The London Gazette of TUESDAY, the I&H of JANUARY, 1948 by Registered As a Newspaper THURSDAY, 15 JANUARY, 1948 the War Office, January, 1948
38177 309 SUPPLEMENT TO The London Gazette Of TUESDAY, the i&h of JANUARY, 1948 by Registered as a newspaper THURSDAY, 15 JANUARY, 1948 The War Office, January, 1948. OPERATIONS IN THE MIDDLE EAST FROM ist NOVEMBER 1941 TO 15th AUGUST 1942. •The following Despatch was submitted to the threat from the north. The scope of the pro- Secretary of State for War on 2fjth January, posed offensive was ambitious, ibut it could be . 1943, by GENERAL SIR CLAUDE J. E. contemplated without running undue risks else- AUCH1NLECK, G.C.I.E., C.B., C.S.I., where, provided that the destruction of most D.S.O., O.B.E., A.D.C., Commander-in- of the enemy forces was effected in Eastern Chief, The Middle East Forces. Cyrenaica. Above all, it was essential that there should be no delay. INTRODUCTION. The offensive was a success, but rather Of the numerous problems of the Middle East slower, more costly, and less complete than I Command two ranked high above all others: had hoped. Nevertheless, of the enemy forces to destroy the enemy in North Africa and to in Cyrenaica over two-thirds were destroyed. secure the northern flank. Even before Cyrenaica had been recon- I had always conceived the former to be my quered, war had broken out iwith Japan, and prime task, for the presence of strong and well- His Majesty's Government were obliged to equipped Axis forces in Cyrenaica was a con- divert to the Far East .two' divisions and certain stant menace to our ibase in Egypt.
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