Official Journal
THE CITY RECORD. OFFICIAL JOURNAL. Vol. XXVI. NEW YORK, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER yo, 1898. NUMBER 7,774 DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE. Abstract of the transactions of the Bureau of the City Chamberlain for the week ending October 15, 1898. OFFICE OF THE CITY CIIAMIBERLAIN, NEW Yogic, October e5, IS98, Hon. Rossl, Er A. VAN 1VVCic, Mryvr: SIR--In pursuance of section 196, chapter 37S of the Lawvs of 1897, I have the honor to present herewith a report to Oc o', er 15, IS9S, of all moneys received by the Chsmlterlain and the amount of all warrants paid by him since October 6, IS9'i, and the am )unt remaining to the credit of the City on October 15, IS9S. Very respectfully, JOIN II. C.AdPL'h:LL, Deputy City Chamberlain, DR. l'[tE CITY OF Ni•:w 1"0ax, ill cr<cvrntt with PrlacIe Kta.x: t, chamberlain, r/rrrrrr, the zuce! endirr,; October 15, tS<,25. C. 1898. Oct. t5 To Additional Water Fund ............................................. $2,367 66 Itl' Ital:lace ................................ ....................... 522,250,360 05 AJ,liti"u:I \Vver Fun;, City of New York ............................ r,574 25 Arrcars of Taxes ....................... talon...................... 596,704 zo Adv:mces on Water 11eters, Pot of Brooklyn..... ............... 23 00 Intere.;t on Taxes ....................... " ..................... 11,313 32 Ambulance Station and Va cine Labrat(rv, Constructive o f..... ..... 155 75 Fund I~,rStrcet ;in] Park I) t; nines ...- ........ ............. toil, of Anti-toxine Fund ........................... ........................ 439 35 Rtrretl inurovrncutt nn,llane r5. r83t ...... ... .......... 37,o7r ra Appellate Division, Supreme Conrt, County Court-hone .............. 22,5oo 00 Harlem laver Iml- rov, meat I und......
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