Asian International StudiesHan NaReview Kim andVol. Thomas21 No.2 Kalinowski (December 2020): 29-53 29 Received September 30, 2020 Revised December 3, 2020 Accepted December 14, 2020 Only Shallow? Public Support for Development Cooperation in South Korea Han Na Kim* and Thomas Kalinowski** This article examines the link between public support for and public knowledge about development cooperation in South Korea. Challenging previous research on established donor countries, we find that in Korea, there is a high level of public support for development cooperation but very little knowledge about it. We argue that this can be explained by three main factors. First, Korea recently transitioned from being a recipient of development aid to being a donor. Second, Korean development cooperation is conducted as a government-centred process with limited influence from civil society. Third, the dissemination of information on development cooperation is dominated by what we call “aid propaganda”, where aid is advertised primarily as a means of improving Korea’s national prestige, while the situation in the recipient countries of the Global South is largely ignored. Keywords: Development Cooperation, Public Opinion, South Korea, Media, Official Development Assistance, ODA, Public Communication * Ph.D. Candidate, First Author, Ewha Womans University, Seoul, South Korea; E-mail:
[email protected] ** Professor, Corresponding Author, Ewha Womans University, Seoul, South Korea; E-mail:
[email protected] DOI: 10.16934/isr.21.2.202012.29 Downloaded from Brill.com09/30/2021 11:13:54AM via free access 30 Only Shallow? Public Support for Development Cooperation in South Korea I. INTRODUCTION This paper examines the link between public support for development cooperation and knowledge about development cooperation in a new donor country, South Korea (hereafter Korea).