ ,ffl b. i/cokA to cast a warm glow behind frosted gIsM " and Watch Co., hoard chairman, -doors and^ lighten Cabinet in^rior. Two and Irving D. Karpers, New ^^k, haqdy outlets allow ebuhtertop use of small i retired garment manufactuiW. ' - • ^appliances. ttiBm in op«n a w a y Ir p n 488 Lombardo . 3 Uttla 489 Bene Charlaad 48 ^gary/ , 44 DoGvqm rocKis or|cLwir«s. 184 Oeiaril 18' SpSiM# Smith 51 Ferrigno e«»«eeeeeoaeei 350 Deroaler 338 GoOdard ” KtV^IMATOIt PAHtMYtTTU Just a few„ days Jeft, elegftot mm’54 Dodge the entire two rieeks. $Tleraaier 41 Srrift/ 881 Ecklea - FH O N i 8 F o i ' 88 TH§ W O R lP 'f MOST UAQrmiL folks? Just a few days niMKC J-Z-”T1ie J-r» 100 S^HvaMF Crl-Ti^yi«r What a vacationj; WhiBt jk eontaat! And 31 Geae White 831 Art/ 18 Buaxola 138 Battalia 853 TMKtaek 885 LaChapi Ge^ your Kelvinator Kitchen PInnntog to catch yoUi^f the what a car.! S-8 Tour Cook 78.DaUiria FOR A If your kit« g«ts caught . . . 5 Buddy Krebs 01 Sal Daria , 11 Miller GjiMde nt LaFUmme’a. It'e-froe It will \ .4 " ifiost fabulous,-the most excising grand-prize Get youraelf down to your Dodge deale^ 43 ,Ourtla Iris 808- GUImi melp you develop a kitchen arrangement lOAN 33 Oodloae . . tff Bogoft _ vacation that ever came down the pike. - , - “right away for that “Vacation Preview Driye.’* V --- L IT IT I S O . 803 Binm A-1 Baymoad O.lNUixel ,that lightene yqpr work, coniwFvea your I f Bay Moraa , J-40/ Foataaa ,1 Swift /time and anvee atepo. Every day, erery Mingle day. Dodge is giv­ You m$y win a perfect vacation m per* 17 Moon BhrgeM . ITT HeDberg 15 Art MacBurney lOVWebater 00-Jr. otpioelo - . . r in g away a two weeks’ expensea-paid vacatibn ''feet vacation car. , / Lo s e your kitt, not your iifo. 88 Wally Black 100 Dan CoUlas 31 5 Sexton 333 Tetrault 134 Tiesti. 13 / N for two anywhere in the U.S.A., plus double ’Thwe’s a separata eonteat each day, tad 131 Boer StS Phtaaaj 381 / 8'Farrie Alordo U l uriimD iAvi d u r i n g pay,Blua,U500 extra cash, plus the use of an you may enter aa often aa yon, llkai . 87 Chapdolalaa IFABdreg,.^ 11 Braytoa 301 Manning 311 Dud Matter H m atb JO SaJkbaicB y 3 Mlcfca.^"^ 808 n p $3 Doa Segar ' a j o r i i ^ I n ^ h a r t Oiiiy A Fm Bit s l i f t ! EfltN Rm At Yn t M | I M M 's r 805 TM Deaa Annivortary Jubll— o f Bonus Vahtos • csrii osskrTV-assto tsu»uis«to«r: a*«t Pstia t* •VtoSk Us isak,- aac-Tv » as*^ ^ >y*«r.* mc-ty • I s iwimi i-wVlItT COWPETmyE ^RA^ING sta r ts SUNDAY. MAI^H 28/AT M AN CM fnR ; "V--/ 2 :3Q F. M. AND EVERY SUNDAY THROUGI^T THE


si« • V M h.. 'A.-' —'".L ■y ■V /./ \ t : SI '■ I* i" \

'T: MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN., TUESDAY. MARCH 28.1954 / MANCHESTER EVENING' SRALD, MANCHESTER, CONN./ TUE^DAY]! k A R C H 23, 1954 U- <9bmniunlfm.of u y kind/In Any what prejudice can he stand with five Individuals can ba so bilAd as of oteto troaeuRr, also to Bolton I f advice tp correct ,mistakea A gift of linen, was pteaented to plACA, hAA contA out in criticism of moR innocent dignityT to attempt to rescind the recorded yacant .tliia year, tooR has camera fan waa making. View fra. Is G onductw l X Mrs. Mosher. Mrs. Dana V/. Hay­ vote Of the tqwn populue, and then DEPENDAI o f tee movie .were 'then 04s BAtlondl CAitipAlfn for slgnA- It is little emragh a mah h u in aaotiwr result. ward and Mra. lCllftor Monaghan have the e i^ c ity to buck the law Connecticut what ' the snapshot .would poured. , this world, without taking mvay af .the men COOPERATIOl >!or M rs. M osh er tuns, koidlng thst It sseks to Inn on all aides pertaining to their who WeR gettlag.ntody to move looked lUce if the photographer from l^ih hTs right to have hlg egg ri^culoue'aet. This looks like the ^oard io H ei^ Bid Arrangements for the tra were poos rldlctilousiy ArbltHu^ r«> townid teat poaX'when the time SAtISFACTIOi taken It as he started to and made by Mrs. William T. Golden ManchleiiMter INC stHctions on AmsricAa^x'ioniKn to act of a premeditated dlctatorahip Yanked waa ripe, have decided that toe it looked like when he 'A ted^'Waivaa held yesterday after- and carriea with 'H a fascist and Mrs. AHen_ J. Wiley, room g s i policy. And Adlsi SSiflmjtlon, In .his bly these two Mdrlden R y A . H . O . flrat tUng to do to to sea that the mistakM he hafi been noon at''teebe Verplahckv< School hon mothers. ^ ■m rffGril M - C arom^ tec pest etui etays theR, opea- ELMWO^d PAjlNTING and • For N^w Business m Town By use 'of this techniqi q^ tee oring Mra. Robert Mosher, the for­ lectures At HArvAid WA<^ RAChed this point, pf le^ti- Hqiw in the nemo of common elementary leaaons of gaod.| mer MiuXBetty Lord, who w u r - ^ MI-f-4508 The - friends of Secretary' of for teeir own potenttalvambl- loiQwing full ,'weU U^t sucJk ^ mate and dignified difference of seiVM can a amall group like this UOB. ' DECORAtW G COMPANY^ Belton, March 25 — (Special) I^^the Board of Finance. Hie amount r/mihy’Were put across to the/git>up cen)ly mamed. thing would merely ihcrpAt^ the taste and opinion, and/ than, stand firm in an act which would State Charlee Keats who o r A Boning hearing on Ap'ril first entailed was', figured as a potential ■who, ih the meantime, weM also Miss Catherine Shea, principfil, CmmM not be condoned to any Manches­ So the dotation of one Intensity of the MoCgrthy sttAck neither one being willing to coddle booming hhn for the Rguiar nom­ dacy which",unfortunately, cannot WEST H A R M R a ^ - / ^ APim t 2-4741^ ^ will hslp determine whether this expenditure this year by the board getting-much enjoyment ppia the aiid. first grade teachers were •rtd M IM ter school class room, which would acenes shown in demonijU'kUon. guests, toother.with mothers of Paaa-. oil him, neverthrtees began open­ the other, took to scrambling the ination for that post thla fail o r , be Rsl. to at least producing foi Ask About Our Hokfe Improvement Plan X -towj^ becomes the new home of and as such., Is covered in the 29- be pronoiihced ' as undemocratic mill tax levied last wMk. Queetiona flew thick find fast aa Mrs- MMtl8r\s second grado pupils. No Other ly AdvocAtlng..^r the first time, apartment furniture, tuitil Uie eggs* from any Manchester pulpit, and of course, doing him no particular the party a \nlce assortment oof ^‘Beauty plus Protec^on At Your Sarvlee” Muitoon ■ Candy Kitchen, now other candidactM’ ■'tetos suddenly------sharps- — The necessity for better siren members took advantage of Jones’' thAt this hntwn begin preparing It­ they had thought to eiuoy were Which would b e. cUssinSd ee the eervlce, tlut rathex.totogtog him, vast store of camera and film low, low prices for • « e g K i « y a s ened And Induwrious.luqm * ' mated on U, S. Route fi just west coverage In town has been long self i effort to deter­ hArmonlo^fy into the policy which Rgrettebl(e. or to Attempt to let it develop into mine the town's need's. When “ they stood to be counted” ou mar just not be gettina ths THS town like that.’’ I have heard this east of the Notch and adjacent to at Choral C3ub last night at the iR h , Iodine and-'vitamins Bi and Bi TIM iMocbUad Ptm* , l» e*cJ^»«ljj It may eventually have tWdopt is But At least it was W controversy Shy Ral effort for the nomina­ The survey Rsulted'in a pro- youXnssd for normal itrength and statement on toora than one occa­ tion'. / This commitment on his iilt Service Station. school, soprano voicss outnumbered illustrated by the atatenwht of our of significance, and Ring- thrown sion, and to p«e8>i Uodge, who threatens to Use the we hope the judge/leaves every­ post by the Governor when the ■tort. / ■ . ton 'lAke, depending The group will undoubtedly con­ your money refunded. You must 4UapalebM liprita m «l«o rwerv^l. I sincsRly that aa much ton Lake, depending on that size­ win —* you cannot leas — so get veto to block Cbmnglunlit China, thing sunny-Sideu»y_ up. post was vacated by Alice Leo­ able body of water to amplify its duct a seereh for tenor en.d bari­ expedient action as posatble wlU Benjamin ,J. Munson, owner tone recruits this week? The fifteen FE R R IZA N today— at a prica you TI^^Mrncf cUMt et N. K A. even though it has p^viously been be applied by the chisens, the pold. The vpolicy the • Governor the biFsinees, plena to ’ e c q ti lre- effect. One of the 5-horsepower can afford, lOo/Xableta 31.58. has followed in such interim ep- people who attended the meeting held, by the State Uepartoent it­ i t prass. business and iWofessioAal aoout/ thrR acres of* land on the sirens ttetng. requested would ■ re­ 100 Tablets Only ...... flA s Oxydepdram people, and theLUUnking leaders in phintment to atete ticket poets place It on the firehouse. propose weekly hour and a half 350 Tablets ...... $4.50 self, that nobody posses^ a veto has been to' heme en interim ap­ JSSM/ of,the highway with sessions on Mondays at -HjSO p.m. Arborenm ^ “ OF town government to remove this feet frontage. Of this parcels It is proposed thst the other Mall Orders lOc'Extra ^ such a situation..... News Rhymes blemish—or riiall we call them pointee who would quite, obvious­ plot/measjiring 200 feet front and large siren be placed in the vicin­ Shepherds Meet X blcnMshee—from Manchester’s rec­ ly not be the party candidate for the/rams depth, would be used for ity of School Road to ^ ver the Shepherds and Hefdsmm en- Tbs Mmlng By J. P. D.« a full term next fail. In the .joyed a 'Wider program then plan H t/ ^ ord to town affairs. ^ the eite of ■ new candy plant south portion of the town and Jx We Hgle iborp. FUnders Fii{M Very sUiRRly youn. case of the position of eecRtary luheoh stated laat night his carry up the slopes to Birch Moun­ ned Saturday afternoon as i:^ey LILY OF THE itato Job Proowtien Dr. Donald W. RusmU M atate, the spectacular 'way to Plans call for'a to by 28 "foot tain. ' meet to discuss "Feeding of Da: Senator \Flanden, it . turns out, . to. dnirieo Keato” ./ Jones Hollow Road '«> this was to Mlect a male for e rat^-type home as the business Increased efficiency and other Animals and Sheep." missed the point about McOsrthy nty/ m K Cjbariea B. Keats., Marlborough, Conn. - poet which has by tradition be­ The meeting was held in An­ VAiXEY TREE who imt woB a prpmotloa.. bwiiding with the Interior adapted valuable attributes of the two-way RUIMSH and Rther completely. He attacked come the closed property 'of the' for the Xnanufacture end retail radio installed on the pumper dover at the home of the Yale Amazing Story ef wkieb canse to kirn fp^ many more charming sex. family which also owns a horse. ASHES REMOVED this Cinderelta Tree. McCarthy wheV he saw the latter ■ale of candy. If the zone change is truck last year, has prompted the y(M n,.af week aad true deve- 'ilM> Opvik'riMr Md eot wSat to Club meml-iers immediately added "Every July thts tree turning hie taewa against^ Prosi- allofyed, building should start this request for completing the effec­ General Cleaning o f tloa/.althottgb ke has the title exeretee a pre eSaveattoa cImIo» eprihg. FiituR plana call for build­ n special program feature ..- horse­ changes almost now. .ef Sem taiy ef gtete.. A Thought for Today tiveness of the equipment’ by ,a Cellars and Attics ; dent Eisenhower gnd his admin- af hto own awieag the fair ladiea ing a residence on the Rmainder similsr instalietion on the tank. back riding for fill. Needless to aycrhjght from n ition. That was WeU enough, if aa .Deputy to that aamA poet.. of toe p a r^ wodM bo in- /bf the three acres truck. __ say, the meetlpg was a huge suc­ oE MI-9.9757 pretty green shade Eiute, he/ earned a klgtaef rate..ua- \ Wasted: he.'dld it on sound gppunds. toroated. Ilia recourao, then, The Mun'sdn Ctendy Kitchen has The two-way radio is Bolton’s cess. tree Intq n white like most rlimben to the top.. Dtocontaaded Church MtoBbeien! waa to appolat tiM deputy aebre- Just completed its fifth year at Coming Events cloud of 'thoaenads search 33/ Bui>,wme 10 days later. Senator What would, most peopleBleX_____ think direct link with all oU]er Eastern whe make the gradb today. .pMc tory to the past, nith the dear A' ite pRsent site, on New Bolton (Connecticut towns in the mdtual- MYF will meet tonight fit 5 of" flowers exactly like perfect Flanderi turned arotpid and CiMulle wen with hia uew Job if they should read in the ^ e lp ■aderatanding that the deputy, Road. In addition io the owner,, aid systeci. The system through United Methodist Church at 7:30 UHcs of the Valley. Very Fra­ praised McCarthy for a speech in . .h whopping eat la pay. .while Wanted columns of their secretary wouM net staad aa a two full time end two part-time to continue its discussion of “Weya grant. Thp second miracle hap­ Niarlaf Tk« D om* paper the Ad, “Wanted which all towns stMd ready to Aul WMhffr which he concentrated h|^ mkin Mr. K e ^ seamed anpertorhed candidate far the poet. ALL YOUR EGGS employes are on the staff with help each other for/their mutual Youth Worship.” pens In ffill with the first froqt, ..aad\took it all la etride..he ented Church Membera” '. witea toe who tree torns flame Hie fb it reagon ^mmunlst flR on the DemocratsXaifptliMr of So Keats’ friends have, so far additional help needed. benefit and protecnon, has been The preliminary meeting on ^ China' is not now seabed in the mast lave felt a Uttle hraleed Would they not be surprised?'' as he is concerned, done him nO' FIr Equipment Sought effectively proven many times dur­ making slipcovers will l>e jield at REPMRING rad. One of! the most bcMtifnl thoee **30 yelra of tRM p«’* ..apoa the bhdget aide..the Most people would w y that some­ Rvor, and msRly put him in a Hie epecial town meeting called ing the paspt year, the school tomorrow night at 8 AIC-O-MATIC 'aim'unusual of all trees. Atordy. ^ United Nations is tkay in the win* ipeechea of.hia \ moral to this story is. .a high­ one made a mtotekX yOUBg. .1-3 . ft. stork. /Llinited ' ter of 1950, Senator/Joseph Me- pdaition where he must either IN ONE for Monday to consider the pur- Mag Held o’clock. ' \ er Job doa’t,,^Beek. .natU yeaVe 'The advertisement ahould have ignbro them or his own word to chgee of new equipment for the MAYTi Wupply. SEND NO .MONEY. On Senetor Flendera saying, I Rad “Wanted: Happy and Con­ Oanhera Oub tjoyed a turnout ; Osrthy made a alleging the aura year piq^rilMA won’t, .ba the ^vertior. ■ * fir# department will include two of about 30 Manchester Evening Herald Bol­ BLACKSTpHE, delivery pay cost, O.O.D. and this, that he had no objection par tented Church Membera laat night to postal charges. IMstage itoid ^ pieaence of MiM^mnylng tiommu-^ •Ny , TheV may, however, have done .. Our agency ii a strong helieVfr in tea new five hoRepower sirens, the hear William >nes elaborate on ton /'Correepondent, Mra. Joseph McCarthy’s methods, but\pnly Yet, the thoughtful person per­ \ HOTPOIN1 on prepaid . nrdeR Ratistartion [ Bista in ttio'State D ep srti^ t. The the p m ^ as a whole quite a favor. theoi^ that we can do n far, bettey justice coat pf a specui) telephone hook­ the do’s and doi I of photography, D'ltnlto, toiephone Mitchell S-S54S. ALSO his targets. If McCarthy/Would ceives no mistake here. “ Die Up ui^I the appearance of ac­ up, through whieiXtee sirens may Guaranteed or Money Bark. ' speech became a/eensation'; Mc- coitteht’’ to just that quality need­ to our clients when we carr^ the eiiUR In- In a color with apiind, the DRYERS AND AL1 Just keep on attacking the Uenio- tion on bSfaalf of Keats, the party ■urante account, rather than meRly a part be activated, and a two-way radio group yratched a family take off on Paintings 'which have been KRUSE NIJR^RIES, 6 Osirthy. good^ thing, Open Fo^um ed in every church! Every church WRtNOER WASHERH Dept. 13003, Albdtoin^oa, 111 wnts, FlandsR Said, that would be race for the nomination had of i t By knowing the complete pIctuR. we- for tee tank truck, ' a W'cekend trip dcring which many found. on' the walls of European & motM to Rp his attack; the could well afford to have many lacked edge hnd intensity, and the Approval of the 32,633 expendi­ snapshots were taken,.-..,. .fine. ^ can analyM our clients' needs and recom'- caves were pit thbre by Cro-Mag­ Print Name' raeesessea pRpared to de \ **A Feeltaig of Nam ia" more discontented members. ture subject to the town meeting ABC SERVICE CL I B^te Men, Women/'Ead'-young people distaff side of the party was hav­ mend much more accurately, As varioiw snapshots were about non man as much aq^ 30,000 years 31 Maple St-^Tell MI-0-l57^ The W ^ d ju d ^ en t on Mc­ tR the Bditor: ing a gnat deal of trouble even waa given earlier this month by to be taken, a voice gave expert Address •essesssey«ssafi fend itself; of the ways it^ who a R ' dto-sstlafled with status / sgo, thought of-to/ ’end. itself was not Carthy u not that glib or oaky. tflteen a person movM from a beginning to ntoke up Us mln^ community in which he hae'reeid quo pbUoeophy, and who a.triY* to among Itof , various potential can­ If we aRn't alRady listed as YOUjt In-" ' ' Ths sMiM attack on McCarthy is enabis the bhuroh to move' for­ C to talM OR th4 extra burden of tqr- dd and dc^e business for a period didacies! ..„/Jt was\ a wide open ■urance corunaetlor,' we'd Hike to get ae- X / • lag to defend something that had not that easy or unprincipled. For of yean.'it to quite natural for that ward. qualnted. .You1l like our service—and by Discontented ehurch members field which thriiatciM to etay Ajitomatic Power Pilot • ban schef^ed to take place with the/ important thing about M e person to ra^ln a continuing in­ wide open for a longtime. / placing all .your insurance with ua, -you’ll 2-position front door thy la not his targets, but his terest in Wiiat transpiRS in hto are those< wno work and pray that find It a comforting thought to know tea/ Both new Ford engines have the Autonutif Fower Z in the n m few weeks—the admls- the'church. becoipe more holy in Now, with the appearance .of a Standard on,all models, thete- toethods, and whefe teey are like­ former “home toWn.’ This to par­ threat that a mera maik might be ineuRnce-wlee you “ Have all jrour eggs lx filo t. a completely integrated ignition-carburetion- ^^%aion of j6ommunist China to the ticularly true to my cam, in that ihotive and deed. .one basket’’ hdld- the door in either the two-thjrds or full- ■\ ly to lead him and Us as a jamtioa. a candidate for the post, tee ladies "-r' combustion system-for more GO per gallon. ^ United Nations. The State deapita a move/to another com­ «n one takes JeSus Christ as open position . . . especially convenient fw hen T r e n d -s e tt ig s ty lin g And whoever epprovee his lAethode Hto Saviour and His teachings for are beginning to get down Ho buai- ^ partment had not been pi munity, ManchtoteX siiii te . my ness. ,'\ X /- the car is parked on a hill. against ode tuget will, it has al' shopping and. bsmalhgtown. Re- his stendaitl of dtocipleship, then W ide front tread ' / ' Choose any Ford you like and you enjoy the ' « to vote tor this admission. K And, alhee It to part ef: the dean, ih o «rn lines of the recognized style- :X: ready been demonstrated, live to aultantly a '.profoitod interost in he to Mmmitted to divine dto ^^aot, however, been planning to content. AJRue taught us *'Tou ptoa for Keats to aattefy ^ FoFd, and Ford alone in the low-price field, Manchaster affaln hngdto on. wemea ef the party by giving X leader. Ford truly ’'BelongsH^wherever you » eoatast it seriously, other see the same methods use<^ egalnst RecenUy thlp interRt was kin­ TherafoR^ust be perfect, as your has a front tread that is wider than the rear may go/ other targets. heavenly lather to, perfect,’' them tea aeminatton, for the -tread for surer "footing” on turns. • memben of the U h lt^ .Ifatioaa dled into flame by the un-Ameri­ -\ / The Ijerald Tribune, which can and un-Mwhehester-Uke : per­ J6hn E. PosL t wanted to vote it / OBERTx MITH if^c. la vh ^ no love on . the Democrate, formance of. the Bowers, Bloc'V in Sponsored \by the/ Manchester 1 But after the M( attack Cbuhcli of GhuRhesv dssilng with Uie Keendy Street Wfi Sara Yen Meaey 1 the State St did use its deserves' ' credit ifbr keeping its Bchool situaUon.' While in. Man<- mSAlj BSTATB / INSUBANCK ^ Influence to ge^ question posg.- principle straight. For, in 'obvious chMter, I took pride ih the fprot FEUU>WBH1P\n t ABU 8HED Low Cost 2hd MsrtfUft - poned. though unlabeled ahswer to Sena­ of town’ government that elated, New Haven, Maroh 33 (dV-The also the way in which' BoArd Yale School of Ftee Arts today The dseond reason Communist tor Flanders' latest opinion, it / LOANS ''INSURAN of Education and- its ' eubolqlary- .announced the estanllehment of a NO BROKERAGE FEES-^ S^ SING Jd(4" China teAot liow seated in the carried a little editorial titled “To for Hehting! for. Godkingr committees handled tM over­ fellowetilp in graphic^ arts by one Wa Otter Big Savings ■ / Keep the Itecprd Straight,’* which lations is the Xoraan war. whelming problems of school -of te e world's la^ee^cOmmeRi ,. -V! .A./ ...... V 't , ...... '■> i ■lan.itu « a ,J(U Z No Bufter what any nation want RAd as follows: ' strnc.tion- To see this effielei printing concerns, tee CHARLii HERSiiMAN "A t Milwaukee > Senator hfe- thwaned by a handful of stubb helley A Sous Oo., of Chicago. 'Ihc MAIN $T., GROUND FLOO R^TEL Mif< E T.524I For (5ool Spring, morning's and nights ed, yt was out of Um question to illogtcally-thihking town lea fellow ri^ WiU be 'awarded for tee MORTGAGE CO. ' Communist China while Carthy dellverod his personal, reply (? ) products Bothteg but a fMl- first time next fail to an a(jrimced. for only PHONE CH-A-4M3 1 ... or anyTaw day year ’round... there’s troops were -.fighting to the apewk of Adlal ing of nausea. If .to amasing that itudent in graphic design. ''^United Nations f b i ^ in Ktnrea. Stevenson. It waa R j^te'^w ith I x^othing better than a Combination charges of ’treason' and in general, T" ■ Now, signs AR Multiplying that T. ” if the Korean war stays ended, the so far aa Rporta show, in his usual \ r Poper Gas Range! No fuel to lug or time will inevitably, come when the vein of Irrcsponrible abtise. The x :- "'" store I .. no muss or fu.ss ... here’s the members of the United Nations country can be glad that the Ad- \ Z will vote to seat dolegates from minlstratlbn’s timely intervention moderii-.way to heat your kitchen! This made It impoasible for this kind ol Communist China. /^’double-dO^y” beauty keeps you warm British jlipiomacy is openly pre­ Oratory to be sanctioned as ths Re- pubURR party’s otflcisl voice. It *11®2 A M ONXH fer this day, which is not A as toast... and gives you every modern since Britain al- only Rmaina to say that recklsss, Sus^nded Pedats . - , "" Center-Fill Fueling Commv^iist unsubstantiated chargee, Rflect- They’re suspended to work easier, eliminate cooking convenience, too! / * after small down paymrat China. ing on -the loyalty and patriotism Ball-Joint FVont Suspension dusty, drafty floor holes and make foot space Convenient, central location makes filling-up of honorable public servante, seem " easy from either side. .Short fill-pipe helps ■ Z France Is. willing to give It’s the greatest chassis advance in 20 yieara (if tee entire floor space. as fatally objectionable when used make trunk a suitcase bigger. ’ ' Rcognitlon lelplng hand in­ \ \ . . eliminatM 12 major points o f wra r. . . and :”"7' agalnat Democrats as when used ~ v X to the United Ni is return for ia exclusively Ford’s in the loW-price field. • peace in against the Army or the Admln- 1 . Astra-Dial Control Panel » B uf the' most sighlfleant dlplo- ietRtlon. The labile is beginning ■It’s aa pr'acJical as it is beautiful— with the spe^om eter Deep-Sldrt Crankcase-/ “ matlc change which h a a li^ taken to see that what is dangerous In /high on the Control panel where it’s easy to read. Z place la that in the a w t i ^ ~bf Beutor McCarthy la his method. Both Ford enginet have an extra deep block giving Canada..Olir neighbor to theSaorth Hie objective, aa in rdemt atteefcs the Six an "I” Shape aiid the V-8a " Y ” thape. T h is, Warning lights - x is now ready to recognize C b n ^ - qh his own party, can be patently deep-U(A;k design, exetusive with Ford in its M d , Lights flash automatically to warn you when gcnerafOY'Is" " Save Moneyl * nist China, which Canada ha^ bad; but aven when the objective gives 'a more rigid, smoother, quieter engine. not charging properly or oil, pressure gets toa,low. All ' te good, iliegiUmate means are not controls are individuiilly illiirninated and easy to reach. / r hitherto refused to do, and to ad- /- 2 mlt Communist j^hina to the Unit- tlo/^ condoned.’’ > ed Nations, which Canada has ThV^truth about McCarthy is .Z bitherto''^n against, / this: hd must be judged by » All th e^ possibilities of stipp^ what he ie-and not by what he at­ Z,ior Communist China anf frankly tacks. "\ £ condltlonaL Thay aR based op the Thoee RepuhhRha who are In­ •-X- XPRmlse thatpesR atlcks in Korea, clined to 'emlle and-hless him when 9 9 » that peace comR to Indo/Oitna. he attacks the Democrats, and '^ and that Communist China pnder- those Democrats who chortle when n o l i t m 2 takes io bo a law-abiding country. he happens to be shooting at the 2 All this poses a crucial "test for Republieart-^administration now in Only F (M in the low;price field has of them . yet they don’t cost you one cent extra. r Ameririut foroign policy. - office are equally irresponsible and Z The question is whether our for -unprincipled. : . ...sign policy can ever,, under any model e circumstgncea, maneuver Itself in » to common sense freedom of ac A Siensible QuarrcL * Uon with Rganr' to China, of There - to so much controversy Model 30-2 I whether it is to be bound for and quarrel over insignificant • ever by thoee extremea of things Iq the worid today--dt to in w opinion which hold that, if Com the world's mood to quibble! and tmunist ;;_Piiim aver does get into fight over almost anything—that ■Z the United Nationa,' we ahould it to s'reHef'to find one quarrel XJtBya get out/ started oyer aomethlng ’teplly for only This 30” Roper “Space-Master” has been * 2 Sooner or. later, obvioualyl the eignlficfiiU and aubstantial /. designed espeeiall.v for the pew^ream- “ Biaenhower adminiatration wiU - It happened down ■ in Meriden, ;havg to. find its way toward some where police had to arrest two The gofixl news on the price tag ia the only plus—engineering and manufacturing po fin* temed with Pontiac • mighticet engine, . lined kitcheps. NoW in/a small space. «adjuatptent in the aituation men because,of a difference uf driivenu thrillmg fine-car perfennenR evidence you will,And that Pontiac is priced and sound that Pontiac is .world-famous for ^ ’ you can hfive “big-atove featuree” lilee toward, acceptance of the ror opinion which had developed be- within a few dollars of Uie very lowest. ■ WMh peak economy. Power Brakes, dependability Fnd'all-around’economy. ------1 2ault..lf the other membersW the them over the question of how to . T'"* • ' ' ,'T..^‘*T "lL ‘^^hut-ContRl Seat You gat^vera pride-pronipting quality when end Electric Window .Lifts fire' also Roper’s giant oven and large broiler, jn ^United Nations do vote Communist cook some; eggs., _Tota| f II that, add the fact of .Pontiac’s close- SChinain. you buy a Pontiac. lnipre|Mive size, distin­ optional at modest extra coat. One hps to get the picture. Two toHliedowest price and this answer comes up: - See it... you’ll love it! ^ J The horror which will be felt at guished beauty, luxurious inlerior/aiid mat- ' men, friendly enough to spend - Here’s ef/ you’ve ever wmitted for the leoit A M O N T H •such a prospect in quarters which terful performance' give you the certain/' thqir Saturday evening together, you'll ' ever pay. Come in soon to see and astin beUeve odr only policy with repair, in friendly faahlon, to the knowlrage teat all eyes approve your choice. *Rgard to China should.be to, leaA drive the car that chaHengtil the finest—aOiiLT after sma|Fdown payment apertmCnt of one in order to enjoy You Rat all the things that mean so much in^^- L the lowest-priced! ' " qOiiaag Kai-shek back to the main- a midnight anack. But ndw their WiU be Minething formidable. extra personal Mtisfartidn.Jiop. Won- , friendahip-cracks like a thin eheil. deriully roomy comfort, a^ileady, v m t c a s t t mmATA kUy, eminent .people as The egge are out; the fire is ready; Now more Burn ever road-leveling ride, tuperialive han­ FOMmrs fiUMRMmvi RWAUrr!« epperent when Frcaldent Hoover and for / , but they cannot agree on how the yo»i opm tee wide door*. ITu* finest 'nrlon end •ft a veenor Edlaonro^New Jer- eggs ahould be cooked. dling ease find instant engine re­ THE STANDARD W THE AMERICA i L r OAD Iraihee.'gise the spacious bodica living-room beauty ' ...... Manchester DiviMsii ara ^wding a movement to obr At tela moment, before their sponse assure every, fine-car pleasure. -and effort as demonatrated by the Cuatom W mtlUM aignatUrea fi _ _ a ■ ' Tfte. M a r t f # r 4 M m pessionY boil over, let us poach YOU olse got this tretncudoiu" interior above. A wide choice of rnlorii and fthrira. eMA-r- opporing the admission And . / e ^iimnHltoitirtSatkm, and mull over leu Ton ttyle your Po^ec exactly to your taste. ■ (. Maa now or at any iU poUntlaljUea. Whera, indeetl. to __ teCR .moraJegitlmate room for. •eme.jitiier ,princi|ja^ ditogreement than over DIUON SALES and SERVI^ eoming to^th« tee.prapwdial treatment to jto Ihc. -r Manchfeter lX F i^ iiJ (8 7 Main flilrwt, OgeR aadon of accOided an egg? jn what buai- i.' ^ . 31^. 1 1 ^ STRttTMAHCNB who. is not ~tr- and Sfturday Mornings F «r A g g liw n fi®*a tee individual have more 1SS GEHTER STRICT ^ MANCHESTER (V_^ V ia a a loiwr e< right t o be an individual? Upon ■V t*. YOU FORD DEAUR W yitlS YOU TO ;K I THE REST IN USfp CAIGs TOOl -

■ iX ^ '*■ ' T' f ' .V . \ " J. i ' -'t, 4 \A •V-' -1. i : ' ■. * . L- : ' X r * " ' - ' V, ‘ i •• -■ }. j . .-'V,' ■ /V' . r

MANCHgSTEB B^glNlNC HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN > to S D A Y . liARCH 2S, 19M m m MAKCHESTER EVEWPIg HEgiUJ). IQUWa^esrEB, CONN, TUESDAY, MARCH M. 19M j^tHyetUry '' V Women’s Club'ffears Talke^ latiy ara the' voluntaer arorkare ;month In a sharp contact played i id Workers l^eep 'or Homs Seiwica, Cantean/ Motor 5 ^ 2 E C S !£ ^ a Ckiban softball dlambhcL ''orps, Firat Aid, Disaster Relief, "**“ •*•" of the submarine Board Will Act lood Program, Gray Ladiefi and iUng, Set to A ct On Civil Defdnee and News Ladies’ A id H old H?i?J Pfoyeu against the ial Red Cross tha Jiinior Raft CTOai. not to/mea- Cubu Vista Alagro taam, x social tion tha aoma 600 voluntsaifi who ai^athlctlc club. On Application l y arounyhsMcOartbyIsm, Coraaau- angage in tha annual Manchester *^Sewing M eeting The March busiMss meeting of Mane isster Tha HariSieada, using 'borrowed ^xp^ruion Bid nlsm, Amcmanism, in this order. farch43' — (Special) membere wera welcomed to mem- Avertll Harriman aiub^ra,. Rooae* Croae needs of the community. present, held an i^hday aewing C ooffcvatlow Church wiU IbcM point f * . all meetings, conferred last night after the regu­ ordetpd the Ncase continued for —The question of whether or not berehlp, Mre. Douglae AInrile, Mra. velt preached abroaiT’TkM Me- reecrda, and detail work. The ex^ ^ The focal offles la ths caati 0#n4rous dooatlone ara seeded so. meeting Friday at the home of lar, meeting of Bver'gxaen Lodge, M d llu ch SI at ,8 p. m. to three months Mthout bonds. the town will have a light airplane Richard C. Alton, Mra. Janyee F. Carthylsm is ruining -Uk world, ^ U y e ^reta rV oupplies InforAdC meeting place for groups such thfit thahr aervlce may coatinue. Mrii. Ruth Burnham. In Uir after- AF and AM, by the Wayfarera "but there ia no thought of, Me- Tha annual Manchester Red tflta action on Dr. John ll.'^ o t* Hie cases of\Hike Danechucl landing strip will be decided by Cooper, Mra. George Emmerllng, tion,/admlnUtrfitive deUlls, And w F i ^ Drive Committee aoc^r'Mre. Ro):ert Parsons spoks Clab of Windsor Locke.x U"- fn C a peopoMla for expanctm of 72, of ' this clt]\ and Konatani Mra. Fred Giroux, Mra. /Martin Chrthy ahroed,’’ except In thejefforta of thpiiun- iuust meet to . plan the can­ Crosa/fuad drivt la now In lU final CoBsfaig Evenu BiAolowakl, 43, of^Wlndaor the Emlng Board at~ their meet­ Keiderting, Mra. E. H. phUllpe, land. “ Mr. (Adial) StevenaohMi wtak In a campaign to raach on A f r i ^ where she and her bus- ^ church buUdtnc faciUllM. - - - — .'Os vokNiveora who a ^ oach tor committee organising a A baked bean aupper, aponaored who were both charged ing Tuesday at 8 p. m: At the Mn. Chariea D. Packard, Mra. L. vary funny, eomatlmii funnier of Olassea or rSorganiaing a goal of 120,000, RetIdenU who band Tfera mlsaionaiies at one by the Ladles he held Sat- Town'Office Building. ‘ \ i ^ d U a ^ in ^ 0 sort of service. time. 'nth.next meeting will be an Dr. Bcotford hCa mat iMth tba breach of-peace aa the result of a A. Wheeler. than Bob Hope." CliArl™ PiKsMiaim And her servKie schedule /Wkich ia /sud' have reason to believe they have .urday nignt ffoni 5 to 7 p.m. at the ■orvap Coouaittaa u prail aa all J. C. Cooper, of Cedar Smuro all-day seWin8“ kvent at the home minor disturbance last week A talk on Civil Defenae^ and a Real hlghllgbta of Vlncent’a talk N Aldas accomplish denly faced with a rapid expas' been misaad by their neighborhood Cfomimiitlty Hduse. ‘nckeu may be tha mamhan of the chuhsh and West Street, ended T.dlen -Ti oad recently submitted an a |^^ strong plaa for more volunteer came, however, ia his warning Sion program, for the axa^tlva Bolleltor—or If they already have of Mrs. Mafjorie Marks on Oak- bpught froth membbra of the ktion to the board to resone his thb miracle of d e ^ t work, filing laiid Road, A ^ l 2. /. hU pwpoaala are now in hand and Pigeon found both men guilty /and workera, particularly for the that: to hungar-riddin countriee, X — typii4 tslephonlng, committee whic8 meets been aolicited'and feel they would Lfidlea AUL unanlmoualy andoraed by the cOih^ suspended Judgment. 0-acre farm in North Coventry Ground Obeerver .Corpa, was made the fruits of Communism hold ly to determine what must Uke to add to their donation—may Grange to Uonfe> Degrees / pm agricultural to Industrial for" X Me-. t*»*t M hpf^asavy in the un- mlttae appointed at tha annual Seeking SnperiateadeM by Edward Kraaenlcs, head of Civil greater appeal than the promises 'Apectscular-Bart of keeping The to answer the many calls mall checks to tho Manchaatar Red First and second degrees will lUfieheeter Evanlag Herald maetW in Jamiary, accordlnf to thV purpose of the landing atrip. Defanae In Manchester. Kraaenlcs of capitalism; and tha statsmanf Red Cross in this commui Ooae Headquarters, «9 (fonter St be cmiferred on five candidates at 7 . Tbe county Oominiasionhfs of Rad Cross service# functioning . 4 ' • / correepeadeat. 8 tha augfcatlona which man, are seeking a couple to i n ­ entr the federal budget hao been in- try is a p la n ^ Oommuniat mo­ donated to the Red Cross in the G hickenpox ,T olal far the first degrae and tha drill — ------— V,. -■ It\would be operated by the cnaasd for tho coming yoar, which Iccal/led Orbaa fund drive is spent the congrcfatloa will be aakad to duct the Tolland County Hoom tpr tive, with theNdtImate hope of a m office Aentsl, telephone, light annual ^drive. Can any other buai- taam wtil confer the second. / eonalder are lonf range and con­ Children in Vernon Omtfr. Hnh Manchester Flying-Club. Inc, The indicatoa Washington’s view of its breaking down from within. ness^ boast an admiidatratlve The following are membera of OpM « i ocioitiit at Soviiifs chnI Loom — -^lub Mlieves, since most of its six. tninondoua importanco; and that euppIlesXIt should be borne In Jum pg 45 in^^eek . CALL crete . ■ BUie M. Robb, who has bem super­ Following the Bpsi^es, rafNah- .mind that v e r^ ttle of this money thA drill team:, Patricia Ran, Mrs. \ niembm lIvA'in Bolton or Mhn- the Air Forco sake for 24-hour Dr. Scotford ia Proaidait of the intendent for the past sevm years, mante were served srom a table goes to the '^ymant of aalsries, • ^\Two Basle Reaaoas "" Frank Yeomans. Irving FoSUr, dfffid rats ho^bssa BnsqiM lsdforM ysan. North American Oonferance /on has. resigned, the reaigMtlon to ch^er\ that the North Coventry watch to bo maintained in vital attractively decorateiK^th Ivy Mra. Wallace Hall, TVrtter Rau, Ohaiitt W. Lathrap areas, of which wo aro one. X . •or./Uie executive Secretary is Ui How qoes ths Red Cross accom­ An incresM of 45 cases . FOR vA Church Architeteture and a recog' take effOi^t as soon as a/succeaaor site Womd be much more convan? and white candies. Oo-Chainnea of / Ohtj^full time paid employe chfoken pox during the part m Vincent Jones,' Fay Farr, Joyce lent th u the present landing strip The Cold War la’ continuing, plish/ so much on so little? There Ik U A B IU T Y INSURANCaB alsed depart in thla held. is named. For a numlM)r of 3rears hoatssses for the evenIngVm re - local chapter. ^ ^re tvro basic reasons. ta reported bj' .the Connect It ^lU ps, Mrs. Nprtnaiaan SoutherglU, LoRgsr houn iFor your oddset soviet eeavsale^Sd: previous to becoming swerintend- they h aW to use in Willimantic iCraoonica aaid, ant may continuo MravKsrl J. Kehler and-Mra/ftob- ChesterCliestar Rau, ArthurArt" ur Snow, Peter AND REAL ESTATE Eaatar heala Beetdvai for tho rest of oinr lives. Radar de­ The vast majority of *rhe first is that the executive State Dept, ot Health. Thta Buter Saala ware received ent, she had SMtated u the home. and Haruord. - ert JNHale. Members who poured aervlcea ara performed week's 420 caaee raised to £604 Zelaaki, EdWardEdWan' Barber, Henry 169 Bart Oeater St. MM-0S84 Club officials said four of their fanae ia not a perfect defense be­ secretary and the part-Ume office through the mail yeaterday from cancer Campaign Organised inclivled Mrs. Bdson Ballsy, Mra\ tears. It has been said that secretary arS working for more the total to date this year. Few the Wayner and Mrs. Robert'TUcker. membership bw iM to the Civil cause radar, xktraight beam, can­ / . chairman Oeorga I , Brooka of the B. E. Weeks of the Vernon Ele­ Sherwood Bowers and Mrs. definition of Red Crom than* mercinary motives. For the Jan, 1—March 20 period a/ year Mrs. O^rge Meads is pianist. OPEN DAILY Air Patrol\(CAPKand vrould be not follow the oarth’s curve; and Charles Lesperance. local committee. Adolf J. Frier mentary School will/be chairman moreover, rhdar rignals can be working for people,’’ and this is nominal salary pStd the executive ago 5,031 cases of chickropox Mm'Roger Williams is in charge UNTIL 5P.M. ia treaaurer at the djrlve. The aa- for the 1954 Cwoer campaign amenable to helping local authori­ surely true. / of the tableaux. Assisting her will ties In.expuying the'town Civil “ Jammod/^by fairly almpla devices secretary, the town receives a wera reported. Tha'departmj^nt re­ aiating committee includea: Ber­ which will take plaM in April. (a,ahbFar of tlnf^l in the air, for Roeord of Blopd Doaori day's service which includes not ports that the 5-year chlckropox b r Mrs. Wilfred RoberU, Mrs; nard J. Adnm ah. Mayor Fred Defense prOg^wn to incltide air to In the office fllSe are the Mun- je Pottertoh, Mra. Robert .Weeks says chainnan and work­ land cfwrai ;> radar must be supple^ only mpre than the usUsI nine to case average for this period ia NORMAN'S Barger, Arthur ^ . Chatterton, ers have been enUsted for every .by a ground watch. With a cards that record Infor- five office day but sleo around the 3,987, Watson, Mra Lavon Parmaklan, 448 H a riifa rd ^ Tel. Thnrsdfiy 9 A. M. to 8 P. M. Kerwin A. SUlott. J<)ha B. . Club officiaUi Mao said they jiad oo blood donors—when Mm; Edward Barber and Mrs. section of. the city with the ex­ already, receiv^l the approvalN^ aya^m"io maintained and tho. use clock "on balT’ service eeven days Other case incrcaaea were noted Flaherty. Harry ~W: Flamm. the ception of the Rockvem area, cf /iatest telephone dericea, it Is a donor, what hours a'Week. X in reports of the following dia- Cheetef'Rau. \ Wednofidfiy 9 A . M. to 12 N( Rev. Patrtefc J. Mahoney) Qaude the State Depai^ent of AeronaiK theyATe^sllable, blood type and Ten mambers of the Orange at­ CAN YOU B IAt THIS! where there are workers, but no tics for the projected landing atrip. Us to get pursuit planes off ' Fre« EstimstM On Red evosa ^tlvitiea know no eaaes: gonnorrhea rosa .from 19 A. Hina, Find Selectman Herbert volunteers to serve aa chairmen of ground in four minutes from ao-on. / ...... cases to 89, ayphilla from 24 to 31 tended "Neighbors Night" at An­ X Paganl, John G. Talcott, Jr., and They added the strip would be Electric Clock Repfiirtiif R ^ rd s x must also be km>t of week end or holiday for, while tha aBNDIX^OSLBY REGISTERED CHECKS the groups. Weeks ia still desirous' the time s messsge is .sent from office may be closed, the executive and hroncliopnaumonfo/^from 19 to dover G r^ge M&rch 15. WUliam Luther A. WhiU. available to any light plane own-, hero to the filter center in New Gray Lady acUvitiea at the Veter- Park and Aldan Carlton did a skit of hearing from persons willing to ers in the town who might wish aecretary ie etlll on duty to per­ 25 rases. Slnfile caSes of typhoid FUUYAWOMATIC Any Amount— 10c Chairman Brookea aaya that the serve as group chairmen. ^ ven . ans Hoapitala ao that a constant fever and trlchino^“ vert also re­ aatltlad "Income Tax Report.” Kaater .Seal Society urvea more to use it Use would not be lim­ form her services for tha rasidents Oomlag Events ' Up the time of the Korean truce, program may be carried on with­ ported. .. Art MecRngs Shifted \ than 1600 children and adulta ited to club members. Kraaenlcs declared, Manchester ABC out a duplication of effort. Fijcther of the communltv. A glance at the The Women of the Mooee win Olficera of the Manchester Fly­ MMchester telephone directory, During theinaat seven-day period Art Laague clkues, which have WASHER from all parts of Connecticut in An explanation of the best Uch- ■ ' hsd s fine observation corps; now reooida aro kept of Motor Corps been meeting a t the Town HalL meet tonight at 8 at the Mooee ing Club include:. Arthur Mann of under American Red Cross, will scarlet tayOr casea dropped from m O N E S ) m I.) u s s s a year'a time. He urgaa all re* Retirem ent Plan« nique in finding a Vein for intra- { MePadden. Miss Doris Hiifchinson. the number has dropped off badly. imiANOE 00. trips so tbst ths whereabouts of 111 to 76; mumps U 9 to 246, infec­ win be trunaferredTb the Pleasant/ Rooms, on , Elm St, with Senior Bolton, president; Robert Vi^m- venous feeding was one of the | Mra. Elisabeth Miller. Mrs. Mary show that an “all hour" number, didenta of-the aalea to make their Regent Mdry Johndrow presid­ The govarnmant may eventually be ^he local sta:tlon wagon is known tious ihononucleosla from 9 to 2, Valley dub House yvith the nay^ MI-t J 4 ( W xetuma to the treaaurer Adolph tlne of Bolton, vtM preaident and many demonstrated last night-at Pirie, Mrs. Martha Mason and forced to draft observers through- 21 Maple Street jet „f,!L.,times and may be inter­ ia listed. Thoae who work for the 95 ing. Robert Agnew, Of Bolton, seers- Postponed Again Red ^o.-!S xre motivated to Serv­ .and Fobomyelitis from 2 cases to 0. aeries of classes - starting Frier aa soon as pobslble;':^ ‘ the Manchester Memorial Hospi- j Mrs. Priscilla Brown, out the countiy U-enough volunteers -T Tel. MM-1575 ested at lU next point of activity week. Miiu Tina Martin’s cla Tobacco' growers of ToUahd taiy-ureaaurer. Other members tal before a,Iaig;e group of inac- The instruction centered around are not available,' Kraaenlcs said. tb ' answer emergency calls for ice , that no ; salary can properly Mew LaFoiate Chief MauMd Coimty meet tonight at the El­ dLBANUP IS WORK antique decoration will njeet A Bay State houaehedd aoces* ,in.ch).) /- HolUa er in 1852. hsd been defeated by AT QUR STORE -- AND THE homemakers meetings thla spring, Ingraham, M. D.. f i t ^ deputy the Democrats in 1950 and 195L according to the announcement commieaionVr of the ^ w Y o r k Mn. Holway holds many posts / made today by Home Demonstra­ S ^ v D e p t. bf Health will deliv­ in the Connecticut Council of tion Agent Cora H. Webb of this er the key address lii the Connec­ Women’s Republican Cluba. Shr city. ^ ticut Health Leane's^ conference is assistant treasurer of the lat­ Tile first meeting will be Wednes; at the Rocky HU^eterana Home ter, membef-at-large from TpU^d d^iy morning from 10 to 18 a.m. at April 7-g. The conference discus­ County, program chairman for the home of Mrs. Barbara Brlght- sions will'cenur onT>’oblems of Tolland County and State chair­ mah. Sunset Dr., Ellington. The Connecticut’s /aged per^nf. man of. club program planning. second will be Wednesday evening at 8 at the Bolton School. Another meeting is scheduled for next Tuesday evening at 8 p.m. At the Methodlat Church in Dobson- V-'. vllle. The fourth meeting will be / held April 9 at 8 p.m. at the heme of Mrs. Willard StiSteams in Mana- field aty. / v*^‘ ^ . The purpose of the above meet­ ings la to discuss the supplies and equipment necessary to make a slip cover and bow to measure iK4BOSSED/ CARVED, r/ ehidr. Actual work meetings , _ msklng slip covers will be set/up at these preliminary meet' ' PLAIN AND OTHERS *. Food Sale Friday I Tnb East School Farent Teacher A Assn, will hold a feoA aiOAln the IN MAM^lilSTER school auditorium Pyiday from 10 V 4km,„ To Start U t us show you how ooiy Itl^ for to , The classes in/golf instruction Uwest priees anywheTA See 6ne ef Con- \sponsorsd by tbsrROcreetfon Board start tooi|& at 7:M at tha owu o $00 iostru ^ t duriuf d triol d^rus porlod. Maple Street Idmol, with , Alex neetieut’s larfWt earpd selectiens^t Hackney of the Mencheater Count^ Chib aa Instriictor. Thoae attendiiig' tonight are asked to bring a Rve, DURING OUDTRIAL COURSE stoTA $66 6ur IremendoHS' rell ba six or seven iron. There Will be . five .cleeeae each lasting 30 min- . enr Ycatal.plaa'Biakea li pai^bla remnant sereetien at tlie State Th - utes. V,. for you to have am lastranicat id y ^ Pkythlaaa Te Meet •wa kooe td modarato east. — > — . - \ ■/ .Griswold A._ChsppVil. district WfiS )W ' deputy Grand eSuiBeilor, Knights- iebbyiHartforiL Cenn.) ^7 X, of^ Pythias. of -Manchester, will 9* 7”4 (Hefity______ofinr^ Wilton. G i ^ 320.00 i /T44.0Q 15’ X 10’ 6” . rAII wool 3 ply twist. Extra heavy. Green «K 5 jT We. Are The Agents For 12’— X 7'~7”"“*’= r— — .bead a delegation tomorrow eve­ I Hefivy carved WiltoiC Gfg^. 105.00 I7 / 7 S.00 x 13’ „ ! 3 ply twist wool. Cinnamon . 1 2li00 ning^ in an official visltaUon to Was W_ 15’ X 14^ T45.00 DamoR Lodge No. 17 of thu city ■Hfcre ( All wool 3 ply twist. Bfijgg'’^/ m m /\ 139.00 ^15’ X 15’ 13 ply twist wool Green . 2^.00- 169.00 and will aaeist in conferring the ' 13 ply Wf^T#ist. tighigreen lead* T8'7.0(T i i < y x b 12’ X 7’ / I AM wool 3 'ply-twist; E dge third rank of the order on a class 93.00 t 4 5.00 9’ X. iO’ 6’’ I Axminstcr hook piettern 93.00 50.00 i s ply wool twist. Light grieeiT______110.00 JO T O Q 9’ X 3’ 10” I Afl-wool 3 pfar twist. Greien of candldaties. The Initiatory do moire . ^09.00 4 15.00 1?’ X 13’ 13 ply twist wool. Green „ . 18t.00 II9.00 ' will be .in charge of John woilcpor day •, mom work per dollar! f 3 ply wool twiaA light green . , | 77.00 _3]}.0d 12’ X 9* 6” ' f Ah wooi sitiy twist. Roee. Ikhwux. chancellor ^mmsnder; 129.00 f 79 .0 0 * 9’ X 10’ il’3 ply twist WOOL Green ' ) lifiM 13 ply .wportwiaL Beige 55.00 2 0 ^ Arthur Edwarde, M. of W., and X ll’O" (AH wool^ v ir twist. Green 123.00 1 69.00 9’ X 9’ F3 ply twist wool. Green 99,00 r ^ j s s the crack degree team of Damon You sovo oxtra tripe. Thrt’s becaiue of 13 ply wool twist. Rose l 2 L ( R r 175700 12’ X 5* 3”^ ™All wool------3 ply twifit Green Lodge, You save on operating costs. Higb' wool twist. Grey 144.00 turn to participate in the cere­ "Loadmaster TIS** and. the "Jobmaster _ 8 4 .0 0 V X 11 I An wool 3 ply twist. Copper 12’ X 5’ 1 Heavy wool twist Green bodies are wider and l(infer. A&O.-lhey’fa 119.00 f 7 3 . 0 0 93.00 . monial Incident to the rank of 261" (opUcmal on 2-ton models at extra 12’ X 12'~ ( Good Axminsters. Figured > 142.00 j6 9 j0 0 12’ X 8’ IT tll wool 8 twist. IdUght. set lower to make loading easier, 117.00 1 6 9 . 0 0 15’ X 18’6”_ I Heavy-wool twist Green- 430.00 2 1 ^ deliver increased operatm^ economy. 12’ X i r ~ ~[ Good Axipilnstera. Figured / . 142.00 6 9 J > 6 12’ j^8’ 3’’" ^ All wool 3 Ply twjSt. C o g^ Charged With Treepaaeing 110.00 SOjOO 15’ X 15*' I Extra heavy carved Wiltom Grey m M 245.W In a langthy seeaiQn of tha City TEACHim SOmnULE 12' X 4’ I Good Axmlnsfcrs. Figured, 47.00 r 5 ;0 0 i r X T- 9** I All wool 3 ply fwist. Cower Court yeaterday, Mrs. Mary Ben- You sovo hours on tho'rood. 'Thanks You nmra wHk lower upkeep, tee. Ex­ + 35.00 T 5 .0 0 15’ X 13’ ( Extra heavy carved Wilton. Great nSSIMT / 12' X 9’ - I Good Axminsters. figured lO&OO koesy, 81, of this city, was charged M or.*— 5 p.Ui. to B p.iR. new high-comprenion engine power, you tra chassis strength saves you money on 9’ X 9’ I Xil■ wool - 3 ply /iwlat. Grey 1~~ 90.00 _ 4 5 J X ) 12’.x / ir (Extra heavy ^rved Wilton. BroWn. ”i55.00 .'IlftjOD' With treepassing. The case against can maintain fatter schedules without dHv; ( Good AMfilMterfia Figured/ 180.00 w Mra. Bankoexy li. pn aftennath of maintenance. ,For example, there ^4re ' [SsOp A g wool 3 ply twtot. Extra henvy. Grey I 159U00 ^ 8 9 J iO 15’ x'.13’ 9” I Extra heavy'carved Wilton. Brown * s3loo /'^q£ qQ Wffd.— 2 pju. to 9 pju. ing''at hightar'^maximum - road speeds. 6’ 8*?. Good Axminsters. FignrM 61.00 15® X filvorae proceAtUfs started by her heavier axle sham irNro-lon roodeb . . . ( Ak wool 8 ply twist. ExtnUMMiTy. Grey~ 65.00 5 0 , 0 0 15’ X 17* 1 Heaviest twist made Green 476.00 f l o j n i huriiand. Joeeph BenkOcMr. ia Tol­ creased acceleration and hill<1imbihg ebilv bigger. clutches in li^it* and. heavy-duty X 10* Gdod AxJilW era. Fignifi^ 120.00 60^00 „ 12* X 4’ i i S H ' land County Superior Court laet Thiire.— 2 p.m. to 9 pjn. ! AKwool 3 ply twift. Extrs hrevy. Cocre | 78.00 2 5 .0 0 12’ X 13’3” ( Heaviest twist made. Coma . 306.00 January. '• 'ity let you save time where it counts. . models . . . stronger frames in all models. Gobd Axmlusters. Figured 180.00 - % . 0 P 7? I Aa wool 3 ply twiit. Extffi heRvy. Green I 58.00 1 8 .0 0 12* X 13’ -(^Very heavy velvet Grey •'27li0 A fth a t timeTSenkoexy was or- Sot.9— 9 d.m.-f!|:|0 pjR. jSobd Axfidnsters. Fiafuted 40.00 J -5 J )0 1 All wool 3 p|y tw it. Extra hesvy. Gocos 15’j t l 4 ’ (Very heavy vdvet Biege “ 86835" Collect lowcrt-priccd line of trucks, ^ d 13’ :X 14’ S’?.' I All wool 3 ply twist. £xtra hefivy) Cbm'| 265j00 " 145.00 12’X 11’3” . (7 ply wool twl^ Brown 150.00 i ROjOO * F O h e ^ . It^yraa aald i r court It’s optional at bxtra (Mt on V6 it’s also the truck that hgs a tra- fbat iba was fbmiahlng part of the 94- and 1-too Cheyiolet trucks. ^ditiMuOy higher, trade-in value. " ■— performing houeehold ‘ thla was admitted by MOST TRUSTWOtTHY TIUCKS ON ANY 40tl told the court he re- Com# in end see all the wonderful new thkgi yhu get in America'h - V hiS'Wlfe to kM Ckavralif Advaae^Pat^a Tracb . AndI ahe ri- { .# «e i«in da aa. m u B y « t March 6 f . tnapaas- ’i 3 STORES JROM THE STAT6 THIATiR — KM'Teuad music 1 ^ ' ' ■ , ' • ■•"7 ■ • ■ / ' ■ - ' 17$ MAIN ST. IjlANCHESTIR CO., INC; OPIN MONDAY thru FRIDAY 10:00 to 10-JW - HARTFQRD, CONN./ TEL. JA.5-1409 - - v - SATUR^Y l 4.||(6 'to 311 — M A N C H E S m ■> • - - ) 'V V i i j ' U : : ' ^ . h 2 • ■ft ( - 1 : : - z'

MAW HESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, MARCH 28,1964 wM MANC^HESTE^ EVENING ■HNRALD, MANCHESTER, C6NN., TUESDAY. MARCH 23,1964 ;4 r a p jts BY PO^AINE PQX FUNNY BUSINESS BY HERSHBER^R DAILY CROSSWORD PUZZLE C'’ Maiddam^ Waits PEatograpfaJe Studies as Little Sym phony Plays Here i ” Ha n k : 1 AntWer to Previous Punl* Sense find Nonsentsii: R^bel Unit ^ j r t i s Lt U THIS ’N*. THAT tells his wift everyytmng he did td to u r ju l spe's already Tuifn in WindhaDi Court ACROSS / 0 0 WN uunciijr^a I thought that I .would changa that he suspects Loses i 75 To field Voii MM* incja 'Ljuu niy \/orkr>.>lt didn't pay aufficlent found out ? lA ir wave Scoffed • WUUmahtIc, March 23 -Indies-1 personality, douch. And I am never one. to Htirk tiona at preaa time today wara -thabl Martiii, Schendcl M t H j 2 Ester ef'olcic 1 lUUU iu u tke urging of ambition'a glow. And The sAond day of i ^lat isn’t too (Coatixaed from Page Om ) - have reached a ! Gordon • Uia mandamus haanng on tha Kba- 'hrust t O f - m acid Lll IHkJ 3CtH hard—Iwause by thkt time ydu'ra With Licensed Toiwers . ^ w* hava to S He perform; .a

V ' i w m ( t. f . \ r^v,.---- r

J..- R EVENING HERALD, MANCttESTER. CONN., TUESDAY, MARCH 23 10^ MANCR^gTER EviENING HERALD,/ MAI^CHESTER, CONN TUI^D'^Y, MARCH 23,1^984 THE ielder S p iM **> P*«y at Second :r l a m B ig L ea g u e 4 ': ' By -A EARL W. YOST Top Pioneer BfMrto m m * t W'Star^^core Routine Homer Breaks Phillies Peeved Y First R^und Bowling Clhampa Await Playbff Foe By 84 to 73 .G^ilousers BjaftMBANTti in Mtt oC the^ will produce 94 million pieces of Up Exhibitioni At Rival Oubs lillioaiilt «nd MtUrMt boxinr { fishing tackle, 'S6 million golf B b lR io C ^ d e es Headlines Score Victory keuu tt y M ». Charlie Norkua and balla five million baseball bats and Margin at Y Oegny Mtrdteo wUI flash across one and one-half million. football, Kansae City, March 93 — | ± Unable td .Swing Deal tsevss sertans Wsdnsaday nichf ln With Pbilli es baseball and basketball suits, Life Qreen Manor by virtue of its 84 The Weat All-S|ara scored a rou- Turn Back Auto Pans the nationally televised bout. Sev- magasine says in its current issue. Op Tra(de» with Any g j i $ 6 eml moDthi ago the two met in a tS’''7S win 6ver Pioneer, was i tine victory In the Shrinkra' an- Pro O m rs Cut Dowh Pouting ^BEN OftAN In Y Intermediate ■ npn-televised affair and tt was de- Demands of U. S. sportsmen and crowned the Y Senior Basketball nual, Bast-West baaketball game 'B*kaa •Bpoitswrlter Oiib Except Braves women are taxing the capacity League playoff champs last night last night hut an unegthoddx man­ "sertbed ae the light of th^ year by Sti^M uaial, who failed to win 0— 1- - ■ • Playoff Uame, 56>49 NnrkT's a heawweleht : imsglhatlon of some 800 man- at the North End Court •' euver by Rio Grande's Newt Oli­ Nsw York fEA ) Profeastonal Ikuiketball scoring'Muring mter, Fla., March 28 QP)— ver overshadowed the playera' ao- hlaN9V«ate National League bat- Moriarty Brothers defeated the , the regular kttimal Basketball Association aeason dropped ofr Philadelphia Phllllee front 2SSJTS. ulsraiS;>£«;;»■•» Aj^ON In the last game of tivittes. the third si lght\yea»--wl leas foiuing playing the big part, cliani|iiondilp leet /year only Manchester Auto Parts by a score tartceknocked)Norkua to the can-; ^^* * ^ . ^ * Jrtli snend'a^ec The Weat’s 81-78 triumph came la hitter about the reception of 56 to 42 last night In tha first vas before losing on a hnocl out inj y *ar.« . w fe r s w ll spend a r ^ the playoffs started off rather The 1958-54 Iea| e statlatiba. which rover 324 games, show luae ha got off to a alow aterf, the ninth round . . . Don’t look fori dollars on ^ I f sup- slow as the clUh^ were taking no I an anti-climax to Coach Oll- trade offers gat from other game of a two out of three series ^ -VVt.-______:»i— Wed- Fishermen and hunters, the yer’e actions during a preliminary that team scorings lU from 82.3\points per game last year to apltorenUy ia aiming to begin edth for the "Y” Intermediate Basket­ chances. Charlie Bunce carried the 79.5. this sea/Mn. a bang, tela aeaaort. iioaal League clubs, S e S S T n Jh t O’f f i group in the load for the. Umbrella five and- game involving Rio GrSnde, the club apakeamaa, who derilaed ball League playoff crown.' lanky Jack Vols did the brunt of small Ohio college sta lin g Bevo Ylie big tnop came in the foul coliiinn, w ht^ shows that teams af hia aame bat'aRM ha Wias The game waa evenly played all equipment. Boaters will pay $780 Xhommitted /an average of only'35.4/fouls per game this year as n iB SLUGGING 8t> Loula Car- tee way.aad waa derided at tee the scoring for the Manor club. Francis, and Ro^hurst Collegi of (Hnala’ outfielder alammed li home far Phllllea’ awaer Bob million on outboard motors aionc, At the end-of the initial canto, Ksmsas City. against ths 38.5 average they racked up last time out. tor, eenaiieated the ehih’s foul line. Both teama scored 12 newly-created post. He will assume run, a tripla and a tingle and field goala, bat Moriarty’e duaked his new duties MSy 1. Formerly the survey say s.. . Stock car rac­ Manor led, 20 to 18. With a little leaa than two min­ 'P brass eaiae to .a boil moot ro-; ing Starts'"Slihday at Stafford utes remaining Oliver, proteating hatted in four rune yeattrday aa la 18 out of 24 free throws, while jM ita editor of the Middletown The second period was played tee Redbirda araildped the Phila- iBtly ovpr the 6kal tahieh aaat Springs Speedway with CORA the officiating, took his team off rtstop Boy Smalley to tho Mil- the Auto Parta could make but II n M , O'Rourke has been Middle- with the same alow deliberate delplila PhlUiaa S-3 for teelr eighty out of 12. town city treasurer since 1848 . . . supplying the fcani and drivers... teams played the the court. Rockhurst was Hated in ml V icto r in 14 exhibition gamea. auk en Braves and lightbaiador Gustav Scholx, a handsome 38- the offMal acorehOok i winning Dick Colo to tho CMteago OuAs. Mike Escavich and Ken Irish Trinity College opens its baseball Brst frame. It wasr^t until the last Writer Listens as Red Sox 8tan batted .337 in 1258 ar.d/ kept Metfarty’s in the game in tee •season Wednesday in WsMiington; year old from. Berlin.x Germany, two minutes that everything broke the game \ 56-50. flnUlhed third behind Brooklvn'if "I; wouldn’t want to my that we makes his American dehut in Mad­ The officials' twice Roy McMillan, CinclnnalyReda' lihoTtstop. pulls^ are being blotted out puiT>osely,' flrat half with some nice shooting. D. C., against George. WaMtington loose. The Green live, leading 32 he’s spiked by sliding ^ tr o it Ingers' johnny^ Buchk in second Carl Furillo and teamr.iatc Red The Auto Parta led at halftime, 31 University. Coach Dan Jessee will ison Square Garden FridaV. night techaiCal folds against the R I • the Phllitea apqkeaman' aiid, to 31, realty put on a sizzling of­ Manager Drops a Few Tears inning of exhibition gam e^t Lakeland,■ Fla.— (\tefch '.J2»..121 Bucha ran Schoendlenat, but If it waan’t f ^ to 24. Bob' Ballsteper, Bill Mozzer' take a 15-man squad on the south- against A1 Andrews The 10-reund- Oramle. C4»aeR Just before the walk­ hia early aeaaon aliurnp Which itit t ^ t teer4\la any collualon er will be telecast. Scholx lS\a fense and the Chutemen were help­ out. Oue euSpe after he had leaped into McMillan irin attempt te break up ii double play on Dick Dono- ua, but take aoKia of our exper- and Clarence Mlkoleit were all hot ' em trip which also includes games less. Pioneer did everything to curb him with a .247 average after the for tee Auto Parta in the first half. with Catholic University and Vir­ southpaw, a la Bob Murphy who. from the bench a ^ ahnnted nt-an By GAYLE TALBOT vsn’-s’-gToundervan’-s'-grounder tot Reds’ second sacker ■Grady'Ylatton. Hatton threw lenoek.'...^ ..the attack but nothing seemed to to McMillan for the force-oii'k «t secondyf^■ McMillan will be out of flrat two montea, he cooceivet^ ITie second hfilf waa a different Bur IN. ginia. Bd Teoihans of Andover hes was sensational .for several months Afftcial about-n t4»i| eoBed au one I Dw^soU, 9Tiu, March 33 QP)— could have wound up far in front. "The degl briween tee/BreVee Hit> ^ H o a r g/, against palookas. Murphy has IttM. When -.the kmoke' desired, the af bis piajrers.\1he aeeoud m'Im aa|> action for about two weeks, accordingwording tW/dodoctor who took 22 stitches and the CMbo ta all exantpla. Last stoi^ aa Gene Yost and Jay Brain- clinched the rlghtflcld berth. Foot­ Lou' BkudrMU^waa pulling on hia The 33^year-old Mualal ia within VVH/«L THE since been barred from flghtlng MsApr speedstwa were out--in sessed after bnd-tijrowu Ms In Roy’s right instep, --jl. winter wa offacod ohe/m our top ard started to hit ?or Moriarty a. ball ace Oiarlie Stiefca is the No.' 1 front,\46 to 32. Thik ended the uniformXsiow'Iy an4l thoughtfully;, range of 'tee National League They pushed ahead 82 to 88 at the K A H M ^ a r v catcher . .. . Former Manchester by the NBA. coat on -Ibe floOr and rushed onto record/jfor batting tiUea. The hurlers, a teguiar a^rter in the / ___ • • • scoring fo r the first half. the court with another protect. aa nil (mU playera do,..when teia 1253 aeaeon,for Smalley never three-quarter mark and opened a MONAacH Twilight Leaguers Charlie Me Billy li8|mes fu-oved his worth traveler aftrlvod to question him on atiflidard la eight establlMiad by five poiat spread at the start of the GBAD aurek, Bobby Alexander, Gene/ TICKETS for the Rocky Mar­ A. O. Duer, exteiitive director of Honut Wagner. Ty Cobb holda the got to ftrnt bate. , \ . ciano and Exxard CharMg~Wdrld’S' th ls..^ m e k he toesed m a, total the National AssMstion of Inter­ the state of his Boston Red Sox Good Shopters. "Yet Wid Mathews (tea CMba Awaiting the outcomeXqf the second round of play in tea\/Wednesday Night BowlSg u i J S e la Totirth quarter which they main­ SHOWS .!• Gallagher and Matt Wallace are of i l points'to ^ Ip buUd up the' big j snd..te fliKl if he stUL.v/as able to Anverlcan League mark with' 12. the Manchester Motor Sale*’ entry, first round winners. The two round winners will mtot in the nlay- lined tee rest of tee way with with the BanUms. heavyweight boxing title bout on collegiate Athletics, said Oliver’s 'cA t that, yaaterday’a Carda- General Managhr) called (Bii^e June 17 at Yankee Stadium go on lead enjoyed by'^-fhe Builders. actions were in bad teste. fleM~a/ieii^ M nine men. Genffal Manoger) John (l)oinn aiid offs next week. Regular aeasoA '/play ends Wednesday night -Members of the Motor %alee ehown some aloe foul shooting. ■ * 'w • / ’’N'you fKlpk my friend Camy li Philllaa gaihe wea a cldae one until to^ve ere Fred McOirry, Charhe Varrick, Ed Kovie, (topUIn Bruno NtsMoll and Chet Ndtrickl. The The second game of the pla.voffs . BILLY ADAMS of WetherafifAd sale May 10. Ringside seats will "You just don’t d^ these things,** Due to Benefit made a d w for Cole. The (Juba self for $ 4 0 ... Dr, Bobby Brown, THE THIRD Ca B t G saw the Duer Vpommented. '■ “No matter Stengel can mckin.” said Lou with HERALD BOWLERS, despite Muaiail drove relief pitcher DUka »^ipp»d Smalley fdr tela young Motor Sales are also the de^endlhy league champs, having swept both rounds of competition a year ago. will get under way at 8 o'clock has been named captain .of next a forced grin, "just stlpk around Red Lailey'a 360 triple, lost 10 of Markell’a aeoond pitch out of the Wednesday night. • . season’s HUlyer College hssketbsll now in Tokyo, is expected to re­ Manor quintet stilt building up its .what the call, the goach has to Kansks City/March 23 m ^'T^htliaiHied pitcher whe hea done lead and at the end of the third foT a while and Iiit4i|-/io an expert.- 16 games to the Hertford Times park with two mates aboard in the Msriastjr Bralksr! (*9I team. Adahis is a somomore/, . join the Yankees in June... Fur- .control hl4i^ team an4 play the Baaketball piiyera awarded free nothing for the Braves in three P. ■ B. F. PI*. IQ minutes, the Green ciuh was ■Ybu wouldn't belley^ tk# things last night. in the annual match fourth inninfl with the score' tied yeers. ICxcavlch, ( ...... S 4-6 Yale baseball team makes 1m an .man's Frank Selvy is slated to game."/ 3-3. It waa hia third home run of join the Baltimore Bullets'in the away- and running with a 68 to, 48 Rio |Brand(f ..ia a' mei can happen to oiw b*n club. between the two papers. The throwa in^utiiriB college gamea—. "That WM only one of eeveral Yost, f ...... 4 3-3. Bual trig to the South—Waking- iber of the ""Tod Wllliama’ p i^ e n shoulder the apring. Saundrrs, ( ...... 0 0-0 NBA draft... Best remark of the lead. With a big lead, the Manor NAlA, Times, losers a year ago, collected will have in^re Incentive than ever deela we tried to work out with Irt.*h. f ...... 2 7d» ton, D / C j-th is weekend with, the / waa bad enough. 'but\lt aria only a total pinfall of 4862 to 4557 for Schoendlenat, too, had his hand o ^ e r Mifliday egainst Howard week: Results of spring training played: possession hall in the last X Oliver said he d{d nflt puli off ta put the ball through the hoop. New York, Brooklyn, 'St. Loula, ZaUu>w!kl. a ...... 3 (M) ^ames are more boring than « tee beginning. Bight \now we're The Herald and a 105 pin advan­ in the Bcorlng, hitting a triple and Bralnard. * ...... 5 tm vereity . . . Six foot,/li inch ten minutes to take, the gktne his team "in protest of flny ^ r t i - getUng around and doing tee b4st If they do they'll gfeU a second a single and knocking in one of the Cincinnati, CKiicego and Pitts­ Ray; fslhc, a graduate of American Garden preliminary and a trine walking awray. cutw refSroe's call.” » tage. 'There’s gloom' al 13 Bis- shot - - a chanck to make two burgh. Our only auccees v/ae with iXT o(»I» ...... ; ____ 19 18-24 6* we can with four of oUr bIggMt p*ll St., today. .. tallies. Lefty Hgrvey Haddix wss MSarkritrr Aa(« Parta (49> L«a|^ play ■ via Mwciiester, m or-e.^^ inconsequential... New Holmes, Vols. and Anderson were "IA | b afraid my boys were go­ men not even able to tagha our points instead of otc. If they don’t the' Pirates and we paid Branch B ro o kl^ Dodger pitching ,coach "V . ' the winning 'jiitcher and rookie' Rickey 870,000 for Murry Dickson, B. F, Pti. acorad poinU in aU/72 games again as usual the big men in the ing . to^get hurt, The game was road tripo. It’s been brutal;' the ball goes into ^ y . 'Bob Greenwood Waa the loaer. AtStpko Wednesday Night iby. f . 1 1-3 3 Of BslUihors in the NB^ Isst ses- Ted Lyons has been in the major Manor wdn. Charlio Bunce yiith his completely^ out of hand,” he said. d l^ R G E METCALFE will i n ­ not only for our own good but to illalrper. ....4'' 1-1 9 leagues 82 years and has to ' "All three of my regulae ont- The new rule, iMlkptefl by tin* Elaewhere, the question of keep him off the trade mart. Mikohoti c t 3-4 13 - - 4 aon. Rsy avenged 017.# points per 3l'points was high for the iPioneer "I wps a fw d of bl(M>dahed./’’- " HeMers are laid up. Jim f^raaU duct a fly cMting clasa ^Wednes­ be with a pennant winner. Ted "The offictela...wefe Vic Glennon National- Baakrtball Committee "Who’a on first?” for the Boatpn "We .tried to get Bobby Thom­ For thehe first time in 0onnecti- /oniiecti- x .a\ ^ \ MoxxriS. c ... 7 3- 3 16 outing. Another formin Msnehes- team- Not ohly did Bunce score hurt hia wiiat nuuiiag into a ^aoe day nl^V from 6:30 to 7.:3() gi yesterday, applies to odmiiMaa per­ Red Sox may aoon be answered if , Fliko, i .. 1 0-2 2 can map out plans now for a cele­ 0 KoxicKI. ... 0 0 tsr ik y e r in xhe ITOA, Buddy hravily but his gU armind play kpd Charles Jkmes, both of Kansas and tbeu ag g rav ate it by ptayiag the Y, ^Thls, is a follow-up of son from the Gianta but Leo 'Du- cut, according to Promoter Tolty! W flM ^ R R tl' IH # B i B S t S l t (Ml bration because no team looks a ty . sonal fouls rommltt4*d likthe flrat ■Dick Gernert Keeps u)^his praaent rocher demanded Curt Simmons or Santos, a midget wrestling cham- ; U I»\ Hsarn, a ... 1 4- 6 7 Ackermsn of the IfW York Knicks made him the outstanding player in Mveral anore' games. Now R 'r tee fly-tying/class for younifst4u« 87 minutes, of a game. TM com­ -p ace. Roy^s and North Ends tallied 48 points in ^ g sm es. Most formidable enough to -.beat the "We work the//game according which MetcaH/c taught,., for the ' E • '« another southpaw tff - equal ability pionshlp match will be at''atake 19 Tot*l! ...... \ ...... l9 11-19 49 <>h the court in a losing cause. la a cast and they auy it Will be At mittee did not .change the rale for t y of the csmpaifln /he^icked up Brooks.. Suffering from an League officials wish to .thank to the book,” Gletoon said later.^ emk past six weeks St the Y. >' —which we don't have. Wednesday night the 'Ai'mory Scor* at half lltHf. 31-24 Atilo Parta. asthmatic condition last summer, "IVhen a man gets l«|t of line, we lesMt two weeks before be the last three ininntM of the G EEKERT 80CKEO two hoi"c when Sonny Eoy (nssidy meets Officials, Bnlduc-McConvIlI*,.^ splinters on the flkch. ^ n - all sponsors, players and officials resuneie ttalalng. — two shots, rrgardifaa of wheth­ runs,/the second 41 game winning "We attempted to Giis Bell necticut Boxing fakUd wiH. hbhor Ralph Klner went to a Pittsburgh for niaklng the Senior League the have ' to call a technical four. Basansgr Maltempo a n n u a l w e s t from Cincinnati and a m e d to give Irish Jackie. Cass/l.v is' king of Kentucky Paces Poll ■ ■ 'v '' ' In Rec Finals Toi^ht specialist. Not knowing Klner's .'That's alt there is to It/ We try to "Jackie JenMn is out with a .bad er the first Is made dr missed 'one, aa the Boaton Red Sox edged the little men in New England. 4 Bat Battalino of Hsrtfotd test in years. Trophies will be Sammy MaltAnM, recentlV-Ap- muscls bruiM, and George Kell, my and ’ Junior Basketball League A common foul ia onk commtt,- the Milwaukee Braves 4-3. Rookie Gabs Paul our top .' minor league / annual-dinner May 4 th Hai occupation, the I>oC' said Kiner awarded at a later date. 'ceil the pikya as We see them and banquet will be held 'Baturdav pitching prospect end two other His gold championship, belt will Zulueta DecisioiiR The finals in.the Town Baaket­ was anergic to grass and suggest­ we expect the boys to play tee way Boxing Ihspector iTor the third baseman, has a sore arm and ted while the player fooled is no Tom Herrin received credit for the FINAL NBA STANDOiGS Battalino will be celebrating * -1. nvers .Maser «M) can’t throw. Can’t say when he niflht at the East Side R ^ . .Din­ victory and Gene Conley, another regular hurlere, as well m a big be at stake. / ball Tournament conducted by the ed he get a job In an air-conditi­ -coUe'ge boya should play.” \ of Manchester by the State in- tha act (if .afliKiUng.J/’nie new ' Promoters'o/the card' this weeR Grusaders Third ROUND SO BIK PLAYl asth anniversary of his feather f B. r. Ptf. ^iU-be able to. What hiirts~''moAt ner will be Mrveff at )—Ken­ Routib ef France. The bout was of^tk Washington Senators, now 2 Voli. c ...... 4 2-V4 average of 48 points per game, lling Mel Cushing cluded him. We thought the deal Froceeds, after operating expenses. plac9 at the finish. The .— . ■/ the h'igh-flying Royala, who de­ W L 2 for banquet at the Italian Ameriaifi these... next few weeks . of _ play be- j,,*hay do that rule a fouled playeKj/ot a Sox Mantuier Lou Boudreau tucky's unbeaten basketball team, staged at the Velodrome In East a c^ h , says thb big reason for 0 McCurr.v x .* n-n I 1 te’lied 28 Rio Grande. ^, at the West Side waa sealed. Then suddenly it i^ a will be turrted over to the Man-1 which refrained’trom'Vo^Trnament ri,'in and out of the first Brooklyn, March 23 (A*—Or­ feated the strong British Ameri­ Syracuse ...... 4 0 5 Lm Mu;ka. a'...V .k... I . 0.1 4 1 la the All-Ster game. All Anwri- efub. ■ GeneiWl Chairman Jim fore the season starts. They are second free throw if he missed..the previdhriy had indicated that Hartford, since demolished, on the sluap in batting averages is very important, especially now Ri m. ■ no gbi,Paul’s excuse was Tm Chester M m orial Hospital for the competition this vear,' came out! ****®fi lando Zulueta,. Chiban boxing can .combine/ in their opening Boston...:i...... k. 2 .2, the fact that modern hitters give S Lsrry Muiko. X 2-3 1 *'jew Bob Pettit of Louisiana State ■ Trivlgno kas secured Director firet shot, but not otherwise.'l»V. \ \ GernertvNHarry Aggahte.'^iip from New York ...... 0 /, Bspt. 33,1938. teat ' It looks as though we're xLoulavUle.Nand Norbert Zauchln, afraid of what our fans will aay\ establishment of 'an artl)iitls and ahead of the two National Tourna- I stylist, has an April 30 bout set ganlc and the iPikera In the quar­ the pltcherii too much of the plate IS Totals .\...... \34 1M4 84 led theiR'eat with 21 polata It was Marry Flrato to serve as toast- GYM Tbe baaketball Ctommlttttke al((o "During the .winter we made rheumatmm clinic. raent Winners, L a flaJle and Holy ^ fc e th« «rat 20 moved with Paolo P.osal of Italy today— ter-finals; ai^rist the strong Weatorn DIvlaM \ n«srer (lit mkster. Town Republican Chair- finally going to * hjsve good tha East Side Rac wUl divided. the game intoo nalves V returning abiwicemen. wpuld bat- SPORTING GOODS factorial ■by roiing to\stand close to It. th^ Wikt/a third conserutivr vic­ /^tiifday, Rec Directo/ ever;- effort to get- SoUy Hemus Four/ bouts, instead of the Cross, in the final Associated “P .w **^ ,^ **? thanks to hia skill at pacing him- Norte End lau rels , who drew a X-MlnneapoUa ...... 4 fl 11.000 r- » A - F Pi* tory''in thO. three years the game ifiah. Bill Davis will be the main weather.” ■ •ct()V-' again. e'Uminatlng the qliia !• -,* r \ \ e• r* i\ 'tlV for the reghj^ first base job. • There could be no qi-estlonlng Jim Herdiexagid Becoiy baseman B^Ily Goodman is from the Cardiaala. (New York offered Press ranking poll of the 1253-54 they eritfred the NCAA aelf. hye in tha first round,, but de­ X-Rochester ...... 2 1 1 .887 3 Oohorty. t ...... 3 ->-4-i has beihtbeld.^ timing adopted in'the' 1951-52 sea-/ Oeaeral Manager) George Welaa season today. ' aeml-flnals. After\Whipping Penn feated the highly regarded Nassiff Fort Wayna ...... •/• • 0 A I -000' 1 Knyhol. f .-.X....'...... 0 0-3 that Boudreau’s club has, indeeif. also'a poaaibility. Zulueta, second ranking ' Ifght- ’The West ^*as ahead 22-18 -at son.* By reve)-tlng to twd period^ railed u'a on the phone and offered The Kentucky WildcaU, topping I to win weight. vas trailing Irish Dennia Itockets in their -quarter final ^-^XMKto gams canceled as 'un­ i Bune». cV ...... V 12 M-S. teinta from NIT victory, held onto that place cause'’of low blows.'' ■ forwards, Steve Cooper at center Wpffiiesday's Schedoie OtUrialK. Boldur-McConvIlli". Frank Ramsey and Lcked out With Indiana, the- 1953 NCAA 1,078 sixth now. a grid coach who also is a mayor. E ast end Clarence (Nibs) Price of iToiaJi...... 607 si3 570 1590 I must sit In (/ ipecial section, re­ The PhllIiesN(ipokesman/ shook "8. Holy Oo.ss (l.M) (26-2) 214 ly start with Norm Vlttner and The Western-Divialan beet of He ia line^coach Ken Stilley who llama) back by May l/then I think [served for c southpaw Alex Kellner ih the fifth champidn and a strong pre-season too heavy Iat And why not? After four sue-' V California ,,... 131 312 his head. favorite, fourth. 4. ^Jndiana (9) (20-4) ___ 835 Harold Brainard a t forwards, Ed­ cesiiive victories over Boston and I three eemi-flnal gets Under w-ay is mayor of fcl^lrton. Pa. vve’Il still have a gOM chance.” [ MIDDLETOWN HIGH, as re- inning. atVd went on to drub the Brady, wh(> weighed 137 w /V'"! coached the West. Mslorcs v- • • • ...... 17« 121 12(1 .777 Philadelphia Athletics 12-8. Rookie "Only a few d a y a ^ o (Car­ The filial count, on the baala 5. Duquesne (1) (2(i-3) .. 657 die Wpieik at center and New York, the Nats have a $1,500 tnmorrew night with Rocheater —------^— ...... -i ' ------I JtcCsuxheK ...... -.. 1(U tOK We told the Sbx^anati'er the.e i TE.ST NI HT program kill be piyrted 5 19(1 was a report g ^ g around that | held tonigjy at 7 o'clock at the is.leavin.g the CX7IL and will Join for Don Hoak, Billy CiM..juid Bob the erdwd oi 2,460 hgreed with with iMpk Lacoss, Dave BAlon and meet again Saturday afternoon'ia D*-C.->rinier lid 1(17 99 -318 s([>m(^ne bad said hia great slugger chaiflpldns’ kttack With four hits ballot, , nine for second, eight for 7. Bradley (19-13) ...... 404 -tion Ip the nipxt round of the play-, 83 82- Y .'' Sponk - -Is The Manchester the Cemf:^V.7Uey B ! Conference. Morgan of Brooklyn/ buV. Buzzy th i^ , etc., gave Kentucky 1,110 8. W estern Kentucky him. Tha. decision . waA greeted Jim SelbiB.ln reserve. I|i teelr im­ Offs—and two days off. ‘ 'e |Roeheater, with the. odd game. It Neff 90 90 m ight' put on . a uniform again Dog O b^< ce dub. (paries Middletown's acceptance was ac­ apiece. . Cerv'\welloped four dou- with boos. , \ blea and/Skowron a homer anij Bqvasl merely smilM and/Mked ujinta and La Salle 4,078. Holy (29-3) ...... 364 pressive win over ^ e Naaalff The 'Upstate New York team' neceaaary, in Minneapolla on Sun­ OUT OF^OORS with within two-weekA ^He said he: Bssney ijM Fred Sydney"' '1^111 cepted Miat\wc)sk. President Joe for \ Richie Ashbtmi. 'riiaC\of Zulueta will meet Rosai Aflril 30 Rockets, VVojrik led tee scoring day. Mlaneapolla - won the Weot- Totals .....N553 . 500 three single^ Cross drew 914 point*- and Indiana 2. Penn State (18-6) ...... 309 rein pie ted a clean sweep last lilght hadn't heard, cf .iC indicated judge. /Th competition is open Fontank of the tn'BC said. Mid­ course, was out of/the question. 835. 10. Oklahoma A. A M. (1) 'St 8 t. Nic-’holaa.^ Arena—a Friday, with 17 points, -but again the with a mnvincing 98-85 victory era round-robin with a 8m mark' skepticism. Skid the iast .he heaid to the p/ibll .' . ' d le to n 's leaving the (XTL leaves night TV shbvf—although M anag^ pc .Maarksslsr naSlaier A TEAM 6 f ,^M|XED Brooklyn “IC ittca looks tonny I® h>e.’’ By finishing on top, Kentucky (24-5) ...... 202 points were fairly well d^ded aA aver the-' B4mton Celtics. • That to Roebeoter’a 2-1 and the laat Chappall ...... 116 .717 Williams had' just been leieiued the/loop .with mit five members, Hymle Wallmap *aid he also is '41 game of the g(^aroBnd w-as can­ 102 101 .1 regular* aiid riidkiea pushed over retained the spot it had. hgld in [arrell scored ll,.and BfalnardTv. gave Syracuse a 4-9 mark to Bos- Kaxan ..-...... 116 XK 92 SOL a from a Boston- hoapital and-would nchester. Hall ofXWeat Hart- It' of 16 weekly polls throughout considering a fight inAKr®n, Ohio, ' toa’s S-2\Md New York’s 0-4 la celed be€»|iiM If w-onld not affect rarr,-»n(l ...... IOS" 208 bave-to'iifick around to let them a run in the ninth, inning to de­ N. Vlltncr ...... AM tl2 KM ;i44 feat the Pittahurgh .xPiratee 3-2. the aeason. Indiana, tabbed' aa first. OVci- the piist four yaarr/pel tha 4>ompUMUed rouad-robln. the outcome.. J. Vllln*r ...... ///llS 111 119 J48 take more pictures of the repaired DiUbus shouldei;- Sandy Amoros. the international the likely winner In the pre-season, Rice of .the Cardinals Has appeared Now Syracuse meets Boston in' LaOitpcIle .....viX ... ■=- 87 87 poll, held onto the No. 1 spot for EI.K8 LEAUI’E in more' National Leagues ganjes a beat of three semi-final series. New Orleans — Ralph Dupas, Far Shooting ^2Q-Gauge What a’-out the other first divi­ L c a ^ e ’a.,][aading batteri.m 1653. Priacclo'n (31 Total* ... X- ...... 5*1 *03x 521 1605 aingl(ngled hhome Jim ' Baxes-with the ayoIf^Fiiials mat fans. J two weeks before .suffering ! its Tlirrrlrn .. than any iitber catcher., . , .T h e first game will be in Syracuse 135 H, New Orleans decisioned eater AeU Parta (9) sion clubs, Cleveland and Chicago? ea and Baron ...... H I III Santiago Esteban, ISP'-i, Walsen- Tvinnlng run. Verdi ineet In final, k beat first defeat. Duquesne moved to Burgr** ...... ;94 mi . Thursday, the g^ond in . Boston ,B)(,^WARREN p a g e j Carlo __ 105 92 Hkd he seen or .h.esLrd anything the front for a couple of weeks SPtlPlSL RATCN. TIMEB-ffKRAUl Bcaurrgard 7,7 burg, .Colo. (10). V. Delia F-ra Wet ’Rounds cancelled-tee Bsl- of three fall with a time Pitcher .... Saturday afternoon and the-third Shooting Editor PCreMo which suggested that either had Finals In tee vidage Chimera' iate in the aeason, then ran Into N*. 1 RcraM I)a.rera... Mexican Ali-Stara was_ jailed off again. ■ . ,.;\,.,fww„.Ai,,A2' 116 .702 ‘The two teams had tied for sec­ shotgunay is fuel for hot-stpve- i down? , ing Green with Roy Motors roll- T o u g ^ an Dan Ceriiio meets Kentucky won 25 straight gamea I-AForge .....,.,,....90^ 90 104 384 Calsate (I) ond in the regular season, and. the Holyoke, Mass. — Brisn Felly, because of rain. Both ChI(»go Tony , / ^ o i in one bout while Demer* ...... 92 95 82 269 10-incli league arguments galore. Totals...... SOU 1533 "We* played/, ChiMgo oae .game ihg Dillons Sales. •* during the rci.'uiar season. Includ­ Total! .. Sultnan ...... 95 85 105 285 81,500 runner up money was held ■139, Niagara Fails, O'nt., deci- a Won rollpff here but saw very Htftle,” Bodrireaii teams and the Washington 'Sena­ Mfmtiel Bpnica and Bob Gfland •w " ' . ^ 1 Persohally^ I feel that the true tors were not scheduled. . Last night Dillon’s gained the ing sNln.Voff with Louisiana State N*. 1 TlStC! (*) Jorgcngofi ...... 95 89 ■86 270 slonOd Earl Dennis, 141H,'''New magnum 12* or 10-bore gun Is a . said, "Richards t ^ h a g e r ' Paul finals With a 2 to 0 win oyer the c ^ h in the other. .Both are for the- Southeastern Conference Carev ...... 708 1(B 100 306 TromWry ...... ;. 103 11.1 i'ln .717 Ciitsftrfltld efts’*"'***'*' **** o f the play- York (8), * APS Texan. (II In other itews, Ted Williams’ Murriiv Harrl* t 102 no 12.1 to tool useful ,,tn the hands of the Richards) didn’t 4taine aver him­ Garden Grove. Lucy Heck's 127 foe one. toll w ith'30n. minute championship but deritned to- rn- Champa ...... in*"' 87 103 295 Plrkev ...... 92 102 95 doctors gave the Red Sox outfield- limits...... ;...103 ,113 101 .717 average dUck shooter only as a Rpsaerto ...... I2S. 95 self, and, he kept most 4)1 his regu­ W permission to leave Boston for in the first game aparked Dillon- 'er. the NCAA Tournament, for D|B-Iia ---- ...... ,9 5 MH 119 318 Tojaj! ...... ,487 492 497- 14^6 SUPPORTER BELT means of making 45-50 yard skills MrCMrthr ...... 93 113 lars at Tampa for g; sqiiad game. whlle Mary . Campanele's The hairdress’ers have already ich It qualified automatically/ Vln I ...... 90 — hia Miami home. - They said his raised ko au ,-torhc^e ia coming alone "a bit bet-; THB^FLUENCE of postisea- N*. (61 Blancharrtr...... • 122 107 227 (■ OP MiMHB A M " I dotibt y;, he is ^ In g to realize third tHIs year?” ‘4 l ' -X OIIUb'* Salr* (7> Tickets are . on sale . at all > RcraM ' McKInnry ,,...... 104 91 Total* *00 492 1539 tec' fhgn . expected” . . < Major HfCX ...... ‘•“127 aon tournament resulta.on'the Voir Simpion ...... 87 122- ll3 DeSimone >...... : 102 it »• ultra-Iong-rangex Mpabiiities realiffe Mslora He 'fas told that| Richgraa League. Player ' Repreaentative'a BlooUfWSl- ...... 99 beauty shops in Maiicheate)',. ' ing \was-9eiep In La Salle's rise ].Mc.':a«iaal ...... ,;9.7 88 The CM!»w(M(I U*SII I isr fiiiee. H>»6 ^ r the aimple 'reason that not tine Auguat 116 showed every symptom of rr^eahing Campanele 89 Tnrklngtnn —. - ..r,....K4 91 964 'T o ta l* 42J m 40.1 130* rejuce feUf** l5-btb wetabeeJ.,## Marciiear ...... 91 ' willTneet In Cleveland A pril-ll to LaU-y ....V,. 125 114 131 360 duck hunter ,ln_.g hundred knows , to bring Ids Negrro slugger te fnim- - act jm the n'ew player Pension Canadr ...... 90 T AhMmorf Cliapinan-.,...... 105 CrockMt .V..'...... 88 Total! ...... !W) 120 102 113 how to lead waterfowl mii«h far- I ' E/ercIt . ; ...... ' IlR the outfield;- at least agslniit left- Plan approved by-the club ownera...... 389 41$ 405 1209 EiiHc^o ...... 102 ther out than th(f 50-yard mark. I FuIleF...... 133 handed pitchers! in the desperate, Total! S Tiate* (9) SabIfIe^.. .. e-»*ri’. ♦ . . 104 m 115^157 .95 Cunllff...... ^ laat monte. .,The plan would give, Oardoe'Ui Ott W arned Bobby Ti Yalon ...... 83 9.7 . 78 254 Nar^Uo 101 105 - 30« Thoae''-T5-yarders are not for the I hope of being able* to; get a little the -JPenaion "Fund 60 per cent, of Hokne* .. Giaitettai- ...... 7* 79 93 246 ambltioiia amateur, but ohly - for I Ba.v ...... 84 91 113 296 Totals 5«3 494 490 154Z. more power into.hls' lineup. tee eeeelpta* from radio and tele- Sulto . . . . . r. Watt! ...... ToiaIe .... 296 452 408 the exceptionally skilled wing | "He 'needn’t .worry," spoke up .vifion from World Seriea and Ail- Beglov ...... 107 129 92 328 shot. ^ j COrUTBY ,CM'B REX Frooman He Was Not Sliding Touia HELPED A.N'GLERS - I Tniiiu (I) Del Baker, one of Boudreau’s 'R ta r games, and tee other 40 per RuddrII ...... “io ' 400 “iis U24 The 25-bore nruignian hull, three Wllkir. Jr------99 102 . 'coaihea "I . had Minoso at^San cent would go to the ownere. SERVrCE 1)3 .714 inches long, 'which Weatera-WIn- Total! ... Ke. * RcmM (t> P J...... 107 — — 107 Diego oefOre hC'CSme up,- and he VeroBeach. Fla—(NEA)—Evary-7, SPEAKING AFTEB YEARS Fell?e Montauk State Park, Mo. oPi — | cheater are now loading for use N. ...lofmsrm 92 106 l i r 332 bodyUn Milwaukee and the sur- close observation, he says thi* is ------8* ,7 5 94 2M Official* h'ere scAlchCd their | McKn- ...... 94 104 lOB a107 can play" all tee third Qase .you Frlednisn ...... 86 80 8.7 2.59 CALL IRUNO JB apeeially chambered and spe- 8t7 John ...... — 102 114 316 need. He’s a .great ball rta'yer.” rountUng cheese country winced because illdlng is the moat under- Hermln ...... 10* 88 -KH 295 heads and triej their best to over- ,| eially choked Model 21 double want long shots and long faUa to. Andfraon ...... 94 . « 2*4 c'ome a'serious problem!-But they j make hard retrieves lor the dogs, l>rlla Frra ...... 94 l4l 107 .743 Having mdna'ged Cleveland to a Exhibition Baseball Gernert Hitting with Bobby Thomson when the Fly- taught and under-practiced funda- guHA la a horse of- sHghtly differ­ ing Scot 'fractured his - Ankle in mental. '* founil no aol).4iqn."’’ Gravel had | and we’ve done a lot of paring.' Totals IM. M7 1608 pennant. back in 1948,/the last ToUI*'\...... 3*9 345 3*8 1OT2 ent color. It isn’t expected to Bayals (9) vearirefor'e the' Yankee'plague, set three jilaces during'* a St. Petera- ■' "-Professionalq/ whose livelihood .H *. 1 T tm r! (41 filled in two famous trout pools. stretch practical duck ranges be­ One^ bird. I r e ^ . collapsed atone | ^ (StanfUng of the Yearns) Hard for Red Sox burg citrus conteat. Kimpp ...... 102.105 -117 324 When the jtymied men were rOady | In, Bondrhau was in toqltion to American Leiigiie la dependent, upon good perform­ P*r ...... 87 94 119 '.TOO Ml 9^5295 PrescFiptioR PluuiMcy dead into a weed rlump 88 paces sioane . loa 904 yond shooter ability Which la to Here is a clean-up hitter, for ance are woefully weak whe.i it Fllon ...... 94 96 91 281 to quit, a pair of energetic beav-1 from' where I’d fired. Harry 97- 110 discuss the [Indians’ chances with . ■' • W 'L 1 whom the Braves gave $100,0(X) and Hinlan) say that It will kill ducks, about- Echiltirr .97 JOO ia7 300 considerable . insight. His verdict Sarasota, Fla„ March 2S .i^ — cornea to allding.” says Campania, y i ...... • 84 90 93 277 era with know-h'0|!; did the trick. M A N C ^ T E R . 901 Main S tm t llkr 5 good full choke 12/gauge, But the hulls come for an extra Barrrila , 97 il5 ira .715 Philadelphia ...... 2 3 four players, sidelinad for an indefi­ They' built 8—pair!!-of dams and i price. To d.ite only the Model 21 Tarcft ... ).i..l17 153 99 388 appeared to be that /not enough Baltimore ..10- ,8... J i'it whel. folks ware beginning to -.ir-"Yet. unlike hitting, running Total* . *77 385 420 MOTOR SALES - Tcl. Mltchdl 34321 to. 55 yards. / coiuit big Dick Gernert out of the nite period because he, could not and tero'.ving. sliding can be thereby produced two 'new poola j . When these hot-rod ^(Nbore double, no bar.gMn bsMnient item, changes had been mafl'e', and that Boston ...... ['.-...To fi make up his mind about allding. Totals ,/...536 *81 ~496 1613 the team’s-first-basing problem re­ race for a starting flrat baas' post taught. Jackie Robinaon, for Na. 4 RakaM (I) for the, anglers. hulls weVe first rumored In the is factor;/, rhembered'for the -new / - -.O Chituigo ...... ,8 7 Mel Ott, as manager of the Slniiamon ...... 93 99 87 272 mained unsolved. on tee Boston Red Sox, the muscu­ example, .cpuld slide only to hjs Diana '... shotgun fraternity/’ ' there was a hull. Moreover, .5 8 Gianta seyeral years ago, warned left' when ha joined the Dodgers...... 76 80 80 236 Havoy . > . ! . a 97 84 181 .“ Hank Greenberg made one very Detroit 5 2 lar Pennaylvanlaii *ahowed ha is Pinto .... 97 101 11.7 .711 'freat ..hullabaloo about super- 'oorlng cdnibinatloiir is not well 101 Thomson that he waa running tee He learned to slide to hia right and Savory ...... 90 SO ..*4 254 adapted to iiptancl shooting with Varopy ...... §4 86 781 good deal this winter, though," he New York ...... 5 11 atilt in tile running. velocity..’ The pelleta Xwere sup­ H. Johnson', ...... 92 9M — 190 ~' ‘Tha comment that Gernart has risk of being badly injured by not Is considered one of tee, beat. posed to travel -like yifle bullets, ordinary 2()-t^re hulls. JVllklP. 8r...... 93 123 97-lU observed.'"That v. afi when he got Waahinirton ...... 2 10 learning to slide properly. The Totals . y...... 366 353 "*64 1073 ■RpM-r ...,. .... M 95 191 Dave .{Tiillcy from -th* Athletica to | NatloMl Lragne been a spring hitUng dtaappoint- "SUdlng is a falling- of tee body Ha. « tin * ! (II and more or leaa as fgr. aciiording So the long .20. will remain a MannPlIa. .... 97 85 127 .309 States Island resident ia a big, tn an attempt to elude a Ug. A Glulfre 118 10.7 92 .71.7 specialist's item for a little while. play right fi«l-Mp (41 . Gernert.'^. the Box’s regular first ing up the 'foiward: ttiotion of tee R. W att! sA * a • a ffv 4'« 82 100 88 2701 velocities developed' in. the three- ducks for' them as wants to make and he’s r hustling ball player who Pittsburgh AS AL CAMPAN.18 streaaca in the rWhich^B^^^Miflas Mm m liwiEffM — ■— hoctiiapf^ l Colp ...... 113 97 ' — - 209 will gtv*. you ..sM he’s got in every baseman “*aat aeaaon, - yeatarday body *o teat it stops at teg base,” TTeuila inch 20-bore load are for shot sizes a souped-up 20 perform like a 12. Brownp ...107 —■ — 107 Cincinnati .. Brooklyn camp here, allding ia Alpolntsout. : . ,f.....;. :~S$ 384 351 1530 CLEANING AND INST. -Bel(**Z*oh ..'..V - m 91 302 game. They’re definitely' helped 4 New York ., ham m er^ out two home runs to : A and 6 the same, to .all Intents and (Dlartlbuted by NEA Service) .Colton __ .... 117 1.03 - 230 giVa tea boston club a 4-3 victory rapidly becoming a loat art. SiSme "* ."Soma players occasionally pull ^ BUT V ^ purpi^sea, as. fhoM given the adme there.” SL I-ouia ... managers, notably Casey Stengel/of REC P L A V O m Horvath ....104 <— 88 193 ovar tee MUwaukaa.„B*myas. Up to a base standingTip. .*|hia sud­ PaaaBi|l. (7) ThW'fl noriiin9 lACKWARD about OoiigkM' rtvokiHoMry r o w shot in a Siiper-A high-based Iplid, isiikpr ... 100 118 114 272 Milwaukee the Yankeea, hesitate to let Jjheir Bm«r* ki Jpsanis .....9« 111 111 .730 The Red Sox—who hkve 'jvoo den checking of ruiuil^ apead ia ...... r.l21 112 . 99 .732 SEPTIC TANKS and C POOLS for example. To/Wlt. from 1335 to ______Orlna ...... 102 133 Phnadelphia hired hands hit-lhe dirt in exhibi­ very hard on lag muaclea. !^lled Smiu - . J..106 116 106 ..728 down pa^NKMit diiol ond low, low mooUMy poyntots.. Yoor d td b oi i A aauwslata argaalzatioB of TRAINED 8EW/ GE BPEClALUin Berra Enjoying Cfa'lcago nine of their 1C axhihiUoiV'rictoriaa z»j< ...... 1 117 l» 121 36.7 1345, Which is 50 foorf-aoconda Totals . ..." m i "SM SOT i5S2,iS‘» i^ „ „ - ;;;;;;;0 ;:;;‘* tion games, for fear of precisely muscles often occur. , rick ...... 1. 122 108 110 241 r-WWg W JpMat modern equlpoieiit and mac Iperj't -RESULT i a by one run—meet the CInciniud,i "What happened to Thomson. They LOOK! I f 52 CARS S2f5 DOWN. LOW. LOW PAYMENTS n$m ER Ish at a LOWER PRICE. slower.than this 12-hore dircIMoad. Redlegs today with Willard Nixon iTia ...... f. 124 121 122 377 j Actually, thWre’a no. point in try- Greatest Spring BaaMhix* (3) TpUIs 504 548 *94 1646 Monday^a Results recall 'what happened to Monte "TH E M M l "::ii^IO U 8 in- I f 50 CARS SIfrOOWN; LOW. LOW PAYMOITS .16. \ndk ’ naasTHes (91 Wifliama Honda far Hamr I manager of the Pirataa. vit’s and {Choige of .^le barrel. A- aflOt .Portorflfld ...... 113 lf51 CHEVR0LETS^2 or 4 DOORS burgh (N) 2. • , Unlvaraity .halfback who played actioif whi(ih placed tha body in a Raaa'a (II uel8. Let U8 prove to ypu tijat our cara. our finance plan and oar mcthndR ofV Bae* eieaa- 3) Rnaonable Prices ounces i he't< usinf hi' the reason. Hall ...... 98 Boston, March 23 (>P>—Boaton | aeveland (X) va. Baltimore lot -teat-Bandlock will catch any' shell hM. to be balanced. Steven's ., 90 ahortatqp, managed 4n tee minora half-faUing. half-atanding poai-. O'R Illy ...... 103 13* 112 businesB mean a better d e 4 for you. Before you invest. inviatifatcanApnnre to j ______SAFE ... tE SURE Yogi, Who reatM while the Yan­ Red SOX' slugger 'Ted Williams 1 (5 To ChooM FroA) / (A), canceled wet gfounds.. IUp," -aaya Rickey. “ Six oir Arnold ...... ___ - lOO 96 118 The aaeret of the extra range Blisn ..... 8 , c ...... aiiHl U now tlald supervisor of tha tlon. When the body hlta the Oavello ...... 104 in* .M self that Honest Douglas means honest value at kees drubbed the Philadelphia. A'* Wh-lan ... . Klf. s llp i^ out of town Virtually un­ Nfw York (N) va. Mexican XJt_ eeven pitches will bounce off him ‘Dodgtra-V'eamp. ' . ' 118 118 pai^ormancc ..of .Ihla-'new 20-bore 12^ yesterday stert^' using ''the ’Lockarnod ground, tee - spikes are firmly nieasoM ...... n r 191 101 noticed today'aboard, a-plane flying Sto^ canceled.rain- but oii tea next t>ltch ha wfU cab Campania, who h(u piaflaA study caught In the diH. or the feet are T atzart ...... 9(1 121 J08 isn’t speed, hut a tight choke. lighter* model .pat iaat June when (Urect to him Miami sin ter home. - Ytw another Inflidde ball. He,.:fli|Ua TW iong It^bore hull will reach Totals 499 4.8* x(i3 iiiio eg baaewdl and written a on tt turned Inc jrrectlyM thus eauainr ToUls,/!...... '1 1 2 SIO 'IS 1*32 he V aa ni' and' then-' camis ■'■ on ■ .a 'aon riniorf t ...... :------'-t CENTER MOTOR SALES NO PLA TEE s h o b t a o e for tee pitch that wiU gat' te^ (•"!!« Dtxifers’ Way To Play Base- :|NNEY BROS. a u t~ ^ doubt ahoiit it; I’ve let injury.” ■^ , v. ■■ '■ 'AratarZ Ta«»£» (*A strong to finish'with a...29fi'’bat- ' Brooklyn OrIand<> ; j^ueta. man ou t He doesn’t eSra WhaT baJl"---B. P. Duttoii A Oy Inc. Robert! 108 112 3*0 ^SAL COMRANY - X 461 MAIN STREET r e a r OF POST 'DFFtCE That’s what happsoed to Biteby ill I(* 120 542 333, m a in ST. aE’ d gdofl .amay boxes of ting average and 27 home runs. rcataMs (Si 137 >e, Cuba decisioned D e n ^ ii a WilUamsport.“ P « r '—(NEA) — happensnannana totn MemlSwk Reiidlecr 83.25), •• mminds------_____ you... of ...the ^astonish. .Thomaon. . u. Motumoliy FEAEL gr.< -JiAMCIIESTEIU^ vrhsa acMaif aa vffictal gipa* at re- He’s hitting a lusty .458 in ex- tvAiiffweri? ...... 103 I EalrMeiT . 108 94 9* .704 EM! ru-ABaietEfa/akCTlO-Y foe ^ORB YAMU^ AwvUIr ...... 93 I (Pat) Brady. 137% New vTork OPEKf UNTIL 9 EVENINGS Mora than 250/100 boyi will pUy 'caught Jdhnny iTa-imuclilw iRg tflei teat a waU-SKOculed. alidt PoUnUy .. 103 118 179 2*a ...... Mala. A s jmjodges Nibition'gO'**'*® f*^‘ •oathi ...... 109 : lU llO). te tea* LitUa Laa«ua hasahaU pro- tor PItf Bote today M tea^axcapuoa ntteof tbaa Utah baa IflOfl larooU ... .19* no 122 S t now era tea nteUM. F to / g ran tela jraar. tebrtila. Tuala ... * c im 'l ■I"'. Y- '-i ! 'I I '-V I -.•t* v: .■ ..y r i • j. 'Vx' J •'/

Zry; ■ ys ■ J ■ M a n c h e s t e r E V E N IN G h e i • ^ . ■'■<; ..: -X - IK a ffiS y E R . COHyr, TUESDAY, MARCH 2 3 ,1954' w • • Ma n c h e s t e r e v e n i n g h e r a l d . Ma n c h e s t e r , c o n n ., t u e s d a v , m a r c h 23, i 0m Houses For* Sale 72 Houses Fpr Sale 72 / Business Prdperiy For Sale 7(> OFTTCE of Ooodehild Realty Scientists Feel AitMMMlM fur Sale 4 BuMneae Scrrlcte Offered 1$ Courses Claeses .27 D ofs— Birds—-Pets 41 Hptisehold Goods ' 61 ApSftincnts-f-FUts— JOQN houaa. Biixh itte s s l ;) IB ForeSt St., win be •Jpuntaln Road. Price $13,000. B a ^ e Teaements «S neighborhood Orocary atora. Thomas Murdock. ML B-67N. OlfLT, DOUGLAS wUl aaU you GOI«DKR*a T.V. iem c*. s v a il^ lUOIO-l Talavlalon TROPICAL PISH and SUPPliM TAPPAN Daluxa C. P; vtsualite Small but activs. Good money April-AiS;2.1<«far ealU to . SkywaUsh < k le SMMM ^esr aa tear aa |149 any tUne. Animaa caavarahma. Sdrvlciag. It c(M i- MI. B-BBBl or^SBTB, avenlnga only. Resettreh Aims /Sc bytOomr* at Kally’s Aquarium, *M Suhsatnsat St. ovan gaa stove. Excellent maklnr.;, Priced to n il. Warren E- —Five Item e v ir . ^ H rb n t, Wa-AlL' not aak you to take. Phlico faetOB aupanriaad aarvica. Oonnactlcut’a Bhaetronlca Opan .’Ul ». tlon. MI. SAIU. MANCHESTER—Four room apart­ Howland, Raaltor, B4B Woodbrldge C o v e r / I w froBl e kesk oT'flnanca Tal. tt School EnroU ment. Adults. Call batween M7 p. EIOHT [. house for sale direct PatUF fte- for aprlng 81. MI. B-SBOO ■ iitJ, 9 -im . , from imed upstairs, two car gatege to ooBipate your down tarmiJQall F ' i CHapal 7-ino, b e a g Le Ma l e , on e: ar old A.iC. SEVEN USED refrigeratois. • to m. Ml. B4M37. < ^ fcr. Good condition. Oil W orth Expense Mldnlght-2 a, m. . i .. UANCHC8TBR r. V. Samoa. ■ C. utter ragtatered, 13 cu. ft. B3S to BIBO. LaFlamma ateam t. Vacant, m . 8-8B36. (ContlnnMl^ Paga lored PodUoaty only fits or writa ter teU formation. Now 5B. Phona •xtraa. Betatttul yard. MtaFihora 2 A m.-4 a. m, ...... \# « a tetS oar, MSB buys a radio and T.V. anadalUta al MI. M M l. . Appliance Co., is Oak St. Tel. ML TWO ROOMS, living r^m . /bed­ England ___ Uikituta, m e Slid Land For Sale 71 Inspect phone' Bar tOenttnota tram Page Om ) 4 A m.-4 A m. >.«. J...... Vs INS, SMS boya a 1MB. No addition. 1»3». Housk aOiXa .Ml Trumbull 8t.‘, BABBB.______■ • / ' room, ahere kitchen, cheerful, cen­ F s i^ i SEVEN Room ranch, four Blabar’s cf the cavtaivashai havi Key CD Role ^et (Continued lord, Oonn. sa bedrooms, fireplace,' tile bars Woods Agency. Ml. 9-7701 becom# mi $) « a. m.-9 a. m; .: ...... VsYshittMnn' al aldo notaihw loana. Wa guaran* mtebaU 'dafirori tral. Call ML B-BB37.______" ot fhe reeearch organiaatlon, teas oMlelidrm TW b^EAR old Roper gaa kltcken SOUTH WINDSORr-Dastrable loca­ , elumlnunl storm windows .He r N G« in**I^OOn • n $/• a • s AA.e^e s • s • s.s liEJS*ffn- Luey 1 I M F . M . taa to aaU unoar Uia abova tamu Live Stock— Vehicles 42 l a r g e Six Room colonial, 3-car Arthur D. Little, Inc., pointa out to/tiM oxygen Jersey, thero/waa tags Noon-8 p. m. . j . j . . . . i . ; , . , . . . v« hyaUng ranka. B cu. ft. mfrigera-r. tion. 39-acre tobacco'dairy farm, water heat, fuu cellar, ateei of his axplprations. egioii Suites with notaa aa lo w .^ $40 monthly. Boi itocks— Business Locations (nq stock or tools). Approximately that It took two yaare before the from yesterdta when was 3 p. m.-« p. nu J.i .MrA RaraM Lart. Ottvs Good cradit la ouK only raquira. Household Services , WE RUT COWS, calvaa tad baM tor, modem blond bookeaae.... 101 earn construction, garage, 100’ are iVSBr hotand work In scatteMd areas. Mo tfsg es. 31 catUa. Alao horaaa., Pla|a Broa. Florence St. ....—^ For -Rent 64 ft. frontage on Route 194. Boweiw furnace, quiet neighbor- Wg depreselon of the thirties fun ..'11 many, .on, arch 28 (Jft.-The ni- 6 p. m.-8 p .m ...... ,.. wtiitom r mant. Dooglaa Moton, MB Idaln. Offered IS-A affected reaearch spending. And Hoboken waterfront thel' ^ V T . Tat BO. B-740S. ShMs for 10 cares, bam, basement School. Carlton W, Hutchins. MI a lntsnaefhe£t snd tion’e \igh Northeastern States 8 p. m.-lO p. m. / ...... Myra Fttigm kL FMMf rntST AND aacund fnortgagaa Due to popular demand w* are AIR CONDITIONED officss. Mod- Shras tor 10 acres, bam, basement 9-8183, 9-4694,^ now, $18,800. Warren B. Howland almost no ona la predicting any tad ther jritlcal target areas will soma ohouting and ataving, t no 10 p. rn -Mldnltat ...... Hyatt ■utfitfrRtteiea . . _ n B . v LO O K -lN l Banry J, tudor. Raal OORNICEB, Drnpaa and aUp coyars bought for out) oam account Paat, auch businaas drop this time; T*hur fumes m y have pruerved work. • f . good car througboim Naw rubber, extending our sale- 30 to 30% dis­ srn design. Nesr Pont Otfics, Msiin garage, 10 room bouse, , bath, Woodbrldge s l ; ^ ! aome bodies. have key roles in natlonwldaXivll Volunteers may raglster at CltrU Defenra HsmtaatetMSi: 'M . ■' ■ eualom mate by Claasic Dacora- confidanual fom ca. Manchtetar street, corner Wadsworth. Ml. SIXCHANOE — Cltent with large'' Smaller buttnesa .cycles since /the Pisro at Bal&mors tel Building, Mtacheatsr on Mon days, Wedneedearik-nni $tU . No doam paionan^ ^4M.W tora, 41 Oak St. Iter fraa aatimata Poultry arid Supidics 43 count on aU furniture and appli­ ateam heat with new oil burner, When the /Island fell. Marines Osfense .exercises- schetaled^today Invaatmant Oorp., 244 Main atraat 0-9779, or Ml. 9-MlO. i^eslta well. Second floor has house wanteto exch i^ e for amiUI big one have had practleat for Jun# 14 tad 15. gested today with cargo frqm 1-5 p. m. ' 8A1 t A.M. montl^. Oola Motors, Ml. S4N0, caU ML 9^ ^ . ances. . . — .. _____ y ______J______r TOi sealed off htadreds of caves. ML SA41S BROAD BREASTED BronM ' Tur­ small apartment with kitchenette. houaa. When yourVhquee hae effect on research spsndLtu /A D. O’Coiirjor; regional CD ad- frorh ' New /York.. St CHAMBERS FURNITURE SECOND FLOOR, 3400 sq. f t . , N test In widt^Lot 140 ft. says. Erosion and sarthquaksa reopen keys. Fresh frosen toma, 14 to 30 Ideal for extra famUy living. semed its purpose Ity Ume to iplnistrator. said stafta In the five said vftry ffew more ahlpA If ahy. lumber of stei ishlp lines ore ta®* men. ILA leaSen'' IMl HUDSON, price CaU NEW SOURCES pounds, SBC Ib. Schaub’s Turkey At The Green plenty .ight, Nro lavatories, three Shown by appointment only. Ex­ Jnake a change. This may be your M Bfsetdea^ Six rooms Hla organlxaUon, h e a te r, has the psaasges. Blasting to seal can be accommodated until present VraLL/CUBAN attics, caUara, aahea Mitchell 3-51S7 ■front rooma^taltsMe light manu­ Of baauty/ and lasting one entrance may reopen fithers. which hav^the h^vleat con- tefthg to m< the!Ir opstetions to tried in vain to gat 1 owner. MI. B.4M1. ramovad. Raaaonahle. k ^ MBBl. allow Farm, ist HUlstown Rd. clusive with Walton W. Omni. opportDiilty. Let’s talk k over comfi had aome call In rscein months centratlons of potalation and In- commitments are filled. / / ir ports. facturing, It^ e office halls Apply Madellnb Smith, Realtor' ^ m ^ baths, 4 firs- And the depths of many of the to work. LOWER RATES to GOOD Hours; 10 to 8^7:30 to 1:30 P. M. / Realtor, 947 Main Street, Hartfo Ml. placea. from corporatlona/asklng It to duatry In the NorSieast will at- “There’W mote inwara cargo pickata'jeered the mSyor at The ILA and the : D isi M I-3-S121 leU CHEVROLET H>ton pek-up, H ^ V IN O of buna, moth holea Backer,^ Oak. ^ 9-1B43 or 9-1149. \ t e e s t ^ material and • n m iM their 0 unofficial diUan, B74b. Carter Chevrotbt Oo., teg Sbcecutiva Dfractor combination Aluminum win­ FLOOR SPACE for rent, approxi­ newly renovated, new hot for new products and for diver- Y.,'>New York City, Schen^ady, wiped tat If they remained off the certified M the IfilL that abeuU 2,800 man out ed fin la "Ooppar,” cqlor Mack, taa and MANCHESTER—SixXbom ranch nn garage. Ameslte drive, $13,000 aitteatidn of a'company’s activities doctor was there with a black­ N. Jv. and Providence, R. I. \ ■ BU Main St. MI. B-B3B8. 27 Lewla St.. Phona CHapal S-SSS7 dows and scraans, BI7.W and up, , CHAMBERS FURNITURE mately 1,300 square feet, auitable 18.500 mortgage obtalnaMe. Madel aystem. Price right . for jotrmtah longer. He esid a number ilotlons Board / as average, flul force of 20,000 ernn whita. FInter Ntaaa can ML FLAT Fin is h HoUand Windhw HARTFORD plus Installation. Combteatlon for hardware atore, shoe atore, corner lot, hill ceUar and attached /te being spurred by the business ened stethoscope snd wriatwstch. O’Cormor said the inetropplitta of coM anles were prepering to S-17BB. ______SALES lipe Smith, Realtpr, MI. 9-1042 oj ^ HeckmaUck Burned vials, medicines and mi­ bargaining agent for the worictng/ireeterday on tJw N « w made to maaaiura. a U, firit MORTGAGES • aacond aluminum doors I49.S0 plua tostal- etc. Large volume of traffic passes garage, hot water oil heat, alum­ 9-1M6. St., Mancheater. / turndown. ’The organization also areas of these cities represent one move but of New York permtaent- 34,000 full tad part-time York tad New Jereey GeokA m S INTERNATIONAL 3 yard metal/'vanatian bllnda at a new latten. Manchester Home Impmve- At The Green doOr. liiqulre Chambera Ware­ inum screen tad storm window, hae wortced out development pro­ croscopes IHied the cave wall. tenth of all the critical ^target areas LOIT—Black and whita apaytd ftl' . dump track. ExcaUant mschahical- low pries. Keys mate white you MItcheil 3-5187 veneUan bllnte. Hot Point elertrie MANt^TOTER-^Bolton areaxcus- grams for whole areas, including Bleber found one Japan :se wyar- in the country and that their total mate p<9. Fbidar pteaaa caU MI. ment Go., SB Oak St. MI. 3-n77,, house, Manchester Green. MI. SIX LARGE-Roonu, dishwxkher \ Hr^ever, an iMriy morning pier iy. Tires like new. Price B usiness Opp in' i II I ' ' I" — CaU M l. 9-B4N attar 4 p.m. latfiB gladly given. Ufetima. Free demonstration. CaU Suburban For Rent rage, amerite drive,/bus, 810,800. ture money” around for_ sound in exceUent condition. Oil heat. tools. T'vrtes arranged. OsplKS water sewera, combination ver covering atomic warfare prob­ one which Includes in its residents 19th day of tha outlaw striks. yUNI>—Medium atea dark brown, — 2-B69B or John at anytlma. ElU .Tuntay. MI. 9-80N. Equlpmtat Oo.. 88 Main Street. Carlton W. Hutchtes/ M I.' 4-8183, storm windows and screens, hear MANCHESTER VALUBSh-^^ ideas, and no reason for ,* let­ lems. at least 40,000 Industrial workers. Large parking lot. Moving out of SOUTH COVENTRY, hegted) tui down in business spcnding::iuong Mayor Wsin®r made his new ite and light tan mate dog. Dog B-B769. \ ■ Ished four rooms and gi 9^1494. : school, shopping center, The 30,000 men of the division Auto,Acce8ioriit Tires 6 state. CH. 943U, - v ...... ROYAL AND Bmith-Oorona port­ GARDEN m a s t e r tractor, 8H EAST SIDE—-4 room Cape Cod that line. ^ . ^ t he doee feel that plea for a gen®ral return to work ML B-4640. [is lines. Quick occupancy, Djakarta, capital' of Indonesia, GENERAL Construction, altera- able and standard typawritara. h.p. with equipment, 8400. MI. CHapel 6-9567. DIRECT FROM owber. Six room te good condition. OH hot water ran through their paces and their In a radio-and television talk to the goVernmei\jta economy may be­ IS 7,640 miles from San Francisco POR TIRES, Tubas and battartea ttoha, remodelingX plastic tile. AU ihakas of adding machines moving out of state, commander, Msj. Gen. Robert H. strikers last night: 9-9922. . THREE ROOM fui ed apart- Cape Cod (2 unfintebed), Immacu- 'iced $12,500, Chas, Lesperanoe heat, firepjace, aerSens and storm come 4 delaying factor.' by the nearest sea route. AfUMNincesacnts tentact your Goodyear Sarvica counter work, garage: etc. No Job Help Wsnted— Feaisls 35 •old or rantad. Rapalra on aU lete condition, coibplete In e' Pepper said, "It stands to reason. •Even now,” ea^d Wagner, F O R G K T T H I M A R < St husband works. MI. 8-B8Blt\ ' . leaa than |wo years oM. Like new. a large listing of 4, s, 4 tad 7 room direct one la through government The amphibious landing which year guarantaa. Salf-rechargteg in ~V~ ..... l■•yellll ^,>^,,1— — THREE PLEASANT unfurnished singles at $8,750 and up. Two fam­ room cepe “Cpd Ofi bus line, oil LOW PRICES H.a6. Can ML B4BSS. rages, Stanley overhead d ^ , Very reaaonaMe. Can arrange to Fdrever A Favorit* stesm heat, , fireplace, clean tal laboratories and through proj­ begta Sunday was obvioualy tail­ M seoDOte. Buy the beat tor leas. ppiONSTRATORS ~ AmMhoUS ault ML S-41B8. rooms.. Private entrance. EilingtoR ily homsa, 4 and 4, 5 and 5, 4 and ects farmed out to educational in­ %' JsMncU, Mock filo caUlngs.^nt. Women eara high obmmlsslana Musical Instfqimetits 53 Center. Rockville 5-7473. throughout, cheerful kitchen.. ored with one tactical eye on the WE KEEP ONLY THE BEST MACHINE HemaUIlaUtditag. wm caU |i Vaakly. Cole Motora. . tarattona, addlttona. CaU 4 roomp, 813.800 tad up, colonials, stitutions and to corporations. Its possibility that landings of the for and deliver.. Mi^iaiiott, 76 displaying ^’T|ie Royal Uhe»' of O.E. 14” t a b l e model recondi- aevejs rooms at $14,800 and up- MOTOR SALE. New mMor guar^ Oontoia, ML B«2a. ^ \quaUty merchandise. As mamifac-\ MUSIC Irrirumental bental. Com- PRINCETON STREET AREA— indirect one: is inducing private future face atomic weapons. Pre­ 1953 UNCOLN COSMOPOUTAlYl OP Henry SL ML B-7BB2.i-7BB2. \ tiooad T.V. Ideal-for > cottage, or ptete line of instnubeats. Rental Suauner Hoares For Rent RWich homes, $11,900 lo-83fiboo. Lovely custom built 6‘ i room Cape research by corporations either tatSa. Ford, Cbavrotet, Mercury, turers of over BOV Vinyl items we recreation room. Only $59. Man- Please call Howard R. Hastings liminary bombardment and lieach 2-tone gnen. Fully equipped, fully p ow -/ GENlUtAL Carpentry, silterationa, ap^ ed to purchase price. Rep­ Cod. 3 years old. Charming living seeking government defense con^ clearing waa trimmed and com- WHOLESALE THE R E S T /- Cted. mileage. Doi^, B124.K. P on^, dtemo- additions, new construct!^ roof­ eUminate the middle men and In­ cheater Television Service. ML COTTAGES-PoInt O’ Woods, now Agency. Manchester. MI. 9-1107. $1200 Personals bUa, etc. M74.W. |M month. Cola sure you of greater profits. Many resenting Olds,, Selmer,\ Bach, I '■ »" . I, room with / fireplace and picture tracts or fulfilling them, Jirassed to obtain as muclf surprise ing. Bidteg, unfinished rooms: WUi 9-M^. ~’edler and Buiuly. Metter’s Music renting. Jane B: Wilcox, Realtor, Motord. Ml 9-0900. BQWSR8 Ldovcly colonial window, dtoing area, ceramic' tlte These and other research or­ aS'poeslble. - 1952 LINCOLN 4.D O O R / fintace to 13800, 6' years, to pay. exclusive sales and premium ----- ^ Itudio, 177 McKee. MI. S-7800. 433 Saigent Road, So. Lynte. Tel. ganizations that line the Charlee THE PROSPECT ^ School items. Experience unnecessary. FLAGSTONE.- Stoat for^ walls, Lyme 4-1490.____ home. situated ,on psrk-like lot; kitchen and bedroPm' Staff officers pointed out that AND GIVE THEM ALMTHE Powder hfne. liiiUUd, hentor, duaft young childhMie '■ RockvUte B-BUl. ^ River hare work closely with Mas­ drira. Oompletextraining. Openings for “ f ' t c ^ , flrapiacea, etc. “Boi- ‘ CONOVEUl BABY Grand, excellent Large living room, fireplace, pic- downitaijs, 2' large bedrooms upi. ■ past amphibious maneuvers had Bent covers, white vrall'tfreA furalahad. Mra. Lela ly b w , dtrso- TtaJhyS for Sale -^$rA Outside flreplsce and patio. At. sachusetts Institute of TacJinoI^ $ 2 5 ^ expcriencta^demonatrators es dis- ton Notc^ Qutary. M’ . 9-0617) piano Lor student requiring good Wanted To Rent 68 turestae* dining room, modern become pretty stereotyped aind the tor. Phona MItchaU S-8767. tr^t manegen. Why setUe for kttchta. Master bedroom plus twin tached garage. ogjq Harvard and other nearby FAMOUS RMfinr*-4Sidinr —• 16 tone, only 8498. Goes Piano Coln- Iwo opecaUon was designed to T953 PLYMOUTH Cl O O K 4 .D O O R less? Royal Pixattes, CH. T ELECTRIC Brooder, focubiktor, size. Tlte bath. atUc. hot water oil univeraltlee in both basic and in- Include new 'iJrcblems and new MRS. BOFPI,. reader and advlsar. corii grinder and sheUcr, gooid ptay, 3l7.taylum Street, Hartford, FRANCES K. WAGNER. Agency duatrially-applled r«aearcb. new. 8,000 mIleA 2-: grey and mniosA FOR THE BEST in Bonded buUt JAckson 5-4098. Open ’Thursdays WANTED—Garage, in vicinity of . heat,) basement garage. Diahwaah- techmques. ’There were no simu­ All waloome. BN Franklin Ava., HOUSEWIVES. Anxious to earn. $1 condition, cheap. CaU MI. 8-7n3. er and di^iosal. Screened side MI-9-0023 New England, btakera and buai- senaa from the Art thaatar. por roofs, ahlngle roofs, gutters, ’Ul 9. Free parking In Jot next 193 Oak Street. MI. 9-4935. lated atomic .explosions, however. 1949 MERCURY icten and loof repaita oaU to 83 per b em wlthbut ctavaariiBg. porch. Many other features. Elvg naasmen tay research has helped 1952POIHIAC D O O R SE D A N appofntmant call CHapal B-B7BS. Write .P. O. Box 88|, Hartford, SEPTIC-MAGIC Solye your. Cess­ dp6r. develop new industries here to re­ Helicopters la Use— /t952 HUDSON/ Oracta A-reni cieiui, ite. MItebeU S-770L FOUR ROOMS wanted-by couple Tyler, Realtorv MI. 9-4449. / Fifteen Marine helicopters pro­ Hellyweod hard, top, hydra* Conn. ______pool and-SapUc Tank problems. tad ton IS. Close to North End of ------— ^ ----X—i. place the declining textile indus­ CatolinA Loaded EXPERT COR8ETRT aarvice in Aato RepalriBf-4*alntiiif 7 Amazing non-toxic compound HAMMOND CHORD Organ, Only 1 vided part of the new punch to- /^matld. Many acceaaoriM^ RAT’R RO O rafO Cb. Built-up year old, hard to^ell (TOm new, tobtn. Tel. PI. 2-7622. klANCHESTER—New raiich, qual­ try. - your 'homo. Trixie foundations. THE NEjro f(w mmey isN|h Un- cleans, . Uqueflea. stops odors. dfy,, moving a full combat. bat­ 1 9 5 3 F O R I OR Aida Adams, N Durant St. ML roote,-tatter arqrk, roof) 'OhimBey 8845, bench included; G., 39 Main Sfc restrung, priced for immediate Ucenaed Broker, 388 High fit. In. addition, soma 200 warplanes 7:B0 • B. ML B-BMn. A. A. Dkm. Inc., 299 -Aiitumn general housework on Saturdays. sale at $895. Goea Piano Company, weet. corner McKee; Ml. 9-7« Resuming Journey snd 100 ships participated. In­ i!lth standard, overdrive, or natomaUe ttreet MItch*U 3-4860. / LOAM—Rich 817 Asylum St., Hartford. JAckaon MANfiHESTERr—Six roont colonial, WANTED-Rlte to EaaTHartford Ml-^9r0980 CaU MI. 9-1190. top aoU, • deUvered. cluding the battleship Wisconsin, tnaemlaatoA All clean ears! ^ Washed stone.I, Sandid, gravel, flU. 5-8694. \ ' three and thrta. OH hot water VERNQN.-r-Slx room Cape C ^ , 4 the carriers Orisksny, ’Tarawa and $1295 Aircraft, B:S0 to 13:M shift. Vlclii- heat, fireplace, tile'bath, Timken (Contlnned from Page One) WOMEN.WANTED. Evening work, Nuaedorf Sandd s j^' Stone Co. Tel. finished, two ^partially finished, Saipan, the cruiser# Los Angeles, 1M9 ciiEVROLET^ ^ 195/MERCURY SPECIAL a t t e n t i o n to RcttumiiiK KOREAN W AR . tty Canter and Adams Sta. or Mid­ R o o fin g 16-A 9 to 9, to arrange appointments by kH. 9-7408 oil iiurner. Rxcall^J condition plastered walU, da bta water heat, dle T F ^ Bhd Deerfield Dr. ML reach by Saturday afternoon. They Toledo and’ Rochtater, plus the /GverdrivV Wow oovarA A-1 Veterans teletaone. I^leasaht offiC# sur- Apparel-^Furg 57 throughout. 4 % mortgage payable laundry in cellar, garqge, larga left Cumberland last Saturday. ^nvertlble. Original miieagA tfreA RadlD and heater. Drive S-llN. 7 1” ALUMINUM Irriga • »6« per monrh,‘’'«'Price 813,900. British cruiser Blrmlngtam; < Anio Driying Sdioel -A «M>uwNO---Bpecitaring^^ ropair- rounmngs. Salary and commission. lot. F.H.A. and V.A./ a ta ro v ^ . . To keep it on the level, the Gen.. John ■ E. Hull, U. S. and Fully equipped. > a - / 'this for ■ r teg teote of all idods. Also new Phone for appointment between 13 these lengths, 4’, S’, ’THREE MEN'F Suite, one man’s Schwartz Real Estate, JA, 5-5138, Only 811,300. Call Schwartz Real m iV lN G Inatroclloas trita your raqla. Gutter work. Chimneys topcoat, aize'M. Excellent condl- starting point for today’4 hike was U. N. Far East Commander, flaw AnioMobiles for Ssle 4 and 1 p.m. Aak for Mr. Thomas. two 20’ lengths, totaling EtetKte, JA. 5-5138. Enistville, about four miles north- boms,-Duais ft' Urea; Motorists, truck­ nette,' botUe ateriUzer complete. Pattern No. 3325 is in sizes 13. unused C 4c O Ctaal for hikers and \ VOR/Sa I v and Cdiut«oaa Anbo^ GUARANTEED Plumbing and ers and. fleet. operators can 'now CaU ML 9-8708., dresaez.Xslze 10-12, coral toppta, 14, 14. 18. 20; 40. 42. SlM 14. short MXNCHE8TER-Four room ranch, Wanted— Re»l ^ gU te 77 ISS^ENTER ST. -^ MANCHESTER back-up U^ts. size 1,3, \ery reasonable. MI.^ others who would like to tal:e out- IM S ^ercu ry "4-Door — Radio, Inrtnietton wttti insured hasting. Alterations and naw have puncture-proof tubeX,. for sleeve, 4 yards of 45-inch. large roonu, pak floors, olLvheat, doo." vatations. Hospil lotes _ ^ ° -- 9-9813. \ IF r e a d y ’’ to buy, sel),^ exchange heafor. control ear caU Vtawn Ckiv- work. Parma- glaaa atectric and 81.98 pier tire. Plenty of advertising For this, pattern, send SOc In combination doors and windows, .In the, 1920s Uie lake was a fa­ Till. MI-9-454 SehooL Plita* MTtcheU gaa water beaters sold and in- ^ Building Mstefials 47 coins, your name, address,. size Venetian bllnda, .copper plqihbihg, real estate, mortgagee arraiigta. z. 1948 Chevrolet 3-Door — Radio, and promotion. Get In on . the / vorite opdt fpr boating, fishing and Patiente 'Tod»^. ..V^.. 184 stalted. Pima paynicDta arranged. ground floor! America roUa on desired, and the pattern number, nice location with treea. Priced to Consult Howard R. Hastings, ■ baatai^ A Weatern Framing Wanted-^To Buy / 58 .Agency, Ml. 9-1107. awimmlng. , A D M IT/T ETJ. YESTERDAY: OI>EH EVENINGS Ul 194T Cbeyrotet 4-Door — Now Skeltey Bratbers. MItcbell 9-nl4. wheels and pour spare tire wiU to SUE BURNETT, THE MAN­ sell for $9,800. Phone . BarbarV Douglas said ^’^there are tre­ T X -L ...... per M $107.00 Woods Agency, MI. 9-7702. „ George .Bteoks, 15 Lawrence St.; motor ■ make you plenty of money, If yoii WILL'BUY Refrige'rators, ranges, CHESTER EVENING' HERAU), mendous recreational possibilities DILLO Gsrages—Service~.Storage 10 move quickly! Big Commisaiona. N. C. Roofers t ;l l . .per M 805.00 WANTED—Large home with 'at Mrs. Miller, 1\ Woodland 1948 Stutebaker Champion Moving—Trucking Shakes, aU cplors, 18” aq. 812.95 and washing machines,,,., Lsr 1154 AVE.iI AMERICAS. NEW least .four bedrooms. Hi goolP along the «c.n«l and river In the St.; Ntacy Thorp, Bolton;, Mrs. dip, heatta, ovardriva. STORAGE 8P. ’Tire Guard ^n>pany of America, Flamme Appliance Co. Ml. 9-6848. YORK 84, N. Y. MANCHESTER atretch we have walked ; . . It for rent ST x Storage 20 General’ OfflcM, 1018 Commercial Window Frimra, complete nelgjiborhood. Call Alice C3anipet/l Luellay:BuckmlBter, 88\ Bigelow /; chooaa front- 20’ with : Ml. 9-3803. with uniques. .from |11SS Don’t misa the latest issue of Cape Cod, six rooms, ne'ar~schoo1,' • MI. 9-45^; Id be Ideal for development of 84.;.Mra. Doris Solenakiv South iSALES Bad S to 1980 Stutebaker C9uim ibi Conv. Inquire 945 No. Tnat BuUdh^ PhUadelphia 3, , Eaulc Fashion. The’ new Spring ;54 die paths-tad cycles along' the MANCHESTER - Pacluge DeUv- Pennsylvania. Flush Doors...... avg.. $8.95 On bus line, fireplara, ceramic tile Goytatry; Linda Caselli, ST^Cllnton Opupa Ode owner. F ly equip­ Rooms Withdut Board 59 catalog will delight you tath/lU V LISTINGS WANTED - Singte. iWe way.” S t/ Mrs. Fern Iiisalaco, Wimman- 3 : aiy. Local tight trudttng and .X Canadian Framing and' bath, curtains, drapes, all .otkisr Jfe- .ttahfamily,: tt)roa*temliy, bual* ped. pon*t miss tatr aa. package deUvery. Refrigeraton. SERVICE STA'no: ttendant) f ^ Sheathing T.LL. /.per M 195.00 up-to-the-minute styles thalr are sentiala. Ebccellent neighborhood. WMt he had In mind, he sat^ tJC; Miss Barbara Brown, starrS; MptmriSydc B ic y d ta U ROOM WITH private family on Sew-simple. Send 25 ce n te ^ a y . hess proparw. Hava many cakb Was f a m ily wanting to vacation - Low Down wariMrs and stove moving a time. Must be 18. Motors, Clear *Dak Flooring West Side. Parking faclIiUes. MI. Reasonably priced. Call owner Miss Marcella Lavine, fi, Wrtnut specialty. 9-VUa. 389 Center St. buyers. Mortgages arranged. tath onjy 850 to spend could go Rock'vUle; Deborah lu m ita A 1953 HAWTHORNE 34” bic>cte, -f.o.b ...... per M $222.00 , 9485L-, Please call a«oiga L Grariadio, M ost o f ^tlMM cars Good condiUon, |3S. RockriUe Mitchell 9-4300 horseback: riding, cycling and fishX Center HelgKls;^^ock- ownod and Hi* his- 319 M A IN ^ R E E T MANC AUSTIN A. c h a m b e r s CO., X NA’nONAL BUZLDSatS' Realtor, Mltclten M|7S. 409 Ing along\the route,' staying/in :obert tad Iforcelline Elderv tha naw71984 Btutebakar ,F4886., . SUPPLIES NEWLY DECORATED, Beautifully NO DOWN 'Payment, 8ix room .Hepry etraet -- ? tory on «oeh ono moy I obtained Nism our sorVic* for oatptaidteg deslpn and. dls>. local and long distance mdving, G-.ood Humor furnished and apacloua room. The . . _ ' ' T a '$ ^ n shelters seK up every jjew tales 24 Frenclv.RdiT'Joseph Hanna, 135^ Mi--- 1945 HARLEY DAVIDSON! mbtor- ^--•-ing, storage. CaU Ml. 8-8187. 420 Davtaport Avenue home,. 8 years old, alumlnumi along the route.. ' .Pearl St.; Mrs- Anna PoRnakl, IT tUtetiva-etyiterat - - "/ Salesmen • - most complete light houMeeplng storm windows, full cellar, oil cycle. 48 cu. in. 39 Sunset St. SO. Ford Citepel 7-1428, - G penings Available New Haven, Conn. facllitier availabte in Mtachetter. , ALICE CLAMPET • The currefft^lke resulted' from Vernon .^ve.. Rockville; Harry 8-8706.. W If you want jrour bedroom to be° Adyertisetiieiit h er, garage, ameattetKe .idrive,.jdriye, ^ a challenge by tae outdoot-loving Roy, Rqdkville; Steven Benedict, M O T O R S ' . .. . . ) T o AU Tel. STate 7-3597 You tall marviel at the cleanliness trees! 20..Rtlh- of thla building, Children accepted. come - the "room-of-yOur-dctaips’ In accordance with - ^ -prbvi- aerra large jnaple trees'! 20..: ' NEEDS LISTINGS Justice to twp 'Waahingita editor­ Rockville; Mrs. Bsaulah Addia 597 sr.miM and Barries. PafntiiiE—Paperiiig. ^ 2 l[0 pportuniiy Kpoeks— use these easy-to-follow dlrochons utes out.TNlce location.Ion. cJriton/W. ~ ial writere who ha^avpired a pita Vernon St.; Frederick Smsre, 48 Central, priced so reasonable sioha of Chapter V, Sectita I -of Hutchins, 'MI. 9-5J33, IF YOU WANT TO SELL Bt^css Services OffeM 13 Cash In XDisaioiids—Wstches— plus helpful suggeetldhe for deco­ the To\trq Charter}. \ 2, '9-4464. / to conatriict. a federM rx'x’^way Bruce .Rd., Mra. Bette OohUn, 65 ^ DOOetl-DOOR SEDAN 8t-~ad-fr64sa " PAINTING and > you’ll gasp! Be sure and see this Jewelry ' -y ■ 48] one. Mra. Dorsey, 14 Arch St. rating. Notice la hereby given that -ei 'JUST DIAL. along the route. DougUa contended Harlan St.; Wales Wilcox, VsrnoH; K tad H', signals. Locally owned. HAROLD .* SONS. Rubblah rt- D efinitely No Cash ':.L. 15» IRVlNa STREET. Immediate lOBO/CHEVROlJR Foriter.' radio. PAPER HANGING: Pattern No. 2272 contains in- .Public Hearing of the Board ta. occupancy. Six flniahad rodma Mitchell 9^543. it would mar the Areale- nat'<.ral Ernest JohnSoA 23 Oak Grovs St.; 8SJM4 hennt mllfA' moval, also ceUars cleaned. CaU Investm ent FURNISHED ROOM for rent, near structionk for making drapes, bed­ beauties, and invited thei^ to come $695 KcaUant tbrautaout Bring 9-4ltt4., FLOOR SANDING L B O N kE P 'W . YOST, Jawirier. ra- Directors of the'Town of Manches-'’-H- with Inviting rear porefi. Oil hot Dennis Hanover, 19 Sllaa Rd.; Mrs. 115$ FORD CUSTOM TU i machanle. It*o a h p - * - snd; REFINISHli^G ' " Mtter adjusts watebas axpertly. Main. Gentleman preferred. MI. spread .and dreasing table skirt; ter, Connecticut, will be Held In the ‘ water heitt; -Ruaco soroena and along with him/ tad .see. ih a y Etta Nichols'; Bolton Road; Ver­ - A'Beni Leaded Car. Raaspoabte pricaa. ^ 9 -ym . 9 HazeT SfT ’ material requirements-tad h'qibful Re a d y b u y e r s waiting. For tm accepted. non. • / ' • ^— ■ . . - 7. -- ; 1840. Douglas M oton. 888 GUARANTEED Viatity datlp. Hearing of the Mu n i c i p a l , doors. Ameaite drive, 112,800. 1952 DODDE OtUB COUPE riaten aarrica. H elpfut^Supervsion— ’Thunday evenings- Sprues suggestions. ' - BUILDING in said Town of Man­ mediate acUon list your propdrt] GILBERT PICKETT ONE P L E A S J ^ double room-for 39,400' mortgage obtalnaUi^ Made­ with.lhe Albert J, Oatto fte.. Real' ...... ' A ' B n v h u YESTERDAY: a son to 1983 CHEVROLET 8396 down, 1963 fora 9 p.m . wtu be hirricad aama .High Eamirigs • atnet latcheU 8-4Sg7. Send 25c In Coins, your name ad. chester on the 6th jday of April.'; line Smith, Realtor, ML-6-1442 or Mr. tad Mrs, Alfrtd Griswold, 123 All extroA Previous owner may ^.called. _ ' „ FOrd tudbr, only 8396—no tricl^ night iCL 9-1847. working couple.'vtae single room. dress and the .Patterh Numbs; Low mileage.'— 1952 FORO-MAIIIlINE FORDOR $1191 ^ MI-3-6982. ~~ U ncom^rable products— Gentlemen preferred, 84 H^h St. 1954, at S 'b’ctock in/the ajfternoon, / 9-1146. ' : W. Msthr Str, RockvlH'e; a daughter $1595 gimmicks, low, low, low monthly to ANNE CABOT,-MANCHESTER to act on additional appropriations JSSe.'S.’tSS; “ BrotKcl^ Arrested to Mr. and Miii. David Hawkes, , ' ..Eodio'.aad Heater.' ■ ■ DECORATE NOW.' Ouarantead eQuitxneilt HoasdioM Goods 51 paymenta. Tow only reqiilrettiant WIRING INSTALLATION Bf aU PLEASANT, Ni<»ly furnished EVENING HERALD. 1154 . AVE. tad a transfer aa follows: ' TYPICAL NEW 'Ekigiand' surroHnd- East Hartford daughter to Mr. la good '’ credit. Douglaa Motor types. No job too small. Pater workmanship. Free eeUnuRes on M erchandisipg Proven — CASH WAITING for any type teal rooms. ^Steam h «u and hot water. AM m O AS, NEW YORK 34,HN.Y. An additional appropriation for Inga. Older type seven .room home estate you have to ,sell. First and alne and Mrs. Milton Psnclsra. 187 1ISO DLD$$DOOR9$ ' Sales) 88k Maim Pantaluk, 40 Poaiar attest PhoM outside painting. FiiU insurance ELECTRIC The colorful 1954 Needlework with foui^-acraa; Poultry house, Sui^essful Private family. W l. 8-8914. v Bond Maturities and' Ifiterest of , sec^Ml mortgage money available. Mspls St.; s son to Mr. and Mrs. B tad .Hi block. / idiyORO CUSTOM TUDOR: SISA MStchaU 9-7808. ^ coverage. Keystone Decorators. REFRIGERATOR Album contains .54 pages of lovely 828,787.50;.$23.500 for High School brooder.vold 'barn. Conveniences. ‘ .ngelo Psdrazsinl, 86 Drive’ B: a 2863 IWCOLN CoamopoUtan hard- 0 utside Pleasant ' r Also listings waiRed.-Call The ns, S. c. (yp)— State ' '7\. ■- HidlA, McGter. - Ml; 9-1808, ' BEDROOM SUITE desigms, ”how-to” sections on Bond Issue and $5,287.50 for H, B. Grady. ^MDt. 3-8000. son to Mr, aiid MrA Stephen Cdsa- Talk ta- owner on this one. $1095 . top, sport coupe. Two tone, aU ac- A N PIQ U ^ Rafinteflbd. ;Rri Route Sales- Johnson Building Comptay, 988 ay Patrolman J. A. Mc- LIVING ROOM SUITE “ ROOM FOR Rent. Two girls. W netatework, helpful room illustrs' Keeney St School Bond Issue. Main St. ML 3-7426. Evenings ML lino, 94 Conway Rd; ceasortaa,law mileage, plus sno- dona on any furniture.. Ylaman, PAINTiNO' AND Paperhanglng. R ealize No Cutbacks Ma n c h e s t e r — : immediate oc­ arseated a man who had no aaim. ML awttse. Satisfaction guaranteed. 38 years’ couple. Call MX. 9-^53. ttone tad dllhections for eight gift , An additional appropriation o f ^-0018. » BIRTHS TODAY:.a daughter'to 189 South Main 8t> Phona Ml. STOVE, DINETTE SET patterns. 35 cents. cupancy. Six large rooms with ver’s license and no liceme. S-S84S. - experience. Ortera taken for out­ Or L a y o ffs .8300 for uniforms for school traf­ Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Gallup, Mans­ 19H CHEVROLET AERO 2-DOOR 1»2 FORD CUSTOU FORDOR $f RUGS. LAMPa TABLES, AT THE CENTER./rooms for gen; fic .pollcfem.en._, lavatory tad bath. Air-conditioned MANCHESTER or / Bolton ^ area^ ites on his car. Thr.ee hours later 3SO1N0, OU)ER O rn m a tm side work now. qail Raymond tlemen, - Single o r. double. 14-16 picked up another man under field Center; a son to Mr. and Mrs. R and H. Excellent condition throughout F6r«liimatic.'Btadlo and Heater. Leer Mileage. A Baal Oream 1 Forte, other gbQd tranipcataUon. UNOLEUM AND OTHER ITEMS A transfer of ,$300 from salary heat, basement ga^agw. AH' brass three bedroom ranch or oelonlal DOORS OPENSk), ka>k fitted, Traedeau. Ml) 9-19^4. , For complete details visit Mr; Wadsworth St, / , -- the same conditions ~ turned out John. Mlynek," 845 HUlstawn Rd;;-n -J yewiwe weewwte MS EMW TO COMPLETE YOUR HOME plumbing/ newly redecorated. 500 with plaetered walls^ basement » - -V $695 Good credit soahia us to accept fs omlad. vacuum, cteanara, Inma, A. R. Torello at Hotel Garde. Hart­ appropriation to school trtafic ap-. ft. frdnr bus line. Sold direct by to the first one’s brother. son to Mr. tad Mrs.' Michael .Ya- Aema. Dtaglaa Motote, S88■88 U iin. FULLY GUARANTEED, USED ONE PLBASAN7 furnished room propriation. large lot. No agents. CH. 2-1073. kovlsff, WUllmantic:::^ son to Mr. A. { P ^ ate., rkpairad. Shears, ford, on Friday, March Jfith'^Trom BUT IN OOQD SHAPE owner. ^ZiaH MI. 8r703$ or 9-2994. Headed back into town wjth h(s kmves, mowers ate., put into con- PAINTING AND 10:00 A. M. t Rverett R. Kennedy'^, and Mra. Robert Walnum, 174 Main 19% FORD VS CLUB COUFE 1959 FORD TUDOR i n r o r a TOIL Buy a liaad car Acting Secrete^ of the Board of second . arrest, McDonald stoppta St. ' . ditlon tor oointng needs. Eraitb- PAPER HANGING -^- at 25 Jamea Street, New Haven, ALL FOR ONLY * pie. One single room, gentleman ' b b r v io e o r a r o e gsiw two itiote cars, eahh for driving Ask jte see the recondltteh cost on this onA " •aa Oonnan Eotor Bates. Bulck Directors, Town of Manches­ DISCHARGED Y E S T E R D A Y : and Barries. 285 V m i -JwalU, 82 Pearia^aat Conn., eUrtlng ktonday. March . '/■ $425 ■ " preferrad. MI. 6-8124. 84 High St. BIGELOW STREET too fast., ’They were. driven 'by ta- 22nd from 9:00 A. M. to 5:00 P. M. ter. Connecticut Policy Covers JUten Mrs. Frances MacOuff, 398 .O ak $745 KRebaU 9-4B7L Open ava- JOHN M. McCANN. EASY TEAMS—FREE STORAGE ROCKVILLE—HUlaide House, 34 T fL . ether set of brothers... 1959 FORD $0YL TUDOR COMPLETE Rknd and~mar. lawn - SO’ Lsurel Str^t. dally. Dated at Manchester, Connecti­ 'X'l Large 6 and 6 ilup]e.x, one St.; Milton Marr, 74 Essex 'St.; iB aFar sates tad sarrice. Moton Phone Me Immediately Grove St., two room, apartmeht Uaty laasoasna- cut, this 22nd day of March, 1954. - Mrs. Joan Zaccaro, 9 Bellevue tath private bath, on bus line. car garage, property is in good On Almshouf SWINE QUABANTIBED 1951 RODBE CORONET 4-D0()R FpR A D Usadiear or k new tuned an* ovarhauted- Plclnip and TeT. MI-3-7388 or 5n-3-6738 HARTFORD CHapel 7-0368 Hartford, March 2$ <^)^Finding Ave,, • Rockville: ’'Mrs, Marie Rob­ M ivety sarrica. Oibson'a OarSge. MAN WANTED for grading, and Children accepted. lnquire' '~Xst- conditipn.. -One side will ,8o0n ' / E and H. Absoiniely spotless. fte with Rocket engine AFTER 7 P, M. CH-6-4690 of s single case of ' vesicular erts, Hartford;.. Mrs. Martha MI. / dump truck driving; Must be good flbor, Apartmeht 9: -! be vacant. Excellent financing A policy providing teedicsl -Ex­ E attar 4 p.m ;>,*sJ:-244 l ^ i n Street written by the Ti^elera Insuranes Wlnderihere Ave., Rockville; Mra. We Sold this new. .. . “ '" 1957 STUDEOAKER / row cost. AlT'' wuite. guarantinteed.___ I --- E----^R-r-T-— ■ ROOM AND Board. Gentleman. ’96fiing board will hold g hoarinfT Gt ^ today that exceptions to the fed­ $1595 ALL K1ND|B of antenna work. CaU Free estimating. Call Letter SitifatioM Wanted-M Tel. MI. 3-7675. ’ Coj, Rooert H. Sfaith. ®hslrinsn of Jeanette Fierro and eonrUfi Maple ^ . U*® *P‘ hog growers who are feeding only Brookfield St. ML - ^ pUctaon of Benjamin J. Munson informed Gta*r®l'.Mshiger Rich coitaed garbage sn4 greens to thety 1959 FOn STATION WAOON pricaa. TfU. ML MTU. PAINTING 'AND . Paperhanging. tad drapes custom made. Re-up- Residence; Mitchell 9-7751 DISCHAROiCD |»D A Y : ' Mrs. Your ehoieo moy not bo Hsfod. First-claaa work. Your neigHbor WILL CARE for children In my hoiatertng. Beautiful--: tabnea, IN A 100% to change from rraldentlal zone to mrd Martin Pta»- r snche Wraight and dauthter, U8BSD w a sh in g machines, refrig, business soite, aT»a.cel of tend 200 W o hovo loyoral 46M Ti 4®i 49 cars «H thoroughly | One tb my recommendation. 30 'years' In home. Phone Ml. 3-5474. ' printa, atripea. aoUda. Expertly SEPTIC TfiNKS TV OXFORD BTREET:' Four sunny The polio/ will pay 812 weekly Mtasfield Daj^dt; Mra. •arbara . / ALL CARS 4JSTED AlOVB CARRY eratora, upright vacuum cteanen. Manchester. Raymond FUke. Tel. ftetehed; $5 down, $2 weekly, ft. fronUgx by 200 ft. depth on BAIUCy TO TOUB STATE MaeVariah and aon, Rockvilla; > aU Stuart R. Wolcott, A-1 Repta and AND rooms with fireplace. Studs set for dieabillty ^ e flte foeom^Hdnod. som* no moiwy down. m, Oart- kb. 94387. / batence ona year to pay. Call LO C A TIW ^-. The 200 ft. located from a Smith taia It la a most unusual . Hartford, March 2$ (JPf -i~ Dsm- JMra. Muriel'^Murjtay and> ion, 98 / i O - D A Y unconditional G U A R A p i G Sates, 180 Mate St. MI. MS78. Dogs^BIrda—Peta imint 612 ft. lit an easterly dltec- two second floor rooms.' Garbage oeratic State Chairman John M. You ecm bo^URE ot SOLIMENE. lie. W o show % ML JAckson. 2-7780 or JAclmmi 4-0184. - disposal. OH hot water heat. honey to/write since there la no W. Center St.; Richard ’Trotter, PAiNTINO, Exterior suMi Interior Out of-town revarM charges. H.uaaE0 SEWERa Uon from-a state marker located Bailey starts out on a ’’grass 575 Oardnar St.; Guy and Irene W ^ ’STV - 17lta|te St., IS par c a n a r ie s ; g u a r a n t e e d We have Just sneh officfis '""Ameslte drive. Lot 100 .x 144. payroll m'vblved. — — whot's bCKM s ^ t on tho cor yoM Rich out. p a p e th a n i^ . Celttngs refinish------L,------.i—----- » - f t we=t of Oscar Kreysi^s 'FooU” tour of Connecticut next Farre’l, Bolton;-Mih. Floftace Wil- Muf OtN^Oni Bargain iiO liiii ■ cau. ^ Awek fuUy guaram' ad. Wall papar books oo raquaaL ora. all' colora, ateo ft awaitiijK ydor inspection. "V ew sy. Bounded oiuAhe^aat' by , ____IW.QOL Madeline Smith. Rfoltqr. Polte/ Chief Hermta O. Schen- u n KITCHEN SET,'double bed, one . week to find out whpm the Dem- aon. 46 Hemir 'Bt.: Peter Wataon, Call M |89 ter qutefc Dsttmatea gtetn. Puuy Inaurad. MI. 94434. twin bed.-.A&xta-good condition.' I M i M For cqfisplfite infoTRMtion me property of A gh ra tt^ Oscar f _ A g r -^ ^ .q r 9-1144. , ' . ■ ■ del is mmctmg the voluntssr woirk asrvios. ocirat4.,.ws.nt to nin for govenuur. $2-Wlhdaor Ave., RockvUlA Call Edward R. Prlca. IbtchaU Tel. MI. M380. aes Frank .Miller at-' J^yslg on the north :and west by beUgAtae by local poUcamen is Qtflty’S county by county tour be- t h e n e w ICANCHEBTER Pat •spite mnha. Dry Wsite. am w r . WEST. giD s ^Mew; two bsdKMitt tanytating, the slmsBouas inUT a Canter, 919 Main St., tevttaa you ™ property of Benjamin J. Mun- ranch, full basement, oil hot water glnataMiddleaex. County-Bailey Tha Appalachian Trail in aattarn SOUM Eim , lUA $iM 4 •|nstnlle< OeSnr Wtttni^ ^ ^ the south by Route * ne#/petl(M hetaquitatera jtad town to vlalt peta of all Unda. -Om - . PTM/nag. Om m . , heat, insulated, toe bath, . near aajra ha /won’t make up his mind United.^Stotra la sjlefi miiaa long NINE PIECE dining room aet, pal- THt SAYINGS lANK " ®J. on fils St court' rsnoyattens td^hw bn aaafinaa u p^ ha oara- 034 CENTER ST. — ML3-5104 ■’i- 9B9B7,:. Private listruetkns 25 aactlcut *brad‘ Parakaata. . -tO i ' nut finteh. Tal. MI. 9-8407. •chool, bus And ebopplng center. and dxtaada ten iig h ' 14 atotaa a town rlerk% offiois. y te^ta 'te tapsetsd 'i s be nhout pletas M4 tetlr'- Ha haa laid ‘Tm national feraata an* 2 -9-437S. Houra .Monday tkniagh McKMilfT MOS. Signed: “ FxesUent value. E, k E. Rsnlty. tehes renwveS. Friday, 10. to t ^ , Wadaoaday O P M A N C H m t MI. 94897. Mi. 8-4460. ,000. fcr anyejaa who can-vriA" ' parilA .et^attten ki •BWMRAus oisriMAL o a , ,I>0M ^ Tedford ' ‘ ! AOOQRDIONi jttan ^ttaght Inj cteclqasd M dat ^ t p.te-p.a». • ~ 'a Graan SERVEL dtafrigijrator. li»-ISS!flMrt •«. M . I" ' > ./ ■ /- pwr-heate.; ■ f 4. 4- \' >-'V? h ' V- j :■

ESDAY, ^^ARCH 23,1 95 4 s V. f 4 } . ■ A y Sttgttttijgi ■ r » X ^ • n g o DaUy Net Preis Run The weekly meeting-lof the Man* Far the Weak Bn«sS 'M iu Baiteni AnSwaon. 99 Sea . Man* 99,1994 inaa-Clialft >a sarvinc upAiilUUnt ergency 5oc ors cheater Art Workshop w ill be pre­ Proitioted by SNETCO boeSe^iSeeU.-W.-^tlM Bat” ceded by a buffet aupwr thtil ivF ' Fu n d s Dn\ q^c1h( productiu lit tbe Pboenix Physlblana o f the Mandiea^ ning at 417 Bast O in& r S t .Osro* 11,195 ^ «iu m 4 PUorers of Pboenix Hatsal Ufa In* ter itartmal Assn, whja wiU re* lyn Ann Janssen o f I Bolton and BARLOirS TELEVISION O fRed Crejae MembaY' at tba A u «t inirance Co. tbe shonr, a miratery apojnd' to emergency/ calls to* Mrs. Jose^ Sterling (S South Cov­ ' e ' ^ '' ' comedy, will be stasad at the morrow memoon Md evening entry w ilp^ portrait models for Ubrooo at Otreulstiana Avery- Auditorium, Hartford, are Dr. Iw old l>hmua (adults those who wish to continue the 70% o f Qup fa Sales and Serfice ManchOster^-r^ City of .Village Charm Um fix in g Ttaunday tbrouph Saturday, March only), tMtv^MI 3*7249' and- I^ . sketches begun last week ______i ______/ lould I m 25*17. Amonc tha U ushers, fo r John Makma (chUdren only), y YOL. UnCHI, NO. 147 (OlaaMflad Aivarttala| an Paga M ) Moitdior. the play will be MlUJBhrbara Me-* tel. MI Miee. ^ St Mary's Guild inambar* will Fund Drive Chairman yarnon F. i^lF BOWriES o m I CONVERTIRS ' MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, M ^CH 24, W ' (TWENTY-EIGHtPAGES IN TWO SECTIONS) ^AtMtanoB. Sansayv of OMe S t . And Miss Judy meet tomorrow forenoon following Hauachlld announced today ^)bat ^ lINDIX — MOTOROLA — RCA H« IV . John- FSkaUis. of HiUiard S t ----- ■the 10 o'clock ten ten aervlce In -— - .. '-S— ------^ '— - - — 4 ------^------^ ^ ______• - - - . ■ 8t ik Albert St. M erv’s Epiecopal Church. Hoer, the' local Red Crbsa fund drive has k The Tykh- C ^ lc of\the North now -attained 70 per cent of Us ^ P R U € E ST.. MANCHESTER TEI^ M|*^5095 nwldait of too Uni«^ The Auxiliary to Anderson*Shea Methodlat Chui^*‘ will ^ e e t teeees will be Mrs Wyyilte Pea* CHiaveg 'jiikingratulated o f tODaaocUcut. who w u Post, No. 3046, VPW. WiU meet* K ^ y , Mrs. Arthur BuTnett and assigned quota. The drive Ic tai its .. eventngVt 9 o'clo^ a t the' Snal week, and if le goal of ,y' AdM teM fe qiMk. owlnc to toalght at 7:90 at the Post Home. at mxa. Walter Perrett, Jr., Mrs. Elisabeth Little. .Members Bulletin flKt of detM win be unable tb do I t w ill be charter members* night w ilt bring their own sandwtehea. $20,000 is to be -rei ched, aome. l^WeatSMd St 36,000 must still be lected. to. Aaotli^. speaker wiU be mc s / L UI Hirth. chairman of the eii* HsuSchlld'stated t while 4hS qp to take hla place. committee will be WendeU F. Hawktaa will di: The TAncdn School PTA Child — March 24 <;P)— Study drbun will meet tonight, at picture is not enqouj the DcHOthy Wohlgemuth, the Na>’aug Male Omrus In a con moment, he ie plei the -Th*,h^y of Gilbert O’Neil of iUcciit births t^local realdeiits Kleinschmldt Jeanne cert to be praaenteq at the East XSO in the achool library. Prln^* wholehearted effort all drive Sufficid, mitaing since Satur- Jeanne Irish, nOrence HartfortTHigh SaiooL on April 3 at Nathan Joy wU)( present A at tha H w tford Hdqpibal Include, personnel are expei to make SLIP COVERS CUSTOM MME ’■•y noon, was found todaV «t tita Mlowiiif: . On March DsClantia 8 p.m., sponaored by\the Airport pr<%imm on test! the drive a success.■c. He called upon dau|titers to M r. and Compasa Club. local residents, bqsWMsee and or­ TERRIFie SPECIAtS FOR EASTER *' ***• *he Connecticut O. M oa, Unwelcome PL, to Dr.^Harold 8. R i^ tt of this TheArtth Annual meeting of the ganisations to rive generously so Some rsMced Vt price. Over 50 pattern*, to cKo6*o Wver about tOO-fect off Mr. and Mn-i Walter R. to«ai./^tate 4tpf4y' commissloBer uProf. FtaveU .SMUrUeM will be OoqnecUc^ OouncU o f' Church that Red Cross services may be shore near the mouth of Raw- trs outer 6t, and a Aon to of healOL wUl <^uss the present the'chM-speaker at^Mie aixth Womenkwin be held Thursday, continued locally. from. A « guaranteed 100'“;. Made with “ “J Yn’a Brook. aM Mrs. Snrico Rtdbli, S4 ~ sltuatioiiU Om i^ticut relative to Planning and Zoning March 25 V the StraUorU Oon* Corporate gifts continue to be b in a U ^ or any style you prefer. Also DRAPES and S t, and on MaiCk 10, a dauctater paittacosla aad paittacine birds In sioti tonl^t ot 7:30^tn itional ^ u r^ . At the IA:15 a matterof concern for but 34 per CORNICES expertly made. V \ to Mr. and Mrs, Harold J. Gl(Uo, a kuest appearance on WKNB*TV, Memoriiil Hall.' MemlMrs m. session tba/ Rev. Edwin H. cent jn the corporate total has 19 Tanner S t Channel SO, M arU 26, at 1 p.m. local Planning Commlsali Tuller. g en e n a \ ^ re ta ry of the collected to date. Residential ORDER NOW — DON’T DELAY Zoning Board of Appeals Connecticut Ooumhl o f Churches, Mrs. Emma X T. Buchanan, \2 ------A hpA pulled its total to within XI \ ' T X- pected to attend. Shu|tleffA%iU iU speak ' on /"Hqw tha Other School St.. Stafford Springs, hat 1,100 of itf quota, having col­ NO DEPOSIT NEEDED King-Size Wild Boar also conduct the final aesston, to Lives.” Tba thme of the been promoted biKthe Smthem^ lected slightly over 310,000 at re­ N ^ v y Job ' '■ be held Thursday, April tm Ham­ meeUM is “Church W(wen on the New England Telaphdne Co. to port time today. PAY $1.21 WEEKLY a n d D P den High School. T lio topic w ill MoveXud tlie rhi^i' speaker In position of assiatant chiAf op e^ or Retail needs only 376.50 to reach be eub-division. the aftehmon/wUI be M ^. Edwin in Manchester. She succeAds/^ce its quota and Chairman Everett CALL OUR DECORATOR NOW No Reason\ ■ . (W -V Parsons,.xtmirman of ptMonnel, E. Dickenson, who reaignM re Keith 1s hopeful of attaining the Showered A district acting of Odd Fel- general detriment of Tfnited cently. \ retail goal In the near future. lowa will iMK^d tonight in Odd Cauurch Wpi In her new post, Mrp: Bi^dhan FeUows Tptiqila. 420 Main S t. will sssist< thS ctaii^opArsrov In ^rsrGllberf ^ For Alkrm Hartfordwith Hartford- Charter Uie supervision ai(d' training I n H - B la s t Oak to ^ e aa boat lodge. Dlatrict Manchester'a tela^onA ,operators> j a - m I h —AFTH ». cH oarri I k values 44, ^ef wiiich Xing D a ^ Lodge is Manchester's optrating force has Washington, March'24 (>P) fearl Harbor, Marfch 24 (iP) Washington, March 24 (A")— ^PrekdentJllissnhbwer feplia.. \ imber, baa bean invited to ex- n growing-tapldly, keepitu' pace K s ta h o h e r y ^ S - ■- ■ \ . hydrogen e^Iosion — President Eisenhowerv'said to a.question about Sen. McCarthy (R <^s) to ^ y by aayiq^ the second degree. The file constant Incrtase In the ^ ~\L^4mKO BRANDS today he doesn’t feel there, is degree team will be beaded Agains^ H e i^^n voUime ^ oalla handled at pie March 1 at' Bikini AtblL—de­ In cases where''a man is a party to/a^di8pute in AmOriobL. by D .^. O. M. Harry H. Pierce, Ed­ townNvloti^~diatAiice mritchboaras- t scribed by one congresfumki any cause for emergency Ngc- directly or indirectly— he shoqld/iiot permitt4d^4o fir win PSlmer of King David Lodge McAxBuctianah bejan tier tele^ Sen. toeaaia Chaves (D-NN) gets eoagmtulatory ktsaes from Mrs. tioh on the part of the gOye: A ^,000 i^t tar damages ^ observer is so tremendbgs Chaves, left, and their daughter, Mra George Dixon, at the Capital Judgment./ The President declined ia degrae master. .All membens of being Wought a ga l^ Robert H. reer tar 1920 aa a slcdent that it was out of controLx, menit in regard to the unem' at •• news conference to expresf the local lodge requiring tranapor* rHn StAfford and was ad- IN NOME •fter the Senate by a 99 te 99 vote defeated a Reptabilean move to OUbert, of 39 Hawthlm St., by ployment situation. The Pres­ hla oplnldn on McCarthy’s dei tatlon abould ba at Odd Fellowa vanc^ to Suparvlsor there in 1937. ahowered radioactive ash oa M t the Senater beoaam at alleged \irregularlties la the 1952 New for the light to cross-examine^t-1 Mexhw^ aeaatorial cieetlea. ' 92 crewmen. x oncfl said' March “Would be a Investi^atfon df his cqnuoversy The next meeting at the Con­ a. certificate of attachiiMt/^ed T h a Navy in a cauUoualy-woid- key month ^ in determining with Army of^iala. ‘Next on Docket necticut ' Chapter 89th Infant^r In the town elerk’a offleo/yeeter* were too bid to ad announcement Mat * whether a slunip in business Ayeids PeAaoaaUUea cause his pan S hp^ Division -Asaa., will ba held March df.4 aftenuxm. X obtain a mortj He also made HALE^ cloaad tha new victim the Ak la hia custom In connection and employment would be off­ • Willimantic, March 24 (Spe­ 89 at the American L ^ o n Hsill, 38 Tba action Is returnAbls ip the other 'financial menta- The mighty blast but'.aald "no apparant ayez wl(k questions regarding McCar­ U. WSahiagton S t, New Britain, at 2 Hartford Ckxirt o f Cenunon neas injury to erawmeh exiati.^ \ set by new gains. ' • thy, Mhe President Said he hap no cial)—iThe mandamus hearmg BEEF defendant was tp convey his on the Keeney Street School Tuesday, April %/' Atty. Salva- interest in the boms on demand M o b ilh e a t Veaaai SUghtly fjontamlnatad ■X Tlie ■ President told his news faellngs regarding any particular dore Fasi, of Hutford, reprasehts eonference questioners that he altuatlon. fight now raging in Manches­ by the plaintiff, the .^^eeinent A FO fe SOCONY VACUUM HEATING OIL Tba 14th Naval Dlatrict her4 ter Is the next case on the And Mra. Joaeph Naretto, 25 Mrs. Gilbert. certificate continues. aaid the 4,200-Uyb tanker Patapseo had implied March waa a. signifl- But he said he was ready to put *iMl Mra. Naretto’s tacbes tba pcoparty at 39 Ha^ cant month because there ia usual­ himself or record with respect to docket In Windham County IVhen file plaintiff- dAumded had received "a alight and not a Superior Court here,,. mdUiarA-lto. Lucia Lea, sailed to­ tbome St. / \ the defendant convey his Interest dangerous contamination of radlo- N ly an, upturn of business in this the general sltvatton. day on t».S . 8. Andrea Doria for periodL ... Failure to reach a setUa- ' ThA p lain tiff claims her son has on Feb. 1, heTefused to do t am FHemdly, expert Fuel O il SOrOlpei aetiva fallout” \vWashington, "Mdrch 24 (jipjsmittee, which aaiid after a 14- It was then he declared that a ah exteaded.^ylsit to Uieir native not 11 up to agreements sur- coming abusive, and profane Made No Promiaea man should not alt in Judgment on ment in the case ahead by the Italy. They plgn to return on the It did not u y how far the vea- —A soU(T pliifiualX^bf Senate month/prboe that there were so 1 p. m. recess is delaying the roundtw the purchase of thV ' I'le plaintiff, the cbm- ,W dean, automatic, aeonomieal hMt for: irour many flagrant vlolationa of New He said however., that he had hit own case. aania ship o n .N ^ 20. During their r. On AprU 20. 1963, ac* ael, one of the fleet supporting the start of the mandamus hear^ pHUat said. \ I us for dapandaUe Mobilhaat—p^testad teat talk fores, was from the Domberats has tu^ed back a kfcxican election law In 1952, it not promised any Immediate ■ Later,' the 'Wlvi'e House gave stay in . ItAly iMjih^plan to 'visit to the complaint, the ton Republican aftbmpt\o unseat launching of large acale counter- emphasis to the President's re- ing. It la quite possible, accord­ FraiKa, Swltaarland