Niayesh Afshordi Unifying Tests of GR Burke Institute/Caltech July 21, 2016

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Niayesh Afshordi Unifying Tests of GR Burke Institute/Caltech July 21, 2016 Unifying Tests of GR Burke Institute/Caltech July 21, 2016 E.F.T. is Evil! Niayesh Afshordi Unifying Tests of GR Burke Institute/Caltech July 21, 2016 E.F.T. is Evil! (i.e. very boring) Niayesh Afshordi Outline Why E.F.T. is Evil What E.F.T. is good for: Neutron Stars and CC problem Dark Energy, Black Holes, and LIGO Pulsar Timing and Vacuum Gravity Outline Why E.F.T. is Evil What E.F.T. is good for: Neutron Stars and CC problem Dark Energy, Black Holes, and LIGO Pulsar Timing and Vacuum Gravity Locality and Unitarity had a good run, but … Locality and Unitarity had a good run, but … Cosmological Constant problem(s) Locality and Unitarity had a good run, but … Cosmological Constant problem(s) BH Information Paradox, a.k.a. Firewalls Locality and Unitarity had a good run, but … Cosmological Constant problem(s) BH Information Paradox, a.k.a. Firewalls Quantum Gravity is non-local (light-cone not defined) Locality and Unitarity had a good run, but … Cosmological Constant problem(s) BH Information Paradox, a.k.a. Firewalls Quantum Gravity is non-local (light-cone not defined) no decoupling thm in QG: e-e+ have opposite electric charge, same gravitational charge Locality and Unitarity had a good run, but … Cosmological Constant problem(s) BH Information Paradox, a.k.a. Firewalls Quantum Gravity is non-local (light-cone not defined) no decoupling thm in QG: e-e+ have opposite electric charge, same gravitational charge EFT is boring! Think outside the Box! Cosmological Constant (CC) Problem General Relativity energy/momentum Gµ⌫ (x)= Tµ⌫ (x) curvature Quantum Mechanics (Standard Model) T (x) 1045 eV4 g h µ⌫ iSM ⇠ ± ⇥ µ⌫ Real World! 1 12 4 − G (x) 10− eV g h µ⌫ icosm. ⇠ ⇥ µ⌫ Outline Why E.F.T. is Evil What E.F.T. is good for: Neutron Stars and CC problem Dark Energy, Black Holes, and LIGO Pulsar Timing and Vacuum Gravity Gravitational Aether proposal (c.f. unimodular gravity) • Let us propose (NA 2008): 1 1 α (8πG)− G = T T g + ... µ⇥ µ⇥ − 4 α µ⇥ • The metric is now blind to vacuum energy Tµν = ρvacgµν + excitations • In order to satisfy Bianchi identity: 1 1 α µ 1 α (8πG)− G = T T g + T ,T = T µ⇥ µ⇥ − 4 α µ⇥ µ⇥ ⇥;µ 4 α,⇥ • Further assume an incompressible fluid (or gravitational aether) T = p(u u g ) µν µ ν − µν • **Disclaimer: The field equations do not follow from an Action principle Deviations from GR sourced by Pressure (Kamiab & NA, 2011) (Aslanbeigi, Robbers, Foster, Kohri & NA, 2011) (Narimani, NA & Scott, 2014) Neutron Star Structure (e.g. aLIGO) Cosmology (CMB, Big Bang Nucleosynthesis) Vacuum gravity identical to GR** neutron stars and aether Aether decreases the maximum mass (effectively softens EOS), so discovery of very massive Neutron Stars can rule it out General Relativity Uncertainty in nuclear E.O.S. ☹ Can test with Gravitational Wave detection from NS-NS mergers ☺ Aether Strong Gravity Simulations? Kamiab & NA 2011 Einstein was right!** Tests of equivalence principle Tests of strong gravity (Parametrized Post Newtonian) How does pressure gravitate? (Narimani, NA & Scott 2014) What now? • Original Gravitational Aether proposal (NA 2008) is ruled out at 3-4σ (still better than 1060-10120σ!) • But, vacuum is smooth matter is lumpy ~ 1 mm • Does that make a difference? • The theory must have a cut-off/coarse-graining scale Outline Why E.F.T. is Evil What E.F.T. is good for: Neutron Stars and CC problem Dark Energy, Black Holes, and LIGO Pulsar Timing and Vacuum Gravity aether and black holes • We can solve for the black hole spacetime in this theory 1 2m 2m − ds2 = 1 [1 + 4πp f(r)]2 dt2 1 dr2 r2dΩ2 − r 0 − − r − • p0 is the aether pressure at infinity • f(r): analytic function of r diverging at r≈2m & r→∞ • ➥UV-IR coupling thru aether pressure, p0 • ➥Finite redshift at r=2m • ➥ No Horizon (similar to Fuzzball models) aether and black holes • We can solve for the black hole spacetime in this theory 1 2m 2m − ds2 = 1 [1 + 4πp f(r)]2 dt2 1 dr2 r2dΩ2 − r 0 − − r − • p0 is the aether pressure at infinity • f(r): analytic function of r diverging at r≈2m & r→∞ • ➥UV-IR coupling thru aether pressure, p0 • ➥Finite redshift at r=2m • ➥ No Horizon (similar to Fuzzball models) ... and dark energy! • Assume: Planck temperature 1+zmax ⇠ Hawking temperature Prescod-Weinstein, NA, Balogh 2009 • then we get 3 1 m − p = p !! 0 −256π2m3 74 M DE,obs • Pressure has the same sign and magnitude as Dark Energy for stellar mass black holes! Dark Energy equation of state ) ⨀ M • ➥Conjecture: Formation of stellar black ( holes causes cosmic acceleration • ➥Conjecture: Evolution of Astrophysical black holes leads to dynamical Dark Energy Mass Black Hole Mean why EFT fails at “horizon” • Information paradox: unitary black hole evaporation, not consistent with local physics +smooth horizon (Hawking … AMPS 2013) • Quantum Tunnelling: exp(-SE)x exp(entropy) ~ 1 • Fuzzballs: Classical horizon-less spacetimes, that account for BH entropy (Mathur; Saravani, NA, Mann 2015) • Dark Energy: pressure eq. with stellar BH firewalls, ➞ scale of dark energy (Presocd-Weinstein, NA, Balogh 2009) How to form a Black Hole How to form a Firewall?! How to form a Black Hole How to form a Firewall?! Echoes from the Abyss! Cardoso, Franzin, Pani 16 • Late echoes from Planckian structure near horizon M ∆t 8M log BH 0.22 sec ' BH M ' ✓ P ◆ • Including the the spin- dependence ∆t 0.25 0.28 sec ' − • for GW150914 Echoes from the Abyss! Preliminary! Echo Template SNR Abedi, Dykaar, & NA, in prep Echoes from the Abyss! Preliminary! chance probability < 6 x 10-4 or 3.4σ • Prob SNR=-2.9 SNR=+2.5 Abedi, Dykaar, & NA, in prep Outline Why E.F.T. is Evil What E.F.T. is good for: Neutron Stars and CC problem Dark Energy, Black Holes, and LIGO Pulsar Timing and Vacuum Gravity Outline Why E.F.T. is Evil What E.F.T. is good for: Neutron Stars and CC problem Dark Energy, Black Holes, and LIGO Pulsar Timing and Vacuum Gravity with Elliot Nelson, Phys. Rev. D 93, 083505, and in prep. HEP Hierarchy problem(s) old cosmological constant (CC) problem Higgs hierarchy problem CnC problem! • neutrino mass Higgs, Electroweak GUT…Planck • dark energy LHC 3 12 28 10− eV 10 eV 10 eV ⇢ ⇤4 δm2 ⇤2 ⇤? DE ⇠ H ⇠ Punchline! Gravity is different! Observables non-local UV physics -> IR noise in geometry No new scale in QFT+GR ≳ TeV! ➞ High scale SUSY, GUT, (almost all) Inflation models ➞ TeV-scale QG, Large Extra Dimensions ➞ Strongly coupled UV completion (technicolor?, bootstrap?, Conformal Higgs?) A very vibrant vacuum A very vibrant vacuum Quantum Fluctuations do fluctuate! T T = T T h µ⌫ ↵i6 h µ⌫ ih ↵i A very vibrant vacuum Quantum Fluctuations do fluctuate! T T = T T h µ⌫ ↵i6 h µ⌫ ih ↵i What is the analog of CC for the covariance of stress fluctuations? A very vibrant vacuum Quantum Fluctuations do fluctuate! T T = T T h µ⌫ ↵i6 h µ⌫ ih ↵i What is the analog of CC for the covariance of stress fluctuations? Can these fluctuations have an observable gravitational signature on large scales? with Elliot Nelson, Phys. Rev. D 93, 083505 CnC: the upshot! CnC: the upshot! • Random stress fluctuations at UV scale Λ CnC: the upshot! • Random stress fluctuations at UV scale Λ • Einstein eq. for anisotropic stress CnC: the upshot! • Random stress fluctuations at UV scale Λ • Einstein eq. for anisotropic stress • Variance of Metric perturbations grows as distance CnC: the upshot! • Random stress fluctuations at UV scale Λ • Einstein eq. for anisotropic stress • Variance of Metric perturbations grows as distance 5 • A UV/IR Heisenberg uncertainty ⇤UV relation ⇤IR = 4 Mp CnC: the upshot! • Random stress fluctuations at UV scale Λ • Einstein eq. for anisotropic stress • Variance of Metric perturbations grows as distance 5 • A UV/IR Heisenberg uncertainty ⇤UV relation ⇤IR = 4 Mp • Cosmology limits the UV scale Pulsar Timing Preliminary! Same as ISW effect, exc. @ different times, not directions 2 5 2 3 hc,e↵ 7 m d P f ΦTN(f)= 2 = 2 4 12⇡ 1920⇡ Mp 28 5 =2.6 10− m (TeV)d(kpc) ⇥ Preliminary!Meet PSR J1909-3744! P=2.947 ms, d=1.26 kpc -15 hc < 3.2x10 @2σ Shannon, et al 2015 Preliminary!Meet PSR J1909-3744! P=2.947 ms, d=1.26 kpc -15 hc < 3.2x10 @2σ ➞ mφ < 192 GeV Shannon, et al 2015 No Physics “beyond” Preliminary! Standard Model! No Physics “beyond” Preliminary! Standard Model! No Physics “beyond” Preliminary! Standard Model! No Physics “beyond” Preliminary! Standard Model! -20 Target for eLISA: top quark ➞ hc~1.2x10 Di-photon excess? Preliminary! 3σ di-photon excess in LHC/CMS A new particle at 750 GeV? If so, in contrast with CnC constraint from pulsar timing! Cosmological Non- Constant (CnC) problem Cosmological Non- Constant (CnC) problem Vacuum energy-momentum fluctuations can also source gravity Cosmological Non- Constant (CnC) problem Vacuum energy-momentum fluctuations can also source gravity They change the gravitational constraint sector in the IR, thru equal-time correlators Cosmological Non- Constant (CnC) problem Vacuum energy-momentum fluctuations can also source gravity They change the gravitational constraint sector in the IR, thru equal-time correlators Heisenberg Uncertainty principle for UV/IR observables Cosmological Non- Constant (CnC) problem Vacuum energy-momentum fluctuations can also source gravity They change the gravitational constraint sector in the IR, thru equal-time correlators Heisenberg Uncertainty principle for UV/IR observables CnC problem is more severe than the old CC problem, due to the positivity of the spectral functions or entropy, i.e.
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    MATTERS OF GRAVITY The newsletter of the Topical Group on Gravitation of the American Physical Society Number 40 Fall 2012 Contents GGR News: we hear that . , by David Garfinkle ..................... 4 100 years ago, by David Garfinkle ...................... 4 New publisher and new book, by Vesselin Petkov .............. 4 Research briefs: Dark Matter News, by Katherine Freese ................... 5 LARES satellite, by Richard Matzner .................... 8 Conference reports: Workshop on Gravitational Wave Bursts, by Pablo Laguna ......... 11 JoshFest, by Ed Glass ............................ 13 Electromagnetic and Gravitational Wave Astronomy, by Sean McWilliams . 14 Bits, Branes, and Black Holes, by Ted Jacobson and Don Marolf ...... 15 1 Editor David Garfinkle Department of Physics Oakland University Rochester, MI 48309 Phone: (248) 370-3411 Internet: WWW: Associate Editor Greg Comer Department of Physics and Center for Fluids at All Scales, St. Louis University, St. Louis, MO 63103 Phone: (314) 977-8432 Internet: WWW: ISSN: 1527-3431 DISCLAIMER: The opinions expressed in the articles of this newsletter represent the views of the authors and are not necessarily the views of APS. The articles in this newsletter are not peer reviewed. 2 Editorial The next newsletter is due February 1st. This and all subsequent issues will be available on the web at All issues before number 28 are available at Any ideas for topics that should be covered by the newsletter, should be emailed to me, or Greg Comer, or the relevant correspondent.
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