A Rich Variety of Cultures and Traditions the Cradle of Civilizations Turkey

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A Rich Variety of Cultures and Traditions the Cradle of Civilizations Turkey A RICH VARIETY OF CULTURES AND TRADITIONS THE CRADLE OF CIVILIZATIONS TURKEY AAPC-2011 Tacettin YÜKSEL Lycian rock tombs, 46 Actual Archaeology Actual ArchaeologyAntalya 47 INTERVIEW GIVEN BY AMBASSADOR GÜRCAN TÜRKOĞLU, PERMANENT DELEGATE OF THE REPUBLIC OF TURKEY TO UNESCO, TO THE MAGAZINE “AKTÜEL ARKEOLOJİ” ACTUAL ARCHAEOLOGY MAGAZINE: How would you assess the situation in Turkey in terms of the preservation of cultural heritage in general and of the World Heritage properties in particular? Gürcan Türkoğlu: We are pleased to see that awareness towards the protection of cultural heritage and the activities related to it are increasing in Turkey. It is a fact that there are still some mistakes and negligence due to past habits. Nonetheless we need to concentrate on the preservation of the existing heritage in the best possible and most assiduous manner rather than accounting for the past. There is actually quite an appropriate environment for this in Turkey: from the highest level of the State apparatus to local authorities, from civil society to the media, universities and the private sector there is, at every level, an increase in the consciousness and sensibility towards preservation of our cultural heritage. AAPC-2011 / Huriye YILDIRAN / Side / Temple of Apollon YILDIRAN / Huriye / Side / Temple AAPC-2011 Can you provide some exam- important and was highly praised of our World Heritage sites and ples of this? at UNESCO. the issues related to them. The G.T.: The fact that the Presi- The establishment by the Minister of Culture and Tourism dent of the Republic took over Minister of Culture and Tourism brought this report to the atten- the patronage of the conservation in his Ministry of a specialized tion of all the relevant authorities activities of the Great Mosque unit dedicated to World Herit- by insuring a wide distribution of and Hospital of Divriği, which is age Properties was a very strate- it ranging from members of the inscribed on the World Heritage gic and appropriate decision. This Parliament to governors. This was List, and also of the Tombstones was welcomed by UNESCO as very helpful. of Ahlat and of the Citadel and such a structure does not yet exist The Turkish ICOMOS Com- the Walls of Diyarbakır, which are in all countries. mittee initiated in cooperation both on the tentative list of Tur- The Ministry of Foreign Af- with the Ministry of Culture and key is an example of the interest fairs and Çakabey Private Schools Tourism a monitoring process of shown at the highest level. have also contributed to promo- our World Heritage sites. The decision of the Prime tion and awareness raising activi- The sponsor activities of the Minister to earmark an impor- ties carried out on the occasion of private sector and of founda- tant part of the allocations of the the 40th anniversary of the World tions to excavations and restora- Istanbul 2010 European Culture Heritage Convention by featuring tions, the graduate level courses Capital to preservation, restora- our World Heritage Sites in their on management of heritage sites tion and conservation activities 2012 calendar and agendas. initiated at universities and the of cultural heritage starting with The Turkish National Com- foundation by a group of citizens properties on the World Heritage mission for UNESCO prepared of an association related to the List or the Tentative List was very an extensive report on the state Heritage Sites (Travelers of World 48 Actual Archaeology Actual Archaeology 49 AAPC-2011 / Mustafa EREN / Uzuncaburç / Mersin AAPC-2011 Heritage) are all new indicators of cultural heritage, to follow up and carry out information, education the interest shown by society. The to master the technical aspects of and research activities in the field economic stability also makes the issue like Acar does. The lat- of preservation starting from the it relatively easier to allocate re- est example of the involvement of youngest generations. The UN- sources for preservation. the media is the awareness rais- ESCO World Heritage Conven- Is the interest shown by the ing campaign “Do not ignore it” tion provides a detailed guide in media sufficient? launched by NTV Television and all these areas. the magazine “Tarih Dergisi”. This There is an interest; however What are the other problems campaign was also welcomed by it is not possible to say that this and difficulties encountered in UNESCO. interest is sufficient, given the Turkey? richness of our heritage and the Why is it that this interest does With issues which link the past abundance of the problems we not yield enough results? of humanity and of our country are facing. It is important that the The mobilization of all the to the future, as it is in the case of media follows the issues related to involvement of our society in a the preservation of cultural herit- the protection of cultural heritage coordinated manner and with a age, criticism and debate should more closely and monitor them strategic approach will undoubt- rather be kept away from the im- continuously. As a matter of fact, edly allow us to get more produc- pact of daily politics. For this, the the Turkish media have a sub- tive results in the preservation of decision makers need to be trans- stantial tradition initiated in this cultural heritage. Otherwise all parent and open to dialogue and area by the journalist Özgen Acar. the efforts could stay dispersed the different parties forming the I wish he was a model for young and be unfruitful. The preserva- public opinion need to be con- journalists. It is important for tion activities must be carried structive and unprejudiced. As a young journalists, when covering out with a holistic and strategic matter of fact, the World Herit- issues related to the protection of approach. There is also a need to age Convention does attribute a YILDIZ / Sagalassos / Theatre / Burdur / Yavuz AAPC-2011 50 Actual Archaeology Actual Archaeology 51 role in the protection of world heritage sites to central and local administration, civil society, the local population living on the site, univer- sities, experts and media and recommends a constructive, transparent dialogue and coor- dination among all stakeholders. Did the World Heritage Program of UNE- SCO play a role in contributing to the increase in the interest in heritage in Turkey? The World Heritage Convention played a very important role in increasing the level of care, quality and consciousness in protec- tion activities in our country. Turkey became party to the 1972 UNESCO Convention on the Protection of World Cultural and Natural Heritage in 1982. Nine sites from Turkey were inscribed on the World Heritage List between 1985 and 1998. After a break of 12 years, this number rose to 10 last year with the decision to inscribe Selimiye to the list. This year the nomination file of Çatalhöyük and in the com- ing years the files of Alanya Historical City, / Hasan / Eskişehir ZER / Phryg Valley AAPC-2011 Bergama, Efes and Aphrodisias will be taken up at the World Heritage Committee. There are 26 more heritage sites on our tentative list waiting for the completion of their nomina- tion files. A decision was taken to inscribe four more sites, Bergama, Eşrefoğlu Mosque, Saint Pierre Church in Hatay, Eşrefoğlu Camii and the archaeological site of Göbekli Tepe to the Tentative List last year and ten more sites this year (Aizanoi Antique City, Archaeologi- cal Site of Zeugma, Gordion, Hacı Bektaş Veli Complex, Historical Monuments of Niğde, Historic City of Ani, Historic Town of Bir- gi, Mamure Castle, Mausoleum and Sacred Area of Hecatomnos, Medieval City of Beçin, Odunpazarı Historical Urban Site and Yes- emek Quarry and Sculpture Workshop). I must mention the role played by the en- thusiasm and perseverance of the Minister of Culture and Tourism Ertuğrul Günay in the preparation of the new nomination files and the increasing number of sites on the tenta- tive list. Works carried out in this regard contrib- ute greatly to capacity development, adoption of international standards and increase in awareness, especially at a local level. 52 Actual Archaeology Actual Archaeology 53 The Tombstones of Ahlat the Urartian and Ottoman citadel AAPC-2011 / Zeki YAVUZAK / Kars / Tombstones of Ahlat 54 Actual Archaeology Actual Archaeology 55 How is World Heritage de- establishment of a Directorate for fined? Site Management with the ini- According to the World Her- tiative of the Mayor of the Metro- itage Convention, the sites apply- politan Municipality of Istanbul ing to be inscribed on the World was a very important develop- Heritage List must possess “an ment which was also exemplary. outstanding universal value” and Questions arise in Turkey must have kept their “authentici- sometimes as to why UNESCO ty” and “integrity”, in line with the and the World Heritage Center criteria defined in the Conven- interfere with our business as if to tion. It is also important for the teach us a lesson. relevant States to commit them- This approach emanates from selves to continue to protect these not fully understanding UN- places. This means candidate sites ESCO and the World Heritage must possess a management plan Convention. UNESCO is an or- or any other documented man- ganization of which we are one agement system showing how its the 20 founding members. The outstanding universal value is to World Heritage Convention is an be protected through participa- international law treaty for which tory ways. Files prepared within we took part in the preparatory this context are examined at the process, which we signed and yearly meetings of the World which has been ratified by the Heritage Committee. Parliament because it served our What does “World Heritage in national interests, as it allowed Danger” mean? for the protection of our valuable This program is implemented World Heritage properties in the in order to draw attention to and best possible manner.
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