Cass City Chronicle
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CASS CITY CHRONICLE VOL. 23, NO. 47. CASS CITY, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, MARCH 8, 1929, EIGHT PAGES, were discussed. Mrs. E. L. Carless I COMING AUCTIONS. I Hunt will represent Vice President of Kingston read an article prepared i Dawes, Erma Hartwick, the clerk-of FII D by a former state president, Mrs.OV[STA E. VOI[S Chas. S. Wheaton has decided to I SBB-DI L OATO IOAL the senate. Some of the senators !tlt11 [t TttltlII "| L. Calkins, of Ypsilanti, on "The Bible !r,,, o! .... ~ • that are renrea~n~ed are Rood of ~r~ th~ Vubii,- Aei~oi: wi~ic,h w,~,~ thor- 'property a~au~tion i mil~ ~vuth and oughly discussed. The aim of the W. 1 mile east of New Greenleaf on and Vandenburg of Michigan; Heflin 1~ti9 | , |, ~. UUUULU | C. T. U. is to have the Bible read at Monday, March 11. R. N. McCullough of Alabama; Bruce of Maryland; Mo- least once a dayqn all schools. The is the auctioneer. ses of N. H.; and Norris of Nebraska. Left Home to Go to Her Son's Name Two Candidates for Each Entries for Students in Decla- Speakers Stressed Importance cigarette question came up for con- Benj. Wentworth has rented his The seniors are still in session as a During Night and Became siderable discussion. of the Principal Offices farm 1 mile south and ~ mile west of mations and Oratory Close mock senate and argue bills of mo- of Child's Development in • The district president, Mrs. Bell Lost in Storm. at Caucus Tuesday. Shabbona and will have an auction Today. ment as heatedly as any solon in School, Church and Home. Waters, of Lum, was Present and gave sale of live stock and farm tools on Washington. a fine address in the afternoon and a Wednesday, Mar. 13, with T.B. Members of the Community Civics, report of the national convention she American History and American Gov- The body of Mrs. Christina Jaus, Novesta township voters are experi- Tyrell as auctioneer. The sub-district oratorical and The Parent-Teachers' Association attended at Boston in November ernment classes enjoyed the inaugur- 76, was found in a field 30 rods from menting with a new plan of present- Alfred Elley has decided to quit declamatory contest will be held at enjoyed a very profitable and worth- which was very interesting. Rev. E. ation proceedings Monday which were the farm residence of her son, Samuel ing~ candidates at the annual spring farming and will sell his personal Cass City Wednesday, April 10, when while meeting Monday evening when L. Carless, pastor of M. E. church of broadcast by W JR. Through the Jaus, who resides in Elkland town- election on Monday, April 1. At the property at auction 2 miles west and students from Tuscola, Huron and character-training was the subject of Kingston, and Rev. Sherk of the Bap- courtesy of F. A. Bigelow, a radio ship, four miles northeast of Cass caucus held Tuesday, the two candi- 1 mile north of Deford on Thursday, Sanilac counties will compete for hon- discussion. The session was opened by tist church, and Rev. L. S. Wood of was placed in the auditorium and so- City, early Thursday morning. Mrs. dates receiving the highest number Mar. 14. T.B. Tyrell will cry the ors and when it will be decided who prayer by Roy. W. R. Curtis of the Pontiac gave brief addresses. cial science classes met there instead Jaus' death was probably due to ex- of votes were ordered placed on the sale. will represent this section of the Baptist church, followed by the regu- A number of selections of music of in their regular classroom. All the posure, her body having lain in the spring ballot, thereby giving Voters All three sales are advertised in de- state at the district contest. lar business routine. were enjoyed. Special mention might the choice of two men for nearly all tail on page 7. high school and junior high listened field several hours. Three judges will be chosen to de- Rev. P. J. Allured opened his ad- be made of a duet given by Mrs. E. offices. For several years but one cau- to the oath of office and the inaugural After Samuel Jaus had finished termine the winners in delivery here dress, "Character Training in the L. Cartess, soprano, and Mrs. McKin- cus was held and but one set of can- address given by President Hoover. milking at his barn shortly before on April 10. The same judges will Church," by giving a brief history of hey, alto, both of Kingston. The lat- didates' names were on the ticket. Of especial interest to the senior seven o'clock Thursday morning, he grade the orations in thought and the objectives of Sunday school work. ter is a lady past 85 years of age. At Tuesday's township caucus results class was the broadcasting from the glanced over at the residence of his composition. Previous to this time; The present aim of the Sunday or noon a pot luck lunch was served in follow: WEEK THE U. S. Senate Chamber. Church school is soul saving, a prac- mother, who resided just across the the church dining room. TH[ two sets of judges were chosen for tical knowledge of the Bible and to highway from his home, and noticed Supervisor--Geo. McArthur, Wal- orations, one group to judge the de- k that the chimney had blown down ter Kelley. livery and another for thought and develop religious personalities. All during the heavy wind which pre- Clerk--Robert Phillips, Hazen composition. true character must have a religious vailed during the night. He decided to Warner. Entries close today for the oratori- background. It has been estimated Treasurer--Duncan McArthur. LOIALS WII FI ST that the commercial value of a human go at once to her home and ascertain lliZINo ATEtlAL A Resume of the Matters Which cal and declamatory contests. H. W. if she had been frightened by the Highway com.--Win. Zinnecker, Holmes of Cass City is managing the body is 98 cents; it is the soul which noise of the falling bricks. On arriv- Joshua Curtis. Are Claiming Attention event. makes it valuable. Among the principal thoughts Supt. ing there, he failed to find his mother iS FlttiSHEI FIEF Justice (full term) Mack Little, of Solons. Miss Virginia Day will represent in the house. Alarmed, he immediate- Melvin O'Dell. Cass City in the oratorical contest Holmes left with his audience in his ly instituted a search with the result Justice (to fill vacancy) Sam which will be held here. The local discussion of "Character Building in that her dead body was found about Sherk, Henry Cuer. Defeated Mayville Wednesday the School" were the following: "The Dept. Recommends Immuniza- Michigan Press Association declamation contest was held March 70 rods from her home. Member of board of review--John 1 with six students taking part. The Night 22-34. Meet Harbor job of the school and church is to tion of Children Found Sus- Lansing Bureau. train the child to live the highest It is thought thkt Mrs. Jaus, McArthur, Howard Retherford. first three places were awarded to Beach in Second Game. • frightened by the falling chimney, left ceptible after Dick Test° For the principal offices in Grant March I, 1929. i Bernita Taylor, Catherine Bailey and kind of life. Education is not only "They shall not pass" seems to be her home to go to the residence of her township, present officers were nomi- Maxine Corkins. The race for first preparation for life but is life itself. ~he war-time slogan adopted by the son about 40 rods distant. She crossed nated to succeed themselves at the place was so close that it took the Everything we do has some influence Dr. F. L. Morris, health officer of legislature in regard to important Cass City defeated Pigeon in the the highway and entered her son's caucus held Wednesday. The ticket judges considerable time to make a upon some one else. Subjects of measures at the present session. local gym Friday night by a score of lI farm through a driveway a short dis- Elkland township, has received a tee- reads: decision. study are secondary to character ter from the Michigan Department of Two months of the session gone 25-19• Pigeon is the runner-up in HuM training. A teacher unconsciously tance east of his house. Here her Supervisor, Arthur Ellicott. Health which recommends the immuni- and not an appropriation measure of ron county for this year's champion- helps to form character in every sub- footprints show that she walked in Clerk, Dougald Brown. zation of all school and pro-school any kind has gone through the mill. ship. ject taught• Music; history, athletics, the mud before the ground froze dur- Treasurer, W. L. Jarvis. children who ha~e had the Dick test Neither does relief for the hospitals CHURCH CALENDAR. Pigeon started with a rush and assembly programs, English work are ing the night, her steps taking a Highway com., John McCallum. caught the locals for a 13-5 lead in southeasterly course across the field. and who have been found susceptible Of the state seem any nearer a solu- all elements of character training. In Member of board of review, John H. Presbyterian Church--Paul John- the opening quarter, with Schmidt, Part way across, the footprints indi- to the disease. The Dick test is a tion than when the session opened. A the home give the child responsibility, son Allured, Minister.