Part 3: Validation of Policy  44 VTM Part 3: Validation of Policy

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Part 3: Validation of Policy  44 VTM Part 3: Validation of Policy VTM Part 3: Validation of policy 44 VTM Part 3: Validation of policy This part of the document outlines the • the recreational greening of spatial developments, to provide for the context in which the plans were drawn the suburban areas; preservation and utilisation of the community up and allows an assessment of the • improvement of the core qualities buildings that form part of the nation’s complementarity of the plans on the of the national landscapes. cultural heritage, archaeology and the adoption of policy and with current policy culture landscape. The policy seeks to initiatives. This does not necessarily mean Each and every one of these items is more create conditions and gives the cultural that VTM i.o. supports all the described than a pointer for the spatial development motive and interest an important place within intentions. strategy and its elaboration into concrete the integral spatial challenges, and it has plans. helped to ensure that the cultural heritage now figures more prominently in setting the direction for the utilisation of space. 5 Central government 5.2 Nature and landscape In response to a string of protection One of the goals stated by central requests, the National Heritage Board 5.1 Spatial quality government for the transformation of military (RACM) has inventoried in cooperation with sites into civil use is the strengthening of the Ministry of Defence all military airfields Under the Spatial Planning Memorandum, nature and landscape by fulfilling greening dating from the Second World War [49]. Twente has been designated as a national goals and retaining ecological qualities of Partly on the basis of a recommendation urban network. Netwerkstad Twente thus the area. There must be explicit attention made by the Council of Culture, it was forms part of the National Spatial Structure. to proposals for further nature quality decided to place only the Deelen airfield The policy memorandum states that it improvements (including restoring brooks) integrally under government protection, is essential to promote the intermediary and ecological connections with the nearby although Zuidkamp at the Twente airfield function between the northern wing of Twente national landscape. was also highly valued. the Randstad, Berlin and Eastern Europe for such purposes as its development as There must be a careful approach to the RACM assigns to the Twente airbase an international core area. A promising improvement of access to the area on an historical military significance and, factor in this context is the strengthening account of the airfield’s location in and near specifically, Zuidkamp is highly valued for its of the existing combination of education, the national ecological network, including pristine condition and the spatial, historical technology focused among other things the Natura 2000 area of Lonnekermeer and functional cohesion between the assets on the medical sector, and healthcare. and the ecological connection of the within the landscape. Central government Attracting people with higher qualifications Twente national landscape to the Sallandse takes the view that Zuidkamp has qualities of and stepping up the existing cooperation Heuvelrug. national importance. within EUREGIO are considered challenges. For the strengthening of nature and Some assets on the former Twente military Central government is currently devoting landscape, it is important to let the desired airbase site, however, are subject to considerable attention to ‘Mooi Nederland’ development of the site fit in with the Nature provisional central government protection. as a synthesis point of a number of policy and Landscape Area Plan of the Province of A ministerial decree on the designation or goals that form the context of current policy. Overijssel and the greening for spatial quality rejection of the assets as monuments is likely A number of them are highly relevant to envisaged by central government under the to be issued in 2009. Twente. In arbitrary order they include: ‘Mooi Nederland’ programme. • the refurbishing/restructuring of 5.4 Economy industrial sites to limit the need for 5.3 Cultural heritage new industrial sites (SER ladder, (military fields) Twente comes second after the Eindhoven Noordanus Committee); region on the innovation ladder. This position • the ‘Mooi Nederland’ innovation At the interfaces of cultural heritage and is supported not only by the University of programme, which is promoting spatial planning, the ambitions of central Twente and related institutions, but also by a spatial quality and sustainability; government are set out in the Belvedere number of leading international companies • the ‘spatial quality of industrial policy [50]. The purpose of this policy established in the region. sites’ pilot project; is, within today’s complex and dynamic Vliegwiel Twente Maatschappij i.o. | 45 The Peaks in the Delta policy memorandum approved the Civil and Military Airport ambitions. These airports are Schiphol, [38] can be considered the start of a new Regulations (RML) at year-end 2008 and Lelystad, Eindhoven and Rotterdam. area-dedicated policy under which attention made them law. The legislation will enter into will shift from backward regions to regional force in a few stages. An important element As part of preparation of the Aviation opportunities for international excellence. of the legislation is that the provincial Policy Memorandum, there was a wide The policy memorandum refers to Twente government will hold authority for airports of consultation about the future of Schiphol as Technology Valley. With regard to the regional significance. (among other things the latitude that exists economic performances/opportunities, the for noise). The ‘Alderstafel’ concluded in memorandum mentions ‘push factors’ like The decision regarding the position 2008 that Schiphol’s latitude for noise will be the major congestion and shortage of space of various airports has been placed exhausted in the coming decades. Initially, in the west of the Netherlands, and ‘pull in the wider perspective of ‘optimum the overflow from Schiphol will then have factors’ like the attractive residential and accessibility of the Netherlands by air’. The to be absorbed by Eindhoven and Lelystad. working climate. Knowledge concentration, Aviation Policy Memorandum [51] that Regional Alderstafels have been organised leveraging of the location near the German elaborates this matter was submitted by at both these airports to work out plans. cities and mobility are important sources of the Minister of Transport, Public Works development. and Water Management to the House of The Cabinet stated in the Aviation Policy Representatives in April 2009. Memorandum that the Netherlands has Economic priorities for the region are [38]: a major public interest in international The policy memorandum states that accessibility by air. The Netherlands must • Kennispark Twente; the Netherlands has a public interest in handle air traffic more cheaply and more • stimulation of the urban economy; ensuring good international accessibility in efficiently in order to be affordable and • innovation in technology; a competitive and sustainable context. The competitive and to assure availability. • strengthening of the regional development of aviation must be aligned Additionally, the memorandum states that economic structure; to this interest. Therefore, the objective of the Netherlands aspires to a pioneering • promotion of regional economic Dutch aviation policy for the coming years role with regard to the negative aspects development (Oost NV). will be ‘the further development of optimum of aviation; it must be made cleaner, network quality, combined with a competitive quieter, more economical and safer. In There are a number of sites in Twente and sustainable aviation sector’. view of the Twente knowledge triangle where internationally competitive innovation the space available at the present airfield, occurs. This concerns mainly health & care, Good international accessibility by air is it is desirable to study emphatically the mechatronics, broadband, materials and determined by the quality of the network possibilities hat Twente offers to drive high-tech systems. of connections. Optimum network quality knowledge and production in this field. A means that it is not only the number of few large international companies in the Further improvement of mobility and the connections that counts, but also the quality region are involved in innovations in this solving of bottlenecks are matters being and competitiveness of the network as setting. Operationally, the Cabinet states worked out in the consultations that take a whole. In this setting, Twente airport is that Twente airport must be available to place between the Ministry of Transport, important. provide spare capacity for the Schiphol Public Works and Water Management, the overflows, besides accommodating its Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and This makes clear that Twente is an airport autonomous needs (particularly those in the Environment and the Twente Region of national significance. After parliamentary the region). If it transpires that there are collaborative venture through planning approval of this policy memorandum, the insufficient possibilities to accommodate and decision-making on the Multiyear power to designate Twente as an airport will the 70,000 aircraft movements at Eindhoven Programme for Infrastructure, Spatial be held by central government, if the airport
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    An open strip-field system at its tipping point in the German-Dutch river Dinkel catchment Hein van Gils1, Andreas Mölder²* 1University of Pretoria Faculty of Natural & Agricultural Sciences, Department of Geography, Geoinformatics and Meteorology Private Bag X20 Hatfield 0028 Republic of South Africa 2Northwest German Forest Research Station Department A (Forest Growth) Grätzelstraße 2 D-37079 Göttingen Germany *corresponding author Phone: +49 551 69 401 313 Fax: +49 551 69 401 160 E-mail: [email protected], [email protected] Author’s information Hein van Gils retired from Twente University, Enschede (the Netherlands). He currently teaches at the University of Pretoria (South Africa) and the Northeast Forestry University, Harbin (China). Several of his publications refer to legacies of historical agrarian landscapes. Andreas Mölder is researcher at the Northwest German Forest Research Institute, Göttingen (Germany). He is particularly interested in the development and ecology of cultural landscapes as affected by changing socio-ecological conditions. Abstract Three questions were addressed. Firstly, where in pre-19th century landscape did farmers hold strips, camps, meadows and shares in commons? Secondly, did farmers each own strips and camps or were some specialised strip and others exclusively camp farmers? Finally, can we corroborate or reject one of the alternative hypotheses: strip-field-first versus camp-first. The area of interest is the current cadastral district cum medieval parish Epe at today’s German- Dutch border as pars pro toto for the surrounding area of about 100 kilometer diameter in the NW European cover sand belt. Our key data source was the 1827 A.D.
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