. Weekly

Operational Preview

May 02, 2021

Prepared by:

Risk Analysis Team, Libya

© 2021 GardaWorld Proprietary

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1 202 1 © Table of Contents

Outlook ...... 3 Short Term Outlook ...... 3 Medium to Long Term Outlook ...... 3 Executive Summary ...... 3 Political Developments ...... 3 Military Developments ...... 4 Security Developments ...... 4 Oil & Gas ...... 4 Coronavirus ...... 5 Infrastructure ...... 5 Threat Matrix ...... 5 Key Dates ...... 5 Assessment ...... 6 Political Developments ...... 6 Military Operations ...... 6 Oil & Gas ...... 6 Coronavirus ...... 6 Regional Assessment ...... 7 Tripolitania Region ...... 7 Region ...... 8 Fezzan Region ...... 8 Acronym List ...... 11 GardaWorld ...... 12 Information Services ...... 12 Global Leader in Comprehensive Security and Risk Management...... 12

This is an abridged version of the GardaWorld Weekly Libya .Xplored report. To subscribe to our full report or to request a quote for security services in Libya please contact Nicholas Bennett, Regional Director, Libya.

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1 202 2 © Outlook

Short Term Outlook

▪ The political landscape in Libya continues to evolve at a pace. The new Presidential Council (PC) is driving forward, keen to realign international stakeholders and promote domestic reconciliation and reconstruction. The formation of the Government of National Unity (GNU) is another major milestone in the country’s progress back to stability, but both the GNU and PC face a number of challenges in the coming months as the country prepares to move to elections in December. ▪ Pressure to see progress on the military track is resulting in an increase of military propaganda as some factions seek to preserve the status quo. In doing so however, they risk a real escalation of tensions along the Sirte to Jufra frontline. Efforts to progress the de-escalation will continue to focus on the reopening of the coastal road and the withdrawal of mercenaries. ▪ COVID-19 continues to affect Libya and travel in and out through Turkey and Tunisia although, at present, PCR testing is helping to keep travel corridors open. The country is expected to begin its delayed vaccination program and despite localized lockdowns and curfews, coronavirus continues to have little effect on normal daily life. ▪ Crime (including carjacking's, armed robberies, murders, and kidnappings) remains common in many areas of the country with perpetrators exploiting local gaps in security to carry out attacks. Crime reporting remains high across all regions.

Medium to Long Term Outlook

▪ The successful implementation of the new PC and GNU are notable achievements, putting Libya back on a path to unity, but many threats to this progress remain. In many respects, the GNU is being seen as a relatively weak body, but this could work in Libya’s favour, leaving the prime minister room to continue driving the process forward as he builds a broad support base across the various factions. The country is gearing up for elections in December 2021, an ambitious timeframe that will need various foundations to be laid in the months ahead by the new government. ▪ Islamic State continues to suffer attrition in Libya and remains mostly dormant from an operational perspective. However, political fragility will continue to present conditions in which the group could begin to reconstitute some of its capability, and it retains a presence in the country. Increasing political unity could prove a motivating factor for the group to try and destabilise Libya as it moves towards scheduled elections in December. Other terrorist factions also remain active with some representing a kidnap threat, especially in more remote areas, while some have exploited the last conflict with the LNA to embed themselves within security forces in Tripoli. Executive Summary

Political Developments

▪ This week, authorities in Benghazi pushed back against the GNU, refusing to allow a security detail to enter the city resulting in the cancellation of the new government's first planned trip to the country’s second city. ▪ Field Marshal Khalifa Haftar met with Speaker of the HoR Aquila Saleh in Saleh’s hometown of Al- Qubah. Photos of the event show both men smiling and shaking hands in traditional dress. The meeting is significant and indicates a rapprochement between the two men as they face the new political realities of Libya. ▪ SRSG Jan Kubis embarked on a tour across Libya this week. Kubis met with various political,

military, and civil society actors, including Koni and Field Marshal Khalifa Haftar. ▪ The draft constitution has been passed to the Libyan Political Dialogue Forum (LPDF) Legal Committee. The current draft has two options for the selection of the president: direct election by

the electorate and election by parliament. The legal committee is expected to present its

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1 202 3 © conclusions to the LPDF to progress the issue. The legal framework for the elections needs to be in place by July 01 to support elections on December 24. ▪ The Council of Murzuq Elders claimed this week that an influx of displaced people from Chad had begun with people heading towards Umm Al-Aranib and Murzuq however the LNA later denied the claims. The south has seen a general increase in activity which has spread to the south of Sabha as the region adapts to the destabilisation of Chad and the LNA response to secure the south. ▪ The Turkish Parliament has approved the establishment of an inter-parliamentary friendship committee with . Turkey had disbanded their previous committee with Cairo after the 2013 coup which saw Abdel Fattah al-Sisi depose Mohamed Morsi and establish himself as president. The two countries have been working towards a rapprochement which could have a positive effect on Libya with both countries sitting on opposing sides of the Libyan divide. ▪ Italian Foreign Minister Luigi Di Maio has confirmed plans to reopen their consulate in Benghazi with Carlo Batori appointed as the Consul General. They also plan to establish an honorary consulate in Sabha. Italy closed its Benghazi consulate in 2013 after an attempted armed attack on January 12 that year. Italy is the latest country to increase its diplomatic ties with Libya following the end of the last conflict and the establishment of a new government.

Military Developments

▪ The 5+5 Joint Military Commission (JMC) began their fourth meeting in Sirte this week, the second day of which was attended by President Mohamed Menfi and SRSG Jan Kubis. The reopening of the coastal road and the withdrawal of mercenaries remained the focus of discussions. The JMC later stated they would announce the names of those standing in the way of the reopening of the route while the US also added their voice, increasing pressure on all factions to make progress. ▪ Pressure over the coastal road and the presence of mercenaries has triggered an increase in military propaganda this week. This may be designed to deflect attention as well as build justifications for a continuation of the status quo by those opposed to a further military drawdown, but it risks a real potential for increased tensions on the frontlines. ▪ Amnesty International has called on the GNU to put an end to the military trial of civilians and order investigations into torture and other crimes under international law committed by armed groups after publishing a report into the activities of the LNA. ▪ Presidential Council members Musa Koni and Abdullah al-Lafi met with the Chief of General Staff Mohammed al-Haddad, Commander of the Tripoli Military Region Abdel Basit Marwan and Commander of the Western Region, Osama al-Juwali to discuss efforts to combat human trafficking and fuel smuggling. Operations against fuel smuggling resumed in the days after the meeting in Tripolitania.

Security Developments

▪ An expanded security meeting was held in Tripoli. A number of commanders of armed groups in the capital attended the meeting where they reportedly agreed to avoid escalations and resolve their differences. The meeting came as forces mobilised from Misrata towards the capital, sparking concerns of potential armed confrontations. ▪ The Mayor of Tarhunah, Mohammed al-Kosher, accused Kani Brigade of carrying out a murder in Tarhunah and called for better security in the town. A number of raids and arrests were later executed in the surrounding area, including the alleged arrest of a Kani “sleeper cell.”

Oil & Gas

▪ The NOC lifted the force majeure at Hariga Port after an emergency meeting on April 26 attended by Chairman Mustafa Sanalla. Sanalla announced that the GNU had committed to allocating 1

billion dinars ($225 million) as part of the NOC’s budget. ▪ In a further show of support from the east, the “Wise Men of Benghazi confirmed their support for the NOC and the need for the remainder of the Libyan institutions to follow its example in

implementing the principle of transparency,” according to the NOC after a meeting in Benghazi.

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1 202 4 © ▪ NOC Chairman Mustafa Sanalla visited Misrata to inspect damage caused by a maneuvering oil tanker at the Misrata Free Zone Port. There was no information released on how the incident had occurred.


▪ There has been an “unprecedented surge” of COVID-19 cases in the Wahat Region reported this week. The medical advisory committee set up to deal with the pandemic stated that there had been 17 new cases in Wahat, seven of which had been admitted to the local isolation ward at Jalu General Hospital. They warned the situation would continue to get worse unless local residents began abiding by precautionary measures. ▪ Reports indicate that non-Libyans will be able to start registering for the COVID-19 vaccination from next week. Those aged 70 and over will receive the Astra Zeneca vaccine while those under will receive the Sputnik vaccination. ▪ The NCDC reports that over 600,000 people have now registered for the vaccination. As of April 25, the NCDC stated that 64,158 people had received their first dose with several areas including Misrata and Khoms having used their allocations while , Musaid, and Ghat were amongst those due to begin vaccinations this week. ▪ The Tunisian Health Minister, Fawzi Mahdi, has stated that they do not intend on closing Libyan/ Tunisian borders at present although the issue will be discussed at the next meeting of the National Committee to Combat Coronavirus. The comments come as Tunisia looks to contain the new Brazilian strain of COVID-19.


▪ The nation's power network is under pressure after a series of incidents across all three regions. In Tripolitania, there was a shooting against a transformer at al-Khoms power station. In the east, an explosion at a power station caused a blackout across the region and in the south, a fire was reported at al-Mahdia power station in Sabha. Threat Matrix

Region Political Terrorism Militancy Crime Kidnap

Tripolitania High High High High High

Tripoli High High High High High

Cyrenaica High Moderate Moderate Moderate Moderate-High

Benghazi High-Extreme Moderate-High Moderate High High

Fezzan High High-Extreme High-Extreme High High

Sabha High High High High-Extreme High

Threat Scale Minimal Low Moderate High Extreme

Key Dates

Date Occasion Comment

May 01, 2021 May Day Public Holiday

May 12 – 14, 2021 Eid al-Fitr Public Holiday

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1 202 5 © Deadline for elections legal framework to be in July 01, 2021 place

July 19, 2021 Day of Arafah Public Holiday

July 20 – 22, 2021 Eid al-Adha Public Holiday

December 24, 2021 Libyan elections


Political Developments

Tensions increase between the east and the GNU On the evening of April 25, the GNUs security detail, made up from Nawasi Battalion members, was refused access through customs at Benina Airport. The security detail had travelled to Benghazi ahead of a GNU delegation which was due to hold a cabinet meeting in the city on April 26. The GNU delegation sat in the VIP room at Mitiga Airport, then abandoned their plans to travel.

Military Operations

Military propaganda indicates not all factions want to see a further de-escalation at present This week has seen an increase in military propaganda, likely driven by increasing pressure to reopen the coastal road and withdraw mercenary forces. The 5+5 Joint Military Commission (JMC) held its fourth meeting in Sirte this week where both issues were discussed. Both President Mohamed Menfi and SRSG Jan Kubis attended the second day of the meeting, underling the growing pressure for movement on the issue. In addition, the US has contributed to the rising pressure for action, calling for the immediate reopening of the route, while the JMC has stated it would publish the names of those opposing the move.

Oil & Gas

Force Majeure is lifted at Hariga as GNU orders release of funds This week saw the lifting of the force majeure at Hariga Port by the NOC. The force majeure had been called by AGOCO after they stated they were unable to meet their financial obligations, resulting in them cutting production. This was followed days later by the Sirte Oil Company, which like AGOCO, stated they had not received funds from the Central Bank of Libya (CBL) for seven months. The lifting of the force majeure came after a meeting in Benghazi where the new deputy minister of oil for the GNU agreed to release 1 billion dinars to the NOC.


Reported cases have reduced this week for the third week in a row with 2585 cases reported compared to 3406 last week. There have been 3039 associated deaths since the start of the pandemic and 163,716 people have recovered, leaving 11,116 active cases. Authorities raised concerns over an increase in cases in Wahat Province while Tunisia appears to be considering a possible border closure after the new Brazilian variant was found in Tunisia. The Libyan vaccination campaign is underway with initial reports suggesting a high take-up rate.

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1 202 6 © Regional Assessment

Tripolitania Region

Significant Incidents ▪ Troop Movements - Apr 25, Sirte Province, Ras Lanuf: The LNA has reportedly mobilised a "large" force which moved past Ras Lanuf towards Jufra. The troops are believed to be heading to Fezzan in support of operations to secure the Chadian border. ▪ Troop Movements - Apr 25, Tripoli Province, Tajura: Counter-Terrorism forces (Misrata) under the command of Mukhtar al Jahawi reportedly mobilised along the coastal road to Tripoli however reports have indicated this was a normal return to base movement. ▪ Troop Movements - Apr 25 03:00, Tripoli Province, Tajura: Forces from Misrata mobilised to Tajura with reports they were carrying heavy equipment. Unconfirmed reports have suggested the forces belong to Saleh Badi, commander of the Sammoud Front. Tajura has a strong presence of Misratan forces. ▪ Security Announcement - Apr 25 03:30, Tripoli Province, Tripoli: An expanded security meeting has taken place in Tripoli attended by Chief of Staff Lieutenant General Mohamed Al-Haddad, Major General Abdul Basset Marwan, commander of the Tripoli Military Region, Colonel Mahmoud Hamza, commander of 444 Combat Unit, Abdul-Ghani Al-Kikli (Ghneiwa), commander of the Security Stability Agency (SSA), Mukhtar al-Jahawi, commander of the Counter-Terrorist force (Misrata), Brigadier Al-Fitouri Gribel, Qaddour al-Nawasi, commander of 8 Force and Shiekh Abdul Waheed, commander of the Zarra Brigade (Misrata). ▪ Troop Movements - Apr 25 19:00, Al-Murqub Province, Khoms: 166 Battalion (the Horse) mobilised armed vehicles and heavy equipment towards Tripoli. ▪ Murder/ Execution - Apr 26 22:00, Tripoli Province, Abu Saleem: A senior member of Central Security (Abu Saleem - Ghneiwa) was murdered. ▪ Armed Attack - Apr 27, Nuqat Al-Khams Province, Ajaylat: The Shalfuh militia attacked and set fire to a perfume shop and a jewellery shop belonging to a local businessman, Saleh Ben Khalifa. Khalifa also owns a petrol station and had refused to provide the militia with fuel prompting the attack. ▪ SAF - Apr 27, Al-Murqub Province, Khoms: GECOL stated that the power transformers at al-Khoms Power Station were hit by small arms fire fired by an unidentified armed group. The statement came during a visit by the prime minister on April 29 after the station stopped producing power. ▪ Arson - Apr 28 06:00, Al-Jabal Al-Gharbi Province, Qadamat Checkpoint: The Qadamat Checkpoint was targeted in an arson attack. ▪ Troop Movements - Apr 28 12:00, Az Zawiyah Province, Abu Issa: Several H1 buses were noted traveling westwards towards Watiyah Airbase. The buses were protected by a convoy of at least 18 Toyota technicals. The buses may have been carrying external forces. Watiyah is home to Turkish forces. ▪ Demonstration - Apr 29 02:00, Tripoli Province, Gharghour: Residents from the Gharghour area protested against the GNU decision to evict people from illegal structures and demolish them in their area. The protest began in Gharghour and moved by foot to the Prime Minister’s office via Jamahirriyah Street. ▪ Arrest - Apr 29 02:30, Tripoli Province, Quwai'a Checkpoint: The Rahbat al-Dara Brigade arrested an alleged Kani sleeper cell accused of planning to destablisation parts of the eastern coastal region/ coastal road. This includes small arms fire attacks and the targeting of Volcano of Rage members in Garabuli, Quwai'a and Msllata. ▪ Troop Movements - Apr 29 15:00, Tripoli Province, Semafro Al-Bivio: 33 Infantry Battalion (Bugra) and the Samoud Front (Saleh Badi - Misrata) mobilised forces in the area. ▪ Accident - Apr 29 16:00, Sirte Province, Sirte: An explosion took place inside a power station resulting in a total blackout across the east and Sirte. The explosion took place in one of the

bushings in an electricity transformer. ▪ Troop Movements - Apr 29 16:00, Tripoli Province, Industrial Research Centre: An unidentified

armed convoy mobilised near the Industrial Research Centre.

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1 202 7 © ▪ Security Operation - Apr 29 16:40, Al-Jafara Province, Wadi Al-Hay: A Zintan armed group seized three fuel trucks believed to be heading to southern Libya via the Ghargyan Road. ▪ Troop Movements - Apr 29 20:00, Misrata Province, Abu Grain: A large Misratan armed convoy mobilised towards Abu Grain. The move is being seen as provocative and comes days after the 5+5 JMC meeting and reports that the JMC is to name those standing in the way of the coastal road reopening. ▪ Security Operation - Apr 29 20:30, Misrata Province, Bani Walid: Two fuel trucks were seized carrying 1000 litres of fuel on the northeastern desert road near Bani Walid. ▪ Murder/ Execution - Apr 30 02:00, Nuqat Al-Khams Province, Zelten: Officer Ibrahim Mahmoudi, a member of General Security (Ghneiwa), was murdered. ▪ Security Operation - May 01 01:00, Al-Murqub Province, Khadra: 444 Combat Unit carried out a number of raids and made a number of arrests in Khadra, to the east of Tarhunah towards Msallata. ▪ Mine Strike - May 01 14:00, Sirte Province, Sirte: A mine detonated killing two people. The mine is likely an explosive remnant of war. ▪ Kidnap - May 01 15:00, Al-Jabal Al-Gharbi Province, Ash Shwayrif: Two people from Bani Walid were kidnapped in the area. ▪ Kidnap - May 01 15:50, Misrata Province, Bani Walid: An unidentified armed force kidnapped two people from Ash Shwayrif based on their tribal identity in retaliation for an earlier kidnapping of two people from Bani Walid in Ash Shwayrif. ▪ Murder/ Execution - May 01 23:00, Tripoli Province, Bivio: Two unidentified perpetrators cut off a vehicle and opened fire, shooting the female occupant and wounding another occupant.

Cyrenaica Region

Significant Incidents ▪ Demonstration - Apr 25, Benghazi Province, Benghazi: Demonstrations took place in Kish Square against the scheduled visit of Prime Minister Dbeibah. ▪ Demonstration - Apr 25, Benghazi Province, Benina Airport: A GNU delegation consisting of security and protocol officers was forced to fly back to Mitiga on the evening of April 25 after flying to Benina Airport in Benghazi. ▪ Security Operation - Apr 25 06:30, Kufra Province, Kufra: Forces from the Kufra Military Region thwarted an attempt to enter Kufra at Point 4/4 by a smuggling gang after reports of suspicious movement. The situation is now reported to be calm. ▪ Political Announcement - Apr 26, Al-Butnan Province, Marsa el Hariga: The NOC has lifted the force majeure at Hariga Port after the GNU released one billion LYD. ▪ Armed Attack - Apr 30 18:00, Benghazi Province, Benghazi: An unidentified armed group in three Toyotas carried out a home invasion resulting in arson.

Fezzan Region

Significant Incidents ▪ Murder/ Execution - Apr 25 06:00, Sabha Province, Qurdah Police Station: Saleh Hamed Abu Shouk was shot (non-fatally) in the leg and hand near the Qurdah Police Station after his white vehicle was sprayed with bullets. ▪ Armed Robbery - Apr 25 14:30, Wadi Al-Shatii Province, Brak al-Shati: A gold shop was targeted in an armed robbery resulting in the non-fatal shooting of the owner. ▪ Armed Robbery - Apr 25 18:00, Sabha Province, District 80: An individual was subjected to an armed robbery by perpetrators in a grey Sonata vehicle who stole a mobile phone. ▪ Kidnap - Apr 25 20:00, Sabha Province, Jadid: An 18-year-old male was kidnapped by unidentified perpetrators.

▪ Armed Clash - Apr 26 00:00, Sabha Province, Nouqallat Street: An armed clash was reported near the Million Mobile Shop on Al Nouqallat Street. ▪ Kidnap - Apr 26, Sabha Province, Jadid: 15-year-old Mustafa Ibrahim Al-Barakoli was kidnapped

in front of his house.

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1 202 8 © ▪ Armed Robbery - Apr 26 14:30, Sabha Province, Ramla Mosque (Sabha): An armed robbery took place near the Ramla Mosque area. ▪ Armed Robbery - Apr 26 14:40, Sabha Province, Sahara Bank (Sabha): An attempted armed robbery took place near the Sahara Bank by perpetrators mobile in a white vehicle. ▪ SAF - Apr 26 17:00, Sabha Province, Sabha: An unidentified African national was shot by unidentified perpetrators. ▪ SAF - Apr 26 18:00, Sabha Province, Forty Street: A drive-by shooting took place against an unidentified individual by perpetrators mobile in a gray vehicle. ▪ Armed Attack - Apr 26 20:00, Sabha Province, Mansheya: A member of the Mashashiya tribe attacked the home of a Warfalla tribal member. The area of the attack is dominated by the Warfalla tribe. ▪ Armed Clash - Apr 26 20:30, Sabha Province, Mansheya: An armed clash erupted after a Mashashiya tribal member attacked the home of a Warfalla tribal member. ▪ Troop Movements - Apr 26 23:30, Wadi Al-Shatii Province, Brak al-Shati Airbase: The LNA mobilised forces from Jufra Airbase to Brak Airbase. ▪ Troop Movements - Apr 27 00:00, Al-Jufra Province, Jufra: An LNA mobilisation of 62 vehicles which included heavy machine guns and anti-aircraft guns was reported, allegedly in the direction of Ash Shwayrif by the Volcano of Rage Operations Room. ▪ Armed Clash - Apr 27 06:00, Murzuq Province, Murzuq: Reports have claimed 128 and 116 Brigades (LNA) clashed with Chadian rebel groups however the reports have been denied. ▪ Murder/ Execution - Apr 27 14:00, Sabha Province, Mansheya: Two people were shot at a car wash opposite Al-Qadisiyah School. One person was killed and one wounded. ▪ Armed Clash - Apr 27 18:00, Sabha Province, District 85: An armed clash erupted between two families. ▪ Armed Robbery - Apr 27 21:00, Sabha Province, Sabha Faculty of Arts: A Libyan national was shot during an armed robbery near the Faculty of Arts. ▪ Carjacking - Apr 28 15:30, Sabha Province, Hijarah: A grey Hyundai was carjacked by unknown perpetrators. ▪ Carjacking - Apr 28 20:00, Sabha Province, Hijarah: Three perpetrators in a Hyundai Verna carried out an armed carjacking. ▪ Armed Robbery - Apr 29 14:00, Sabha Province, Jadid: The headmaster of Al Wahda School was subjected to an armed robbery. His mobile phone was stolen. ▪ Armed Attack - Apr 29 15:30, Sabha Province, Secondary Neighbourhood: An armed group forced entry to a home causing damage to personal property. ▪ Carjacking - Apr 29 16:00, Sabha Province, Tekka Al-Faith School: A Hyundai Verna was carjacked. ▪ Arson - Apr 29 20:00, Sabha Province, Sabha: Buses and a building at the Southern Company were deliberately set fire to. ▪ Accident - Apr 30 03:00, Sabha Province, Mahdia: A fire broke out at the Mahdia Power Plant in Sabha. ▪ Armed Clash - Apr 30 07:00, Wadi Al-Hayaa Province, Tsawah Wadi Otbh: An armed clash took place resulting in at least one injury. ▪ Armed Robbery - Apr 30 14:20, Sabha Province, Hijarah: A commercial truck driver was subjected to an armed robbery. The driver had reportedly travelled from Tripoli and was just entering the city. ▪ Murder/ Execution - Apr 30 21:00, Murzuq Province, Qatrun: Three lawyers were shot at resulting in two deaths. ▪ Kidnap - May 01 00:00, Sabha Province, Seif Roundabout: A suspected kidnapping took place near the Seif Roundabout. ▪ Carjacking - May 01 00:00, Sabha Province, Secondary Neighbourhood: A carjacking took place. ▪ Armed Robbery - May 01 10:00, Sabha Province, Wide Street: A resident of Ghat was shot during an armed robbery. ▪ Murder/ Execution - May 01 14:20, Sabha Province, Peoples Hall (Sabha): A resident of Ghat was subjected to an attempted murder. ▪ SAF - May 01 18:00, Sabha Province, Aisha School (Sabha): A victim sustained a gunshot wound

to the leg near the Aisha School.

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Disclaimer: The information and opinions expressed in this Report are the views of GardaWorld and constitute a judgment as at the date of the Report and are subject to change without notice. The information and opinions expressed in this Report have been formed in good faith on the basis of the best information and intelligence available at the time of writing, but no representation or warranty, express or implied, is made as to its accuracy, completeness or correctness. GardaWorld accepts no liability arising out of or in connection with the comments made or the information set out in this Report and the reader is advised that any decision taken to act or not to act in reliance on this Report is taken solely at the reader's own risk. In particular, the comments in this Report

should not be construed as advice, legal or otherwise.

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1 202 10 © Acronym List

AQ - Al-Qaeda BAM – Al Bunyan Al Marsous (Misratan-led) BDB – Benghazi Defense Brigade / Saraya Defend Benghazi (SDB) (Al Qaeda-aligned – AAS and RSCB associated/umbrella group) CBL – Central Bank of Libya CNI – Critical National Infrastructure DACOCT - Deterrence Apparatus for Combating Organized Crime and Terrorism DDR - Disarmament, demobilising and reintegration DF – Direct Fire DPF – Derna Protection Force (an amalgamation of all militias in Derna, including the MSCD) GECOL – General Electricity Company of Libya GMMR – Great Man-made River GNA – Government of National Accord (2016) GNC – General National Congress (2012) GNU – Government of National Unity (2021) GTUC - Greater Tripoli Union Council (Tripoli militias and others, established in June 2020) HNEC – High National Elections Commission HoR – House of Representatives (Tobruk-based) IDF – Indirect Fire (mortars/rockets) IDP - Internally Displaced Persons IED - Improvised Explosive Device IOC - International Oil Company IS - Islamic State LIFG – Libyan Islamic Fighting Group LNA – Libyan National Army LNG – Libyan National Guard LPA – Libyan Political Agreement (2015) LPDF - Libyan Political Dialogue Forum (2020) LROR - Libyan Revolutionary Operations Room MoD - Ministry of Defense MoF - Ministry of Finance MoFA - Ministry of Foreign Affairs MoHE - Ministry of Higher Education MoI - Ministry of Interior MoJ - Ministry of Justice MoO - Ministry of Oil MoT - Ministry of Transportation MSCD – Mujahideen Shura Council of Derna (AQ aligned) NFDK - No Further Details Known NGO - Non-Governmental Organisation (aid/charity) NOC – National Oil Company NSG – National Salvation Government (GNC) NSTR - Nothing Significant To Report PC – Presidency Council (GNA) PG – Presidential Guard PFG- Petroleum Facilities Guard RPG - Rocket Propelled Grenade RSCB - Revolutionary Shura Council of Benghazi RTA - Road Traffic Accident SAF - Small Arms Fire SDB – Saraya Defend Benghazi / Benghazi Defense Brigade (BDB) (Al Qaeda-aligned – AAS and RSCB associated/umbrella group) SDF – Rada Deterrence Force/ Special Deterrence Force/ Rada Technical - An improvised weapon-mounted pick-up truck TPF – Tripoli Protection Force (TRB, Nawasi 8 Force, Bab Tajoura Brigade and Ghneiwa umbrella group, established in December 2018)

UXO - Unexploded Ordnance

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1 202 11 © GardaWorld Information Services

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