2020-03-05 Council Minutes , Item 3
County Council 5 March 2020 MINUTES OF A MEETING OF THE COUNTY COUNCIL HELD AT COUNCIL CHAMBER - COUNTY HALL, LLANDRINDOD WELLS ON THURSDAY, 5 MARCH 2020 PRESENT County Councillor B Baynham (Chair) County Councillors MC Alexander, J Berriman, G Breeze, J Charlton, L V Corfield, K W Curry, A W Davies, B Davies, D E Davies, P Davies, M J Dorrance, D O Evans, J Evans, L George, J Gibson-Watt, M R Harris, S M Hayes, A Jenner, D R Jones, G Jones, J R Jones, E M Jones, M J Jones, F H Jump, K Laurie-Parry, H Lewis, K Lewis, I McIntosh, S McNicholas, DW Meredith, JG Morris, R Powell, WD Powell, G Pugh, J Pugh, G W Ratcliffe, L Rijnenberg, L Roberts, P Roberts, K M Roberts- Jones, K S Silk, D Selby, D Rowlands, D A Thomas, R G Thomas, T J Van-Rees, E Vaughan, M Weale, A Williams, G I S Williams, D H Williams and J M Williams, 1. APOLOGIES Apologies for absence were received from County Councillors M Barnes, S Davies, E Durrant, H Hulme, E Jones, D Jones-Poston, P Lewis, M Mackenzie, C Mills, G Morgan, D Price, P Pritchard, L Skilton, J Wilkinson, J Williams, R Williams and S Williams. 2. MINUTES The Chair was authorised to sign the minutes of the meeting held on 23rd January 2020 as a correct record. 3. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST There were no declarations of interested reported. 4. CHAIR'S ANNOUNCEMENTS The Chair thanked Dragontree for providing the floral display in the planters at the entrance to County Hall.
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