INIRODUCtO TfId t SOCIEISOCIETYY CHRISTMIImS DUNCmiceE IT 10 OECI GOING 10 CHim TO WED GEIS A PURSEO f OFmi GOIDl mTIH. DADllY fifmiiis i 18.8.i III 10 Jl Ilf harmiDK Reception andand aa Mr. and Kri. Diaoo Held HIM Florence Wildey WUl be. B#r. Gabriel Reid Maguire Charming Bacaptlon ii «pm ctos Mr. and Mrs. Dlaoo Held Mias Florence WUdey Will be- Hse. Gabriel Raid Maguire misMENllA miniH YoaogYoung SouthSonth AmericaAmericann Firefinss Dane*Dance foforr MlaMiaaa EleanoElainorr AI IHE PARK CLUB OwnOwn BscogDlsanosRecognizance foforr comecone VaoghttVaughn. MePae^MoPeea a HandsomelyHandsomely RememberedRemembered BulleBullett inIn UraHeedd BuButt FallFellss Thehe annuaannuall CommaChrl'tmaa* dancdanree ai nt TbsThe ChrlfttmaChrist mags entertainmenentertainmentt foforr E.E. DaOraff.DeOmff. the ParParkk ClubClub,, laslastt nightnight., proveprovedd U to JUlogodAHefc-d Aaaault-Assault. BrideBride IIdn ManchuriaMsaehnils.. byby Congregation.'Congregation' (bebe SsbbatSabbathb schoovrheoll ooff ththee Seventh Seventh-- atat SuicideSuicide.. ______. I mbee eonef th ofe mosthet moatenjoyabl enjoyablee social aocUl DaDayy BaptisBaptistt ili'irrchurchh wawass helheldd I nIn th ethe F M .arlors of the dhurch. last night, X. V . tilFTH I "iL: ,1I1l>IHi\l\M ..vurirtmI fa net Iona of the aeaaon. It SHtHKItT'[ lli:llT"HH m:\lIIK.AI1i WAWASS ItKOKEXnROKEX,. T*lTO Itl.-illH-KKMIDK. IXl« THiTHK: ORIENTORIENT.. AT A \M\- KNTKRTAIVHKXT. Iirion of the dburch. last night. "“ ” " largely attendedallpnM., the) tbogo tola. about A1 A XM.tH KXTKRTAINMKKT.tberC ree beinbeingg aa largUrgee attendancattendancee of oft'.M.V HLI<< .I". Afternoon. ii lookelookedd noteattractiv attractivee In ItIns Itselabor elabor-- KilledKille d aa Callairf TheTltean CelebrateOlebr.lmld wit >IUisMr.h .Mr. aw aadl Mr* Mra.. Walte Walterr Mrti Mrticnw Mi dand Mis MMs DepartureDepartur e frofromm Usual.aall MethodMribodas oo(f andd churchchurch.. l;..iBothK ololdd anandd younyoungg fam e ltere to i-kcure I atete decorationsdecoration■,. Tbla waa the work werere welwelll entertklneentertainedd bbyy ththee escel excel-- 'an“Ad LuI—il >«''*B*M< a■t ' Hume of °* of ll-tir,,t y Hear?Johns . Jubnwn, tb. .l.w.rd, andW\Wti-k-j—ynsrr. t.Ubej Qaarari1 Starte Kumdd Ove Orerr Elizabeth McGe« Will Attend AaHremt.Atnnmemeats aatt ParI "arkk AvenaAtenaee lentit prograprogramm whicwhichh IncludeIncludedd anandd 11 -Il- . ..i ton—Rash Act Committed «• •van greatly admired. There was an .u-iiieii !.<<;;. on the life of Hrllrrr PimaI-.M in- MrMr.. ano.ld Mm Dm. I «”*"» admlrajT Thera .a. a. Ilrahealln.k.n WWindow—.tollin ledoe—lloUlasg the W.-.M ing—Early i» sim.liij.M I10..1 Pleases Huge lustrated lectaisj on the life of (.nardtaa'a Home In Suaih ;| arrangementprrangemeot ooff ChrlUmaCbrt'tmaas greensgreens., Christ.rial. WbllWhilee t»t|ee viewviewss wer w«r«e bein beingg J.J. WW.. lt.*.r_tTIMiraf.. j holly, holly and flowersand flowers abou t abootthe stagethe . stage. Pin1'fn •n WeaponWeapon.. l.l.ruarr. AudienceAudience.. shown.>wn, MrsMrs.. Kr.inFrankk KellogKelloggg reareadd rulafleld. •behindH'ehlnd whicwhichh Mailer'Mailer'ss OrchestraOrchestra,, ofof •everalreral selectionselectionss appropoappropoes toto tbthee On* o ost charming affal j B rook Isn, was seated. MrsMrs.. Ar,dr AnnieAnnie DIanDlanow o anandd heherr husbandhuaband.. [ MisMlias Florenc Florencee Wilder WUifcj’., daughte damhterr of of The TheChristma Chrlttmaas entertainmentpictures of . 1 Maxii Bararraliararrs., aa younyoungg EcuadoriaEcuadoriann i- season waa .the receptioi 1 Baptist Bible school pictures. el (be eeaeon tho reception and jTh e Theorchestr ’orebratrna rendere renderedd a pop n popular e». "e held In ther o*n re- Char lea K. Wilder, o! Marline nee- the Dark Avenue Baptist BibleThere aehool wawas s tbthee usuausuall ChristinaChristmass bo hahass beebeenn boardinboardingg aatt 232*32 WesWantt I given yesterday afternoo d ha ,f-j t L r IT'-- J VUSUI""^r J"1i i-a0 bT C ly to January with was given last night before an aud- deode ttlren jetterdnr afternoon' "and, I progra pmrrm.m ot i mrllc ,or the jaaetng cocnltanre lor tbc netlon or the nne. will leave earlr » Jnnnarr with j wan (lean laat night beforetree, an elaboratelelaborately nud- y dedecorated< rated anandd afteafterr Secondad streetstreet,, attempteattemptedd sule.desuloldo- ng by Mr. and Mrs. Jam. nJcn " ,7, ;°" «™m NJntr br 017 Jufls« im Mr. and Mrs. Waiter McGeMcOee and Utelrtnelr!; fence that completely filled all the eeepn* br Mr. and Mr.. Janiea1. W.]' * . nich cohtl eobunuedn until an earlr h hour I * *'" l " »I' •’“‘’'l William Mr. and Mrs. Walter McGee and their! fence that completelr «Ued nil the•talnment , which early thithlas morninmorningg aatt ththee hom homee o tof aft, of Central avenue, tor ge ' daughter. Miss Elizabeth McGee, of I ivailable space. The program ln- the entertainment, which also In- PvOnff. of Central avenue, for their ... with an Intermission I Runron this morning on n charge daughter. Miss Elisabeth McGee, af available space. The programluded thIn-e singing of carols, and hla guardian.;uardlan, WilliaWllUamm c Cbaiualdos.ha mat don, lii.-r, Miss Eleanor E. DeGraff. lasuit preferred by Pel iu- the borough, for China, where upoiponn ! eluded a number of very clever acta cluded the singing of carols, and dsugbler. Miss Eleanor K. DeOraff., „|d„t.hl refra.hla.nta. ’ " '* ' " ' ‘ ‘ nstrumental selections, Superin- ot PlainfleldPlainfield.. HHee place placedd a apls pio-- wfai n she *aa formally Introduced to ofu 830 George street. ;he win be married to by Rosanl, of New York, the Juggler, Instrumental selections. Superin- when sha waa formallr Introduced to; I bert. of «S® George street. The as-1 their arrival, she will be married to j hr Roeanl. of New York, the Juggler.tenden t O. S. Rogers distributed tol toi hihiss rigbrightt templtemplee an aadd fired fired., The reception was held rn The affair ana la charge of the ne• alleger d t McGee's son, Vaughn : who kept his audience In a contlnu- tendent O. 8. Rogers distributed aoe|etr- 1 reception “ was held *In"• ■* .ni—talamoat committee of which | **“ *• •""•'■l '» have taken place Mr, and Mrs. McGee's eon. Vaughn ' who kept hie audience In a con tin u- i to the children of the he bulletbullet tooktook aann upwarupwardd coursroars#e "'nearJu4 midnight December 16. j McGee. It Mpected tbat the wed-[oua laugh by bis side remarks ultable gifts to the children of the the atiern from Its 7. -hen, Tnanmndl. ,h, chnlr-i * midnight on December 1«.| McGee. It I. e.pecwd that the wed-1 on. laugh br hi. side Iremarks school an dand refreshment s were served, and piused out with penetrating tbe the homo was thronged with guests ' Illll!'!. \riniiTH represented, ding will 1 place early in Febru-j funny facea as an accompanlmen school and refreshments were served. and poised out with penetrating the the home ana thronged with guests ] "«bim ‘ tbo'"oatroae uimE "wore ! ** W llUam Neweorn represented j ding wtU take place earlr la Febru-; funar face, as an accompani Mrs.Mrs. WilliaWilliam m C.C.;: HubbarHubbardd wawasa ththse Lrsln. aln. Hliee wawast taken toto Muhlenber Muhlenbergg , whowhocalleAt railed too showeshowerr congratulationcongratulationss iMrB I „ 'Joh' n u w. ^n r. Mrfl. Samue„ l plalnanthe complainantt and Wlnfiel andd 3 . WlnlteldAn- ary , eAn-. dat arr.e dependin the dateg o ndepending the arri- onhis thejuggling nrrl-. hisHe Joggling.Is considere Hed Is considered one boepital at 3 o'clock and given all and (lowers upon the debutante sndjg, J h trhenw. Mrs. Charlos chairman of the general committee, hospital at 3 o'clock and given all and flowers upon the debutante nod R Joh',n hMcCu MeCstchen Mrs Charlesglema Islsmann the tw b.blo tb«t be .IU to . Urge number of gneeta enjored the an"d Mrs Waltwluw’lJriW.e McGee. dischargeddischarged tomorrowtomorrow.. festivefestive occasionoccMlon.. ThThee homhomoe wawas;s brokenbroken beabeadd witwithh an rollinrollingg pi pinn I nIn th thee elg elgnn offic officee of ofth etho Standar Standardd Oil OHCon Com-:- work work.. Harr yHarrr Brown Brown,, also oalsof Ne ofw New liararrsBararra Ilas ubouriboutt eighteeeighteenn yearyearns '.elaboratelelaboratelyy decoratedecoratedd foforr th tbae oc -oe- j | hsndebanda ooff Mrs. t>lanoDlano., araree SlavSlaves an andd | pany j panr.. He Heha shae bee nbeen awa yantr abou aboutt a York a ,York, anothe anotherr of th eof eutertaithe ehtsrtaloere.i oldold anandd habaas livelivedd InIn PlalnHelPlainfieldd a a cion. Christmasnias greengreenss ansodd hollholly;y I PoleePoles ansodd ththee quarreoonrrell whicwhichh result-reeolt.j year j rear,, an andd wil willl probabl prohahlry remai remainn In reciteIn resiledd severa aevcrall Christma Christmass storle aslorlee and and short• l .'• r timetime.. HHee wawua sensentt her heree b yby hlhlaa beingbeing useasedd extensivelyextensively,, whilwhlloe thertheree 1 eded iInn ththee fightlight arosarosee ove oyerr a ndisput dispute.e Chin Chinaa fo rfor tw otwo or threor threee Tears rears.. Mr . sanMr.g sanga numbe a numberr of songs of . songs.He He was nr. parents(•rents,, whwhoo araree reportereportedd toto b *bo werewets as profusioprofusionn ooff pinpinkk roses roasa.. 1 J J regardingregarding repairrepairss ttoo aa kitchekitchenn win-win-,, McGe McGeee an dand Mis Miess Wilde Wilderr becam becamee en- !rn-, com companion pan led on tbone pianthe opiano bv Mis hrs MarMissy Harr wealthy la order to aecure a bosi- S (i.i> iwttTaff, who la a favorlt MISS Mil PORTER In the bouse owned by Sbubert: gaged Just before be teft here. I Clark, the pianist of the Sunday- wealthy In order to secure a bual- Ml as J»**; faff, who is ■ favorite In dow In the house owned br Shubert j (aged Just before he left hers I Clark, the pianist of the Sundar- ncsiin-i educationeducation.. MrMr.. ChamaldoChamaldoan ha hasa the younger •**. revived an unusual-J uirnn «T nnrrt ,nd occupied In part by IMnnoDIano andand)) MisMlsas WildeWilderr I s »•a asiste sisterr o f Mrsof .Mrs.schoolschool. . ThThee PalmePalmerr MusicaMusicall Tri Trioo de de-- HffRE MINIMS teenl-een actinactingg aas« bihiss guardiaguardiann anandd c *he ly largoirgfl ! number of girts IncluoInclud-V J WEDS I! Ml BI»!sj=rsjKtila fsmily. Sbubert declaredeclared d thithiss MorriMorriss J.J. DumonDumontt andand th ethe Misse Missess lightedlighte d ththee audience rltwithh theitheirr se se-- WERE GOMBANTANTS went to the latter'a home to spend b'au'iful morningnornlng thattbst hhee wawass enticeenticedd upstairupstairss I WildeyI Wilder,, wh ar »ree know knownn a s asexper ewpertt lection s upon tbe Merti ibopbone, tbe m went lo the latter's horns to spand Inc i many beautiful flowers. fibe j _____ lections upon the Merlmbophone. tho! __ be five _ men arreste■ d by .th .v (hetbe.. holidaholidayy vacationvacation.. HHee ba hadd nosoit worn- an attractivattractivee gowgownn ofof whitwhitee ,nntlw hi IJUl•u • toto ththse apartmentapartmentss occupieoccupiedd byby the ths!! tenni tenniss players players,, the ythey navU havingg take ntakenBambooBambo o DellDoll,s anandd thHoe Ssxopbonesaioobone.. 1 , °f 011“• *“ beeV n In good health lately, but II with a HttLlittlee colorincoloringg ofof pin pinkk an dandr ,a, « Te•* Pr**-nr*of nlwoofy onlyIt ";••'•- ,I IManoKinno familfamily y anandd thertheree afteafter r a nan ar ar-|part- part i n Inal_ l allth e thebig bigtournament tournamentss In InTho oollro ralsrulimml ... .loca ■«»>Inl policlh P e '-allege ■»•»(d to bloe b.Implicate Implloslmld beenwa s noIn t knowgood n healththat blately,e bad bae*bat . It Hnd Kilt embroidery. The guesi* atMue relativeM rlos of the two fi it about (he window was as-] this part of tbe connfrv during the change from tbat of | Inrhrt, the Injurn y (it Joseph KotsChto oi was not known that lie had been tins and gilt embroidery. The guests!rila* Marlo* n *Louis , e]*• Porter •' , daugh j gument about the window w*sthis part of the conafry during therhsngo from that of roront roar..!< Christma «s Injurgnight onlof yJua«|ih one haKotseblos beei 1irBodln osrboding g oveoverr hihiss conditioncondition. , / -ludedi !•:•'! aa larglargee numbenumln-rr ofof charm charm-- 5 » * »* •suited by; saultedboth DIan by o bothand hlIHsnoa wife and, pas hUt twwife,o or threethrepaste twoyearsyears. . BotBothh MisMlsas ansadd furnishefurnlshodd amusemensmusomonlt foforr liotbothh " “ nlgbt nolg oao has boon IIIITII- in ' W detained to await the result of hli BararraBararra retireretiredd aass usuausuall hi-trett nighnightt yoangyoung womewomenn ooff ibltblaa citrllyy an andd pr Ofof MrMr.. Mi*ndd MrsMrs.. JohJohnn A A.. Porter Porter." , ‘O f Qcourse f course,, wbiske whiskeyy had had somethin something g to! wildeto WUdeyy and Mrand. Mr-GeMr. eMcOes ar'e especiall are dally„ y childrenchildren anandd adultsadult . detained to aws« the result of ..f.f WMUHI ThirThirdd streetrtreet., anndd Georg Georg*e L .L. • h |ihth e theaffetr.i affrtr.itt bein beingg acknow acknow-1- fond fondof athlelic of athleticsa and theandy havtheye beeha n I Injuries. Michael Dion, wbo was Luti-ut shortlyHhonly aftealterr 1122 o'cloco'clockk ththe* fam fam-- ouf-ofmit ,f tow n. / H ao domtt W SuperintendentSuperintendent C.eorGeorgg KK.. HalKaill wawass Injuries. Michael Dion, who wasily were arona#d by a platol shot. II i .Mi». Jaroes W. UWlrsff and her Harbour,•iui.niii. oofr NeNeww YorkYork,, wilwilll b ebe mar - I [edged by botbyh partieboth s partiesto hav eto bee haven 1 prominen been I prominentt in socia l Infunction social * InactionsIn tbe I nla charg thoe of tbe program, and at the tracedtraced andand arrestearrestedd bbyy DetectivDetectivee Ser Ser-- ily were arouaed by a pistol shot. It Mrs. James W. ItaOrulf und her la charge of the program, and at thegean t I-1! MI!! sLsir( Sergeant Overbaugb was tracedraced ttoo ththee younyoungg man' man’ss roo roomm daughter," • II >.••-. receivereceivedd witwithh ththee Istter'latter’ss rl*d ' ' iInn ththee HowHotell AitorAstor.. NeNeww York York,, a tat j partakepartakenn o f ofby bythos thosee wh owho witnesse wltneesedd cit yj cityand andborough borough.. conclusionconclusion oofi ththee entertainmenentertainmentt haibadl geant Flynn" and Sergeant Ovcrbaugh grandmother, Mrs. Samuel MHllken, thihiss nifjiafternoon.e The ceremony ] rt belpehelpedd a t ata cala f calfslaughterin slaughteringg j Mis | s MissIVildey' Wlldey'ss fathe rfather ts proprieto le proprietorr tbe privileg e of presenting to'tbe InIn NortNorthh PlainflelIMalnfleldd oonn MondayMonday,, whwhoo and he wasi founfoundd I lying oni th ethe t bed. grandmother, Mrs. Samuel Mllllhen, Bn the privilege of presenting to tbe He wai able to converse iand told of this city, and Mrs. James Knp- will be P«-rptrtorme Corn d by Re ApbeAphe u whichwhich tootookk placplacee InIn Shubert'Shubert’ss bar bam.n i of ofth ethe Heral Heraldd Squar Squaree an d aadCosnsopo Cosmopo-- Pastor . Rev. Gabriel Reid Maguire. a laIs himselhimselff somewhasomewhatt cucutt uupp appearsappears He vii able to converse and told of this city, and Mrs. James Rep- Pastor. Rev. Gabriel Reid Maguire, a hat bad happened. Bller. of Philadelphia: alao Miss hmockton. ooff StSt.. BartholUariliolamrwa eai-lles ; earlierr In «In» eveningevening,. J man Hotels In New York. jiurse of (100 in gold from the mem- ttoo bavbaree beebeenn ththee johl onlyy mamann wh whoo ca conn what had happened. pller. of Philadelphia: also Miss litan Hotels In .New Turk. parse of SI00 In gold from the mem- Dr. F. J. H.ighes was summoned McCletlsn, of York, Pa.; Miss Moul, burrh.hurrh. Neither of hthee youn youngg peopl peoplee ShuberHhuberlt acknowledged acknowledged, tba thatt he haihe lhad, bers of the church and congregation, bebe helheldd oonn aa chargchargee o f ofassaul assaultt o n on If.ighea was summoned McClellan. Of York. Pa.; Miss Monl ; bers of tbe cbarch and congregation, !•! gave temporary treatment. He of Hanover. Pa.; Miss Turnbutl, • ill be attended. had a couple of drinks and DIano as an expression of their love and KotschioKotschlo.. and gave temporary treatment. Ha of llanover. Pa.; Mlse Turn ball, of will be attended. had a couple of drinks and tHano as an expression of their love and Flerwards ordered the ambulance.' Drooklyn and Miss Doubleday, MlKri Porter will b told the conrt that be had drunk appreciation of his magnlflcpnt work, ItIt wawass aa cleveicleveflj piecpiecee o fof detsctW detectivee afterwards ordered lh« ambulance Brooklyn and Mlsa Doubleday. o Mis* Porter will be attired In a I told the court that be had drunk! appreciation of hla magnificent work. i have him removed to the hospital, New York, the last named a cou some of tbe Ilqoor In hla tea at sup- ipoke beautifully ot the ln- workwork whicwhichh broughbroughtt ttoo lighlightt th thee par partt ■o have him removed to the hospital. New York, the last named a coaali whltw sergeie suit .et off by a large | some ofthe tlManor In bis lea at sup- Mr. Hall spoke beautifully of the In- he young man would give no defl- Uf Miss In-Cmtf. per while John Wolf, a huge Ger- 11HT WOMAN 1 taken In the big Hungarian fracas The young man would give no defi- of Miss DeUraV. Hack hat Her travelling suit will | per whileJohn Wolf, a huge Oer- spirationiplratlon whicwhichh ththoe paspastort hahass bee beenn taken In the big Hungarian fracas it..- statement beyond the fact that. Those who assisted In the dining- man, declai-ed tbat there was not and Implicated Dlno. A remark let le lie statement beyond tbe fact that Those who assisted In the dining-t>* of bravrn vrlvet corduroy with | rrtsn.drclarrd decli that there was not] to tbthee peoplpeoplee ooff tblthlas churchchurch,, an undd aa ask-k and Implicated IRno, A remark let :• had been suffering from a severe room WIT- Mrs. Albert A. Tilney, >t.l with will enough whiskey to go around parti-! slislipp bbyy ononee ofof ththee me menn wb whoo wer wte he had been suffering from a severe room were Mrs. Albert A. Tllney,hat to match»trh trimmedtrl with willow enoughenough whiskey wl to go around parti-; eded himhim ttoo accepacceptt tblthiss gol soldd a saa mere!. merely. sadactae. MrsMrs., JJ.. FF.. RaymondRaymond., MrsMrs.. Joh Johnn Gra Drayy cularlculorlyy iIff hhee wawons inIn th ethe drinking drinking,, aann IndicatioIndicationn ooff whawhatt thetheyy woulwouldd lik likee releasedreleased yesterdayesterdayy gavgavee DetectivDetectivee headache. FosterFoster.. Mrs. Dl>.. NN.. VanVIietVanVIlet., Mrs. FollowingKill lowing tthe he weddinweddingg a a susuppercrowd.crowd . WolWolff rairaidd thathatt h ehe kille killedd th thee i j CAUSED Tl TROUBLEtoto ddoo ifIf thetheyy couldcould.. Dr.Dr. Maguir Maguiree FlynnFlyn n ththee clucluee whicwhichh hebe followefollowedd BararraBararra wawasa greatlgreatlyy likelikedd bby'y hi hlas HowardHoward MewilliamsMcWilliams., MrsMrs.. WalteWalterr M Mee willill bpce serveservedd anandd latelaterr tb thee « ocouplecalfcal f anaadd tbathatt tbthee memenn eac eachh ha dhad a a1 . , lch the eowplnliacknowledgedacknowledge d tbthee gifgiftt I1nn bihlas g igrace-up. He found Dino> workinworkingg i nIn spit spitee fellow-studentsfellow-student s at the pialnDeld A CM h of his four klnfe wonnds none of P.ueinese College. Principal Herr Gee(i— nii.andi MrsMn.. JameJamess KK.. JoyJoy., o f ofthi thiss will '111 leaveleave oonn aa twtwoo weeks weeks’' trip trip.. The Theyy drink or twtwoo frofromm a apin platt bottl bottlee of' ofbecam| becamee th ethe defendan defendantt > cam camee befor beforee fulful wayway., anandd assureassuredd bihlaa peopl peoplee o f ofof his four klnfe wounds none ofBusiness College. Principal Herr which bad been dressed. It ts alleg- said this morning that he waj bright ilUyjand Mis* Vanderbeck. of Sonmr- willwill visivisitt OlOldd PoinPointt ComfortComfort., Wash Wash-- liquor, mor. "bu"butt chudgechudge.. thathatt ain't | j d e, Rnnyon In the city court thia bis deep appre Uton at their love which had been dressed, ft Is said this morning that he wai bright City and Miss Vanderberk. of So 11 Judgeu S Runyon In the city court thl.hla deep appreciation of their lore and lanly * I til vllle. ingtonon anandd otheotherr placeplacess ofof interes Intel t enoughough ttoo makmakee aa mamann drunk,>k. 11 mornfhg, thethe chargchargee comincomingg whewhenn and hearty ro-operat.on. eded thathatt DlnDlnoo anandd KotschlKotschloo go gott Int Intoo • nd gentlemanly at all tlmea and of music for tbe receptipn Ii '^turning the/ will be at home 1. uld drink der whole pin a fightlight througthroughh anan over-Indulgencover-indulgencee a very. happhappyy dieposidisposition.U His ad- The music for the reception In theOn returning the/ will be st home Incould drink der whole pint mlneaellnf•selluf Mn. Heien schneiderback, of Pres- Mr. llall thethenn steppesteppedd toto ththee plat- Mr*. Helen Schnrtderback. of Pres- liquor on Sunday night and a qi iress on West Second »tr< airtafternoone noon anandd ththee dancdancee InIn tb thee even even- an apartment.jiiin iiu-iit 'iIni ISGt125thh streetstreet.. und,d gogo homhomee sober.sober.'" cottcott placplacee wwaau puputt onon ththee itan standd t o tatform again,, anandd InIn tendetenderr e a earnestIn liquor on Sunday night and a quar dress oa West Second street la the ing was furnished by Austin, of Mian Porter haa been making he Mrs. Dlano did not deny ualng th» tppreciation, told o: rel1 resulteresultedd IInn a-figha fightt betweebetweenn th th» proTe her cb,rge ot »asault against prove her charge of assault words of appreciation, told of the o men. Kotschio la. In bad abape teaks well of him. BrtBrooklyn,x and the various numbers home In New York for several years, rolling pin. She said that ShubertErnes t Minor, of the same street Ing service which Di two men. Kotschlo la. In bud shape•peaks well of him. home In New York for several years, Ernest Minor, of the aame streetfaithful, loving service which Deacon .ml it may be several days before renderedidiTi-d werewere an dollgdelighth to the gu lui ha ; a how of local r-rquatntai was choking her husband while hewho m she accused of kicking her last Theodore I. had rendered and It mayy be several daysy before tui ha* a host of local ucquslnta! whom she accused of kicking her last Theodore 1. Runyon had renderedb e ii OILY 11 Mis CII'SF FIRK She wmt prominent in Work at Hope waa sitting on a trunk ami unableThursda y afternoon. Mrs. Schneid- :he Park Avena Baptist (school as be Is ablablee ttoo leaveleave, tb thee hospital hospital.. ThTbee She was prominent In w»ork at Hope Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Schneid-the Park Avenue Baptist school as mnda fro SCAItR IN WEST KM) HO MR. JEW Ki.KIt TO RKM0VE rliatiel for a, long time. Mr. Barloi to> defenddefend himselfhimself.. HHee ha hadd calle calledd erback was fined ten dollars by the mo of Its teachei many j wounds from whichhh hbe is suffering ha pel for a long time. Mr. Barloni er back waa fined ten dollars by theone of Its teachers for so many y were Inflicted HIM KTt>KK llliKI \K1 I IF» a silsilkk IrnimrlpImlMinerr witlwithi a .1plac placee o fof bus bns-- heher r ffofor r hhelp anandd shshee lik likee a agoo goodd court,conrt , ththee testimontestimonyy ofof eyewitnessecyewti s andand oonn behalbehalff ooff DeDeaconi Runj were Inflicted with a small com .II»Fn<*i>s« inin dortnlowndosntowa.. NeNeww YorkYork.. ThThee wife hahadd comeI ttoo hihlas assistancassistancee an andd bein g to tbe effect, tbat she was tne class,•lass, askeaskedd hihimm toto accepacceptt tb thee han hand-d shovel. He probably used his knlf* The family of J. R. Heaton, of >S< wedding trip has been Khort^net being to tbs sffset that she waa the West Sixth street, was aroused from ClarieslH K.*T. VailValf., jU>thee Jewelerjeweler,, wll : redding trip has been shortened asuseused d th(hee timtimee honorehonoredd weapoweaponn witwithh aggressor . somsomee umbrellaumbrella aass aann expreeloexpreslonn ooff tb thei on Dlno ss tbe iktter’e wounds are , i. •••• February l from bis present he and his (irlde will g^ *ir<< ••••-. which all housewtvea are familiar. nggrei sleep shortly after midnight this remove February L from his presenthe and hla bride will go nextwhich all housewives are familiar. TheThe troubltroublee arosarosee oveoverr aann allegeallegedd lovingloving regardregardss whicwhichh evereveryy membememberi •U cuts on the head and shoulders. p shortly after midnight this locationI... a Ion oonn Parl*arkk avenueavenue,, adjoininadjoiningg May. SheSbe deniedeniedd thathatt heherr husbanhusbandd hadhadattemptattemp t oonn ththee parpartt ooff >lra Mrs.. SchneidSchneld-- of )f hisbis clasclasss felfeltt foforr him him.. MrMr.. Runyoi RunyonThe hearing la set down for tomor-morning ning bbyy cboklnchokingg atnokesmoke.. TtaThe« the Cityly Nationa.Nationall BankBank,, toto tb thee Bol Botce.i • tructruckk ShabertShubert., altbougalthoughb ththee latlatterl erbackerbac k ttoo kickickk aa dodogg belongin belongingg u toresponded with thanks that < row morning, subject to the appear-room roomss oonn alalll thtbee floorsfloors Wer weree filled filled Runyonm Aft I'ICo> .. buddinbuildingg aatt 13 SSt6 Par Pnrkk claimedied thathatt iItt wawaaa herhusbmnd' husbands Mlaot.Minor. WhenWhen MineMinerr protesteprotestedd agalnsagainsti from hla heart, and which showedance of Kotschlo. witwithh IItt anandd aa hurriehurriedd searc searchh raile failedd averine.L\ oppositoppositee NortNorthh avenuavenuee anandd blowlow thathatt lailaidd open1 fallhlascalp scalp.. DIanDlanoo sucsuch h craeltycruelty,, bhee declareddeclared., MrMrs. a. howho w mucmuchh hahadd meanmeantt him all th to showshow ththee causecauie. will oecnpywcupy thethe" storstoree vacatevacatedd by Ina hlahla owownn defensdefensee claimeclaimedd •to hav hi e Bchneiderback struck - him with yearsyears the*1iappythe~happy aassociation of tea A telephonetelephone alaralarmm wawass aensentt toto FlrFire« Louis !•. Hrlaarci. Tbe lease was aign- ised no violence until attacked by Sehneiderbnck struck • him with n headquarters and Hose Company No. Loula Delirlgard. The lease waa sign- MISmssS unifiiim CfiPBONcramE used no violence until attacked bydishpan accompanying her erer anandd clasclasss InIn this Sunday-school headquattera and Hose Company No. ed this morning..ruing. MrMr.. Vall'VaR’ss remova removall Shubert.tiulxrt. HHee saisaidd hhee di didd no nott us* the wherewhere as perfecperfectt s_spirit of loyalty and 3 responded.Beforeaponded.Beforee thethe apparatuapparatuss ar-ar-*- oiling pin, but tried to defend falm- wlih profane appelationa. Later, he 3responded. Before the apparatus ar- la causedi uited bbyy ththee facfactt thathatt tn thee Cit Cityy rolling pin. but tried to defend blm-said,aald . ththee womawomann attackeattackedd anaadd bea beatt googood d feelinfeelingg makmakee alalll worworkk soso ple pleas-i 3reaponded. Before the apparatus ar- National HonHankk desiredesiress ththei store as sel§elff witwithh hlhisa handsbands.. TbThee gran grandd Ji Jurybi a wife and bad also threatened to ant. harmoniousmioi and successful.icceasr rived.ed, MrMr.. HeatoHeatonn locatelocatedd the the WfDkidsS JIHjmX Ii. NAYLOinnR wil l bave to be decided whether bis wife and had also threatened trouble. He had been oiling the eilrextrki spacspseee fo>fo-- a a worworkk room, will have to be decided whether the"do "do upup”" MrsMrs.. ChristiaChristiann BendteliBend tell,, a ThThee VolunteeVolunteerr BiblBiblee clasclares ppresent- mble. Me had been oiling the presfnt quarters being somewhat iNauoe are to libee trietriedd foforr ascau l I tbelr teacber. Mrs. Gabriel Reid COLLIDcoinE OONK PARPMK fiVf,Ilf.second •onf her person she tried to kick th. tteadent Miss Elmira Runyoi leyey Woolley'Woolley'ss automobilautomobilee at eetahllabmebta Asa Collier. e pastor. Rev. B. M. Bogan. of her person she tried to kick tbsIntendent Mlaa Elmira Runyon.'and tb* Jsvslsr, began busbusinessl st thatthe pastor. Rev. B. M. Bogan. A RELIC OF BARBARISMdog . Then, she alleged1. Minor csm< her teachers. tblabis afternoonafternoon.. TbThee winwindd s shield ofJAMMH I The bride, who will be attended by II dog. Then, she allegsd. Ml he automobile was shattered and In about 1869, the store The bride, who will be attended by i the scene and proceeded to 1tlck location In about ISO. the store bo-Mis s Mary Kelly, of this city, as on tbs seen# and proceeded to kick tbe automobile was shattered gnd lie amsiler than at presenf, Mias Mary Kelly, of tbla city, as Dr. Morris Korshet, who Is engag- r off the stoop which caused her Morris-lorris Harrison,Harrison, managemanagerr ooff MuhlcnMuhleO'- lag a little smaller than at present*bridesmaid , will wear a gowi I>r. Morris Korshet. who Is engog- loop which A f• «• years later tbe bank gave him wlU wear a gown of 1 to wed Miss Gertrade Kiskm, at run into the rooms of Mrs. Er >erg hospital had! bis arm bruised. Notice waa•as receivereceivedd I this moral ag A few years later the bank gave himcasto r broadcloth; also a white vel- to wed Mias Gertrude Rlskin, atto run Into the rooms ot berg hospital had his arm bruised a lit 1.- additional room. Nearly i castor broadcloth: also a white vel-Passslc . does not believe In engage- neighbor, whom she was nursing Dr. Wooller, who wu driving the Ify tbethe relativestires ooff JameJamess QashlnQashla,, t fof a little additional room. Nearly nine •ft bat with plumes and will carry a issalc. does not believe In eng s helghbor, whom oh* was nursing Dr. Woolley, who Fas driving the car years ago Mr. Collier sold his baei-vet bat with plumes aad will carry a nenfMt ring*rings,, anandd bihlaa fiancfiancee agreeag s id tbere she bad a fit. She reco' I5. JAKE A. waswas noaott bnrthurt., East•.SHI BuSixthm streetstreet,, tbathatt MrMr.. Cashl Caahtao >r*yer book. The bridesmaid will and there she hod a fit. She recover- Mi i mm prayer book. The bridesmaid will titb his views that the ring Is a relic ed quickly enough to come oot and Accordingecording u>to bystanderbystanderss tbertheree wa«us had,sd beebeenn killekilledd aatt LarchmontI^rchmont., NN.. Y. ▼. .. ness to Mr. Vail, who has continuedWea r a blue satin gown and will with bis views that the ring la a reliced quickly enough to come out aad Mae sat la gown and will >f barbarism. Instead he has given erate Mr. Minor, who then had Just rooroomm foforr twtwoo automobileauto mobiless goin goingg yesterday esterday ibyn aa traitrainn onon tb etbe N> wNow U with ry a bouquet ot roses. Tbe best of barbarism. Instead he baa givenberate Mr. Minor, who then had a carry a bouquet of roeee. The bestbook s aa an engagement token. arrant issued for her arrest. AGED U m. DEADtoward ird FronFrontt streestreett ttoo paapanes betweebetv n Torkfork CentraCentrall RailroadRailroad.. MrMr.. CasblCashla- i wtil be Frank Wlnienreid. of books •• an engagement token. arrant Issued for her arrest. • ent to 1 .urr-him mi several months wUI be Frank Wlnsenreld. of "In times of long ago," said Dr. The Judge reviewed Mrs. Schneld- AGED U YEARS. BEAD an openingpenlng IInn ththee trafSctrnMc.. DrDr.. Wo Wool-e ; to I^rrhmont several month# TM this city. a tlmea of long ago.” said Dr. The Judge reviewed Mrs. 8chSeld- .go, where be bad employment In this City. worshet, "the man erback's police record and discover- ley’s machinmachinee wawasa followinfollowingg anotbanotheri t.go. where bo bod employment la AT HOLY CRCMW I'ARISB. A reception and supper will be Korshet. “the man either capturecapturedd er back’s police record and dlacever- Mrs. Jane A. Hamilton, mother of i marble yard. reception and sapper will be ila female partner purchased her ed that tbe woman bad been before and largerlarger cacarr anandd WilliWIUIss wawaas drivin drivingg a marble yard. • beld after tne ceremony at tbe borne bis female partneV or purchased hered that the woman had been beforeWalterWalte r F. HaHamilton,m ooff VerdoVerdonn streestreett Sunday-school and tbe chll- held after the ceremony at the homefro m her male pare his cab in the opposite dl Mr.Mr. CasblCoahlnn IIss survivesurvivedd byby a awil vrlfaa The Sunday-school and ths chil- r tbe bride's mother on Hast Second from her male parent with presents.hiblm m twictwicee befobeforei oa chargechargees o off whic whichh NorthNorth PlainfleldPlainfield,. diediedd yesterdayeeterdayy i athis cab la the oppoette direction. It >f the Holy Crosa parlan wi of the bride's mother on East Second When she was already his be placed limed tbat the cab driver should sad•rifj severaseverall childrechildrenn anandd wawaas a a dren of the Holy Cross parish will reel, after which the couple will 'Vhm she woe already hla he placed •he had been f. ii»] guilty. He t-en thethe homehome ooff heherr daughterdaughter., MrsMrs.. Har Har-- Is claimed tbat the cab driver sboald their Christ mas tree In tl street, after which the conple wills crade ring upon her finger. It was d guilty. He then have waitewaitedd ththee passagpassagee ooff tb ve r 166100 menmen., cuttincuttingg leIcee frofromm ten ten, t oto IW. laua IUoUOM. wa■s“ a *postpone p-lpoa-ld leagu NOTe gam «*">•e and Lena Meyer,er botbothh of of ElisabethElisabeth.. ThomasThoma s ExaerExner oonn ththee violinsviolins.. TherTheree bel HamlltonHamilton,. anandd threthreee nephewsnephews., honor icmor ooff ththeitheirir gnestgoeet.. MisMisss Albert Albertaa twelve welve lacheInchess InIn thicknessthickness.. TaThes Tl. El rat ,1a r aabool of lie IU-hi sHU give (!'-•s tbe >l»Plainflel d team two Frit*«« Meyer, a bbrotherh of the bride waaas loloww masmasss aatt 8 Io'cloc o’clockk a tat whic whichh Whiter ter FF.. Jr.Jr„. RobiRobinn S.8. anandd Leste Letterr Waterbary, Vsterbury. formerlformerlyy a teacheteacherr ilan ththee qualitymality ofof ththee icleae Isis sai saidd t o tob e beth *the jnore point; in the league standing > were sang by James Welch. A. Hamilton. •ugh schools, but now supervisor beetbast IInn somsomee yearsyears.. ffotMr of ErUnda Mjorwd P°l»" la “• '•*«"« «*»<1»gacted aa beat man.. and Miasss Ameli Ameliaa solos were snag by James Welch,A. Hamilton. Ita nrialhristma waaa entertainmen.utarlalm t at theanandd thetheyy araree Itan seconaeroadd placeplace.. InIn th thee Rapp, a alater of the groom, waa theLawrene wreucee EnteFinerr anandd MrsMrs.. ThornsThomas* of musicnnslc InIn SyracusSyracusee University.University.,, WithWith ththee (oreforce* ooff memenn employeemployedd Hspp. a sister of.the groom, wac the faDMr, accompanied by organ and taring the evening there were violin •ne•Wloge ing housloua.e ooan WatchnnWalckaagg aar.uua.i afternoon, a acmh tram from tbla nrr. accompanied by organ and During tbe evening there were violin Rt willwill bbee possiblpossiblee toto harvesharvestt fort fortyy taatj.nlght. There was the city played Tho Newark Celtic and iollns>l!ns.. * ' He Waa Trtebratia*.** selections•lections bbyy JosepJosephh I>ennyDenny,, pianpianoo cakes,cakes , weighinweighingg 201000 poundpoundss each, )*at night Th.r. was Ik. aaaal Sections br Miss Waterbnry and j attendancaee of children and waawas defeatedefeatedd bbyy tbthee visitorrlaltora* byby a a M.-ir! m. -: thAAtt a highighh masmasss atat 10:3ie;3e0 o'clock o clock,, .mes McCann. of Weetfteld.selections by Mias Waterbary andeveryever y mlminute.i If the weather re- largo attradtat. of rklldmp aad whose celebration Hiss Clara VanFleet, while several frteada. the .-lercUes being 1B charg .core of 5 to 0. The Marshall A. A. A mass meeting for the purpose the music rendered at ^he midnight whose celebration of the holidaysMiss Clara Van Fleet, while severalmains favorable an unusually large frtMda. tl. raarrtM bring la rbmrg. more of J lo 0. The Marehall A. A. (lag for the purpose * music rendered at the midnight >ver yesterday appMred be- operatic selections were gives, i at Mlaa Mabel Vail, superintendent la• expecteexpect add tloo plaplayy a aleagu leaguee gam gamee of f urginurgingg tbthee olalnclaimss ooff JameJameas E e. rT9 *“p repented. The soloistsas not ovsr yesterday appeared be- operatic selections were given on acrop will be gathered to fill the big 1 »i« Mahri Tail, aup.rlnlcud.ul iere Saturday afternoon. Judge William N. Runyos this phonograph. A feature was tbe mak- ofof tinthe schoolaehool.. TherTheree wa waas a onn Informa Informall here Baterday afteraooa. MartiueMarline ttoo tbthee VBfteUnitedd StateStatei? Sena aeno-- "er Mlu*e 'Thoma Thomass Dennis Dennis.. Tin Nfrm.. Debbie Debbie,. fore Judge WllUam N. Runyon thlaphonograph. A feature waa the mak- ProgramProgram o„•t reading*readluga anandd recitationrri-ltoUooas toriato riall ejectioelectionn wlwillU bbee helheldd o noa Mon-' Moa-*Mtsa Agne Agness Delay Delay.. Mrs Mrs.. Hurlburt Hurlburt., morning .ling oaon aa chargchargee »otf into*icatl«n..i_ In toxica tmn. ge ofof a recorrecordd bhyy ththee party party.. by ihr children, and a feature was car trtgbt. Jan. 3. at Reform ball I M1« Catherine Delny, Mrs. Thomas Ha wavnas founfoundd drundrunkk oonn WesWestt Fron Frontt ThereTbere wawaas aa ChristmaChristmass tretreee lade ladenn kr lb. childrea. aad a feature wan L John P. Emmona, of day night. Jan. 3. at Reform hall. I Catherine Deity. Mrs. Thomas -t yesterday afternoon and J with gifts and after the entertai the">e displaduplary oott au numbenumberr ot of lanter lanternn r * Finer and Laurence Em-r. Tbere street yesterday afternoon end with gifts aad after the emtertala-Her..Rev , DrDr.. anaadd MrsMrs.. JJ.. B .B. Zeti Beliee wil willl i were distributed by Mr. ■alldesttdea.. whicwhichh pleaseplcoeedd bothoikh younrouugg an undd 47 Proapeet place, announce the < FortFortyy HosHow*n n-rodonDevotion.. .wa!s ■ «the . thebenedictio benedictionn of thofe btesaethe blemedd brought to headquarters by Patrol-! meet these were distributed by Mr.holdlol d ma NeNeww Year'Year’*s receptioniptlon aatt thei theirr daugl Fortv nonr t was Rts first of-1 L*Boyle) terpreted the part rid.. AAtt ththee conclusioroarlnaloan ooff tn ikee eatar eater-i- i gag*men ,tt poff their daughter.Hg-i-ffT Micer FortyFortv nohoar*n « *»otiodevotionionn wilwilwillll b bebe helhhelded I vcraimentrament an aadd - sermoa sermonn by byFathe Fatherr ma n Voaderweg.Vanderweg. It waa hla first of-1 LaBoyteaux. who Interpreted the porthomebom.. , tbItoe parsonagp»roon.gee ooff thtb.e CrescenCrwraatt to Harold ln Sr JoB B- el n fens* and the court waa lenient. aus-.of Santa Clans. Tne rest of tne Avenue Presbyterian church. Hen- UlaniMit each child received a box-Myra Emmon to Harold Hutrhln-vm l » SSt. JJoseph's«P » ""«church commenci commencingn Ewarts. fens* and the eoart waa lealent. ans-jof Santa Clans. The rest of the even-Aveooo PrmbTtorix. ebarah. Moa- »*lnluent rack child reewtred a hoi- n of Alexand. i pending sentence. t ing was devoted to sociability. day afternoon from 1 until 6 o'clock. rif cantycandy anandd aaan oranxorange.e I »° Millar, son ot Alexander[er Millar.|Millar. SuBd4- mornluewlngg aatt 10:30!#:!•.0:30. SpecSpeciaBpadaii l devoted to sociability. ffag afternoon from X aalll ( o'clock. T13 Madison avenue. " freshments were served. j i I be said at ththee beginnin beginningg —Fancy fruits, comprisinprtxtagg er-er-: J aU toll bo alad to rocriro tb. ririta Tone Overton, of Rutgers College, i of the obeervaace. rnges, fsnev grappee fruitfruit,, tangerinestangerines.. | Miss Clarissa Lisslgnota, of East of the congregation and friends. I* M hi, home in the borough for —ft rears,rears, etc..eke.," ari e among the specials Front street, is dettalned at home brl —Last of the season, —A.T9T-M la Tfc« Daflr Fni,, I a pair at Roth's. —Advartlse la The Dolly Press. offeredoffered hyby NeumaNeumann Bros., grocers. I illness. > Daily 1 [' •eoo- N J. auto Hoopttil. Tn e Di •rtni tro part of tko SUM lectlmc a site. i board and the County Collector are OKU' 1 IL MIXtTKH fot* H. J. Biota Hoapltat Tour committe* haa left no atone hereby antborlted to cause said BOARD OK "WK?e«t aallodanlted lortor tkothe carecare ofof tadplmtInsi pleat turntion ofof thethe raaototloaresolution wklchwhich oooa rollroll Txtkgas EntertainmentEotertafDment aatt at'I.IO p m. D*ar Blr^—Koforrta# to tko -I- ku at mill. k. kolM tko lo-oat 71. _ _. . 1, and also to make comfortablformal*e railrai l waawa sao s oordered ordered byb yah an unanimous Cadr. alto rroAl laid laat aaaooa lo l alon bidder for tko work.R I Pokllratlooa—8tandard Pak thoeethose moremore advanced,advanced. otherOther mat- vrit*-. FirstFirat Baptist.Baptiat. DarkT. rooatf. WO bar a Juat rodplotod cor- torn. 91X7.SO: Conrtor-Nowk C.. |Y- tomera loto bobe consideredconaidered were th e choice ByBy FreeholderFreeholder MsiselMelcel . artaa tbaao roada with aa oauUloa J06?PH PEH « T. 07, »»9.»». 971; El la. both of,f goodgood farmfarm land,land, whichwhich wouldwould yieldyield Whereas.Wbereaa, Inin compliancecompliance withwith ththee larrlaoa. Oraooor. Hall of pare aokpalt. which, accordlat — ELSTON DARBY. Ermine Timer. 118.88; Standard regotabloe.'egetables, frnlLfruit, etc..etc. , Inin abundance:abundance; resolutionsolution ofof thsth« boardboard paassdpasaed ata t itsU sHEY.REV. MR.Ml; , ACKKHTACKKRT WEAK*.-i-t VK~ “ w.-.i. “•'•t'-T'"!: will bo that la On aaoUoa of Freeholder Krona* p,b Coaoora. 91.09; WoolBeld Load- where" a chickenschickens aadan d cowscows wouldwould lastlast meetingmeeting thetbe clerkclerk hashaa hadhad allal l ‘ *r°4JK?do™ i la pood recwlred aad plaord ao Bl*. I aril; N. 1. Adrocata. 99.90. Ikrtsu;e; aa pleasingpleasing landscape,landscape, aa moun-moun- hs bookbook i.'. vouchersvouchers andand paperspapers ooff oentleawa—Toar commit!**am It tee on| lKldmiala—CotaaaMa Truat Oo.. tainsalnslope lope.. a properproper alaltitude til ado., withwith this boardboard openopen forfor tnapectloa Inspection byby anyany ocal >uirl laitn Brldga*| W. R. Codington. Ildt; Boutbernlontbem eapooare.exposure, with, oa mountainmountain rewspapsr•paper oror dtlsen.alttaen, anandd IWIUUomlln-ttationnoo — Classes . Make "^■“aitiTS “rJahildrV Sialtk. od to you poraoaallr. tko Arnica Hood S^ tri-fo».dT»D. -egarding site and construction of is so ordered., gating a cash value of about 1209. P,awbo[dcra if tko Cooalr On molion of (•':.••ti..l.!'-r Krou yellowyellow pinepine plaahlng.planking. Now State Koada- J. L. Bauer. regardingiiinty hospital-sanatoria all* and construction, says: "Th ofe was ao ordered together>gether withwith 865.57$65.57 InIn cashcash werew«re fcM d,!...,. mm,.-',! , to erect a county BOB- On mol ton of Freeholder Kroner Tbe work ol laying tbe steel work 1150.150. 1317.14.$36T.«4. C.C .H. H . Wlnana.Wlnana 11.- count?'Uther hospital-sanatoria,n exposure of a mounta says: "Tb*l ByBy FreeholderFreeholder Krouse.Krouse. i by the otScers, teachers and atment receivedreceived andand placedplaced oaon flle.tile. __iThes bee workn le tof to laying Charle thes Amy, ateel" oworkf El - 67.««; $5,363.18; F. J, Hubbard. southern exposurn of a mountain la Resolved, That when tbe board given by the oMcera. teachers and ^•., ro'rTko7r..°.So.. ot labcrculor .:..ntlemen—TheGentlemen—The TownehlpTownship CComo hae been let to Cfcarlm A ray; of EI- 047.94:500. $82.88 15.111.19:, $40; WeldoF. Ln Hobbard.Con. Co. , inally to be preferred—sites w Journa It will meet on Wednesday. variousus classesclasses orof thethe FirstFirst BaptistBaptist I-' mltlee. of SjjringfleliJ. recently • laabethizabeth atat aa totaltotal coatcoat ofof XX.S29.50.$2,328.50. ISO*.25. $217.60182.11.. Ill:$13,336.86 Waldoa. Con. Co.. usuallyrong prevailinto be preferred—sitesg winds exist d whereu hurch* Funday-arhonl.Sunday-school, ata t Itsits Chrlst-Chri.t- **'"'*Whereas .“i. lb . •4 Is a grea t andand prowpres- mllloo. of aprln«»eld. recontly re- TheThe workwork ofof layinglaying thethe ine w— floor 9X5. 4X17.40, 413.119.94. strong prevailing winds exist during DecemberDecember 38.28 . IS10.1910 , atat 2:302:30 p.p . m.m . “~.1 fo, ao.h an laa.Hatloa. kh; reivedceivedreived aa lettertetter ';r,fromfrom hStewartStewarTrbo,,"Hm.L..ohib.k-t Harta-Harts- •flanking has been let toJohn John Walk..Wolke , Surrogate—RoeabelSurrogate—Rosabel Allla.Allin. $1004100:; certain seasons of the ysar should On motionmotion o(of FreeholderFreeholder JonesJones 1the1 nsa service.servlce. Friday.Friday. TheThe edifice edifice - there la now nopl.caln tro horn, iirvsitienr o"£f th.Xchroe Short HmitroI ™ off RailwayRahway,, atat a coscoatt Ooff $692.49991.111 Annainna Dtlha.Dilks, |40:$60 : W.W . B.B . Parrot.Parrot. bebe avoidedavoided unlessunless protectedprotected byby for-fo resolutionresolution waswa s adoptedadoptep d withoutwithout disdls-- waaas throngedthronged withwith membersmembers amandi count? where iach patients can re-,re-,Wate \\aterr (otnpinv,Company. inIn whicdicuh n*he *state s ThTh. e .origina ei.i.mitglaall appropriation.....rAnriitinnappropriation forforfo r tbla thisthis 02OS.14:208.34; O.Q . T.T. Parrot.Parrot. 1454.13.$458.33. ts or- hills;bills; climatic conditionsilitfoi ient. friendsriends ofot thethe schoolschool andand th*.tbe serviceservice eZirr tr-etment. and delay In the op-f>P-|thal thatt thethe ».t*rwater c.compan y baa made work. -»■ 91,750. and aa according Members'Members' Pay—PaterPay—Peter Melael,Melsel. $31131:; shoulmildd bebe carefully carefully Investigated.”investigated." HHe< Freeholder 9waln moved to is one ofof thethe moatmost enjoyableenjoyable InIn re-re - Mine ofi theme bocpltnl ngiwi m«e*•.—™ i"n applicationapplication toto thetbe Board of Chooaen ttoo thethe aboveabove agreements,agreements, thethe workwork Etaton:iston Darby.Darby. Ill:$26; S.S .F. P . Witter.Wllbu: alaoalso says:says: “The"Tbe openopen countrycountry offersoffer jo urn, which was carried. The Direc- centnt years.years. If diraths anad ,6etbe spread of Freeholders for permission to la;will cost $3.018.$1, your committee J24; W. H. Garrison. $42: J. T a choice of sites which should be • toror declareddeclared thathe boardboard adjournedadjonrned un- Other features of ;ii • evening w^re - - — I. ,-, ,.u, .11,. ti mai•Inn tbthroug ranchh tbthe< will coat xs.01h.9l. your committee 124:Cady . W.$30 H.; Garrison.Burton Hall 142:, $1S J.: J hip Ci port be received 'and the recom H.E. Randolph.K. Adams , 139:$40 .W. H. Swain. 412. whichvhich questionquestion iinn turnn (I.(i . e.e. holdingholding be program with the I'llgrlfns' mallr .eeeaalhle from EBkhhetkJiy. .orb„_ timeIh aae thawate> r compan‘J. y havt pnrt l,e received and the reeommea- E. K. Adams. 140. -ringt ing the program with the Pilgrim*' tk. pa.lentapatients fromfrom th'a.cttythis cliy andand their 1 u under.“ndla, la d.tlnndation adoplwl.J-h'chadopted, jwhtch onon rollroll call SalarySalary—Benjami Boayamlnn King.King, 4133.32;$133.33: thehe patientpatiet 1' ~Ur. Carrington stated I [HUB REPORT OF Chorusis fromfrom Tannhauscr.Tannhauaer. OtherwiseOtherwise |ves and friends. ; i,t is cI< regard to tbp privilege to be granted was BO ordered without dissent. N.:. R.R. I-eavtu.L*avltt.'$25O 4250;: JamesJames Fink.Fink • seems to be on1 abnoluieabsolui necessity the programrogram waswas carriedcarried outou ta* BH pre-pre - " .Vewm.d a. Mlow.ow .card .n .h~prtolleaoh lop bec printed.,, *“* -• orderedNEW «'houtBUSINESS . 4100.100. In order to control the disease.” vioaslyy published.published. JamesJatnes E.E .Church, Church, ?ssl-i" r Th.,Vh.t ^"ssisMrs:this association heart- you will do tbe «kTn"Townshi:p .,Commuteas- 5:'. ..yBy rM^fiSSFreeholder IMelsel: CommitteeCommittee EaoenveoExpenses — ThomasThorpa* YourYour committeecommittee feelsfeels that the MORRIS PLAINS ASYLUM superlntendnntIntendnnt ofof the the school,school, waswas InIn lly approve, mmi “1,* hear further Reao.led.RpBOvlpd, Th.Tha t It.laft Is thethe »*n«fsen of Harlland.lavlland, 17.00:$7.B0: 8.S . P.P . Wilbur.Wilbur, $I7.917.-. county>unty isIs fortunatefortunate thatthat tthel oppor- 1U PUS ASYLUM e of the program, being as- rn Board of Choeen Free- rhl. m; until Thisthis boardboard thatthat kllall booh*,books, bills and 5; El;ton Darby. $6.75: A. D tunityinity prt'sentspresents Itselfitself ooff procuring charge of the program, being as- ilders to erect and maintain the from thisa committee.committee. vouchers be openied for inspectli 15: Eldon Darby. 19.75; A. D. farm so beautifully and si sisted Inln thethe arrangementsarrangements byby ArthurArthur hold, -a lo ereet mad maintain tko f,„ Youraa veryvery lrtrul y vourhera be openlrd for inapeetlon by Crane.•rane, 4S.30;$8.30; PeterPeter Melael.Melsel, 4o.45:$o.$5; a farm to beautifully and suitably lo- Regarding the separation of crim- irris. Rev. Dr J. A. Chamblis*. proponedopened boaplralhospital . ED.ED. C.C . TOWTOWNLEY NhBTj,, , anyjtaioltred.^Tkhrf newapaper or allcttlnen. newapapora further and Jacob.;aeob Mertia.Martin, 48.60:$8.60; JohnJohn N.N . Cady.Cady catedited andand containingcontaining asas Iti tdoes: inal from other.erj InaaneInsane patientspatients aass M. Harris. Rev. Dr. J. A. Chambllsr. HereSecond did-—That— Tbi tbla nneoelallonassock.. - Clerk.' Resolved, That all newspapers and (6 65- B. Jones, $7.2.": W. H. Swain A goodslxedgoods! zed lake,lake, fromfrom which a pastorr ofo t thothe church,church, alsoalso assistedassisted __. ._. Jfted 16.95: B. Jonee. 97.25: W. II. Swain. (•rime importance, tho managers of ,n ilat a alto for I he e hoaplthlhospital ahallshall it " ispect a(I $5 10; John Keron, $9; W. H. Garsupply of Ice may be taken, while the lhe Slate In the services. On motionHOtlll ofof FreeholderFrei Gruvner •Itlhan. arc lovBed lo- In.pect all 15.10: John Keron. 19; W. H. Gar- the san-M rBkat-; he State 'hospitalisl-Jtai atat MorrisMorrla PlainsPlai wlectcdsrtected and th e 'hospita l erected- receiveIVcdd andand «freferre Jrodd t» S. Commit-,it— b.lUbills paidpaid b,by thorountythe cou for any par. ,|a’ a.’i iff$22 IS:IS- $22*90:$22.90; R.B . IIHall . *5. patients might use the same for skat- hp| medical directors Thehe solosolo andand triotrio nunumbersi a byby the th e I poeB whatever and t -__ — — 0 Joaeph Perry, $8.40; Henry ing In thethe "winter•laU and boating and «'Hh th* medical director, ma Trio Included R01 ;e. Wfen- and opened for patients al oa Couni, Roada. h^e venience of such new simpers and eTuelfc- ise. $18.65: C. AV'i.V. Smith . $21.60 isblng In summer; u windmill and urging In their*ir i annulannul reportreport thatthat i Trio Included Romance. Wien- -Vh^S-^rth— Third That thee .liesue w>so.ote' t. to IkarV Sir In aevordanro .1.1. th.• •, xnlcncewot., wh oto such ma y.newspapers desire to and Inspec all.t Krona*.t Adams IIS 65:, $13.65 C. A. ; Smith.J. H. 821.60;Doane ga.ass eglneegine pupumpingm from the ground llou be takent byby thethe nextnext legislatureleglslatu lawvki.kl. MtsaMiss NormaNorma SSauter;a ; AngelaAngela choVen shall be as near a- P™"«W. term-m., ef t., ordinance d.lcd June 7. •£«. lerk of this board Is here E. K. Adams, $12.45; J. H- Donne. a good sirpply i aprl _ —laking i Messagege.. Dressier.Dressier, MissMiss White with chow." hbmu *• ;vs* his company proposed to •pen them, the freeh . good supply of water: a spring of making posalblo such a segregation, •cello obligato; Aria. Tenaglia. Mias ".trolley... m trolley nn-ronnin.ioline runnint gca tno jadanbed easil fromfromy , 190,s j.^tktt 2GGore-Kelly. Ida Courser 8*0;, $70 ;Marion Louise.Bround. ground.aB .thorltlethoritless asas meatmeet unfortunate.unfortunate. pastor of a mission church on the „„ motion „r Frcaholder Donne Yoora truly, pern In the county. Swtn. 160:: Ida Coaraer. 8701 Loalaa East side ofof NNewe York. IllsHis remarksremarks NEW YORK TELEPHONE CO. On motion o( Freeholder Deane 1 Stauffer— . .$7 - -.( .,-ene Donaldson. 870; Tho Fullerton Farm contains The report points out that the were appropriate.pproprlate toto thethe Christmas-Chri nnelTeg and cvlvrred to Committoa the resolution waa adopted without about.bout alxty-flveBlxty-five acres.acres. TheTh e wholewhole pi|anan proposedprojiosed wouldwould serveserve ththee two-twi oa Tobercaloata OnOn motionmotion ofof FreeholderFreeholder KrotKrous e 'b e reao l - ^Vrtott'aotte Liex"T.nri-'-r. 8?"$ Heirletti be purchased by the county , i *lng the conger tide season, telling something ofot hihies Gantlet - Raallilag that you received and ,,hreterred,We i County Road d Melncke. $70: Edward Mohr.-23.95; o|dlo ofpuriKMWlh of re ie work amongmong thethe poor.poor. 'ommlttee with power. | By Fr« Otlllle:'• Reuter. 435.$35 . tioa ol p ari'"£V7ously conalderlng «hs QVMr Commllte* * |r^ J;v#r(l, w^k,' R^lvod^ThVl ’the County Collec- ^ OtherOth^Topertie propertleas prM*dpresenftd forfor oarour JLee“n ththe ,the Be* SWl»'"*«e Hospital, which^h***i There•e werewere threethree recitations.recitations, ThThe Cent le men—-For several weeks : County Cl-rk— J. C. Calvert. Uontion ofof sdlectlngselecting ■a locglloblocatloi for » «cntktmcn--For.paper ha s madasverale x weeas * hereby la instructed tc consideration,:onslderation, allal l lackinglacking InIn a greatgreat , »ubj*«:t«bJ«t ooff complaincomplaintt fifor ChristmasChristmas Tree.Tree, EmilyKmily IMIger;Pllgerj AA «a.i',.J «HhI»8- lul efforts to Inspect th IVxSSnt Wtt M*ro ri'wYhaluToMm.Ot, 9158.33;Whelan. 935;N. McLeod. Irene Calvert.488.67: HelenT — degree thethe forgoingforgoing requisitesrequisites forfor thethe years,years, andand wouldwod!d nerveserve toto renderrend, brlstmas Thought. Dorothy Hall ■ feet anre >“ '“II special purposepsrpose areare offeredoffered ata t94.000 $4,000 moretrore desirabledesirable thethe surroundings(surroundings jlo« merits1 Isis only only oneone andand aa quarterquarter thethe managersmanagers regardregard asa» importantimportant rell. turkeyturkey dinner;dinner: 3.3 ,Mrs. Mrs . L.L . H.H . uthic .1,4 mentioned, for th. «h»9- IH. * otTOW kojo^J .JUS?* Z, S5u«STLkJe » »*rm,-loa^ouB, , .«,.»»«»nd ^h* miles fromfrom thethe trolley,trolley, a abortshort walkwalk are» a cottagecottage,, workshopworkshopss and an ad- lowing reasons: .board that such secrecy is tor me orderedoro r 1 without die*u ***• ' * **. **? re a Mat lark,Lck, tonton ofof coal:coal; 4.4, F.F. 8.8. Thomp-Thomp- 1 The elevation of this .He. w®‘beet Intereet* of the board luelf or roll «»' *“ « « •* | the revolution offered -.good macadam road, taking iilloa t0 the corpH of phyBiclana. Thi son.son, 83$3 forfor a dinner;-6.-!i,i,.«•:.'.. R.R. C.C. Brown,Brown, informed. U from three to five the public. ur By Freeholder Doane. ' IHpeclM t'/Mr.'Melseln . stating that tbell t e , wouldre tonn ofof coal;coal; «.6 .Mrs. Mrs . J.J . L.U Manning.Manivlng, ara Informed. U from three to ffva the public. if tbe offlcl icta of ] $ Frt.^ho^T i>oane. I ty Mr. Melael. stating that tha time hundredllMII'll feet above the:he 1other sltea No matter If ikaoflclal of lUaolvedResolved thatthat whenwhen thisthis boardboard ad-ad - 9? a m.•. toto IS12 nooanoon waawa» acceptedaccepted bbyy •";u r. K o°sr.^,r:.c«" ••»«—' <-«»•• S cereals•reals andand groceries;groceries; 7,7, MiasMiss HarrietHarriet «• I hlch ele' body were perfect . of Journes it ad>ournes to meet on Frl- him. but aakert that the m SKa^I'r. k^'th’«1 |to.‘.?T«' kult rro"oatm thellf.herol acgaUltl... «r. droll O. Matttson, clothing, etc; 8, Miss ■undendcrr coa*ld*ralUinOODstderatlon , »which al.ya.loo(which bid,every commendationp*rf*c, aad, worih, of adlournes to meet on Frt- him. bnt naked that tha number of nveyancRcllabloe dealer,in half aroarethat tim use thator les mils with In detail laacquisition Ih* reports ar eof dea thel Mattlson. elofhlng. etc: 8. Miss roadvr* .1* air In thin ..cion (which wary commands,loo.„ Ih. XIIon._ r __of dayd . Decembeflil^kSTg^Db r SI , aM t l2 •‘clock p. days be" prolonged.- - / . wltb ln May Sbreve. six Xmaa stockings fill- r~ Hi lowers) Mr. Leavltt and Mr.King I pre- 'm ,.„„„„„. stated that buildingReliabl ematerials dealers assurcan ebe u delivereds that all medical detaidirectorl In tbDr.e reporBrlltont oD.r Ev-tbi May Bhreve. six Xraaa stockings fill- U fafamedtned forfor If.its carallv.cun power.) Mr. lal^avlltg the publiand c Mr.from Klnf gettin Ing pro-this "7. December ». i I Freeholder Mattel uUljd that on.lldln th* groundg material ua cheaplys can b aae delivereat Plain-d inmedica a. l director Dr. Brltton D. Ev ed;ed; 10.10, T.T . B.B . Drake.Drake. 91$1 cash;cash; 11.II, Cl. G. blahlybigbly fafavorabl-i'orabl* toto pa’lentapi afflicted venting'•natio then publicfirst-han fromd an gettingd from thtblae The following bills properly audit- whenwhen hebe IntroducedIntroduced thethe resolutionresolution be^ fieldHeldth oroe raroun Elizabeth.Elizabethd as .cheapl WeWe yarear aes InformedatInformed_ Plain- ,, ensDuring. I he hospital year core red A. Chapman,Chapman, threathree tonstons ofof roal;coal; 1212.. with . rculoaU. 1 which the Informationoriginal expens Itral-hande bills andtile from Ik* *d and approved were read and on did notnot knowknow 1thatat ttenl t daysdays waswas notno tthattbat tradesmentradesmen willwill deliverdeliver suppliessupplies ,h* rnK,rl -74 m,D and 343 wo- MissMlsa MabelMabel Cronre.Cronce, cannedcanned goods;goods; j.j2- ThisTh i H locationlocation uupon , which, _ tha. original eapenae- bills Bled, eroatee roll call ordered paid: irnartent and that he waa willing to underunder thethe sensam e condition,conditions prevailingprevailing Durin.g, .dmllled,tbe jhosplta thel yeatotalr coverof 579t 3 Men's Bible class. W. H. Herr- niri-j.-s.ry m be erected, suspicion. 1 w r 13. Men's Bible class. W. If Herr- hulldlngsbullHlnK» necessary may be reeled, auaplclon.1 b B .nneals to Court—KdwardCourt—Ed.ird 8.S. Atwater,Atwmler. f1540 540;'make; < m, thethe timeUrn* uallmtted.iiiUl In the towns. »• the report 276 men and 243 wi na,i. three barrels flour: 21. Gideon IsU of a southerly egpotureMni.-iiri.' «»dand pro-pro- Thi‘s “5.7*newspape r nowm.A C.C- AddlwnAdill«)n Bwlft.8>IR. 1500;IS00; K7J.R7J . Kirk-)Kirk-, CountyCouoly AttorneyAimniey Codlngtoaton thenthen rFinally,Finally many,, bmethethe qunnonquestionquestion oiofof comicompara- pars- 1 beingnen wer tboe grewadmitted^ cat nomber, tbe tota ,„ofl i^9.dials-of SI three barrel, flour; 21. Gideon lectedtected on the north byby methe mountain mountain you formall~ y that you mai. 1208.S3: John A. O«»n_ - - . >31.S2— ; ,ddr«wd* H‘ e *board ------. ; tha t the h'•”ive '»•'cost ha“s been rero'ull,carefully consld-consld- idly, turkey dinner; 23, Miss Ruth — •red.area.:•,,:. W#WeWe believobelievebelieve thatthat econoieconomy.economy , ,*j lions« hiatory- durin gof anthey hospital.similar perio'The dpop- 1 nelly. turkey dinner; 23. Mis. Ruth 3. The piciurcsqu* outlook, with all lch Detective A.ency, I36.40.__ ; offlce like cltle. d_ . He then sag Day,-basket fruit; 24. Miss Minnie y au ratherather thanthan extravagance,extravagance, sbonldshould bebe.olatlon. he histor at ythe ot clots*he hospital of the .fl*eal The yearpop - Day. basket frail; 24. Miss Minnie B« £. f. _ 1375$37.500 : JJohh n AA. goted that a committee be appoint- iractised ln the expenditure of pub-i Rerrell.rrell 91.$1 .caah: cash; 21.31 , Mrs . HaroldHarold being a landm-are eictrted by wooded you set lone ba ch day I in. H2L; J. C. Poklman, $10.- ed. This was deemed advisable be- practised la the expenditure of pnb-jwasilatlo 3.118.u at th ane plos increasee of th ofe fiscal 69 over > rrell. turkey dinner; 33. Miss Amy ,ny days lielie moneys,moneys. ass wellwell asas Inin privateprivate af-af- thelii-s 3.118preceding, an Increasyear. e Duringof 59 theo Ferrell, turkey dinner; 32. Mlaa Amy hills, -a the week], or as J. Rourke. $20; H. J. Schoppe, (ause of the expense, and he recom- f«lra- . !>ear the total number treated was Conantint.. fruit*.fruits: 3233 Mr*.Mrs . R.H . C.C . S100 1. Pflueger, $42; James Carey, mended that the resolution as pi We, he preceding year. During th, beautiful atream of water, fed by which time our representative may Henry Cook. $23; C. W. lr- ed be allowed to stand and that as W e, therefore, recommend the pur- .yea2.528.r thThoe total claaalflratlon! number treate of patientsd w, Brown,own, fruits;fruits: 34.34 , Mr*.Mrs . W . B.B . Vail,Vail, ase by the countyinty ooff the propertv 2 526 Tn* e - . » |. canned goods, books and vegetables; living M.riiiKH. known aa Qreenbrook, secure the Intormatiott we feel is d win $174; W. B. Hamilton. $69.03; the board woi'ld meet again on Frl- .own as the Fullerton farm,!>m *™JJ2? altuat-- ?!,ow>s-t tbh - e1 en13d cl^BslflcatioLiSJJl1,d, nW neg* wao9f spat*11 als 0tc canned good*,g hooka and vegetables:g wbicwhichh couldroiild eas'lyeas'ly andand Inexpensivelyinexpensively ibe public. e.eorge Angen. $50: W. H. Luster. iaVw December ». an arrangement hlngton Valley, ln the ">*n 8: '-*66 1' jay pa 25.II, Mrs.Mrs . 5f rankr W.W. JJones,o , frfruits,u cer- be utilized, and a lake termed for Toui-a respectfully. $16; R. Lightfoot, $25.20, $187.50; ,-olild be made to extend tbe time I" I In Washington Valley. In the tientB 6-f6 c <>ntllcl ‘* B*® an‘d *®3.0 eals and vegetables.getables: 36.36 .Mia* Mis sSarah Sara h boatlnfbe utilised,f an dami tee featherina lake gformed purposes for. ,- !^VeSTnTtiME« EVENING TIMES CCO.O •}>■ «■ UgMfoo.. 445.40. $187.50: could ho mad, Township __ofof NewNe_w . Providence.Providence , Mand,"<*and!ro ‘*-' convict, and .10 crimiillBSlS. boating and Ice gathering purpose- taayi’.a. mionnwinfcirnig-tl thi> incnt* Crann.r.eorge 9H5.89:"W . “**ck,Peck T., U.$4$78.30 8Carey. 30., 922.9«2.50;$22 : J.J . cetired.desiredFreeholder. Adams moved to ad- that theVounty•unty AttorneyAttorney bebe author”author- j BlnreSince thetbe opefiing1pening ofof thetb e hospital. M. Johnson,Johnson, groceries;groceries; 27.37, Mrs.Mrs . Jen-Jen - ply above additiontnentlono tod theon thiwaters proper - bers tbat a resolution Jbad alreauj ""- ' .8#: T. IJ. Carey.,. $63.S0. ; Freeholder Adams moved to at Ixedlied tto execute the necessary papers thirty-four yearsl ago.99 9.9818 patient*•tlent nie VanHon>.iHoTn, Jellies;Jellies: 38.38 , MrsMr sF. F 8.. 3. air above meatloaod on tbla proper- bera that a DR. HWalpole.w 988;,~. 8.~. Petrus.-..'- --. 972.10;~.~ . -ourn^__. _which ..hlc hw$us *^ «carried. carried. - lookinglooking t;iulatimi. Of the patients admi two basketsbasketB ofof groceries.groceries. Th*The Offer-offer- * placed on file Peleraoo. 814.89, 8187.91; Btephrn, The adjour .ed meeting of the FreeholderLeholder WilburWilbur movedmoved thatthat Imputation. Uf the patients adml‘ stalled. COMMITTEE REPORTS Rroa.. 96.20; D. II. Totten. $22.28; fvoard of Chosen Freeholders waa the reportporl hebe receivedreceived andand thethe rec-rec -ted>d aboutabout thlrtf-threelhlrt[.-three perper eent.cent, wewerei Ing warvar *'tf>r thet.tif- DayE>ay Nursery.Nuraery. 1 F. J.J."Hubba'rd Hubbard.. '$70970; ; J.J . D.D . LoiseauxLoizeaux theei|dd onon DecemberDecember 9.9 . 1»10.1S10 . atat 2:302^3 0 mondatlonindatloni adoptedadopted whichwhich onon rollroll lagnoseagnosedd asas> sufferingtufferlng fromfrom manm ! ah * la. augaroled by Dr. earring- "roGggM^-Yourrl Co.ySSe:•; F.F. w J.J. Huhbird.Hubbard. 813.$12 , 814.49:$10.40; p .^ m .ta t ,thh.e rourthoaro.rourthouse. Elliahdth.Elizabeth, callcall waawas soBO ordered ordered withoutwithout dissent.dissent. - mentalmental exaltationexultation . Fifty-sixFifty-six ppa-f toa. for pa.uc.lg).ea-.s . w»we areeh ^Vro^t—„ hro Yi.t^ST.he I.Thi.ti J. F.• - OkuW,uiasoy. 444.M.»2s.uo. $43.41: Helenneien iToll railshowed .h all members preo- NEWNEW BU8IXES8.BUSINESS. eatsents hadbad a hUtoryhlitory ofof homicidalhomicidal teten-n buBiaai,arlan enough to believe the N'“f ,n r*Likpr. *! ih.,r ^TrdV ’ ' «»n»«.4»: *- Cole. 410.55; T. L. wl, h iha exception of Freeholder BByy FreeholderFreeholder Krouse.Krouae. dencies.encies. InIn twenty-onetwenty-one anandd two .ante chance for life ahould he ac- al-o the «*»>>■ °f Bauer 425. 435: F. T. CallnkaD. Martin. BeBe It Resolved. That this board nths iier cent, of the ad mil MORE THAN A THOUSAND corded Ike i»or* unfurlirtuuate. Th. "“f* ^L J*“ * 9391.92: Atm. Kerr A Boa. 9147: At tho request of a number of dti- establish a county hospital for thetenths per cent, of the admission .Mn« hnBIlltllB touy :M»V. *••••• PrankFrank Itee.rDryer. «S7$83.25. 8140.21;9111191 Da-n. l who wished to bo heard r- * ‘ •areMtabll and treatment of persona suffer- dementia>mentla waswa s manifested,manifested, while ingng fromfrom thethe disease*diseases knownknown aaas tu-tu -eighteenghteen andand scven-tenthiifeven-tentha perper" « berculosis.berculosis, andant* bebe ItIt furtherfurther wereere afflictedafflicted with[with me'anchollcmeiancholi fllffil S11I PROCTOR'S . 1_ ai.o. 4a— i*> i d. loay i»ec. i Resolved,Resolved. ThatThat thisthis boardboard purpur-- mentaliental depresydon.arby Catherir y 1, $27; J. J. Carey, COMMUNICATION'S. lerefore. does not believe tbat thi LonLongg beforebefore thetbe hourhour aaounredanounced foforr mT^pita) . WeWe arrare informedInformed thatthat the'the^^ 'receive° d and placeof dFreeholder on. file.Darby Catherlno$60; He Runyon. 827;'eer. J$22 J. : CareyW. H . CommunicationCOMMUNICATION’S.s were received saidifd sitesite andand thethe erectionerection ofof suchsuch therefore.;rcentage doe4give nnot i sbelieve as larg ethat aa thetb> location tlb .SSTJSKISr rawha received and placed on flle 860; Henryry V\anderveer., a$19.60; 822: W. H. Commonlcatlona wore oepltal•pita!,. toto bebe loanedIssued inIn accordanceaccordance percentage given Is as large aa the opening of the door* the little eared at tbe about 1100 nor I Gentlemen Your committee on Meeker. Inc. 819.60; T.T. C.C . Both-Both- frtjmfro , lh#tn. eTownship Townshi pof o “f Union* , Unk with the provisions of an act entitled onesones beganbegan toto gathergather andand InIn orderorder ttoo acre, and w* e * tlf-JLrd that ' Conatructlon of the Myrtle Avenue mann. 81.60;: EllxabethElitabeth leIce'-Co.t Co.., 899.-$99.- TownshipTownship BoardBoard ofof EdEducation . Col An act authorizing theChe e thetbe sitesite l«ln that that I roveded ArpllArpll 4.4 , 1910.1910 . andand thethe aup-su tion, amounting to sevanteen Career of tbe Elks' committee had leceMlbllity to the location has been tracttract totoo C CharlesCharleh s II.H . FrenchFrench forfor thath e98-9j; N. Y. Tele. Co*. 912.70. townahlotownship . lents and amendments thereti Carney of the Elks’ committee had arc—IMlIty to the location haa been t flve hundreddred and seventy-_ -*147-WI47 >ld»JP^:-id9.P wad:2wnd;2 ' msma.f faa laIs 28.:28 . From the City council of the city t* and amendments thereto; •nt'. ofof thosetboxe admitted.admitted. OfOf thethe ad-ad their hands full trying to keep order. rulaed aa an objection to tba location of fiv figure Elections—D. D. Schenck, $3: W. From the City saidraid bondsbonds toto bete designateddesignated “County"Coun lUstons 179 patients were born their hands full trying to keep order, etght dollars 185711». ThisThi figure Elections—D Bchenck. $2; W. ofof EUxabcthElizabeth reonesirngrequ that a bear- Hospital•spltal BonBond? dr”" Inin the the sumsum ofof $1,000$l,0( mission* 179 Patients were born In bat finallyDually succeededsueeeeded Inin gettinggetting theirtheir waawaa mademade possiblepoaa: by reason. ofof the the H.H .Winter. Winter. ISO;(50 ; J. J. Gardner, $30; _ig be given the ich, payable In thirty 130) years NewNew Jersey,Jersey, 327S3 7 werewere nativesnative* Kuestsguests seatedseated andand properlyproperly chaper-ehaper- county supplying the nee—ary,ry_rall rail-- ChesterChester jSpltllehouseBplttleh, . .roTV:$30 ; John Bad - ".gpj^ h-. ^ro0"Srie£b*ra of th. •h. payable In thirty (301 years otheotherr StatesStates andand 203203 werewere ofof foreignfort ied. IngIng fromfrom thethe ProspectProspect avenueavenue (West-(West- **«T.gley, 815-59;$15.50: LeonLeon Farr*.Farra> 920., $30;S30John : O.Q Bad-. W.W .Flaantlal, Commlttro. m the dateate thereof,thei of. withwith iInterest Llrth. oned. fieldfield) I bridge,bridge, aaas thethe streamstream ata t thatthat Cole.Cole. 930.$30 ; M.M . Stewart.Stewart. $30;$30 ; HerbertHerbert OraaalaatlonOr Fromran tuitio Haghn «^ fw-letv'F.> Fox. ofcommending th* charily the rate of four and one-halfhalf peperi Urth. TheThe entertainentertainment meat,, aaaa aaual. usual , waswa s pointpoint waawaa coveredcovered andand thethe railingrailing Ackca.AckenJ . 810;$30 : C.C . H.H . Wlnana.Wlnana. 8*1^50:$31.50; th/^S?dth» taa^rt forfor luitV actloii^ on the tuber- it.. perper annum,annum, payablepayable atat thethe Na- Na - Dr..Dr. EvansEvans s*yssays ItIt isis gratifyinggratlfylnf to delightfuldelightful andand fall?fully appreciatedappreciated bbyy la reaching tb., asm* should ootSot aeceaeary.necessary. |, ^^&.& J . Smith. •^^bu$9: John KeronKeron * Son.Son . rulosla'etfoST^aeaUo question? and ™ advising^advising ththee tionalil StateState BankBank ofof Elliabeth.Elizabeth. N reportepori anan Increasedincreased percentagepercentage ooff re- the childrenchildren whowho werewere especiallyespecially constcount againstagainst thethe otherother advantagesadvantages C. A. SMITH. *18: : Staal*yStanleSttnley Rrod.Reed, 850:$50 :: HenryHenry aoirotlon.election ofof a all#sii on highhigh ground.ground, thatthat saidsaid bondstonds shallshall bebe vlgoedsigned coveries daring the year. The recov- pleaaepleasedd withwith thetbe movingmoving ToTo obtained by reason of said location. JACOB MARTIN. '1'Schoppe" Behopp*.— . 954;$54"" ; Jam*,James Hurley.Hurley. *$10:$30" ; OnOn motionmollon Iherothese c ittnlcmtlODS ication* by thebe DirectorDirector ofof thethe BoardBoard ofof Cho-Cbo -er!Tie ei] amountedamounted toto 26.226.2 perper cent,cent, basbas-- r. Sanderson is due much of tbe obtained by reason of said location. IT FreeholdervFreeholders ofof theth e Coaaty d on tbe numlher admitted, shown Mr. Sanderson la due much of the SignedSigned byby 104104 resident*resident* ofof theth e W.W. J.J. THOMPSON.THOMPSON. I Fred Fred Herman.Herman. 931:$31; NlrtioluNicholas Mooaey.Mooney.1 werewere receivedreceived aadand placedplaced • i file. I'nion and the Collect ed on the nnmlber admitted, showing sueceaaiceeaa ofof thethe afternoon'safternoon's proceed-proceed- county. OnOn motionmotion ofof FreeholderFreeholder JoacaJones re-ree-- 921;$21 : HenryHenry CookCook 41.74.IS.73. COMMITTEECOMMITTEE REPORTS.REPORTS. rountyin . andand scalethe dCollector with of aald at gaingain ofof 1.21.2 t*rper eent.cent, overover thethe ppre-i ingsings andand forfor thetoo partpart hehe tooktook Inin pro-pro- On motion of Freeholder Doane reivedreived nodand placedplaced onon Bl*. file. || Jail—H.Jail—RJail—R.. T.T . Potto.PottaPotta.. 824.14.$14.22124.22.. 938.45;$3 $3 8 4545 -- Gentlemen—TourGentlemen—TouGentlemi r commute*committet e ap- countv.:he board and, ansealedd properl withy thenumbered seal of, ceding:edins year.year. MoraMore thanthan 8fi86 perper cent,cenl viding entertainment which, was an received and referred to Committee Coinmmeeon redecktng brldgea on CentraCl l Be«Btt Co.C . $24,85$2485 , $46.28$6 : pointeid to select a site upon wkich the board, and properly numbered, :f those who were restored gained viding entertainment which waa aa received and ref erred to Committee committee on rodeektag bridge, oa Central Beef Co.. 114.45. 144944.94: 18: ..pointed to relecl a aHa upon wklck and a registry thereof kept by thecf those who1 were restored gained expensiveexpensive . HeHe hashas thetbe lhankathanks ooff on Tuberculosl. GrantCram avenueavenue aadand ColonUnion road.road. Roe-Boa- HlldebreadtHildebrandt CoCo. . . |4lS49.S5 it,; J.J. o.O" . Bro--Bra - toUt erect: a countycounty lobercaloMatuberculosis hogpt-hospl- •nd rda : registryand tha therect said bonds be their menta j equilibrium ' oaMr TubercoloaliJohn N Cadv . Summit, N J. •U*.elle. |kaw.|kaw . 135.44:$35.44; HenryHenry Schmidt.Schmidt, 87.75:J7.70; tnl-ronatoriital-nanatorlu m would respectfully re- moard: and that said their menta equilibrium within nonott onlyonly thethe committeecommittee batbu t ofof theth e Mr John N Cadv. Summit. N. J. TonYoarr committeecommittee wonldwould reportreport thatthat II.H . R.R . Llvengood.Uvengood. 815:125 : W.W. C.C . TuOba.Tubbs.'pOr portt thatthat ItIt baa carefully lnspeete<: r©a bonds,bond*, saidsaid couponscoupons toto bebe signed signed twelve months afterifter theirtheir admission.admhsslo entirentiree lodgelodge whosewhose membersmembers modemade MyMy DearDear BirSir—Confirmin -Confirmingg ourour vervor-- by the Director of the board, and the the treat for the children possible. bal acceptance cf Edgar Road, Len- 'hethe workwork oaon bridgebridge onon ColonInion roadroad 85.14;$5.20; WoodhullWoodhull ftA Martin.Martin. 110.33:$30.32; thethe varioaavarious atteasites lltaatedsituated InIn d dlHlere m by the Director' correspon of thed hoard,to the aad severa thal the treat for the children possible. ington street and Milton avenue con- wawaaa letlet toto AlexanderAlexander KerrKerr A Bon.Son. JamraJames Johnafon.Johnston, $74:$75; C.C .W. W Dodd.. Dodd ,part, part sof o thof tb ecounty. county ,tkaro thes epci propertie sbondnumbers t oto whic correspondh they shal tol thebe severalseveral- A WoMderfnl Woman. nectionlagion .afreet Unio nand coantr Mllroa. oavenuen Octobe ron-r thay beingbeing thethe iowrollowest bidden,bidders, atat 4135.$125 , 41.17:$5.1 T; FannyFanny Dodd.Dodd, $30:$30 ; Pa*-Pas- aaggeatedsuggested toto aaus ettkoreither byby agent,agents oorr bonds to which they shall be several- Mctlon. Ualoa coaaty. on Octoher $1271137.. AfterAfter tkUthis workwork kaghad beenbeen ^ oual*quale Orlando.Orlando. 474.$70 . I(owners owners,, tbronahthrough Judicialjudicial advertizingadvertlslni llyy attached:attached: provided,p-ovlded. however,however, thatthat •Thrifty."Thrirty. Ulajshe? aha?”" “Dose"Does tobaccotobacc makemake a man uer- 13.13, lfilf.1910 , II herebyhereby fioflfynotify . and.and . of said Dlrec- •Thrifty?"Thrifty* %I wontwon't goeo lataInto aa longI. vooe?*’ throughthrough , thethe BoardBoard ofof ChosenChosen started It waa discovered trotthat ttb.'b Cbltdren'a GuardGuardian*—N lane—N.. J.J . StateState aadand thethe publicitypublicity givengiven tbathe robjactsubject bbyy a facsimilecslmile signatureslcnatu of said Direc- "It 1* likely to," replied the phy- Freeholder*,Freeholder*, thatthat thath* saidsaid roadroad hahaaa walls ot the bridge were fallinfallingg tto Board of children's'*—•f-t CGuardians,"™rdlanam , lit.-««.- tkathe aewapapernewspaper pproi of tko aoroty. tor may be engraved or lithographedllthographed dlcourae.d[coarse. I merelymerely telltell youyou thatthat abe • It lu likely to.” replied the pky- been completed to onr entire satis- pieces, toan rebaUdd H wa tha conaiderewall> d S3. Well-knows experts havo bees ro ro!d roonor, la 11*0 of actual' banksbanks moneymoney laIn December.”—Louts-December."—Louis- siciansletan., “if"I thlu bla wifewife object*objects toto bl*hi s uH!o!°SS!ufthiwfSrlfaction and Is therefore £e5uTi?£accepted up- t1o rebuilb d th*e walls «tlrelyentirely Lunacy—W . R.R. CodtaftOfi.Codlngton, 869.45;$(0.4S; ceaauhedconsulte•aaltedd aadudand theirth.*^’advice' their adviceadvice haahaa beenbean signing,signing, aadud habe ItIt tartkerfurther rill#ville Courier-Journal.Courier-Journal. smoking”—Exchange.smoking."—Exchange. wisonIll ro 10i1 PfflPit ir® discussiSHDS Sm MM pm PROBUM m. MRS c.h.. 6.H bibcock. Up» duoDEA D MUM IS 2US8EULT HI HUE MB Of Cllf Ij thethe attitudeattitude ofof reapertrespect whichwhich JI badbad _ Govornot.Governor. ElectElect CallsCalls UponUpon triedtrl.d toto maintainmaintain . BatBu tI Ibare har ebam bee nOfferOffe rSuggestion Suffgeetion ThatTha tEffort Effor tWall Wel lKnown Know nWoman. Woman Ho, Note tad d Plainfleld's Percentage of Gain ! Residence ofof D.D. C.C. IringIyina Bod.Bad- ImitationImitation ofof thothe Mutor Master anandd toftl«rt withoutwithout aa Choicechoice In the matter. Hewjf«w JereeyJmej CitizensCitizens toto 8m Bee "The•The Issueluue Isla plain.plain. IfIf Mr.Mr .Smith Smith FirsUrnt babe Mad. Made toto Obtain Obtain foforr BanaToUnoaa,Benevolence*. Succumb*Succumb* lIna TamTen TunYears HanBaa Been Been ljrly DamagedDamaged byby Water Water Practio*Practice ofot thothe OoldonGolden lala aeataent bachback toto (hethe Palterfuller SlatesState* SeaSen - ThatThat JusticeJustice isIs Done.Done. ate.ate, thetbe DemocraticDemocratic partyparty aadand tb« BetteBatterr Contract.Contract. AltarAfter LonsLong Ulnaaa.Illness. BatBut 3626 PnrPer C*nt. Cent . ■anndd Flames. SUieState ItaelfItself Isla moremare deliveredd..iu.-rM laIn - tin- bands of the very Influences I'KOMISEXT MTI/.K\> CONFER. A 8TEP8OS SCRV1VEB BirrKM-Y SMEWmeW HMITH. to the hands of the very Influences nuiMixRvr iinzKvi conns, a hteihox «mvin> her. Mum nnTEn WIM THE ItUZK. . SVV \< Hit I-HKK. from whichhih Itf hadb straggled to set M188 trrrrrs WINS THE; PKIZE. BAYS8-1VS UMI1KAMl’Kf.. H MTAtYHAlUCB. Itaelf free. Nothing could have i g Uilbert, Dimom Mod HuUteln dowrtsbt Had I*rgr Rodtj Holdings Be- Preorrek "Ho- - llnredPL. .-I kmIn the U Mmore unfortunate than Mr. Smith’s . K.l term- •*-«*•/ H.-UI-o Ik. Her (iup* U'u Hut 17 of the Exact M.-n of Churvta of lh« candidacy.more unfortunat j| revive*e tha then Mrhlorms. Smith' ands Hrr Her time. *u Ret IT of the Kcs dwrrh mi tho hi a MoM Remark- candidacy. It revives the ilanna and LookLook Il’KkWith F.rorFavor oaon ~M."M. O.- O." qMM .. Mr. SmithSmith andand thosethose whomwhom hehe engineer. last summer she suffered a second trifle above twenty-flve per ci a mark of esteem Mr. Swackhamer In nn ooniKftaared .terms for Jits ai- engineer. Ian namm.r nho anltercd a aocond According to tbe census, of 1900, thole lowerlower floor.floor. ItI t waswaa afterwardafterward was elected an honorary member of la do on measured Urmi for his at- presents■ havehave mademade ItIt Inevitableinevitable . Among tbe invited ones present stroke of paralysis, while at ber According to the census of It00, was elected an honorary member *2 mong the Invited ones presem stroke of paralyala. while at her Plainfleld bad 15,369. Tbat waa the learnedtamed thatthat thethe flames'flames originatedoriginated the association and waa besides given titude la (he sanatoria I rontesf. "Tbe"The peoplepeople mustmust nownow apeakspeak theirthelt wereiLV.F. L- V. F. Randolph.Randolph. JohnJohn B.B. Du-Du- summer home In Watch Hill. R. C Plalafleld had 18,389. That was tbe the Association and 1 ThaThe l#t'#rMtM f'.llowa:fillowt: minds In unmistakable terms to iho* aommor horn. In Watch Hill. R. I. twelftwsltthh esastas.censua. TbeThe eleventheleventh c*ce InI thethe basementbasement andand maymay possiblypossibly a rising vote ot thanks. ilads In uumlsukable terms to thoee mont. Alexander Gilbert, WllUnm 8. She was able to be about, however. ne been caused by the wooden col" a rising vote of thanks. "In"In TlewTlew ofof Mr.Mr .Jamea James smith,Smith, Jr/s.Jr/s, whom they have chosen to represen She -an nhln to bn about, hoverer. USis showedabowed aa populationpopulation ofof 11,867.11,367, have been caused by the wooden cold Mr Swackhamer spoke on "Tbe Whom they have chosen to represent Tyler. George M. Holstein. George P. On Wednesday she took a drive and ■ Ir box catching in some way . froi Mr. bwackbatner spoke publipulljcc avowalavowal ofof blabla candidacycandidacy fortor tbem. It ow be determined On Wednaedsy ah. look a Inr. and MiasMiss JeanJean MontgomeryMontgomery Stltcs.Stite*, ofof catching In some way from Duties Of Cltisenshlp," telling tbe them. It meat bow be determined MelllckMetllrk.. CityCity TreasurerTreasurer WilliamWllUam PF . yesterday she waa about the house le furnace, lu Hi- opinion of Chief 2>utie* Of CJtlsenabip." telling thetbe Matseat inin thetbe SenateSenate ofof thetbe TattedUnited rbether the present members of the ceatordar nk. -am about thu bourne 111100 EastEast FifthFifth street,street. laIs thothe winnerwinnei the furnac*. In tb» opinion of Chief mbers of the club thst ther each whether the present members of the Arnold.Arnold, StreetStreet CommissionerCommissioner AndrewAndrew durinduringg thethe curlyearly partpart ofof thetbe . oane tbe flames had been Bmoulder- members of the clnb that they each matesStatus presentlyp ii ly rotatedvacated byby theibo Hon.Hon . eglalature are representatives of the ofof thethe liveflve dollardollar goldgold piecepiece offeredofferee Doane the flame, had been smolder- bad a duty that sbonld not be shirk- Legislature are representatives of the JJ.. GavettUavett andand GeorgeGeorge H.H . Frost.Froat. TheThe ig tor several hours. had a duty that should not be shirk- John Kean. Iti becomesb mymy dutydduty toto •fipie or puppets ot a bl-partlsan lira.Mrs. BabcockBabcock -anwaa UlanMiss EugenieEugenie L.L. byby TheTbe DallyDaily PressPress toto thethe personperson whowh« ing for several hours. ed. He said that to bring the ratl- people or puppets of a bi partisan memberberss ofof thetbe CommonCommon CouncilCounci l Mr. Ivins telephoned to flre head- ed. He said that to bring the mll- laylay beforebefore thetbe voter*voters ofof thethe SlateState thethe Achlne. I believe In organisation, Le—la,Lewis, danaht.rdaughter ofof lir.Mr . aodand lira.Mrs .Na- Na- mademade thetbe guessguess nearestnearest toto thetbe exactexaci Mr. Irina telephoned to Are head- enial down men must live in tmita- I believe la organisation. presenpreeentt were.were, FredericFrederic E.E . IfygattUygat t quarters as soon as be was aroused lenlal down men must live In Imita- fanfart a aana II knowknow them,them, andand thethe rea-rea- 1 j desire to co-operate with Democrats thanthan K.K. Leals.Lewis, andand nheshe -aawaa bornborn atat population. HerHer predictionprediction waswaa 20.-20, quarters as soon as he was aroused >f the Master and practice the I desire to co-operate with Democrats chairman ofof thethe specialspecial waterwater com-com- and. when Chief Dfane arrived with tion of ths Mooter and p met lew th* sonssons »bywhy Itit aeetnaseems toto meme ImperativeImperative \, ! ever y affiliation in carrying tbe Hopklntonllopklnton., It.K. I..I. , MarchMarch IP.29 , HI).1847 . 1 Van Horn, of 323 Weal and when Chief Deane arrived with golden rule. "The spirit of Democ- of every affiliation■ In carrying the missionmission;; FrankFrank L.L . Holt.Holt, WilliamWllUam L.L . Robert Van Horn, of 813 West he first apparatus ho sent In a gen- golden rule. "The spirit of Democ- tbat Mr. Mariine and not Mr. Smith j irty forward by union and harmony Sh.She spentspent herber girlhoodgirlhood dorsdays atat Hop-Hop- Front street,., waswas nextnext best,beat, hisbis guessguess the first apparatus be sent In a gen- racy baa spread," he said, "in Ger- that Mr. Martin# and not Mr. Hiuith J party forward by union and har: Cloak.Gloak. GeorgeGeorge 8.S. Clay,Clay, DuncanDuncan W.W . eral alarm from box 27. Tbe men racy has spread," he said. "In Ger- shouldsbould bebe sentsent toto thethe Senate.Senate . | of action towardstoward sthe tb eareat grea tacre aervic Ice e klnton.klnton. LaterLater .heshe -uwas enca«edengaged beingbeing TheThe third third nearestnearest pre-i eral alarm from box 27. The men many. England and In the United Taylor,Taylor, FrancisFrancis L.L. Montgomery,Montgomery. Her-Her- ound the basement and first floor In many. England and In the United •"in-fo Beforei T consented to allowallow m*.my Iwhich which It! can render:nde rthe th ecountry. country ,If i fIt f t school teacher:ber atat Westerly.Westerly, R.R . I.I.[dlctl dictionDn waswa s20.7IS. 20,718 . It was mads by found the basement and first floor In States, and In the latter country Rave bert BuxtOUItuxton and*and' . Mayor-electMayor-elect G.O . lames, mostly In the partitions. The States, and In the latter country gave name «o} bebe putp r before before theI he StateState Dem-jDem- armW1n but],„ bebe true t to Its principles. Hut She rame to PlalnfleldPlainfleld Inin 1S8S.1SS3 .bar- hav - J.J . P.F . Bamberger,Bamberger . ofc Weat Front flames, mostly In tbe partitions. Tho on November 8 last an unmistakable >asement was finished off in plaster on November 8 last an unmistakable used for the . V. Moy. inging beenbeen engagedengaged asas aa schoolschool teacherteacher street.street , ign to the enemies of liberty of tbe •ngagen 'lit later anbasementd lath anwasd finishedmost of offit inba dplaster to be sign to the cnetuice of liberty of the ami benefit of Individ Having another engagement later at the Bryant School. Bhe held thlsl The highest llgui and lath and most of It bad to be tloa of Go- ••"•intht ntng. Alexander Gilbert was it the Bryant School She held thlal The highest figure was submitted away before tbe water could people." man who w&i acting as Mr. , In the evening. Alexander Gilbert was position until 1893, i was by Harry Cbristianson. of Nether- man who vm acting as Mr. Smith’snlth's whowh odo d on> no t represenpresentt thethe pePeople.c pHth |lhee first. speaker.speaker . HeH e advise*advised *the tb e position until 1*98. when she was by Harry Christianson, of Nether- iaile ayeffective. before) Ththee taswaterk wa coulds ren - Swackhamer in hi* speech f|.nk' r illllll wackhamcr In bis speech If Mr. Smith' w. lote arried to Mr. Babcock. Iwood avenue, who predicted 36.700. spokesman If Mr. Smith* wouldJ de-de- 1whose whose Interests are opposed to tl , C.-oun. o weigh the question ot a arrled to Mr. Babcock. (wood avenue, who predicted 36.700. derebe maded very'difficul effective.' tTbe by task the waschokin ren-g ed to demonstrate that the to the Senate, Mrs. Babcock waa a v l of rare The lowest submitted was that of proceeded to demonstrate that th* ..U. .. »»„/case o f rbeth ep~pi.. people .rjsrz? I must resist fw'sssuL it mpply slowly an«-.*d care - Mrs. Babcock was a woman of rare Tbe lowest sub at It ted was that of smokderede verywhic 'difficulth greatl y byhampere the chokingd the now on between Governor the Democ i should win i qualities and was beloved by all who Walter J. Swalm fight now on between Governor the Hemoergf ■ho.ld —In . major-'l^ifwrriiMiDsitDydlsimil ...ry meene at nr dl.Doaal . | fuUv befor' d-cldlMe decidi ngm omnnlctnaln municipa l qualities and was beloved by all who Walter J. ftwalm. of New street. It smokechoppers which. Several gready, o fhampered them wer ethe al- Voodrow Wilson and his supporters, lty in the Sti te Legislature. w her. The extensive edi :ation- being 15,352. Woodrow Wilson and hla supporters, knew her. The extensive education- being 15.162. choppers.most overcome Several. * of them were al- nd the opposition Is momentous. He aasuri'ii th ho would not. religious and charitable and tbe opposition la momentous. Ho assured that ho would not. __ _ religious and charitable work most overcome. tated that trade politician* and • » macblne. over agalnrt all „YOr or mtke , utl.ttr- rled on by her husband was con- Tbe flames worked their way stared that trade politicians and told that the state of hla health lh|a sinister procure to put , tory COn|rmct ,h. nalnOeld- carried on by her husband was con-f The flames wdrked secontheir d way.floor "thos0 e who had axes to grind were 1 rmUmlt It nd th l h dld ,B, ,h who tory contract with the Plalnfleld- ted by her. She was liberal in through the walls to ' had axes to grind were mid noi tinned by her. Bhe was libera) In! through the walla to the second floor"•f*Ine*?d uup in opposition to the rt«bt JfyjJlnot t “ “s.&“ JTS* S ss° STSMS* Z SJSC^- ^S Talon ;°n ToWaterB Company,T.ror wbefore.rb^T.s decid- : contributions \o worthy causes. but did not get bey In opposition to the right not desire it. common consent will not r«^>rcsent OB _Q mdeiK-ndent Dlant. Mr. 8hher con tribal0 IonsC tor worthyL causes, but did not get beyond The chern- “?•*f tb e*» peopl *> e to choose their United — consent will not represent ,ng on an ln(fependeQt piant. Mr, She ariu,vd her son, George L. Babcock, III leal stream and four lines of boaa of the people to choose their United "In mediately afterarter thethe electionelection tbsthe people,people ,stands Ibe candidacy of. |,unumr supported Mr Gilbertherf In In his hi. ° *** • °’ ’*° ** BalMOCk. Ill leal stream and four lines or hose tates Senators, and that these op- .ands the candidacy of, Uumont Bup!K,rted Mr. Gilbert in his gave (4.000 toward the equipment of from the steamer poured water into States Senator*, and that these op- Mr.Mr. SmithSmith camecanu> toto B“c»••<• me m ande an saidd sai dMr. Mr Marline,. Martin isupported by the vote* ouln|on ureed that the Council ,hn•»»”-mhontOT ««.««« to-.rdBt lhe Ptatb. taftaqutpmeutld H,v. h of from the steamer poured water Into were found in both parties supported by tbe votes i | urged that the Council the laboratory at the Plalnfleld High posers ware found In both parties thatthat hadhad l»eenIMN his his fsellngfeeling beforebefore .1^-elec- of a veryy i.rgsU majority of tbe Dem- ««op JiSloualy^nn on and the matter lie mid ' ? * « .wer part of the houseliji and ths of B 9cr v th l the tlon. that be was feeling strong- ocrats who e majority or the Dem- go cautiously in the matter. He,M, saidMrSchool HMhrr, itrk bein g given In honor of the (110 ftr»7. was 6UuV~out at half I*""*: » *>■« >'“trust■»»* *"sn■d> •'specia■«'*>l •»-in- nor. bu. I ha, b,- ... f—link a.rou,- who cbo« ,o .aprom Itelr rta"lhi ir«l ^u«> “ i^mi l^te School, It balug gW.n In houor of .ho pasfl t four Tbe recall waa sounded terests were antagonistic to the pop- —er m~Aand hopefd lb.*that ih.the • Legislature preferenca e ,a_hos e. to expres|t s their tDmwhethert the grea th tre que8t womMlon Iseeme *° ^d to b~e latThe Mr.* Babcock. : ,;pul four. The recall .» waM J,t 448 jular choice of United States Sens- 'ea. it Is m to whetber there would be sum- aouldwould Offeroffer himhim thetho I I point-point - i»,my earn earnes™t tand an ddeliberate dellberai judgment “^1’ JIYr 7uppw' far"the "ftiVtira t Th» Enkllahe EnglisT nprlaoh pru ofe o|!5f |2 In5 ihooka.n books , HloorrHlsor lay repeatingIs repeatin Itaelfg In New “ ll- j. ' 77'* “ “ ueoDle'-ould "bo tor Judgment t.ient wster 8Uppiy for the future ' A "number of holes were chopped' "- be"""* «»• I"**'*' *<>•" *• eded outout toto himhim thatthat thisthis actionaction onon hishi s thattha t ItI tla i stbe th eduty dm ?of o fthe th eDemocratic Democrati c mnee(^dsi Bof o fpuinflcld piainflel deven underde pres-r ores - which waK‘s «give «hehn eac .yqarh .yea atr athet thJersey.e Jersey In. theIn fallthe offal l1892. of 1892 shortly’, shortl ln yAlh numberflm floor of holesthe were chopped • fhfK>^, .Qeb men M WOuld in the first floor abd these proved a "I"1* to chooBe such men as would partpart wouldwould confirmconfirm allall thethe ugliestugliest membersmember ,of o fthe th eLegislature Lesi.lature to t oratify ratify „eB, t condltlonB|.u . vvhiiwhU e Mm p.,,,Plalnfleld. "lalnflel Highd Hig Schoolb Schoo commence-l commence after- afte Clevelandr Clevelan hadd habeend bee electedn electe d ® *« proved ■ .v_ n roM ni n danger to the flreaen a. they moved, *»»hol.d *«TAlupport from Sueb the campaign concern- that expression of preference by geemed 10 be ot thi pinion that there ment by Mr. Babcock, was continued President, eight Assembly] I legislation as tbese Interests deair- tin- htm. and urged him about in the darkness. One of ngly electing Mr. Mariine a s plenty of water and that a »• inty addressed a letter to ! ed. He insisted that the only reme- •ot t allo< his • a to be used 3. H. Freeman,- fell through t pal plant could be operated success- •*> i i her contributions James i iith, Jr., asking him to be- ; dy for the evlla of class legislation all: but my • nta had 1 ^-rStali time - Senator f» aTBLW*" ididate for United States j la the selection by the people Of rcp- ras Chosen tbe party caucus ,hp ultimate r«nult Seventh-Day Baptist church, of which Senator. Smith county I resentatives who are In favor of iubs*>qui •n..,l that be- rormally Indorsed Mr. Msrtine as H- |__ l**e U ..»__ ^ llfe-lonll«_ W******Mg member********!*.*<. : Ni~ man«**_*. , anmW**±Md ever•- y one of the eight owed Untll the que-- lore my nomination and at the very candidate. Three years ago Mr. Smith In addition to tbese benefactions, th*'r election to him. Vp to that tlnip I waa told tbat he would not proposed Mr, Mariine for the Gov- ttled ely. Mrs. Babcock was continually giving time he had declared himself In fa- y of all good citliens to con- •s- -I'. ii..- seat, he had made an eraorshlp. Throughout tbe Union tbe -. Dumont belli or f to the worthy poor, many individual * ° the election of Gov. Leon Ab- slder i itlousiy the contest which Is axreemtnt with the leader of the Democratic party ha* turned wltb y should try to make tbe best pos- bett <"><>• The loi osn contents Is trifling. cases receiving her care and atten- - There was supposed to be no now on, snd to set the part of pa- Hudson county organization that the greater and greater enthusiasm to ile contract with the present water • i - iin- damage is fully tlon. It has been said that no worthy other candidate In the Held. But the triots. He said It would be found \>t the Hudson county members the practice of following the prefer- mpany and thus avoid Lhat practically all the enemtes of

jpany cannot guaranteep, r f tor tumisn an Mr. Hebeoek owned a handsome Uom which Woodrow Wilson Impos-j oa Referringbetween principleto tbe fight and now"tha inter-goto* Bounced"Mr flailih hi. candidacy,has at last butpublicly be beean- character,..Mr Martlne of fine la fidelity a man toof bla sterling party c®m#; H#»»«®r h* 11■***®"P Aj*? °1 fUy summerand her home residence at Watch on West HOI, Eighth.R. "ould©** the consent party to leaders accept beforetbe nomlna-] he • ests" he said that the party which waswon nowso signal dlvldsd. victory but thatat thethe pollsfight lo o UPPl,r d fiorth wasfor tbeWoodrow principle, Wilson, whose will rbomploabe fought Wr. Of ih. Lrglklkiur.>f‘vrr- to aot. ni.forr sr.iri'^'Lrhnncf.b'i”liu'.TYtl^'wm”d«teii«T7nd “Vh'._ ,6"°ow. '* '*•' stssj'-.iis“ •0,,• u"’ '1h™™H^'n.bc^-k ,. .Dd h.nd~m.i, l. .nclrcd hr a »of■»or «<*«. ,h,th.“ Seute* .^^-1^0-,.. ”r,“* "lT«.'iif55;«»1 *“ .. Dtemnbor. Franc., teldcl; mesas would be used to save from • tlon wi finall defeatdefeat thethe greatgreat victoryvictory wonwo la ganlaallon aould>uld bobe loin controlcontrowooMl orof th.the |ndorKIn^a'irii.,d „ ,h.? ,,1),^U^T b. thoThVp^." pooplo.^ Th.Th legale iega right,. rlKht sof o th.f th -.tore wate com-r com - ^^^T^jV^'S’*"! ^ «V*.to PapeakI dto" apeak'foV'smitb forrt Smith,OD thatd; SmithtV*t~oa, d m,l**\c- the eight eJgnt;A# Aa- ■*»•«. XU, ."L 77' nd James Smith, Jr., declared to be commltteeB and the committees made1 | U and Jamea Smith. Jr., declared to he commit,res sad the Committees made ffaitB,.wh In.wi- thi scardinal cardina l mattermatte rof o fself- self -vestlgated veatigated this thi sphase phas eof o thef th questione questio n toemblymen'semblyme fromn froEssexm Essecounty,x county set- , act* - J»me whiting,s Whiting hsrmonlca; harmonic solos,a solos. faced by the people up aa he wiabed them to be tbe greatest ever faced by tbe people up me he wished them to be. HeHe hasba . *governme ' n ConfirmConflr mtbVvotc "be vot ofe LMr M r«»metimo sometim ago.e ago . MR MRTt’T.VAM. PITNA DKNUMM 1H5V1E IIKS H HK* 8 . ; iag ej„ ,nclIg elscU. M dldy M lhe dlJrd theipredeceswrar predecessor ^ds ^loy Snell:d Snell recItMtlon*.; rect»tions A Surprise,, A Surprise , thofe tbe greates 8UU.t offeredoff.-n-il toto assistassist membersmembers InI | obtain-obtain- Martin#£?•£. andSd theth eprinciple principle of o ?the th epeo- pe ^ AnA nImportant importan tdeclaration declaratio nby b yMr. Mr . PARTNERPABTSE OFR O DEP M BKIGARD. BRICABD1 eighteen. ol*hteItoFollowing*"»» thethe speechspeech thethe enterenter - ns they mightmight prefer.prefer. InIn brief,brief , hehe *!tB*£&l*l£ia^im'||y |B practice; Ignor ItK andai dthe Ua sopinion opinion"th the eold ol dcharter charte ofr oth#f th Plain-e Plain" - RobertRober Putram.t Putram who. wh haso ha always, alway Bs candidatercandidatTfoTu;"Senate for the Senate. Tester-" Teste ? HowelHodgskin:l Hodgskln A; CbrtotmasA Christma s tatnmenttainment committeecommittee servedserved hothot eof-cof- h lumed that he and other gen- JJJJJ , l ffl^Ch priifta field W.ter Company, which was sold *«» looked upon as a partner in the J? , ^ Thought, Clifford Marsh; Christina.; fee and sandwiches. On the evenln, baafts SMumeda that he sad other gen- people willU distrust both primaries field Water Company, which was sold *»#en looked upon as a partner la the d-y hlBhi repm repiy lo7 tlbo attna lettert lette wasr W madeM m Thought.e Clifford Marsh; Cbrtotmas tee and made tehee. On the •veulog tlemcntUement rotnot electedelected toto thethe Legists-Legtsla- andind parties p,rtles IfI fthe th epresent presen tmembers member s byb ythe th elate lat eE. E R.. R Pope. Pop eto t oFrank Pran kBer- Ber Arm- firm of oDeBrtgnrdf DeBriirar d* ftCo Co. . on, owhosen whos publice < DObllc . in I„a he,t tdisregardede disregarde dhto hiQuotations.Bts Quotation* Sadto. Sadit Michael;f Michael singing,; *tnglng of. Januaryof Januar 6 ytbe 6 clubtbe cluwillb wilboldl hola d a tareture byby thethe peoplepeople wouldwould havehave tbethe or ^th e Legislaturet^-i.uture turnturn awayaway fromfrom gen*nd an dJohn Joh nKean, Kean was. wa deads dea dbefore befor efoods Rood saa a nattachment attachmen wnt w nrecently recentl . pjad,*y \ pledg je atjus ast ahes hdide diond otben thformere forme r - StNicholas,. Nlcnolaa school;, school recitations,; recttati o night"night" withwith progressive of a who samsamee controlcontrol overover thethe actionaction ofof thethe ,,h epeople peoPl e newnow they they willwil lnever never again again »i t waswa ssold sold . JfI fthis tbl awas wa strue. true Mr.. Mr pluced. place byd b Bolre.y Bolce Runyon, Rnnyo An ftCo., Co. said, sai occasion,d 'occasion and, an agreedd agree tod tbecomeo becom ae Whoa Comes? Comes GladysT GUiy Lee;s Lee A M; A SaMls-d Mis - i be Jontt houseshnuM-i thatlhat toIs understoodunderstood toto havehave naTB or deservedeMrT« another.nother opportunityopportunity RandolphRandolph saidsaid thattha t IfI fcondemnation condemnation thisthi smorning mornin gthat tha het B enever neve rhad ha dbeen bee ncandidate. candidate . take.• ^ke John- Hermann; Hermann A ;wisn, A Wish rior-, Plor- hBT# or enc beenottn rterrisedexercised byby tbethe so-calledso-called BoardBoard lot0 ^oyenjoy theirtheir supportsuppor t andan d confi-conO - proceedingsproceeding s werewer e adoptedadopte d It itwould woul dr partnerr partne Inr itben th concerne concer sndn an thatd tha hto,t hi s iThere Ther toe lthisa thi differences differenc only:e only In: In Hoagland;* Hoagland address; addres s to Santa, HKUtHEKfc, ANDAND THERE. THERE. ofof Guardian.Guardians Ofof thothe RepubllcmaRepnblican partyparty denc,.o . not nobot dincultbe difficul tot proveto prov thate tha thet thfrmn-e fran only- onl cdhnoctlony connectio -Ithn wit Ith -u. It wathats thaof t jof„ 189 b.3 delay'dhe delaye thed announcementthe announcemen brt J«n8loHodkikln:» Hodgskln teellatton.; Tarttation The, Tbe dnc S : ilon rereolrecent yearn.ypars. 'Tbe...rj, Uaue, lnai> In. utherefore,- therefore aot'mere-, not'mere eotoe- cbls tlamixeae damage ahonlds shoul notd no andt an -ouldd woul and eemploye.n employe , ' • (of tdeel.ion his decisio untiln untilhe lere tb eof ev tbee o f"* the ‘‘B»hy' **“*-s Stocking. Grac, e l.Bolen ; At a party at tbe home of Mr. sad •Ii ssiaaaldsaid inInin mymy rormerformer statement.ulementatatement ly„, yBB ,inn iaaUilMUMuaeO betweenb.!»eenbetWeen choosingehooelnxchoosing aa rep-rap-rep -not no tbe b eanything,an,thine. anything . Ur MPutnamr Putna doelaream declare thats tha het aeaerhe seve caneua.r canens -hen, whe Itn -aaIt wa toos tolateo lattoe pro-to preCh^~“- Christma s Lullaby, All!.*..'pigbt gir a zf At a party at tbe borne of Mr. i regarding this matter that If Mr resenUUve of the p*op!e or a repre- George M. Holstein favored mak- »: uon> rn Christmas. MmMrs. NathanNathan RUkln,Rlskln, Inin Sherman MpardlnB this matter that ir Mr. re.ent.tive of tbe people or a repre- George M. HoUteln favored roak- hlgned the lease . which he was, vent the betrayal. ThU year he has f|™™ ;1 \ '... _ 7~1, „„. l- .lined the leeae -hlcb be -u aent th. bMrayal. TO. nu I, hu A nor Friaht. Rus- atreet.t reel. Paaaalr.Paasalc, WednrodayWedneaday afterooM,afternoon, HmSmit thh shouldmould bebe sentsent toto th*the lulledUnited amUtiriMnt,tlve ofof theth e businessbusines s machine,machine . lag|n asB * satisfactory. MtUfactor ycontract contrac ast « *poos!- posat. 1--c ebanedcharsed -Itbwith alznloisigning . HeH« ;attnono- annonn - repliedreplied earlyearl yenouab. enough .It I tIt 1 *belleyml. believed, ! "“ * *tUeer . Sant. a * Fright, Rus- Stales Senate bs would not go as the bul aB ^ batween sustaining or ble with th* companyprmnt waterera that company be haa r. Korsbet sar- resents:resent ai lIve ve ofof particularparticula--r 1.Interett -oreatas inIn ,[ do BOt ^ how how anyany truetrue DemocratDemocrat untiluntil suchsuch timetime asa s allal lImportant importan twish wis hhim hi m succes* in the new venture. leading physicians. Dr. Korshet aur- do not iM] alnglng, Christmas Bells, school; rec- prlsed the guesM by presenting Miss ththee Stale.State, -1thwith —hlrhwhich 11I t Isla -ellwel l ,^^ „ , dreammanee. tircumstsnee *donbl doub thla b Upoints point sare ar dehnltelye definitel yMilled, settled . . —t»! fr opportnn.ty of mlsrepreeeotlai .If,™singing.'; “' Christ than Bella, school; prtoed tbe guests by presenting Mto* u ia he itations, Mr. Jolly Santa Clanl, Lu- Riakln with books of the drams, po- hhoanknown hehe hashas alwaysalways beenb«*n Identified.Identifled. , i away» fromfrom Itit toto bamrdhaiard TheTh e member,member s ofo f Ibeth eCommon Commo n Tbe Klakln with book* of tbe drama, po- dut7duty oror tnrnnrn W4y Jame* *U«tO—■ Mr. Jolly Rant* CUoa. Lu- etry, and fiction by* Victor Hugo, IItt laIs slmltemstslgnlflcant 'hitthat hi.his candidacycandidacy laIs . , .,d litte„„„r dtacredlt.dtocredll."" ConnellCouncil diddid notnot enterenter IntoInto thethe fen-gen -OI8 OLD ZOCAVE ZOUAVE ARMORYARMORY etry, and fiction by* Victor Hugo. rBbMnhmme RD d 8mlt“h. Jr!!'the tao^tk who cllle WrUlx* to ^nt^ An- de Baliae. George Bernard stpportepp d by the Camden paper ^ discussloa, th« object of tbe con- IS BEIJiG TORN' DOW?!, aspires tr lucceed John Kean lionore de UaUac. George Bernard aapportrd by the Camden paper — eral edlw-aaalon. tha object of the eon- 18 BEING TORN DOW* aspire* to succeed John Kean in the Ik Ibsen, Leo Tuinory. known 8haw, Henrik lbeen. Leo Tototory, ' bebe ownedowned oror controlledcontrolled byby oj_ IYV\IJD fsrence being solely for tbe purpose — - j United State* Senate, i* one long »-ta»®r WUaon. A 8ugg#etk»n. Cath OCR INVALID. firence being solely for the purpose e ne 8 le gh the Tele- Mr.. DavidDavid Ualrd.Uaird. Mr.Mr. JohnJohn W.W. GriggsOriggs ^ ofof gettinggetting tbetbe opinionsopinions ofof somesome ofof Elisabeth’.Elltabeth' a old VeteranVeteran ZoulVeZonlVe storystory ofof betrayalbetrayal ofof friendsfriends andand ofo f®*®®^ »*^ IsaacIsaac Zangwill,Zangwlll, jackJack London.Londoi AltonAllf i letterletter recentlytly published,pnbllsbed, hashas he large property owners. It is Art taKUtanath. wWh was j partj, He ha. broken party pledges £">«• JoIimiIl"l ?aU Chri%T* Upward,Upward, andand other*.others. InsteadInstead ofof aaaa 1 4 m It Is only In extreme case* and at »*• torg# property la Armory. In Elisabeth, -hlcb -aa j party. He ha. broken party plednea Eve, Gei RI h condemned i ; fork Uklng any part in the andand personalpersonal promises.promises. it.He k«*has ■adii.iET*,- Gertrude Rltteahouse: When engagementngagement ring.ring, Speaking of hto thtathin *^!matter *mi prl ba1 aB thereb**??*?by con !* -Inopportune time, that aUUora are probable that other eonferenee. of a built forty yaars ag° vanced hia own Interest• aa atat tth Itaae a«.«•! 1 D«UV«■Bant“»»<»«»?•s v_Cornea uiiim, , laauuau?«Hanna■»?..«*h miRiataStlgU■?.U *-and departuredeparture fromfrom tbethe time-honored cus- ,, ‘.77, , npreeslo* . nTT? thst h eT" als oexcluded from tho .lekroom—the similar character -111 be beld In th. scene of many notable iU enriched Josephine Hanlon; Grandma a MIsMto-- tom. ha said:said: General Orant, penae of.f blahta friend,friends and anrtebed Jtmepblne Rnt HanUm.n ^Jrand ha. rlleot, a'7 bo are*“ ?Inlereeted, '7*! *.In •'•f>*■ tedium ofth, eontement .mlllng Iscountenance relleeed ao additional“eat tntur. oplolona with a on .lew tht eabjeot.lo getllag Generallag reeeptlona and Gorernor lo _Ot himself. He has beei unscrnoulous ***•• Ruth Hammond:Hammond; alaglng.singing . o either mnch b General and Gorernor Gordon, of. himself He baa been aoarropnloaa . America, school. "In time* tong gone by men either «us reprr*ente«l In the Senate by Mr. _v a Georgia; Kansas City Vateraa laI naeeompllahlal accomplishing partisanpartisai end. captured htoils femalefemale partnerpartner oror pur-pur- Smith (V, far , . of ,h. l'7olT“Vrft»ou. means of trickery and the expendlt- Th*The highhigh schoolschool aadsnd grammargrammar r from ber parents wltb, h dernaalem Chapter Electa. Zouarea and Chlengo Zonaaao. la be- means of trickery and the eapendlt- grades beld their exercises at 10 chaser her from her parents with tnre of enormous snms Of money un- grade* held their exerctoe* at lfl presents. When she waa already bla ■tote are concerned and th. Btau.' to'o|f,r ’ ,a((Mtloo, tt lo the Jeruaalem Chapter, No. St. Bora! Ing lorn . do—a. It —aa recently par-] tore of enormoai some of money nn- o'clock, when Rev, Dr. C. M. Ander- presents. When she was already hi* der the name of "campaign contribi o’clock, when Rev. Dr. C. M. Aader- he placed a crude ring upon her fin- •aeentlal Intereata there — no ren- Qf rnakine n call upon the tick Arch , at a regular Conroe a- rbaaed by Commodore Walter Bern- dec the name of "campaign eootrlbo- son, of the First M. E. chureb, msde he placed a crude ring upon her fin- •ou -by a change ahonld be made - — t.. tlont, " -sn d— then, —in tb e ssjne a aoa. of th* First M. E. church, mad* ger.ger. ItIt waswss regardedregarded asas aa symbolsymbol ofo t from Mr. jobn KeanKesn toto Mr.'Mr . JameaJames ° ' as *ddree* appropriate to the aee- InferiorityInferiority andand mademade thethe wearerwearer ap-ap- offend where most wa wUh to 'or the ensuing year: HlKh Priest. lor t Smith, Jr. They are believed to The exercise* at the Watchung pear In tbe light of personal proper- •ntltb. Jr. They are belleyed to °“please™“ ..*" How many, even among W. A- Cocbran; king, John Ulrlch; -^5, ~a few years sgo tbe city of pear la the light of personal proper, aundstand forfor thetho samesame Influence,Influences aadand toto school were. heldh.l jat .t 101 0o'clock. ocloct . . Miss Rlskln will not be tnr cbat- those who axe tbe promptest to dls- scribe, Charles A. Strutevant; trea*- E,t , Bth paid $11,000 for the atruc- ty. Mias Risk la will hot be my chat- nvrrtrtlrepresent th.the samesame groupgroup ofof aelflahselfish L but mr equal, my companion and cchar«- their duty In ancb case*, are urer, Henry Lelfke: secreUry. Wll- Z£3 o be use 1 ss sn armory for the tel. but my equal, my companion and interest*. It should be a matter of * helpmate. What principally distin-, it .honld ho a mailer of leIk tha,, ttb ..their r return U «*<«» McDowell Cortell; captain of.w-u' a! Gnard, but it wu round te It to doubtful If soother helpmate. What principally d 1st la- Indifference to both Republicans and *° T guishes ^people is their ability to ladifference lo hotk Republican, aod *° ith ea«erne*sT | the host. Henry G. Uhler; principal ^ £ dilapidated to answer the par- ffuishe* ^people la their ability to likelike prominenceprominence InIn paMlc pubUc lifelife InIn [ " " ik and understand. Therefore. I Remorrals .blch of Ih. t.o repr~ ^ Then tfa« Norwood Athletic America today has a record thstj fr-n think and understand. Tbe re tors. I aeota the State at Waahlnflton. Thew nllore. America today has s record thst give Miss Riikin something for ber iffered the City of Elizabeth shouldshould soso Abeolutelyabsolutely dlaquallfydisqualify bHolhimt1 . tu tranafer* oftoal **openy give Miss Rtekln something for her "I aay these thing. -1th genuine «>-' from seeking a seat la tbe Hgtofli..Te mind, and not an ornament for herber regret. | made erery possible effort, from the legislativeseekin bodyg a Insea tb*t In load.—5f*w the bichest County°* Registrar F. H. Bmlth. KJI- finger." consistent with dignity and aelf-re- York Evening Post. Joeeph E. Meeker, et ax. to Michael Mias Risk in was valedictorian of Keanr. southeasterly side North ave- thewhich class was of graduated Paaaalr Highla Jane. School, She 1 County Registrar Frank H. flmllb. Pat ... it—.t .no-- \a Inenbalor nue. Ill feet southwesterly of Hal- to prominent In Paaanlc's social set. uadoubt#duaT^r^vru' BffTvice of theTSTfarts Democratic »da, te’^rinr.rSrh.p.:*r ta sometime* put off autlls th* \ of this city, has bean elected n dl-ihy oa. of hla tr>nda -ho had romos- STJSJSSS U Ih. ^ U no lon^r .acmaabla. j yonn. rector- - of tho- El- Mora and flog,w™ tfke Cad latersst I ad to thoIn aD aubarbs. of lhe detailsHa took and groat ol- be would very fine youngcalling her* lately la a of•«»«* Arooctotloa amloed eaerrthing —Ith great ears. I ayenoe. M feet aoutheasterly of East respeet ana »PP Chamois leather ahonld— be washed. hi™, , 2 man; be haa the right filed la the Incorporation oSc* of the coaatywhich clerk M he looked at aboe. IM.Bbth Plalafl-d II: rtonld base been aery glad lo Join -be. aeeaoaarr. ln^oapaud,. aad ■fh.^.olb“.r (M^.rl7 yooai chicken, that had Juat hate | Fraad. Mackh. lo Oomteloo Col- la according him all Juat praise. I rlteed la soapaoda— oot In clean H T* ‘ ' '.T** ' 47 Sceond Student—Ye*. I sappose had hoped that It -ould ha-possible crater Treated thu It -111 hlwaya * " »<«••«■ It. la It a- nec. aIt. carterof Mlla aa share* aateldoa. befog maa-rat- saidhatched. "Human -Ith aanature a-ed toerpr—loa a funny ha a**.lora. mon*mtuai.J . _aorth#**terly tU. Lafadarte or George she was padded to the limit, but you > oflre and eater oa keep Its original softness. scribedscribed forfor byby lfl5105 member*. thing. «ft*r an.**—Everybody *. needn’t be harping oa It all the tlaq. ThTbee ConstitutionalisConstitutionalistt OAK LEAVES AND ACORNS. A CONCRETE CORNCHIB. | A FLOWEB LEGEND. C»mbio.d Th.y Mate • Moll AtlM- I th* MyMMit OHM to •• C*M SOME STITE KR BRIEFSlPIGKS GHRISTMflS PANIC Oil TROLLEY d AltAX INDEPENDENINDEPENDENTT WEEKLYWEEKLY.. Material, at fUU tiv* (Mr fme m Library It fa now thought that Harold 0. T»bl« CanUrpiaoa. if A. U JMRCK, Editor aad Warren, of Philadelphia, the Prince- uni- HR II Rat. deMroy *r»in, cirr; H«fchlii«" ton student, will entirely recover DAY FOR SUICIDE FOLLOWING BAD CRASH Oak N'n and >i-orat lend tbem- ton ««4«at. »IU aotiralr monr | D a broken spine received recent- •elvea readily for tbe dnlgn of a pat- diseases from bouwe to buuae and from W ~m*torj of CWvalry" lt»» from a krokaa aplna racaixad non-Choosin gCkooalka Christma srbnu... morning as „ lylni friendly wreatltng boat at tbe tern wbk-b rosy be naed for a library tbeir tov* of iMtrba cans* deatrnc- wing romantic account of itw M the Ume to die. Howard Malcolm. 51 A P»t>:ifb'.tec ServicImlt*e Otata main; lin e Usecar car >universit■»!!y■ gymnasium*.»«*«. ■»"' -«“ .w u- s ^.ts^^ssl. r, table for Ib4 uar nt Ibe one wbo makes Ore Urn. Tblm u--U— wante DM be- thw popular name. towaWM anlveralty irnualsni. I years old. of Uppera«rar Montclair oli „f. comupper- mtmtnec iMoaicUlr. bouDboundd o n com-OBWea tW«m tron t krontatreet , street. i It. or. on th* other hand. It Is a very come ancb a narkmal Kwa that the d«- f«»or!t* lltll* Bower BIJO the colls for'mitted baaiclde it his boms Sunday Q««raear LafayettLafayettee placeplace,, a t at6:3 0I;SO SatHr Uttar,- FeOIat to mooed to the roll* hfor ■W»d emlcUe tt »u homei Headerih craahed Into the rear S. L, iNvniilirr a». 1010.1 sood soggvatlon for a gift. partpartDKB meatt Ooff i(Ert<-olnir agrV-nlture« a t W«»Wi>fat Waabing-- _ kratkraat. lira Delia• rusifDnula.. sixty- !al»l»-y Brin g ? a »"•*bullet int• okullaa his head Into. Tbklae alaht.Tk. craahed lato tha r»ar or bttllet ' Tan laneaj h» tbe best for thla, snd l OB two years old, at 715 Morgan street.I entered at ihe right temple a biMsg coacoall wago wagonn bel obelonging•Ring tn Clar toK Clam ton t»a l*.u«l a free bolted* on -Bo- •*» °whV *^ " "" ^ two joara old. of 711 Morgan elre-t. ballot ratal ad at tka ripkl tempi. tbe eissy < amon amongg tb « the ommendi coocrete Ooon. espertally cxpreased a deslra to poawaa j feet beforo tte motor man could MOplpeoplee ooff NonhVli.ttifl'-iiManbIplelaPeMl »'" andi Plaln Plain-- for barnabarns,, ponltrpoultryr booses, bouses.' corncrlb • rorncrlbaa wbe n th* knight. In tbe true aplrlt «* Stephangtwte. K.IIHKaltla.. tnwthlrlr-ala^ yaara old. Ikaillf bad not artarb. Tbe*bring hlaall vehicle to a atop. Alfred 0«lBeMd MMaa toIn thtbae 4**l!>l!lt faa.r.mtpr >n d aoUprscU placU-- andand snnartesgranaries.. i I,,- Theexperienc nperteoree chivalryof , plunged 1 [he aratrr anil oofr 1111*8 PielflPannec «reet at, real. Jrraap City.! board tba pound of tba abotVanNula. and ranthe driver. waa harled MbftH) ol * eoniel'dalJon of the two many farmers to tlist itraln malnre waa on blaw« wapj hom homoe e oarlp Mon dap to bU room. mudThar htm lyinfoundg him Iptn, •abllllj of a rooeol'datloo of the too many farmers la that grata matureswimmin g to tte apot. crop|iMl backwarlark nardd intintoo th etho wago wagonn on biont kit p'araep'acM . »>PIranH "imon amonas thos eiboae wbo loowhok look ru[H-arappearsa to be a strong senti- wilt not mold lo contact wtib them, > get about. The rig Itself was renuwing the agltailot provided tbere Is good ventilation and not regain tbe shore, although "WJ il in out. I The police of Montclair were notl- to get about. The rig Itself waa ment againsagainstt renewing the agitation provided there u good ventilation and blm out. | Tba pollenidly smashe of Montclaird and th ewarn barnes noth; tor n , Bom tbe roof is tight. near It. b* threw ibe flower* oj-.n tin The Paterson newsboys and their fled by the family, wbo also notified badly emaahrd and the harneei torn at this timetime.. Horn, cttlaens. some the roof la tight. Tba Pateraon n.wabopa and their «ed bp lbs famOp. who atao notifiedpieces. nfliwntlal citizens, bold that l-'nr a coracrib choose a well drained bank, and, (•••tine a last affertlonnrt 'hums again enjoyed the hospitality Deputy County Physician Dr. M. Her- to plccea. very Influential cltlxena. bold that Kor a corncrlb choose a well drained cbuDU again eu>opcd lie hoapltalltp Depot* Countp Pbpalelan Dr. M. VanNuiHer- e had delivered a load of Is (In* light of present events in Fite. Excavate a trench for an eight took upon his ImlyliiTe. he crlrd "For of Isaac A. Hall, when they were the bert Simmons, tit Orange. He vlew- VanXuls had delivered a load of la (be light of present events In slip. Excavate a trench for an eight of laaac A. Hall, whan they ware the kart aimmoon. of Orange. iaHal atvlew- Truet l Hall and was return- both the city acd tbe borough, it Is Inch concrete foundation wall around get DM notr and wu barted In (tit guests at his annual Christmas din- fd tbe body and -questioned the mem- coal at Truell Hall and waa ret ant- both the city aed the borough, it Is inch concrete foundation wall around gueets at bU annual Chriatmaa din- nd tka body and qnaatloned Ikeg mem-to Ne w Market when the accl- moat Inopportune to stir up the sub- the outside of the bonding; and to tbe waters. As the wurld Insists upon » ner Monday afternoon at Helvetia hers of the fatally, after which he ing to New Market when the acci- most Inopportune to stir up the sub- the outside of the bulkling nnd to the nar Monday afternoon at Hnlyella hem of tba fatally, after •nwhicht occurred ha . He was driving ject Just now. One even goes so far depthdepth ooff twtwoo feet feet. Wlt bWith box formbox s formaof reason of , this story Is ssgoodaaaaother hallhall,, tiathatt citydtp.. NearlNearlyy fou r fourhundre hundredd declare declaredd it a casIte ofa suicidaaaae anofd dentaulelda occurred.and He waa drlvisg as lo remark that be "do** not con- oneone incInchh sidinsidingg o u on2 by2 4 byInc h4 atudInch- boMad-t the worthy knlcbt must have bwt boys enjoyed the spread. j granted a burial permit. along the wei*t bound trade when aadly out ef bis element not to ban bopa enjoyed tba apread. I granted a burial permit.he> hear beardd thethe ca r carcomin gcoming behin d behind aider ihf matter Is regarded aerious- ding.dlng', carrcarryy thithiss eigh eightt Inc h Inchwal l wallto * to a The motorman Qf an electric train I Mr. Malcolm bad been In the dry height of twelve to eighteen Inches been a£le to rviurn from a bunk M The motorman of an electric train! Mr. Malcolm had been Inhim.Mm tba. It dryItwa swas ■proceedin proceedingg at almos at t almost height of twelve to eighteen Incheswhich bis mlxtresa coold dtacem sr bounboundd foforr AtlantiAtlanticc City City., filled Illledwith goodwith s businesgooda s bualnnaain New YorIn k Sewfor a Torkfull speeford ana d with only tbe small of either tbe borough or the city" above ground level, depending upon fall speed nnd with only the small short* ground level, depending upon•nlnot e a blossom.^ unless. Indeed, w* holidaholidayy visitorsvltltora,, MondaMondayy foun foundd the numbetha rnumber of years of, buream,t wa a compellebut waad compelled'adllgbt. the searchlight being shut to warrant discussion. the height of the drag belt conveyors headlight, the: searchlight being shut the height of the drag belt conveyors•nppos e blm to have been clad It badlybadly burneburnedd bodbodyy o f ofa negra negroo besid beaidee to retir toe froretirem activfrome woractivek on acwork- r . VanNuion ac-H attempte, d to pull out During the L« week or so. thl* usedused bbyy localocall cor cornn shelters sbellera.. :he track a mile from Atlantic City, count of 111 health. He moved to off. VanXuls attempted to pull owt foforr eonchiiurcouching,. anandd catc catchh dow ndown ever y every armor, which was a hsblllmeot lit the track a mile from Atlantic City, count of 111 health. He of movedththee waway y an toandd wa , swas hit ahita th ase wagothe a wagon paper 4ias communicated with men ThereThere araree severasevtwall way wayss of attachinof attachingg adapte d for a lover by land or water." ItIt isU supposeauppoeedd tha tthat the mathen stumman- Rutherforatum- Rutherfordd several yeara.ratals ag o andyear,. ago and, . half Inch or so with a liner thread. tbeIn studdin g hl»"» b€'« l,h• whileb , but r^ntf - efforts fof several men to calm thf bound not to reveal the identity of needle of the right bund. dationdation wallwall.. ForKor "iief asuch a sil la whittill* thwhilee Thi thes Malicious Brut* I* the A».»t»in ed to Rev. W. W. Blackford, paator. beiieBtnd him for a while, butefforts recent- of several, men to calm the I It Itwil lwill l«- exireinelbe extremelyy effectiv effectivee If you If you Thla Malicious Bruts Is tha AssassinU. James's Epiecopal church, At- * »•" »«**,he » 1*«t « ,c« <•» «»"-• «« frightened passengers. The motor- concrete Is sti:i ft set fire-eighths of St. Jamea-a Eplacopal church. At-the '»8t ‘ w *ekB ne '*“waa “ “" ***'"-frightened •>' passengers.i The motor- aaoat of those whoee views we have concrete is sfl'l ; • 't set flve-eighths «f tha Jungl*. ic City. Sunday, as a Christmas lf '« « «T de- combinecombine jrreegreenn noandd bruw brownn or browor n browninch iM'ttH tijfht to ten Inches long, •f tha Jwn««s. lantlc City. Sunday, aa a Chriatmaa ** “ ***• he waama n veryescape de-d injury, . •ought nor th« expressions which loj h bolts right lo ten luebea long,If th e gpnlus of hell uwd up all hi" ibed by" the congre- ^pondent, but never intimated th. man escaped injury. andand reradd in luth ethe •.',:, couching. stitches stitches,, bold - holdhea d down, thrw In-he* In from the If tba geolua of bell used up allpresent hi- , : ingre- | In -ps-aklns of tbe accident, this they have made for permission to bend down, three Inches In from mentathe l energy oinfclne n devil for tbp preaent. autwcrlbed b/ tho congre- apondenl.\A end bl i butlif e neverby hi s owIntimatedi In that-peaking of the accident, this luglug dowdownn thethe thicke tlik-kerr thren dthread with awithoute ra nice nt the foundation wall and mental energy making a devil for gallongatlothe n tInn recogrecognitionn of ethe excellen excellentt he would endB rhlalTln life bpnn-.ornlng oralhla dr..own ChartChar’es ,s Rogers Rogers,, so n sonof thofo the publish tbe replies was i xpressly outer edge of the foundation wnll andanima l kingdom, he could not have ere hand. Surviving members of hit . contrcontrastinga Kilns, colorcolor.. projecting two and a half Inches animal kingdom, he cold not have ere rt withheld. It Is no vlolattor projecting two ami a half atrfard be*a more uncertain, malicious and work he ban dona aluee he tooky ar e *“*•his wid < " ' * meniber.owner of the In.wagon, , said both horses of c | WorWorkk th e the-i.-i.s stems- In ste Inm Mitcstemh atwit Itchh with ated a more uncertain, mallrtoua andibarg e of the- parish. j w and thrc Tore badly injured and that neither •dence. however to state t ugly brute than tbe rblnncr'roa. 'Mil- chargecnarg._o._t of tho pariah. rd, Donali “"Wd anHoward.*d hla widowvJr ere . andbadly Donaldthree Injured goneand and. Bruce that neither, ,al the 'I „,,(,solid] mtdrlliwmldrlla*.. „ ugly brute than the rhinoceros. Thl-~A~passenge r on a crowded Bayonne sum and substance of tbe o animal has buried' more hunters (turn A pmmenger on a crowded Bayonne Howrd l.ard „ in New York. animal swould». Tork.ever be fit for heavy Sections TnTheP arontMacorns yo yonn wil willl outlin outlinee in hrowIn hrnwan aulmal baa burled more banters thanrolle y car Monday shoved newspap- work again. They were valued at to reviving the »on»oliclailo; all otber big game combined. It seen* trol cp car Monday abovml new.pap- .„d other hoys arolbere attendin ^ g work>r„ again. They were valued at propo- , oonn th( the. (i,,, domeo(. st,. lf»tin|**d,^] io[ wtop* nnd filland I n llfltb e In the mil other big game eomMoed. it seen/-•rs Into the stove and set tire to the |S00. altion MX* baited on the rial to be tbe blred aasassln of the Janglf era Into the .love and act hre lo th. KhooThe ,.funera Thel wil „l Mhe privat w||e , prlT>It ' n that acorn,,,,,rtl cnpcu[*s, urnwith, brow brownn Frenc Frenchh knots knots. to be the hired assassin of the Jangleeats . The motorman speeded to I other weighty problems ItItss micceasuccesss aaas a ahomicid homicidee Is nnIst iloofm ■dieeats. The motorman speeded thtoe < I This Is very striking and given a few headquarters, while passengers >nvenleoc« of the family . or. i. a bo«! Ihe design. toto tbthee tartfact tha thatt It seekIt seekss Its victimIta victim,, bin flrobut headquarters, while passengera .solisolidd «i«ots on the design. hasty i ponded, are still unsettled " " becausebecause ItItas victivictimm fall fallss ove overr it. ILIf th*Ifprepared llw for a hasty exit. The fire- I*ad the scallops nitb darning cotton en played two extlngulsbe snd wort wlih' bnm. using tin- bat rhluorhino knowknowss tbaftherthat'theree I* aIsn eneman ?rnemjmen played two cxtlngulshcra on the and work with brown, using the but- about. It will try to get away without mea and put them out. Rev.ev. HobarHobartt ClarkClark,, fo r forsis yearsix s years ati.•!!'.' from these matt tonholetonhole Biltt-Uof Itch.. if yoIf u youwis h y«wishu c«iyou can about. It will try to get away withoutflames and put them out. are held lo be of prime ii being seen. If, on tbe other hand, ii S. M. Braunsteln 1B a prosperous when the ottii-ers and members n l-antor of the Pnltarian church here, enlarge this pretty cenlerpWse still being aem. If. oo the other band. 8. It M. Braunateln la a prosperous died of pneumonia at New Brighton. and urgent neiesUty. ( more t>y mhlliiK wide e<-n 1 thinksthinks thathatt byby keepin keepingg stil l stillit wilItl bowlUmerchantmerchan be t Inin AtlantiAtlanticc City.City. Som e tnSomeP Salvatio n Airm.v concluded thel died of pneumonia at X'ew Brlghtoa. more l.y adding wide ecru lace in tor passed unnotlcpd. tt stays as silent snd to themselves,! cu.ui or ciuuy un-!--r Ibe «1K<>. passed unnoticed, tt ataya aa silent andthirteenthirtee n yearyearss agagoo h e befailed failed,, but hbute li( i.i,hei , ,,,, Sati:rtlay night they wer Staten Island on Monday. Mr. chon or cluny under the edg*. Rat Proof Corner*b. motionless as Gibraltar, its little n«rc debt) ClarkClark hahadd beenbeen ihe pastethe d pastiifrof th e of the a number of th I A little iutr"du<-tl<.n of red fl motionless aa tfJbralrar. It* Utile |[has b.«ghas neveneverr forgotteforgottenn the debtthe s debtshe lile d hebu t happi ] and retired wllh ib A little Introduction of red or yellow eyea watching tbe direction of tli. mailed to thurch•eh Ooff ththee Redemmer—Unitaria Redemmvr—Unitariann have worked lnderatigBlil • In BBQU: '•? »ddi " above tin* tonrrete.I.-. The*Thesei • bolt bollss -h.pTth mUouIiIl eyes watching the direction of,owed owed.the. ChristmaChristmasB da yday he mailehe dmailed to satisfactio to n of having put Chrilma Is good; by adding nu extra line below noise snd Its nose snlDlng tbe air. owed, to- lotion of the sv proh- liie couch KtltelilnK to prnphntlKe t bebe [>laplaced. •«] notnot iIHT Oin*>ra lllU n thanthree fwthreei noisefeei and lu noas sniffing the air. all bis ccreditorcreditorss th ethe sum sumss owed owed,, to- {neeto-r ]n tha homes of more than flv —of X'ew Brighton for neafly four- tlia coach stitching to <> in phasing the Bbouid an enemy sbow up suddentv he int •rtst up to date, tc*nO yearnyears,, andand hi * hlaministr ministryy has has It la q ural 1 they brown you wilwilll greatly Improve apsrt.aparttills . Rhoold an enemy show up auddeoltgethergethe r witwithh the Interest up to date,.dre d pen Home farmerfannerss I'Hprefer f.T t o tocountersin coutiteralnkk InIn tbtbse Jungljunglee th ethe rhin rhinoo charge chargees lite nlike a houeands of dol- beenen greatlgreatlyy appreciateappreciatedd b y byan unan- un- design Some amountingamr>o to some thousands of do|> ht have be. leglected. ually choke parish, the one to the nal lllIL- Sill > o tbut It , top will be flash, nose down aOdhorn hornss levele leveledd ilu. Ilk- usually choke parish, I he one to This design I* linden pretty.the nailing -III so that Its top will be •• - Hewitt is wife -Captainwore lcHewitth the laiande Georg hise U'rriwife. Curtiweres Illl-ll uiili the si rfa-e of the floor. Bo a•word wordss foforr tb etbs thrust thrust.. I bugItae bulhugel bulk which the late George Wm Curtis You will uafurnlly have to enlargeflush It with the surface of tbe floor. Ho A motor car drivenb y byDr . I>r.Hart ,Hart, of tireles of :tireless in theira durineffortsg th e duringnlxtere dthe throug h so many years. placed. the Kill Is liable to rot more crashingig througthroughh ththee brus brushb lik elike ai an ea ministered through so many years. too whnli-vtwhateverT a fsl*e you may wish. placed, tbe *dll k liable to rot more 292292 MontgomerMontgomeryy streetstreet., Jerse Jerseyy CTty ,Clty.tnoek i week I to locate the most needy eyfara- had built Mr. Clark a imrson- rifle 111.000 for a parish bouse. Ilia Sf this city w expended tlnm- tion wsII** nnd within four Inches of Henry Schuldt, of 2SS Varick street, ,led an(1 craterul. ( Henry Schuldt. of 26V Varlck street, fled and grateful. ath In a heavy blow to It: < i>arlah- tbelr ?<>;•-• "" •- :• -i •-••-I uud cruMiiv^l InID tbthee bundhands* of aof cool a , gooroot,d aboigood— sboc- death Is a heavy blow lo BO SCARF AND MUFF. rock are th- l*e*.t materials for ibis waawas InjureInjuredd abouaboutt th etho bod ybody and waands ofwas th e 0Chrf i ,j,„'tira sChrl tre e tiraswith thtreee t\\n- with tho dU- of tho private monopoly and If iH>uit> tiny must be uned. i Mada of Velvet Theo An Vary Ef parpow- If sou*e clay must be Used, The Old Tim* A tak‘-n to tho City Hospital. irlbutlon of ylfts for the children money nnd red me rales at I Mada of Velvet Th« tamp It Inth thee i-. :bottom, r.- ... bu t butlet tblete flourtbe floor Tha Old Tims Album. In the HoruuRh Court. l>cli>i, and th. Coit la In. of tbe I While In the garb of Santa Claus will tako place at g o'clock.L O There Ume In the operation of an festive, and the rest .mi atlens leastt «l t sitlorbe Inchesa jf snive jf lgravel or “Tbeor terr*mw of (be autograph fll- I .onla IcMal'y. u young mun who "M. O-- ' ' ' significant. atat aa ChristmaChristmass tru treee part partyy fo r hifors Dye:hla - fiv©-will bew||| a musicabo al progranm»!*»lm anprogramd ail- and ad- i Ice > plant. crushed WUWithh the tbeOil ihoruuehAll lliorijugti- burn" must have lireu ax we georral In drives for an Ice romps try. was ar- 1 ly settled. c<.nin.-ncef pla-lugth e thep f..urtbe middle uf the last century[ban year-oldyear-olthan d nl«ceniece.. ProfessoProfessorr Morto Mortonn D. dressefI>. dresser.. raigned 1m* fore RecordeRecorderr Dollive rDolllver .bjec-tlon, Banks, of tbe Commercial Hotel, As-j Htniltfht from Pxrln cornea the tin's Inch floor. nliould I* theythry araree nownow.. Th* Tbevolum volumee bad embad- Banks, en»- of tho Commercial Hotel. A«-11 itiiH morning, charge d with II 1-trent- Inch fl«*«ir. This rnwnto should lie bury Park, was seriously burned. Hlsj Iturial of Mm. Sorter. Ibis morning, charged with Ill-treat- of n nuitilKtl «*i Ih:it I" !*-«• WKpanam only wet < outfh (hat It viH I bosseboosedd pawpages* of ofrarlou variouss colo n colorsanJ buryand' Park, was seriously burned. Hla iturtal of Mrs. inginSeeley,g aa horsehorse.. He explaineHe explainedd to th e to the •olMuMnti are imnound. They are ID on If svC enough (hut ft ntH flushibowe da alternate literature and ari- •otcoii cap came in contract with a The body of! Mrs. Agnes Seeley. tluiu DM eniln-ly »f fur rtiid yvi rn-ui little liquid when tanii>ed Int showed alternate literature and artr-cotton cap came In contract with a The body of Mrs. ronrttourAgnest tha thattSeeley, HItheP anima animall becam becamee balk ybalky reality, we submit, reasoDs why a tbe |H>1II('X uf litlllij- mill lH.'niily W little liquid • emeni when tam|ied Intoorlgtna l verses and drawings of ruIBs lighted gas Jet. Mrs. Banks and Paul formerly of Scotch Plains, who died place. orlgtnal verse* and drawing* of ruinslighted gas Jet. Mrs. Banks and Paul formerly of Scotch Plains, andanwhod hheedied los lostt hp bjr.te.tnper temper.. A fine Aot fine of merer should bflj brought about at rigually mii-i-iwufii) A liroiid Imml of idace. and bridges belgbtehiH) with whltr Walton, father of tbe little girl, were at i • • v i .- N. r., arrived in- this Kx perl en< d concrete wurkenr ofte: and bridges betgbletied with Walton,while father of the little girl, were at Coxaackle, N. Y.. arrived$3J : inWawas a this impose imposedd hu t bnteu ipendesuipendefld on on I earliest poiblble day. It black nnd •rblte Kriped velvet formh BgpscWoced ronftvfv workenr oftenchalk.rhalk . GirlGirlss presemr presentedd It foIIr contrlbufor cootrlbu- also burned-d abouaboutt th ethe band handss beatin bestinggg city , llaecity,t nightlast: Burnanight.l wasBurnal made hiwass promis madee rot to repeat the of- *e ouly a Mir . .;,- !...i!-i form., on Ilw b.«ly -if HIP »»rf. The ceiitml pot n«e only an outside board form., Jonones so uoiversally tbat Charles'.Dick- Lt tbe flames, [In Hillside cemetery this morning, bis promise rot to repeat the of- • foundatlou wnlls. Tbe, tiooa so unlreraally that Charles' Dickout the flames. tin Hil i In Hillside cemetery this morning. initi , for the foundation walls. Theyens wa a on one occasion much aston- beinR conducted by Rev. l>. nse. at;e Uon tit the HhoiildrrH with a ncrete- for tbe foundatloi ens was oo one occasion much astotiBecaus e F.Uie Stanle place the concrete for tbe foundationishe d to find none forthcoming. He Becaua» rule 'sianler the r-1four-J « "* Scotch conducled br R«<- al s fe<'tfcrT M O effecteso effectedd reall y resIIy"I ba d meant to put these lines intn old. li.ln. In lb,- rear of The StanleyNlbbs—S m«to«bl»»nllro I""-. Blunt UMtell new.s me . I od for MI. Ij purposes. Nothing less plied Jiwt Inside tin? tdgv. mul n flllliiK -I bad meant to put tbe*e lines lomeInto, tried to end his life Sunday by ammintsinta loto nothingnothing,, n s asall thalle l»>.ir.tbe Uboards •Ibum. bnt yuu. wbo do nothing He's got more'n a dozen patients suf- The Women's Foreign MiBdlonary than the con>umnifttloii or a merger of natln or axniMciliw miltrm the-outer can be used later lp. the crib. your album, but you. who do nothin*stabbin g himself over the heart with can be used later in the nib. like anybody el». did not produce ferlng With -em., Doc reminds me of Society of the Park Avetme Baptist aforehand would warrant this asaur- tine. Ilka anybody else, did not producea butche r knife. He was taken to the ReeoforcedRe-enforced concretconcretee finomfloors,y no tnot sup --apons.-— '—Londo Londonn Standardfltamlard.. . ,k ,o ,h one of the knights at King Arthur's (hunch has-sent 1100 for the school •nee. The same line of argument With tlilw (here ••'•rrn-* ,i mulT. In rue Cooper Hospital. at s n (mrted•ortt-d ht*yy «irtennbh " f •»r(Trave gravell till, budlbt bybut by •osmsss.- ' '" - 'roun d table. P " Ba----t a, W. Centra l Africa. boldi gooil !i. tu the water problem. «uppli- nuMP of whteh nreire iM-inlirlngg niic-i-twfull»uivmfullyy l.ullt built.. Sinc Sin*e th ee thela Morocco ibe- pce»i*tlng tone newnpnperlewspapet* r "merchants■ mercb.ntn" of olAtlanti Atlanticc XiUii - ^i.;uiMbbai • -F IAlAnce-t-Iol. ii.T old. Is lt? Old.peatjet Is lIt? a t the First BaptixL church tax* In liitemptini; to satisfactorily la the fur. nod broader imltlim of velv.-t itrenslh of eat-h floor, on account of i and :ity, were given a Christmaa dinner, strength of ra.-h r«—r. on accountgray ofU Iso white, men- rkutws Ctty.and .ere tlven a Chriatmaa dinner, And Glbb. ,„d „ „ „„ t It •ol»e 1MB question an the kltuatlon ! nmkrs Ibe •amrnorc iif nlm> tbehe variatiovariationn InIn sfe webt«- an dsnd loading Usidlng.. In o Is a m belli it tbe Continental Hotel, there; Mon- Is at present. To our way of think- ' toire. QuHHn^M outline ihc openlnga nt house*, town*, laisnes. (all umbelll ought to be.—-Olevtl&nd Plain I^eal- a-fisistI?<1 by thf? Schill Siring Quartet» differentdifferent proU«B.Jpn»l.l-::i.H Jt i s isadvisabl advisablee to reto- re-ferae , nodding like sh.wis in autumn — day. A pound of candy was supplied Ins the Uhlnit to do in flrnt to ascer- | rhe dltlt-s. ferae, nodding like *(*•*!■ in autumn- er. of Newark. ferfer evereveryy pieipks-et o fof nut- nmh worb kw.*rk to -a mato na almanl ar e white; wane nuno* uiioa tbe each boy as be left the dining-room tain definitely and (or all time Any kleu ing lx> rarrleil OIII nlotiu all are white; white ssimIs ui*on tbe whowho IsIs ihon.uphithoroughlyj familia familiarr wit h withthe .borthee snd In the Sahara and ovef alt whether the ron.miinlly Ik to be one then* Itm-n. ludeed. there t* no ex. above snd In the Hshari and ovel all principle* of r.-ra-cuforrtiig. .-'ir.T. It.i.' The Themai n mainai whilwhite e anandd naddeten radlctCoku ilsnt light-. as lTtb«- ‘f the headed by a iband.; In law as It Is In every other re'pect , ruw fur •'! ::..;•>••••'•.,. , in.i. tiviiy. Brtng them sun was ilrvd of. shining down for lt *ver.r. TbfTheyy Hffor affordd no nestinno nestingg plac eplac© for Mfor on tbe uaclMiigtng life. In BO paper publishers of the city and were . divided abnlnst lt*»lf. then the "«< «i»l wake il.eui j.iin ronrea with ever on ihe unchanging Ufa. In »o *ats.i. AnAndd wll withh dolla dollfrr wheat wheat,; wventy seventy-- partpar t ooff MoroccMoroccoo I harI p nsvisite re d visiteddoes doescharg e of George Lenbart: and j Hve rent com nnd fifty cent onls the [be phrase -gorKeous «t«" have the Captain Harry Smith. j b» easy to eett'e. I nwtcb an. too good lo !«• mbmML five cent corn nnd fifty rent oats tbethe phrase -gorgeous east" bare the to settle. savingHaving thuthuss effecteeffectedd add addss considerabl considerablyy lea«tIea« t meaningmeaning,, an andd thi thiss Is alwayIs slway*s note dnoted With his ere BO badly Injured that j to the pruSprofit*U o fof e4c edchh year. year.' byby tbtbee wandertnwanderingc ^mterners easterner*,, wti owlto flnil findth e doctors believe he will lose the HIGH BAFtDEAU HAT. tbe countrcountryy duldulll iwi dsod ini'kin larkingg In colo Inr co*orsigh t of it. John Wilson, fifty-five j ShortShort FaadinFssdi-9g PooPoorr Policy Policy.. comparedcompared witwithh A«WA*ls.. or . tha*e Arshthe *Arabsyear s old, of 847 Spring street^ Cam-j IfIf thertbeffee \»Is no t n**r[enoug enoughh few ] ofeedn th e oocallcal l theItIt.. -Bla-fUadd K sEa »cnark.--" Hcbark.--“AA Journe Journeyy den , waa admitted to the Homeo-, placelace ttoo carrcarryy tinth-- li.^- h.«*s throug throughh and atadBt lotolit Morocco.Morocco."" patblc Hospital Monday morniiig. He' themtbein i|uliklquicklyv amamii I f Ifm-i prices- »•-. do dono t notsee mseein :old the physicians that he was not| Co warrant,-arrjnt th(bee pUr.-lian [*ar*-Uasee of feedof , feed,then then Russia It is mucmuchh bette hellerr To marketo markett them athemt The at Russia u intil be was awakened for breakfast.', The heavy rain of Saturday and once' ratheratherr thathann stun stuntt thet rthen- by shorby t shortabsolutely no oi Although he could not recall! being, the ru»b of ntsr. from melting feed In the mtmtet A atuuted animal | tray them It physicians believe he was! feed lo tbe winter. A atuuted animal 1003 n rraltor rauKht at anow. caused the main section of the never•r maduiadce anyuojlnnj l**lyy mone.v money.. the year I9U3 traitor esogat StabbM- ] .New iiirki-i Uke dam to give way Odessa waas brickebrb d up alive in a tM> Saturday night. The masonry had HOMKRVJLLK.SOMKKVJ1.LIC. been weakened by the frost and was Regnler..Pimler. aa FrencFrenchh sp yspy In tbIne pathey ofpay of the*ajlusiilan poll.-*, for s long tfme le^tosslan polk*, for a long time al etin stle eluded the vengeance of the revolu- At tbe annual meeting of Castle A* a r.-ituii ol -the break, all the luded tbe vengeance of the revqlu-Lodge . No. 82. K. . . 1 tionaries, lint thi-y caogbt him at laat Lodge. -No. K2. K. of F-. the follow- water has been lot out of the lake lonartes. But they rang tit blm at laht.C officers have been elected:- C. C. and that Jnst nt the moment when he ing olflcers have been elected. C. C. ami work has been auspended at the od that Jost at the moment when he,rr y Bernhardi; V. C, I.. Bi Lam- fancied himself aa^fe. His body was Harry Bernhardt: V. C!.. L. BJ Lam- grl»i mill operated by Chirk T. Rog- ■ ncled himself sa/r. Ills body wan?aux ; prelate, William Hardgrove; i I found In his cabin on a ship which oreaux: prelate. William llardgrove; •rs. Htt was very busy at this time rand In bis cabin oo a ship M.which ooff E.E... Jame Jamesa V . SmithV. Smith;; M. bf M.W., of| W. ' and he wHl suffer a bad loss. Almost Tbs brst lam!• for atrawberii...-i.. li.. I "*"ched Antwerp. He had been anffo- l* J.J. Drake Drake.: M . M.of P.of, JohF..n JohnUarnert Gqraert;; at tbr utm,- ilme The daoi gave way. Bandy lusm. 1 for strawberries Is a -ntta by „,„,„ of roiphnreted bTdro- of R. and S.. William D. Quick;} a coal rig tw ion si tig to him was bit K. of R. and H.. William D. fculck: To rid flv*en-*t»• o fof earthworm earthw< s w master-at-arms.mter-at-arms. AlexandeAlexanderr At Bro-A; .Bro- wrr a trolley car on • West Front [er with ;:: kaw; I. G., William Harris; " G.,1 street. " j ter with llaiewslcr. kaw; I. O.. William Harris: O. G..I I ThThee . li-iiclimbingi .• •_• ontmllln or trailingg nastu nasr VI. F.F. DutSeldDuffleid;; representativrepreaentntlfee to • to' Tbe mitt property Is owned by the grand lodge, Joseph Ftuga. Middlesex Water Company and It Is |rau»u bbee plnniisplantedi <-lihe eitherr wit hwith or wor grand lodge. Joseph Fitxga. AAtt tbthee cabinecabinett meetin meetingg of ttofU thedis- dis- 1 tbla ajnfet Charles Hogrrs would sur- For ao ninny tnnnna Hit' tnudeait hai DoDo yoyouu savsavee y« tricttrict EpwortKpworthh LeagueLeague.. ETjV . DIT. V. D. fer a hravy loss as be bas $i.0«« l-fL i a tun-It I anil hatu liu* ^.-i Lnii soJ obtaiobtainn IIMHtliriuU fiu m Hue. Urge apA-l- a teasing nvwd PhoeniPhoenixx wawass electe electedd presiden presidentt pi thofe the worth of boata in bts lake livery. It six-b a wayw*y oofff » Si ttltiu Willc dMB ov.-r bead I uirnvms ootf fruitemit. " j ElisabethElisabeth districdistrictt EpwortKpworthh league League,. would cost approximately about II.- s . . . ; :...':.. Bboubl be dried am) -WboT- and Miss Elisabeth Bagg. of Cliff «t»C to put ihe dam back tn shape. fashhm M --• the hat : ft.-I lil^h l>j stored In boips *-t suud '»•: •!•• tbe "Why. tb* Ctor-kMt *»• street,et, wawass electe electedd superintenden superintendentt of of tbe tatntli-nu ITI more. Tin* fanbii>n frost [ouches thenk. "Yes, but tt kMfMi Its bi world'sworld's evangelismevangelism.. ban already oKtatiifd great bold ID t#oud garden 'fitplemrnta are easen- HH.. FF.. Galptn and Mlaa Elisabeth rarl*. WIHTT Larwla hroucbt out tbe Thr (llrl—The whole irtp 'along tlal for *ucve»arul gunleulug. Much GalplnGalpln havhavee i returnedurned fr o from Chicago,g The Girl—The whole trip ‘alongflrat ft the* area* Kbapn! hat* ratan) Wha« Ha MiMaal H. Ik* rlv*r was Ilk* a aeries of your of the benefit a where they spent f weeka with I the river woe like a aeries of thuyours at tin- hark. Sumrtlnie* tbe space where they spent two weeks with Mp*rb ptchlua. . • » Galvln*s mother. superb etchings. unde.r Ib* e llftttl • nm U Bllnl wttb Mr. Galpln • mother. Th* Artist—Yea. Nature Is creep- The Artist—Yea. .Nature is creep-rha:i!i . Icif f.-.iiL.-i--. stitDrtlmcv wttb Mr.r. anandd MrsMrs.. Willia Williamm Bogen Rogen., of, of ing up numred niavs and ••.•ntrtlmes. a* tn tne MontrealMontreal,, araree thethe guest gueetes of Mrsof. Mrs Archies tolly I'artesraL prevent Instance, with laeir frills snd a Rogen'Hogan'ss mothermother., MrsMrs.. VanDerT*er VanDerveer., on. on, Myrtle-y Hofloww do doyo a youlik e tho>like « droatd&thoee g I- « of velvet ribbon. The SoutL street. [ well rvttnl n^anure. AppH- hobblebobble skirtsskirts?? i bat shown U vl prnne .eolora l velvet. Tb« T. T. Clnb of the Second Re-j Mamie— Finer I have fallen Into witb a llnlae and daMeA PIUOMM in a c«Otm may be m«de any Ume during Mamie- Fine* I have fallen Into rain (alls on tw JoM and formed church gave a Christmas til* arm* of no lesa than five men this M>nif« bat ligbtiT shad* uf tbe sats* dw Call, even U the ground la not to th# arms of no leas than five men thla tb# latter .early always ha party In the chapel Monday evening. • •(wrnooiftafternoon,. anandd tuIta onl oalyy i o'clock4 o'clock.. cwivr. "f plowed ill, lit*. \ T i onnmaoni.

HOMK NEWS. NEW JERSEY TEACHERS {III SURPRISE MENEWW IINN EVEREVERYY DETAIDETAILL EVENING_COATS. Get Ready •VBMW barter taor at Mies Bateman'B Fngllah Claw 143^ .NORTHNORTH AVEAVE.. WonderfuWonderfull Blending:Blending; ooff RicRichh FabFab-- FOR PASTOR AND I In every newspaper In the coaatry of Lincoln School Entertain- for 1911 BS Stmmrn ! rictncs OlttinguifhDistinguish thethe SeasonSeaion.. ge number of public school Rev. and Mrs. P. D. Tlldon. in will, read statements made by sssss.'s s are attending IOHM or the Betbel chapel, were given a pleaaan •ed at Y-M. C. A. t-eople living in out-of-the-way places ACOOtXT KOOKS MITSABD. f yie annual meeting of surprise Friday cventes at thel il»«t •* Th*«* Gsrg.ou* Oarmfent* V wfeo are supposed to have been UMSE LEAF LEDGERH toe New Jersey State Teachers' As- ) one on Richmond street by tbe b. cUL>INf11u.<, •• V.-/ Width and Qiv» ja£s and wraps bare fh* Teachers' RHlrenrat Fond. Thr wife were asked a few days before CAB1XETH,CABINETS, ETCBTC.. Mr. BorettJ-, of UM )le—tbe testimony of your fries k° •"•" in any seesoa than tbose reportreportss ofof thethe officerofficerss wilwilll shoshoww ththati to co-operate wltb the committee In TIVIRHIIKM VI' fi Wit IT Kits (ail(all aSakcamalm)) T «f - !i sraruw i (lie rorrtdors'of tb« tbe- tbs followinfollowingg annulflMoltlea barbarse beebeenn helping to make a merry Chrlsi ielghbora and fellow-townsmen. |H[ at i; •- ••!•'. Hi* r :< di -t velvets. ddeclare sc la radd Ilan thtbse paspastt yeayearr lala PaterPater-- tor some family. They were asked pFFICEOFFICE strrusHSI Pi-I IFS to contribute and to allow the use loott niKipt brocades, fllmlea son Isa ballsa ScottBrott.. I6D0ICO;; AnnAnnaa F F.. Sixty-nix members of the foreign of one room a^ a place for assemb- Mrs C. Roeaeter, 12? Wgtcbung <)/ all Kind-.. ! Guru tied |anm aod - d.H.jdeepi bandbaudss ooff fufuri Nest to Newark anandd JerseJerseyy CityCity., they should all be gotten to thi lect Bad a rendition bf the Itallah ates of this nature and believing >mMGt. prnaaovat position, libvral la- Christmas hymn with a ' aplendt ny *dVh c PatersonPateraon teachers receive ththee largeslargestt ilf-'ji ;its of old rose vel iiTumf part of tbe N«w Jefaey pnb- 1 and hostess of tbe class were th u*Dt seen recently was of old row* vel- became part of the New JelWey pub- best wishes for a merry Christ- and hostess of tha class were the ver I feel out of sorts, I take a few TFI abut "ill, silver en;. The skirt 1c school :.:.ncii Marcb 11, 1S96. 1 ore pleased- vet shot awith silver gray. Tbe skirt lic school system March 11. 1B9C. and Happy New Year. more pleased. part w I' • ti Mp fairly fell, was drawn Tbe rapid growth of the fund haa if this preparation am part. whl>h wo* fairly full, was drawn The rapid growth of the fund has e pastor -esponded In a 1 Following the musical part of tb down nnd »birred Into a nr. XT f\ci •••]• •] the expectstlona ot Ita Following the musical part of the down and shirred Into a very deep fsr exceeded the expectations of Its •BK <•••.: :•> -• ini; to all Mi deeafternoonp . Rev. Mr. Boretty, pastor soon fe« New Jersey Central inpport«r«. Laat year the fund went afternoon. Rev. Mr. Bbretty. pastor IDG good. Doan's Kidney New Jersey Central bandband «of* chinchilla,' tiln- tu!l;i. ninand! tinthe. samesa fur supporters, last year the fund went ' 1 vlatlon and thankn and wished ~ h- Italian mlulon, addreased th o law when the Pmnalc Board of of the Italian mission, addressed the Pilla i my highest endorse wentwent aroundan.tiinl UbHi** Bacneckk anandd downdo< the to law when the Passaic Board of that the Christmas season ID i In their native language, urglnj education refused to concur In the men la tbelf native language, urging tmntfmni andsiut OwNftdd-..'.! ththee i.-.bottom*n -i ooff ththee Education refused to concur In the ' in to study the English language e by all dealers. Price B0 irovtstona of tbe retirement law, them to study (he Bogush language. klmoooI. •.....•• alert•*BBT_M ex.S AA alnslsinglee ti-w)«weirdr l.-i l.iibut-i provisions of the retirement law. ; rle pointed out to bU audle&ce tha rblcb provides for tbe acbool au- nd happiness as tbe thought He pointed out to his audience that Dster-Milburn Co.. Buffi too of great tilie cl<»uil the coot fa which provides for the school an- t was tne best means of makini ton of great dw closed thr coat far borltlea to deduct from the teach- him bed it was the best means of making , sole agents for the United st»i thetii" ttdsides (outGnat** ooff thiIbisn kinkindd tborltles to deduct from the teach- '1 themhem happierhappier aass welwelll aass gainingainingg ththee i,fti-ii'lui>e tit' fur iliut linnds tfar> era*era* monthlmonthlyy papayy twtwoo peperr cent., to •nRbt i his often*have tie fur that bands tb* front ere Itra. Mary Kiln respectrespect anandd understandinunderstandingg ooff iheitheirr be paid Into3 ththee fucdfund,. vwhich pprovides AmericanAmerican neighbors.neighbors. tbtbee name—Doan'le—Doan' M|FH Doreey, Mrs. I.inte SCKBCtlC:JHiKi-kJf tor tbe'.he supporsup portt ooff retireretiredd 'fSSSt teacherteacher*a e *-u|>ti' Great Interest was manKeated In other. .41E. «. kisN.iSJ's.j"'! , 10.2S Great taterest was manifested In it.M p. afterafter servingserrlnft twenttwentyy oorr mormoree yearyears* Davis, Mrs ChristmasChristmas tretreee frofromm whicwhichh gtftgiftsB «.f ant IS* * -•». r •lassrooms. The present Mary Reid, Mian Davle Reid. Miss t — f f.wrs—Ifc^sc SoMhyai! *#-■*••*i la tbe classrooms. The preeeut ofif fruitfruit anandd candcandyy werweree taketakenn fcfor f rival sad Depaunrc ot M nli For Newark—6.36, i,Z7. . 7.J* statusstatus ofof tblthiss eulsoltt ilas acsett Tortforthh byby Millie Held. Mlas Hattle P. Um«l and Declare •! Mnilt S«. S.3». 10.11. 11.00 a. m . -.32 MUNN S Co - New Yp each•rich oneone., besidebesidess aa copcopyy ooff ononee r Wllkubarre and: Scranton- tion: f(2» the Rupreme Court has ed States, tbe addresses of Italian 8OHERV1LLSOMERVJI.I.rE ANDAND EA8TONKA8TOT*.. a. r.i.. &M p. m. Sunday- OaOaaa Fittlas.TiFltlinf.Tinn Hoolinf,Roofing, ecoKnized Mr. Davison as our coun- lS40 10.00 a. m.. I3.HI. l.ii atid recognised Mr. Davison as our coun- la and protective societies am Arrive—*-40. 10.04 a. m.. 1LW. hi* i a. nt.. 6.16 p. m. «1; (3) the Pnssalc Board of Edu- 1 sel: (3) the Passaic Hoard of Edu- ii! of othefuseful informatio ir liOTxg Sratich Bind Asbury ] Etc.Etc.., Etc..Etc., Etc.Etc . atlon has ~made ^Ir. Davlson 1 di-in - m.m.., 11.16!«.»., 1.10ua.. 4.JUOa.. I.Ot cation has made Mr. Davison Ita at- especially designed for the Imm orney-of-record. In place of tb< torney-of-record, In place of the Pas- t, The pupils of Miss Bateman PHILADELPHIA DIRECT. 'TTSWT ffi. tfltT;as. j*£ l i a prepared la do ale. corporation counsel, thus giving [ I am prepared to do any of the saic corporation counsel, thus giving ; were greatly pleased at tbl braocnea In stric he board of tnislees entire con above branches In strictly first-elaaa the board of trustee* entire control UHS SUHES 0 CIUS Ifestatton of her interest In thei ir Lakewood anil AU.intio Cltr—3.<1 sanitaryauiit«.ry andand workmanworkmanships manner f tbe caw;; (4) tbe Supreme Ct a. m. tUJl ^turtoM onlyj. 1.27 of the cate; (4) the Rupreme Court showed It In tbeir earnest fti Havlr\g aEBOcUted my as admitted an amended record THROUGH FAST MAIL FOR BAST, Sunday—( Lakewood onJ: " Havirg associated myself with the has admitted an amended record of TbeTbe firemenfiremen ofof ththee citcityy departmedepartmentn entlon to the address given. R« loae—11.SO j.. m.. I.EO. T.10 p. m. Master Members Associ tion of New be suit prior to Ita appearance Master Members Association of New (be suit prior to Ita appearance be- badbad barelybarely disposedisposedd ooff theitheirr ChrisChrist-t ts were served at the coi JIRECT THROL-GH PAST MAIL FOR ,r PbMadeipnia— f.Mj 7.39. S.45, >...YorkYork City,City, II emploemployy nnoneo e bubutt flwt-first- ore (he higher tribunal—a poin i a. m.. llOS. ,2.rl, 2.17, J.4S. B.1I mamasa turketurkeyy MondaMondayy noonoonn whewhenl f the meeting. lass mecbsnlcs and no -uaion men. foreur favotbe rhigher the importanctribunal—ae o fpoint whfcf aIn class mechanics and uon-unloo men. our favor the Importance of which they commenced to get busy on a la'y-^8.*£.Ysc.'ltM. I6AS'.'U'.*1 a. m. I believe la every mau running hi* cannotannot bhee orer-eefimafedover-eatlmated (6(6>) tbtbee Su8a-- seriesseries ofof alarmsalarms.. ThTbee lirsAralt CamCamee iiIn owniwn business.buBlat-Bi. aatt alalll timetimesa aand id all rpmo Court haH taK^n under shortlyshortly afterafU'r 11 o'cloco'clockk anandd wawass foforr I a WJTCMl'XATCHIXOO HOTHt*XT CXUCLVIlU B. icuU.n.s P- ml. 11* Sight.' lent botb the Jurlsdictlonal chimney lire at the home of IV. B MKMIIKItS K\JOY HOIJD.tY wasmnirlon. Dali chimney fire at the home Of W. D. MRMI1KKS F.XJOV> IV. BNN8TLVANTA. WEST OF BA9TON .0.43 a. m.. i".+J. Z.45. «.4«. 7.< Ion raised by Mr. Davlson and Mr. Tyler, of Evergreen avenue. It wai iow-4.)0 a. m.. U.U. l.«0. i.W p. . McCarter and concurred In by the at Tyler, of Evorgr.-cn avenue. It was m w D.D. WW.. LILI1TELLT TELL put out with extinguishers before any The members of the Watchung ELlZ DI W. C. HOPK. orney general, together -with th f mage, had resulted. Hunt club celebrated Christmas Mon- «r,; VQ. P.pFS; A. torney general, togetherThea -withe point tbe: damage had resulted. &t 6:13 lost evening a secom day. The clubhouse mi* attrac- Imw-^* W. >.00. 10.W a. m.. ll.U. S.M. HIM). constitutloaal question. Those•de rpoints Btat- At d: 12 last evening a second rm ttu turned In from box 49 fol tively decorated,ated, presentinpresentingg a cheecheer-i thb court will consider In order stat- alarm was turned In from box 44 for NEWARK. DIRBCT. ed.d. IIff ththee questionKlon ooft Jo Jurisdiction> a blazeilaze Idin ththoe homhomee oorf UeorgGeorgee LairdLaird,. ful appearance. I.J. S.41 a. in.. I.M I.M, I.M CLARK—OnCLARK—On Tuesday.Tuesday. DecembeDecemberr 2020., be decided:il.. I.SJ p. m. point be decided against us tbe con- and neighbor* noticed smoke ,po which several luncheons wero given. 1RECT HAJL41 TO BEA SHORE RE- titutlonal queHtlon will bo at one and neighbors noticed smoke pour- led tbr MURPHY—OMURPHY—Onn TneattayToe*urt. IIt.Ist ,U probablprobablee thathatt WhenWhen thethi' Bremeart-menn arrlrearrivedd thetheyy founfoundd ling, a 20,10, ]S101»10.. ElUabethKilmDotb., widowidoww ofof a decisiondecision oonn thtbee JurisdictioJurisdictionn quques-e a brlakbrisk blazblazee IInn aa eloseclosett filledfilled wltwithb >l dinner parties being glvei withwith youryour papepaperr servicservicee MlchoolMichael Murphr.Murphy, seeModd C50O yeariynn.. tion>n wilwilll nonott bbee givegivenn tiltilll ththee !•'Febru-- ' : •loihinp. Tbe chemical hoa« was laid The affair was enlivened DABCOCK—Oa Thursday. December clothing. Tbe chemical hose was laid with good music. callcall onon oorr 'phone’phone" BABCOCK—Od Thursday. Doc-nibor ary• term."term Inn butbut thethe flamegame*s werweree puputt ououtt witwithh WARBBNVILLB. 21.22, l»101H»., El|Hki:.u: I tut II ran •HAMPIOX M(,Ii\ IH the closet wer# destroyed. The loan ThThee l'Ul.Mi Ai PlaluDeid, K, J., l>. - to turned oa.t and no a ablrld HELD WITHOUT mil.. Is placed at ll'OO. iual shoot on tbe club grounds.' Pound—At Piniao.M.~ n. j.. ia- HELD WITHOUT BAIL. Is placed at 11*00. SUU close* M lit p. i ctnibirci'iiit«;r 25.25. moItlO., ElisabetEllubolhh MaryMary., f'v l be throat atul .-b^*t At 1:24 this n.o: ii in;: the firemen wire of T. Harry Pound, aged 31 policeman Matthew McOrath. a At 1:24 this moraTng the firemen HustlerHustler Sf* of T. Harry Pound, aged 39 the stunning <«wiMiintl«ns Follcemai. Mattbi were agalat called out on an alarm amplon amateur weight thrower, were agai^ called out on an alarm yearssrs., S8 monthamonths., 1100 day*day*.. seen hate been sapphire Mae velvet champion amateur weight thrower, i i.iii box 22. A boarder at the borne in arraigned In the Flatbusb court from box 23. A boarder at the home TheThe bestbest servicservicee iinn ththee citycity. »Hh MbJe noil leaf green velvet was arraigned in the Flatbosb court if Mrs. Boss, 210 Bast Fifth street, LOYD—ONLOYD—ON DecembeDecemberr 2525., 1B101910., aatt with hhll esterday on tbe charge of having of Mr*. Boss. 219 East Fifth street, with t. bite f..» a cuetly Hoik of ali- yesterday on the charge of having was heating some medicine in a bot- Lawrence F heherr residence.resident-*?, C505 WashingtoWashingtonn areave-- ' *•- proy *dv*f abet with rone pink hot George Walker, whom he found was heating some medicine In a bot- Morning.Morning. EveninEveningg &Of ve* gray velvet shot with ruw pink shot George Walker, whom he found and forgot to reaiove tbe cork. wagon for th nue.inif, NortNorthh I-IalnfieldPlainfield,, RebeccRebeccaa 8.,S..' "M tilimue.1 with rliliwbJMu ill a ilit-p n his borne Sunday morning, and tle and forgot to remove tbe cork. wM trimmed with chinchilla lu a deep In his home Sunday morning, and explosion resulted, setting lire to laughterdaughter ofof thethe latlatee IsaaIsaacc S.8. anandd band all ar.piiiK) Th.- rant wnx cot •Id him without ball to tbe grand An explosion resulted, setting fire to f West Seve SundaySunday PaperPaperss held him without ball to tbo grand le lace curtains. Tblngs looked NewNew YorkYork HermldHerald., ElizabethElizabeth LoydLoyd.. v*ry atnplr In witlil'i ami was »lilrr.«l ii •.-. Walker will probably die. He some lace cnrtaln*. Things looked Jury. Walker will probably die. lie gerous for awhile but th- occu- Info n d>f|> band ..f Hllv«. irrny *lik Co tbe McCrath dangerous for awhile but the occu- •lock when WOTWWorld,, Times,Times, Sen9cn,, J]~+T PhonPhonee 668-J668-J r declares he went to the McGrath u of the house got tbe blage out tion of Mrs. Mf- pants of the house got the blaze out Tightened :.(] i T, A ii HoldsHfi3'N tHBceOfDce 87•"." ^'Year*." -* - *«t i-lii-cly rilil.r.>l!> the firemen reached the sceue. rtiggTam, An:eriv.*fc, tlmlicn lu «llv*r thread. Tbe nth. This la denied by both Mc- before the firemen reached tbe scene. t R OnOn JanuarJanuaryy 1 AssessoAssessorr JohJohnn MM.. Grath. This Is denied by both Mc- TheThe loa*loss iIss placeplacedd aatt 925*25.. Srt-*kl>c Eagle WilliamWilliam HH.. OlmstedOlmsted UfeFlSM were Of Hie wtd«> (nil d Grathrath andand bfbfss wifewife.. broken leg I C.C. MarshMarsh wilwilll begibeginn hihiss fifty-seventh C i!r;i|«.-rj I McGrathMcCrath iIss aa policemapolicemann anandd aa TlflsTills morninmorning'sg & alaralarmm madmadee ththee i* removed t 333311 WatchWatchun ungg AveAve.. year a*aa a publipublicc officeholdeofficeholderr aatt WestWest-- tlw BUM. memberamber ooff ththee NeNeww YorYorkk AthAth-- thirdthir d timetime In legs than a week that Newark Erealr.g News field.leld. "Uncl"Unclee Johnny.Johnny."" aass bhee IsIs The will tliiif [M-llsiw uimV of velv. leticLic Club.Club. HHee ilas famoufamouss throughouthroughoutt * be chjr department »sa raaeti out Receiver ai i ,nownnown.. IIss aann ololdd timtimee DemocraDemocratt anandd ttlili fur 1- i-oiiiUig « thee worldworld aass aa weighweightt throwerthrower., between tetween thethe hourhourss ooff 11 anandd 33 aa.. mm.. I *~^-fien^Powers" was' discovered'b} beie hashas weathereweatheredd safelsafelyy manmanyy pollpoli-- in taiinux Htjk-x mi.i In niciff i.fii 'slker Is a Plerk employed by the On)n theibe otherother twtwoo occasionoccasionss ththee flresfires M. F. (Jiles, of East Seventh street ticalical galesgales.. AAtt thtbee agagee ooff twentytwenty-- Walker Is a clerk employed by the •rioui those ihe Rusbm The Daily Press >ne, 'way back In 1ST.3, Mr. Marsh NewPar YorYorkk TelephonTelephonee CompanyCompany.. McMr-- were serious, those at the Ruthtnore he was lying the gro d with The Daily Press one. 'way back In 1152. Mr. Marsh toy Mtual KIMIM*. siirli slivvt'lcw ove Grathrath declaresdeclares thathatt bhee camcamee una una-- ft-hole weight of tbe wag ros AS OmDl HATH. waswas electeelectedd townebitownshipp constablecoostabie,, ItnriiH-itta mine an enrly ID th<- KPIK wares uponipon WalkeWalkerr abouaboutt 11 o'colco'colckk one i givinggii ng ththee men several hours* •l'"ii him: Mr. Giles summ ned help whichwbich positiopositionn bhee helheldd untiuntill 19001900., lu i liilfi-n nn II fiirt of apology for n Sundayunday momliimorningE IInn thtbee McGratMcGrathb tight and(I cauecausingi damagdamagei to thefro m the neighborhood d In 1*7*1878 hhoe wawass electeelectedd ttoo ththee awesaasee-- bouse.noune. McdraiMcGrathb aniandl WalkeWalkerr dllfedifferr amount ooff |S,l&.OOU.( those who responded ma ged sorshlphip onon ththee DemocratiDemocraticc ticketickett anandd Tli* nail 1 In their stories of subsequent events, I move the heavy vehicle f i .a still holding down the Job. This 'rue resit la Hie drawing Is made of In their stories of subsequent events, HealtHealthh IIss WealtWealthh beie laha stills serve boldingd forty-seve down then years Job. ,This as •••11 •11 bluUuee v.-lvelveti -hot wlib silver aud la but bullets In Tbomas J. tmbartla. era' body and drag him out be has served forty-seven years, as but surgeons found five bulletsI th eIn Various boards or health, govetro- constable and thirty-two jears ttimmad(ii:iii.!.,l with*llu erminermine.e l-iiriiti.-1‘autberr skinskinss Walker'Walker'ss body,body, threthreee ooff Tli.-themi In the Thomas J. Imbartia, aged arty ] derneath. Sir. Giles saw at Various boards of health, govern- as a constable and thirty-two years *F*"Pe ibethe latvwl*lr*ft crtryy lluu fur*tun,, anaudd tWtberwn IIss >ars, died this morning at bis bome| Powera waa seriously hurt mentment inspectorinspectorss anandd sanitariuiisanitariumsu a* effort to make pain her effects a McGrath asserts that Walker pulled police. An ex everywhereeverywhere urgeurge ththee ususee ooff . manumanu-- rsg*.rag«. | AJrvudAlreadyy pautUepantlicrr fi-mh.-nfonthriwt bavhavea a revolveri.\nlvir anandd lir"iBredl aatt blthimn twictwicee af- will be held fn facturedacturedlCE ICE.. rteenlwii IIff II..Sott ln-urheardJ ofof., anandd pauthepantherr ter thetbe formeformerr founfoundd hihimm InIn tbe leg. WhUVv? BhCAUSBECAUSEE iitt iiss purepure.. W Wee lultttrvw• ••!::• mayniay hrin- ;|<.4nl .. a fuforr aniuii^amwugc tn thea house.tse. ThisThi» statfraenstatementt WalkeWalkerr dedenied.c I " J* ' manufacturmanufacturee ththee purespurestt Jstrirs.,( r s i - OnOnre noff thlb*e moaroostt luxurluuluxuriousa He •ayany*s thathatt tbthee policemapolicemann bebegan Mr.Mr. anandd MrsMrs.. KalmsKalmann RpthbergRothberg,, owtuiDca• •—.mi.. - seen»wii for(or nwnmanyy a daday* waassa ooft •hooting at him the instant tbey met. Icece thatthat cacann bbee produceproducedd anandd selselll n noo shooting St him the Instant they met. . PRICEDDirrcS REASONABLEdpi Cam a di r. * of>f WentWest ThirThirdd streetstreet,, celebratecelebratedd ththee MsbopliUhuti purplepsrpta silk*llk sauigains*e witwithh aa allvesilverr Walker,'atker denieddenied thathstt htbisa purpospurposee In other. PRICES REASONABLE. * I ’K«fh A *e ., twenty-fifthwenty-flfth anniversaryanniversary ooff tbettheirr *novIsi-i* tunk-tale trliniuittrimmedl witwithh .liln.lilllachinchilla.. visitingvisit Ins thetbe McCratMcGrathh homhomee wawans rob rob-- weddingwedding atat theitheirr homhomee MondaMondayy nightntabt.. IheTbn coatcoat wawasa •a longlong,, amplamplee atfnlaffairr o off bery.bery. OOnn McGrath'McGrath’ss complaintcomplaint,, bow how-- CRYSTAL ICE; CO. Tbtffe were about one hundred rela- Ktlvrr tuouut-Uup otr«r ^llvi-r aattn. CRYSTAL ICE Co. CA'It real -'featlOD •* M» Tbdfre were about one hundred rela- ever. a charge of burglary was. re- HaeDONALD * iVAJIV, tive*lvea andand friendfriendss presenpresentt frofromm NeNsww TbrreTbvre waawas ■• IHgmx square•>1usn> collacollarr o6ff 1c MIII-. and the tH>ltom ot tbe « jouroq psionb i;apL» isora aqi ,,'W!* DarinDurlugg ththee evenineveningg aa, dinnedinnerr JKRSKV AOKICI'LTITUST* They Look Good «ad jntaey .warriTTinr in a| BONTIH NV3IO3IW M1N JO S3OVJ 003 They Look Goal ad wawass served.served. PLANKM; AXXCAAXKl'AlL stHAHOI.f d D p*su inp S1V3OJ 9NBVTU 09 Howard W. Cobbs' Yr.aYfia 8mSec 0Oood.1:<.- Mr.r. sadand Mrs.Mrs*. RothberRothbergg werwer*e soarmar-- - * *»ns-os»t» I«>IJ saiiois XBOHS si. riedtied DecembeDecemberr 262«., !1*95. v.. „,la NeNearw •he thlrty-eishtb I cstabtlshinent. 14* Eut Flrtb c . be f . nutimmt. Tb. tklrtjr-.l(hth »nnm*l mMIni i jnawdimo £ SJDIUV AiaMU, OS York.•, TheTheyy havbar*e resideresidedd herheree foforr U>iidarin rt—*nmU■ aielaud fat.lejI'aislt-j anandd lutllIndia* orOf th.tbe Nex«»w Jersejtwry Stat»»>*e BoarBo.rdd oorf Ac a.- H HENRYHENRY WIERENGWIERENGAA twenty-threewentv-thre* years. TheTheyy havbav*e sisixx ade up with handw>roe furs nrall.r. wil«HIl meem»lt a«t (htb-e Stat»t»t-e ••nsst qm ut too—ST1AON 3I3UHO3 J.V3H9 ZI ren, Samuel, Marry, Rose ana House. Trenton, January 18. 1» and Residence -Phone S1T-I- children. Samuel. Harry. Rose and imoog tbe evening'ronts. Horn*. Traston. Jumrr 1», 1* »nd ULI u osm m* MLLDUSCB s-nxi »• Harvey.ey, LouisLouis sadand SadiSadiee RotbbergRothberg.. 20. Tb."he meetincmtloig will.bea-III bo.rr reportl-pon«s .Tissstsrs.issi: Mr- . Rothbefg'Rothberg'*s nearesnearestt friendfriend., from Ik.he State-GrangeSuu drlMi., treasuretrMMr.rr ooff saac Llnd, who was married on tbe tbe board, the secretary and the Isaac Lind, who waa married on tbe whin traveling Ibe bo»rd. lb. Mrr«»rj and tbo asm*same datedate,, alsalsoo celebratecelebratedd hihiss twentwen-- State entomologist. rth of .vour lungcbt Stale entomoloKUt. PIANO HOTIHG A HPKCIAJLTT. ty-fifthty-flfth anniversaryannlveraary yesterdayesterdayy aatt hibiss Papers will be read by Dr. George iitl »l«.q ,,-l veu and uoc-half I‘a per. -1U be read br Dr. ttoor.e home>me laIn NewNew YorkYork.. DurinDuringg thtbee da dayy c; CrMlmaa.Creelman, presidenpre.ldenlt ooTf thlb.e OntaOnta-- Howard W. Cobbs thehe couplecouple exchangedexchanged greetingsgreetings.. aTld* of w*l .lo Agricultural College; Professor FCRNITUKt, l!if «klp n!H| rio Acrmilural Ooltos*: Pn>r«Mor H. R- Lewis, of the State Agricu]-. OIL CLO1HS. tb» other H. K- E»*la. or lb. But. A*rtru|- iral Collfce: ei-Judge Algernon T. , like an taral C-U-rr: n W|. AUreroon T. mm,.s-eeney. otof NewarkXe-.rk;; JJ.. FT.. GordonGordon.. 1 1 3NIZVOVW3 N1ZVOVW ATHJJJOWA1KLNOW Robert if. Mi '•!'- ib* word ofof JamestownJnmeatonn.. O.O.:; HH.. OO.. DanielsDnnleU., ofor., f Pmnfletd avenite, an- Mlddletown. Conn., and Professor W.j loagland's Express louisLOUIS kadesh;KADESH; ounce ibe engacement of tbelr J. SpfUmaa, ot tbe United States De-, SJLLOONIddn rnralinr» MOTIC t ajighter, Mi.-s Katberlae M. McCnt- half aa Inch narrower partment of Agriculture. S.llODNIddn Kxvruaad ul OMBfrtwt MM. 2323 SomornatSomertet StreeStreett beon, to C. LOuU L. Dana, tun of nod aa much snorter aa Xfic« 205 Park A» Tel. S33.« Charles U Dana, of K«w Vork • he dap. Tlinms-ti that f*D tufpuefL pooP°oqO uoj No date for tbe wedding baa r llftad TryTry a PressPress WanWantt A Add •w so thai the »e can b* srwbed. n ' I OHBUTLAM rtMLO. 1 will TS- rtnetow*Cbrlttrou ••entertai♦•'“'•T*n *!“! i By v JOS.JOS. HARRIGAHARR1GANN lta fieri fa k» Ssl* at Ik Wllso* Mraumsl f i anr OLDOLD COMPANY'COMPANY'SS cbspctk.p-ll tomorrowtomorrow r.l«»l-night. 5&?E)£BfcSs?I• Courthouse! In tba City ol Tk.r.There wtawill Mb* preparatoryk a^rylc•?**•h e “g “ ““ * LEHIGHLEHIGH COACOALL Mat U>.the FIFirs ratt Fr-sWW*Pr-bVt-vlso" chorc' *"h to•»- WKDNKHDaY.WEDNESDAY, TUBTHE rOL-BTFOURTHH DADATY OFOl aaorrow ntfchi and commotiion on JANUARY.JAXUAHT. A.A. D.D. MMILL 929 South Avenue Borrow alibi aad tos.muI.tos oa at two o'clock In the afteraoon of uli 929 South Avenue bandar moists*. day. all iracta or narccla or landa an< ThTb»e ChrtatmaaChristmas aolwrtadamrolentertainment willwill ».W bwldheld a-at, tht».e Pinrnratt O«pt'Ualitlat« chmrchrbbrrt.. .NEWARK'EWARK'SS STORSTOREE -BtAUTlFUBEAUTIFULL Th.radar night Admta-ion "»' "• h —B*tin nin« at a point In TenEycTenEyckk & HarrisHarris,, n.rJ.y n«kl A4“«*“-IllJ- tpln nt Bd< •y ticket, tin- a.ffair « * ? ^ -Tfcgsjjgsaruf j TEBS KSPOAD. NEW-M** HAi~aEY STREET* ysy.avenue, iUfvjtjUMdistant LLO j| fnl'lnIn Ui'eriectiolm»r»«cUoer DMHn u brfor lick*!.the memiber Ibr affaira of thbrio.e schoo UtanMl and •iTvPODtCBS- mBXOAD, NtW-.~. MA1-3EY JTKCCTJtM -luTOUCCRA at the «Bid aide Una at Slimmer a lor•hnrob Ibr. bob bora ol Ibo arkool aad 'wilt,wlth Ihfthe aoutheaaurlnlMiMr .iSniSTotlSScalda tin* of LEHIGH VALLEY COAL afenrch. The Most Industrious Store in Newark—The City of Industry *y;Jto$»way; Ititnce »nauuthwaaterlyIinn •• auulhwenterly•ouihw*rtrw*srtrrtjt > dldlrovibn,dlrect k LEHIGH VALLEY COAL The Birds- Christmas carol will be The Most Industrious Store In Newark—The City of Industry : n«Mt angtr( to SummeSu r avenue The Bird* Ubrletiras carol will to l.'ISj taelIcrt ttooo aa poinpointt ant d ox tbrtbe ChristmasChristmas entertainmententertainment aatt lb*the In a southhaaslerla r direction Firs'First l*r~brt*rUnPrMibj-tertan cfcurrhcburrb . ThursdaTburudayy 1 f No Leu parallel wit a Hummermrr averni* a -*'- -i-yt Tomorrow afternoon From Z and Of 1M f*vt «o a Po4 , -i->f Tomorrow afternoon from 2 TodayToday WeWe BeginBegin flffirP Furniture alt , Reductions of° No Less Ifewra In a northaaatarlirummrr Jlractloa and -fee'o'clocK o'clockk thtbee childrechildrenn wilwilll bolboldd tftairtn. ir Ukrtatmaacbnatmaa party.p«rif. OurOur AnnualAnnual SalSalee wlliCv a UlllllVll 0 ThaThann 1100 PePerr CentCent.. Unalan^of oT Summer avraut;* tbanoa to mu ThereTberp will» (II tobe a ChristmaChrlatmaas tretIra.- at (be!!••• Kb.*n-x*r\ \. •• '• • BaptistBaptist churcrhurrbh foforr tbothe RollRoll TopTop DesksDtski WoodWood SeatSeat Stool,Stools BOOKKEEPERS’BOOKKEEPERS' DESKDESK yglJJJJSSWT& tmot to tto point aad pU<.7, childrenehlldron onon TbnradayThursday eTenln*.evening. ThoseTbooo) rutFlat TopTop DesksDeitu FactoryFactory stool*Stools A first-claaant-st-clan* DesDeskk inin evereveryy detaidetaill ooff constructionconstruction;; coulcouldd nonott Bain* known and daatcaatad aa loi wishingwishlnx totn ro-operntero-op*r»te Witwithh thtboe eom-ton- TypewriterTypewriter DmktDocks Telephone Stools bebe better;better; madmadee ofof nicelnicelyy selecteselectedd oaoakk witwithh aa duldulll finishfinish;; iitt iias mmbarad II. 13. II and 14. In Murk **M. BlUr-eitilM'-<- with»i'li •a Viewview ttoo decoratindecora I In*g tb thee Standing Bookkeeper!' Xtesks Telephone Stool* 3333 inchesinches wide.wide, 4422 incheinchess highhigh;; hahaas brasbrasss sprinspringg locklock;; squarsquaree tree are requested to consult Walter Standing Bookkeepers • Drain Pigeonhole Cabinet* M lUaiTunjl .V* '* tree are requested to ronault Walter RevolvingRevolving Chair.Chain Pigeonhole Cabinet* leg!legs andand alalll edgeedgess araree squaresquare;; boobookk racrackk aatt toptop;; madmadee iinn threthreee 747747 WnetWM FrosFtwett SSLL Ford.Ford. MlaaMl>* JosephineJosephine iMrbfD*rby anaadd MrsMra.. Press Stands sizes. ^^ fe«eoed Tra/r-P*Hn» In Bailie Ford. ArmAnn Chair*Chairs PressRevolvin Stand*g Bookcase s sizes. tha nnrthwa»ferly aide IIn* of ta$faon Belli- Ford. Reception Chain 1-rnthLenth 5 feetfeet,, regularregula* pricpricee $23.00$23.00;; salaalee pricpricee $2$200 yenuaHWM distantdistant «a feelfeet fromfrom thtba* paipointn The children'! Christmas parly Reception Chain TypewriteRevolving r BookcasesChain . The children's Christina* party Settee*Settees Typewriter Chain . Lentla-nthh 6 feetfeet,, regularegularr pricpricee $24.00*24.00;; salralee pricpricee $2$2a2 ImaraonEmerpon avanuaavenue mtlwithi ththa*« nnrtheajiterlnnrtbaaatarlri R.R7L L.. CLINCLINEE wilwilll bebe heldheld IInn VincenVincentt cbapechapell ooff ibthee Bookkeeperi' Stools •• j Lenth 8 feet, regular price $28.50; sale price $25 a*da• i'l* llna off Midway;Mt.f*ny. thenceTl;..r..-.- ITIn , .a. northm.rll,- ttrstr M. K. rhurrb, tomorrow after- Office*Offices Director.Director! Table*Tablet Bookkeeper*' Stool* Lenth 8 feet, regular price *28.50; rale price *25 «Mf*rlrRaatrrlj- dlractlydirection and at rlffbt anclea to (Bucceaaor lo C. H. Bum * Co.1 FI ret M K. church, tomorrow after- Office Tablet Other Standing Desks prices are a* follows: Emersnnw &venu« a distance ot 1:6 feel noon.noon. when»ti.-i, BantMenua CUDClaaas wilwilll makmakee Can*Cane BeatSeat Stool*Stools Office Tablet Other Standing Desks price* are as follows: «*>~' a poinpointt anandd mrner,corner: Hiraotllvnu InIn aa mouthih bu appearance. The entertainment 5 ft.ft . length,length, regularegularr pricpricee $15$15;; saltalce pricpricee $13.50$13.50.. easterly•terly directiondlrecMan andand pnralleparidlall withwliti Kro Best Quality Lettish Coal bla appearance The entertainment anonenuin avenuenvtnue a& distancedlalanoe ooff 151500 ffeet t< foforr theth« oldest(.I.;. ,r membermemberas ooff ththee schooschooll 6 ft.ft . length,length , regularregular priceprice *18.75;$18.75 ; ralesafe priceprice $16.60.$16.50. a point and corner; (henee In a aoath* T«rd sod offloe Ut Wt«t ThirdThird fltat TdTel nM willwill tobo heldb«ld ThursdaThnredayy nightnlkht., whewhenn ROLL TOP DESS 8 ft.ft . length,length, regularregular rpieerpice $22.50$22.50;; salsalee pricpricee $20$20.. towesterlywenlerl Rmeraony didirectionr avenue and a dMtnareat rtdtit of«n«1ee — thetbe KuKKleHagglesa FamilFamilyy Wilwilll entertaientertainn orr- DoubleDoable StandingStanding Desks,Desks, 6 ftft.. longlong,, 5588 incheinchess widewide;; hahaas 33 feat to a point in tha aald aide llna andcrus.-i. thetbn direction.!•••.•>•• Ooff MrsMr*. . JudJuddd ''Mndo of qntafend oak, 5-ply liuilt up writinR tod and top; tnue I Made of quartered oak. 5-ply built up writ in if bed and top; drawersdrawers inin eaeheach aideside anandd iinn ththee centreentree iiss aa boobookk rackrack;; alalll edgeedge*s petitionr'-otion and al**i*nliHK the said aide llna TenEyckTenEyck .&.& KelleKelleyy allall edge*fdRctf ararep square;w|iiarp; soliaolidd oaoakk raineraiaedd panelspanel*;; hardwoohardwoodd drawerdrawer*s are square; it is made of oak; foot rail' at the bottom, and may Rmeraon avenue % distance of !'*• I are square; it is made of oak; foot rail at the bottom, and may tot ttheh point anaadd placplacee ooff beginningbewlnnlns: • mcimiiri t.. H..I.. Co. williwith movablmovablee partitionspartiliona;; «olikneep Bjiap.pacen witwithh separataeparatee lockloek;; convenientleonvementlyy ar ar-- Bookkeepers'Bookkeepers' StandingStanding Desk*,Deskt, G6 ftft.. longlong;; pedestapedestall underunder-- COAL 0 GodfreyC-wltrey poggl.POBBI. thethe KlUab+ilKlliatoth: rang-drqnp-il pigeonptffi-on holImlee interiorsinterior*:; finisherfiniaher goldx-ngold<-n oaoakk coloeolorr witwithh a a neath on 2 ends, containing large deep drawers in the top with CHAS. A'. TB1MHL 741741 SOUTHSOUTH AVE/sVE.. TelToL . 1155115 5 neath on 2 end*, containing large deep drawer* in the top with 12li $5 &m.Gm. EDJ&UPi;njftL>r.. ajv.- r—m-ta.t errlift<-.t who has been rhoitrho n by dulldull finishfinish oiielittefa «a*« nonoww useliaedd iinn alalll officruoflioea;; nonott aa cheacheapp deskdealt., bu buvr high school, baa already price of 50-inch ai*e *32: apeeial aelling price Complainant and IJUIan U Ca> fin HUCCUMOR8UCC&8HOB TOTO RHKACMK.RBKAUMK. for a a-w high echool. has already AlanAlso maymay hebe badluul iinn f>."55> anandd 60-inei60-inelii aatt appeaapeeiall pricesprice*.. •nd Jamea K. *>-1ln4ft«nfor milu oetf aL.mong*a dW | trgunti-Kiin work . WilWithh SuperintendenSuperintendentt Other jVi-ttk price reductions are ss follows: STANDINOSTANDING DESKDESK.. Kanta. Ft fa. for aula of rnortgagal of . School*School* rumen*Clement hhee hahass visitevisitedd Ollier llrak price reduction* are a* follow*; S? virtue of the ahove-atated writ COALCOAL andand WOOWOODD Hi* new lut;!. - ii-mi> in Daynnne and KlcgantElegant standingstanding Desks—Desks—88 feefeett lonlongg anandd 0232 incheinehe*s widewide,, fieri, fadna to me directed I ahail . the new high e hooli la Rayonno and Roll Top Desks; made of oak, 3 ft Ion-?; one row of draw- pooo for *alfl by public vr'ndun. nr liifl lain thlatlita HHee wilwilll alsalsoo visiTialtt oother Boll Top Desks; made of oak. 5 ft long; one row of draw- heightheight ofof lira*bras screenscreen 30J'•'•<", inches, inches built, buil oft owhitef whit equartered quartere doak, oak , •.:••• & FjM Courthouw. In the •cboolai.ln.,,1- h»MI theTh- StatStatee anaadd wilwilll probprob-- er*;ers : pigeon-holepigeon-hols worworkk interiorUlterior;; regularegularr pricpricee $19$19;; salaalee goldengolden finish,finish, ampleample drawerdrawer space,space, slidinslidingg doorsdoors;; cascashh tilltill;; mamayy CityC!i>- of.> f RllaabMIi.ElliQhoth. N.N*.. J.J... ooan ably visit, Ne* York city. Prom price $16.50 ably Halt New York city. Krotn price . - $16.50 alsoalso lieIn- hahadd withwith platplatee glasglasss insteainsteadd ooff brabrasa grillgrillee RegulaRegularr pricpricee WEDKBDAY. TIIE FOURTH DAT OF I’AISTHWI'AIM i:il-i ANDAND DBfXJRATOHM.UEXORATOR8. theselijlll visitvisit.? Ar<-hilorArchitectt PoRgPo**li eijexpectsi RolRolll TopTop Dealt*:Desks; :I:( ftft.. 6 lonjflong., 3:I00 incheinehe*s t'eepdeep;; iinn ththee pedestapedeatall $102;$102; specialspecial priceprice jj $8 8$88 JANUARY, A. D. 19U toto gaingain IdeaId cuns thathatt mamayr bbee meu cdd oaon arc 3 drawer* and one larger on<> for book usfi; pigeon-hole work at two o'clock in tha aftamoon. of ami Ihi' prixfiipird school ID Elizabeth. are 3 drawer* und one larger one for book one: pigeon hole work day.I nnd allsnf l thatjir<"i;i-- nertalnH ^ *Jr iirtracti i.j. lylrijor rparcel sn'l it*i Take m Look in our Window • the proopued echool la Klliatoth. interior. Thin is a first-class desk in every detail; regular price landln«" inand 111 *pramkra-a dry at I'lrtlnfli-ldaltuaie. lylnr, In IV-- and * ' b.>'ii i Take a Look in our Window interior. Thia i» a firot-claa* deak in every detail: regular price17 |n In tha City of Plainfield. In the Coun- "WWei merewjcr* bvbv nnoo meanmean** satisfietat tailedd *20; sale price * FAMOUSFAMOUS ''MACEY"••MACEY" PILINGFILING CABINETSCABINETS.. tytyC ofif TUnion • i iand Hi. ]ft Mir tale , of,, (New V-w J*r»av* Jniil-^ and you will be cOBTlncad [liat tb« 1 *20; rale price *17 and yon will bn eonvlocnd that tto withwith thetlie ; nrhoolschoolss wwee Ihavei ft ve visited.vlalied,” RollRoll TopTop De*k*;Desks; 50BO indieInchonp longlong., 22 pedestalspedestal*,, containincontainingg 2 2 WeWe areare AgentAgentss foforr ThiThiss GranGrandd RapidRapidss OfficOfficee FurnitureFurniture.. ofJle*innln« Spruce at atreed, a Mintdistant In Intha a centrenorth w lln. set aal«v•nlit HupfwlntendeatHiiiujrlnu-nii'-nt ClementClement yester-yester- TheThe KaoeyHacey SystemSystem ooff SectionaSectionall TilinFilingg CabinetCabinetas embraceembrace*s erly direction alone aald centre o laUMtlate«t lala InInterio far lorr wnrk—w*rk—Aorochr»n. Aorockrnn*#s day morning. "The buildings have deeptaMD drawer*drawers andand 6'» smallesmallerr drawersdrawers:; nicelnicelyy panelepaneledd l>acbeckk an andd ftpruce street an. hundr-1 and eoventy dar morning. “The buildings have aidcM; pigoon-hole work interior; drawers, pencil box, etc.; practicallypractically everyevery combinationcombination aann officofficee mamann coulcouldd desiredesire.. VariVari-- five feet and era on*-hundred the of • WsabablWax ha blaa WsJWalll Decoration—laDecoration—la varvaryy batodd feature*(.•.tin... thatHint Willwill bbee eliminateeliminated* aideH; pigeon-hole w*ork interior; drawers, pencil box, etc.; ous nling device* are made in small units so that they can be footfoot fromfrom ItsLm IntersectionIntd highlili:li •>*•• hoohonll anaadd aa beautlfbeautifulu RolRolll TopTop Desks;Defks; mademade ooff quarterequarteredd oakoak., goldegoldenn finishfinish,, dulldull;; fitted together and changed at will. All business and profes- deci'castreeta*%nit d*grppj» and iM*vef»t^pn mln PaintanaiKPsmtors nsdl DvcoratorDocorator** price of 50-inch rile $35; rale price $32 panelpanel sidessides andand baek,hack, witwithh solisolidd cascastt brasbrasss trimmingstrimmings,, witwithh inin-- uteaforty-eldht eaat onedefree. hundred and andseventeen eeventr-Ove AlsoAlso may ' hbee habaild iinn 5555 anandd (J00O incheinehe*s aatt speciaspeciall price*price*.. terior filing units of hard wood, nicely finished; the set consist- feet and l wenty-fouren» y-four one hundredth of Sanitary Roll Top Desks; 50 inches long; 32 inches deep; terior filing units of hard wood, nicely finiahed; the set consist- i foot to thha» e centre centrerentrp llna linelin e o*ofo fspnn' PpruceBprucf *«r*vi. streetatreel 143143 NORTNORTHH AVENUE.AVENUE. A coal< "ii i mine,mine ,abandoned abandoned flftyfifty yearsyeai Sanitary Roll Top Desk*; 50 inehe* long; 32 inehe* deep: ing of the following. hrnce along;' (he centre line 1 n(™<^ THETHE REASOREASONN Brothers £ Sten, on West Cbestna tered oak, nk<-ly fininhi-d; edges arc square; regular price *3O; era; 4 Card Index Drawers. 1 Vertical Filing Drawer, for $31. thirty-three and ona-thlrd feet Brothers A Hten. on West Chestnut tered oak. nicely finished; edges are aqnare; regular price $30; Other combinations $22 and upward. Flih ttio bouaahouse thereon;thereon: aaldsaid lanlandd b*ibe nIn* 1 haveBAT* ttoths conftdeneeconOdsOM Ooff tbtkne [subpub-- atrret.Street, Washington.Washington. 1'aPa.. sale price 4)28.50 Other combinations $22 and upward. Lhat parnt of a. plot or tract of lnnd on rale pries IB** rtundrrd f«"t ■fron l hj"r tractone hundreof landd »n,. lictle laIs toeansnbecauaa '• B«T«uararr Ukukae fta eoa- con - John A, Sten. vice president or the a5ya ,2,‘h5Sf»k hundred John A. Htso. vlro pr.sbtont or th* OtheOtherr Desk*Desks asas highhigh aaas $183$183,, anandd thetheyy araree reducereduoedd iinn pricpricee awventp-five.. i i'M andnnd twpnty-fnutwenty-fourr ononee hun-hun -tracttract atat fta Bftirlfir$a totooo loloww t10o eosblenablee,company, andand twelvtwelf*e workmevorkmcnn wertrsr*e for this sale. BOOKKEEPERS' STOOLS. drrdlhn fwt df-p. coi -. t I ' • • b« to do tto work properly and *i*a M»rel7 Injured, but none will die. for this aale. BOOKKEEPERS' STOOLS of the firM part hirrto hy dwil 5%K2of Abmm DM io do till work proper]? and «lie ••vsrslr injured. kul dob* will dir. P.P. VoorhaeaVoorh««a aad»ad wlf.-wife,. datedanted MaIfmry foiu-ihfourth,. permanentpermanent xaUxfacUoosatisfaction tloo thtboe eua-cus - TfcrrwThere wrrwwer*. a■ soarsscore ofof otheofbrrr otuploro*employes RevolvingRevolving stool,stool, madmadee ooff oakoak,, 3366 incheinchess highhigh;; cacann bbee adad-- ona Dthouaandtltouaand Hghtrijrhl hundrehundredd anandd nlin-ininetyy tomar. It may coat yon a llttlo morn whowho osospodescaped unhurunhurtt frofromm tbthre debrid-brl*s justedjusted toto differendifferentt heights,heights, frofromm 3300 ttoo 3366 inchesinehe*.. tomer. It m»y coat jon •> IUU* mor* TYPEWRITETYPEWRITERR DESKS . ***’ ROnRR?*J.*kVrkLAND.nOuKRTf J. KIHKT^AND, Fharllf.Sheriff. laIn ttotb« todanlu.bsjlnalm, bubatt fta treagraatt dM deall ofof fallrufallen wallswalls,, brokebrokran machinerBacblnarry RegularRegular priceprice ofof woowoodd seaBeatt iiss $3.50$3.50;; speciaspeciall $3.00$3.00.. AI.VAIIAliVAH A.A . rinARK.CI^ARK, Bot'rtor.. and twisted shafting. 13II 5E BraEm lvDJ*LiED J A DPP AdvAd v.. FI-OJI—tiFM^-Clf.74t T leanI«M lala ttothe andaad.. and t-lalrd .bafllni- Typewriter Desk, made, of quartered oak, golden finish; has RegularKegular priceprice ofof cancanee samlt iitt $3.60*3.60;; speciaspeciall $3.25$3.25,. SomaSome seotlonssections ofof ththre buildinbuildingg Telfoill Typewriter Desk, made of quartered oak. golden finish; ha* HER1FPF SA 15 0 feet to the base or tbe old mine. oneone pedestapedestall containincontainingg 44 drawersdrawer*,, neatlneatlyy panelepaneledd sidesaide*,, anandd “JBgTMKSr&SfinAS'ZJersey. Betw James C. Hansen IS* frrt to Ibr baoa of thr old miss. top has square edges; it has the best kind of lowering and rais- ecu trice*, ata.i,. complaincompUlnanU.andt James C. Hansen TknThe loarloss amonlaamounta ttoo abouaboutt $75. $7S.-- top lia* square edge*; it has the beet kind of lowering and rais- INTERCHANGEABLEINTERCHANGEABLE CABINETSCABINETS.. Isabella Bcotl f •00.•#*. ' inging devicedevice forfor holdingholding typewritintypewritingg machinemachine;; machinmachinee whewhenn nonott ItIt shouldshould hbee bornbornee iinn minmindd thathatt alalll ththee variouvariouas boobookk casecasess d-fcncianifl. i'\ for sale of mortgaged iinn useuse iiss lowereloweredd anandd desdeakk cacann bbee useusedd aass aa flatflat totopp deskdesk;; siz siteo and filing drawers of the Macey maonfactnre are interchange- PrB^'*vlrtuoae ooff tba nbovr-Mateabove statedd wriwritt „of 37 inches long. Regular price $22; sale price $19.60 and filing drawers of the Macey manufacture are interchange- *s?I erf faciasfact us to IrrcteCladd I shallfhall exprmne.poee TM. CU1 MS SenatKruatoe HeaHostt 23£3 •a HoodooHoodoo.. 37 inches long. Regular price $22; sale price $19.60 ableable,, andand ononee sectiosectionn cacann bbrie addeaddedd ttoo anotheanotherr witwithh ththee greatesgreatestt , rndue!ue.. a att th lJ*w" Sti.-rSlf MhcrlfTsn WhWhoo lais golngo lags ttoo geartt seaoaatt ,\..No.. 2113 SanitarySanitary TypewriterTypewriter Desk.Desk, flatlUt toptop., drawerdrawerss iinn eaceachh pedespedes-- case. Part of it may be a bookcase; part of it drawers for filing n«lcaf In the Cocntiouew,houao. IInn tbthea CitCityy o off In i he Senate under tbe readjustn ease. Part of it may be a bookcase; part of it drawers for filing Elisabeth.Elisabeth, N.N . J..J. . ono n In thr Konst o sndor tka rradju.tmrnt tal;tal I itit isis 5500 incheinehe*s longlong;: madmadee ooff quarterequarteredd oakoak., goldegoldenn finishfinish;; letters;letters; parpartt of> > itt ifilest files for fo legalr lega documents,l documents and, an dto s oon. on just, jus tas a s WEDNESDAY.WEDNESDAY. THRTHE TWRNTY-RiailTHTWENTY-EIGHTH M.M. WARREWARRENN karroaaryaccessary barauaabecause ofof tkathe recenrfrontt elccrlac-- disappearingdisappearing arrangementnrrangement foforr typewritetypewriterr machinmachinee whicwhichh lowerlowerss you wish it, and these may be arranged nnd rearranged over DADAYY OFOF DBCRMSEU.DECEMBER, AA. . D.D.., MM.1B10 , PAINTER,PAINTER, DECORATODECORATORR Monttonas laU k• questiodurationn beinbrlndg asketakrdd aatt when iot in use, making the to pof desk flat and can be used for youagai nwish as your it, ,and busines theses ma mayy require be arranged. and rearranged over at. twotwo o'clocko'clock IInn ththe* •tternooafternoonn ooff salraaldt tbatbe,; TbaThe "India"Indiann sign'.Ian -" firstnrat othowhenr iotpurposes in use.. makingKcguU rthe pric toe pof »27 deak; sal eHat pric ande can be used$2 for4 again as your, business may require., allall thatthat tracttract oorr parceparcell ooff lamllands* aniandl sndand PAPERHANGEPAPERHANCERR waawas patput onob No. i*1t wbewbrun SenatoHonstorr WttlWal-- other purposes. Regular price $27; rale price $24 PilingFiling Cabinets,Cabinets, LegalLegal BlanBlankk DrawersDrawers,, DocumenDocumentt FilesPiles,, ssyWnWi.Cl[y of Plalndfid. iy'x.-sjjsrsrftjaIn the County of Union aott.niii. ooff ColoradoColorado,, occupieortoplrdd itIt.. Ho RollRoll TopTop TypewriterTypewriter Desk,Desk, 3:t77 incheinch.**s longlong,, ononee roroww ooff draw-draw- ClothCloth Sons,Boxes, ReportReport PileFile DrawersDrawers., VerticaVerticall FilPilee DrawersDrawers,, ChecCheckk andtnA StateState ofof NewNew jeraey.Jpraey. ^ waa .1. <•••„,-,i for re-election and died ers; made of quartered ",L1.. nicely finished, and has pigeon-holMi (corner,M t o hacomebecome deadlockeddcadlorkad.. IItt wawaas all thenceth«Se'nort northh tbrty-el*h.fofty^'shn . dearecad«fT«« §3and ninenine HENRYHENRY WINDHAM.W1NDHAM, PropProp.. M«dMadee ofof solidNOltd oak(.;•!: anandd hahaas aa 5-pl5-plyy builbuillt uupp writinwritingg bebodd o off OFFICE CHAIRS. mlnuteamlnuten aaataajit sjoiualon*f sa.lmidd luwtTI lows linlinee twtwoo Boulka•Aontbs bwforobefore SenatoHrnatorr WetmorWrtmor.e wawaaa quartered oak . raised panels; square edge top and nicely finish- OFFICE CHAIRS. hundr«l and fW. »nd thlrty-lwo ooB-hun- OottfrtsdGottfried KraavfKntesVsa &tr» Beer « ••turned and In tbe meantime his quartered oak; raiaed panela; square edge lop and nicely finish- MaileMade ofof nicelynicely quarf%requarteredd oakoak;; ththee besbentt thathatt cacann bbee founfoundd hundreddrvdtha snd1105 l»vaJC) andfeet thirty-twoto a poin one-hun-t and dr*u«ht. Importad Wines. Uquora and Maraud aad la tka tnranllmo kla ed. All drawer work is made of hardwood with built up draw- dredH • (he. •;••>(ME) r,rnrT; feet thw tom a Wirinpointg mi andd aaataeat waawaa forfrltrdforfeits. SenatoHanatorr KlttrldgKlttrldgac ed. All drawer work is made of hardwood with built up draw- onon-th thee marketmarket;; itit iiss finishedfiniahed iinn eitheeitherr gokfegokh-nn oorr weathereweatheredd oakoak;; Broo(trackway'sk way's earner:llrw nort lhaocah forty-thre aVm*e •«!«aald- was altttng tberc wben Senator Wet- erer bottomsbottoms andand movablemovable partitionspartiliona;; centrcentree drawedrawerr hahaas a separataeparatee arweIlreckway*aa and twelvlln* e nortkminutc forty-threei went forty da-- waa suits* tkarr wbra Hraator Wat- lock; a first-class article, made in three sizes. Regular price hahaas a fancfancyy benlicntt armarm;; flat spindlespindless iinn thfhee backbaek;; saddlsaddlee shapshapee *raaa and twelve mlnutea weal forty- Boraaaore reacherear hadd tkathe SenatBraalae afteaftrrr thtbae lock; a first -claaa article, made in three sties. Regular price scat strongly constructed and is on a revolving base; tilts hack nine and nlr»ly-w**ht one hundrwdihe deadlock ended, and he was defeat- 50-im-h (20; special price for one week $17.SO aeat strongly constructed and ia on a revolving base; tilts baek <«» M> feet lo a potat: thence eouth forty- ♦radlock audrd. Bad ka waa drfaat- 50-inch *20; apeeial price for one week $17AO and forward; regular price $10.50; sale price $8.75 el*ht dmreea and nine minutes weet and aadd whewbrun nritnext hkae camraatoe uupp foforr elacelrc-- Regular price 55-inch «21.7»; special price for l week $19. and forward; regular prioe *10.50; aale price $8.75 parallelparallel withwith thei second line tiro hundred G.G. J.J . WEINMAWEINMANN Uou. Rehator liurk.-ti, of Nebraska. Regular price 55-inch $21-75; special price for 1 week $19. ma (Motor Bark alt. of NMraaka. RegularRegular 'pricpricee 60-iDch60-inch *24;$24; speciaspeciall pricpricee foforr 11 weeweekk $21 $21.. *.. , &?JFKg£tra of Plaln £Sr syWiT!: wh-boo baabaa beeburnn ocraprlagoccupying NoNo.. SII3 ofol Other reductions are as follows i Mtolate into,rear*, babaaa Juslastt meBatt defeadrfMlt Inla Other redactions are aa follow*: lesKveyed tn the said Ifar ts* CAFE Deak*.Desks, 3636 inehe*inches longlong,, containincontainingg a centreentree drawedrawerr anandd sidaidee nf Crmnn Pan? >^wlfe/ di!ii %• •.,. Uatthat HtatrSiat,. anaadd wilwilll bbre succeedeauccrrdadd bbry A HolidayHoliday WeeWeekk FuFurr SalSalee ' 6, IMT. and rentrdeJ In book 1ST o 213 Park Avn,T^. H-.1.1S2^oL 15277 ■•eprraeuuttvrpmrutatlvre Hltrkrork.Hitchcock. NNoo boohoo-- pedeatalpedestal withwith twotwo drawer*,drawers, anandd deedeepp boobookk drawerdrawer;; madmadee ooff oak.oak, Sids fir fnlon county, on pace*JSJt IM, et c 4«w ha* teemed to attach to No. golden finish; regular price $10.50; sale price $9 M K Rl-• N• .1. Sheriff. doo baa arrtnrd to attack to No. 11. golden finiali; regular price $102>0; rale price $9 INVOLVININVOLVINGG $30,00$30,0000 WORTWORTHH OOPF FINESFINESTT FURPURSS ANANDD NELkONS-ELKOS it* WMWM K Rl-NYOV. ftolTn. 42-inch size, same construction? regular; price $12.50; sale mobnoJS BtMSIM FDjiornj*jio r AAdd FI1« OTEL KENSINGTON 42-inch aiir, same construction! regular price $12.50: aale HERIFF'S HAI Hotel Kensington hisi richMI it .rw ii ooan Hcrrrr.ftn*t. priceprice L $10.5*10.500 COATSCOATS ATAT ABOUTABOUT MAKER'MAKER'SS COSTCOST.. H northNORTH AvenueMVBNUC l1"l Toppling over adddcnly without Toppllaa over aaddralr without SanitarySanitary FlatFlat TopTop DesksDesks,, madmadee ooff goldegoldenn oakoak,, duldnlll finishfiniali;; UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT »Vf apparent reason. Frank D. Hart, Goodness knows we've been selling fur coats and other fur* J5BE?S UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT apputrnt ressos. rraak D. Hart, haahas threethree drawer*drawers anandd ononee deedeepp boobookk drawerdrawer;; drawedrawerr iinn ththee Goodness know* we've been selling fur coat* and other fur* anta. FL fa. for ante of mort«a*ed pram- ■HOUSOUUE TUOROUGHFYIHOCUUCHrY RCNOVATORENOVATm •adf 11ua0 ItkhmonRichmondd streetatrrrl., layeIsjodd hiklas centre with separate lock; baaework does not set close to the foforr littlelittle enough—butenough—but alongalong comecomets a manufacturemanufacturerr gloryingloryingg i nin bairth on the *ldewalk at the corner centre with eeparate lock; haaework doe* not act close to the . »TBr Tlrtuavirtue atof ththee above-ntateabove-statedd wriwritt o off SUNDAY From 12S0 bacth oa ibr 'Idcualk at thr corhar floor—there isis a spacapacee ooff 66 incheinehe*s undrenestundrenetthh whicwhichh permitpermit*s ooff ourour successsuccess thisthis bibigg seasoseasonn offerinofferingg unss aaas aa sorsortt ooff complimentcompliment,, fierifieri faciefacls ttoo mmee directedirectedd II shalshalll >ipoespoeeM *off WatthiinWatch tin*B anandd NortNorthh avenueavrwaaus lasloott and aa an appreciation of our aptronage, 6rst call on a big lot for sale l>y public Vendue. at thSlBlSrlBri BDINNER to 2 P.M 50c "Mia.evening at*t 51 o'cloco clockk unconsciousuarouarloua.. HHoe easyeasy cleaning;cleaning; legslegs ateare equippeequippedd witwithh brabrann ringsring*.. and aa an appreciation of our aptronage. first rail on a big lot omee. In the CourthotUM, In UlS ClQr ot • a« MM to rait by a passerby and 50-inch size, regular price $21; sale price $18.76. ofof farefan hehe decideddecided ttoo disposdisposee ooff beforbeforee ththee endoend off ththee year.yeer.' rHE uaa srra to fall h, a paaaarbj. aad 50-inch tiie. regular price *21; sale price $18.75. Af. THE FOURTH DA0 1Y orOF fHE poltrwr*>lirw bradqaarlaiwlieadquarters notlftedaotlkrd.. DrDr.. AlsAlsoo maymay hebe badhad iinn 5555 anandd 60-inc60-inchh Lize.iie*s aatt liberaliberall reductionreduction.. NoSo now,now, seseee whitwhat irwee areare goingoingg ttoo do—sedo—seee hohoww wwee araree goingoingg '"'"‘lu&sprsra* * ntllaPitt la Mon eiairLnlngonto I bibs* thtbae mamann ursnurardd FlitFlat TopTop Deak.Deskx , mat»madee ooff quarterequarteredd oakoak., goldegoldenn finish;6ni*h ; writwrit-- ,ttoo sellsell furfur coats,coins, fufurr scan'aeari*4 anandd fnfurr muffmuffss ttoo thosthosee whwhoo gotgoti caseaehh at two o'Hoeft Hi the afternoonafternoon,, ooff aalmidd l day. all thattht certaicertainn tractractt oorr parceparcell o off HotelHotel IROQUOIIROQUOISS kaairhaat* laIB reiuorfBrrmovlacC thibae maimanl tloo MuhMub-- inging bedbed andand al*11l edgeedge*s araree squpreaquere;; iinn ththee pf(',pe,*•*!*!«t»l iiss aa deedeepp boobookk for'or Christmas.Christina*. laabrrateahcr* tiA'i'Hnho.pltal! TherTbarae IItt wawaas drawer and above it is a doub'e book drawer; in the opposite I-otI..t thee*these threethree lotalots ooff coatcoat*s stanstandd aass exampleexampless ooff ththe'pric-e pric- &*In* ffejsIn thee CitCiy toff plalnOeld. l*.?a th s.e CorafacradCooducwd awoo tknlh. PUPlaan found ibat Hart wa» BUsTertnc from drawer and aliove it ia a doub'o book drawer;1 in the oppoeite CountCountyy ofoff UnionUnion anandd Stale of New Jar- touad that Hart waa anffrrtaa from pedestalpeddle! areare 4 drawer:,drawers:; haliras a combirationeombiralion locloekk 4nandd separataeparatee ing*:ings: > < d Bute ot New tar. rpoplra.rpoplnjt . i!.Hr. maBary nohott recoverrarovrr.. "seeini e known and dealmsted aa lot ParkP«rk Avn.AT*. and»nd SeconSecondd SSlL loeklock onon eenlrceofc drawerdrawer.. RegulaRegularr pricpricee ooff 50-inc50 inchh $26*26, salsalee Women'sWomen'! andand Miraas’Kisaea' 62-inc52-incbh CaracuCaracull CoatsCoat*;; linelinedd witwithh ricrichh bereb d eleven (11. In block "C." as price L J23 brocade, two-toned silk or Skinner satin; with shawl collar and , , DaocwI'.i.. .• IFo wr MlMBa- IKb*. I-L. price *23 brocade, two-toned silk or Skinner ratio; with shawl collar and Kyai ffi£ ^wsfs. saH Mra.• r« t/bapBaaChapman FlaPlakk wilwilll giv( •a DoableDc.-b'e Sar|t»>ySantvy F>Flrtt TcTipp WritinWritingg DeaksDeak*,, 6600 inchesiqcbea longlong deedeepp cuff*cuffs andasd jewelejeweledd buttonsbutton*;; regularegularr valuvaluee $49.50$49.50;; ttoo gogo N..K.J.I Owotoer 1 «•*.'* aald map to- SMALLEYSMALLEY BRObBROb.. at — i. .$33 rTSSaS **due■*>-* "an. tbatbe HartrWcHartrtdfre SchooHcbooll audaudli andand 4488 inchesinches deepdeep;; boobookk drawerdrawerss oonn eaea** oppositoupoaitee aidaidee anandd 4 4 at L I. $33 In I the office of tbe Clerk of 1ST hurtb Aeemmm. tortnBtorlnm VrldaKrldajy nighnl.ktt foforr hebarr ttaucdaugb-b Scarfs ar-d Muffa most generously priced for this big event. unty; N. J., October, 18H. 147 Kortb A.noe. otherother drawer*;drawer*: centreentree drawerdrawer iinn eaceaehh Wek-eee apacapacee withylockwith.lock,, anandd Scarfs and Muff* moat grneroualy priced for thia big event. *to**tneld premise’mme**tVrmes ar enoS^MmdlUon conveyed *ub- tar.ler. MlaaMIM DorolkrDorothy FKkFlak.. UU wiWU1U kkae U intended tor the use of two people oprotrte each'other; all Come 'i''l of expectation. the name term and randlllona a large affair, a great many lnvi:a- is intend'd for the use of two people oppewte each other; all Come . t»U of expectation. butcher;BUTCH ER5 a terga affair, a grral vaanr lavlta- edges are square and basework sets up froth the floor so it can Women's and Mines' 5?-ineh Russian Pony Coats; of beau- tloaattoua b*IbringDK iwa^dlannrd. A partpartry atof mormoiwe edge* are aqnare and baaework acts up A oca the floor so it can Women's and Mimes' 5? inch Russian Pony Coats; of beau- Uuthan Utrfifty robkg?ouni peoplpaoplae frofromm ouoatt ofol bebe easilyeasily dusteddusted.. RegulaRegularr pricpricee $43*43;; salralee pricpricee $3$388 tifultii'ul selecteSelectedd akin*;skins; linelinedd witwithh SkinneSkinnerr SatinSatin:; witwithh shawshawll colsol-- CHOICK MEATHtATS.. towBwan ar«arc riperiod-expected- |. Ur;lar; deepdeep cufrufff anandd crochctorb-t* t anandd PonTonyy ButtonsButtons,, regularegularr valnvaluee OAMBGAMK INDl SKAHUN.HHWA. *59.50;$59.50; toto be,be.Mi soldd »att $37.5**7.500 RUABTIKHO ANTINGO ANDAND BROILINGBROIUKO KMUlac Scud. STOOLS.STOOLS. Women'Women'ss andand MusesMl****’' 52-inc52-inehh NeaNearr SeaBeall Coat.Coats;; madmadee frofromm CB1CKSNSCHICKKX8 A al-BCI.tI.TI'.si'EOAI,Ti • -Staff—What makes you think th, Herksblna Pork *nd 8Nsa«a These stools suitable for factory, office and store use; strong- selectedselected skins;skins; linedlined withWicwhhviehh BrocadBrocadee SilkSilk;; shawshawll collacollarr anandd d I Union County Clerk'a atti man who plans the) piano used to b> These stools suitable for factory, office and atore use; stroDg- deep cuffs; regular value $79.50; sale price $69.50 of deeds for said coontr, o NOB* better sold a rmard In tb* tall? lyly putput togethertogether,, welwelll madmadee iinn evereveryy respectreaped., j deep caffe; regular value $79.50; tale price $69.50 led for a r .— B~ ^iki . i. • . • mum «u ° v ' i \ i '• ~i j •, ' i .. , Witt*—Th* war »<• rattlea th, 18-inc18inc18-inehh aixe,aiiesize, regularregular pricpricee 75c7Toe;5 ; speciaspeiapeeialll ppricpricee 60c66*.. SALE OF CLOTH COATS, TOO. keys. SALE or CLOTH COATS. TOO. r&tsp&z:r» 24-tnch24-inch rite,sire, regularregular priceprice 90e90e;; speciaspeciall pricpricee 80c80s. Coat*Coats ofof BroadclothBroadcloth., PlushPluah., CaracuCaracull ClothCloth., EnglishEnglish: MixMix-. ;*O-tnc30-inchh rite,fie, regularregular pricpricee *1*1;; ape-Iaape- atl prepricee Me90c. 90c" tureture*s andand Kersey*:Kerseys; beautifullbeautifullyy made ;; strictlatrietlyy tailoretailoredd oorr handhand-- Hoag land’s Expreas PARQUETPARQUET A& HARDWOODHARDWOOD 3C-ioeh3C-ioeh as« **., reyu'aregularr prepricee *1.15$1.15;; speciaapeeiall pricpricee %1. *1. aomely. trimmed with braids or velvets; #be sold at exception- Hoagland's Express FLOORS Stranger—It,—I lootJut aawMW Ag funerafancrall gogo-> somely trimmed with braids or velvet*; (Mbs sold at exception- Cmflml rlt M FLOORS 1818-ine. inchh *•*#.Jw. canecane seatseat;; resreg.. prepricee 41.30$1.30;; speciaapeeiall. p,.iepricee $U5.$LU. Csrsfel Paraltar* Movtsg taglag downdown tkath* atatn-et root:: cacann yorowu teltalll m mae 1 allyally lowlow pricesprices,, a*a; follow*;follows: Old Floor. RefinUhcd Who U irolBS to be burled: 212! InchInch ,/at «., eancanee seatseat.. re?reg.. p--.rriratin e $7.45?V45*145::; speciaspec:aapeeiall pricpricee $1.26*L2S.. $10.50 Comti, $5.00; $15 Coat*. $7.50; $18.50 Coat*, $10.50; Old Floors Rsfnuaked wko la going to bo burled- 30 inch tizc, cane seat- —— —'— *• *"*L — --*• „ *1060 Costa, *8.00; $15 Co A*. *7.50; *1*40 Coats, $1060; Boy—YesBor—Too., airair: ; thtkoe (tatlmagrrllrmann IiIn X inch .’ic. eene Beat; re*, price.rce »1.70*170;t speciaspeciall pricpricee *1- $1A0W *25$23 Conte,Coats, $1660;$13.50; $3*355 CoatsOcala,, $18.50$18.60,; $4$450 CoatsCents,, $22.50*2260.. OffienOffic 205205 P.rPnrkAvk AT Td.S33-TA833.w GEO. E. WATT thIkae BrsIraft carrtagr.carriage. GEO. E. 'WATT Horan TA 6484. ISISOO NorthNorth An.AT* TeTsLL 333-333-arw CHRISTIACHRISTIANN ENDEAVORENDEAVOR.. PLUnilSHIWHM FOR SWUenUKMER? HIREE KILLEDIBD IIN WRECIKlI&mK HSfllR 1 Ml IIf IimMMGlirpCiS ir SMI KISS CITY d I PER CENT iiWILSON WHIRLWINiwraD IR H« May be Appointed Clrcul AadAnd BOOTScore#M arar*e InjureInjuredd Inla PlainlUldPlainfield CountrCountryy daClobb InIn. H* May bo Appointed Circuit Prayer Meeting Topic Far th, WM|C s»»*lSamael AlamlllAlKHiilUa BecomeBaoomaa. Pl«iPlolnflold'aDfleld'» Growt Growthh Greate Oroaurr ia laOoGoverno renterr - ElecSlsott ttoo DuDookh Coort Judffe by Wood* Accident on (•niuyianla Court Judf* by Wood- Accident on i annaylaola ■•tracttracts* 17.U.S B.. GolGolff Asso- Topfe.—Cntmddui w» TargetTargret foforr KevoiveBavoIrKrr ProportionProportion ThanThan NortWorthh ThroughThrough 8U<«SWte llaa thth#e Interlator-- rowrow WtlaooW llooa.. M•t MillatoneMilUton*.. ciation Delegate IX K«w Y»mr * oumwert dmtlon Delegate. 11*4 by Rev. gliHimn 1“ l*rfc Billot*.Bulleta. PlainPlainfleld lie Id-. *ateat ofof Jam**Jomti KB.- MartinaMartino., Ilan tbUme tkrlpiuralkrlf*ur*ll lel.—a id *. TbiTb« Irrm"Tin ootf HOBHo*., WilbuWltborr A, . H«ia- ThrewThre« m«menn werweree killekllludd anandd aa scoscorer The questionqueatloa assa ttoo hohoww tbtb** PlaiPlain-n st..rmurjj oo4f*a anBudd lb* VblUrro of KIMPtOIt! MIT.H IisS 1TAI.ITAUAXI \\ COLOXb', AMY ARAREK njH.WI-OI.\TEI>IMH.% PFOI 5f TKD.. Dr.Dr. WoodrowWood row WllaoWllaoaa wilwUIl Marutartt ou outt Ira.1*1, «rul tblb.a CircuiClrcmltt CourtCo.rt., expirecxptro** nc ousti orr more- atof p«oplpeoplee injureinjuredd Ilan *a raimil-l field_ Countryountry Club,Clnb, aaas a votinvotingg mem- Israel*rartl rroMlo,crossing tbtb.e JordJ. u r ooon JanuarJanuaryy 44 aaaa tilb*e GovernoOoveroorr o off NeN.ww uary and 'bis fact ku glvea roadroad wrack»r«ck aatt MUlatoaMlUatoae* JunctioJunctionn o onn ber of the United States Golf Aaao- ivbru.rr **d IkU (act ka* wdm ter of the Cntted (Rates doll D 1* U~ n-rolo* ot IhU ..rotful **/ JereeyJersey ouon aa whirlwinwblrlwUdd dasda",b througrbrowgbh to much •peculation ** ** ^ the PenneyPennsylvani I >anlaa RailroaRailroadd at S elation, athouli bo oldt votvotee aatt tbthee cominc g Baadanoi anaadd G«teep*Ualarppr« Otm- flagman, on a freight train. whoTnesday night .obMKulili-l bb,y IIIt.. "f<>-To,r yJ.e bavbar*^ nu **t passed terday afternoonn whewhenn aa roroww aatt thtbee populatio: populationn Isla 10.550 , whicwhichh meaa s ooff tblathis citycity,, havinbatingg irecalledred ibtbee i ma- b,bb ftsmueltaeJ S8 SwackfaamerBwschhsmer.. IItt l i la livediv"l IInn WilmingtonWllmlngioo., liDel... j., JohJohni LeightonLelgbton Ca'hlnaCa:klns presidenpresidentt ooff tbthee tbb watrayy hitherto.bltantr.-" ThTb*e peoplpro'd*e wertrme bom. of Merlfnoo SantSantaa culminateralmlnatadd t ala Itha Ibatt tb tb,e Increas lorreoaee ) o» tb lb,e las laattl tente un yearsyean jorityrlty ofot votevoless ilan aa primarprimaryy electioeleetioan believed thatIbat Mr.Mr. Bwackhammer'gwarkhammer’as a »p-p Lowenbrrg.jLowentwrg, ofof JerseJerieyy CityCity,, engineeenglnaurr club,club, addressedaddressed tbeIbe trusteetrusteei] aatt lengtlengthh CO bliraaude maudnld bbyy J-ishuJ'.bo.a "tloo sanctifcertifyy ’he attampted abootlag ooff SamueSamuHl babaas been been, ove o»,rr thirty-thre Iblrtygbe pe.r cent. _baldlel d ttoo givglv#e thlb*ee peoplpeoplee aa cha chanccbaac*: e t oto folDtisent[olnlDjeDt toui thithlas officofficee woulwouldd glvgive* the second!•• 'urni freightfreight iraintrain., anandt advocatintingg insI as'ruction ruction*s ttoo ththee deldele-e ihtnoHmthemselves anandd b1—e preparepreparedd fifor tb* /•la ml lie. a boarder .jIs tbthee SantSantaa TbeTh e advancadvenee wawaas greategraaterr durlttduringc tb tb*e expreseipre**s tbrlrtheir choicchoir*e ooff aa mamanni foIforr thtb*s irwril>neral satisfactio*allafartk>nn aaas bhee llaa consiconsld-d Frankauk Knox,Knox. ageagedd 1114 yearsyears,, ooff S3S346 gategate frofromm tbthee localocall cluclubb requirinrequiringg rewoode or (lrr.n G.xtiodl woulworldd dodo.. **,t tbe prop- home.home. AlamlllAlamlllaa anandd hlhisi allegeallegedd as nm-- Brut are year*trs foforr sincaloe*e 190IMS5 tbtboe adad-- Seaslorahlp,lenatorafclp. Il»s tbIbee persoperaoan whwhoo ought rred, ,i eminentlyeminently qualifiequalifiedd tCoo dlscbargdischargei CJreer avenue.. EiKJlaabeth I rabel I firemafiremann on m toa votvotee arainsagainstt ththee adoptloadoption: of limetime tfod<;-*i heapebra padd ubpp thtbee water*train*,. •aHants,il Glu**ppe Gimbrosco.i andd vance mad* IInn Inhablitaalababtfutau Ilas aa trifltrIS*e to bo vent to the national capital. lb«t. daliasduties aniandl llaa vervaryy popularpopular.. ho passenge■eagerr traintrain whicwhichh iran Into the rule,;le, becausbecausee viciouviciouss IInn principlprinciplee and thethe lsmelitlament.-,™ passe[awe]d oveorrrr IntIntoo Ca Co-- ^ntonlo Bandano. together with Mr- over eleven peperr cent. Dr. Wilson'* tactic* will be practic- While representing Somerset eoun thebe wreckewrackedd freightsfreights.. KnoKnoxx Isis aan d because standardisation of clubs naan. I ]II- '-.-'I rnlBlled the prom- ally the tsui* aa those used or Eu- Whitein ll>e representingI.. :•!• ;.mir.', MrSomerset. Hw».-kliitt coon-n and because standardisation of clubs nran.l>e« to AbrahamTbo. *lod, l-n.-n folfiltod- and Jacotb. b promand and Mrs. Ranta were in coart Satur- PUlnUrld'es gaingala habraa beebeenn mucmuchh ally lh* iamb a* tbo** used by Eb- Irother-la-Jawrother-tn-law ooff MrsMra. . FranFrankk J.anand d ballballss ilas foreigforeignn ttoo tbtbee spirispiritt o fof Me to A la*bam. low and Jarob aod day.ay, ththee threthreee principalprincipalsa havinhavingg larger larger thanthan NortNorthh PlalnfleldPlUnaeld., tbthee perper-- b'd.gene NN.. FossI'o..., ooff MassachusettsMamacbuMU., toI* «lyr lamad ihae a l-eglrlstur*. remarkable recorMr. Hwarkham-d for bon fchat*oJbattfe- .of,ot WwWortt FourthFourth atruat.street. -- of golf. Tke trustees **r»gave theitbrlrr defendantdr* rmUnl*s thtb*e promisepromMd irlng about the defeat of Senator itMf r made aDd a abllll remsrhnb>ej and wo recordn tb efor estee bon-m if of gi*lf. The trustees 'ind. < been arrestedarreated bbyy PatrPatrolmanc Kelley centage-emage ofof gaigainn durindaringg tbtb*e decaddecadee i nm bring about lh. detent of Senator PriorPrior toto tbthee accidenaccidentt thertheree wa wasj a anlmously votevotedd ttoo InstrucInstructt ththae cluclubb and Detective Bergeant Flynn charg- tbe borough being twenty-two. DurDur-» Lodge,Lodge, anaadd alalll ooff hlbina preparatlonpreparationsa o,Af f[.. -and ...... ability. anandd Democratwon the sesteem freightrelgbt standinstandingg IInn aa blocblockk neanearr MilMill-l delegate (o vote against tbe adop- Tb#The JourneJoumryy ooff IsraeI-rarll typifietypISr*s tb Ibre presage a battle that will attract «,l Republicans and Democrats alike itcine Junction, when a secont delegate to vote again gresC’o«gree** IInn tb(hoe VFourth lan was caught In the caboose of hli Anotherlother ImportanImportantt matmattert dlscdiscus-n cially worthy of ron«ldrrmttoo la criminal nature could be provedceraa# baa been only rnrra per rant. 1 cl.lrlii Ja»l fall sod bis friendi canght In the caboo e of bla was that vt offering t! ctally worthy «»f *^>nsldcfsik»n In coo- againslastt tb*the prisonersprisoners.. lai 1*00,1900 , PlalnflelPlalnbelddd babadd 153615.36IS.iaa» andT*d "■-. WilsonWllaon wawaas telectedted Governo(Jov.rnorr thathatt fist rift laat fall nod hla friend* * on- train.rain. ThThue collisioco:>Ufonn threthreww aa freighfreightt sed was that of offering tbe nectloanectlon witwithh tbthee startinsurfingg upoui-mn aa ne neww ■ fight against Mr. tdentlitdtmily npecaiedexpwKied thathatt bthe woulwouldd b «be ar over on the main westbound thehe coursecourse ttoo tbtbee MetropolitaMetropolitann GolGolff However.However, l-chinIjehlndd ththee shootinshootingg Northrth PlalnllelPlalnllrldd &.009S,00«.. ThThee .figure flgt s *ba» woulwouldd malrm*b*- a fight against Mr. ibe nominee, he wltbdre' T on the main west bound Lasodatioo for Its year,air. wblrtav.-i i-Lt-«*o- •!) todaytoday.. NineteeStnrtrron here Is a story. According to Santa foforr 1901»0S5 werewer 18,461IB,ISA8 foforr tb* j'ji-j BmlthSmlili whwhoo almaim*s ttoo succeeante redd JohJohnn ike nominee, ha withdrew hla namo rack anadd a fefeww miniitea later the Aesorlation fo* Ita tournam boadrr.1indred aa>andl tetrnn 1I** ao clowrbMrdd bookboob.. there la a story. According to Rant* I I Ki .tn. the extent of the campaign to JlaD fsvufavorr ooff ri'fT'-i-Mil'n»fessorr WilliaWilliamm I*lbbUbbyj Owl" tmln crashed int< toyaays InIn accordancaccordancee witwithh ththee plaplann sub sub-- hl3 daughtedaughterr waswas playinplayingg ththee parpartt o oft andand S.eia",»; l» for tbethe boroughborough.. .. tbe extent of the campaign to *Ow 1“ trait) crashed Into tbe obetruc- mitted by Mr. Calkins at tbe recent Xlorfrrn.ti'-r-i-tj bubdrrdbondml sa*add eleverletron hab*a* JusJu.ct ajnanueuitis to Alamllla and the lat- Lh Plaluneld. simply becauae IV •* "ageagedd bbyy th(b#e Governotlovemorr wawaas no sott lo the latere t of harmony and made Low tin r^ mitted by Mr. Calkins at the recent lew^l Its :i,-.-"iini The old year bas graannensl* to Alamllla and the ten- North Plainfield. .Imply beenuae nown url111 U MA ••eaatiM Mr. Ubby's nc Knglnecr l»wcnbcrg was a) meeting of th« Metropolitan afirnrd It* *rroaot. Tbe old ycr b*. ter triedried Ito' ktskl*sa her. Thee le lettert she Ua a reeultresult ooff Fiainfleld'Plalnfield'as growthgrowth,. hUVh '•"t' nightnight,, whewhenn Ilan aa k .tweth MHondfng Mr. Libby’s nora- lllled In the Arafirstt colllHloncollision,. whilwhilee annual meeting of the Metropolitan lamedis*ed outidif., aa*udd thtb*e nebrww yeaycrr linho*s beebenn faredared mucmuchh bettebetterr titaikonn otheotherr comcoi - nt}" he had writterlttcan ttoo AssembtyAssembly.- : of (be passenger in Golf Association. It waa ana ushi-ml lu. -We IVI w not i."-'--! tbl« was writingrltlng wa«»•s conveyingconveying; th thee In- 1 1 Fireman Knox of the passenger train oabrmf lo. "tv* have not paced i formatio1n 1 to10 Aiamilla' s folks In Italy10 mnnltlcsnunltles InIn SomerseSomersett countcounty.y SomerSome - "^ JosepJosephh PP.. TumuMyTumulty,, ooff JerseJerseyy jktAI ththee BtsStateU conventioconventloan ] Mr. o«t hlahis liflifee iInn tbthee seconsecondd colllscollision.l lyy votedvoted ttoo ofToofferr ththee Courscoursee foforr tbathatt way bltbrntohlrhrrtp -' w..e di40> wel-.11l 1,'tT'la1 *" tile, tbe county seat, for inaUace, CltKhe announceannouncedd biblas programprogram.. K»,i' ni-ri.- ! HI s delegate fr purpose.>urpo*e. IIff ti'lthisi evenerentt IsIs helheldd in the new year weihnnd to keep . that he was engaged lo marry me vtlle. the county seal, for Instance. Baachbamer vaa a deh-gsie from ThTliee latter'latter’ss fithefitherr w«wass i.iii-killedl I Ii*lo *(*r1.ton Ibr11.. ikworw yrmryr.r.Ml!*od wrir.oil iol«pIn kiwn tgir „„"l en „„d askin*“*,rtl g.g "'’*““*4fu ,ror th ,eho parentamarryp*,rn l ,.ilb*hasia s mademade ververyy littllittlee headwaheadwayy IInn tetean KrJFr&mn no noww unti untill th ethe first first of ofth eths h**Bi.r»*tBo» countyfminiy anandd Ihrethreww hthlas In- years•in-- a&>ago IInn aa railroarailroadd accidentaccident.. Plainfield'lalnfleld nextnext springspring., iItt wilwilll bbee a a i we have Marled. The cro«sJ»jr 'ears. In fact the cenaus announce- Tear, ifikjfJovernor-elect announced, , I urine In fuvijr of ih« nominal! greatTeat IncentivIncentivee ttoo tbthee boyboyss connectconnect-- i- .l.-i-l.ui b. a spleDdht.ItlustiKtlcn I blessing. The letter finished Ala- years. In fact the census announce- f. iWl «o*eroor-elect announced* l In favor of the nomination TheTbe official!'ill.' .,'] ooff ththee roaroadd placplacee t Ihe of .hr b. . .plr.-.D| mon^ *'tClll ! a attempted exvr I.llrrt th e [>rer«^aHoUh-d- menmentAl.-t todaytoday showshowss tha(hatn thertheree araree onlonlyr he will (fan^t audienceaudiencess to altol meniln men oo1l V.'•', nod..••!'•> TOW• '.Wlteon. i mi anandd durinduringg ti then i lameame foforr ththee accidenaccidentt betweebetweenn t£n Kn- edd withwith tbtbee locaIocs'< clubclub.. ThThee evenevent nf bow»w t1.o '•Iwolb' ••.•* anandd tloo continu o.oi. e... th ii...e mill* attempted lo earrl Ibr prerona-21 7 more i>eople in tbat borough wt"> wl>U to *•- him with reference tlve of an accepWd ,loveo r bb>y ktaalnk R 117 more people In that borough io wish to gee him with reference f itni|i.ilK» h>- Tiiado every effoi rlneer },!••*i ninn: and Klaxms willwill probablprobablyy bbee limitelimitedd ttoo boyboyss o fof thnt If B € h iaiajialga he made every effort torlneer Lowenberg and Flagman bout eighteen years and under, wllh y tit*''rzrzr*? bride-elect. He wa’"t caughr?'t a \tthan*t there were tenten rearyearsrkmna agoago.. TheThenn 1® hl*»*»u determination determination,, an andd h e hewil lwill *14tld bihiss eJecilntiel*«tl«*n. HHee In|« aa stronatm g .nehaa. the formernrmer foforr pa*«lnposelnKg da dan-i • bout eighteen year* and under, wlih lookook bm-lbookc upon IIIt witwithh pleasurplm*orre ani*0.1l ' ,b# '»'><’—>—f.rr rrmorwrw l«lng pu t on Alamllla'* ■ ^s ac“«t tb Interpretstlooe utioot Is . ThiThiss meanraeanas aa gaigainn o off bu butt whawhatt sentimen sentimentt h ehe finds finds,, h ehe wil willl mak makoe yrmeatji--iNt efforteffort to ueurer* ththee carryingrrylng whilwhilee anotheriirs'iMii i train was there, and Tbe entire expense will be borne by •'•I- ouorrr mldnld.e anr* leadelr*dn-r IC followed»"• .»" *'•"""• ■ Ihe .hook-fourfou r perper centcent.. himselhimselff beard heard and fel andt o nfelt th eon subjec the subjectt outout ofni ththee »fth*;wltbeai ooff tthehe peoplpeoplee aathe he latterlatter foforr not going t*a-il >'•'-J.'IHTII before ' •pd that Rahway. In Union county, has from Bergen to Capa May. • iprv sed at the prlmarlea concern a danger signal to warni th thee engineerII Kill. One other matter of great concern • thing her would-be love gainedgained approximatelapproximatelyy nineteenineteenn peperr '»in th thaa lette letterr th e(ha c.wGovernor-elect, n.,r-.|.. t lagIng thIhee II'nlted in'i 'I StateHtateas Hcnaiorahlp. of theie "Owl-Owl"" traintrain.. WheWhenn ththee paspas-- consideredaldered vwasu ththee enlargemenenlargementt ofof tw Isi-nHlteK. nnd they followed It ai cent.,cent.. ' aa remarkablremarkablee showingallowing,. Inin state aUteas I nIn plai plainn terra termsa tba thatt bo hala lrIs- Ir- senger train ran Intc the watewaterr p!enp'antt aatt ththee localocall clubclub.. heir jfiiidf. "O«| flrst" should be om did was t attempt to steal a kiss an ItIt Islit UiotiKtlthoughtl thathatt M Mr. Swankham-ackhum senger train ran Into the wrecked that 14041900 IItt hahadd 7,937.8355 anandd nonoww it Itha hass revocabl rsvocablyy committe committedd io totb etha caus causae of of of ofau freightrefgbt carcar, , ththee papassengers wereJl IIss nonoww absolutelabsolutelyy InsufficienInsufficientt fo forr mono,motfo. nnot only forr todaytoday,, bubutt foforr »r "■»* oooeof ofth lb*er, other wother,s ha badd caus come « tof9,337 >i| i !i> This Indicates an Increase of forty-1 Kean's successor, thatlb*t hhe« nilWll ••"!>-receivo• BDIlisomee :.L.;,'ifl!appointment' l: forwardird cerecars ofOf ththee "Owl"Owl"" traitrell suggestionKKestion w-isits ttoo meemeett parpartt ooff tb thee D°.r<^";'n.rr inn“iLi'T/T,w>;«h.-mrs ftwhole ^~^t^rhoasebcld claraorins brought around tb* eighteight peperr cent.cent , . thtb#e < recordrecord for.thefor .the’ IndicationIndicationss araree thathatt manmanyy u rof tb ethe l.y whin "»• State will .venre :penoepense bbyy aaan increasincreasee ooff ththee dueduess o fof 111li min auKlctruiile iiii In Christ sod throocb nole nnty at least. i Democratic Assemblymen-elect la ly which the State will secure hie tome minute* before *■ In Christ and thronjfb tbo* room househol whe^ed theclamorin pair gwere nro county at least. | Democratic Assemblyman-elect in ■service*ervlcee.. IllHie* appoinapiMiintmenft men ( toto the were quieted.quieted. MrsMrs.. DorDoraa RoberlesaRoberless., house>use membersmember* frofromm $$46 aa yeayearr t otoIbe be K«-Tl|>tnrrvScripton we• sbalshalll bbee welwelll an sn.1d TheThe gaingain IInn tbtbee laslastt livfivee yearyearss hahas* NeNeww JerseJerseyy ar aree I n Insympath sympathyy wit withh Circuit Court Is regarded as- eapeclal- f Philadelphia, was among tbe li olntedd ououtt tbathatt thtbse enen--else can lead us.a, foforr nnoo onoaee elselsee know knows* proportionately.proportionately. FivFivee yearyearss agagoo substantia substantiall following following.. MrMr.. SmithBmlth., lawyerlawyer whowhu haha*a hahadd aann cxteextensiven •WW w Brunswick.Brunswick. largementirgement ofot ththee clubhousclubhousee twtwoo yearyearss whsi s dadayy >orr asnn houhourr mamayy brinbetas;g kitchen, kitchen, wherwheree hhee was surrounded WectflelWestfieldd hadhad 5,Z6r5.245. Inhabitantsinhabitants.. ItItaa howeverhowever,, iaIs no nott withou withoutt suppor supportt In In practiceurartli-e InIn ththee highehigherr courtcourts* anandd hahaaa MrMr.. Knox,Knox, ononco ooff ththee klllpdkilled,. leavleaves., tbthee employmenemploymentt ooff aann experexpertt forth. rortb. lyLy thethe Iratiratee fathelatherr and mother ofgala sinceice thethenn bahass beebeenn approxl-approxi-j importanImportantt localities localities. RoberRobertt Davis Davis,, Ibe full i.xihri- n>. of the bench, and iperlntendenl and other improve- Tbat we miiy follow tiod more clone- the Kirl. and the rest of the boarders mately twenty-two per cent. ] the Democratic leader ot Hudson Ihe lull confidence of - the bench and wifwifee endand ononee chilchildd sevesevenn montmonthsl superintendent and other Improve- That wr muy follow K circuit .m- - and may !M> i>repared for His won- Sari fa telephoned to the pol nfield' county, came out In bis favor In an Ur. Judge Heteley's circuit em- d.d. HHee II*t well-knowwell-knownn herehere,, wbewherei lentsments,, bahadd greatlgreatlyy IncreaseIncreasedd thtbee atlad-- ly and may he prepared for Rb won whilI e awaitintelephonedg the wago ton tb.attempte police* andThe announcement for Plainfield county, came out In hla favor In an hrir«nlirsres Essex.&••«, MoMonmouthn mouth andand-- OceaOceann be visitevisitedd MMr.r ansodd MmMrs.. Sba'tleflhsltle.. vantagesintages givengiven ttoo membermember*s wbwhoo en-on- derfuderfoll hlc—tnc*I.EH.MIII.-- wwee imiimoatt ".iinr-tlfi-neofy' our -or- -hlle nwnltlng he -agon attemptedcausedcause d great' disappolDtmendisappointmentt,; opeopenn letter letter.. HudsoHudsonn count countyy ba hasa thlr thlr-- ; ttoiintlea ou at lei.. joy>y tbtbee sociasociall privilegeprivilegess ooff ththee clubclub,. arlvr.res. TTou ibtbee Israelitel.r*.ll.eas saidmid.. to*» hol holdd tb thee prisone prtoonorr whwhoo escape escaped< It was commonlyinly accepteacceptedd tbathatt thisthla: tee«e*nn representativerepresentativess I nIn th tbse Leglsla Legtala-- and that a slight Increase In the"Sanctify Sanctify ^ourselves.tenwelvm.-" SanctlficatloSanctlScntlo.n throughb tbth.e ktlche kllcbcnn windowindoww an andd a i n.eitycit y containecontainedd aatt lesalea«t 25,025.000 tnhahlInhmbl- turr. tore,. an andd I tIt la la belleTe believedd b yby som somee Dem Dem-- WhenWhen Meeuenn Lhltblfp nmrnfnmorninge libyy a a of that e'amm would not be un- here mean* eonercralbm. not anncUty * waa running up along tbe railroadtants.tants , andand manmanyy cannocannott bbee convinceconvincedd ocratocratas tbathatt theae thrae., wit withh suppor supportt fro fromm DallyHinl> fxr%mfr—* reportereporterr MrMr.. SwacKbamHwacKham-- reasonable. It Is proposed to haveor bottom of character, tnoagn thin h»“hlu, <*° *bot* were fired at Mmthattha t thethe censucensuss bureabureauu aatt Washing'Waahlng-.! th thee EsseEssexx count countyy delegation delegation,, a alarg largoe tr declineddeclined tloo >be quotequotedd aaaa toto hi hlas Off FIIIRS DISPOSE ton, D. ("'.. baa not made a serious part of which is already pledged to leptrptloaa*»|t1ratloni rw'atlvcn-'atlve ttoo hihlas possiblpossiblee CIIY FflTHERS DISPOSE new class, called house members, will resalt from abmlote coomcraflon •*,lbl cr taking effect. It waa tmpoa-ton, D. C.. has not made s serious. part of which Is already pledged to tp|Nd«tma»t,ipIKilnttneot, butbut therthorae IIss DnoO doubdoubtt at 410 a year; and require all golfor aurrrndrr of onmrlrm to God I«t * "> Idmllfy tb. .hooter andmistakemistak e !in□ ItaIts tabulationstabulations., t'ostmas-Port mas-.j MrMr.. SmitBmlthh cacann selec selectt Mr Mr.. Marline' Martino'ss thatthat hehe woulwouldd bbee pleasepleasedd ttoo bt>ee recogrtcog-- d tennis Juniors to become asso- la tied sad by Ills »bo were ssarched curried “ter EllasGllaa H.H. BirdBird,, whwhoo llaa IInn aa positio positionn opponentopponent.. lUfil In this war i>; Dr. Wii-'Ti. OOFF UNFINISHEmmD BiJSINFSBUSINESSS ciate members al 412 a year, leaving Brace keep them ss never before. arms—— to get a definatdeflnstoe Hulinee OonR populatiopopulationn I Dr.Dr. Wllao Wlloonn laa lostt nigh nightt ba dbad fire five Aa -As- . flzed In this way by Dr. Wilson. the active dues at 420 as al present. Tbs people strictly obeyed every_ fc,B Alamllla wasac advised to changefigures,flgurcs. saidsaid todatodayy thathatt bhee wawaas posl-post-'somblymen' semblymen ooff EsseEsaexx count countyy a t athi sbis TheTba otheotherr pnmibtlltpossibilityy mentionementionedd PrlarlpAllyPrincipally lorfor thethe- purpospurposee o fol hesp changes seem advisable the word ©r'tted snd^Jeehus 'obsd’teara morn,n pl «. whutr It looked thislive that an error habadd beebeenn madmadee born homee I nIn Princeto Princetonn fo rfor a tbrea threee hou hourr forfur the-I,, appointmenappolarmentt Ilis Co)Col.. NelsoNelsonn puMlocMing tbtb*e billbill*s foforr thIbre monthDKinlb., a noo matter will come up for decision at lo flnl and -I, leaden Is mtmo- * »• ,OT «wbo* rvlactsnt He feelfees la certaicertainn thathatt conference conference.. TbTbee 1 Essex Y . DunganDnagan., ooff SomervilleSomerville.. ColCol.. DunDun-- b bo the population Is over 25,000. were the ones who Invited Mr. Smith ran ban a record aa prosecutor of ■ djournedjuurnrdd meetinnierlln*g ootl tbIbre CommoCoiooionn the annual meeting of the c^b Inlately . renu-wM. roaaecn.ed life. Tbe »*•*• » >• * tbe population Is over 45.000. were the onea who Invited Mr. Bmlth ran has a record ae prosecutor of icll was held Wednesday. There aopremrp thingg Ibat God require,q of o* • "' "rtenteen ycr. old Building Inspector T. O. Doans toto runrun foforr tbtbee SenateSenate,, anandd laslastt night'night'ss Pnuiersrt di'iiiiv and la popular aa I'ouorll wuu brld Wrdnrrdar. Tbrrr February. nd Home net county and la popular as just a quorum present, Messrs. anas CbrtaflanaChristlannli I.. obedienceobrdlenc*.. "Obedlene*-Obmllcnc. **"•< e»'d«evidentlyn Terr much In love. shared the postmaster's views bat be conferenceconference wawass foforr tbthee purpoapurposee ooff at at-- Ikeib«- cooimsadercommander ooff ththee SeconSecondd n^i Regt-- Jaut * quorum prcrol. Mrouru. tempting to win them over to Mr. IIK in at (be -Vt* Jersey National Toll*#.olles, TaylorTuylor.. CloakCloak., BuxtonBuaton., My My-- Isis betterbetter tbathano wicridce.nacrtflce."" says that even hla figures are far low tempting to win them over to Mr. ineat of the New Jersey National gutt.a,tt. ClayClay anandd CC.. CC.. RandolphRandolph,, whilwhllwe HEREHERE ANANDD THEBETHERE.. low. He estimate* that the popula- Martlne. Dr. Wilson would say no- GuardGuard.. lessrsira.. HoltHolt., WW.. WW.. WilsoWilsonn anandd tion here Is nearer 40.000 than 20.- thing aa to whether they bad changed Frankrank RandolpRandolphh werweree thtbee absenteesabsentees.. "1 waswaa mucmuchh Interested,Interested."" saimidd a 000 and Is surely over 25.000. An- their views. The Aseemblymen let The varloua heads of committees HNili HONOmR HOMENOBSS man who Is In a position to The various beads of committees mamann frofromm uupp tbibee StateState., "i“Inn aa poin pointt 25-31;2.-.-;n : Ihi,i rill.. it11.. 1212:; MattMstt.. uvUlxxvlll., l»-201*20;; other man who is in n position toIt he understood that they had not referrereferredd petitionpetitionss oonn banbandd toto th Ih*e ralaeraised d byby a visitorlaltorr thtbee othe otherr dadayy aaas tloo LakeLnke L1. 76-TV;7tf-T»: JoshJoah, xir,xJr. 1-71-7.. make some good guesses Is William done oo. lfill911 council,council, anandd IItt wawasa arrangearrangedd t oto whichbich wawass betterbetter,, aa younyoungg man'man'ss R. Causebrook. manager of tha P. 8. The legislators were JameJamess P.P. MllllIllsl OOFF SEflLSHISS boldold th(hee finafinall meetinmeetingg ooff tbthee yeayearr o non Impulse,ipulse, oorr whawbalt llea calledcalled sobesoberr Judgfudg-- 1100 REVREV.. MR1.. MAGUMAGUIREI C.’si localocall electrielectricc lighlightt anandd gagass de de-- Mylaod, Hylaod, CharlesCjharlea W . BrownBrown., Frankik AA. 'edneaday night, December 28. The >nt. 1 have a case In mind. ThTHe* OwstMtGnimt ChristiaChratiMn MevwmenMwirnwlt « f•* partment. He considersIders thathatt thertheree Boettnrr.Boettner, williamWilliam PP.. MackseMarkseyy anandd i Wednesday•w body wil night.l bol dDecember its flrst meetinin. Theg enl. I have a case In mind. body will hold Its first meeting "Two brotherb h s wh, 0o gre, w up In my 1 Hev. Gabrle< Reid Magulre. mustmust bbee somsomee mistakmistakee iInn ththee Stallsstatis-- EdwarEdwardd D.D. BallantineBallaaHne.. Dr. Wllaon, onday night, January 2 for organi- w ii started out In- different ways. Hugh Spencer Williams. pastor ticstics givengiven ououtt aatt WaahlngtoWashingtona anandd laIs IsIs l aIs aald said,, mad madee thethe argumen argumentt o f I ID SI RED zatioMondayn purposes night, January, when President tor organi-t R. t„.I’^. r;^| 'om’ m d.?r’'r.;!’ w.ra Tbe Rev.rtor Ilngb of tb Kp*^e Court AvenuWilliam..e of thRev.e P» Gabriel. Avenu Retde Baptis M.gutt < strongl y Inclined to believe tbat the party fidelity to a party policy. Tbe sation purposes, when President R. whowhomm 1I wilwHIl calrail*v«bil Kqhq , was ooff a a ®- PaXor of tbe Court Avenue ol the Parkivited delive Baptlatr t church.strongly Inclined to believe that the party fidelity to a party policy. The Tollea will be re-elected and com- avitip, thrifty nature. He burned n churchh , , iiemphlm,b Iran. !»«•» been city containsalns nearlnearlyy Z5.0025.0000 Inhabit*Inhabit-,! 1 firefive memenn ar aree regarde regardedd a aas bein beingg th ethe , Report*Reports fromfrom bbradqu*rt*r*lere ooff thtb*i I. iitt-fToliess wil willl b bee announced re-elected. end com- Mrtng rarm, n.ra,c HeT.ra« Trmbymcbmth eeWmb Christia Mcmpbm.n Endeavo Tmm.r O»aha.l addresbeen s Invitedlieror e ,otn delivere nurse s.he nn- . tbe Board of Health office, most likely or the eleven Essex As- ! American Red C'rt Itteeu will be announced. ■ beie midnighmidnightt oiloil.. wa...s sobeaoberr annodd InIn-I**"- ! ' "*"*" tadenvo. »nt*. At the Board of Health oBce. most likely of tbe eleven Essex As- Anirrlrnn Red Crou given Out Tues- A resolution offered by Mr. Gloak ustrious and everybody said Eph lias served tbe church of ^tt. Barnabas' Cuild at the Church * ia was saidId thathatt thetheyy hahadd considereconsideredd lemblseen bl. m-yawnn t oto tur turnn t oto Mr Mr.. Marline Marline,. ' dayCay IndicatIndlrat*e thathitt aatt thtb*e beginninbeglnulngg o off dA resolutionadopted, autborlte offered dby thMr.e approCloak- .Christ fur twenty nine years. As the 'the Heavenly Reat In New York < that Plafnfield had over 23,00 popu- according to the primary election, the taut week of the. sale of Xmas and adopted, authorised the appro- ild be one of the greatest fin ,r rara^tM 'y-ra T- tW^he Henvrn.y Um. I. New York o.that Plainfield had over 2Jj>0 popa- according to the primary election, tb. I**t »**k ot Hi. **1* ol X*upriation lation ofof (50$5#00 Toforr streestreett worworkk fo forr ler. ofof hiblas ageage. EpFobh camram*e do downw totre e —I s *•know h»w»un b y byIt s Itsfruit fruit,, w e wrai)B ,000,00S5.000.0000 havh.r*e beebeenn he remainder of the year. Jacob N..V 1 ready E-rady now to mmJudgmen clear Judgmentt oa yea ron wa s>mr delivere ...d delivered by the lat bye Bisbothe tar.i Bl.hopMiasMiss Jeann Jeannee MontgomerMontgomeryy I SiteBiteas re-'wilre- willl meemeett DrDr.. WilsoWilsonn a tat tb thse Hote Hotell •old•old badand Ibatthat thIbre prospectprnup.rus ar*rre brighbrightt achnr'remainderu bond protectinof the gyear. th e Jacobcity tbe nervli* tliia (Treat 'Hfiin-iir lias I'n't'-r. This Is a singularly high tved the Jive dollar gold piece this CoUfngwood. l3ewark, today. for a Bale of more than 50,000,000. Hachar's bond protecting the cityev’ervtHtdv* thought hr* was*. ruTlIlon-illlon- '*>• ifCThw thb. great mo.ement bn. Potter. Thla I. a alngolmly highcelved the five dollar gold ^lece Ibis Colllngwood. Jf-wsrk. today lor a ulo of morn than 00.000.000. aages in the removal of one. I when lh crash of ] rendered to tbe church. lionor'for Mr. Magulre aa it seldom morningirnlng foforr makinmakingg ththee nearesnearestt j i DrDr.. Wilson' Wilson’ss nex nextt an dand probabl probablyy tbe tha TbeThe actualactual numbeDauibrrr ooff SealAral*a solBoldd fromf hi sdamages bulldinig sIn wa thea filed.removal of one air."rr wT.n.ben rrLabrun oT“»0fot l»U7 ramicame. raodrardOn^e of ^It b, s^ beneficen tb. bwar>K rbortb.t effect s that <•*• falls tohonor th e forlotto oMr f a Maguiremfulstl0, tof a.. mtoute,It m-ldomguess of . any j most Important step In bis campaign : to date la n.-arly 15.000,000 in excess of bla buildings was filed. ill left.eft EpKpbh as brokebrokenn m man,a actually pert) w|moat Important step in his campaign lo dale I. nearly'.ooo la nma .Gverseer-of-the-Poor A- D. Ayers b\i: to w*he a decent cryrry at(il.s.-rve Mere*,r ooff UUaoprratb.*s operation Ibs sur.urve tIso cethert her denom denominationl to perform such...... p. i, liVSi 1*? a'willM fcebe tbthee IssuancIssuancee ooff aa statemenstatementt olof thIbre entirrailree numbenumberr solaoldd inla 190100*9 •eporteOverseer-of-the-Poord outside expense sA. fo rD. I Ayers unable (o make s devent llvin* kvr\>' Is the marvelous manner in a function In t Eplsc I rim' >tber, i observe b lb. ntarvckiib manner In « function In sn E place pal church, » jllS.JlJg o®ff •. 8general™,r.l .UO.UO,,situation.. ItIt .0 wUI1 b .ba aadand iUs alreadalreadyy nearlnearlyy threIbrrue timeHair,s (tu reportedmonth t outsideo be 11.887.5 expenses7 foran dthe alm pasts "Tbs other brother, whom I may ul.-li It bas brought tbe young people i' guild 1. Bnjttcwood 6.:M . made public tomorrow afternoon. It Ml.- of 1 !'cs. it the sale tola weeV month to be *1.8fi7.*7 and KII. discovered•ered < earlyrly iInn litlifee he which It ha. brought the young people S' Ibroab..' guild b a society larfl^ld '.'.'.'. 1021 made public tomorrow afternoon. It ulr ol 1001. II Ibr ralr thla vrrk expenses of 1262.59. The re- of CbiiKteodou ) Into harmonious inter-inter- Ihethe EpiscopaEpiscopall ChurcChurchh In America sjj zmjjyj I*•s understoounderstoodd IItt wilwilll bbee a ann answe answerr t oto kup*keep* apnp aalt thIk.e ratraire aaas sincalnrre DecenDecernt house expenses of 1242.5*. The re- badhad a Ibig croprop ooff oatoatsa tolo BOWsow.. Ht denouilnailanal co-operation, and this composed of (mined nurses who are -I^k^n^ck"'.'^.';'^ .•;:: i*;o& M*J i the criticism that baa been directed I J>.r 1st, the national authorities es- porportt wawaas Hied.filed. On motion of Mr.went In for stripestripedd shirtshirtss anssdd louloudd denominational cooperation, ami this tompoaed of trained nurse* who are mu I the lncriticismt tB that has been directed lrr In. Ih. aalloaal authorltlM « Huxton the last report of the late InIn turtarnn hnhass brouubbroughtt ththee variouvariouss dedm- communicantCommunicantroramnnirants!s ot ofth thee church church.. Tb eTbetrvlAgioe inJJJJ 'MM;i •OlzM•** " the* Goventor-elecGovernor-electt sincsincee aahe - llniatrllmate (hathat t ovearrrr 1500,00(000,0000 wilwilll beb* Ilnxton the last report of the latenecktiesnecktie s anandd foforr colorincoloringg thth*>e towtownn namtiintion* much ctooer together than New York brs >re than Keerwviearny '....'.... Bw'' Tark..... H • as! * night last. sod children or every rank *nd sti eedd hlahis lirfiree aatt 64 o'cloco'clockk laslastt nighnightt a nand HoHe wawaaa dowdownn anandd ououtt anandd Eli'Ell’s« heart cbnrrh a , Oj%w> ln.»n ;J; an Saturday night last. aodDon. rblldrraAgent s olhav .verye bee raakn appointe aad ata-d whewhenn thethe membermemberss otof ththee councicouncill g aa breaIn ever appolalrdy atale. ready for their meeting the roon the money he had except Sum. de-Pllabrdplished, titt !.-ihaw- gulckenequickenedd theaplriraatbe spirituall PricePrice CollierCollier recentlrecentlyy returnereturnedd to %™l tic denial of a report in Mr. Smith's la oar or laorr placra lo rr.rr alalr. ready Tor th4lr mooting the room the money he had except «!00. de- life nt the church ami bas been a spien- New York after a long absence, h: 3i:*s Si Newar*«telk newspape of a reportr to thIne effecMr tSmith’s tbat firi-pt Idaho and Montana. Among werewere noso colcoldd thathatt overcoatovercoatss wer-eree co com-n votedvoted thathatt ttoo a farewelfarewelll ttoo BroadwaBroadwayy Ufe of tbe church and has been s splrn New York after a long absence, har-Hsramunton. 2.4t\ Newark l!aii newspaper to tbe effect that rtrrpithe grop Idahos an daad lnadtntlon Montana.a whic Aah ar e_fortable. ThThee conditioconditionn ssoo exaapeexaaper: and then went back home and got dld co-workeco-workerr witwithh tbthee pastor|«stons thathatt laglag spen spentt abou aboutt a ayea yearr In InIndi Indiaa a andNuUcy i*»» he** had "«Kg«atesuggestedd HrMr.. SmitSmithh aaas a a Ibr prop* aad laaiilailoaa which ar* and then went back home and got a i» understood bow to nse It. In tny the Far l.v r, and then made a joi Princeton . y«2* compromise candidate. •niitins In thp movement are .fe.lated ththee membermembersa thathatt MrMr.. BuxtRuxtono small•mall jobJob.. have understood bowtounlt In my , the Far East, and then made a Jour-RedUsnk 7.m ;5 «* compromise candidate. aulnlaaAntl-Tuberculoal la tb.s ni.r.tnratSocletle* .*r« Re Ibrd offered a motion, which was adopted. ownown churchchurch,, foforr InstanceInstance., IItt hahass beebeenn --ney. toSout Soothh America America.. MrMr.. Collier' Colliers Mlfigswoefl s -«ss| Slnglflcance waa attached to the Aatl-Tnbrrrulo.1* KorlrtM. Red offered a motion, which waa adopted "H#"He workeworkedd awaswayy foforr seveseveralr tb e very life of our midweek prayer book, "England and the English froi E gnI announcemenSlnglficancet yesterdawas attachedy that Assemto the- Croat Chapters, Women's Clubs. La- InstructingInstructing ththee citcityy clerclerkk write years Incidentally serving as an I tbe very life of oar midweek prayer book. England and tbe English from 5.S11 announcement yesterday that Aseem- Croa.bor I'nlons Chapter*., Lodge Women'.s School Club*.s Hau lLa- the owner of the building with a years Incidentally serving as an Il- meetingneeling Ilan thithiss ololdd opwntowwntownn dtdtyy - «nan American Americani Poin Pointt o fof View. View."" opene opened, blymanblyman EdwarEdwardd KennyKenny,, ooff HudsoHndsoan bor talon*. Lodge* Retool* Banka. the owner of the building wRh alustratiolustration n torfor localocall moralize™morallzers., an sodd Miurch. In wblcb It had tons become a to him the doors of the ruling clas Theatres, Department Store*, Hoapl- vievieww ttoo havinhavingg tbthee buildinbuildingg properlproperlyy then euddei church In whk h It had long become a to him the doors of tbe ruling class county,county, ththee leadinlendingg candidatcandidatee for Theatre..i*l*, and innumerablDepart Brate otheStore*.r a«*ncies heated. City Clerk MacMurray also then snddenly one day nnr i tele-problem, problem, owingowing ttoo thtbee ifcatrerescatteredd coudi-rood! faIn India India,, an andd h hee ha hass writte writtenn fo forr Scrlb Scrlb-- mi electionelection nsas SpeakerSpeaker,, lisa foforr MrMr.. MarMar-- lala. aad loaiuaerablr olbrr agraclra. hasted. City Clerk MacMurmr also gram.gram. ThThee manman he had grubstaked '• Mafiszi ThousandTbooaaadas ofof dollardollar** wortworthh ooff adTeradeer-- complainedcomplained aboutabout ththee laclackk ooff beaheatt in several-al yearyearss beforbeforee habadd strutstri * a Dooi ii>:i ofof ththee congregatioojugrrastloon Iinn thtbee suburbsuburbss j &n*r’s Msgaxine a striking serlw of«mUM4 ..i.- 4 «M tlne.tine. Hlie- aarsayss thathatt hhee wawasa foforr th thee pripri-- tisliiK la being donati thethe clerk'sclerk's officoffleee almosalmostt evereveryy eev.\ goodgood minemine anandd ououtt ooff gratitudgratitudee ha hadd off thethe city,city, howhow tloo maintaimaintainn thithiss grea greatt 'artlcleArticlesa beginnin beginningg I nIn Januar Januaryy on'Tt ou jh*e marymary exexpreslo pres ionn ooff cholccbolee« foforr UniteUnitedd Pail'“la«n I*an dbrlaa man ydonated mil to the < Inglag.. countedminted ElElli Ilan aasa aa partnerpartner.. ElElll lais■ erne*Ice ooff ththee churchchurch,, aass thtbee oldeolderr West in thIn ethe Ea#t, EswC" particularl particularlyy Eng -Eng- A Scralalag Bag. 8UtroStates SenatorSenator beforbeforee tbthee campaigcampaignn Iaprintn ar aade bein inaneg distribute niimooad t oof remin circu-d nowlow livingliving IInn luxurluxuryy anandd takintakingg < cnr« nberberas bahadd lonkmgg sincsincee founfoundd IItt lml»-- ' Und'Utnd'as role rule l aIn IhdU India,, an andd wit withh spec spec-- A flannel straininstrainingg babagg iIs. a and that beds still of the same mind. P«Opllar* ar*e t l brla*buy Re dlalrlbulrdd Cross SoaU lo . remind practicablepracticable toto leavleavee theitheirr homehome*s aoandd '*Iem«•»' reference reference, t oto Americ America's,n a a ow ownn pro, prob-V According1 g toto ththee popollU ooff ththee DemoDemo-- uaople II boy Red Croaa Ken la. off Eph.Eph.”" Iem M rarityessity IInn ananyy kitchekitchenn wherwheree JellieJelliess Reindeer's mighty skiddish and sttendattend tbeIbe midweemidweekk prayeprayerr meetingmeeting.. » * “* »powe P®™r in Eaater internn affairs affairs. prepar'dprepared . Instea,a.tradd ooff inveaUnlo.rattngg f?' ra of tbofe U.Incomin loomingg Le« -Lrg- R.ladeer'a mighty sklddlsh and "V*1"*- 8*»«*ra and Aa^mblym*.. Dejr don' look strong o' limb. I* *Da expensiv..pra.lrae strainer«ral*.r., a*nn rac.ll.Dte! j “““T-4 br 7 «~«»raN k *»d Arasmblimra. *>Si*8 UK PUNTING Dry don" book wrong o' limb. Valuable Help. Twe Oft A«k-d Qu.itiont. Wooian-s jl-iwe of Dress. ubsUtnte may be made of ordinary \ J » Newark iwwapaper, seven- FoFobb travelintmv.Iln'' 'cros'rroms ddre wintewinterr lanlandd I understand that jour Twa cm Asked Questions. Womaa*s Love ©f Dreaa. gobotltot. m>, b* mod. of ordlrarr | "f*Zv * ***' *••■*•»*•. •->*» IS IU>l'(iHT I f >l MM, Out In de starlight dim. "I understand that Jour wlf* col- ThesTbeeee twtwo* questionqucetlooss ansadd answeranswerss ararae ThThee jea jeall defens defensee fo forr womewomenn t n fiaiD.I.llannel, whicvblcbh shoulgboaldd flratBrat ooff alalll b ebo I 1./^’*r * * announce d themselvetbomral,*.a as U Owl In d* aurllgbl dim. laborateslaborates witwithh you?you?"" emmed neatly and then soaked an I !°r **•'"™ Primary principle and . I matter whut'a de freight yo nippedclipped frofromm ss recenrecentt Issuissuee ofof thtbee tbeltheirr growin growingg 1-v 1-vee fo rfor dres dresss seem scs bommrd nratl, mid lb*o raakod >nl Mr'° M »•rtUBrtTrtln Prt.rlH. *od Tb.The CarnegiC.rMRIee Institut10.111*1.e a*lt PittsPIU*-- No matter wbnl'a d* fr»lgbt yo res. be work aids me I Christian Endeavor World: to us to be this, that dress is a rocre- •rung out In boiling water. Whe-i " * *; eleven, th« Essex ©omn- drawn.draws, Christian Endeavor World: to us to be this, that dress to a re wrung out la bolting motor. Wboa ** 1 “*”'"'00 rloyan. u u lb* Eras* roau k, »«t«burg kuha* adde*ddnld .tloo UII*s permanenprrRlin.olt "Go alow's de safest rule: If.** 1 WhoWbo laveeudinv-nt-.i ihthe« nir»firm« chrtotlaCfcrtetteon E»En-- atlonStlon,. on OO#e o fof iho thOSs naturanaturall recrea- Itt 1*la usedurd.. IItt shoulubouldd bb.e lailaidd Insidluld*e a aH^ ’’p ,bl,t ***" 7 "* “* As^mbly* . have tt •"ILi-Hoollmloon JonaJob*.s Ue'U.-.s paintinpolutlMg *jVlah"n.b-- "Oo slow‘a d* mfeat rale: • I don'tdon't believbelievee II havhavee eever seenrteavorpta* nvorpiDr NgNgWw HAVEHAVENS REJIDEK READER.. tiontlODSs whicWhichh gre groww ou outt o t ofnecessit scceesltyy ,rge bowl and the fruit or liquid. 3r ««**«* «*» Mr. Smith. ■ IfIf I wawass MletuMlelubh SantSantyy ClauClauss of her writ•So- thathatt th thee frivolou frivolouss ric richh suffe sufferr fro fromm togrtbrrogethe r anBadd a■ strinitrlBgg passeparardd throughthrough] j LittLlttll Hubby—It'Hubbr—It'*a only onlr fool fool*s tha thatt r*un*,l.*alar«n*vlvtnla 4cad«nyAeademy,. lI*a IM>oo»* atut BatBat a'posn'posse sh*b*e stahalablt tloo skidabldT" rirty<*tety ooff ChristiaChristiann EndeavoEndeavorr ansadd aa overindulgencoverindulgencee I nIn It ,it. o r orth eChe frlvo frtvo-- tb* k*ou.kno-s. ThTb*e babagg cacm*n thetb«on bb*e sua-'ge lor grtt married m*rrl*d. '••'>t.r« CoolruiponiryContemi>ornry AmericaAm.nraun ArArtt Ex■*-- PrmDem aeroplanaeroplanee dedeyy travelIravetos farlar:; Yosr Comb. tnuteetnistee fromfrom thtbe« BaptistsBaptism.. tons|oa poo« rpoor fro mfrom tha t thatcravin cravingg -for forItp*Bd*dpende It d oveor»rr a* bowbowll bbyy meanmoaaas ooff a a I BiBigg Wife—That' Wlfo— Tb*t'.s bo w Providence hibitioblbuioon K*t tbIbrbee CorcoraCorcoraCorroroan *oll*«TgalT l» BuBelt s'poe.'posee dedevy comecomm* undiundidd Combombes shouldshould nonott bbee washewashedd witwithh whichIrh hahasa latIstsa rootrootss Inin privationprivation., eonplcoopt*p e ooff chainchain*s anaodd lerl.ftt toto draidrainn look look*ks afte faftart r tthemh thorn.. W**bloilou.. D CC.. IItt wawous therIbr'*e tba tbott An'drapeAndrapa ddoe outfit?—ionlfilf—Iff he'be'dd pauapaua.e water.water. ThiThiss lIsa apaptt ttoo splfaplltt tbthee teetateeth.. i lore of drese among women— Blowlrlowly uutil .11 tb. tlqrld tu paired, Llttl.Hub Habbr—y oHow? the dlrerlor for Carnegie Inatltu* N*W HAYEN READER ,Tb* lo*.U of * •til all the liquid baa passed . Little Hubby How? tbr dlrrrtor lor C*ror«l. luutllu# A*'An' flggerfigger calcalmm ana*'' coolcool.. A stiffstiff nailbrusnailbrushh lisa aa googoodd thinthingg t oto .. through. A bluhot rtould be throw* | BiBigg Wife—B Wlfo—Byy givin girl*,g the themm wlv M “• Itit an»bdd purrhaaepnr-hurdd IItt Ior,|1.00»lor »1.!»*.. I betbet orOl' Mi»tuMl*t«bh SantSantyy CUuClan.s keep. forfor'cleanin cleaningg themthem.. AfteAfterr usinusingg parsonagestart** of oo Frh 2, 1881. la W. manlfes‘*lfeatations.’' *’ which emphasizes tbo top lu cold weather, *o oto car car#e fo lorr them l>r>. WonldWonld gegelt hisw'blaae'ff an ninJemole.. the brush take a damp cloth •hdand wipawipe tend.tnZTZV Ila. hyx. of'^hi^h.rarletr-makes »orirtY-«naketrma .. we w#believe believe,, fo r for•*- #o-**aa toto prevenpraveolt thth*e JfriljJaUyr frofromm settingartllng,, Wasblagton Serening Star. between each tooth with thi*. Ld Stto CoarJtstleuIM *d* pay Washington Keventng Ktnr. 'sen each tooth with thy »lm «** Francis E dark. D. D. ctnl^ balanee—Londobalance.—Londonn SpectatorSpectator. liur**u*t*.'* od*. p*r bedside of bis mother at Grand Rap- Waldroa; solq if I Could Be a Ida, Michigan. CtarUtnu Tree. Richard Mefiiek; ! THETHE SAILOSAILORR COLLARCOLLAR.. reclution, A tilad Little Girl, Jessie “*• |S3S5g Embr.ld.r*d L.n.n Is Mortly blLI\Iw DLUUuLui Campbell; recitation. On Cbrisunas SILK jLOUSES, recitation. , ■W- •" c.rt-n«ht: rrottntlro. Taf,e,a Ha Given wa to B n,r CbriatmaaChristma* CelebratioCelebrationn Cni .< s?^as-£tr tw «—• • sk^e-seseTaffeta Has Given Way to Bette* r » * The popalart'v of tbe satin sailor minatenminatea inIn SeriouSarlooas ~«s-j5r «jrsr swetoSSMEFittin j g Materials.Fium, Maun*.collar un th e fecken of tbl* winter has itarted crtrls to making linger!* ollars AltercationAltercation.. n the same sbape fur tbelr one piece Button*, Or, it and Lao* Used frocks and blatwea. MEX ARE i\ JI , ,, 1 Tsnd to Bring I.ace.Lace. .'-;-rqpn- u;\\ hilly I: IIri-h b croche crochet.t Is nolat not 1; OhrlaUln Flock, fn the City and Borongh Observe the Fe»t ST3 S?J^SSi«. ~ pf ■r^®2T,SJa!: £ tain Flock. In th. City nnd Borough Obaorw. th. E. Hall, a large • apply of provisions, r« : «*»1. school; recitations,. God Vary D«oid*d ■.a« nr»Bra*t clasclasss a saa it wasIt was.. W e arWee rathe arer rather toys, games, etc, were brought in.»!«"» »• All. ElUabein Harpy; My Eff.ett tiredired ooff ItIt i n Intb e (befor mform at endKw of eodleees < ..i- ( col-birf Kiely and Threr [•,ir,.imri ofof CbriitmuCbriatmaa,, SuperSupwrbb Musi Wastec an andd Stirrin Stirringg Sermon Barmonas by the senool for tbat institution. CbrUtmaa Glf> Lillian RYTW Plossy lars.ara. TbThee embroidere embroideredd line nlinen une aones are are U“ ESKl~ BolI nto «* L.m.n Rynojnj-.T Th_e offerinoff,—|gn - receiverecrlvedd amounte ■mountedd tO) to.* Boughtonn 6uetand Kennetand h KennethBougolh ton d ; Doughton. cooalderedconsidered newernewer,, ana dml whe whenn wel welll don edona Have H.I..I- Full in MaUag over |35. tt wu also siren to the Outt- TeI1 "'<• Glad HowHow differendifferentt araree tb thee sil kaUk blouse blousess of theytbeof y araree escerdlnKlexceedinglyv pretty pretty.. BeinBalogg HearHeardd bbyy Worshipper*Wor.hipp.ra.. ov»r |J5 i• tu ff|M given to the - Tell the * todaSon*.y fro m thosGracee o f a few seasons ago! Arrewt—Injured Man* In nlrLrrnursery- n*i-v: - ,, AlicAM.e - HuffY : selection• Btake., dhoir :Alicetoday Huff:from those.election, of a fewdbolr: aesaona ago!IfI f aa girgirll want wantss K.metbtna aornatblng: daint daintyy for for I remarks, Revk J. W. Muasonw ; parol, The stiff taffeta has beeo replaced by Cbristcnas sh* will find them accepta- Following the study of tbe less. Tha stiff taffeta baa been replaced Cbriatmaaby aba will find them accepts- Hospital. ZZW .«.”'; benediction* .^, Revi . J. W“*TV. Mus- ^•ttractive . good fitting style tbat ile gifts. Tke new sailor coiUr ilif- the school took up the rehearsal of ■ r 6 k cn R an attractive, good fitting style thatble glfta. The new Bailor rollar dlf- lb. Khrol look op th. ruhronnl of shows silk In Its most attractive coi- fera the old one in tbat It does Five Hungarians are brine beld at Christmas carols, after which shows silk In Its moat attractive feracol- from tha old one la that It doaa I’lnlnflcM conffricaiIona ba». hymn. Wnodnrtnl Nlffbt: m armhole.. I t Is Itlonge lar policlongere headquarters and one other ii i,.,.n~l to or lh. pnpll. of Broh.1 chnpel. Mr.Tldln.. Hall .pok. of tk. work of tnror f * .T*! . ora.signe trimmedd^ tha t ,h5a tailoreIn paKcleverd snl wayst Is instantl and aoy de- at Muhlenberg Hospital badly cut up Markboard nrtlK. Ch.rlro Van Win- ° _ * *•*£ ™ signed that “,a tailored anlt la Instantlythanthan ItIt 1*la irtile wide,. an dand man ymany reac h reachhalf- half- HT-T .romd mnnic ibnn that nhlch'of Comfort and Joy; hymn. Rhine r changedrnanged IntaIntoo ™ a threa ethree piec e piecegown , waywagown.y ttoo ththee vmls wnlstt line line.. and in a serious condition aa a re- lb* rnrlonn choir, of tbo city pre-1 Bethlehem Blur, enerclne. who-cbU-l talent .ad. ro much at- «^“ ‘ 'T^aHraoT”Thererbere araree nono Htntigb straightt sil k silkcollar collarss to Thatole linelinenn lhathatt ha s haaa ^fpln a t fainttint of lintsul t ofof a Christmas brawl at 9Si » them Sondny momln, rodidrm. of W.„e. chnpel ronnlroln., of to th. -«** aro-loro. dwJr>ud absorororoton.b tbe oil from tbe skis; there are are. an though ft bad yellowed In a St. Marys avenue on Sunday night. absorb the oU from tbe akin: there areage. aa though It bad yellowed In a 1 7roenln.™ rorodard Tbe -orb. proirnmn nad withoutw.r. yeplro. ex- 'da', CecKalionn rleld1 andAbidin*; low off.rtor,hymn. IdThe nolo.Ju- entire elementary department, M .. nnooOinrrh. lineliness at atth eI tbeshoulde shoulderr ««im ssen tha mst cedarcedathatr chestcheat,. Isla tb thee bes heatt kin dkind to us toe fonaar Tbfore live are John Chabak, M , North ’ rolecllonn -er. brontl- Mnrtln A. Korff. lollowromarched by downstairsptnyerj and Into the, _ mrmhrr»'of"Gr»c« verilverilyM y bideBun-e tb ethe sracefu gracefull figure figure unde r underthesethese collarscollars.. TbeThe dee pdeep Ivor yKory tone Itones avenue la ; another John Chabak. a ; 1„ If.. J. O. McKelrey. protoro,a.n ol,Khooh tb« Oft, or “°~^.^hro7£u ZSttZi nx- consideredconsidered hettehatterr thanthan dea d deadwhite . white.cousi n of the first named, 907 North dren roaUna about the >rcUM Bondar afternoon. TheSimplicity pro- , attractive ornnmentation TheTbe embroIJcrembroideryy Isla dainty dainty,. e> eveni If don|I edoneavenue9 ; "Andrew Cbabak, another Simplicity, attractive ornamentation cousin; John Dino. 535 Hast Third Tbe baudaomely decorated Interior Warren chapel, platform rod beforeIfeHaU could ... „ ch.r,. „t sop.rim.nd.of braid Bud bnttonit and the impular inin Ibthee ChinesChinesee fashion fashion.. of braid and buttons and the popular street; George Harker. :*.. l st. of Holy Croro church naa a Bon am-, Eiroclron by Ibo childrenrecorer or Hope from bin aurprlro. Deacon w j Conroy and compchemisettesChemisette need srec- ooff laclacee t oto Insur Insuree freshnes freshnesss TheThe edgeedges* nrenre no t n-.fscalloped acaHoped,, bnt bat tlaff [or ibe Ibren rorytero which 1 ebapel followed tbn offnrlna.Theodore eonnlnl- J I. Kunyon, expressed the jutlong dlnlocue* nnd enroll by the oTerrastrercast wlr!withh a heavya henry,, buttonhol buttonholee Mary s avenue; Michael Dlno, 3U • er. «l»en on Bundny mornlnff nnd 0f rorernl Inlorrollnff appreciationrroltnlloni < nod love which the en- “JJJJLjJJ" JT •tilth.iltch. RomAome* ar e areboun dliound wltb blacwithk Stblack. Mary' s afenue. The man In the hospital is Joseph Kotscblo. Dlno tbi. eirellent proffram of Cbrlatman aod au oxorclro by elffbt little, arhoolfflrln; | fro. for U,rlr anperlnlenj- Ora froom. itln. ThfKe- have square fronts and •atin. These hare square fronts wandu arrested In North PlalnSeld vet' prepared by Orannlet and hymn. Bennilful Biarllabt ofrut. Heaven: He j referred to the unceaalnp The wmnnnll. ,rwerelnM trained lit when wurn dre Dtilxhed with a cravat when worn are finished wllh a cram!terda y afternoon, tbe others: having COoIrmnnier Will O llrfen wu finely .-xercleee by Crrocent Avenueeffort, Run of Mr. Hall to lo.rroro th. S^. Jlgg* 7 * of satisatinn oror velve relrett ribbon ribbon.. none. rendered by Ibe venled ebolr on-n „ suited to the occasion, prewnted to P"-""**' mornln and evening on ted K(k>,l«. rile Idte-t fancy la the nulled to Ike occmHon. preronled lo . ^fl * . ^?7lo'lK Arriving at the St. Mary'* avenge der ibo direction of funn llnbcock. n.ptl.1 Church, a three ptflC* miiiiie. tiinslstlns of cap. tb.[he superintenden■uperlntrndentt a npictur plctnr.e of thofe "'"tb. ^ relating lo th1'*e Christma °' s "sea ' - house they found two men locked In cholrmaaf-r. nnd Mlro lam LoM, -nie ChrUlmne service at the; lon The veuter cimt. Thl•s Is in- orebrotrn.jrchestra, handsomelbnudeom.lyy framedframed. Onc Oncee - ‘°“ 1 ^Sunda heldhdy schooto7orl exercise s gloves and A death grip and fighting all over the orffanlit.SssjLfsss\ Tbe rorvlcro In thl* pretty, p,r„ Raptlm church. Bundnymor morn-e the entire audience arose, and *lM h*> he)d tomorrow night • - ' tended prlmni•lly for skating, etc..Irllt lot. Upstairs In the bouse Kot»cnlo morn lh. entire nndlenre nrow. and *' J* flilx winter even on lltlle church were well nllended. both |n2 Haa sangpleanln*. about the tithee that bindi will be wo was found lying in a pool of blood morning end evenlnx. ^ . I c horun choir Lelnff nroUled•“iff by•hoot theth. tie that blade our ' .!'u ,ev7ro-iej ”ho f the street. Th nc. with hearts in Christian love, and ». Ulu 7 Unconscious and wltb his bead snd heart. In Cbrlrtlnn lov*. nnd It did Irotroned -h tn ami with Icuthei 'en dren'i rorvlcro. which were held nt Srh||I ojrlni! Quarlel. of emNewnrk. at thoug h officers, teachers and edifice on Sunday will Be retained, deep pm-kc face beaten almost to a pulp. At this o'clock In Ibe mornlnx w.r« ./ . .. room aa Ihouffh enjoyment officer., teacher, and J**”" J™* ck pupils,pll> werworeIbae membermember,s o fof on eone bi g blcfatn -fnm- l^thes f^^hroae exercises exerclro.., and turnba time Patrolmen McCiuley and Mc- :i|i • there are the ttfm-o'- 11 y.'. sharinabarlncg eac «*ehh other' otbefas joy s Joy*and nn’dMt . Zlon A. Mt.M7K Zlro. Charch A. . M Among t Carthy joined tbe chief and Messier rrows. Mr. Hall presented to ev- Large congregations attended the shanter niid tlie i-Hpwbln tyj the r last ye .orroe v. Mr. Hall presented to ev- Ur«. conareunU and bet wet ery officer and teacher a calendar for Christmas services at tbe MU Zloi >nt i-- in front nnd h n is« • ery officer end teacher a calendar for Cbriatmaa rorrlces •ape that fits ab tbs , the foi ththee neneww yearyear;; an dnnd to everlo yevery membe memberr A. M . ]•:A.. churchM. E., Sundaychurch.. SuTb e music brought to head* tvuH.-i district turned out 1.4 ' and sung Christmas carols, of ihe school an aUractlve'eard con- vas excellent and the pastor. Rev. neck and • •Men. :ongregation to greet the n ork of the chorus choir was of dbo Khrol on •Ur.cllvo'cnrd eon- w.» excellent and whose Liningling interestinloterentloffg printe printedd matte mailerr re - re-J. T.J. Diggs T. , Dlffffa.preache prd a «rh.good **rmc gun to discover if possible who bad or, Kev. Klory G. Bowers, and are s j ".¥ fnreviT to Ibe lui garding tbe work of the several de- from Matt. 2:10. , The electric att i>py au- ffurdln* the work of tbo several do- from Mall. 2:10. . tun in golfi All the^e garm< an wounded Kotschlo. Ip to ihis morn- •tucrits. | he u>d in th' decorations oats de- ing nothing In the way of informs* Ha?el it a of es> wHh m«eh reell« «n^ •s i.iray, wblte, br* and the prisoners as no one wilt tell who "audlence that'erciaea last nleht. Mrs. E. D. Qrobes expresHl ning at 7:30, 1 wielded the weapons witb which the rt ndard. The pro green art t favorite colors. If you t two men were injured. the Creso nt |i enue. se , , uclu« i . w t a large num- j siatance to Su peri n ten dent E, B. lutre is tbe wny t lhe ake Dlno, who was arrested yesterday tber of people: In tbe Sunday-school j Maynard in training the chijd yourself a Iiretty and faitlilon set afternoon, bas four severe stab rlan (•hi rch an .eta i.ra e program ot let. ••..•.•on panied by the The ible for winter tbat will- be warm nuslc | eram will 'it Itsell when mm itb Is most desired. era on the Bhoulder and right arm. He waa attended by City Fbyalciau ure of the m being the Tendl- th e Srhll qunrtet. Th RufflRufflesN oonn SkirlsShirts.. Lufburrow in a cell immediately af- TbeThe prevalencprevalencee ofof th etbe tuni tunicc nn d andthe tbeter lhe arrest was made. Dr. Plttla overskirtrerskin hahass Riveglveun .rim arise- to atu modificaa lutxUllca-- had already attende-d the wounds of 1. under the leadershit) at the yoke and sleeves are the mam tiolionn ooff thenllirw? In filin e fbeshap eshape of circula of circularr Kotschl o and the latter bad been re- S. Moahor. and Including Mlss'i>n. SVMII.I, .ivnis1 BURIAL at the yoke and sleeves are tbe main e music department of factors that contribute to the Impor- rufflesruffles extendinaxtcmllngg frofrontm wais wnlstt tu anklesto ankle*. move d to Muhlenberg Hospital, Mary Clark at the piano, and Robert 1 HILLK1DK TIESDAY. factors that contribute to the Impoc aker's In New York and taneetance tbathatt blouseblouse*s hav havee attaine attainedd In tbIne tbeThiThin s ilaa quitquitee inIn th thee ol dold styl ate ojlef severa of severall Wher e it was said this morning tbat the leadership of the organist .and renderedj years back, but somehow combines he was suffering severely from shock are Invariably of a high fieldfield ooff woman'wo man'as dress drves.. yearn back, but somehow combines choirmaster, A. L. Tltswortb. An iveral selections of their own. In I Dr. San aged about 65 l!i:iliin --. witb • . • "• " •• and maln- •nd would be unable to leave tbe lade with Intelligence. !>#>» befor ICOe thbeforee Christia than eraChristian. era. 1 the Saviour. This cantata was sd-,yOung. cornels, and Miss May Ran- Ing his sheep—and then he told was considered an authority on cer- ailksilk isIs MIK-:-suggested'.!'-! fo r forafternoo afternoonn wear . wear.old• Id i las burnburntt tliniUKli through.. Yo uY«o will n-jolcwill erejoiceThis , festivaThis l festivalis characterize la d characterizedby by mlrably' rendered and evoked warm'dolpb, ptano, furnished the music. ium, when ho visited tbe shepherds, I subjects and was honored and A White ellk lil«use nltli a military In the saving on r of voor Iron- lighting the candles beginning with respected by all who knew him. He A white silk blouse wllh a militaryIn the saving on Ibe cover of your Iron- j lighting the candles beginning with he had put on their dress, and taking touctouchh ooff duldulll «Mv silver(-r lirul. braidl am i amibutton buttonss taging board.board. one o n tbe first evening anon*d Increas Dn -the Brat evening and Inereaa- tion presetw. In ttao evening the Bcnce of tbe pipe organ was notice- .heir staff in band, had attempted to' of strong character and Ilas anotheanotherr valumilvaluablee Idea Idea.. Tben eTbrae out- out- ing the number by one every evening :ivc their crp to the sheep, expect- ability, which was recog- line tbe shnuItlLT seam and form a ...... •>.* ! Ing the numberuntil by oneeight every have evening been lighted. line tbe shoulder seem ami formTRIMME a D WITH WIDE RIBBON itii eight list iv been lighted. In which Miss Hltzabeth P. DeCsnl.|centor. Rev. Mr. Shock made a ing ot course tbe entire flock would nized by some of the foremost edu- shield at the front. A tiny bow of TRIMMED WITH WIDE RIBBON Papers on tbe subject Were read tors of this part of the country, shield at tbe front. A tiny bow of Papers on the subject were read soprano, bail Ibe greater part of tbe short address In which he made plaiE follow him. Imagine bis surprise, blackblack isla caufcncaughtt a t atth e tbeculla collarr line, thline,e tha by some of tbe members and short work to do That she did it well the fact that It is more blessed tc therefore, when not a single sheep i 1B survived by a wife and a sis- longlong endendss reain-enrlurrapiwarlngg a t atliuttimbuli- buttonholedd byaddresse somes giveof ntha by Drmembers. Kopelowiu and , abort goes Without saytng. Mlu DjeCantJ C)Ve than to receive. Superintend raised his bead because they did not ', Mrs. S. A. Robinson, of Sandford slotsslots belobeloww ththee yoke yoke.. Brai dBraid and butand- but- addressesp. G. Zeide lgiven and Henrby y Dr.Rosenbaum KopelowitS.. II Hill II- II voic of great D. O. Zeldel and Henry Rosenbaum. has a lii'i .-in F. E. Smith read the Scripture recognize In nls cry tbe voice of tons are useusedd ( on the-uffs cuff*. A banquebanquett followefollowedd the * ih«*speeches speeches., leir sbepbere. I mil crepcrepee d dee chin chinee in aIn sora t softgray Igrayn In o officers of tbe club are: 1'reil- that none of tbe power Is obtained In the beginners department "Lil- First M. !•:. ( combinationcombination witwithh slivesilverr lac lacee ani amil brsl dbraid Thedent , officersI. Kuniman of ; thavice presidentdeb are, A. Presi- »t the expense of Us sweetness. Par- dent, I. Kutuman; vice president. A. le Christmas Candles" was recited In sdditlon to tbe elaborate Chrlst- RALVATIOX AllMV XMAR makesmakes aa beautifulicautlfull blouse b!»uae.. Th e Thesleeve sleevess Paradise; secretary, H. Prledroan, ticularly was this noticed in the reel- Paradise; secretary, 11. rrtedmaa. iv Edna Schllef. Harry Metier. Eve- as programs it the First M, K. FRKB F6B I'HH-IIRKV.should should bbee tJifl'lmadeu I.H l M V\ IH >verlooked by San'a Clans to call at touch of Silver lac# la used to outline I'. Tilaworih's rendition of Neldllng- Junior' department program * tncent chapel. James n. Joy, su- tbe rounded (<>p edge. mi: iu;uiv; HIH WIFK. be local barrocks* today or tomor- the rounded top edge. er-s Tke Birthday of the King waa Song, " 'Twas Christmas Day;" vi erintendent of the school, was Jn In our fi.nrtti Idea black and whit* row and receive a ticket for tbe In our fourth Idea black and white »!«••.IH« snlo, Charles Todd. of lum.ll.n. •art;* of the program, assisted by •re given one ntore nppurtuntty to Join Hill Condicl and his wit*, AmHis, thei •lirl-traa* tre* entertainment which are given oue more «*>p«mjnlty to )oia Hill Condlrl sad hla wife. Amelle. ••!(- » else, "Our King." twenty-four 1 •e I.-.M hi-r>. Mrs. Tbomu Mac- bands in tbe season'* inudUb alliance. both color*d, were arralng*il Monday Kill be held tomorrow evening st tt bands In the season's modish alliance. bolb folored, were arrnlnaed Mender and girls as follows: Edna Bn Donald bad dharge of the program Here a while rrejie de chine bluuae la nornlng b«ron» Judtce William s o'clock. Tbe affair premises "• be Hare a white crepe de chine blouse la morning before Judge William N At to oVt.xfc \k the mornlnB the ler Krllogc. Marjorie fttorr. Mar- [or the primsry department. It be- to be worn wltb s blai-k v.-ivct suit. A >unyon In the fity court on charges one of tbe best affairs ever given by to be worn with a black velvet suit. A Kunyon In the Hfy coart on charges SuRdaj MVOOI 1- garet Smith, Helen McAfee, Helen ng as follows;: square•quar* yokyokee sndand straigh •freightt band sbands for for •f disturbing tbw peaca. Am«lls Lhe local corps. Tbe children ot the 1 of disturbing the peace. Amelia prvgrahi. lb-v Was a rang by Ibe id. Ellen Sbyrback, Hawl McCra- the sleeves are «.f tucked black - "" B* illHi'tiargif* and hsr huabsnd ws* •rtn)» Sunday school will give aa tha sleeves are of tucked black Chlf- was discharged and her husband was school. K»rr !>; I^Hm II. (1st**, dy, Russel 8«ars. Ho»aM Wllleti r-.u and c fined ten dollars wltb'th* privilege Runyon; Sijnat, Ralph Wlllamaon, :nterUlnm<>nt for tbe poor children, foo or mouaaellne. A collar and cuffs f*r»ed ten dollars with tha privilege • spprlitriid.-nt the beginners' d<- rry Scnllef, Arthur Laurie, Lanra ot Irish lace MM s.ld«d. white six doll ut beromlDg a guest of t,h« ruunly In Margaret Evans, Haywood Webster, while Martin A. Korff with several of Irish lace are added, while all dal! of becoming a guest of tj»e county In parimfint in rharf* of Mrs. George Ufa. Marlon Blair, Harriet HIK- jet buttons are iwetl on tbe front If ifault «r payment. Gertrude Joy; recitations, Margaret Iclana w|] furnish s fine prc- jet laittons are used on tbe front. If default of payment. A. iia1i*ni>n«. gave recitations and IS, Helen' Thompson. Theodore you wish a tHKt of color you may ON Tbe mm.!.- live In the rear nt pM and Howard Flsber; song, n. Santa Claus will be there you wish a tom h of color yuti may on The couple live la the rear of 63# •nan and tk* pHmavy department Vail, Orac* Sowden, Vera McCrady, UM shaded enamel hut tons tbat cost Wont Third street and la.t evening with heaps of good tblngs for tbe the shaded enamel buttons that coet IB rhafice of Mi*s Ella Ixiunsbiiry, aa Helen Wooley. Charles Todd. Alfred 'bole'. Thora Vail, Ella Vail, iinH-h. but can be worn over snd orsr West•M y Thirdbefor e afreet7 o'cloc andk th elast neigh evening- i and girls mock, but caa be worn over and orar shortly before 7 o’clock the neigh- veil ak nn-mbrr* of tbe Sunday Wlllett, Roy Maclntyre and El Warren Moyer Helen Western, Car- again. borhoodborhood wawnas arousearousedd by screamsby scream*., ttbool Iclsss tatighit by Allen K. Beal* lunis. They concluded witb •y Creager, Jsnet Marchant, Russell IfIf yoyouu havhavee Jus Justt a littla littlee piei ep*e of ma of- ma- natlng from (he yard of that •at* rWtii»ilon« «nd Bong*. Rev. Dr. iging of "O Little Town of Beth- Huff. Tbelma Dawsoo. Arthur Mc- terial left afler tbe coat atul Jacket •dwelllns maaatlng. pftebe fromd In thea trebl yarde ker . Deof- that MAYOR.ELKCTI* BROTHER! terial left after tbe coat and jacket C. V. JHerrlag, panto-, nave a short is**." Voy, uenedla Longcor, Bessie Ran- are made you may use it (or a bloosa dwelling,tective Sergear pitchedt FlynIn na trnWeinvestHtat key.d Di- -mils L. MOV. IH-IlEAD. are made you may use it fur a I.loose rective Her graft Flynn I a vast I gated talk op. Palestine anei.-uiuingues lex-omlogneuas Is golla d tone, and the velvet ribbon used In 1 A yeayearr agagoo th ethe stree att reelcleanin cleaningg de- de- undeniable. goldbretell tone,e an andd >ut« theb effectvelvets ribbonIs a shad usede partmenIn t was having the time of It* tions'was'giventions wna given,, aa asfollows, follows; Orga n OrganHarrison , Sylvia Smith, Helen Wll- trram was followed: Opening selec- Play By Hebrew PsipiU, undeniable. artment waa having the time of !«• darkebreteller thaaudn th e sashsatin ofeffects the1 frock i.. a IliTshadee tryin g to clean the streets of preludeprelude,, hjinnhymn.. A AD« yDny ot Davaof :Pays; re- lettre-. Dorothy Ross; song. "II Yoi tion, choir: carol, school: greetings. PupilsPnpUs ooff tbthee T . T.M . M.H. AH.. Hebrew A. Hebrew- . life trying to clean tbe strrats of sponsive reading, led by Rev. Dr. J. Don't Know the Password. Smile.' darker than th# aalln of tbe frock. this city from a fall of enow that sponsive reading, led hy Rev. Dr. J Christmas <;rp*iin=. Harold Wilson: schooschooll wilwilll givgiree a plaa y playand enterand - Filling Sachats. : FiiimiIlan tbtbee wjuur-jui.r.-e ,'. dov>4ietag* .,••:.,*,. gol goldd colore c«4oradd this City from a fall of now that 8. Zelie: prayer. Rev. F. D. Tllden. Earle Cook, Alfred Tomley, Warren .had been of bllizard proportions. To S. Zeile; prayer. Rev. F. D. Tllden. A Christmas Wish, Freddie Here: tainmentalamentt aatt ththee T . T.M. HM.. A-H. anlli- A., auBl-Fill th e linynil IMK theS « it(layd a nilxei«t d pow- chifforblfTonn inI. net.ct;: Ihl sthis In lai1*d ovelaidr fleshover hadItc-h been of bllxxard proportion!. To pastor of Bethel chapel: hymn. Wel- KeUofg. Carl Scbltef, Cecil McAfee. | song. Intermediate department cho- der of iris ami beiiutrope and add a be exact twerre Inches of snow cov- pastor of Bethel chapel; hymn. Wel- idi d tortumtorlnm.. SundaSundayy eveningevening., Janoar Januaryy 1. 1. dev of Iris ami t colorecoloredd .rhlff.m II.-.-TL toto produc producee tb ethe effec effectt of beof exact twelve Inches of snow cov- comecome ttoo lhthoe Happ Happyy Uornl&x Morning;; respon respoa- Benjami n Dentse «nd Alfred Denise. rus: solo. Hazel Todd: recitation. AtAt thathatt timtimee prise prisons wil l willbe presentbe prerant-- faw peppercorn*few peppercorn*,, wbli-b will ' both pre- a dee|deepi •].-'•.:,.-(.it-i-derolletage.. IboogthoogBn a a aaa mailea matterr ered the ground the fall beginning siresive readingreading,, ledled b y byG. HG.. Condkt!L Condlct.. Greeting s were sent by tbe pastor.|Welt Bose: solo. Beautiful Starlight, eedd toto ththee pupil pupilss by memberhy memberss of th ofe servthee tbservee perfume tbe d t»cfumIrep yok yokee coul dcould scarcel scarcelyy loonn ChristmaChristmass DaDayy sn d andcontinuin continuingg superintendentavperttttendent of of HopeHope chapel :chapel.Rev. John Y. Broek. who is at the Alice Huff: recitation. A Gift, Helen schoolschool boarboardd foforr excellenc excellencee in studiesIn studies,. t Itouts swe Ust sweet acvu »—I.- ni-«enm wliti,,.-wUU...- -- iisjiu- ••ulngu Ol wni of> -"-». lolorr •—•twenty-foutwenty-four r hourshour*..