NUMBER 360 JUNE 2018

The Churches of Berriew St Beuno’s, St John’s, Fron and Pantyffridd in the Parish of the Pool Mission Area

Vicar: Ven. Dr Peter J Pike 01686 640223 Curate: Revd Esther Yates 01686 625559 Reader: Mr Peter Watkin 01686 640640 Vicar’s Warden: Mr Jim Maxwell 01686 640840 People’s Warden: Mrs Iris Tombs 01686 640400

Services in St Beuno’s, Berriew

Sunday 3rd. June First Sunday after Trinity 10.00am All-age Communion followed by: ‘Can our church grow?’

Sunday 10th. June Second Sunday after Trinity 10.00am Sung Eucharist 12.00 noon Baptism 3.00pm Evening Prayer

Sunday 17th. June Third Sunday after Trinity 10.00am All-age Worship 12.00 noon Baptism of Lyon

Sunday 24th. June Nativity of John the Baptist 10.00am Sung Eucharist 3.00pm Compline

Services in St John’s, Fron

Sunday 10th. June 9.00am Holy Communion Sunday 24th. June 9.00am All-age Communion

Services in Pantyffridd

Sunday 3rd. June 3.00pm Evening Prayer Sunday 17th. June 3.00pm Holy Communion

Wednesdays at 10.30am We continue to offer 10.30am Morning Prayer in the Old School. On the third Wednesday of each month we celebrate the Eucharist together in St Beuno’s. On the fourth Wednesday of each month our Parish Prayers are offered in the context of the Mothers’ Union meeting at 2.00pm All welcome!

Choir Practices: Wednesdays at 6.00pm – in the Old School New singers in particular are warmly welcome!

Bellringers Practices: Wednesdays at 7.30pm – in St Beuno’s New ringers in particular are warmly welcome!

Thank you for continuing to donate to our Food Bank box, the contents of which are regularly taken to the Food Bank. There is still a pressing need for this provision. The last consignment was taken on 15th. May and was received very gratefully.

Can our church grow?

We Are hosting a brief presentation and discussion about this in the Old School after the All- age Communion on Sunday, 3rd. June, so please factor in some extra time to stop and share with us then. The sorts of questions we might consider are:

How might what we offer by way of worship in church help us better to grow in a love and knowledge of Jesus Christ?

How does our worship encourage and strengthen us in sharing our faith through service in the ?

How might changes in our approach to worship help us to grow numerically?

However, this time is yours, to bring your hunches and desires for growth into the mix .

We look forward to seeing you then!

All at St Beuno’s, St John’, Fron and Pantyffridd. .

Berriew Parish Church Side Person Rota for June

10am Service: Joyce Harrison and Mary Nicholson

Berriew Parish Church Cleaning Rota for June

Beryl Roberts and Shirley Griffiths

St John’s Church. Fron

120+ Club May 2018 Winners are:-

First prize £10.00 No 19 Howard Watkin-Bennett Derby Second Prize £10.00 No 84 Eleanor Gleave Fron Third Prize £5.00 No 42 David Kelly Newtown

Thank you to everyone for your continued support of our 120 Club. This year we are 111 members, down slightly on last year but the prize money will remain the same! Helen B Refail Presbyterian Chapel

Minister Rev. Dr. D. Stirling Services every Sunday at 10am. unless otherwise stated.

June 1st Joint Communion Bettws 10.30am. 10th Minister 17th Mr. N. Evans 24th Mr. N. James July 1st Joint Communion at Brooks 10.30am 8th Mr. T. Magness

Coffee is served in the assembly room after the service the 4th Sunday in the month. Bridge Club every Friday at 7.30pm. Knitting Club - Contact Jennie 01686 941813. The assembly rooms are available for hire. Contact Mrs. Hall: 01686 668085

Pentre Llifior Wesleyan Methodist Chapel

Minister: Rev. Bob Thomas, NEWTOWN (01686 625690) Services: 2.30pm Sundays.

June 3rd All – Age Cell Group 10th Rev. Bob Thomas Holy Communion Service 17th All – Age Cell Group 24th Eileen Jobling

Remember, the chapel is OPEN on Wednesdays and Thursdays (2.00-4.30pm) for visitors, be they individuals or small groups – refreshments are always available. Talks about it's fascinating history can be arranged – please contact Andrew Mathieson (tel: 01938 555376). The 'Preachers' stable opposite is also OPEN for BACON BUDDIES on Saturday 9th June (10am – noon) and also acts as a TEA SHOP STOP on Wednesdays and Thursdays (as above) for members of the local community for a chat and refreshments – for more details contact Anthea on (01686 651079). Andrew Mathieson

The Young Folks of St Beuno’s Little saints:

Our date changed in May – as we felt the youngsters [and their Mums!!] would like to be free to watch the royal wedding - so now we look forward to getting together on Saturday June 9th – 10.00 until 12.15 - in the Old School – our topic is still story time – when we shall also include looking at Jesus special stories – the parables. There will of course be crafts and games too. If you are primary school aged and have never been with us – come along – we always have lots of fun! At the time of writing – we are looking forward to going to support two of our past Little saints at the Cathedral in St Asaph on Pentecost Sunday[ 20th May] - where they are to be confirmed by the Bishop – we wish Millie- Grace and Louise every blessing as they continue their Christian journey.

St Beuno’s Choir and Organists/pianists

We were all saddened to hear of the passing of Megan Rowlands – Megan was very much at the centre of our worship and for some time we have missed her accompaniment – a very fine organist – how wonderful it was to pop into church and here her practising – without fuss – for she hated to be pushed to the front! But we all have happy memories of practice times and services when we were able to worship together. Thanks Megan for all you gave us – may you rest in peace.

We continue to encourage folks to come and sing with us – or play the keyboards – if you want some fun – come and join us at practice on Wednesdays in the Old School – 6.00- 7.15pm

If you would like further information on any of the above – please contact the Vicar, Esther or our wardens. We want to keep our music lively and alive! Can you help?

Berriew Mothers’ Union April Meeting.

We were all welcomed to the April Meeting by Iris, the MU. Leader, who conducted a short devotional service. We have an invitation to join Welshpool Mothers’ Union on Tuesday 5th June at 2p.m when the speaker will be Peter Barton whose subject will be ‘Welshpool women in the Middle Ages’. Anyone who would like to attend this meeting and needs transport please ring Iris (640400) The summer outing is on Wednesday 27th June and we hope to visit Church with tea afterwards at Gregynog Hall and a stroll in the beautiful gardens of the Hall. We hope to leave Berriew at 1.30p.m. Unfortunately the speaker for the afternoon was unable to come so Margaret Hall, a member, bravely stepped in. Her subject was the life of her Grandfather,Tom Lambie, and what an interesting life he had! An American who qualified as a doctor but decided in 1918 to become a missionary in Ethiopia. He became a physician to Emperor Haile Selassie and his family but when the Italians took over Ethiopia Tom and his family returned to America in 1937. After the 2nd World War he travelled to Jerusalem to build a and he died there in 1954 after a remarkable life. Margaret brought along many photographs and mementoes including a cloak which had been given to her Grandfather by Emperor Haile Selassie and is now a treasured possession of the family. Ann thanked Margaret for such an interesting family story which we all enjoyed. Next month we look forward to Helen Saxon-Jones who is the speaker. The meeting is on Wednesday 30th May at 2p.m. in The Old School. We welcome anyone who would like to come along. Tea is served at every meeting! Ann Dixon


Betty Parker and her daughters Sue (Creaven) and Alison would like to say a huge thank you to all our kind hearted friends in Berriew for all the sympathy shown following the death of George Parker. It is truly heart warming that so many people took the time to express their condolences by way of cards, flowers, gifts to our chosen charities or simply by calling by. A special thank you also to Peter, Esther and the Berriew church community. Once again a huge thank you to you all. Betty Parker and Family.

Berriew Knitting Club.

We meet informally where we help each other with knitting and crochet projects. We also support various charities. If you have never knitted or purled a row before or held a crochet hook and would like to learn, or if you are an experienced knitter and would like to help others learn, or need help with a pattern or just want to knit and chat please come along and join our friendly group. On-going projects include knitting mice for the Children's ward at Birmingham hospital and teddy bears for Berriew Church. All patterns available from the club. Thank you to everyone who has donated wool for these projects and for the knitted squares. We are currently knitting pairs of 5 inch squares for a neo natal unit. Next meeting contact Jennie 01686 941813. Email: [email protected]. Jennie Campbell

Note from the Treasurer

The annual newsletter fund raiser held on Saturday 21st April raised on the day: Stalls £724.68, donations on the day £380.00. Total 1104.68. Donations received since amount to £95.00. Grand total for the 2018 Berriew Newsletter fund raising sale is £1199.68.

The committee are very grateful for all donations and we hope to use them efficiently and economically to keep up the news service to Berriew. We would like to thank Mrs. Gittins, Mrs. Powell and Mrs. I.Young for their donations. Also Mrs. G. Cooper for envelopes and stamps, Mrs. Young for stamps and labels and Mrs. Simpson for stamps. Mrs. P. Hall Treasurer.

Once again I would like to express the Committee's sincere thanks to everyone from the associations, churches and chapels who helped at the fund raiser and gave their time to make a successful day, and to all those who donated items for us to sell and to everyone who came along and made purchases. Thank you – Val Wallis

Berriew Community and Youth Centre A.G.M. Tuesday 5th June

7.30pm at The Community Centre, Berriew.

All welcome.

Berriew W. I. May Meeting

We all gathered in the Bowling Club to be welcomed by Sue our President who conducted a short business meeting.She reported on the recent Severn Group Meeting and on our invitation to join New Mills W.I. on Wednesday 13th June when the speaker will talk about ‘Old Wives Tales’. The Darts teams reported that they had played all their games and had had some very enjoyable evenings. Croquet and short mat bowls are next on the agenda! Sue reminded everyone of our commitment to the 70th Berriew Show and a working committee agreed to meet soon to organise the stand at the Show depicting W.I. past and present. Mary has three interesting walks planned for May so do come along and enjoy the company, coffee break and of course keeping fit! Our speaker for the evening was our fellow member Jan Lawrence who is a Physiotherapist but also an accomplished flower arranger and she combined these skills to bring both elements into her arrangement. We heard all about Acupuncture, both Chinese and Western and the colour elements which came out in the flower arrangement. We discovered the world of Yin and Yang, the black and white male and female elements. It was all a most fascinating talk which everyone thoroughly enjoyed and we became much more familiar with the mystery of Acupuncture. Sue thanked Jan for such an interesting evening. Jan presented her arrangement as a raffle prize and this was won by Ferol. Catriona organised an ‘All Things Flowery’ quiz which was won by Ann M with Irene second and Sue M third. The evening concluded with tea and biscuits served by Mary and Debbie. On Wednesday 6th June we look forward to a visit to the Stud Farm at Leighton and in July , Wednesday 4t,h, we return to the Bowling Club when the speaker is Gary Ball and his subject is ‘Wrens and Airships of W.W.1’ Everyone is very welcome to all our meetings—come along and see what W.I. is all about! Ann Dixon


It is with much regret that we have to inform you that Mr Matthew Denton will be leaving us at the end of the summer term. Mr Denton has been an extremely popular and dedicated member of our teaching staff here at Berriew for 20 years! He is going to be extremely missed by us all, but we wish him all the very best in his future career. We are going to hold a special assembly to say goodbye to Mr Denton at the end of term – Friday 20th July at 2.30pm in the Community Centre, which you are all very welcome to attend. We will also compile a ‘leavers book’, so if you have any memories, pictures or messages you would like us to in- clude, please send these into school. If you know of any past pupils that may wish to include anything too, please pass the message on! We will also have a collection for a leaving present, please send any donations into Mrs Hughes in the office – thank you.


The 15” gauge steam railway at is open from 10.30am until 4.30pm on the following weekends:

 2/3 June  7/8 July  4/5 August  1/2 September  6/7 October

Come and enjoy 2 miles of steam railway in a glorious riverside setting Tea, coffee and home made cakes Ride as many times as you like

Free parking Adults - £6 Children and Pensioners - £4 Family (2 adults, 4 children) - £20 Children under 3 – free


Berriew Newsletter

Chairman/Editor: Val Wallis

Items for publication may be left in the Newsletter post box at Berriew Stores or e-mailed to the editor at: [email protected].

The Berriew Newsletter is published monthly on a voluntary basis as a service to the community. The editor is empowered absolutely to withhold a contribution without explanation and does not accept liability for any opinions expressed by contributors. Articles may be edited for publication. The Berriew Newsletter cannot vouch for the accuracy of offers, services or goods that appear in the Berriew Newsletter, nor can it be re- sponsible for the outcome of any contract that may be entered into with an advisor.


After 23 years of being involved with Berriew Brownies I will be retiring at the end of July this year as Pack Leader.

The friendship I have shared with all those within the Guiding movement has been a really fulfilling part of my life.

For Brownies to continue we really need more enthusiastic volunteers to help out and keep the Brownie guiding spirit alive in Berriew. We have unfortunately already lost Rainbow and Guide packs over the years and it would be sad for our young girls to lose the fun and friendship should Brownies have to close too.

If anyone would like to be involved as a pack helper or leader your time would be more than welcome. Please contact myself or access the Girl Guiding website on-line for more information.

Yours -Sue Creaven 01686 640235 or 07891 595 646 [email protected]

‘Planting for Bees and other Pollinators’

We all love seeing bees, butterflies and other pollinators flying round in the garden. I can hear someone say, “Don’t want to encourage bees into my garden I might get stung!” It’s a bit of a myth because in general bees are very friendly and will only use their sting if they feel vulnerable and, in a life, threatening situation. If we leave the bees alone to get on doing what they do best, pollinating our plants and vegetables, then the bees will leave us alone.

Here are ten simple steps to bringing in pollinator insects and bees to your garden; plant single flowers which have blue, purple or yellow in colour. Try planting an area of garden to grow flowering vegetables or fruit trees; even one wigwam on beans or a patio apple tree if you don’t have much space can be a contribution. Try to have something flowering in the garden all year round. Add some native plants into your borders to attract more pollinators, or even set aside a patch in your lawn and create a wildflower mini meadow. Create little habitat corners for bees to overwinter from one season to the next. Encouraging bees and pollinators into the garden will also encourage other insects that feed on your pests such as ladybirds who just love aphids!

We don’t often think that bees would need shade or water, but they do, simple adding a watering spot with some shade on hot summer days is a beautiful resting haven for them. Did you know that the worst times for bees find food is during June and then from November to March; adding plants which flower in June will be a boost for the bees. Whilst many people are discouraged from growing Ivy, this plant flowers during November and sometimes into December providing a feeding station before the bees settle into the winter dormancy period.

However, it doesn’t end there! If the temperature rises above four degrees on a winter day the bees will come out to feed once again, planting early bulbs and winter clematis and hellebores can be just what a bee needs on a bright sunny day.

Happy Gardening Gardening with Kristian

Berriew Football Club Ist Team Match Results.

Monday 23rd April 2018 – Spar Mid League

Churchstoke 1-1 Berriew Scorer: Josh Morgan Team: 1. Danny Foulkes. 2. George Davies. 3. Luke Vickers. 4. Craig Pearce. 5. Dave Roberts. 6. Jake Mann. 7. Calum Greatorex. 8. Marc Jones. 9. Josh Morgan 10. Harry Watkins. 11. Jack Weaver. SUBS: 12. Sam Slack. 14. Rhys Stephens. 15. Steffan Rogers. 16. Dewi Hughes

Wednesday 25th April 2018 – Spar Mid Wales League

Llanidloes Town 0-0 Berriew

Team: 1. Danny Foulkes. 2. George Davies. 3. Luke Vickers. 4. Craig Pearce. 5. Rhys Stephens. 6. Marc Jones. 7. Steffan Rogers. 8. Dewi Hughes. 9. Josh Morgan 10. Harry Watkins. 11. Jake Mann. SUBS: 12. Dave Roberts. 14. Calum Greatorex.

Saturday 28th April 2018 – Spar Mid Wales League

Llandrindod Wells 2-0 Berriew

Team: 1. Danny Foulkes. 2. Steffan Rogers. 3. Jake Mann. 4. George Davies. 5. Dave Roberts. 6. Marc Jones. 7. Calum Greatorex. 8. Dewi Hughes. 9. Josh Morgan 10. Will Gittins. 11. Harry Watkins. SUBS: 12. Sam Slack. 14. David Jones.

Wednesday 2nd May 2018 – Spar Mid Wales League

Borth United 2-3 Berriew

Team: 1. Danny Foulkes. 2. George Davies. 3. Sam Slack. 4. Craig Pearce. 5. Dave Roberts. 6. Marc Jones. 7. Steffan Rogers. 8. Calum Greatorex. 9. Josh Morgan 10. Harry Watkins. 11. Jake Mann. SUBS: 12. David Jones.

Scorers: Steffan Rogers, Josh Morgan, Marc Jones (pen)

Final game of the season: Saturday 12th May 2018 – Spar Mid Wales League

Bow Street 5-0 Berriew

Team: 1. Danny Foulkes. 2. Craig Pearce. 3. Luke Vickers. 4. Dave Roberts. 5. Marc Jones. 6. Harry Watkins. 7. Steffan Rogers. 8. Dewi Hughes. 9. Josh Morgan 10. Calum Greatorex. 11. Jake Mann. SUBS: 12. David Jones

The up to date league table is:

Spar Mid Wales League Division 1 P W D L F A GD Pts Llanrhaeadr 28 24 1 3 106 27 79 73

Welshpool Town 30 17 8 5 99 46 53 59

Llanidloes Town 30 17 6 7 60 40 20 57

Llanfair United 30 18 2 10 79 58 21 56

Bow Street 28 15 6 7 70 41 29 51

Carno 29 14 6 9 72 47 25 48

Aberaeron 28 14 5 9 62 49 13 47

Radnor Valley 28 13 4 11 63 54 9 43

Knighton Town 28 13 3 12 68 52 16 42 Berriew FC 30 12 6 12 66 58 8 42 Tywyn Bryncrug 30 11 3 16 64 83 -19 36

Llandrindod Wells 28 10 0 18 40 55 -15 30

Kerry 28 9 3 16 58 85 -27 30

Churchstoke 28 6 8 14 50 75 -25 26

Machynlleth 30 4 2 24 32 117 -85 14

Borth United 29 2 1 26 23 125 -102 7

Berriew Football Club Charity Ladies Day


On Saturday 9th June 2018

Drinks on arrival from 2.30pm Entertainment from the White Ties

Tickets £25.00

(please contact Alison Roberts on 07929 206956 or Andrew Wilde on 07966 882704) Our chosen charity this year is The Lingen Davies CancerAppeal.



PETE JACKSON – PUBLICITY OFFICER – 01686 640436 – [email protected]

Apologies to the Bowls Club for a error on their page in the May Newsletter. The last line from the previous page, for some reason moved when the file printed, into the middle of the next page. Val Wallis.


Here is an early draft of the Classes in Divisions 1 – 3 for the 70th Berriew Show. We are publishing this now to give people plenty of time to prepare, especially for some of the classes that need a bit of time (e.g. class 137, get your potatoes in now!). There are lots of new exciting classes, old favourites and ones new last year which proved popular (e.g. class 173 Homemade scarecrow). The remaining divisions will be printed in the July Newsletter, which will be published on Friday 29th June.

The full printed Show Programme will be available in a few weeks time.


DON’T FORGET THAT WE ARE ALWAYS LOOKING FOR ARTICLES, NEWS AND PHOTOGRAPHS. Information concerning current and historical events, tourist Information including Berriew village and the surrounding area will all be welcome. If you want to contribute send your material to [email protected]

BERRIEW’S CLUBS AND ASSOCIATIONS If you represent one of Berriew’s clubs, associations or organisations etc… that hasn’t already come on board, please get in touch and we’ll be happy to tell you all about it.

ADVERTISING We want to encourage more businesses to advertise on and for only £25.00 for 12 months advertising, you can’t go wrong. Please contact Pete Jackson on 01686 640436 or e-mail [email protected] to discuss your requirements. The Berriew Community Website has been created with the assistance of grant funding from Connections and is supported by the Berriew Community Council. Pete Jackson – 01686 640436 – [email protected] Hazel Wilson – 01686 668868 – [email protected] Andy Kirkwood – 01686 640710 – [email protected] Jan Lawrence – [email protected] Cheers, Pete Jackson, Chairman.

The Berriew Charity (Charity Number 216265)

The Berriew Charity is here to help support all ages of the community who reside within the parish. Whether you perhaps would like a little extra help for something, or are starting a new venture in your life then please contact one of the following Trustees for more information, Ven. Dr. P. Pike (Chair), Mrs. P.J. Hausman, Mrs. S.E. O'Brien, Mr. M. Creaven, Mr. P.R.M. Wilson, Mrs. S. Rees or Mrs. A. Bright. Applications are open to all age groups who live within the parish and should be sent to Mrs. Lynda Evans, Fir Grove, Berriew, SY21 8AQ (Correspondent) for the consideration of the Trustees.


5th Annual Event – Saturday 30th June

Corn Exchange, Welshpool 10am – 3.30pm.

Raffle & Refreshments in aid of Ysgol Cedewain

Follow us on our facebook page artisanfairspowys

Town Council Tourism Committee and Gardening Club: MONTGOMERY OPEN GARDENS TRAIL Saturday June 9th 1400 - 1730 GARDENS TO INSPIRE Gardens large and small, new and long established. Wildlife areas; community gardens; hidden gems; tiny courtyards packed with plants; a woodland garden; productive veggie patches, abundant cottage borders. Teas; plant stalls and live music Start your Trail at the Town Hall where you can purchase a Trail leaflet giving admission to all the gardens.

Proceeds to Town Hall Renovation Fund and Gardening Club



Rekindle Small Steps

The Rekindle Small Steps Charity are holding several fund raising events during the spring and summer.

3 Dead Famous Talks by Ted Maidment at Newtown Wednesday 30th May Frank Sinatra Thursday 14th June Judy Garland Thursday 28th June Elisabeth Schwarzkopf

Sunday July 8th Open Garden at Cwm Weeg, Newtown by kind invitation of Wolfgang Schaffer & Kingsley George.

Your support at any of these events would be appreciated, as all the money raised is used to support people in the local communities.

Further information on any of the above and tickets from: Christine Cookson 01686 640244 [email protected]

Jenny Thomas 01686 951515 [email protected]


How different our gardens look now; suddenly everything came alive in early May and now June gardens are blooming all over the county. We can look forward to a busy month here in North Powys with 14 garden openings. These include 3 gardens that are new for 2018; The Old Court at Kerry, Observatory at -y-Ffridd and Llanerch Lodge at Hyssington. Don’t forget there are also gardens offering to open by arrangement at a time to suit you; some welcome individuals as well as groups of visitors.

Wherever you choose to go, take lots of photographs and enter our photography competition; it would be great to see a Powys garden among the winning photos. More information, including terms and conditions, can be found at

You can discover more about our gardens and the charities supported by the National Garden Scheme in our 2018 Powys booklets and at . Keep up to date by following us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter @powysngs.

Helen Anthony, Publicity Officer, 01686 941795 [email protected] Gardens open in June

Saturday & Sunday 9 & 10 Jun (1pm-5pm) Hurdley Hall, Churchstoke, , SY15 6DY Admission £4.50 Children free A wonderful 2-acre garden set around C17 house with additional 18 acres adjoining Roundton Hill National Nature Reserve. Herbaceous and mixed borders, orchard, ponds, topiary and kitchen garden. Mown paths lead to a 5-acre Coronation Meadow, large newly planted orchard, pastures and new and ancient woodland with brook. Uneven ground and steep slopes give wide ranging views but may restrict access.

Saturday and Sunday 16 & 17 June (1 - 5.30pm). Hyssington Gardens, Hyssington, SY15 6AT Combined admission £5.00, children free. Three gardens in and around Hyssington. Gorsty House, an ongoing renovation of a neglected garden, has 2+ acres planted to attract wildlife, incl wildflower meadow, cottage garden planting, new orchard, and pond. Views to Long Mynd. The Old Barn is a peaceful ½ acre hideaway with colourful mixed borders, evergreens and mature trees, incl a handkerchief tree. Wildlife pond, vegetable and soft fruit areas, against a woodland backdrop. NEW for 2018 Llanerch Lodge, a smallholding in the lee of Roundton Hill, with productive vegetable plot, cottage garden, wildflower meadow, pond, cutting garden and newly planted nuttery and fruit trees, sheep and poultry. Home-made teas.

Saturday and Sunday 16 & 17 June (2 – 5pm) 1 Ystrad House, 1 Church Road, Knighton, LD7 1EB Admission £4 children free An unsuspected town garden hidden behind Ystrad House. Developed over the last 10yrs with an emphasis on tranquillity and timelessness: broad lawns and wide borders, mature trees and more intimate features adding interest and surprise. The formal areas merge with wooded glades leading to a walk alongside the River Teme. Cellists playing on the Sunday.

Sunday 17 June (11am – 4pm) Gregynog Hall & Garden, Tregynon, Newtown, SY16 3PW Admission £3, children £1Grade I listed garden set within 750 acres of Gregynog Estate. Fountains, lily lake and water garden. A mass display of rhododendrons and yew hedge create a spectacular backdrop to the sunken lawns. Azaleas and unusual trees.

Sunday 17 June (2pm - 5pm) NEW for 2018 Observatory, Bwlch-y-Ffridd, SY16 3JB Admission £3.50, children free Located in the hills at 1100 feet but very sheltered on all sides, Observatory offers superb views of the Severn Valley and beyond. Developed with the aim of encouraging wildlife, the garden is home to a large number of birds, bees, butterflies and other pollinating insects. Wildlife pond, meadow, pretty cottage garden with borders of perennials, shrubs and roses.

Thursday 21 June (10am – 5.30pm) Garden, Welshpool, SY21 8RF Admission £13, children £6.50 Laid out in early C18, the garden features fine examples of Italian terraces. Richly planted herbaceous borders; yew hedges; lead statuary, orangery and wild flower areas. National Collection of Laburnum. Introductory talks about the castle and garden throughout the day.

Saturday & Sunday 23 & 24 June (2 – 5pm) NEW for 2018 The Old Court, Kerry, Newtown, SY16 4LU Admission £4, children free An acre garden plus fields & orchard. Originally part of 22-acre smallholding, The Old Court 1575, and its gardens have been restored after many years of neglect. Victorian style walled vegetable garden, rose and herbaceous borders, pond, ancient yew & mature trees create a relaxing environment. The orchard, replanted in 2010 homes our beehives. Alpacas & chickens complete the scene!

Saturday & Sunday 23 & 24 June (1 – 5pm) Tremynfa, Lane, , SY22 6LA Admission £4, children free A South-facing 1-acre garden developed over 10yrs. Old railway cottage set in herbaceous and raised borders, patio with pots of colourful and unusual plants. Garden slopes to productive fruit and vegetable area, ponds, spinney, wild areas and peat bog. Patio and seats to enjoy extensive views incl Llanymynech Rocks.

Sunday & Monday 24 & 25 June (1 – 4.30pm) Garthmyl Hall, Montgomery, SY15 6RS Admission £3.50, children free A Grade ll listed Georgian manor house (not open) surrounded by 5 acres of grounds currently under restoration. Over 100 metres herbaceous borders, newly restored 1-acre walled garden with gazebo, circular flowerbeds, lavender beds, two fire pits and gravel paths. Fountain, 3 magnificent Cedar of Lebanon and giant redwood.

Saturday 30 June & Sunday 1 July (1 – 5pm) Gardens, Llandinam, SY17 5AU Combined Admission £5, children free Neuaddllwyd: A 1-acre garden set within 4 acres of wildlife meadows around C19 Grade II listed farmhouse. Shrub and herbaceous borders, lawn with magnificent Monkey Puzzle. Cottage garden area with roses, old orchard, pond, water feature, wooded area and a small allotment used by Llandinam Village. Little House: On a quiet lane surrounded by fields and woodland, bordered by a stream. A ⅓ acre garden with many features incl fish and wildlife ponds, woodland, conifers, azalea, grass and mixed beds, vegetable garden, mini meadow, sensory garden, grotto water feature, alpine/cactus house and new for 2018 an auricula theatre.

Saturday 30 June & Sunday 1 July (12 - 5pm) 1 Church Bank, Welshpool SY21 7DR Admission £3.50, children free. A jewel in the town. A C17 barrel maker's cottage with a large garden room housing a museum of country life. Mystic pool of smoke and sounds. Gothic arch and zig zag path lead to a shell grotto and bonsai garden, fernery and many unusual features. Children's quiz.


The inaugural Montgomeryshire Literary Festival – Gwyl Llên Maldwyn 2018 or Monty LitFest will be held on Saturday 9thJune 2018 at Bodfach Hall, Llanfyllin in the north of Montgomeryshire. This first Festival will showcase several wonderful authors who live in Montgomeryshire and has two main themes: history and love of the countryside. Full details can be seen on the Monty Lit Fest The authors speaking at the Festival are: novelist Myfanwy Alexander; naturalist and broadcaster Iolo Williams; writer and doyenne of television interviewers Mavis Nicholson; historian Matthew Dennison; leading Literary Agent and historian Andrew Lownie; poet and politician Lord Gowrie, and author Adele Nozedar of Beacons Foraging. The day will finish with complimentary live music performed by Ruth and Ken Powell from 6.30pm to 8pm. Full biographical details and photos of the authors and musicians are attached including the times of each talk. The Festival, founded by Simon Baynes, is being organised by Myfanwy Alexander, Amanda Jenner and Simon and Maggie Baynes. It will be held in the ten acre gardens of Bodfach Hall just outside Llanfyllin. It is a familiar place to many people as the gardens are regularly opened for charity and the Llanfyllin Show is held on the parkland every August (a photograph of the gardens is attached and there are more in the attached document). Our intention is to make the Monty Lit Fest an annual event, held at a different location in Montgomeryshire each year. We are very keen to involve as many people as possible in its organisation and are therefore setting up a Festival Committee; if you would like to join, please email Simon on [email protected] or ring 07880 786573. Festival tickets are available via the website or by emailing [email protected] to receive a hardcopy order form for a postal application. The tickets can be purchased for individual talks (£7 each) or you can buy a Morning or Afternoon Pass (£15 each) or a day pass (£30) which provide a discounted rate for the talks (excluding the Botanical Gin workshop at 6.30pm which is a fundraising event for the Festival with tickets priced at £20). Car parking is free. Food and drink for the Festival will be provided by Cwpan Pinc of nearby and there will be a special tent and activities for children organised by Llanfyllin-based professional childminders Closeknit Teulu Agos run by Shan Mayor. We are very keen to make the Monty Lit Fest a day out for all the family. The talks will start at 10am and will last for 50 minutes each, including Q&A, and will be held in a central marquee with a PA system so everyone can hear clearly.

The authors speaking will be signing copies of their books for you to purchase from a pop-up bookstore at the Festival provided by Oswestry’s award-winning independent Booka Bookshop

For more information or any enquiries, please contact Simon Baynes on 07880 786573 orbaynes@bod- or write to: Bodfach Hall, Llanfyllin, Powys SY22 5HS.


Small Boy: 'Please, miss, would you be angry and tell me off for something I didn't do?' Teacher: 'No, of course not.' Small boy: 'Oh, good! Then I can tell you I haven't done my homework.'


May Crossword Solution



Work on your own project or take part in a class. We make quilts, cushions, runners, wallhangings, decorations, boxes, bags, etc.

We meet in the Games Room at Community Centre on alternating Monday evenings and Tuesday afternoons £2 per session, tea/coffee included Free parking. Disabled access

2018 dates: Monday evenings 7-9pm: Jun 11, Jun 25, Jul 9, Jul 23, Aug 6 etc Tuesday afternoons 1-4pm: Jun 5, Jun 19, Jul 3, Jul 17, Jul 31 etc

During the summer we will be making charity quilts for Project Linus UK and preparing for our exhibition at the end of September.

For more details: phone Helen Davies, 01686 622707 or email [email protected] or just turn up ...

The Inner Wheel Club

The Inner Wheel Club of Welshpool is holding a charity fund raising Afternoon Tea, proceeds of which will go to support the 'World Child Cancer' charity. It will be held at the Belan Old School on Saturday 16th June at 3pm. If you are interested, please contact Margaret Pepper for tickets. Tel: 01938 552306.


Join the Montgomeryshire Royal Welsh Fundraising Committee for a fun evening of quizzing on Tuesday 29th May at Welshpool Livestock Market in aid of the Royal Welsh Show Fundraising Appeal. Quizzing starts at 7.30pm. prompt. To book your team of 4 or for further information email sophie.wall


The Belan Community is holding a BBQ 60's Music Evening on Friday 1st June at 7.30pm. at the Belan Old School. There will be a live band playing the 60's music for you to dance the night away, barbecue and a raf- fle. Entrance: Adult £2, Children £1. If you are interested, please contact Margaret Pepper 01938 552306.

Editor's Postscript.

We send our condolences to the families of George Parker and Megan Rowlands who both passed away recently.

This months cover picture is by Lillian Dawson. The closing date for the July Newsletter is Wednesday 20th June My thanks to everybody who has given their time to help in the production and distribution of this Newsletter. Please note – all articles and correspondence left in the Newsletter Post Box must include a name and address and/or telephone number. Anonymous items will not be published. Val Wallis/Editor 01686 641875 Email: [email protected]

Diary of Events

Tuesday 29th May Mont. Royal Welsh Fund. Committee Quiz Evening Wednesday 30th May Berriew Mothers' Union meeting at the Old School. Friday 1st June Belan Community BBQ 60's Music Evening Sat/Sun 2nd/3rd June Rhiw Valley Light Railway open weekend Tuesday 5th June Berriew Community and Youth Centre A.G.M. 7.30pm Wednesday 6th June Berriew W.I. trip to Leighton Stud Farm. Saturday 9th June Montgomery Open Gardens Trail Saturday 9th June Montgomeryshire Literary Festival at Bodfach Hall. Saturday 9th June Berriew F.C. Charity Ladies Day Afternoon Tea & Cocktails. Sunday 10th June Garden open at Vaynor Park 2-6pm. Thursday 14th June Berriew Community Council meeting 7.30pm Saturday 16th June Inner Wheel Club Afternoon Tea. Wednesday 20th June Closing date for the July Newsletter Saturday 23rd June Andrew Logan and Dame Zandra Rhodes in conversation Wednesday 27th June Berriew M.U. outing Saturday 30th June Artisan Fairs Powys, at The Corn Exchange, Welshpool Wednesday 4th July Berriew W.I. meeting at the Bowling Club. Every Friday Bridge Club at the Refail 7.30pm

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