
House and John F. Kennedy Library

Date: Friday, November 9, 2012 Cost: Sign up by 10/15/12 - $79.00 Cost after 10/16/12 - $84.00

Come with us as we travel into and visit two historical places in one day. Our first stop today will be for a guided tour at the oldest presidential birthplaces in the United States. In 1735, was born in the “Salt Box” house located only 75 feet away from the birthplace of his son John Quincy Adams. It was here that John Adams, and James Bowdoin wrote the Constitution. This document, still in use today, greatly influenced development of the United States Constitution.

Following our tour we will be going to the Phillips Old Colony House for a delicious lunch. Your entrée choices for today are either: Baked Stuffed Breast of Chicken or Baked Fresh Boston Scrod; entrees come complete with salad, vegetable, potato, dessert, rolls and butter and beverage.

At the conclusion of lunch our next stop will be at the John F. Kennedy Library. Build on Boston’s waterfront; the library and Museum are set on a ten acre park landscaped with pine trees, shrubs and wild roses reminiscent of the landscape of Cape Cod familiar to President Kennedy.

Experience the museum through three theaters, period settings and 25 dramatic multimedia exhibits, and enter the recreated world of the Kennedy Presidency for a “first-hand” experience of John F. Kennedy’s life, legacy and leadership.

Departs: Park & Ride Exit 8 at 9:00 AM Returns at: 5:00 PM For information and Reservations Contact: Nashua Senior Activity Center 70 Temple Street Nashua, NH 03060 Tel. No. 603-889-6155