The Italian Saviour of French Absolutism
Geoffrey Treasure. Mazarin: The Crisis of Absolutism in France. London and New York: Routledge, 1995. xv + 413 pp. $140.00, cloth, ISBN 978-0-415-01457-1. Reviewed by Michael P. Breen Published on H-France (June, 1997) Unlike his predecessor, Cardinal Richelieu, ing Jean-Baptiste Colbert, Michel Le Tellier, and the reputation of Cardinal Jules Mazarin, France's even Louis XIV himself. First Minister from 1643 until his death in 1661, In spite of these successes, however, many has suffered considerably at the hands of both historians continue to echo Mazarin's seven‐ contemporaries and modern historians. During teenth-century detractors. A. Lloyd Moote, for ex‐ the series of uprisings known as the Fronde ample, describes Mazarin as an "emotional", "un‐ (1648-53), thousands of pamphlets known as balanced" man who "provided poor leadership for Mazarinades denounced him as an opportunist the monarchy", and became a "personal symbol of who promoted an unpopular war to enrich him‐ royal tyranny...." According to Moote, "Mazarin's self and his family; a skilled seducer, who tyran‐ duplicity and disastrous method of governing... nized France from the bed of the Regent Anne of [made] harmony within the state and the admin‐ Austria; and an unscrupulous foreigner who cor‐ istration...virtually impossible." J. Russell Major, in rupted the young king with the poisonous doc‐ his most recent book, pilloried Mazarin as a trines of his fellow Italian, Niccolo Machiavelli [1]. "suave and ingratiating" man of intrigue (in con‐ Twice exiled under pressure from the Parlement trast to the "statesman" Richelieu), who "sought to of Paris and the Prince of Conde, Mazarin never‐ govern by persuasion, fattery, and bribes." When theless retained the complete support and devo‐ these devices did not work, Mazarin "tried to di‐ tion of Anne, Louis, and a sizable, well-placed vide his opponents by lies, false promises, and ap‐ clientele.
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