The World of Ottoman Art I
Michael Levey The World of Ottoman Art I with I07 illustrations, I I in colour, and 2 maps 'i' Thames and Hudson T&H London ~{03 Contents Introduction 7 ) I Early cities and style 17 2 Istanbul: creation of a new capital 41 3 The Age of Sinan 61 4 Achievement amid decline 95 5 Intimations of Rococo II2 6 The exotic West 129 Glossary 145 B'rief historical outline 146 Books for further reading 149 Sources of illustrations 15 0 Index 15 1 Index Numerals in italics refer to monochrome illustrations; italic roman numerals indicate colour plates Abbas I, Shah of Persia 102 Corn, Prince 35, 48, 60; and see Cem Ibrahim~ Grand Vizier 66, "4, 119 AbdiilAziz, Sultan 14, 22,134,138-40 tiirbe, Bursa Ibrahim, Sultan 101, 107, lI5 Abdiil Hamid I II3, 124, 126 Cem tiirbe (Bursa) 35 , 56, 60,31 Ibrahim Pasha Saray (Istanbul) 66 AbdiilHamid 1I8, 10, 123, 130- 1, 134, Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor 12, Ibrahim Sarhos 'the Drunkard' 63 140-3, 96 34, 64- 5, 80 Ingres, Jean-Auguste-Dominique 130 Abdiil Mecid 134- 8, 88 Chinese porcelain 54, 60, 123 Isfahan 10, 102; Masjid-i-Shah 102 Abdiil M ecid 1I, Caliph 143 <;:iragan palace 1]2, 136, 138, "40 Iskele Oetty) mosque (Uskiidar); see Adrianople; see Edirne Constantinople 7, 14, 15, 26, "44; Mihrimah complex (Uskiidar) Ahmed I 38, 100, 101, 102, 103, 107, and see Istanbul Istanbul 10, 14, 15, 20, 35, 39, 41-8, 51, 130, 137 Constanzo da Ferrara 42, 5 I 58,60,66,68,73,80,88, 90,95,97, Ahmed III 12-13, 95, 97, 109, 112, 113, cottons 24 101 , 107, 113, 114, 116, 120, 123, II4-20, 137 124,13 1,143,144,21; painters
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