FRIDAY, APRIL 17, 196» MO»t^rBKrtT.Fdtm iHattrli^Btrr lEtrirning Hrralb Average Daily Net Press Run The Weather For the Week Ending Fnreeaat of U. S. Weather B «m M WRA Junions ndll meat Monday, . MiM Judith A. BaniM. 54 Alton April n, 1959 April 20, at 7 p.m. at tho home of 8t„ A frsahman at Beekay vTuntor Clniidy, milder, oreoaloHiU aheir* A bout Town Mrs. Irene La Palme. l U Walker CoUags, Woreastar, Maas., has St. A diacttasio of future plana hsan nalhsd a mt^ifbar of tha 12,910 nr* developliig tonight. S n i^ y H it maiTiag* of M in Jo-Ann will take placo and refreahmenU daan’a list for tha third quartar. Now In Progress-Hale’s Great Hale's Domestic and Member of the Audit cloudy, ohatice of showers, little DcMbM of Kut Kutford uid and a social time for the children Bureau of dreulation change In temperature. Wiiw Shim of ManchuCor will will follow. Robart O. pfsostad, S3 Comstock 'Hlanche»f^r'~—A CMy of Village ('.harm tak* placo tomorrow momlna at Rd., will ftfend ths csAdldates’ Fabric Department Brings 11 o'clodt in St. Chrirtopner'a The American Lefion Auxiliary day oparr housa at Lahigh Univer- APRIL ^ Chxirch, tihat Hartford. will hold a special meeting Mon­ aity, Bathleham, Pa., tomorrow. VOL. LXXVIII, NO. 169 (FODHTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER. CONN., .SAtl RDAY, APRII, 18. 19.',9 (Classlllcd .4rt,ertlsln| on l^agn 12) PRICE FIVE CENT'S day n't 8 p.m. at the Legion Homa to consider revision of the by­ Dr. Ralph 6. West, headmuter, St. Bridget's Rosary Society will i | You These Special Values! laws. Mra Leon Bradley heads the Coahlns Academy, Franklin. conduct rummage aale in the i committee on constitution and by­ a SHOWER Maiai, will be the gueet epeaker at basement of tha church tomorrow Yi^orriedi Boy, 8, laws. Men.' era may bring articles the meeting of the Klwanle Club morning, starting at 10 o'clock. A jl for the sprin < rummage sale at LOW PRICES ON FAMOUS BRAND Tuesday at 12;1S p.m. at the 3 J'a white elephant sale will be a n ' Has IVace Plan Rntanrant. this time. The sale Is' slated for added attraction. | Friday, April 24. at the Legion of VALUES! Home. SHEETS and PILLOWCASES Wsshinglon, April 18 (/Pi .— The Polish Women's Alliance. 11 Dalai Lama Says Ths Ifttsr to PrMlrtent Eisen­ Troops Storm Prison, Group 518, will hold Its monthly i Awaiting Chapman Court, Order of hower resd: meeting Sunday at 2 p.m. aL 771 Amaranth, will meet In the Ma­ TYPE 130 DAN RIVER MUSLIN "After listening to the new* North St. sonic Temple tomorrow at 7:45 I abovil the Cold Wsr. I *m Her. 89o—42x86 p.i^. The business will Include the Reg. St.19—«8xM ... China Broke Word worried about tlie people in PillowcMea .......... 45c initiation of candidates. A social Tickets for the house And gar-1 Invasion the world. In Ihlnlting it over, WATKINS- den tour in West Hartford on time with refreshments will fol­ Reg. St.IS—58x108 . Reg. S2.40 Fitted Bottom I have a plan. May 12 and 13 may be obtained at •‘a struggle . had started in the "Gel all the.se leadera who low. Twin Size . SLSS Panama, April 18 UP)— Tlie Tezpur, India, April 18 UP)' the J. W. Hale Store, the Nor­ Reg. S2.49—72x108 .. — The Dalai Lama today ac­ Kham Province, and this assumed ■want war together and pul. WEST wegian Craft Shop or -from Mrs. U.S. Caribbean Command baa serious proportions in 1956. In the them in a ring and let them , Crush Riot, Rescue 16 The Kehler Circle of the South Reg. $2.69 Fitted Bottom , cused the Cliiriese Coniniu- a y Charles House. Proceeds of the Reg. $2.60 81x108 .. Full S iz e ............. Sl-SS increased sveeiirity measures subsequent struggle the Cbine.se fight It out. " Faieral Saitlce Methodist Church will hold a tspr will go Into the scholarship nisls of destroying Tibetan armed force.® dc.st roved a large rummage sale Tuesday at 9:30 in the Canal Zone because of The letter was aigned hv fund for the benefit of the Hart­ monasteries, killing lamas number of monasteries. JVlany Kevin \V. Aiken of Trumbuli, ORMOND Director am. In Cooper Hall of the church. ford Art School. the Panamanian government's lamas were killed and a large For pickup members may call apd sending monks into lahoi' Conn. He i.s eight years old. ; 14* EASt CENTER ST. fear of a rebel invasion. number of -monks and officials either Mrs. Carl ComoUt, 30 Hart- i gangs. Miss Elizabeth Elder and Miss A- command apoke.sman aaid the were taken and employed on the 2 Leader^ ^teh rO 9-71N land Fid., or Mrs. John Telgener, j I The fugitive 23-year-old god- Nancy C. King will sing with the Values For The Bedroom extra precautions were taken construction of roads in ('hina. and 28 Garden Dr. I king diflcloaed that the seeds of the Madrigal group and will take part' SPECIAL after li-e.«idcnk Ernesto de la the inlerfereme m the exeicise o.f j revolt UiHt *.spre;w! over the little Fast Fire Kills in the May Day celebration of Lee- i Guardia announced that Pana­ religion.® fi eedom increased." The Ila ian-American Society Chatham "SundoYYn' Himalayan country were sown nn Of Coiivk^ts ley College's semicentennial anni­ BED PILLOW manian rebels, backed by mercen­ Tho r>alai I-44ma disclosed that Maachester'a Oldest will conduct the first of a series PURCHASE far back a.s I,05ri. versary of its founding. The cele-1 ary troopa, planned a tranrf-Canh- he liHfl acc^led an invitation to with Finest Facilities. TOPPERS The Dalai Lama issued a state­ Brollicr, Sister of dances, tomorrow from 8 to 12 bratlon will be held during the | bean invasion from C\iha. attend a ( ulltrral show in the ('hi- Off>Street Parking ment deno\)Uring the Coinmuni.st.s EstabUshed 1874 p.m. at the Ttallan-American Club. week of May 4 at Cambridge, VALUES BLANKETS "In rie’v of the present condi­ ne.se hekrlquarlers in Lha.sa March Kill Selves 35 Eldrldge St. Maher's Orchestra REG. VALUES to $25.00 ion arriving in this tea-gro\Ving Mass. Reg. $5,05. tions as outline<1 by President De 10. But, the statement saitl. a 111 N ew Canaan will furnish music for dancing. la Guardia, we have increased our t<)wn and (leclnred he came to In­ crowd of 10,000 Tibetan.®, fearful B. F. Goodrich QQ Rayon-nylon blend, the per­ dia of Kis “own free will.’* He B) .l.\( K ,Y.Vfi.MOND Admission will be free to all to­ Several styles to choose from. Button cloelnge or clutch security on installations in the for his safety, piiy.sically prevent­ Sunset Rebekah Lodge will meet I fect blanket for tliree sea­ : .slipped but of hi.s palace in Lha.sa morrow night. toss-on. Four different lengths. Ca.shmere and wool blend. Latex Foam ... Canal Zone.” the spokesman said. ed him from going. Now Canaan, .\pril IS ,/pi A Door l,.oflK'f>, Mont., A p ril 18 Monday night at 8 o'clock In Odd sons nse. Completely wash­ !a month ago to seek refuge in brother and sister , ti apped b .• 100% wool—wool and rayon— wool and nylon. Beige, Reg. $6.05. Asked what would happen if an “Thereafter the people them- i/P)— F’'ifty Ij^avily arnird Na- Fellows hall. Mrs.- Hannah Wil­ able; remarkably warm and India, fiejcely spi-eading flame.4. died gray, navy, blue— plus tweeds. Sizes 6 to 20; 100% Dupont M j invading force should enter the .sclves, decifled to iai.«e a body- tioiuil Cn^rfismotl .*tornied liams will present the entertain-1 light weight. 72x90" size for Red ('hina‘s Premier Chou Ln- early to<ia\' a.s Are of uiideiter* Canal ^ne, which i.s under 1’ S, guani for the protection of the (lio .Mimlrtiia Stale* Pri.son un- ment and Mrs. Edith Smith and Dacron ............ single or double beds. ^Ini was still insi.stihg today lliat mined o.-igm destr6>'e4l ilie home Jurisdiction, he replied: "That's Dalai l-»am*a.' the statement said. her committee will serve refresh-1 \ the youth revered as “The Living of .Mr, and Mi.s. Spencer Scott .Ir. dor rovTi' of bazooka, riiachino Reg, $9,08. 100% Imported T hat we are here for in the Canal “ L.»arge crowds of Tl.bctans' went ments. Buddha" had been kidnaped by gun anti riflo (rre parly today Pure'White Q A ONLY Zone - to defend the Panama abmii the slrecls demonstrating Dead were Cons:antia Senm. 19. RUMMAGE SALE Tibetan rebel.^. He expres.sed hope a New C-rnaan H_gli Scho<tl .senior, In .xniash a roliollion and rps- Goose Down .... $3.98 Ca nal," he ufiiild return to his capital in against the Chinese rule in Tibet “ The genera assnniption here Is and her br-othei-. Nuu>. 20. of .\ew- 14.98 ' Lha.sa. The Dalai !,.ama .said he .•^tlll ciio 1 (i lio.atago guard.5. Milfor-d. Th • gn In-ed in the Scott SPECIAL WHITE ELEPHANT TABLE that an invasion would come from tried to maintain friendlv rrla- 'I'hr icvoll ondcrl \vhcn two con- Breaking ti.idiltnnal silence, the home where her brothei- bad come the sea.
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