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The ^Ttionalist THTheE Constitutionalist^TTIONALIST VOL.VOL. LXLX1IH PLAINFIELD.PLAINFIELD. NN.. J.J„, THURSDATHURSDAYY DECEMBERDECEMBER., 29 29,, 1910 1910:; NO.NO. SI51.. > mm !>»»« w iwl INIRODUCtO TfId t SOCIEISOCIETYY CHRISTMIImS DUNCmiceE IT 10 OECI GOING 10 CHim TO WED GEIS A PURSEO f OFmi GOIDl mTIH. DADllY fifmi iisi 18.8.i III 10 Jl Ilf harmiDK Reception andand aa Mr. and Kri. Diaoo Held HIM Florence Wildey WUl be. B#r. Gabriel Reid Maguire Charming Bacaptlon ii «pm ctos Mr. and Mrs. Dlaoo Held Mias Florence WUdey Will be- Hse. Gabriel Raid Maguire MENllAmis miniH YoaogYoung SouthSonth AmericaAmericann Firefinss Dane*Dance foforr MlaMiaaa EleanoElainorr AI IHE PARK CLUB OwnOwn BscogDlsanosRecognizance foforr comecone VaoghttVaughn. MePae^MoPeea a HandsomelyHandsomely RememberedRemembered BulletBullet inIn UraHeedd BuButt FallFellss Thehe annuaannuall CommaChrl'tmaa* dancdanree ai nt TbsThe ChrlfttmaChrist mags entertainmenentertainmentt foforr E.E. DaOraff.DeOmff. the ParParkk ClubClub,, laslastt nightnight., proveprovedd U to JUlogodAHefc-d Aaaault-Assault. BrideBride IIdn ManchuriaMsaehnils.. byby Congregation.'Congregation' (bebe SsbbatSabbathb schoovrheoll ooff ththee Seventh Seventh-- atat SuicideSuicide.. ______ . I mbee eonef th ofe mosthet moatenjoyabl enjoyablee social aocUl DayDay BaptisBaptistt ili'irrchurchh wawass helheldd I nIn th ethe F M .arlors of the dhurch. last night, X. V . tilFTH I "iL: ,1I1l>IHi\l\M ..vurirtmI fa net Iona of the aeaaon. It SHtHKItT'[ lli:llT"HH m:\lIIK.AI1i WAWASS ItKOKEXnROKEX,. T*lTO Itl.-illH-KKMIDK. IXl« THiTHK: ORIENTORIENT.. AT A \M\- KNTKRTAIVHKXT. Iirion of the dburch. last night. "“ ” " largely attendedallpnM., the) tbogo tola. about A1 A XM.tH KXTKRTAINMKKT.Ctber ree beinbeingg aa largUrgee attendancattendancee of oft'.M.V HLI<<<ITLV WOUNDwwr ■ ■■■— 15© preivnt160 present.. The Thelllilht. !rlabhouae never membermberss snandd friendfriendss ofof ththee schoo schooll Vmiiton., • Ilil-HrI hi ..-)...);.\evtrnlay> .I". Afternoon. ii lookelookedd noteattractiv attractivee In ItIns Itselabor elabor-- KilledKille d aa Callairf TheTltean CelebrateOlebr.lmld wit >IUisMr.h .Mr. aw aadl Mr* Mra.. Walte Walterr Mrti Mrticnw Mi dand Mis MMs DepartureDepartur e frofromm Usual.aall MethodMribodas oo(f andd churchchurch.. l;..iBothK ololdd anandd younyoungg fam e ltere to i-kcure I atete decorationsdecoration■,. Tbla waa the work werere welwelll entertklneentertainedd bbyy ththee escel excel-- 'an“Ad LuI—il >«''*B*M< a■t ' Hume of °* of ll-tir,,t y Hear?Johns . Jubnwn, tb. .l.w.rd, andW\Wti-k-j—ynsrr. t.Ubej Qaarari1 Starte Kumdd Ove Orerr Elizabeth McGe« Will Attend AaHremt.Atnnmemeats aatt ParI "arkk AvenaAtenaee lentit prograprogramm whicwhichh IncludeIncludedd anandd 11 -Il- . ..i ton—Rash Act Committed «• •van greatly admired. There was an .u-iiieii !.<<;;. on the life of Hrllrrr PimaI-.M in- MrMr.. ano.ld Mm Dm. I «”*"» admlrajT Thera .a. a. Ilrahealln.k.n WWindow—.tollin ledoe—lloUlasg the W.-.M ing—Early i» sim.liij.M I10..1 Pleases Huge lustrated lectaisj on the life of (.nardtaa'a Home In Suaih ;| arrangementprrangemeot ooff ChrlUmaCbrt'tmaas greensgreens., Christ.rial. WbllWhilee t»t|ee viewviewss wer w«r«e bein beingg J.J. WW.. lt.*.r_tTIMiraf.. j holly, holly and flowersand flowers abou t abootthe stagethe . stage. Pin1'fn •n WeaponWeapon.. l.l.ruarr. AudienceAudience.. shown.>wn, MrsMrs.. Kr.inFrankk KellogKelloggg reareadd rulafleld. •behindH'ehlnd whicwhichh Mailer'Mailer'ss OrchestraOrchestra,, ofof •everalreral selectionselectionss appropoappropoes toto tbthee On* o ost charming affal j B rook Isn, was seated. MrsMrs.. Ar,dr AnnieAnnie DIanDlanow o anandd heherr husbandhuaband.. [ MisMlias Florenc Florencee Wilder WUifcj’., daughte damhterr of of The TheChristma Chrlttmaas entertainmentpictures of . 1 Maxii Bararraliararrs., aa younyoungg EcuadoriaEcuadoriann i- season waa .the receptioi 1 Baptist Bible school pictures. el (be eeaeon tho reception and jTh e Theorchestr ’orebratrna rendere renderedd a pop n popular e». "e held In ther o*n re- Char lea K. Wilder, o! Marline nee- the Dark Avenue Baptist BibleThere aehool wawas s tbthee usuausuall ChristinaChristmass bo hahass beebeenn boardinboardingg aatt 232*32 WesWantt I given yesterday afternoo d ha ,f-j t L r IT'-- J VUSUI""^r J"1i i-a0 bT C ly to January with was given last night before an aud- deode ttlren jetterdnr afternoon' "and, I progra pmrrm.m ot i mrllc ,or the jaaetng cocnltanre lor tbc netlon or the nne. will leave earlr » Jnnnarr with j wan (lean laat night beforetree, an elaboratelelaborately nud- y dedecorated< rated anandd afteafterr Secondad streetstreet,, attempteattemptedd sule.desuloldo- ng by Mr. and Mrs. Jam. nJcn " ,7, ;°" «™m NJntr br 017 Jufls« im Mr. and Mrs. Waiter McOeMcGee and Utelrtnelr!; fence that completely filled all the eeepn* br Mr. and Mr.. Janiea1. W.]' * . nich cohtl eobunuedn until an earlr h hour I * *'" l " »I' •’“‘’'l William Mr. and Mrs. Walter McGee and their! fence that completelr «Ued nil the•talnment , which early thithlas morninmorningg aatt ththee hom homee o tof aft, of Central avenue, tor ge ' daughter. Miss Elizabeth McGee, of I ivailable space. The program ln- the entertainment, which also In- PvOnff. of Central avenue, for their ... with an Intermission I Runron this morning on n charge daughter. Miss Elisabeth McGee, af available space. The programluded thIn-e singing of carols, and hla guardian.;uardlan, WilliaWllUamm c Cbaiualdos.ha mat don, lii.-r, Miss Eleanor E. DeGraff. lasuit preferred by Pel iu- the borough, for China, where upoiponn ! eluded a number of very clever acta cluded the singing of carols, and dsugbler. Miss Eleanor K. DeOraff., „|d„t.hl refra.hla.nta. ’ " '* ' " ' ‘ ‘ nstrumental selections, Superin- ot PlainfleldPlainfield.. HHee place placedd a apls pio-- wfai n she *aa formally Introduced to ofu 830 George street. ;he win be married to by Rosanl, of New York, the Juggler, Instrumental selections. Superin- when sha waa formallr Introduced to; I bert. of «S® George street. The as-1 their arrival, she will be married to j hr Roeanl. of New York, the Juggler.tenden t O. S. Rogers distributed tol toi hihiss rigbrightt templtemplee an aadd fired fired., The reception was held rn The affair ana la charge of the ne• alleger d t McGee's son, Vaughn : who kept his audience In a contlnu- tendent O. 8. Rogers distributed aoe|etr- 1 reception “ was held *In"• ■* .ni—talamoat committee of which | **“ *• •""•'■l '» have taken place Mr, and Mrs. McGee's eon. Vaughn ' who kept hie audience In a con tin u- i to the children of the he bulletbullet tooktook aann upwarupwardd coursroars#e "'nearJu4 midnight December 16. j McGee. It Mpected tbat the wed-[oua laugh by bis side remarks ultable gifts to the children of the the atiern from Its 7. -hen, Tnanmndl. ,h, chnlr-i * midnight on December 1«.| McGee. It I. e.pecwd that the wed-1 on. laugh br hi. side Iremarks school an dand refreshment s were served, and piused out with penetrating tbe the homo was thronged with guests ' Illll!'!. \riniiTH represented, ding will 1 place early in Febru-j funny facea as an accompanlmen school and refreshments were served. and poised out with penetrating the the home ana thronged with guests ] "«bim ‘ tbo'"oatroae uimE "wore ! ** W llUam Neweorn represented j ding wtU take place earlr la Febru-; funar face, as an accompani Mrs.Mrs. WilliaWilliam m C.C.;: HubbarHubbardd wawasa ththse Lrsln. aln. Hliee wawast taken toto Muhlenber Muhlenbergg , whowhocalleAt railed too showeshowerr congratulationcongratulationss iMrB I „ 'Joh' n u w. ^n r. Mrfl. Samue„ l plalnanthe complainantt and Wlnfiel andd 3 . WlnlteldAn- ary , eAn-. dat arr.e dependin the dateg o ndepending the arri- onhis thejuggling nrrl-. hisHe Joggling.Is considere Hed Is considered one boepital at 3 o'clock and given all and (lowers upon the debutante sndjg, J h trhenw. Mrs. Charlos chairman of the general committee, hospital at 3 o'clock and given all John McCu gleman the two defendants. j val of tbe party at Its destination. of the best In his line of entert and flowers upon the debutante nod R ', h MeCstchen Mrs Charles Islsman <ho two defendants. vnl of the pnrtr nt IU destination. of the best In hts line of rnlertaln- _ I'osulbl e treatmenpossible t treatmentto avoid toInfoo avoid- Infeo- thethe dsneedance tootookk placplacee aatr night night,. ~henj when w McCutc„"r"hen .uTThe. Mm W. A. C. The peopl peoplee concerne concernedd In th Ine fracathe fracas!s Mr . McGeMr. eMcGee is locate Is d locatedIn Mancb- In 'Munch, ment, an.meat,d muc nodh o f muchthe balanof the< balancingand she waa audited by John Cot-i! M . It la pr-ibable tbat he will h* • large number of guest. s enjoye d the siet.uienen. sirs. *. twhic onnorh resulte .mend iresultedn Sbuber tIn gettin ghuhertg a gettingurts, wher a e hawherea charg bee ohuef a chargefor-; whic ofh ah etor.; did which. was hereall did.y dlffiwasi trailreallr god dIBrult other offlrara of th. school, i H"" It Is pr.>b.blo tb«t be .IU to . Urge number of gneeta enjored the an"d Mrs Waltwluw’lJriW.e McGee. dischargeddischarged tomorrowtomorrow.. festivefestive occasionoccMlon.. ThThee homhomoe wawas;s brokenbroken beabeadd witwithh an rollinrollingg pi pinn I nIn th thee elg elgnn offic officee of ofth etho Standar Standardd Oil OHCon Com-:- work work.. Harr yHarrr Brown Brown,, also oalsof Ne ofw New liararrsBararra Ilas ubouriboutt eighteeeighteenn yearyearns '.elaboratelelaboratelyy decoratedecoratedd foforr th tbae oc -oe- j | hsndebanda ooff Mrs. t>lanoDlano., araree SlavSlaves an andd | pany j panr.. He Heha shae bee nbeen awa yantr abou aboutt a York a ,York, anothe anotherr of th eof eutertaithe ehtsrtaloere.i oldold anandd habaas livelivedd InIn PlalnHelPlainfieldd a a cion. Christmasnias greengreenss ansodd hollholly;y I PoleePoles ansodd ththee quarreoonrrell whicwhichh result-reeolt.j year j rear,, an andd wil willl probabl prohahlry remai remainn In reciteIn resiledd severa aevcrall Christma Christmass storle aslorlee and and short• l .'• r timetime.
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