Phase Equilibria and Thermodynamic Properties of Minerals in the Beo
American Mineralogist, Volwne 71, pages 277-300, 1986 Phaseequilibria and thermodynamic properties of mineralsin the BeO-AlrO3-SiO2-H2O(BASH) system,with petrologicapplications Mlnx D. B.qnroN Department of Earth and SpaceSciences, University of California, Los Angeles,Los Angeles,California 90024 Ansrru,cr The phase relations and thermodynamic properties of behoite (Be(OH)r), bertrandite (BeoSirOr(OH)J, beryl (BerAlrSiuO,r),bromellite (BeO), chrysoberyl (BeAl,Oo), euclase (BeAlSiOo(OH)),and phenakite (BerSiOo)have been quantitatively evaluatedfrom a com- bination of new phase-equilibrium, solubility, calorimetric, and volumetric measurements and with data from the literature. The resulting thermodynamic model is consistentwith natural low-variance assemblagesand can be used to interpret many beryllium-mineral occurTences. Reversedhigh-pressure solid-media experimentslocated the positions of four reactions: BerAlrSiuO,,: BeAlrOo * BerSiOo+ 5SiO, (dry) 20BeAlSiOo(OH): 3BerAlrsi6or8+ TBeAlrOo+ 2BerSiOn+ l0HrO 4BeAlSiOo(OH)+ 2SiOr: BerAlrSiuO,,+ BeAlrOo+ 2H2O BerAlrSiuO,,+ 2AlrSiOs : 3BeAlrOa + 8SiO, (water saturated). Aqueous silica concentrationswere determined by reversedexperiments at I kbar for the following sevenreactions: 2BeO + H4SiO4: BerSiOo+ 2H2O 4BeO + 2HoSiOo: BeoSirO'(OH),+ 3HrO BeAlrOo* BerSiOo+ 5H4Sio4: Be3AlrSiuOr8+ loHro 3BeAlrOo+ 8H4SiO4: BerAlrSiuOrs+ 2AlrSiO5+ l6HrO 3BerSiOo+ 2AlrSiO5+ 7H4SiO4: 2BerAlrSiuOr8+ l4H2o aBeAlsioloH) + Bersio4 + 7H4sio4:2BerAlrsiuors + 14Hro 2BeAlrOo+ BerSiOo+ 3H4SiOo: 4BeAlSiOr(OH)+ 4HrO.
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