Abrams, Gen. Creighton 302 Abrams, Elliott 314 Abrams, Mike 17, 103
Index Abrams, Gen. Creighton 302 Arms Control and Foreign Policy Abrams, Elliott 314 Caucus 307, 314, 319 Abrams, Mike 17, 103, 148 Arms transfers to developing Abrams, Ruth 17 nations, US 313, 321 Afghanistan 260 ARVN (See South Vietnam, army AFL-CIO 221 of) Africa 302 Ashford, Doug 103 Africana Center 108, 111-112 Asia 303 African-Americans Athenians 317 casualty rates in Vietnam War Atlantic Records 177 214 Attica prison, killings at 239, 248 African-American culture Babylift, Operation 226 impact on Bob Dylans music Backer, Richard 51 162 Baez, Joan 181 impact on anti-war movement Amazing Grace 181 211-212 Ball, George 253 Afro-American Society (of Cornell: (The) Band 174 see also Black Liberation Front) 67, Barry, Marion 77 70-71, 77, 80, 82-84, 88-91, 95, 97, Beatles 47, 174, 259 102-103, 106, 120 Cant Buy Me Love 49 Agency for International Develop- I Wanna Hold Your Hand 45 ment (AID) 315 Beepies (Ball-Past: game) 20-21 Agnew, Spiro 3, 194, 202, 234, 282 Belushi, John 180 Akroyd, Dan 184 Ben Tre 215 Ali, Muhammed 64, 212 Berkeley (University of California at) All Quiet on the Western Front 292 70, 212, 244 Allman Brothers 182 Berns, Walter 86, 94, 99-100, 102- Altshuler, Alan 148 103, 116, 124 American Political Science Associa- Berrabeano, Vanessa 50, 61-64 tion 134 Berrigan brothers (Dan and Phil) American Revolution 191 180, 244, 285 Anderson, Scott 36-37, 273 Berry, Chuck 47, 170, 184 Animals (We Gotta Get Out of This Berry, Suzy 148 Place) 47 Bethe, Hans 103 Anti-war movement 157, 159, 191- Betts, Richard 237, 320 265, 305, 321-322 Bevel, James 213, 215 and civil rights movement 211- Biddle, Wayne 81, 87, 98 215 Bishop, Morris 92 exclusionism 198-201 Black Liberation Front (of Cornell: in US armed forces 204, 232, see also Afro-American Society) 88, 256, 308 102 Apocalypse Now 304 Black, Max 103 Apollo 10 Black Panther Party 78, 92, 181, 187, Apollo moon mission 229 219, 238-242 Index Bloom, Allan 89, 99, 103, 105-106, Byrd, Robert 222, 307 116, 124, 240 (The) Byrds 186 The Closing of the American Mr.
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