'Af , ■I '■ . ) '■ ■ '' I ' . " .. -r^J- '■ ' I- !•■ ' :'f ' , \ , •''■■ 7 /■ ■ , ; t - . \ . 'I ' I ‘ . , .7 - X... T > • - • / • 1 1^ ; . ■'■;■/■■■ ■ —'v:- V ■■' . " i.,. .Ji :--’r^~ ■: f _.. j IfOKDAY, MARCH 22, 19S4 V V- ATtrgge Daily Nti Run ■r M’ Pfr thaWaek___ — - - r j . • ■i V Maioh M, 1954 ,1^ *•■■■-- V-, '~Jt \ 11,195 m ’’-- Meoahar Of Ska A o «t ■ W O M o f O lM SEUtlM M -■ BfSfiSSWtAi- .. ; f tV' ■. ' Manche$Ur-^A City of VUlage CKtarm V ■ ■' ■ VOL.LXXIII,N0.146 (OaaalfM AdvartMng oai Paga.14) MAffCHEST^R, CONN^ TUESDAY, MARCH 23, 1$54 '-'tvil^-.- s'- ' (SIXTEEN PAGES) • -1 Indochmese I,*#- f« . ^,-c -■. , ' Aid Vpw^ 5; v f o L ' N i ; -A .. Turn Back Vietminh To FrfeDch /. — / Washington, March 23 (AO MARCH VALUE SALE Combiiied With FrencH General Visits President — Secretary of ' State Dulles Rebel Unit pledged today that the United f'"V . States woqla respond rapidly to any ngW French requeats y s i : J GIVEN WITH Loses I f 5 for additional military sup* MAKESTTAGALA plies needed to defeat Com- ’/ " I munUt forces in Indochina. Queen’s CHaplun aiiid Fiancee CASH sales SHOPPING DAY A T Jn Thrust Dimes told raporters at a news Union Raps ci^erencs that he docs not bSlieve Ipdochlna, a highly strategic South­ Hanor,/Indochina March 23 east Aala_ar«a, will fXU undsr Com­ Hat Plant’s W —The beleaguered French munist domination. LADY PEPPERELL and CANNON FLATSMETS and flLLOW CASES REG. 59c S9" SANFORIZED U.nioiw defenders of Dien Support Nararre Plaa Bien m u reported today they Despite recent 'Increase Red at­ PRINTED and PLAIN DRESS^ tacks ta th* area, Dulles said, th* A c t o n s X SNUGFIT BOTTOM and TOP SHErf$ AT^$ALE PRICES had Mat back a aharp Viet- U. S; government still supports the BROADCLOTH minl^ attack on one of their Navarre'plan, authorised by Gen. Drastically IMueed batplions and claimed they Henri Nayarre, leader of 'the Portland, Maine, March 23 fsshington, Msrdi\28 FLAT SHEETC and_PU.L9W CASK Twanty.ei|^t' solid colors and dozenii of beautiful pp ^ ' kiI|TO 176 of the rebels. French forcte in Indochina. — An AFL spokesman Md^larthy (] pattama in wonderful SS** sanforised Springmaid The Navarfo plan, which the charged today that the Hat broadcloth, ifard The clash yesterday was the today he would be' hfirdeat fighting reported iii a United States is supporting as th* Corporation of America had "XI TYPE 144 TYPE 180 ONE GKOUP / ec AA test method ofVihning in fodo- e up sny vote cm TYPE 130 Veek from the besieged fortress in recruited strikebreakera here ite subcommittee im __ ^ LADY PEPPERELL VALUES $12.9$ m i $13,9$ ..... ^ W .WW fiqrthweat Indochina but nowhere china, calls for ^eaUy increased ",. ». LADYPEPPEREU tf.S. military aid to psrmit th* in violation of Maine law. The CMHOH HNE MUSUN SUPERNNE MUSUN /near Ok the scale of the initial all- gaUng his row with top Aniay^ • ■ ■ a CQMRED YARN PERCALE out onslaught in which th* French French to break the hack of enemy company said an unauthorized officials so long as he retained REG. $3.29 72x10$ . ./ S2.49 CfiiscMit/ ONE GROUP / resistance ta that l*nd>< and "over-zealous” employe claimed they killed 3.000 of ^he Dulles aaid the ChtqeM Com­ the light to cross-examlM .1 m . $2.49 72x10$ .... $2.19 REG. $3.49 $1x10$ . J $2.99 REG. $3.49 72x10$ .... $ l7 9 VALUES TO $14.9$ ................ $8:00 Communiat-Ied rebels and wound­ had tried to hire workers for witnesses. ed another 9,000. munists could demonstrats to the / R I« .$ 2 J 9 $1x10$ .... $2.39 90x10$ ...i $3.19 REG. $3.79 $1x10$ .... $3.09 BEAR BRAND KITS TO < N / • - / v/orW that they are n ^ longer the strike-bound Norwalk, McCarthy mad* the statamont ONE GROUP / ' ' Hoad under Attaek aggressive in spirit by o u t^ g off Conn,, plant. at a news cooferaaca bald a—til S9e 42x34 CASES m . 49c 42x34 ...../.. $9e REG. 79c 42x3$Vi^______ 49c KNIT or CROCHET / . The Frenc^Army Commander military sLqjpUes to the Red-led Phil -Block of Boston, an Inter­ ■QounUng praaonra from RapuMi- cn liOiO said the rebels attacked, on can leaden for him to otap Off tlw X. LIMITED QUANTITIES OF EACH VALUES $19.9$ M $25.00 ..... $13.00 Vietminh r«tel foices. \ national representative of the the road^^king the heart of the United. Hatters, Cap and Miliinwy subcommittaa completaly whilo it Reg. 11.49 and $1.6» Clip Cap KiU /\ He acknowledged, however, tMt SNUGFIT FITTED BOTTOi and TOP SHEETS \- Dien^Blen Phu fortifications with he has no evidence the Ohinera Workers Union, Said all but * makea its inquiry. Reg.:. J1.7911.79 Howdy DoodyDoo<W Slipper Sock Kits • C ALL SALES nNAL thO'^uthemmoat outpost of the tendful of 150 men and women re- A t tha Whita Bouse, thara was Reg. 91.9S Howdy Doody Toy Kits Reds at present are In ahything tnch-held plain. but an aggreesive. miiiUristlc and rned here when they found the a hint that Praoident BSaenhowar TYPE 128 TYPE 14^ \ / TYPE 180 Reg. «1,69 and |1.79 Glove KiU KIT The Vletminh'made expansionist mood, . - . nt had teen under strike for himself mlgjit apeak out on thie" Yarn Dept. question at a^naws confsrsiie* to­ Iv.. i PEPPEREU MUSUN LADY PEPPERI ^ y LADY PEPPEREU fort to wipe out a French At his new* conference, Dulles months. -\, morrow. x* battalion moving from made these other points ta answer­ Used Chartered Buses SUPERHNE MU2 IN COMOED PERCALE of th* fortress to Join another Asked Eisenhower's vl*w, Print Preslieat Hsisenhower shakes kahds with Oen. Paul Ely, chief of ing questions: He raid the group went to Nor­ idential Press Secretary James'C, REG.S2.49TWIN ...... $2.09 IROUP OF DRESSES Ullon coming up from the south stag af .FSeach am ed forces who dqUed at White Hdine yesterday te EcoB4MBie Parley Been walk Sqnday in four chartered Hagerty said: REG. $3.39 TWIN . $2.39 REG. $$;49 TWIN -------- - $2.05 French tanks and mobile uniU '^acBsa the ladechlna war altuatlon., \ (A P Wirephoto). buses and 16 cars. A company ■ b 1. A special'economic meeting '"I think I know btor the Presi­ REG. $2.09 PULL.......... $2.39 REG. $3.59 H IU . $2.49 M KIC GLOVES Joined th* infantry and artUlery to may be called with America’s prin­ spokeamsn, however, said there REG. $3.S9 F U U .....: $3.05 VALUES TdN i;o.*t—NOW $ 5 , 0 0 quickly smash the rebel attempt. dent feels and I suggest you ask \ In slip on stvies. O ^ bie pr single woven nykxii gloves cipal Allies to iron out present ilif. was "one bus load—about 7S per­ him that at his press coafennea.** in short and Ipngst lengths. Color*: White/irnd pink. Only patrol actions hav* been re­ torences on trade with Communist sons." ....-- X • Thera had been an ImUcatioa AlM> cotton string gloves to whIU and c^ors. Pair A good assortment'of^regular siias^^d half sixes. ported since the rebels broke off areas. Ths United States favor* Mira Marion E. MarUn, State last night that tha WUta Honaa HEAVY QUALITY their Initial moss assaults—first of ool Co. D i^ectors more restrictlcma on this commsree Commissioner of Labor and In­ waa Jitetag to preeeurt. from Sian, HALE'S CHARMHOUSE th. 7-year Indochina War—late lost than do other Western nations. dustry. said at Augusta tha com­ ate Republican kaOan for M c^ ^ ATTRESS COViRS Tuesday. But th* Vietminh, dug 2. The United States has no pany told her its advertisement in thy to stand aalda altogetlier into the hilla. rlniilng the . dusty plana at present to send a full- a Portland newspaper bad “inad- from the ta^ry, TOWEL EI^MBLE HOLLYWOOD plain of Dien Bien Phu, continued In l^ower Sti^uggle fledged ambassador or preaiden-. vertenUy” omitted notice that the Hall Backs Senate Hente HADE SPEaALLY FOR US B ^ A FAMOUS MILL AND TW IN $ED SIZES ceaseless artillery bombardment of tlal envoy to the Vatican. AN ASSORTMENT OF BLOUSE^ the fortress. plant was struck, as reqiAred by GOP Chairman Laonard Ran Ria. $1.1* 22x44 BATH SIZE . CAMPUS EANTIES I. France is not demanding final Maine law. said in PhUadelptea that te agroed REGv $4.29 ' - Th* French said today,' howsver, ' RU$$ER lU n O N S ^3 In;dlaatic leg or band leg briefs, ;Miiiite and colors. Small, medium. Boston, March 23 (JP)— The long-i ilted annual sharehold- settlement of its quarter with Ger­ Block charged that the corpora­ /''■ - / ' ■■ • > with Senate laatlara. And vrtien large. • VALUES TO $3.9$— NOv/.'......... 32.00 the Vietminh ShslUng hi^ tapered Canon Uharira E. BavDn, 88, peraonal/thaplnin to Queen EUMi- REG 4$9c 14x2$ HAND SIZE off today. \ ... era meeting of the deficit-ridden many over the future of. the Saar tion had advertised for help her* asked whether he win raflactiag ........ REG. $4.9$ Wl ZIPPERS ........ lerican Woolen Co., is without indlcaUng that a labor teth, emllee at his bride-to-te, Sfrp. Ethel ,L. Pain* Moors, 85-year-old The FYehch Air Force continued scheduled for today with two riv_._ ______ __ befor* ratifying the proposed widow after Ida arrival 4t ter BrookJIae/Slass., home yesterday frona the position of the laseahowsr ad- $3>9 A variety of sixes, materials and colors. for control of the huge European Army Treaty, Nor doea dispute existed ta Norwalk. tainistraUon. HaU said that woold REG.29C FACECLOTH ...........
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