Supplementary Letters 1975–1997 This PDF is one of a series designed to assist scholars in their research on Isaiah Berlin, and the subjects in which he was interested. The series will make digitally available both selected published items and edited transcripts of unpublished material. The PDF is posted by the Isaiah Berlin Legacy Fellow at Wolfson College, with the support of the Trustees of the Isaiah Berlin Literary Trust. All enquiries, including those concerning rights, should be directed to the Legacy Fellow at
[email protected] Supplementary Letters 1975–1997 Most of these letters do not appear in Affirming: Letters 1975–1997, being later discoveries. More annotation may be provided later, but for now the texts are made available here for the convenience of readers. Abbreviations and other editorial apparatus follow the conventions adopted in the published volume, including those listed here. Some sources are given at the end of the PDF, except for those to Robert Silvers, which are from the New York Public Library, MssCol 23385, Series I: Robert B. Silvers Files 1955–2016. Thanks to Richard Davenport-Hines, David Herman, Tal Nadan and Wang Qian for their help. The letters to Silvers are included by courtesy of the Manuscripts and Archives Division, the New York Public Library, Astor, Lenox and Tilden Foundations. Those marked § first appeared in ‘The Israel Letters’, Jewish Quarterly no. 244, May 2021, 67–87. We are indebted to David Herman, who edited that selection, for allowing us to plagiarise his notes. Two (asterisked) letters from the published volume are also included: one because only a carbon copy was available to the editors (since then a top copy has come to light, and manuscript additions made by Berlin are shown here in this green); the other because the question arose on social media of what had been cut from it.