East Kootenay Elk Management Plan 2005-09 Prepared by: Steven F. Wilson, Ph.D., R.P.Bio. EcoLogic Research 406 Hemlock Avenue Gabriola Island, BC V0R 1X1
[email protected] Richard L. Morley, M.Sc., R.P.Bio. Twin Spruce Resource Management Consulting 7460 MacKinnon Road Nelson, BC V1L 6R5
[email protected] Prepared for: BC Ministry of Water, Land and Air Protection Fish and Wildlife Science and Allocation Section 205 Industrial Road G. Cranbrook, BC V1C7G5 7 February 2005 Executive Summary Declining elk populations in the East Kootenay, characterized by distorted bull to cow ratios and low calf recruitment, led to intense public controversy during the mid 1990s. In response, the BC Ministry of Environment, Land and Parks initiated various hunting restrictions and hired an outside consultant to independently assess elk harvest management in the region and province. The resulting report provided short- and long-term recommendations for managing elk hunting as well as a list of recommendations to promote recovery of the Kootenay elk herds (Raedeke 1998). Raedeke (1998) recommended that a formal elk management plan be developed for the East Kootenay. A plan was required to clearly articulate management objectives and options, to provide a level of certainty for hunters and guide-outfitters, and to direct government and public efforts in areas of population and habitat management. The result was the East Kootenay Elk Management Plan 2000-2004 (Bircher et al. 2001). The status of the elk population in the East Kootenay changed considerably during 2000-04 and the BC Ministry of Water Land and Air Protection (WLAP) requested a formal review and revision of Bircher et al.