14 ChromaStratigraphy® Quantitative Analysis of Geologic Samples Using Colour 23 Go Take a Hike 28 CSPG Student Industry Field Trip (SIFT) 2014 $10.00 DECEMBER 2014 VOLUME 41, ISSUE 11 Canadian Publication Mail Contract – 40070050 DECEMBER 2014 – VOLUME 41, ISSUE 11 ARTICLES ChromaStratigraphy® Quantitative Analysis of Geologic Samples Using Colour .............................................................................................................................. 14 CSPG OFFICE #110, 333 – 5th Avenue SW Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2P 3B6 The Book that Changed the CSPG ........................................................................................... 21 Tel: 403-264-5610 Web: www.cspg.org Go Take a Hike .............................................................................................................................. 23 Please visit our website for all tickets sales and event/course registrations Office hours: Monday to Friday, 8:00am to 4:30pm The CSPG Office is Closed the 1st and 3rd Friday of every month. Oils Sands and Heavy Oil Symposium, A Great Success! ................................................. 26 OFFICE CONTACTS CSPG Student Industry Field Trip (SIFT) 2014 ..................................................................... 28 Membership Inquiries Tel: 403-264-5610 Email:
[email protected] Technical/Educational Events: Biljana Popovic Honorary Member – Craig Lamb ............................................................................................ 30 Tel: 403-513-1225 Email:
[email protected]