Dalai Lama §Ays in China Production W
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FRIDAY, APRIL 17, 196» MO»t^rBKrtT.Fdtm iHattrli^Btrr lEtrirning Hrralb Average Daily Net Press Run The Weather For the Week Ending Fnreeaat of U. S. Weather B «m M WRA Junions ndll meat Monday, . MiM Judith A. BaniM. 54 Alton April n, 1959 April 20, at 7 p.m. at tho home of 8t„ A frsahman at Beekay vTuntor Clniidy, milder, oreoaloHiU aheir* A bout Town Mrs. Irene La Palme. l U Walker CoUags, Woreastar, Maas., has St. A diacttasio of future plana hsan nalhsd a mt^ifbar of tha 12,910 nr* developliig tonight. S n i^ y H it maiTiag* of M in Jo-Ann will take placo and refreahmenU daan’a list for tha third quartar. Now In Progress-Hale’s Great Hale's Domestic and Member of the Audit cloudy, ohatice of showers, little DcMbM of Kut Kutford uid and a social time for the children Bureau of dreulation change In temperature. Wiiw Shim of ManchuCor will will follow. Robart O. pfsostad, S3 Comstock 'Hlanche»f^r'~—A CMy of Village ('.harm tak* placo tomorrow momlna at Rd., will ftfend ths csAdldates’ Fabric Department Brings 11 o'clodt in St. Chrirtopner'a The American Lefion Auxiliary day oparr housa at Lahigh Univer- APRIL ^ Chxirch, tihat Hartford. will hold a special meeting Mon aity, Bathleham, Pa., tomorrow. VOL. LXXVIII, NO. 169 (FODHTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER. CONN., .SAtl RDAY, APRII, 18. 19.',9 (Classlllcd .4rt,ertlsln| on l^agn 12) PRICE FIVE CENT'S day n't 8 p.m. at the Legion Homa to consider revision of the by Dr. Ralph 6. West, headmuter, St. Bridget's Rosary Society will i | You These Special Values! laws. Mra Leon Bradley heads the Coahlns Academy, Franklin. conduct rummage aale in the i committee on constitution and by a SHOWER Maiai, will be the gueet epeaker at basement of tha church tomorrow Yi^orriedi Boy, 8, laws. Men.' era may bring articles the meeting of the Klwanle Club morning, starting at 10 o'clock. A jl for the sprin < rummage sale at LOW PRICES ON FAMOUS BRAND Tuesday at 12;1S p.m. at the 3 J'a white elephant sale will be a n ' Has IVace Plan Rntanrant. this time. The sale Is' slated for added attraction. | Friday, April 24. at the Legion of VALUES! Home. SHEETS and PILLOWCASES Wsshinglon, April 18 (/Pi .— The Polish Women's Alliance. 11 Dalai Lama Says Ths Ifttsr to PrMlrtent Eisen Troops Storm Prison, Group 518, will hold Its monthly i Awaiting Chapman Court, Order of hower resd: meeting Sunday at 2 p.m. aL 771 Amaranth, will meet In the Ma TYPE 130 DAN RIVER MUSLIN "After listening to the new* North St. sonic Temple tomorrow at 7:45 I abovil the Cold Wsr. I *m Her. 89o—42x86 p.i^. The business will Include the Reg. St.19—«8xM ... China Broke Word worried about tlie people in PillowcMea .......... 45c initiation of candidates. A social Tickets for the house And gar-1 Invasion the world. In Ihlnlting it over, WATKINS- den tour in West Hartford on time with refreshments will fol Reg. St.IS—58x108 . Reg. S2.40 Fitted Bottom I have a plan. May 12 and 13 may be obtained at •‘a struggle . had started in the "Gel all the.se leadera who low. Twin Size . SLSS Panama, April 18 UP)— Tlie Tezpur, India, April 18 UP)' the J. W. Hale Store, the Nor Reg. S2.49—72x108 .. — The Dalai Lama today ac Kham Province, and this assumed ■want war together and pul. WEST wegian Craft Shop or -from Mrs. U.S. Caribbean Command baa serious proportions in 1956. In the them in a ring and let them , Crush Riot, Rescue 16 The Kehler Circle of the South Reg. $2.69 Fitted Bottom , cused the Cliiriese Coniniu- a y Charles House. Proceeds of the Reg. $2.60 81x108 .. Full S iz e ............. Sl-SS increased sveeiirity measures subsequent struggle the Cbine.se fight It out. " Faieral Saitlce Methodist Church will hold a tspr will go Into the scholarship nisls of destroying Tibetan armed force.® dc.st roved a large rummage sale Tuesday at 9:30 in the Canal Zone because of The letter was aigned hv fund for the benefit of the Hart monasteries, killing lamas number of monasteries. JVlany Kevin \V. Aiken of Trumbuli, ORMOND Director am. In Cooper Hall of the church. ford Art School. the Panamanian government's lamas were killed and a large For pickup members may call apd sending monks into lahoi' Conn. He i.s eight years old. ; 14* EASt CENTER ST. fear of a rebel invasion. number of -monks and officials either Mrs. Carl ComoUt, 30 Hart- i gangs. Miss Elizabeth Elder and Miss A- command apoke.sman aaid the were taken and employed on the 2 Leader^ ^teh rO 9-71N land Fid., or Mrs. John Telgener, j I The fugitive 23-year-old god- Nancy C. King will sing with the Values For The Bedroom extra precautions were taken construction of roads in ('hina. and 28 Garden Dr. I king diflcloaed that the seeds of the Madrigal group and will take part' SPECIAL after li-e.«idcnk Ernesto de la the inlerfereme m the exeicise o.f j revolt UiHt *.spre;w! over the little Fast Fire Kills in the May Day celebration of Lee- i Guardia announced that Pana religion.® fi eedom increased." The Ila ian-American Society Chatham "SundoYYn' Himalayan country were sown nn Of Coiivk^ts ley College's semicentennial anni BED PILLOW manian rebels, backed by mercen Tho r>alai I-44ma disclosed that Maachester'a Oldest will conduct the first of a series PURCHASE far back a.s I,05ri. versary of its founding. The cele-1 ary troopa, planned a tranrf-Canh- he liHfl acc^led an invitation to with Finest Facilities. TOPPERS The Dalai Lama issued a state Brollicr, Sister of dances, tomorrow from 8 to 12 bratlon will be held during the | bean invasion from C\iha. attend a ( ulltrral show in the ('hi- Off>Street Parking ment deno\)Uring the Coinmuni.st.s EstabUshed 1874 p.m. at the Ttallan-American Club. week of May 4 at Cambridge, VALUES BLANKETS "In rie’v of the present condi ne.se hekrlquarlers in Lha.sa March Kill Selves 35 Eldrldge St. Maher's Orchestra REG. VALUES to $25.00 ion arriving in this tea-gro\Ving Mass. Reg. $5,05. tions as outline<1 by President De 10. But, the statement saitl. a 111 N ew Canaan will furnish music for dancing. la Guardia, we have increased our t<)wn and (leclnred he came to In crowd of 10,000 Tibetan.®, fearful B. F. Goodrich QQ Rayon-nylon blend, the per dia of Kis “own free will.’* He B) .l.\( K ,Y.Vfi.MOND Admission will be free to all to Several styles to choose from. Button cloelnge or clutch security on installations in the for his safety, piiy.sically prevent Sunset Rebekah Lodge will meet I fect blanket for tliree sea : .slipped but of hi.s palace in Lha.sa morrow night. toss-on. Four different lengths. Ca.shmere and wool blend. Latex Foam ... Canal Zone.” the spokesman said. ed him from going. Now Canaan, .\pril IS ,/pi A Door l,.oflK'f>, Mont., A p ril 18 Monday night at 8 o'clock In Odd sons nse. Completely wash !a month ago to seek refuge in brother and sister , ti apped b .• 100% wool—wool and rayon— wool and nylon. Beige, Reg. $6.05. Asked what would happen if an “Thereafter the people them- i/P)— F’'ifty Ij^avily arnird Na- Fellows hall. Mrs.- Hannah Wil able; remarkably warm and India, fiejcely spi-eading flame.4. died gray, navy, blue— plus tweeds. Sizes 6 to 20; 100% Dupont M j invading force should enter the .sclves, decifled to iai.«e a body- tioiuil Cn^rfismotl .*tornied liams will present the entertain-1 light weight. 72x90" size for Red ('hina‘s Premier Chou Ln- early to<ia\' a.s Are of uiideiter* Canal ^ne, which i.s under 1’ S, guani for the protection of the (lio .Mimlrtiia Stale* Pri.son un- ment and Mrs. Edith Smith and Dacron ............ single or double beds. ^Ini was still insi.stihg today lliat mined o.-igm destr6>'e4l ilie home Jurisdiction, he replied: "That's Dalai l-»am*a.' the statement said. her committee will serve refresh-1 \ the youth revered as “The Living of .Mr, and Mi.s. Spencer Scott .Ir. dor rovTi' of bazooka, riiachino Reg, $9,08. 100% Imported T hat we are here for in the Canal “ L.»arge crowds of Tl.bctans' went ments. Buddha" had been kidnaped by gun anti riflo (rre parly today Pure'White Q A ONLY Zone - to defend the Panama abmii the slrecls demonstrating Dead were Cons:antia Senm. 19. RUMMAGE SALE Tibetan rebel.^. He expres.sed hope a New C-rnaan H_gli Scho<tl .senior, In .xniash a roliollion and rps- Goose Down .... $3.98 Ca nal," he ufiiild return to his capital in against the Chinese rule in Tibet “ The genera assnniption here Is and her br-othei-. Nuu>. 20. of .\ew- 14.98 ' Lha.sa. The Dalai !,.ama .said he .•^tlll ciio 1 (i lio.atago guard.5. Milfor-d. Th • gn In-ed in the Scott SPECIAL WHITE ELEPHANT TABLE that an invasion would come from tried to maintain friendlv rrla- 'I'hr icvoll ondcrl \vhcn two con- Breaking ti.idiltnnal silence, the home where her brothei- bad come the sea.