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Number Mnemonics Number Mnemonics Thomas Raes January 6, 2017 0 l ml le lb lc la lo li lu el xl ly hl cl il bl ul al ali ale 1 n mn en zn nh in nj no on un an ni nm na nb nc ne ny nz nu 2 t tx ty tu to th ti te tb tc ta mt yt et ht qt wt ct at it 3 d md dz yd ed hd do dm dj dh di de db dc da dy du jd cd id 4 r mr ru rx ry re ra rb rc rm rh ri ir er ur jr or ar yr br 5 f uf fc cf bf of hf af if fu fy fa fe fm mfa imf fix fue fib muf 6 s ms is sw su sj si sh so sm sc sb sa se es xs os as bs us 7 p mp xp jp wp pw pu px pc pa pe ph pi po pm ip bp op pb hp 8 k mk ek zk kc kb ka kj ki ko km kw ky wk ck ik bk ok uk ak 9 g gu ge gb ga go gm gi mg eg jg cg ig bg hg ag aug gui gum guy 10 nl nhl nil nel nul nol inl only anil nijl anal neil encl neel nele noel niel nilo nail neal 11 non ann nun cnn inn nan nuno nien nano nana onne onno nena nini none nona noni nina nine nino 12 nt nwt net ent not ntu nth ont ant nut nit int nat zint zont neut unit next nate bent 13 nd ned end nod and und bnd ind zond nijd andi andy wand bend bind noud wind nada band wond 1 14 nr nur nrc nra nrw nor nar nora nori norm nair near norw nary nare narc nour ener inri neer 15 nf nfc nuf inf naaf nimf enif naif info neef onaf unief unfix naf nufje infix unify wanbof inweef confab 16 ns nys nbs n's ens nsb nsc nsu nis ons ans nes nus uns nsa nos cns ins nas nb's 17 np anp bnp nap nip nop nep neep nape noop napi nope neap nijp napje nipje uncap nymph naacp unzip 18 nk nik nuk ank ink nok enk nek niko zink hink munk wink bank nijk bonk hunk wonk inky naak 19 ng eng nog ong ang neg ngo ing nag zing zong nijg nigh noga wang beng bung bing bang wong 20 tl tel tul tlc tol tal til tele taal tijl talm tile teil tole teal tuil tolo tule tail tool 21 tn ten ctn tno tan ton tun tin aten toen town thin tien eton then tian twan toon than eten 22 tet tat itt tot tut ott tit tutu teat toet taut etta ette etty tuut tact tiet matt twat tate 23 td tod ted etd tad toed it'd teed taed thad tide tijd tidy thud toad tied meted tamed hated toyed 24 tr tri ter ctr tar try tor tyr tra tear toer teer tier atar tore tori term teri trab tram 25 taf tof tuf utf tofu teef toef motif tofoe thief botaf tafia uithof bataaf toefje teefje actief zethof outfox bothof 26 ts hts tas its ats tos tes tbs mts tse ots t's ets tis hats tees tush ites tums toes 27 tap tcp top tip twp typ atp toep type tipi tepe tape tamp timp tump typo tupi atop topi topo 28 tko tuk twk tok tak tik tyke tijk tjok tick teak toke tika toko tuck taak teek took tuik takx 2 29 tug tog mtg tag tig taag tijg tuig twig tygo teug toog teeg togo toga thug mtge thigh taegu matig 30 dl dbl dil dul del dal dol daal dele deli deal idly dial doel dali adil adel dole idol duly 31 din dna den dan don dun adn duyn dyon dian deon dion eden edna dine odin edin dawn dune dina 32 cdt edt dat dit mdt dut dot dect dijt dict ditz dita dito edit dabt oudt doet duwt bodt debt 33 dd add dad did odd dud dmd dod dede dyed dido didi dead adda eddo edda eddy daad dood dode 34 dr dry wdr der mdr dir dor dur dra dre dar dory drew dora dree door dior eder dr adri 35 mdf dof duf dfb zdf def duif deaf df defy dief doof edify decaf duijf defoe deify deface oudhof codify 36 eds des ods dos d's ads dis das cds ids dus disc dish cods duos dias bods edes ducs ydes 37 dp edp adp dep dop dpa dap dip dpi dump deep dupe demp damp diep doop dope dopa dhcp domp 38 dak dik dek dok dijk deck dick doka dike dock edik dyck dihk doek adek duke duck djak dook duik 39 dag dig dug deg dog dgb daag doug dage doeg dago doge duig deeg deug edgy edge dough dagje dooge 40 rol rel ral url ril rul ruil ural erol bril carl hurl earl reil roil bral marl brol rail real 41 rn ron ren ran urn rin rna run uren roon ryan horn iran hern rino morn zorn warn worn rana 42 rt rot rit ret rat rte rtc crt art irt rut mert ruwt remt oort hort rato rath cert jort 43 rd rod rda brd red rad ard rdw rid byrd arid hord oord ordi orde bird herd jord reda rede 3 44 rr err brr orr arr herr roor roro rory ruhr carr raar barr rear corr burr rara rare roar arre 45 rf raf rif orf ref erf rfc cerf refo barf rife xref rafi arif roef ruif raaf reef rauf rijf 46 rs ras hrs irs r's ros mrs ars ris rus res rsi yrs risc hors roys hers arms wars mr's 47 rp rop arp rep rpm erp rip rap erop rape crup reap rcmp riep earp zerp crop harp worp carp 48 rok rek ruk ark irk rik rak urk wrak arik rick jerk rake arak raku brik orka roku rock rack 49 rog reg erg rug org rgb rag rig reeg brig ruig erge ergo borg raag merg burg argo jurg jorg 50 fl fil fol fel fly flu flo fla efl faal fuel fool flex flew foul flea flee fale flub flue 51 fin fan fen fun afn fawn fine fain fijn fnma faun fien afijn afnam fiene fancy fijen fixen fence foxen 52 ft fit fat ftc fte fut eft aft oft maft fout feat futz fuet zift fata fate boft fuut foot 53 fd fad fwd fed fda fdj fud fade fido fado food efod feed fuad fdic afdc feud fahd afduw fixed 54 fr mfr fir far for fre fri fro fer fry fur afr four fear afro foor ferm fair farm afra 55 ff off eff fife jeff fifo fuif caff xoff biff buff foef hoff jiff huff miff iffy muff cuff fief 56 fes fis ifs fms f's hf's fums fish fm's faes cf's faqs fays fe's foes fems oafs jefs fees eefs 57 fop fpo fep fiep afhap fopma afzuip uefa-cup hefboompje 58 cfk fik fok jfk fuck fake fuik afke fick yfke fckw fokje afmik afaik afbek foeke afkam afhak femke afbak 4 59 fg mfg fog fig fag fug fuga afga figo fogy befog fugue afzeg afzag afoog fogey fiege figee afjaag afwoog 60 sul sil asl isl sal sly sla syl esl hsl sol sql smal soul slib slim oslo slem slee slew 61 sn sun usn sno son sin bsn sen san syn snib snij swan sony sane sana sync sine sina snub 62 st ost ast mst cst sit ist ste sta stu sty sat set est hst sot smet swat sjot bast 63 sd smd sdi sud sod sdu sad sid bsd sed shod side shed sade said sidi saad sado syed usda 64 sr sir ser sar sri sro saar suur sjor sira sire esra esri sore isar sour scar eser sere serb 65 sf sef sof suf sufi basf sjef saif asif safi safe usaf safa asfa sofa sief besef suf sofie sheaf 66 ss sas oss sus s's sis sms ass ssw ssh sse ssa sos uss suus isms says bass sous bs's 67 sp isp sep esp sup asp sop usp spy spa sap sip spe bsp shop hesp spew spee siep spec 68 sk sky ska ski sok suk ask sak sik smuk skai sjok skim swak smok soek husk skye sack smak 69 sag msg sgi uscg sago saga sigh scag sega swag shag smog sage swig smug osage shogi scheg misga segue 70 pl pel pul plu plz ply plc plo pol pil pal cpl peul paul pile piel poly pole palm pala 71 pan pen pin pun pon jpn pane pano apin pene pena apen penh pien peon apon pijn peen puny open 72 pt pto pta pot opt upt pet put apt pct pit pat capt piet hopt mept wept pete poot upte 73 pd pud pdq pod pad phd cpd aped pied pmed oped pede peda pedo ipod peed ipad paid padje hyped 5 74 pr por per pur apr pro pre prc pry par cpr prim peur aper pray pram pier prix pore prow 75 pf pfc puf pof paf pief poof pouf piaf poef zopfi ophef ophof ophief pacify pofmouw pacific 76 ps pbs ups pms pcs pus p's pos pas psi ops bps pis hps cps baps zeps pias pijs paso 77 pp pcp opp pop pep pup app ppm pip pap php pope popi pupa piep pimp papi pump pijp peep 78 pk pik apk pek pak puk pok puck pauk pyke poke puke pock puik poky peek piek peak peck pike 79 pg pig peg mpg pug opga mpeg pogo pugh poog page phage pezig opzeg zepig opzag pygmy paige pagie opzoog 80 kl klm kul kol kal kil kalb kale kali kalm kili kilo klom kila wkly kolb kola kool kwel kiel 81 kn kun ken kon kno kan kin akne kean koan knob know knox aken kien kano kane eken keun keno 82 kt kut ket kot kit kat katy kite bukt kith kato mikt kate bikt jukt hakt keut kbit bakt hukt 83 kde kid kadi kade eked koud biked yoked kwade joked keyed kamde kwaad kadee kbaud hoked kudzu coked caked kimde 84 kr kra kor kir kar bkr kroc krom kroi aker kuur krim kiri kerm keri kram krah krab kier okra 85 kfz kof kaf kef kif kfc kijf kief kuif koof keef kofi komaf kuijf kafje bekaf khufu koufax bekeef bekhof 86 ks k's kus aks oks kos kas kes kis mks oiks baks oaks ko's kajs kies kees koes kays akse 87 kp kup kip kpj kap kop kph kapo kiep kuip kemp koep kamp koop kp kaap keep kepi kepie kopje 88 kek kok kak kik kwok kick keck kaki kiki kike kika kiek kwek kook keek koek okke ikke kuik kwik 6 89 kg kog keg kgb kgm ekg kaag koog kegje kamig kagie keogh kamige buikig okegem hoekig buikige kwaaiig kwabbig kauwgom 90 gel gul gol glo gil gal gail glum ogle glue gael glee egal ugli geul gaul glij gl gele geil 91 gen gun gin gnu gown gnaw gino goon gina gini gian gwyn agni gene gena gwen gein gaan gijn gain 92 gt gmt get gut got gte git gat hgt egt agt aagt gomt guth wagt gbit jagt gymt oogt geut 93 gd ged god gad good egad geed gade egde goed gawd magd goud aged gede goad gude gide gido geode 94 gr ger mgr gbr gar goor grim gray graz gram grab grue ogre grub gruw giro grob goer grec gera 95 gif gaf goof gaaf geef begaf ogief goofy omgaf bijgaf meegaf gymjuf begeef omgeef wegwuif bijgeef meegeef gezweef 96 gs ges gus bgs g's gis gas ags gsa gsm gijs gish hg's wogs gems mugs migs gash wegs gees 97 gp gpo gpa gop gap gyp gup gbp agp gape goop gimp geep gijp gaap gawp gymp agape gimpy gezuip 98 gk gok gek geke giek gook gawk geek gijk geeky geike geuke gooik gawky gemak gecko gouka gauke gemok gebak 99 gog gig ggz gag egg yegg agog gage iggy gigo gaga gigi giga geog goog gogo eggo gogh egge hagg 100 null nell noll nolle niall nella nelle nelly noelle nellie anally unwell janell banally nolla manilla manille o'neill janelle zonally 101 nolen nelen nolan nylon onclin nijlen online nailon neelen inline nielen nucleon aanleun aanlijn unclean inlezen nalazen nalezen neleman inhalen 102 inlet nolet unlit nolte inlaut nalaat
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