On January 6, 1625, Was Ordained a Priest in September 1649, Entered the Congregation of the Mission on August 15, 1651, and Took His Vows on August 17, 1653
Letter 2475. - Archives of the Mission, Turin, original signed letter. 1. Georges des Jardins, born in Alençon (Orne) on January 6, 1625, was ordained a priest in September 1649, entered the Congregation of the Mission on August 15, 1651, and took his vows on August 17, 1653. Later, he was Superior in Toul (1655-57) and Narbonne (1659). 2. Brother Jean Proust, born in Parthenay (Deux-Sèvres) on March 12, 1620, entered the Congregation of the Mission on June 25, 1645, and took his vows on October 28, 1647. Saint Vincent refers to clerical students as “Brothers.” The context usually determines whether the one referred to is a coadjutor Brother or a student destined for the priesthood. 3. Saint Vincent subscribed the initials, i.p.d.l.M. (indigne prêtre de la Mission. ) [unworthy priest of the Mission], to his signature. It has been traditional in the Congregation of the Mission to append to one’s name the Latin of this phrase, indignus sacerdos Congregationis Missionis. or the initials, i.s.C.M. The editors have adopted this traditional practice, substituting the initials of the Latin phrase for the French used by Saint Vincent. Letter 2476. - Archives of the Mission, Turin, unsigned rough draft. 1. Pierre Daveroult, born in Béthune (Pas-de-Calais) on January 20, 1614, was ordained a priest during Lent of 1638. He entered the Congregation of the Mission on April 13, 1653, and took his vows on January 13, 1656. Twice he embarked for Madagascar and twice returned to Paris without being able to set foot on the island.
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