Volume Xx-Number 12 December 6, 1958
VOLUME XX-NUMBER 12 DECEMBER 6, 1958 Listening to playbacks of Ahmad Jamal’s latest wax session are Chess-Checker-Argo topper, Leonard Chess (left) and Jamal (right), whose trio has turned into one of the hottest properties in the record business. Currently clicking with two big LP’s, “But Not For Me” and “Ahmad Jamal”, the combo has also cashed in with a host of singles from the albums, which include “But Not For Me”, “Music, Music, Music”, “Poinciana” and “Secret Love”. Coming off a highly successful concert tour, the hoys recently made an appearance in New York’s Carnegie Hall. www.americanradiohistory.com I HEARD THE BELLS ON IS™ Mm ’ : iH II -: Jvrijj 'm e RriMMNHi WSM GOBEL SHOW, NORTHWEST PASSAGE. They’re all sponsored by RCA VICTOR! Watch for these NBC-TV shows, in color and black and white: PERRY COMO SHOW, ELLERY QUEEN, GEORGE www.americanradiohistory.com TheCashBox FOUNDED BY BILL GERSH Volume XX—Number 12 December 6, 1958 JOE ORLECK, President and Publisher NORMAN ORLECK, VP and General Manager SID PARNES, Editor-in-Chief BOB AUSTIN, Gen. Mgr., Music Dept. The Cash Box Publishing Co., Inc. 1721 Broadway, New York 19, N. Y. (All Phones: JUdson 6-2640) Cable Address: CASHBOX, N. Y. JOE ORLECK CHICAGO OFFICE WINNING 29 E. Madison St., Chicago 2, 111. (All Phones: Financial 6-7272) LEE BROOKS • HOLLYWOOD OFFICE 6272 Sunset Blvd., Hollywood 28, Cal. (Phone: HOllywood 5-2129) JACK DEVANEY ERV MALEC • BOSTON OFFICE 80 Boylston St., Boston 16, Mass. (Phone: HAncock 6-8386) GUY LIVINGSTON • THE POLL LONDON OFFICE 17 Hilltop, London, N.W.
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