rro PORTLAND DAILY PRESS.. EOEEi SATURDAY FEBRUARY 1900. PRICE THREE CENTS. '^ESTABLISHED JUNE 23, 1862-VOL. 38. PORTLAND, , MORNING, 24, FROX BOER SOURCES. TWO ACRES BERT ED OVER. Pretoria IIMpalchri Report Slothing Dnpcnle la Utteotton. Pretoria, Wednesday, February Hi.— war bulletin baa CRONJE’S 4 HEROISM. Tba following official been leeutd here: Half-Million Dollar Fire "Report wna reeelred thla morning of oanoon bring weat of Ooleabnrg. in Philadelphia. "At Petroebetg oannon firing oom- metoed at «li In tbe morning. A big fight wee ei parted today. "llewet telegraphed yeeterday from Petruobarg that all waa qnlat axoapt One Woman Killed and Several Surrounded by Artillery the Boer Leader several oanoon abota and amell oklr- mlabea. Y ester Joy evening tba Brllleb atormed tba federal pealtlona aa far na Severely Injured. Refuses to Yield. Srbaoaer bat were driven back. "A maeaage from Ueneral Cronja Is to the effeot that bla low yeeterday waa four- teea dead and wounded. * Heart of Dis- " Dewet’s low waa nil." Millinery Commandant Fronaman reporta that trict in Flames. from February 16 to February 20 be wee surrounded by tbe lirltlab ut tbe If adder His Is In a Position river, when with a email number of men Army Covering be broke through the river. Un there was beery fight. Monday Bad Fires in Birmingham, ila. a Mile. The British prepared to lay (legs to tbe Only Square We Baer laager, wltb fighting general. and Loudon, ftnt. warn sorronaded by two tbouaaad Brltlan. flva miles from tbs obtef laager. At night we out our wag tbroughfwltb tba low of wren dead and atxtwn wounded. Thu low of tbe British waa l'hlladelphla, Keb urary 28.—One woman heavy. Ywlerday we out our way through was killed, eereral other person* wore General’s Wife Him in Vain to reach Dewet, who was la tbe aelgbhor- severely lnjnrsd and property rained at Urges hood. Jf tftr-tbree prisoners were taken, halt a million dollars was destroyed by a sad fifty -three prisoners formerly taken Ure which broke out tonight In the heart to Surrender. have bass forwarded. It Is reported that of the wholesale mllloery district. The tbe British were continually attacking horned district oorsrsd nearly two acres Koodoo Brand yesterday with Infantry and Tbo woman klllod, Clara Cohen, was a lenoars, but that Ibay were drlren back. seamstress in theempjoj^o^^lerrleand Uernard Cohen, 'ghe met her death LORD METHUEN AT KIUBEK LEY. by Jumping from the flfth floor. February 23.— Kimberley, Thursday, Among the moet seriously hart were Lord Methuen arrived hero Tuesday. He JLadysmith Had Not Been Relieved When will aot as administrator of tbe Kimber- ley dlstrlot, extending southward to tbs Last News Was Received. Orange river. UoL Kekewich will remain In command of tba oall foroas. The Issue of stage soup mares today. There art sixty-four Boar prisoners here. NEWS CONFLICTING. London, February 31.—Tbe Lonrento Marques corespondent of the Dally News London, February 81.—4.15 a. n.—Mr. “General Cronje's wife, according to telegraphing Tuesday, says: " Balfour aoaounoad la tbo Boom of com# of the prisoners la urging him to We are still In a state of doobt and Commons at half twelve this morn- ■urronder. 'loo much strata cannot be events In the Free put anxiety regarding h„ mrfe that no further news regarding lien. laid upon the Importance of sending State. We hear that the tetlegraph wire Quality ing them the in Uronje had bean recilred by tbo govern- oar goes of horeee for remonnte. The between Uen. Cronje and Bloemfontein leading Cigar ment. Ho had lent to the war oOoe necessity ot rapid moremant. whloh was has been severed and the news from the NEW ENGLAND. luring the boar and he asserted that grasped by Lord Huberts, has altered the front In oonUlotlng. A favorite in | nothing had oome to hand there, lien. whole campaign." MR. WILKISON’S SURMISES. every home, club, ICroaJe, therefore, le presumably still un- The Dally News assumed that the fore- or office. of choice London, Febr nary 21. -Mr Spense Every Judge beaten. No other eonetroetlon le planed going despatch refers to Wednesday Wilkinson, In the Morning Poet, says: cigars has upon the thru days' slienoe of Lord Heb- morning. More likely however, It refs a “From Boer dispatches we might Infer Dewat hae n consider- PERFECT CONFIDENCE In erts, to Tneeday. that (sea. gathered able force of scattered Boers at Petrus- Yet no ona ease how It Is pos- A from dated humanly deepatob Cbleveley, berg, abont fifteen miles southeast of Woitt & Bond Blackstones of 24 the HAVE sibly, lodging from the description* Thursday February to Dally Kood ooaraud, with a vltw of relieving No. Si Blackstone St., . WORRY AND CARE tie situation Wednesday morning, for Cbronlole aaya: tieneral Cronje. OVERWORK, “It Is that a battle la also .dm to real*I so Ions- wrest Britain “At dawn Tueeday wo found that thi probable raging la Natal. Anyway, there Is no FIRST EFFECT UPON THE NERVES. does not withheld aumiretloo fnr the Boers had vacated all their pcsltlons ueea fur- alarm. It le quite possible tbat ralor of a losing fight against such odds sioth of Tugela and were la positions after the light Lord Roberts may be en- the Boers whlob would "Bnglisbmea feel something like pride among the high hills midway between gaged in pursuing take him away from tba telegraph wires. NOW .■ even u a says the Dally and the liver, and making a Oroojet foe," Ladysmith “Possibly a big tight la prooeedlng. CELERY COMPOUND Saws. "In a position oovertng only a determined stand. Two creusot gone Lord Roberta may be Ughtlag from tea PAINE’S on tbouaanl to fifteen thousand Basra. This iqnare mile, hemmed In all aides, were In action. IS THE would account for tbe long alienee ae alt : I reled with a chain of fire from rifle, “All the British naval and other heavy experience hae proved tbat tbe battles oc- daslaa aad on dead- ware to btar the new Nerve Force. Howltser, played by guns brought upon cupy some days. Tbe Boers ere experts Makes Nerve Fibre, ly lyddite, bursting la Its own slokly position*. We believe that this show of at digging cover and Cronje. in hie TIME have risked a sortie In greea light, bis hastily built trenobea Boer strength was only Intended te cover desperation may tbe eight." to hare the old Furniture mflladed by a stream of lead sweeping a retreat. Yesterday, Wednesday, thr A. writes: WAR OFFICE SHUTS UP SHOP. I repaired and reuphols- L. Martin, Chillicothe, Mo., lawn the river from the north bank, Boere were retiring all day. General and S3 —11 20 m.—The tered. We are not so for and nervous irn. still eleots to fight. It It a Boiler continued to barrels them, com- London, February p. “I have used Paine’s indigestion debility, CronJe that It hae no news Celery Compound war offloe announces busy now and can do this aagniflcenl oourage." pelling them to give way." of hostilities In South the worn the strain of tedious, from tbe socne work at less than have found it a certain remedy. It rehabilitates system by lien. Groajs's wife la described by the The Dally Chronicle has the following Africa to give out tonight. expense , 100; advanoe la being opposed by bota big Homo people MO go to a olotblng ity, 10; state of weather, cloudy. London, February i!*.—A corrseponf Ora on both (Idas aa both ware geld eoeepted (nation, MMmmMHMMHttHlWHIiniin No*. 731 and 733 Arjh sTeet, oooupled by tbe true purpcee of the waa to The eipedtllon thoroughly tired and glad oast. eo eo Simon May, roanufaJturer of straw tbe welfare of the aaltrea,— object work of collecting the dead add wounded oherlebed that even If they Inheb- lne llamas spread to tba fourth deeply goods men wbeie tled a Sahara lorteiid of fertile Islands, to the proceeded and the alept they floor, also oooupled by May, and liourkc Corkran Addresses Meeting they would still be the objrele of benevo- Chance for te Show Its bad (ought the whole day. The aetlon BAKERY flr-b and alath floor# used by Harris and Congress lent bullets. waa one of tht moat faarfnlly oonteeted While remained an unde- Uiraard Unban, msnnfaotnrera of oloakt at Faneuil Mali. Imperialism a of the war. fined It waa easy to dooelve or at and suite On tbs liftb floor were half Sincerity- In the history policy, DEPARTMENT. least t J bewilder tbe br olalmlng doxrn young wmnsn at work, their es- The mounted Infantry did good work people for It all manner of ex traced t nary and we» out off and the only exit lafi stead I Wbat a feast for delicate appetites is liere! oaps and the Highland brigade fought If Inconsistent merits. Wherever there wae was to slide down n rope which did not and The whole foroa behaved a ohenoe of a reorull, bis top Impossible to conceive of a more tempting array of ready-to-eat oome within twentr-flee feet of the side- aternly. obtaining wae t > bit tld-blta. walk. The flrrt girl s'ld to the end of the wall. Sunday evoalna the cordon around port sought by appeals opin- of a Was Accorded a Great ions or ble no matter wbat tbsy tora and Into the arms Boon waa closed on ovary passions, And couldn’t to carry the list In your mlnd,lt’s such a long < dropped Price Has Been Raised the oompl-trly were you begin Udor let go of the might be. Tha ararlelona told that * oolnrsd man Clara alienee. A few Boara oama one. and dashed Mdi In perfeot trade followed the Hag, that la to aay, rope at n'lout the third floor othor Into the and coafaoaad Reception. Ibat there wae Id govtralng week Ho we won’t burden with It. But here's a to the 8 d-ealk, reo-lvlng among 100 Per Ct. oamp daring night prott | you novelty: Arbitrarily er faros. Tbe were a I Token log. Clara Cobsn were alrk of Qghtlng and that Uan. peoples by generous injuries they Informed that though traoe did net lol t ake. A sort of White Mountain mixture with three f leai cd from the bfth floor and lleed only aurrender. | Harlrqaln Cronjs waa being urged to low tne but fled tmfeve die of distinct flavors, vanilla, chocolate and strawberry. a few rnlnut-a. The others oame safely flag, always ; layers A 11 the animal! and the men suffered order and dlvoxataat, yet olelllaatlon down tie rope. 'i’hla building was toon A pound loaf of as delicious a cake as you ever put a tooth Into, 12* waa made It our duty to otrllMe Inferior races a mass of flames and the tire slaved to thr from tblret and It Impossible terribly eren If It a loaf. on tbr His That of a Born at tbe point of tbe bayonet, big six story building adjoining to water. A heavy thunder Speech and Meeting* Publishers transport Involved bnanolal lorn to oureohree. Tbe Malaaaea Cookies. Just as near the old home product as one east, ohoupled by Bowen, Dangan Newspaper oooeld- j tterm In the afternoon, however, man of violence wae enowa a plane where can get. And the makes home cookie cooking a waste of time. lOe company, dealers In mlllaery goods. This Orator. pries in New York. relieved their be ooold tadnlge ble propeaeitlee with- a dsiea. structure was also soon entirely con- Association ■robly eulTeilngs. out fear of any re draining polios, while ■timrd. this time tha buildings on tho Lord Kitchener waa pr.eent with the Cream 9r each. Come early Ily the humanitarian wae tolu that putt ag Pies and Washlaglss Plea. went of the building oooupled by May forea. lead or tteel Ir.t? tha body of a natlre tor these. John W. Culver and rompacy, manu- Ueneral Maodonald was wounded la the wae In lauded t« pot tbe love of paaae into facturers of millinery goods. Philip Hat Rail* Dally at 7 90 a. in. and 1.80 p. m. ble heart. Tbe lover* of liberty and of Importer of furs, a bleyole foot, but not severely. Boston, February 28.—Hob. W. Boorke Maitlure la balk, 12 1-2* a Quellwasaer, Ameri- tha gospel were told that our armies were pouuil. a of pneumatic New February 83.—Tha a the cham- llrm and mooufartnrer York, Ueneral Uronje force occupied Cockran -of Now York eloquently 11 ret .hlleh free Institutions and ware also In flames and oonld Publishers' association, lighting oarrlsges can newsfaper river bed. Our men marched splendidly tbe cause of tbs < nil-imperialists to tbe light of obrlsllan morality, not be rayed. To the west of these pioned spread most oT the large newspapers to overtake the retreating enemy. De- held in Fanoull hall at tbe rery moment when our Hag wae strnchares le the sight story bullldng of comprising at a mass meeting the throe unfurled over the barem end toe slave In mllllnefy of th# United State# for past a number of the tbs Anti* S. Abeles, wholesale dealtr serters any that great tonight under tbs auspices of clave CONFECTIONS. destruc- pan and a polygamous driver added wbloh narrowly escaped In oonrsntlon ettho Waldorf-Astoria their there were goods days L'oere lest homes. Imperialist le ague. Although it tbe clrll llet of tbe United Elutes. If Sfulamrs < tion. The contents were staked with consideration 500 peniids of nadjr. In this olty, (are thorough" Monday morning broke flndlng the In the audience who ware not in tbe humanitarian remained unpereundad water. The greatest losers are Bowen, many It’s not to say “all gone” to peop'e who come here for tills to the Increase In the of the adventurer and the pleasant Co Simon May, sudden prloe Boers In the earns plaoe, they having with tbs sentiments of tbe money-seeking tfolasiics C *t 10c u Imogen At *360,000; sympathy were tu famous Old Faahioued ,ndy. pound. ro*f tneroffor. The minister of religion relied upon j MO Harris At Btrnard Co hex, flsJA.OtJJ, white paper and the dns the constructed enirenob- fond to his Out); dortag night speaker, they ws»e f applaud outvote him, and if either of tbefe proved We’re trying to keep up with the demand. I jobo W. Culver At Co., fltil>,0"0; Philip resolutions were and a following passed meets round lha laagar w blob waa still and many tlmss bs was obligsd Intractable the other .were 6,0u0j Finley Acker, oratory .two expeotrd Paaorha, Walnuts, Maple Hugar, West I’aris Creamery Butter and QueUownsser, committee of the newsiapsr proprietors Smltb-Dorlen. The to overcome ble oppoeli loa. tiO.OOO The loaeos ore partially threatened by Ueneral to pause to give tbs bursts of applaosa Mackworth Cream, 17c pound. grocer, same to Con- U ut tbe exigencies of trade Insurance will personally present the rested after the terrible hard Imperious covered by Infantry fall sway. have the reduction of these street lire wsa In pro- few compelled walls ths Arch gress within tbs next days: on The mounted Governor S. Boutwell store day’s lighting Sunday. Former Georgs vaporous ptraees I > proposals of gress. Are broke out In the olething of or prsoltoal “Whereas tha prloe printing pal and a battery of horse nrtlllerj of tble of tbs Antl lmpovl- Tbe bill before Cougreee to of Sultbeoh & Co., at Broad street and Infantry state,president legislation. used In the United Btales who wee and tlx tbe condition) governing our eom Palrmount avenoe ICleyeo lirensen and Ly newspapers ■tarted to observe the enemy, a] 1st league, was tbs presiding oQlosr ORANGES. how- lnoreaaed In morels] Intercourse with Unit? Kloo, has one were Injored. None, has been arbitrarily price a but while riding around bs tbe 12 l-2e. pollosman bolding kopje, when appeared upon platform, lo lie an attampt to divide tbe too boxes of those California Navels, the sunflower brand, fllO.UOO; oo feted by to one hundred proved eysr, eerlously. Bras, from sixty per oent per southern aide of the they re- Mr.Cookran and Edward The • the kopje accompanied by plunder before tbe orutao bocaa. Orange*, at 20, SO and fOr. tnauraoce. reason or warrant to be osnt without newed a fuallade and were obliged he was a round of ap- result wae luevltxble and woukl probably to cut. #■ a urrvtn ui nf’lt' IHTUKKI) heavy Atkinson, given The fir ,t Invoice ot airawbrrrle* grown of the It- bavu been foreseen If Urosldenoe In hie found In the oocdltlon Industry to move further out. They sustained no plause. wisdom did not eometlmee oboosr to pro- February 83.—London'i pea nuu, London. Ont, one unity. UI W'U iur tbe Maaenlo Tem- thet (Ml toe ri|(Dl8 uj finest business blook, ‘'Whereas tt la the oomrcoa belief of c the men. 'The I lire tbls to order and delivered from manuscript quarrels of—well, pro- ple. was dertroyed o> morning. of a interests this Increase la due to the working* extended a considerable allotted ttoiud Interests and the pcl'.tlnal Ibe total loss will reaoh *810,100; In- that the kopje an addreai of aome length which MISCELLANEOUS. have ootne o blows. The unctuous com- te It tbe surance. *10 ) 000. Tbs building truat; tteirfoce, distance west gradually »e more cr less sloping applause. as** with which the Pres dent very of sweet or sour, 22 the Grand House, tbe Mn- that the American Newt- phi 2 quart jar pickles, prised Opera Unsolved, They seized a good defensive posi- This was the oase when he declared ueoelved bln. self wh»n he under- rooms and a doren ollioaa and plain. probably eonlo lodge essocluUon, r con- a war of InU syrup, 20cnbottl paper Publishers’ .-present tion, whloh was garrisoned. They that supremacy was passing took to pervert humsnlty Maple stoma. England’s hi* in this ease Dot only Its own mem- u war of conqneit, are Hung back In 1 lust tor White Out Food, at tng tinued tbe movement and completely away, which led him to remark that one Nuturday da) Pillsbur)’* BIRMINGHAM HOTEL BUKNKO. of the fate by his inctinous followers. The bers hot the a.'.OW) newspapers the Boer* whose left was held that the audience was not S for 2.1c turned might Infer purpose li no longer concealed to govern parhuge* Birmingham, Ala February 84.—The calls Congress to was , upon strongly by a farm hoose which vig- in favor of an alllanoe with England. these terrlirrios ui t for the welfare ol bluffed Husliioonv, cooked in butter hhucc, a nice relish, of a stove In tbs base- explosion gasoline an means of a their Inhabit tots, bat (or our was make Inquiry by speolal shelled. Tbe detachment returned He called attention to the non-partisan primarily ment of tbe Metropolitan hotel today orously is scut- Into the conditions above de- own proiit. Lovo of hninaulty a lire whlob burned that committee to at fall a garrleoo of the and deolared followed by camp night leaving character meeting lured to th<« winds and a rthirst for gam niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiioiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimii ard the Hewlett blook ad- to the end that suitable legisla- building scribed, on tba ridge. Meanwhile a desultory that thsli sola purpose was to defeat acknowledg’d to be tbe controlling oauslng a Josh of about $100,000 to this con- joining, tion may be provided remedy bombardment of the Boer poslllou was r.ullrm. At the oonclos on of his motive I te llag of civilize t!on is torn Tbe insurnnoe amounts to about three- Imp. dition of In the Interest of the down, ths Jelly Kogur tloat* trlumpbaut- loss. affairs, up and a good d> al nf rifle fire oonnen- be In trod need Hon. W. Bourke fcnrth of tbe kept speech on the brenr. The missionary »* best .oaroe of Information pro- iy publlo Irated where tbe Kssex were attempting Curkrun. who was nosorded a great rooep- d under foot, while the buoonneer* The news- tramp’., COLLEGE ALL MM. vided for the people to wit: tba river. A bout midday tbe The fd Is in the (ire, and BATES to rush up tlon. dispute. by L WILSON & the founds:* we can s»e W. whose loterest was the lie lit of the llame plainly CO., paper press Ueneral i'renob had arrived was that at a born orator Dry that Uls speech 11 holc.salc and Itetail Clioeer*, held In the re- nlut a hell -Lroth It is that these Imper- nml Banquet of Cnftitoerland of the republlo blghtsl down tbo ranks but the division was a even to those who Meeting passed and treat, ialists are brewing. our force When lia KXniAXCJE ST. County Association. gard.” operated out of sight of dllttrsd from his oonolasloes. When be We oan now examine Imp. rUlistu .Ml CO.\«RI>W NT., of I* directed to as It* The attention Congress Lord Huberts arrived he addressed several declared that he would rather "ten thou- not as Its opponent* desoritn it, bi t Telephone .10:l-S. Telephone 50S-2 now In the bunds of the ways friends present It. And remember this annual meeting of tfceCum- five bills und wss vigorously oheared. sands times be a traitor with Edmunds The second regiments is not Imperialism at Its w< rst, but !m and means committee, not nsoeesarlly to for be land Oounty Hates College Alumni blnrly In the day Ueneral Cronjeaskea and Sherman nod Hoar and lloutwell, periali'tm ut its be*t—net lu»j orialDm aid the tge of any of them apecllleal- to a oan- association took plaoe at the Falmouth pass twenty hours’ armistice In ordrr than a traitor with—well say, Hanna," u O.oatful, eeoure—but imperialism a tor ami but as evidence of great demaod refused IJoate for popular lavor. therefor* a ^ ^Sk tf’l" •?$. ■&> /9k betel last evening r.nd incident to this )y, Dory his dead. Lord K.ltobeocr tbs npplauie was l err ilia to clothed lu the 1. art repulsive garb which association some form cf remedial legislation, little later came another m so si go reference to the labor- meeting the njembers of tbe ird n Mr. Cochran's the o( iU can de- be Ingenuity fUppoitJta • wblob the we request would as tbo British had sent out geueral Invitations to tbe Inquiry with word to the effect that ing men and his statement that the ilgn. We toiler* that the entire and preliminary. to an arrnls- feature of this meas- YVbat effect such a feat of tbe lioers at Kinaherhy the tea of the Institutions now re- no more were Inhuman enough refuse of nobility in this ooaotry ought The illuminating to enforce tbptn. gradu mtion against trusts preeent* badge 'treat o (Jeuernl ag! ure is the proposal to hopes* t!i;orlu noti- declaration might hare upon th~ie who r t elr famous t'-rosje. Id fctate to them In a concrete than this, and yoor pe- ■loe for the purpose of burvlng the deed not to be the knapsack, but the dinner j but siding tbe join example dut os on eointnodiMss promeed in four ago. tut The tews paper* are rro-t reticent, the desire of Con- ng opposed the party yevrs invKatlana were t Itloners. relying upon Lienaral na other course but wts another sentiment that fonnd tha Standard and N«;vs omln.s banquet Many of the C’roujeaaw pell," Po*to Kleo sat-king access tj the market. wbe are now snxlous to support It la op- liiggorj In the Intensts of the » nive' to legislate from the audience. A this aud what ii tbe nec. s«Ty It will be time that General Cronje’s iovera#r>t b bone- and the evening was nry pleas- the to eurrender. (re act approval oountry, position to Imperialism, accepted ptople, believe you will accept oppor- of ths asser- the Uolal na lc •’increase# the motility of the In renew- of bli Lord Mr. Cookran mnsequenos this proposal, enuugh to dec He when emergency spent at the Falmouth to make this Inquiry In the spirit Upon receipt messege Upon being lutroduo.d, it conduct antly tunity tion that terrltorlef owned by tbs United At this time, I vsnturs to ex- burgher's nrray, enabling to the it Is demanded. to the Boer arise!. me oollege days of paet. In which Kitchener proceeded Longer soldi te of or more effective on a carefully ing happy States oan governed Independently prom the hope that some way other, operations The newspaper, It is fair to state, un- but are re- Fr vioiis to tbe banquet the bus'ness .0 order to arrange tbe oapltulatlon "No person who bar enjoyed the blov- bbe constitution. through Hr. liryan or In spite of him, prepared plan. Tbt-ro persistent like most other forma of industry, sells at State who an- It be that this nuxt cuhr attempt will have sn op- port# that the peat of the Kr*e gov- wa< bold and tbe following no >e wes met by a messenger of liberty aud constitutional govern- may the Amerioan people inerting a Paid price eDd ha* menus cf pot- ings e'rinent removed to urg. said that lo impose disorlirieating dutir*e »gatn*t portunity to pars upon the ([oration bring Wyare* officers were elected: ting the increased ocst on to the oon- tounotd that Ueneral Uronje ment oan visit the sacred pr c note of Its also said that QJUJ have Porto hIsaB products will be abandoned. whloh affects their government without it Js Kurgier# lee Sumner son er In many Instances It means the wes a mistake that Uen. President—lion. Cbm Cook, tbe whole thing cradle without bdng deeply ltnpreeord Public indignation may xevlv* the Presi- or dli treating side been seat from l*ady»mllh to il'onnfou- complete onntlscstlcn if prodtn, and In any complication 'SI. bad not tbe slightest Intention of with the oliararlcr of tha on whose dent's original notions of “plain duty." Issues. tetn. creates an actual lots. Jronje people .. Vioe President—Hey. John Carroll many otters It the Wor in for free silver would be desire of all tur rendering but would light until be virtues It reits may replace Department A dooiaratlon ’88. The apparently sinter* tbe dictate* Perkins, full narinonv with "highest an attempt by the Democratic party t WORK AMONG SAILOIJS. W to dam With the trust qne'tion, re- lied. "I am measure to be I Secretary and Treasurer—Scott llsoo, pails gratified beyond L»f honor and rest r«* tbe a kind cf political test its from the charge of prudence,’* Impose upon ’88. moves this Inquiry Ueneral Kitchener returned and ordered to contribute a feeble voice to of the and Means Com- slml'ar to the re- Is In- luvltrd ohnlrman Ways supporters, something U. -. and wakas It what it hxecutlve Committee—Hon. partisanship of tbe Boer which mute* to bJa better till and Hi better tests of darker days when a man to an In the In- bombardment poaltlon. the great principle* inspired ligion* of Vice Consul Kenllug al Meet- ’81; Rev. J C. Porkioa, ’8J; Scott tended be, Inquiry publlo iiut the fate of Ihi; meas- a or Paper Cook, tatter las and a howitzer bat- this ball self, whatever was net allowed to build bridge Tbomae terest. Three Held rotors have proclaimed frein of of M. Andrew. Wilson, ’»8; L. M Webb, ’70; _ can now obsonre the prin- hl« on ing Brotherhood were ure, nothing construct a road, unless opinions It A Mies 'The following officers re-eleotsd: took Id front of the than a P Smith ’74; Parker. ’85; tery position directly oow more century." on which It is drawn. Whatever trans substantiation or ceremonial wor- S. u Kauffman, Washington Mar, ciple Garcia Prescott, ’DO. and began n terrible lire the he said: course he adopted towards Porto with those of the hi. A. McCrae, Cinolnnatl Laager Continuing, 1007 ship agreed majority. At the Hey. John c. Perkins (resident; shells there is no doubt that the protec- At the meeting of the 1 troth*raced of banquet Tost, vloe president; W. C. Bryant, howitzer using Lyddite freely. H1co, UOUUHAN'S SPEECH. tive will la* snforoed against ths FOR WALCOTT. Andrew at Orl ans noted ns the toastmes er aud called upen ivdward I’. were seen retiring from tbe policy DECISION’ St. New yesterday, Brooklyn Turns, s-cretary; Tbe Boers of th« Tost, that the establish- people Philippines a Vice Consul the fullcwlug, who responded! Presi- Call, New Ifnrk Kveniog treasurer; trenches to the river bed In order to seek Nobody oan deny New York, 23.—At the paper by British Keating L of the pi.siti ju of the Demo- February nton executive oonnolrtee, W. McLean, a colonial this .‘-peaking Joe was rend Mr. John Coleman. Follow- dent Cuase of the co !eje,Prot. Sta oover but no oover oould be found from ment of empire by repub- Broadway Athletic club tonight, by Thtlr-dslphls Bulletin. C. M. Palmer, crats in the next campaign, be Bi id* tbe c llr. Thomas P. Smith tire. lic would work a radtoal change In our Walcott (colored) and Joe Choynski, ing is a very brief Abstract: of liege, Cleveland; A. A. McCormick, Cbloago [he accurate and deadly that ths silver While It Is obvious a bout, in the seventh wa ■ Men os met for 2f» round be what it IT I'EbUI UU4VU Iitiwii Wi K. Boston Institution*. may dlHur “J et a sailor’s religion iray, UI uun, Ttiiies-Herald: K. Whiting, The howitzers especially dropped political i n cannot enter into the canvass hi Doom quest round the referee stopped tbo bout aud he should net be excluded from any cf Mbs L’ora Jordan of Booth Portland. YY. Herald, C. W. Knapp, Repub- i.eriillr*. shells with marvellous precision to whether this change would be salutary of 1VOO, I think that ih# tuartof tbe parti Charles H. Boston Globe, and give the decision to Walcott. the bo no tit# or privlleg s of a Sailor*# Lewiston and Hon. A. M lic, Taylor. or but all that It will i* wedded to it. If in 1P04, the political H. Judkins of Leader. Into the very hoi of the river end the perntolous, agree Home or Institute, and It is my lirm be- Joseph T. Nevln, Piltshurg conditions be so changed that saocees 1j GarJlner. a nn expansion as Its eupport- RENOMINATED. that as are bast Bp-a of The Airertran newspaper publishers trenches net- soon llllel with terrible be obuDge- *1 el»otion would tbe MAYOR BOTTLE lief we. Episcopalian*, the prosldeuti carry work the tables were the fol- held the 14th annual ban- fis leading through liaed for eaob missionary among Boatel about assoolalion fumes and green smoke, but again tbe contend, prolitable oontrol of Congress, then 1 think tie Lewiston, February 3d —Hon. Ueerge at the Waldorf-Astoria. — — _ ... V On wlnwo cei\n*iiuii hotnht It liars. sdlors. The Rev. Robert Codnaac, Bishop C. Prof. J. quet tont.ht Democratic paity will again declare for wes renominated by acclamation lowing: Georgs Cbae**, '6S; and enemy held grimly on. Pottle hlact of wrote me a few day# ago Two hundred and fifty members « this Maine, John C. version as Its irvc coinr.j.o, »u;i buwi for mayor by the I) 'moorats of olty Y Blanton, Rev. Perkins, '82; In attendance. during tbe night deserters ar- opponents believe, leading and in hi# letter n# says that, the church guests were Agf.In to oppt-Bi them a« J was In W» 'i.'ho»o of la a largely attended caucus at A. M. *75; W. H. Judkins, ami try rauuy to hopeleaa tonight t« uiao a Mother In her attitude towards Hoa. Bpear, rived. lhey were terribly frightened through proiitltsi u§ who tbs Ut-iDoorutic randi 1st Col. C. H. mnde the oppo*dd City hall Osgood all sailors, for she regards them all as her Nathan W. Harris, '78; Edwin P. THE CZ AR REFUSED. their awful ruin. four did not do so merely ua whloh was seconded '80; shaken by expeiieuoe. They jean ago, nominating speech otilluren, and like every good wise mother tbe of the Is- a of Had !h« Chicago A. and D. J. *78; Thomas P. Bmitb, *74; C. February 24 —Tbe St. Peters- that bad water In abumt- Had people Philippine question coinage. by Hon. F. Moiey ex-Msyor #ba want# to her children out of Bnmpson, London, reported they of sliver at keep platform declared lu favor MoUllllouddy. and N. Blanohard. *82; E. W. Emery, ’9J; of the Bally Tele- were able to draw lands submitted quietly to be tiansfered rulsohiet, away from t»niptut!oue aha burg correspondent tnue, but only scanty sixteen to one, the oins minted under U mercantile tbe colonial loves to provide a home which her chil- George P. Emmons, ’82; R. E. Atwood, graph, says: front their lumper during tbe like assets, empire to be tender o; If for deLt arising AT RIVERTON. General Bosnian minis srppUes legal ENTERTAINED dren can feel and know b b*r provision U. B. 77; J. M. Kuropatkln, would now be an established fast, and under future contracts, the majority of •86;'♦ion. Closon, Libby, Boer nlrht. > for tcoJr welfare. She makee no «-*etarl- ter for war, who Is a string sympa- It m t*o uus ise Another of Portland young peopl Alton G. the known as Aiaerloan for a cen- us would bave regard**! party •71; Henry W. Oakes, '77; thizer, Is responsible for uU the recent T was tbe third day of General policy an distinction, not that she approves of oday but it would dot hart Involved was delightfully entertained at Rlvorton, F.Kliner John movements ol Russian Loops In the would hare been abandoned com- proposal, all the dlfl*r#nt sects, but she ignores Wheeler, '99; Pomeroy, 99; Croale'e lmgrleonment and glint resist tury ueneee so serious aa to bave dilvsn the He the ocnsq last evening. 'The entertainers were their existed*'a. There is nor a word in Lilli to H Cora Kushx district obtained ap- and Irrevocably. 'Ihe American nowever. It L Keade, *83; Keade. scoe. this utrrn'ug the Inlantry pletely us out of the ratty. Wtjec, an unnamed whist olub uf the council for a plan Early members of the book which condemns or proval of military tho subversion cf a change In the prayer Pennell True, ’94; J. lx. P. Rogers. '88; submitted In tbe bed or the people might present Was proposed through whloh Mr. and Mrs. Albert H. Hinds sect. The Mother church to seize Herat and be therefore engaged river, driving a recognizes hDj of the oountry to effect change ■w^wu neoanlvuril MfH fltlll Mr9. Mrs. John A. that It their system, but they would be oulnage J#bn A. Jo#es, '72; Jones, It to the Czar, suggesting would him back a short dlutanoa. potltloal then most of us In existing contract*, Frank Leavitt wore tile com unit »e lu be s while hands to It. Ihe anolent j. by b pnsm, and then try hor brat to help O. J. Butterfly Id, '99 Ernest L. Palmer, good time, England's The morning sun disclosed tbe Boers porerl-ss prevent belie led that the euocees of such an at- tied In toouth execute charge. them litre to their baptismal profu- were Africa, to, constitution te a memory to oher- be a fatal biow a* orderly up 99; Alloa E. Lord, ’99; Jed F. Manning, like ants on entrenchments might tempt would After dinner the party numbering the whiob be said could be done tolling of contracts sion. Albert B. plan, It would no be n possession to government. i be t»*ortMin»<* In for a brief ’98; CharLs J. Nlohold, ’90; without a hi ch. mound their Imager. A few shells were tsh, longer forty. Indulged dancing “In 1897 at Portland the Consular is toe vital princlpls of industrial co- the remainder tbe Czar declined to defend, lint tbe refusal of the period, and then devoted me*. and discussed the advisability Woodman, ’87; A. B. Littlefield, ’fc7; “To his surprise llred to them from continuing Klllplnos Iju. Industrial co-operntlou Is Corps prevent oper*! of the overling to urogram me whist reoreatlon roo’es for the Alice M. Andrews Woodman,*John Btlil- any countenance to any movement to delivery tho sale of Is of establishing give tb- work, but meet of tho day was quiet. ratify by peaceful commerce, and eoinmerue civilisation. horns and hatchets Mrs. John Gertrude L. In favor of utilizing England's diffi- souvenir Wa.hlngton seamen lu port on non-ctctarlan prtnol- gis, MS; eaurgis, themselves and lbs failure cf the Linltod If oan be used to destroy or the of ‘It Is In- General French's artillery was beard oil governusnt were distributed, and inatoblng and a committee wan to Miller, ’96; Gracia Prescott, TWi; May culties. His Majesty said: my contrasts it can be used olples. appointed stuns to eubdue their resistance modify once, their colors aided In the seleotlon of to be Hallowell Perkins, '98; Goldsmith liaJl tention to maintain ths rtrloteat neutrali- to the cast pr.sumably engaging she army ilovorninent is UnU suitable quarters This proved again fjr that purpo*v of Bessie C. ’98; G. il. the war notwithstanding have frustrated all to forestall partners. a very «.isy task until the owners the ’98; Hayed, ty thrcughouJ Boers’ reinforcements. attempts to mill'd mainly to contracts, if Mis Willis A. Harriet A of to- |m>te:t The prizes waie wen by were reached, an l wulle they all Sonant,ibby, *89; P. Libby, ’91; th e display popular sympathise notion of the on this he used tj destr them, It 1m building was given the Boers the people qmstlon It can jy per- Mr. Charier Cook The eon- of a tinll- F. Gilmore, ’92; Katie F. M. Gilmore, K. ward the Boers.’* Every opportunity Cates and agreed that the establishment oonoern. Xo his ever- verted to the Tsry purpose which H is or- Carl h. Li mi M. to but when towards afterncon of vltul national tola) Ion prizes fell to Mrs. Willey or*a Keoretion room was a much needed J. Winslow, ‘93; ley Wtbb, ’70; surrender, to and that would be Rcmjooh Lair COMMISSION. credit be It tbe American ganized prevent, and Mr. Frank C. Allen. and laudable all with one excep- Clara L. Webb, Duy field, PHILIPPINE there wad no sign of any snob intention lasting said, whether we were or project, anarchy. Now, right such rooms In P. K. A. as tion objected t3 having '90; Augustus Norton, ’96; 28.—At the cabi- Roberts determined to crush onoe soldier bus uot rraved effective for tbs in this boi ling it as we Washington, February Lord wrong behalf, A as they expiain-d, Parker, '88; Nellie R. Jordan, ’8b; Ellen l not M'KIMLKY MUKDLKfcK their building, fearing s reelstanee. establishment of despotism as be as lean did, the issu<* presented to us was c’afs F. Dora *90 Mery net meeting today, some time win con- sad for all Ueneral Uronje that the congregation of each a Bnow. '90; Jordan, irresistible In tbe delenss of liberty. whether one 111!uncial system wai better £3.—ihe second H. of Un tbe south honk cf tbe river at airangc Philadelphia, February injure the prestige of th-*ir build- Frsoots Angel, *90; Leonora Williams, sumed in a discussion of the personnel of momentoni Issue than another, but wbetcwr tte founda- "eas'eru confer- might of about two thousand yards, thne Held The deolsion this day’s session of the Fortunately *91; Scntt Wilson, *92; tbe new commission. It wo. ing and adjoining property. Philippine is reserved for the ballot lux, and hap- tions of social order should be preserved was charac- own* were com- batteries and two naval twelve pounders ence,’’of autl-lu>l>erlali>teI « was louod which was d The executive committee the staled that the Preeldent bud sent tele- on Imsus do honest reso- building On the north hank nnd pily the ooursc of events bss operated to or saorlhoed and that terized by the adoption of u strong oonsentad to its mittee of for tbs tanqaet. to Gen. Lnke W right of were positioned. by a lady who not onIj arrangements grams Memphis throw suoh a llood cf light upon It that man could hevilute. While we beli ved condemning the expansion policy also A. M. of Gardiner in the snllladlrg t.hs whole river one bowlti.tr, lution us-d for that purpose, but who Hon. Bi»*nr and to Mr. Hrnry C. lde of Vermont, see it Involves, the was no being Held battrrles and three navel 1.7 every voter can Just what that platform revolutionary of the udnilnstrutlcu. oonoeeslom in th** rental course of his remarks that * them to 0>>mc to for torso made substantia) suggested asking Washington the watchful favor of Provi- one ever doutted for a moment that the Lui the seseloa President Moaln- of the of the will guns were placed. Then follewed tbs through lug wnlch the committee with tie elate organization graduates a conference with him, and they the harvtsl has been revvnlid be- ;n mil dote who stood upon it was ani- crltiei**d »o«J held permit'©) wonderful scene it wee ever lot dence toy wm Wterely various merohants throughout college be formed. This idea at once doubtless be asked to aooept appoint- most my of aid of the fore tbe seed has been commiHid to tbe mated by the loftiest principle* patrio- lor the "criminal oosv met with favor and a committee was Ths lost re- Co witness. personally reipuuiiUU tbe cJty, to lit up the saaman's ap- ments on the eommlS’lon. tism. Index!, h!s virtues mule his can- of the Tbe lyddite sbellsioleed ground. aggression” country. now known as tbe Seamen* pointed to take sups towards the forma- maining member of the commission will exploding discussion of this doubly dangerous. Violetta prin- to the quarters clouds of green smoke, completely Until very reetntly didacy Several of the delegates objsoted Recreation and Heading Koom. Concerts tion of suoh an organization. be Mr. Bernard Loses, profes- great are never formidable when sup- name on probably river. has been embarrassed and confused ciples* use ot President Mohlloley’s at least once a In the universi- All lng the bed of the Shrapnel policy when are held In these rooms sor of political economy the Impenetrable obscurity which sur- by vicious men. It Is only the that It was unwise to In- burst on tbe edge of each batik exoept for by ported ground week, the talent being furnished In torn WASHINGTON’S BIRTHDAY. ty of Callfcralo. rounded It. Its refused to de- are championed by misguided virtue Into a resolution of a short spaoe where tbs proximity of tbe supporters they sert personalities the members of the various ohurcbea 'Jh> cabinet also discussed tbe situ- and that become form! table. If we were by was observed mads It Ou fine It themselves whlls they resented they that nature. with the work Washington's birthday by ation in Puerto Rico with special refer- Brit lsh Infantry dangerous. in the city. In connection every dallnllloa attempted by confronted now with the choice between Thoss who favored striking out the ©an do a church to tbe shells s.'arobed every bush and every ra- repudiated of in this direct ice, we the Immanual Lutheran under ence to the lisue of food suppUee has been a and the Involved and laymen vine of the river bed. Tbe rnUladlng others. Imperialism alwuys Imperialism principles name of Mr. MuKluley objected, deal the sick in hospital, the of the Ladles’ M isslon dettltute. The instructions to the Philip- I do not hekitste great by visiting auspices must done terrible exeeutloa. form of piracy, but plratloal ornit sel- iu the Chicago platform, Frank Htoppics of ibis olty, answering and the seamen in commission were gone over at some guns bave the Bax** thv fallen In prison committee con- pine dom thtir true colors while In to aay that 1 should pursue said: to society. The programme T roar was deafening, yet with a display the objections, these rooms. It is no unusual thin* he, In while I man who Is length. now and ol civilization. This Bourse that 1 did *flo; because. *”lhal murderer Is the that the.r of Mrs. T. A. Lidbaok and Mrs. _ cf desperate madness sight Imperialism hear tome men complaining sisting spirit under exami- as fatal to this form the snagie that rests the Boers would to of oars wl lie It remained regard imperialism chiefly to blame for do and to abound in B. Tobie had 1 the again, attempt enlpe the abilities to good arrange following very Kelif-f in Six Hour*. a nation tbs Amerloan tried Co of I regard Chicago this country and bis nan.e should a the naval guns which were tiring at by people, government, upon works of ohaxlty, are cramped within line which was enthusiastic- assume of an aa destructive of all govern- not be V programme, and bludder dlseaese of one thousand yards The long eveiy anpeaianoe expedition pisiform removed.” narrow though their inclinations Distressing kidney range should some anno criti- sphere, received: Two vocal solos G. H. batteries bsloued forth death tor the ounvurrim of sinners The crew ment, and 1 prefer govern- Senator Hoar came In for extensive. Now if ally by roller,d in six hours by the “NEW Una of three 1 admit of are very large and eaoh elde two battalions of used the language of the hymnal, al- ment to wo government cism, Several of the delegates deo’ared in earnest thia mbeluusry Lidbaok, Miss John Lldbiok. GREAT SOUTH AMERICAN KIDNEY while on lay believes these men nra pianist, tbe of thslr voices and Bourse, that Mr. Bryan honestly that little assistsnoe could MV-xpectod will not ba CURE." It is a great surprise on ao- Infantry whose Uaxltus sounded petty though strldeuoy work calls for charity which Vocal solo by MBs Lolty Anderson, ted the the free eolnage of silver would be as him to bis stnunot support cuunt of Its exoeedlng promptness In re- beside the big roaring guna What lose gesturea augge hoarding gang from owing expensive to themselves, and yet endear Anderson. Vooal solo rather than the oholr. ooncunUd ot n^licial as 1 believe It would be dan- pianist, Miss Ida In the bladder, kidneys and the Boers suffered Is not known yet. They ot the President. V ! them to tbeir fellow creature*. Oar lieving pain the of violence under the But anr*ly it would be useless to Mr. Alls* Georgia Me- back in mule and female. Relieves reten- There la something traglo In the stern weapons garb gerous. In Maine asys: ‘It 1* distinctly by Clark, pianist, disc use tbnt before the people ALAKMFU. bishop If reslstanoe which General Cronie Is hope- af religion—a few of whose missionaries question THANHVAALKKS under the mother’* winy, Crum. "A Monu- tion of water almost Immediately. you decide it. The 'afmen's work, Addraes, Lasting Is not to toey had on board. When tbs when they can't adoption and no man should wont relief and cure tble Is she lessly effacing. It Impossible deeoysd Thursday, February lot we are all Drotbers Rev. A. Aaron. Some quick and more out showed n of the Chicago platform this year would Lorenzo Marques, or ment," by patriotic & hU hut all condemn the younger Iwpat n»- *eo brother homeless or olnblese left remedy. Sold C. H Gappy Co., admit pluck, is hi* 1 by to oast off and to be merely a profession of belief la cartels gg —The Transvaal government songs were sung and a splendid supper 4b2 wickedness cf uselessly snort Hclng tbe disposition wlrgolae alarmed at the de to the mercy of saloons and brothel*.' Druggist, Congress street, Portland, financial not n serious to be seriously Uvee of hie brave followers. app-'or lo the usual equipment of thslr doctrines, proposal portad •b joyed. Ms. misceujutbom. _ maintained tbs Men __MuciLunon'1 '■■■ ! hand, have always ——* f— FREE T» MEN ,LLJtLM^^ RENT SELF-MEREST. that boms Interests should be protected, and ft ll natural and Inevitable .sat tbs Rcmark»ble That A Most Remedy mass of tbe Hepubllnan Oougreusmen Quickly Restores Lost •hooid readily listen to a eomnlainl tb«t Catarrh and Ylpror to Men. i boms Interests and boms labor would Motive Behind Porto suffer from free trade with Puerto Hloo, A Free Trial Package Scat toy Well ta and especially with the Philippines. All Wlio Writ*. There la another problem, also. Money ol a moat temarkabla Rican Bill. Free trial packagt s Is rvqnlred to administer the new Inland remedy are being mailed to all who will It Is realised that American writ* the State Medical Institute. 1 hey possessions. Consumption for |Bi®wMovj«'Aijq cured «o many men who had battled improvements and Amerloao progress mental and yeare against the pbj»l<»l have been pons Ibis In oor own oonntry be- suffering of log manhood that the ln«l- CAN NOW BE CURED. on nee of the earning power of the tute has daolded to distribute free trial large Is a home I>< bate One of Most in But la Puerto Hloo packages to all who write. It Interesting Average Amerloan. PP^isj with treatment and all men who euffer and the Philippine! the average man has form of Bexual weakness resulting tho first In any lout in Years. only a beggarly Inoome. In bis present For time the history of this country the United Irjra youthful folly, piematnrs low of vari- state he can hardly for the States Health show a reduction in the Are a 1 strength and memory, weak back, pay Improve- Reporta great Gentle, can now It la cocele. or emaciation of parts ments which he already enjoy*. death rate from these diseases, and st home. cure themselves thought that every device of osreful tax Tbs has a peculiarly grataful remedy alien be needed to raise money Soothing Purgative I sffoat of warmth and seem* to sot dlreot wlj* to for to th* desired lucntloD giving strength Matter of Precedent enough ont of him pay governing It Is needed. and development just when him. Than tbe Congressman think the and their use nil the Ilia and troubles that is not B It cures It. present bill neerssary; If tba government “HYOMEI” from of misuse of the natu- Against come years to Into Its own followed B ral functions and has b**n an nhaolute suo- In not to bo required go by griping the Stale eolonlal administra- NEW Is the are cecs In all cases A request to treasury to pay for The DRY AIR GERMICIDE given pains. They pleas- ■ Klkeiron Hord- Medical loslltute., 4tU tion, “I cannot go to my peopla and tall whole credit for this reduction. that you ant to take, and will H ing, Ft. Wayne, Ind., stating I have voted to tax them to frae them that desire one of Ihalr trial packassa _ cure ■ will he oompllad with promptly. The President's Recommendation help support ooloulae," Bala a prominent quickly Institute Is desirous of reaching that Htpibllosn who Is very urgent for the On January 5th. 1900, an editorial regarding this reduction in death rate appeared in the t’nited claw of men who are unable to greut Also a Clog. preeent bill. This Idea In hat lag a great States Health Reporta, from which we quote the Following leave borne to lie treated and the frae influence. will enable item to see how It Is “ Sick I ■ample as the on Headache, to be oared of sexual weakness when We, highest American authority health, The the proper remedies are employed. The position ef tbe President Is the makes no restriction*. Any sanitation and have made an into Institute bn rueom- hygiene, investigation I aoon-aloos feature. Although Heartburn, will ha sent a free man who writes UrrriAL to Tit* runj and oarefolly sealed In a plain pack- mended free trade tbe Kepnbllean leaders this matter, find that this CERTAIN CURE is effected sample, 81. —Tbo debate age so that It* reolplent need have no Washington, February of tbo House rely on bis support to bain “ of embarrassment or bae been to far the inhalation of the new HYOMEI,” I fear publicity. Puerto Hloo bill by In the the bill to levy the tariff. Tat bs is evi- germicide Constipation Headers are to writ* without requested one of tbo most Interacting that bae oo- dently very reluotant In the matter. therefore, upon report of our entire medical staff, we delay. Hoiiee for yea re. It earred In the man/ Probably ha would not objeot to seeing and that miserable B ha* been In uo et-me a pro forma debate. extend to “HYOMEI” the full editorial and official the bill teoome a law. but doea not want sickish feeling that ■ At no time bae boon able to pre- MAINE TOWNS. anyone to bn responsible for it. If It sbould be endorsement of the United States Health with either tbat the bill Reports.” is the forerunner of a IB ill ct oertality, defeated he and would might probably Such an endowment (never before given to any treatment), and the fact that every Outfit Local would or bo defeated outright. Xbo Item* of lutrrrat Gathered by Our pan bs foroed to oall an Congress to appro- of Hyomei is guaranteed to etire. or your money refunded, should prevent any further experi- bilious attack. B or*ton bare been the abieet member* of menting on the part of persons suffering from respiratory diseases. lorrripoudcBtft priate dlreotly to earry on oolootal gov- the House, representing the greatest ernment. This would not be a pleasant HYOMEI ALOlfB 18 THE ONLY CURB. Plea days’ traalacsl sat free ts all safferers. You’re all right if you committee, and on both aldot the/ have if or safe move. This uncertainty kkkneuumk. political Hvomel is sold all druggists or sent mail on of Complete Outfits, fi.oo; a labored to carry coa(lotion to tbalr bear- by by receipt price have package of as of tha Kxscutlvs Is Trial Outfits, THB R. T. BQoTII CO Ithars N V. B Feb. 21.—After oon- to the position #jc Kennebnnkport, ers rather than display their own ora- of these Little ■ two tbs principal, almost tbs only oanse Pearly •ultattoo| lurt Saturday between the torloal Mr. Bereoo aooompllshmeoti. tbs an to the fate of the MIL Pills in the electric nnwrtolnty Georgia llenduni, Arthur Byron, Bony with you. S parties Interested propoaed B. Payne, He ubplloaa leader of the MUSIC AND DRAMA. from Bld- Tba twelve or fourteen Kepubllonn* Harwood and Frank Lamb are In Mr. road to run through this town House, led oil with an abla and ladloliue who no donbt would dwindle to two or For saic at all druggists, 25 cents, or it was that a Drew’s support. ^B deford lo York, agreed speech, wbloh hold the attention of tba mailed by H of all three If they were deprived of tha con- meeting should be called la of Mr rathsr un- GEO. W. MUN HOE. special Bouse spite Payne's are ST. ALBANS REMEDY CO. Informa- eolousneaa of tbe pretext that they OBITUARY. Interested, to give the selectmen cf He dlsonssad theatre bad a sued at- attractive style vatory. ton President. Portland good St. Albans, Vt. of the oltlsene of ■tending by tion as to the feeling the general polloy the bill, leaving to tendance last night to we Goo. W. Mon- to the looatlon at laid the town tn regard subordia. tea the task of treat roe In bis mirth wash lady MRS. SYLVIA P. GLIDDKN. his able Tha that tha bill establishes -provoking —- argument UU* Vy iUV CUglLUJl and constitutional details. Mr, a oomedy brim lug legal at the eoloolee as sub- Mrs. B. O'Shaughneaaey, Mrs. Sylvia P. GUdden died suddenly selectmen the polley treating was wbetbtr the Hlobardeon of Ton nesssa, Bern from start to flu lab question James D. bat le the foroe that dla- foil of laughter last svtnlng at Ibe home et her daugh- to jects has foroe, It •bould be Informally lnitrucled grant Mr, can tbe Wholesale W. PERKINS & CO. ooratlo door leader, followed Payne. Tbs and If one judge by laughter ter, Mrs. A Dale E. Tom peon, wife of Agent-JOHN Petitioners qulete rather than prerents. strength the dealred looatlon for ns. Mr. Hlohardsoa makes no at Mr. Munroe orealed everybody was pretense of Immediate national self lnterset>weepk that Thomas Tompson, 28 Woodford street, for another route were represented by He reads tbs por- Mr. Mnnroe will give a oratory. usually greater whom It a fair satisfied. I Woodford*, aged 68 yean. Mrs. Gild-1 and tbe along all upon gets hold, Lawyer Walker of Blddeford, his set a there b noth- this afternoon for tbe tion of peso has,and or Demo- special matinee dan's home la In Presque Isle, bnt she bad been whether they be Hepublloaas railroad conrmlsslonera ap- or ornament atont what ladles and ohlldren wltb ••00000000000-0000000oococ# ing of rhetorle la this foroe that tha hill beneOt of tbe has bean vlaltlag bar daugbtar durian dleonaelan waxed but crats. It gltet pealed to. The hot, he The snbstanoe of hit apeeoh this evening. Within few says. Its against the written recom- tbe final performance a part of tbe winter. a days waa known that to re- strength when it definitely was a serions and forolbla argument W. I WILSON & CO. mendation of the President and against .NOHTHEHN LIGHTS •he has been troubled wltb plearlay, bat 8 | 8 first of the oompany late tbe request Mr. to be serious. against Payne’s position. the of these who hare at heart the bill of tbe Elroy It was not thought meant to lose the road this year at least protest will be tbe opening The legal and constitutional branches afteraoan she was net hope that oar mission In the Weal ladles at the Portland theatre Yesterday quite Ibe very unanimously •nsk oompany large meeting of the were treated most forcibly as ead at about 6 o'clock she was subject and the Hast may ha unselfish and en- DU. The talented well voted to oounetl tbe selectmen to sign the on Monday, February for the aide by Mr. Daliell a fit. She wae car- Hcpobiloan nobling, and who feel that a discriminat- Burke will be seen taken with fainting this waa done them at onee I actor Mr. J. Frank permit; by of Pennsylvania, and by Mr. Cheater ried to a bed where It wae found that tariff will not be In aooordanoe with advantage »s John Swlft- tod all with few exoeptlona are happy euooeeda the bet- ing to excellent Long of Kansas, who friends of the tariff aha was dead. Mre. Glldden was born of tbs en- that Ideal. Tha MU, the educated Indian. Tbe eoonery over tbe prospect. Approval but far lew able Simp- wlng, ter-known Jerry other that tha and In Branewlek when she lived about has been Bldde- on the hand, argne pro- lor this la all epeolal gineers' location given by son. Mr. wrred In tba Mtb Con- production Long of their bill wlU be bee* for the of tbe Little 26 years. Hsr husband was Barker B. Tord Kennebnnk, Wells and and visions frem photographs York, and male a speech. By this painted a a gress single aa for onreelvea. notion of Gllddan, who died about year ago. when the relectmen or the Port sign Islanders aa weU Big Hern Valley where tbe road to te In the middle of speech and hla subeequent judlotons to Decides her step daughter, Mn. Tomp- op»ratlon|by tbe play takes place. In addition will be The work will ooat ha made an Impression on the a Miss Hattie 8 July begun. Bllenoe, as re- uhe lsavss COFFEES The eoaOlot le aa Interesting the has add- son, daughter. OJ new eeeaery tbe management gToO.UO House, whloh was not lost whan the a student at tbe Gorham are sult will te important. If Puerto Klon ooetumee, fine E. Glldden, Mrs. K. H. Moody and son Ned under and ed a wealtb of gorgeous Populist wavs swept him a Mrs. J.D. Wilson visiting Mr. and Mrs. Bean. alone were oonoerned. It la probable that and lntrloato mechani- Normal aohooli sister, to the 65th stage aooesaurles I known as sent Jerry Simpson Congress. The Methodist quartette, little would be made. Bat baok one of of Bwaball street, and two nelcer, question cal effects, making the oompany Tbs Arlone, gave a fine ooncert In Ban- In that oampalgn Mr. Heed want to tbe Phil- Davis and Mn. Bolman D. of Puerto Hlco lies the tremendous on tbe road today. Mrs. Annla ford House for Hlverelde Lodge, Mr. mak- tbe most oompleto Opera Wloblta (tlstflot to help Long, cooeomltant Waldron. Then will ba at tbe K. of P. last Friday evening Uev. C. ippine problem with Its will be matinees commenc- prayers there the In whloh he told the There dally X NSW PROVINCE. 8 kverett Bean delivered an address an ing speeoh Asiatic laborers and lta house 2 p. in. Tuesdoy. The burial will cheap possibili- Xueeday as usual with this oompa- Sanford men express them- people of tbe dlatrlot that daring Sim p- ing Isle. "Chivalry.” ties for competition with Amerlean In- will be ladles’ night. ba at Pnsqua BeRinnlnsr floiulny n Cup of IIol Coffee from above famous selves as mush with this cele- had been ny. Monday Q Q pleased son’s inoumbenoy they repre- life. With that In or their anniversary. A recep- dustrial problem view, PIANO KECITAL. MARTHA A. BRACKETT.O A brands will he served Free Dnily to callers at our afore 1 lit Ex- A bration eented by ohkos. When Ur. Long returned tion was tendered The Arlone In K. P. the dutlea of American statesmanship— A si corner of Federal. X this he was On evening at the realdenoe Martha A. Brackett died in Westbrook change reel, hall after the entertainment. to Congress promptly placed and first of all to con- Wednesday whloh must ought Mr. are E. T. Boston. xc Installation on even- on the and Means oommtttee, an of Mrs. J. H. True, State street. S3 years 7 months. These Coffees paoked only by Cowdrey Co., Masonle Tuesday Ways sult American Interests—are not so February 23, aged ing next week, laaao Goooh W. M„ K. honor. Me vindicated his ap- Harold A. of tbe Feelteu Piano- at 1.30 from the O are put up In ■ One Pound, New Mylr t un, easy for n V unusual aa would bo Lorlng Funeral Tuesday p. in., They S. Gilman S. W., W. F. Goodwin J. W. plain to Congressmen they however, the powerful forte eubool of Boston gave a very enjoy- her Mrs. Daniel woman lo linudle, and In 5 pound cans for Hotel uso. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Goodwin of pointment, by if Puerto Hloo alone were oonsldered. home of daughter, Q Q he In behalf ol were tills were the of Mrs. D. argument which made able reoital. About forty guests street. A We nre sole agents for vlclully. A Lynn, Mass., guests 'The Hepublloan oaueos for ooneultetlon CohaD, Cumberland VI. Goodwin one this week. Puerto Hlcn a bill On the other side day tbe the situation and make present. continues to may enlighten See matinee at Fort- Fiernten Laavey Improve a memcrnblc made by Claude A. At ten o'olook delicious refreshments Friends, Tuesday speech of the bill smoother. At steadily. tha course pres- The Swanson of a spare, blaok eye, were served In tbs room. land Theatre. bnlldlng Is a boom here. Virginia, dining Snip taking ent it le troubled. wltb David Clark a email barge Democrat, who baa to use were beautifully decorated In the yard of wiry yonag tables KUMPOHD PALLS KY. REDUCES L. WILSON & been W, and a good sized ferry boat have tbe most vlgtllaot activity to kwp him- PUB WHIPPED TUB MONUH8L. pinko and azallas. The follow- § C0„8 deybreak PARES. begun. Chaa. Ward hat nearing complet- V Wholesale aud Iteiall self from being turned out of his seat by fierce between a programme was given: Orocers, ion a 2U0-ton barge, and baa ths contract A dog light mongrel ing of the Portland and who is Sonata in D The management for another lift) feel This work will a contesting Hepubllosn, always and a took In Monument Haydn, Major long. pug place have for come summer. In A-Uat major; Ma- Kumford Falls Kailway X 112 EXCHANGE ST. X keep all the yards busy for the on hand with ob&rget that Swanson has at four o'clock after- Chopin—Vales square yesterday zurka In A-mlnor- Mazurka lo C- weeks bad under consideration the means of South- past Telephone Stfd-it. A been seated by approved noon. A gentleman was at that time Mezurba In U-Ual major. HARRISON. major; question of reduolng Its losal ons way ^ ern methods. Most men with oonteeta on down Middle street with bis png Uonlzettl, Sextette from “Kuala. Feb. 23.—Mr. John L. A. walking to a basis wblob will be more near- Harrison, on Chorus, O Star of rates Feb- tbelr hands do not take great part along behind bla. When Wagner—Pilgrim’s OOM Waterman, who died in this village dog trailing uniform between elation* on all por- ••OOOOOOOOOOOtOOOOOOOOO Ur. Swanson Is an able ex- Eve, Mnroh. ly ruary 12, cams to Uarrtaon In lbi>6 from the door. near the Brown blcok the mongrel dog Ur leg—lob llebe dlob, Lyric pieces. tions of Us line, and on March 1st a new Mechaoio Falls, having traded farms He followed Ur. Hopkins of the For the first few Bohemian ception. pouaoed upon png. La bier re. Capiloe rates will Into with the late Albert Gray. Mr. Wotsr- aiiiuiu schedule of puaeenger go Illinois, who had closed with a glowing minutes the had the better of (Janus, uuisun runn was at one time agent for Samuel mongrel Almost effect. business at eology of the President. taking the but the pug soon planted hit Spring, doing Lynobvlllw oontest, "THE TYHANNY OF TEARS’* oonoeselon on the part a of the Illinois man’s ^Thls voluntary North Waterford. Mr. Waterman the lust word ont teeth In one of the front legs of tbs non health te sold bis farm and will be at the Jetfereon theater OI (OS rurtmuu BUU nuuuwiu falling, mouth, the young Virginian deolared and bad It not been for the Interrup- pretenbed to the where he and hie grel John Drew. The fall to ba moved village, that ha took the door to Tuesday eight next by war oannot highly appreciated estimable wife hare resided for several dramatically tion of several bystanders It seemed oer- and Sales ol n Tbit from Mr. Drew Its all along tbs line. the Puerto Hioan wbloh announcement by patrons Saturday was a staunch Re- polloy wonld have been Friday years Mr. Watermnn support taln that the foot le of commanding Internet. The Nee if llicse tbe President reoommended. Tbe hit, ohewed off. A crowd which gathered on always PETIT OFFICERS OF. NAVAL RK- It's n good Idea to tnve money. price* the re- of tbe dav. He was honest and reliable was the dean, the wholesome, won't your Nunday dinner. whloh was palpable, londly applaud- the scene was well that the good, help you. Buy In bia athloh him many pleased the Intel- BERVEB. dealings, brought to that freshing, the pleasure-loving, no ed. Mr.Swanson prooeeded argne smaller oame out winner over hie frleoda. Mr. Waterman baa ohlldren. dog ag- work Is General John T. Rlohards 0 lbs for 26c 13 to Kin to of the Amerl- leot-eattefylng In etoge expected Adjutant by Carolina Rice, good, Fancy Turkeys, There are no relatives In tbla section. according ths principles gressor. 8c lb tale actor No. fixes tb* number 11 lbs New Top Corn, 25c Lean Smoked Shoulders, Mrs. Waterman baa been provided a home Kloo moil nave rree end realized where polished Speolal Orders, S3, can revolution,Puerto 0 lbs Raking 26c Best Round Steak, 12 l-2c lb with Mr. Tllleon Waterman, a nephew Will meet Portland Theatre Mon- and bis associates are oonoerned. The and ratings of tbs patty olfioart of saob Soda, Intercourse with this country,and that to you Rest doited Meal, 20c pk Hamburg Steak, 10c to 12 l-2o of the deceased living at Meohanlo Falla. has now Narsl Haserre* of the N. U. even day tour which Mr. Drew begun division of 10 lbs Best Pure 85c Mr. and Mra. Waterman were known by tax her without repreantatlon, night One bbl dinger Snaps, 20c Lard, will be the longest of his career, contin- S. U. as follows: On* boatswain's mats, 25 aud .15c Roast Pork He lb Harrison people as a very worthy oouple. though the money was to be spent for the WKSTUKOOK bKMLNARY ALUMNI, Choice Cooking Molasses. gal Loins, the summer and ex- first to rank with first of 40c and 50c 7 to 8c of the would be to re- uing until late In class, sergeant Kino Formosa Tea, 110c, Forequarter Lamb, beneht Islanders, members of the 18c 6GABBOBO. notions to the ons first to 18 lbs Fine $1.00 Best Silver Skin Onions, and of i'i'he tending to the Factllo Coxsl. "The Infantry; yoeman, olass, Sugar, pk vert to the policy prino pies Ueorge of Westbrook beml- 10c Salt Fat 7c lb Corners, Feb. 22.—The storm of alumni aeeooletlon of Tears" will be the play rank with aeregant of In- Home made Saudrkraut, '„np to *88,41:4 07. Is It sny nothing given and / did not speak above a whisper for wound ores two Inoboe long, laylag tke wonder that the rate of olty taxation is own merit. nearly 13 years. flesh to tbo bone. Horn la aald to orten advanced 1 Do not try experiment*, bny what i* known to be reliable. Mrs. Pink- / was treated by five local physicians open and afterward consulted leading spe- have followed tbla up with another at- Our oonrta of justloe, whlob repre- ham's Compound can do all that is claimed for it, and all statement.-* in sent onr Interests as well si — cialists of N. y. They diagnosed my Prosecution's Doctors Had Im- tack, hot It did no damage. Hheanme’a judicial regard to it can be easily verified. For instance Here are six letters which as that fane bled co that hla oiotbaa scooomto In pert, may wall ask "Why la case partial paralysis, slating frightfully prove our claim*. the left side of my throat was entirety portant Differences. were saturated. He went home and told llqcor sold In Portland to open violation the side so. paralyzed, right partially hit family and Hose waa arrested. They of the lawf" Why are not tbs majesty Backaoho and Womb Facts About Two Oases Ovarian Troubles Tor years l have Always nearly right suffered found blm at boms sitting lu a ebalr and dignity of the law maintains 17 a severe stomach disorder and Troubles Succumb to of of the Womb Yield to E. Pink, from eonnd asleep with both hernia oovered in this connection It may ha rtdevant Fatting Lydia abi'ut a year l decided to Dr. f. Plnkham’s ago try to to the minds of Lydia Vege- Tale with blood. When he waa awakensd bring yonr randan, Recovered by Lydia E. ham's Vegetable Com- Williams' Tint Tills for I\opte. Bangor, K* lirtiary 83.—The Sargent table " I set forget, oertnln sections of the Compound. stomach trouble was relieved, and saw the two big oIDrers, he went they Pinkham’s My trial cp-ncd today with tb* cr»t of tbe I have been for ten an In- Vegetable pound. rat health became im- Into a kind of Ot to whloh he Is aald to Maine Law. Wa quota, years my gen greatty hi* with female and the I had been in poor health for defend. P. H. Ulllln, Keq., began laale er valid weakness, proved and to my surprise I regained bo subjected and the ollloere had a bard "All places used for the Illegal Oompoundm nt V o’clock nnd tbe remarks of all torture and pain I suffered no tongue twenty years, having inflammation of control mv local / have opening ware keeping Intoxicating liquors, plaoaa I suffered for fifteen without of organs. Hlruagle with him. The bandeufla I never one week years lasted for one boar and minute*. wbue Intoxicating liquors are kept, slid can tell. spent in ovaries and womb trouble. used bines of the pills and last twenty and I tried but Although five finally pnt on, but be atlll held book or given away, drank, or dlapensvd lo the ten years that L was free from finding any relief. doctors, November I aloud the first Mr. Ulllln went orrr U'ajraaeeuUon’* treated by physicians, I could not gain spoke for all the way to the •tattoo. any manner no* provided by lew, are trouble was inflammation seemed to do me I I am now end man- fought police pain. My nothing any good. time in almost 13 years. jt priilenoe In n entrffuf Vm:)Oent non:moo nuisances, and whoever main- strength nor do ray work, and was so Hose's sister and other members of the and congestion of the womb. When I had of the womb, leueorrhnea, years age and have full control of my ner and told the jury what lha defen** tain* one la punishable by a One not ex- falling and tired of life. A friend of bad fits and there was ex- commenced to take your remedy I had low-spirited voice. family alto ceeding one thousand dollars, or lmprlt- In the back and head, and those proposed to (how. Mr. Ulllln’* perora- been bedfast for some time under the pain advised me to take Lydia K. Pink- Mrs. Harrow A. Brooee. citement enough tor awhile. onnssot not more than one year. A (Signed) tion wm dramatic nod hod n risible treatment of two of the beat bearing-down pains. One bottle of ham’s Vegetable Compound. The first Sworn to and eutreerlbed before me IbU remember tenant guilty of this offence forfeits his physi- Rees oould not this morning bottle me, and I wrote l»lb day of May, 1S'.M, Ypsilantl. Mich. effect on tb* Jury. right of and the lendlorwrtad me wiilioul *tl»f. I forbid all tbsy artist*. Is prohibited, hut this enumeration does day lo her or rru*t lier on ac- me relief. I suffer no I have taken ten bottles, and my person* harbor my ly unreliable Tr. W. L, Hunt of this not pretent other liquors from being con- years, but now I feel better than I hare given great count CHARLES 0. STOVER. The following was tbe programme! and I medicine friends are at im- testified tbat he went to the town sidered Intoxicating. since a child, and it is all dne to Lydia pain now, give your surpri.sed my rapid Powuel, Feb. tali. 1900.ffblii.llw* city Overture—Bridal — Mr*. W. H. Koee, Tbe statute expressly maxes It the duty K. Pink ham’s all the Mrs. J. P. McSpsd- provement,” Walters, of jrtvtaon during this present month to- Portland Ladle*’ Oroheetra. Vegetable Compound.”— praise."-- of tbe mayor and alderman, selectmen, Miss B. Stevenson, O. den, Rosenberg, Tex. Cold Spring Harbor, L. I. N. Y. exhum- May Alliance, gether with Ur. Nenlly and alter Vooal Solo, Selected assessors and oonatabloa. to make oom- BATH REPUBLICANS. M lee Lon tbe body of (Jslraby, examined It. Harding. and proaaoute all riolatloaa of the ing Cornet Solos Selected tbe wbten It will filalntate, and the duty of the sheriffs, their i*t W ord CancHwi Las! Tbe etlee bone of splue, I.en* Haneon. Kom(nations Mr*. deputies and the coanty attorneys to an- be remembered cannot be found, was at the DID YOU EVER Evening* Heading—Aunt Nabby Sym- foroe the law diligently. Upon a failure missing, together alto three other verte- phony Concert, of the sheriff'e to perform this doty, the Mia* Mary O'Neil (Pupil of Mr*.LowelL) are to tree. |To-s> doctors removed tbe remain- eovunor and eoucoll aotborieed Hath. February 23.—Tbe Republicans Violin Solo—fifth Air Varla. a oeonstable therefor. to the of the and have It In their appoint special stop compare present b*!d their ward onuouses bare this eve- ing part spine Mis* Therm Leprohoo. And with this lew on our statute booke double benefit liberal Accident at the present time. The a, Overture—The Cavalier, ning and male these nominations: possession a oopy of whlob may be In atery person's policies of today, with the oaae whlah b, Wet*—On the Wave*. ha so In Fernando greatest point In the wholo hand If wishes, there were. ths ega old-time limited benefit Ward One—Alderman, K. Ladles' O Portland Orobeetra. Oil out la tbe of the year ending In February, 18U9, 2,618 ar- 7 WllKum M. has been brongbt point — technical bums beforo the Potue; oounoilimn, Spark*, Heading Prnelopla'e Christmas rests made In Fortliud. Of this number Vernon D. Mitchell and Edgar M. Potter. neck. Ur, ■ J‘REFERRED dislocated Yesterday banger Ounce, 1710’ were for drunkenees and Wai’d T vio—Alderman, Samuel K, thtity-fonr and Di. Woodoook. who made an antopey Mrs Abner Lowell. for aosrob and seizure; baring 7si arrests Feroj ; oGunciltni u, Silas LI. Dnnoan, You Wen on tblrd of Vocal Solo—If Here, for no doubt In Cures William W. Robinson and Frank H. on tbe body of Qolmby tbe lighter offences, whloh, (Rheumatism entered the field. Urs. Adrian* Ounton. oas-s, were oommltted while under Turner. November last, teetlflsd directly opposite many Ovs rtnn, Selected the irllaenoe of liquor. Oh the pity, the Ward Charles H If Is llrttrr now nut Three—Alderman, from each ether as to what they saw. Carclotto Orchestra. tbaine of It. There are who shake their heads and such-and-such oouaciluien, Fred W. always people say things WE DID IT. Meson; Coombs, raid tbat he eaw the seo- Vocal Luett—Come May wltb All The Oltlo from a and Ernest Mitchell. Ur. Wcodoock League aoolologleal Arthur Passmore Thy flowers, can’t be until some one comes and does ond vertebra dislocated In tuoh n map- point of rlew sake tbe oft-repeated ques- none, Anally along those very things. all the other have Waid Four—Alderman, Albert J. Mira Harding and Mrs Unnton. V^«r Nearly companies tion: “Whyte our Maine l>aw rlolated been forced the Cnr fkrrki* com- Mm tv; counoiJiren, Edward Johnson, per that the odontoid was forced Science and by process Heading—Christian Cook- each of tbe three hundred and rlxty- Lots of folks said it was to • cable across the Atlantic petition to leader—The PUKKKUKEU Hoacoe P. Ham and Herbert O. Morse. day impossible lay ocean, followitbc behind the transverse ligament aud Ur. roaohot, tlve? The ooodlllone that exist In onr —hut it stands the insuring public in hand to Wnrd Five—Aldarnian, Seth T. Snipe; Mias O'NleL W. came the The I'RFFFRRFI>— ssld that be saw no suoh condi- Mary city are a msnaee to lie wall being and then Cyrus Field along and patronl/e company— councilman, Edward li Smith, Henry Sanger that mode the other the Vocal Solo— Lullaby Song, Ucol oltUenehlu oan oarer prevail In Its companies give W. White ami Davie Hatch. tion. Uoth agreed taat there was a alight }/ublic double lumefiU and liberal contracts, Ml** Augusta Sohnmacher. beet sense whlla aaleone are being al- did it. Just as many people used to say ( Ward Six—Alderman, Charles J. Daln; the displacement of tblrd vertebra. Orerturo—Golden Scepur, lowed to run without let or hindrance.” conn oilmen. .James Jones. George W. rheumatism could not be cured Tba wortblessaeee of tbe evidence and Portland Ludlrs* Orchestra. And the churches that stand for by external Dean and A- Coombs. lastly, George the and truest In the community, Wsrd Seven—Alderman, Charles H. tbe fast that tbe part of tba tplne show- highest but sinco Oil came to Yon go to see tbe Elroy company. the larger pait of tha a], menu treatment, Omega oouuollraen, Isreal tbe dlrlooatlom bad not been combining Oliver; Kastman, ing pro- of the secular of wbloh H, Lemont and Hubert U. Mc- organizations, town to William duced the was PATHETIC. they have admit were by government, brongbt we nave spoken, with the spiritual side, they wrong. C. F. DUNLAP, Carly. the see men and women ont by tbe defence In u telling manner. HaliowelL Me.. Fsbrnary S3.—The repeat cry. They Oil does cure and one long, ghastly procession, going down Omega rheumatism, State AU the who were put upon Hemcorata bald a oauona In the Agent, SAPPHO IN COURT. pbyelolane tonight Into Chrlsths* with senses so graves, there is no from that fact. tbe stand toitlfled that no struggle City ball and naolded. owing to the slight blunted with tbe deadly poison that getting away could have taken In the source foroe has to SO EXCHANGE possibly plaoe Intjres', manlfe tod. by tbe party and tbe any earthly power You be one of those who still have STREET. Public Not Permitted to Listen to Pro- turn them aside to ears them. And the may boat without tipping It over. Ur. Neatly fact that tbe elnoe ltJUl had Republican* pooroipbaned children, with the letroos Portland, .He. ceedings. was asked If In hie one man doubts about it, but you to be will- eotltf opinion placed an Indebtedness of from $17,000 to sin cursed ;eUln cf alcoholism sg their ought decjl oould have broken tbe back of another $.0,000 cn tbe o ty. It wee beet to let them heritage, orylog In the etrsvta for bread. to it to a fair New 83.—'Ibe It And the barter In human souls on ing put Ycrk. February question man In tbat boat without tipping over. oontlnne In power. The oandldate se- goes of tbe as lor many years we b«ve lorsed to the will of tbe Immorality play trappbo "He oouldo't do It without either,’* In the It either stop your rheu- lected to bead tbeir ticket person and admloletratlve forces In onr Wallaok’e theatre judicial IF WE preambl'd al by Ulga was the reply. clean of Htepheo J. Hagerty was too and city for a reform. In them la the power matic pains, or it won’t, and Nethereole and company «at up today tbe latter of the afternoon Uurlog part worthy a men to be foroed to face a de- vested to turn end overturn the liquor In tbe Centre etreal and a crowd two were who were We cannot quit) eymuablze it will not cost & fortune to court, witnesses Introduced and nfu eed to any ticket corruption. MAKE feat, they plao* with that "lass of our ottlzenz who zey ea«er to hear aploy testimony was In tbe boat on tbe on tbe aft-moon pond In tbe field. that the whole barul trouble lies with tbe it and see what The ruled try just exactly pra.ent. magistrate, however, of tbe 11th of August together with tbe people themselves, that they do not care YOUR that no onn would be allowed to attend man wbo teetllled for tbe government to make the prohibitory law enforced; it will do. tbat when It must bo done, it exoept tbe prlnotpale and oounael and that he saw two men In a boat near they say To the Editor of the Prest; will be. We cannot nuderstaod why pub- I hare been a great sufferer from rhsu- the moutb of Uoodwla'e Brcok at 6 matism, and before a CLOTHES llo Briitimrnt eitner r.r or SKCtnit a sending for bottle Woman's Christian Of Omega Oil t|i obilircj to nemos were to be aumitted one at a time. o’clock In the evening of tbat Ibess Tie lemperanoe measure should loflueooe the officials lo give up day. work in the factory. After getting the are certain of »lx thin?*, viz.: ana kladrsd chari- ore * you Tbs crowd quickly melted away. two witnesses teitltlod that they nelth- Union organizations, the pertoiuian.-e ot duties whlou bottle, 1 u»e4 it tvrico. aaoieltrelief. That the material is I lie best ot the they atuums when I lie doors of the private examination table societies, t oe rd ot overseers, oourts part obligation After using the third time could walk, obtainable; dim., illJ I.mines take the solemn and oath run or and the of Civic churches, they binding Jump, now, after uiing and Ti the room were tben close ). In a side room justice. League, great writer that It remainder of the am back aft iuiuiiug*; sl>le "This is truth the poet slugs of office. It seems to the bottle, and are Is sold work. I most hsartCr recommend workmanship were several well dressed women of re- That a sorrow's crown of sorrow small, asking why liquor the whole olty wore hostile to the prohltl- very liilem; Is STmega Oil to aby one suffering pain honest; III ami Hie lined wbo had been suiumoood remembering happier things." lo Portland. They represent the beet toty law. It ought not to lessen She re- perfect appearauoe from rheumatism no 1 did. ami from start to The W. C. T. sponsibilities that are plaoed upon these Pi lee (tight. as witnesses. They said they bad been Isn’t that what a woman thinks who Interests In the city. U., ISAAC CARTER, man. When a person has lean proven Man. tluish you ure Hie Judge. finds herself laid aside in the as humanitarians and moralists, ate Smiths, "dragged late this matter.” They pro- practically guilty ot a capital oBenoe the people do Shall wo make your next suit? of life ? A few of home Tour telle Omega OU, or tected that they had been induced to sign bsyday years marriage, centering thslr test effort la the not demand or even advise the guardlena druggist a of children, and she is worn out. of tbs lew to exeoute aentsnoe can get it for you of any whnleealo • an of couple to preserve Its Integrity and purity. prop.r petition regarding expression not Beware of Imitation And as she lies and upon the criminal. Would wo tffink druggiat. green toleranoe of the as not of the Their motto Is “For Clod and Homs play proper weak and suffer- sueh a oondltlon cf things altogether un- oils. Aik for Omega OU, and taka morel but bad not desired Natl vs Land." They ara “organised warrantable!* standard, they ing, she remem- nothing else. The Omega Chemical love.” Hat the seller Xbe traffic la the most to be summoned aa witnesses. The case bers the days, mother liquor liquor Industry Co., Boeton, Mass., will mall a bottle W. L. cm 2S£. con- powerful Industry In the world, in port, 46 FREE STREET. was at 1,16 o'oloek until Wed- such a little with hie tlrsltss energy, bis greed, prepaid for 60c. in cash, money order adjourned only tessi'te It I* therjughly Intrenched In to the heme vrsste and bbUMdtf nesday. while behind, tinues lay laughs the advantageous position that Its Im- orotampa. when she as he oounts his vlotlms The llrst witness oalled was Hebert tiptoed within himself mense revenue brines It. It never sleeps a 1 onr the nor reels. It Is 11 Ms okay, n reporter. Abraham Hummel, top by the bnadreda and gloats evsr his ln- keen, alert, aagsr-ayed rail of the worm seize every point ot van tags and follow lawyer for Mira Nethersola had bar rend orsaslng business. fence, as active It up. Portland saloon keepers eie Sappy a from the where she Our oh art table societies, whleh reprs- In wealth and Influence passage play says and blithe as a their Increasing she will marry the man who le the father tent tbs purely hamanltarlsn side, with Xo whom shall wo look for promotion i squirrel. M. E. O. PAINTS: of her ohlld. said he did their eieelleat system and methods, lias to Purs Oil Tinted Uloaa Hired Maokay not But there's Portland. 1900 Are you going paint this Srlngt If m, Lucas* Half February 22, will make kome beautiful. Switches, Wigs, think It Immoral, lie was then exonaed. wrong ipnlpmeut of sffiosrs and money are taxon Putarts your something Lucas Floor Paluts hard and are durable. shout this condi- to the awful deso- dry Tee testimony of the next witness, Ksv. to tbs utmost repair NEW ENGLAND MILE TRACK Practlral Palnta for practical people. Wigs and Front Pieces tion are Wood Mtalua and Kuanirl Pho h' dealt almost nxoluelve- One word lation that the destroysrs of the home DATES. Loons Colors pure aad strong. Lucas Perfect rfannaftri, a and see our and our of all made to order and la it — Paints harro world-wide reputation. Call display get styles kept with the where Fannie expresses bring in their train—poverty, dieeaee ly part Legrand "unnatural." Boston, February 23.—Informally but prtces. stock. la carried up stairs by Jean Gaumla. She tad wretchednsss unspeakable. Fine work, low price. It's na- from the dates selected, against Hoard of Overmen tn whom la judging quite Goods scat by mall od denounced that part. Whan she was ex- ture to The approval. be In the of the mile for of the soon am lo in- effectively, managers Send free illustrated catalogue. cused oourt was adjourned. such a condition. vested a large part tracks In Maine, New Hampshire and It is the unnatural drains, the Irregular- most* of tbs olty tally realise the sltae- CUOICK STOCK OF WOOLKNB. , met and talked H. T. HARMON & CO. the ulcerations and inflammations ilnn and am tiling mrefnl thought to It today ■RKDtl, AGRICULTURAL TOOLS »d WOODKI WART. Paris Hair ity, over a for a circuit. The datos are Lovering's Store, Han ben K. Dyer, the m» reliant tailor, wnich sap woman's strength. Cure these We oan do no better than to quota from plan 1999 Washington 81., Boston. and health comes back with all its baa jost received his spring stock of Joys. aoerstary Baker's last an nisi report. as follows: CORNER EXCHANGE AND FEDERAL STREETS. fob 13 eodtf Diseases of the delicate or- i.baoMdu woolens wbioh are now ready for lnsgen- womanly “In oar report of last year (’98) ws on d Old Saugus, June 28-3*1; Read villa, are and on too baldest lor She tlon. The gtoek le large and well seise tad gans positively permanently It bad hi year poor July 2-8; Dover, July 10-14;Old Orchard, cured by the use of Dr. Pierce’s Favorite end the most sxpeesive one for their sup- L. SAWYER’S and contains nil the latest novelties la Old MISS A. Prescription. Thousands of women are port that had evrr occurred In tbe olty'* July 17-21; Rigby. July 23-28; and domestic fatrlce. In his be- n foreign spring on record as living witnesses to the truth history, bat tbe jnf Just put Saugus, July 81-August 3; Dover, August ■till more for although we and ovnraatlaag hs has all she newest shades oi that statement. expeesivr, 14-18; School of Shorthand Typewriting the you wthout ranoh being doe 7-11; Rigby, August Readville, In severt cloths, and also the new Oxfmd Sick women are invited to consult Dr. began on bills previously oontraoted. tbe appro- August 21-20; Old Orchard, August 28- Outrnnlal Block, 93 l£ichange;8t., shades In wool end Vlennae. Pierce letter without Maine, diagonals by charge. Every priation was very ntarly exhausted with Old Portland, letter is held as and its .31; Saugus, September 2-6; Rigby, Now le the time to make your selections private story the payment of the bills tor Noeem Thorough Instruction given In shorthand as a sacred confidence. All an- • • • • * The frm ladnleoaos September 10-14; Dover, September 17- &c. for n spring suit, pair of trobs-rs or an guarded ter typewriting, correspondence, swers are mailed In private envelopes In tbe use of Intoxicating liquors, deso- 21; 23-27. Cent Collars. isnugeodtf overcoat as Mr. Dyer baa everything that Iteadvllle, September bearing no printing upon them. Address lating homes sod making It Imperative new and his ere be Beat in the market for In up-to-date end prises Dr. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. that wives and children supported at FINANCIAL BILL REPORTED. for best ex bos bean a growing font reasonable quality of work and Mrs. H. A. of Austin. Lonoke Co.. public penes, Re- the The Pi’et are Avful alsbrook, let Severn I Washington, February 23.—The money. material. Ark., writes: "After five mouths of great suf- are tn onr expenditures years I had suffered for 1 write this for the benefit of other suffer- pats, but never more plainly maolfmt. publican members of the conference 110 13 years. Was cured fering the same doctored With now Fur tbe let- UKAVKN UP TO GONTHAUT. ers from sfijetion. I .hen tbe year ending. committee on the Unsocial bill reached CUFFS 3 for 50c. Easily, Quickly our fsmfly physician without any good rruulta, ter olssa end their exlstaee in this com- 18c, prs. audSafrl) 3io Pali* so husband me to Dr. Pierce's an The Democratic Knife or Bath, February 23.—Reports received my urged try munity there Is no excuse whatever, for agreim nt today. Or Risk. Neither talgMt.srr. medicines—which I did, with wonderful results. Harmless Operation and Complete Re- If existing lew were properly enforced s conferees were cahed in and stated their here from the naral trial board which I am completely cured I took four bottles of lief. Give me your address If you suffer, aud I of tbe on made the ran from here to Portsmouth Dr Pierce's Favorite Prescription, four of his very largs pelt publis expense isition to the bill and without fur- Will tell you how I obtained Safe and Speedy of this evil be o;p 237-239 MIDDLE ST. thst new (loldeu Medical Discovery1 and two vials eoeouDt of terrlb.'e might let 3d KTu.Thtf K HI.I K P- Send Stamp Address yssterdey show tbs torpedo boat " his 'Pleasant Pellets evened. ther formality the bill was ordered re- K. U. 8., Bf 446 Lt u Utus, Ms. Uraven tilled her contract require*ect< __ The Unven is now at Portsmouth. Dr. Pierce's Pellets cure biliousness. In spaaing partlcole-ly «f the “entails ported. nov22lH.th&*ati meeting won then dletribnt*) and ad- LIlHlRf UHL journment doaa fallowed. A meeting ef Iba aabool room deaera- tion committee war bald a* lira.Moody's, IHg fernery street, yseterday aftaraooa, aad varloee email appropriation were rotod of oortala of fer tho members In eherge 1 Important Meeting schools. There ware IS mam bars present, who are anxloia to bars their affairs Directors Friday. well arranged before the annual meeting. MKfellNU OF MAYHATMA CLUB. 1 Ibe Maybatrua olub held nne cf tba Can sell Sheets and Pillow moat latsreatlac masting* of tbs season g of Wilh Monday with Mra. W. P. Carr of Ulea- Slips made up in first-class ^«fxtioH Mduhersliip wood street. The club presented their g General Federalion. hostess with a bcautlfnl bosquet of Shape at prices of the ploks. Altar earns very bapplly ehoaan g qiKtUloas from noted anthors, Mra material ? I Janies Stephenson Had a highly aatvr- Ittlnlng ealutatory addrete and alio aa tba of Margaret l)o- to Continue and article upon eabjvst Voted land’e childhood. Other popart were Our immense purchase of 1 reao and discussed, after wblob, a dainty Dues. deoora- us Pay Up lunch was served from o prettily these goods enabled to s ted table lo the dialog room. buy at a great reduction = The Progreetlve club met with Mrs. Curtis Slmoeds. The programme In- from usual prices. s and Olher Events A Lecture cluded College and Correct Event, lo- Announced. ti rest I Dg article* on Harvard and Smith dlmumloot fol- wars read, after whleb An cream of tartar SATURDAY, FEB. 24, lowed. absolutely pure | | The Mutual Improvement olub will js We shall place on sale a large quantity of Sheets and Pillow Slips S meet a 1th Mrs. Z mas Thompson, Mon- it sells for 8 CENTS S at very low prices. |§§ of interval were ali- at IS I Pearl baking powder, yet Many quee'lona day afternoon, February 80, £§ Variety of cottons, sizes and prices. All well made, not ■ afternoon at tba dlrec- ■treat. Roll eall from the In enated veaterday Appendix when laundered as are torn waa A POUND LESS than because it s reamy they (not cut). s tora meeting of tbe W. L. U., whlob the Manual. others, of teld aa uaual In tba auxiliary room He wise secure seats for "Kurtbarn = Hotel and note tha Y. M. C. A. building. is NOT MADE BY A TRUST. Boarding llouaelteepera 5 abeenoa of tbe nights.” a thia ad. is Owing to tha preildent, _ % Uhi lmx lilanehard, Mra. Uaoar Wiab, THE SAILS HOISTED. aa rite prealdent, very ably Oiled tbe chair. New York, 78 Hudson St. Hiring Ihe C'euvaee Tbe reporta of secretary and traaiurer 'rile Know Shaltrn CUSHMAN BROS CO., Boston, 34 Central St. Our of Owl I Opening were bcth acoapted, tbe latter etatlng Dried Venlrrdny. | Philadelphia. 125 So. Front St. that tbe balance oil band waa Il'.O.WS. on of was 600 F N. W. 2 The report of tbe committee raioln- Tba clearing weather yesterday Selling Agents. Washington, St., will continue through Satur- tlona telatlve to the death or Mlaa Cool- a pleasant oontrnst tr the fearful etorin flcCance Block. HIGH GRADE Pittsburg, our room wblob had the bafore and was day in display on 5 tdge, waa alao accepted. wagad day | Tbe roll call rhowet tbe preaenoe of i3 waloomad by all of the people gladly the socond floor. You are 2 delegatee and tire ollioerr. eloog tbe water front. About the waa alao that tbe dele- wharvee were tied Halting vet Nctloe given up many NOVELTIES all cordially invited to attend, s gatee of the U. K. W. C. tor tbe Faria tele the orewe ef wblob Dually angagad Kxpoaitlou would IWW JUDO IDIHwl ineiBWITCB UUUU| UW v> | eml for that reaion it has so as to sbaks off all the « — of September, hoisting nils — keen decided to abandon tending any dense masses of snow which bed aooomc I mutter (tom the W. L. U. to tbe expes'.- lated In tbe starui of Thursday. The day tlon, was. In faot, taken u a good time to dry Eastman Bros. & Bancroft. § Tbe president then retd a letter from the nils, although one veteran mariner —I frb*24«m S5 tbe treasurer of She U. F. W. O, relative ssld that It would have been a great deal dues to had WESTBROOK. The Wost ^iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiii to tbe vexed question as to the better for this purpose If the wind T. F. FOSS tbe General Federation, about wblota been in another dlreotian. As It was, Central t'ZPreble and theta btt keen sj much discussion. An however, everything was satisfactory. MAYOH RAYMOND RENOMINATED. e 1 was then taken In order The white sells otuld be seen looming tnferm roli;call Tb* Demooratte mayorallty oonrentlon Location. & SONS. Congress Sts to find ont tbe general fentlment of tbe up In the air from these vessels and Of the advertised as high wee held last erenlag at Odd Fellow*' many preparations members In to this matter. the was a one. On Comroer club regard sight pretty ball. On aooonnt of the Foresters’ ball It It showed a large majority In favor of re- olal wharf and at Portland pier the ves- was necessary to bold the conrentlon In tbe This question sels crowded one another qnlte Merely taining membeishlp. Ireassrer Kastman's otUoe. I. D. Leigh- Medium Priced House Furnishers. called ont many expretslons of opinion, and these two docks were hemmed In on Complete ton called tbc meeting to order la behalf eome uf the member* thinking that too three of tbelr sldos with the big,. oanvars for of the olty oommlttee. O. A Oobb was A Few Npeclal Bargain* Monday: llttla was gained by tbe affiliation to sheets. The speotaole was all the more Stomach Bitters •electsd os chairman and O. 8. Kastman, tbe payment of so large a turn. oonsplcaous as there were more vessels jcstlfy secretary. The meeting was vary har- the best is True’s Elixir. The same Uthere thought that the present pros- than usual io tbs harbor from tbe fact monious. Chamber Suits, »1. Wool £1 that render it so perity and vigor of the anion was large- that none cf the fleet whlob ha k^pcr. $750 Value For mb expeis leaving £< itiree with the time honored speak eery comfortably. fl.65. rye bottle. Sold r" wblib was to all members of tbe & ■ | the blood rich and open club. Tbe business moating was Urst belli was please! wltn the nomination* that Other kinds $1.00 up. Monday, pure! a small fee would be Union. To others been ir "stores '°5t at which the lollowlng officers were hud made. rlenred men at sliori notice. a/’P‘tite- Store s.'Vn Y IMuinbiug repairing bj eipf P True’sTrrue',s Elixir charged. elected 1 IQ expels intpuiilies. usoSOvear* h Mr Chamberlain has long bsen connect- Tbe Foresters' eighth annual ball was feb24dlt CONGRESS AND PREBLE STS. |j True's Elixir eternises Hie system. President—lion, lieorge. Welker. * bolentiUo school I" ; True's Elixir enriches the stood. ed with the Lanrenoe Vice President —Her. Dr. Ala Daltin held at Odd Fellows' hall last evening, *»»»iii *1 H of Harvard university, but has made a end Hon. (ieorge E. Bird. having been postponed on aooount of the the groom, were present to witness the special etudy of tne American Indians, Treasurer—1 eroy B. Hlght. storm of Thursday. Eamleux'e o-chestra WEDDINGS. M Bradley. ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. Virgin will re- so Is en- Secretary—William their hab'.ti, legends,und on,and Win. C furnished muslo. The Uoor inanager.- entertainment ooiumltlee— turn to this city after a brief honeymoon thusiastic on his subjeot. It Is safe to Nathan Clifford and the secretary. were P. 1). Weleh and John (Julllelte, and at tbe saloon they were known only baton, HAltWA HD—VIKUIX. and will reside at 110 State street, where THK HKAL THING IN SNAKKt*. cay that this will be a most entertaining Ucl .Ini Ians nra«rB nrMBAIlttM) Ulion Lh« nutated by M. Mnrrlon, D. Weleh, C. as Louis and Frank. Tbe men were bit- will be at home on after l.aS(..n aa 1< e li n in luir I a I n ig fk tlllAnt At the home of the bride's father, Mr they Fiidays Hartford* Conn., February 24.—Two de*lb of l.ouis Clifford Wade a member Fournelle and L. Hloux. The oommlttee ten while blinding near a cage In which John F. liarward, In hast liowdolnham, May llrst. men were bitten by a rattlesnake'ln u and cfarming speaker. A tbe o’ub, aod they wore adopted. of arrangements was 11. F. McCullough, iwo rattlesnakes weie ooniloed. noon Miss Emma Front street saloon* here and one to Geo, C. i» at hluh yesterday, F. today The reception Alra. Frye The banquet tbea followed, there Being chairman; J. H. hullllvan, secretary; P. of NOYES-MUCLUTUHY. or them la at the with on Thure- Harward and Harry K. Virgin, Kaq haapitU only alight to be given at ISIverton the lact at tb# tables. 'Tbe D. Welch, John tilrard, J. (Juliette nud LAWKUM;ki WON. igbteea gentlemen chances of The other who 3 to In the after- this city, were united In marriage by Ihe marriage of Mr. Will Ism J. Noyes reoovery. mao, day In March, from 6, Abies were beautifully deoorated with N. Potter lea a. Hot. Ur. ltlanabard. Uwing to the recent and Miss Theresa A. MoUlutohy took also la at the hospital in a serljua condi- Iftrsci il ro thr rates.] noon, and Mrs. Wish said sbe hoped every Harvard oolare and tbe banquet was CAK OKF TH* TKACH. death of the bride’s mother, only the liu- plaoe at Hoc tester, N. H,. February tion, probably will recover. The condition Blddeford, February 23 —The BUdeford member of tbs Union would be present. unanimously declared to be the Unetl team was i^awrence six of tbe Car number 109 of the Union station uiedlats members of the bride's family 17th. Ihe bride is the daughter of Mr. of the men was suoh that they were un- polo defeated by Tbe ladles were alto reminded ever set out in tbe state. and Wm. Wilt mother of Thomas of this able t their names this afternoon to eight tonight. "TZ club book® to be tent to Amsterdam, line ran on tbe traek while making Its Mrs, Vrlgln, McUlutchy city. ■W. ] below Monument showing tbe work cf this oharacler REAR liSTATK TRANSFERS, down town trip just women of which mutt square at a few mlnutea past eight o'clock among the Maine, xThese trant'ers of real estate have been “"“Ti middle of last was about be aenl to Mrs. ¥rye before tbe recorded at tbe Cumberland registry of nlgbt. Program delayed minutes and a crowd gathered Maroh. deeds: twenty while the motormun and oondnotor Tbe Informal ballets for the annual William S. Trefelhen of Portland to with the brakes to the car lilla (J. Dunbar of Portland for II n lot ragged plaoe bsok In position, i>f land on Island avenue. Peaks Island. ENTIRE CLOTHING STOCK Horace U. Townsend of Freeport, to WOMEN CANDIDATES ACCEPT. .tuslah N. Pratt of Somerville, Mass., for e IIrips Over ( Th* three women nominated for mem- |>1, land nnu buildings on Hoetlns Island, bers of the school board at the Kepubll- Freeport. can contention yesterday have all ac- (lie hill. R. Rlohardson of Portland tu | | Artemas cepted and Inst evening about eight ueorge T, Edwards of Portland for II, n o'olock signed nomination papers at the # Got lots of $ lot of laud on Mndellue street, Portlnud. city olerk's ollioe. ICJ See "Northern Rights" at Portland Brain Work f The members of Ulram lodge are re- Theatre Monday. | | quested to meet st tbe lodge rooms Id at 1 m. thenoe to 5 Use VESPER SERVICE. Knlgbtvllle, Sunday p. Clgonle on the 1.3d p. m. ear to attend | RUnohard of Gross Dr. Congress Square C. W. HULL Middle & the funeral eereloes of tbe late W. F. CO., Sts., First UniversalRt church, has inaugurnt- Jordan. | Grape=Nuts. | •d a set lee of six Vesper eervlos*. of Thus will be n regular Methodist love wblob the llftb occurs tomorrow at 4.30 feast st Pine street oburub one-half of m. A with and Mr. p. quintette orgaq Snnday morning, oondueted by Evange- Curl (Jeter will furnish 50c a berg, vialloeellist, BY MORTGAGEE AT ON THE DOLLAR. “I find Grape-Nuts very helpful to list Kussell. All are welooin*. BEING CLOSED OUT niau troubled with the cares amt worrl- teitlful umslo. The publla ore cordially Th* programme for the meeting of the ment of business,” says Louis Fink, Jr., Invited. Clvle olub today 1* aeeaeaerlly postponed. of 50 S. 4th Street, Philadelphia. A short business meeting will be held at “At the time I commenced using the' HOWR1NO RART MliUT. 76 Spring street, at a.DO. food I was weak from want of very Tbe Roons won from the Tontlnaa last and Children’s Overcoats, Ulsters and wee *»e* Reefers, selected food. The help I re- yws eeeeeeeeeewe^ Men’s, Boys’ Suits, properly a line ooatett. The Rooua ceived from the powerful food elements evening la in Grape-Nuts was indeed wonderful. I were In flne form and bawled the large at 50 cent actual value. Don’t miss this chance. No such have come to use the food regularly and total cf 1430. Willard and Wilson rolled PautalGons per e year, gl ia adranee. that would aoaetltuta good reason Trust Investments. paid. tallon, Kinking Funds I or Corporations. 473.397.:vs end of the year. Renewal Fund Investments, for berlin'l**, for It will be a rnlamlty If Furniture and Pistures. 106.00 Estates In Trust, i4.Vid.il 60 cents; lor three montli*. «trued In tha various JOHN si* months, live* of offloere vary 2,o40.on DREW Kor all tbo l oans oe Demand, $;pw.e66.»w Renewal Find, the Philippine aggregation gate la to 36 cents_‘__ countries, but lb* general principle Cosh on baiStt nod in banks. 2tn.MJ.0e Deposits, 1,708,063.39 in Hadden Chamber's Comedy of — Temperament, rlghle of elilaraeblp pomeeeod by preaent charge an extia lunr, equal, aaro-tflag to Ojo.sna.68 whose panors are not dellrered Atnvrloan oltlzens. Bat It oannot ta tba raeu'te of experlenoe, to tbo aotusl Subscribers $.'.627.213..10 •2.027,213.30 to tho office ol rlake of war. In England thlo no lo promptly are requested entity pomt.-tied In any snob way. H Congress a on oseb of Inauranoa, PRESS. Ka trt Eiebange auecl, an U jror I10U0 THE TYRANNY OF TEARS. the DAII.V bar a free band In oir new goveralog and oor make tbe same charge oonpanlra (tests on sale Montlav at 10 s. in Triers $1.30, $1.07. 75c. '-or. Eaeli lunlte l to Portland Me aan free trade as iierson sit __ premeelont It grant joet there aa tbe English companies. Arroaall of Klraas. ladlrlri'ialo, Baaka, Traolrra. Karrnlora. Aitinlnaalralon, seats. No orders taken for seats l»y teleiihona. wrll a* It aao I upoie a tirtff. Toe Phil- Oaardlaaa, Aaalaaooa, aad lorporatlna. rorolrod oa farorablmnai, ot the PRESS who are leaving tow n patrons at all In PORTO RICO. ■ NTKKKHT ALMIWKD ON UKI OalTI at'BJKt T TO CTIKI'K. el their ip! lorn need cut be eanaldered PORTLAND temporarily butv base lire addressee THEATRE, ^ deY.) day had preciously been put I'haa. O. RaarroH, greater fcores to Porto Moo, and po ob- grant tha Island frAaaoaaablo. life fifty guns la position and constantly tracted particular attention among poeition of “vestals," who bar# enjoyed PORTLAND. MAINE. In- tbe largest rights and eoff- shelling him tie natal Uronje oan be kept insurance neeo, and even some of tha representative PINE TREE DIV. NO. 66. rage and liberal autonomy, and relegate OFFICKHS. TRAKMPKKAUBWTft. while tte llrltlsh infantry, sured have bean led to ask whether them Incorporated 1824. peurnd up, them (aa Is proposed In pending legisla- Charles K. Trlpler..President I liter uatloual Hanking A Truat Co.. OltOEIt OF tent oB C APITAL AMD NI KPLI1 or lha moat of them are free to ictwsf, if oontloaed at tntlv preaent rate, tion) to a polltleal tutus beneath tbe J. B. SI. Urnsvenor..Vlee-Pre*IUe a M'.» llroadway, New York nr- affect the semi barbarous and ldo)atrons Henry A. Klrhtoaiu.Treasurer any ditaobment of lioere wnloh may would not materially greeners'' PATENT SOLICITORS. and Indiana of Now Mexloo, whom Con- Jerome H. ‘LssAelil, Jr..Secretary ih*is atulntte. Already they hare tits of the Insurance oompaniee for the II. A. Weil.31 Nassau St.. New York pro freely accorded all wo ssk In 1880. Tharw gress Kerr, Page A Cooper, biateo off two such detAobnicnU. next yru ur tnu, We also fall to dlsoover tbe equity or con- DIKKCTORA. ll’O llroadway New York of the the In- of all wo ask to Un- %V. A. Hart lett .. I>. C. MILLION so leading Charles E. Washington. ONE •re signs that the great majority long. Inquiry among sistency granting Trlpler. Conductors well and fatlb wltb us No 40 West 771 h St.. New York has been surance man of this cliy seems to maka It breaking COCNIRL. Railway army that Infesting Ladysmith .1. SI. »;*; New York or valid reason therefor run be gives. B. UroM-eiior, Beaver St, oiury A Comstock ;ti NassuaSt New York Kobects and need fael anxivtr legal New York are on their way to oonfront certain tbat no ouo any Wo lelleve tbo people" of tbs John SI. Ifloen. 11 Hrnadwa.. (Jootlrlrli, Vlnceut A llradley, CITY "plain W illiam A. Vincent, Kook Chicago HALL, to hla bold and In raot. tbat war and desire enu mean to do as try Bldg.. Itookery blag., Chicago try and oompel him loose on tbla aoora, and. United btales John F. Joues, snob a be mbs IM rlaka bare income so small a factor In fall Jastlos, and to tbsm, through U. S. Senator. I>. C. DOLLARS. there Is likely to eery desjeraU Washington. « PORTLAND, ML. friendly medium as The Times, we oon- Frank J. Cannon. "r:uv;. I a time. Hut they risks to Ilfs In them modern ::r.?.T« Paid on lighting within abort the general We oellevs that If this Interest hav- lldently appeal. The Trailer Air absolutely controls mi me inventions, rights sou appliances must arrive soon to be able to sfTord that great Insurance oompanlea could but know tbo Liquid Company Tl'ESIMT EVENING. FEB. 1900. very days great-bsarted people of (barton E. Trailer for the iiiaaufseture and utilisation of lh|uld air. The priority and value of 27, iuu ruiu iubv TIME DEPOSITS. aeeissaDoe to Cronje, for it la evident ing risks of ell kinds widely distributed volume 01 niiirrj, uvNpnir, these tights constitute A MONOPOLY OK I'll hi KIBI.li, since uo other of practical any pateuu MC8H’.UIUob'i Orchrntra. i>ur Island, and how been that surrounded as he Is and played upon all over toe world, oan sitter afford sa- psrrad«« longingly, utility have ever granted. aaplrlngly, and enmostlf our poop]* haset CITY bis army eannol to Ignore war as a sou roe THKCOMPANY HAS A FACTORY IN OPKKATION IN NKIA' )OHK Ticket* Gentleman and one by fifty British guns ttrfly apeolal I-WD and ar» looking to the United Plates* Drafts drawn on Katlona! Provincial admitting at tVHKKK AIK IK lIF.INtt M A N l KACTI'KKD IN ( ONNKIIUAI. 1)1'AN- In or hold o I ling. The fight Cro.ja le of danger, or site oairj war risks (long to them the exponent of oil liberty Lltil'ID Bank of England, Loudon. large lady. H.00. oonld know TITIKK. AND IT IS NO UIKU OA1I.Y IN LKAUINU HOSPITALS AND KOH email amounts, for salr at current rates. an one, Al- and enlightenment). If they 11/41 putting up Is exceedingly gallant very small ^additional premiums. Current Accounts received on favor* Extra Ladle*' tickets, 25c. the true eltuatlon of our leland and oar MOTIYK HOW KK. and if It falls It will be lor nu luck of though tbo big Amerlosn life Insurance able tea ms. I eoplo exactly ao It la, not only would solicited from lndl* This Rail ut hot be- have all ooaslderable at risk NO LONGER AN EXPERIMENT. Correspondence opens promptly aoursgs or perstetenoe, simply oompanlea their hearts sad hands go out ti us, but victuals, Corporations, Banks and atr-has therefore tlte siperinienlal stage and can oause fiesh and blood cannot lung stand Ur Ulan officers new la tisntb their command would be eharp, stern, Ptof. Tripier’s dlaeovery-ilquld passed; others desiring to open accounts ns well H.ltO with the among used lor rclrlraraium and motive power, as well as In numerous Two-step. sod to their Congress and now be profitably everywhere as from then wishing to transact Bank* such a terrible rain of deadly Afrloa, or likely soon to he tksre, tteir ;imp»rstlee other lilies. Its ntllltv and praetlrnbtlliv hive been demonstrated neynnd question. up against President that roeaenre of Important lag business of any description through list tbelr overy Charles K. IT President of tuts Company, Is the Inventor ol the only practical devices missiles as the Urllista are pouring In, offioers look upon their large casualty rellsf known to the law should Ipler. this Beub oqnlty and Inr the production end utilisation of liquid sir on a commercial scale, lie is not connected Last Dance Previous to Lent. aflsr each battle thsra without ooncern, ba Immsdlately granted ue, as of right, tl or with any other company, and Is to liquid air what Thomas A. Ldlson Is to the republican ticket. I rectiy luulieclly, (fMJUAt at and as of mntdal Inter, ana piedtot that, la spite of the apeolal of humanity, electricity. STEPHEN*. SMALL. PrOfoi'. The renomlnst'on of Mayor Roblnsun to eat. PKA4 Tit AE LIES. attentlon^wnlob the Hoars ere paving MARSHALL R. CODING. Cashier. vs mm m wss over leMdll the convention oalled Urlllah the tnauranoe leasts will The cost of lu the United .states Is estimated at A 1.10,000,000 wanuallyi ■ • 1*1 • by ltepublloan officers, a Slave. rehlgermtlon be no In than Story of the use of air a saving of osar one hill is assured. for by patty usage, but It was also oalled prohsbly greatar proportion by liquid _ American officers As a simple Instance. In the shipment "f bun Irom Call’ornta. M gallons 1 son lbs.) of liquid AUCTION *ACtf*. to the those among army To be bound band nod fool for .rears moist and will save more Exhibition. for by bis assiduous dsvutlou pub- air |ht eat will do thr worn o'tons 01 Ice, with dry air Instead ol air, Gymnasium during ths Spanish war. the chains of disease Is the worsl form formanoe of by Ibau Amo per car lu Ice and Its freight. lic- »i-fioe and his faithful pel Is well known that evsn under the 1111*1 It Is but ft ini.il! frjic* 1; of George D. Williams, of Man 1'hii Him 11 a over million dollar* profit hiibiirII),i Tory 4 ITV HILL, state tee losses slavery. »s well ft* that of duly. One of the most gratitying mtSL favorable olrouiuatanoet Chester, Miob., tells bow snob a slave was lion of the iiitin<*n.xe refrigeration and cold storago buaine** of tlie country, 100 Damaged Carriages, Har- an are muon r ocean Nt came hi the In bis of army always great# made free. He wife baa been pa...... _ _ menu made by Mayor sposob says: “My will fts a of and Wednesday, Evening, Feb. 2Hlh, from end dftsesst than from For motive power on land ami tea. liquid air produeo great percentage saving his administra- aipoeute so belplets for live years that she could of :i ;oept*noe was that ft Is out that relatively gi eater profit* iUhii for refrigeration. wouuds, and pofbted not turn over In bed. alone. After using Blankets, Robes, 7.43 0*4 1.0(14. its within tbs in tatlls with tho ness, tion had kept expenditures whereat our Ks.aa two bottle* of Kloctrlo Bitters, she is A GOOD INVEftTfflENT. the and that there would be were oomparatlvely small, and able to do her »n.rrn* »i'»cn b» titu hikI .'pvnlxh Improved The directors now offer to Investors one mmerea uioiisuni aoou.utn* 4»J iiinnstlc'», illilcdc* appropriations of deaths In Porto Kloo, the wonderfully care of next t«.t»l Cuba, own work/’ Ibis supreme remedy for share tor ihe ot enlarging rind equipping our present over-burdened at Auction. no unpaid bills to Le taken Dollars ($.\iiO) per p irpose Whips, Etc., Pbillpploee and the. eempe. was large. iomale diseases quickly cures nervous- this Is due In scute meas- d. FINANCIER* IKLIM'K Wagons, Insured men In our army, the risks of TIMES ITS PRESENT PIllCKl AND THAT THE and Involved the expenditure of money. druggist. ( ASH VALLE OF MANY tons, Buggies, Concords, Express life lneuranoe are now ao widely spread CAPACITY DF Till* ENTERPRISE W ILL admlnlltl atlon EARNINU ANU DIVIDEND PAYING Wagons, etc. Lot of irons for While Mayor Uoblnson's that the ttalle ice t f the big Nerve. Laundry ooiopaulte Blsmark’s Iron TO THAT OK THE OREAtA.ST DISCOVERIES HERETOFORE LECTURE and careful In tbs Indication that thla UK EQUAL bodies and tires baa bean soonontioal do not show any gears; axles, springs, -OK lo Was the result of hla health. U1VEN TO 1 HE WORLD. of It has Lera prog rec- oouotry has Just been through a war splendid etc. Also about 60 Harnesses. expenditure money will and tremendous OF DIRECTORY ASSURES AN EFFICIENT AND whloh we put 8-0,0-li men or more Into Indomitable energy THE I EHMONNBI. THE Robert Louis Stevenson, by eive and the wants and needs of the cltl- where Liver, On at 100 the Veld. Careful luv< sslgatlou would are not lound Stomach, ECONOMICAL MANAUKMENT. Wednesday, February 28th, looked aftsr. Un- and liowels ere out of order. If MR. JOHN A. BELLOWS, sens have been carefully without doutt. that the compan- Kldoeys to Exchange street, at 10 a. m. and contin- show, ■ucoes* Address all erders for stock or requests (or Information s the men you want these and the At tl»e Elisl Pnrlali tlouer Saturday nf- thrrehis aluajs Lein con- ies met with large lossi among qualities forenoon and afternoon until sold, questionably use Ur. New Lite Pills. uing trrnoou. Mar. 3, 1U>.« at 4 o’clock. who were wearing the uniform, but the they bring King's scientious effort on tks Mayor's pait to hralu and recent Admission 604*. Tickets on said with orlr.g, of Util loeaea for the year were They develop every power of all merchandise saved from fire, tlguree Trent Boston. short & llarinou and with Lord, under the Co- tits city’s interest in every way body. .5cta. at H. P. 8. Goold. THE TRIPLTR AIR COMPANY, Bldg., to promote nctTtfft cLed. Ouly LIQUID probably 100 to 150 Harnesses, 200 lumbia. feb24diw f»77 Conuress street; aud U. G. Starr, that.; lay la his powsr, and there el- The general heallbfuluess of the South for Hew 100 Cumberland IMlls. Iti:i LELAKD, nsaiger Eaglanil. 270 Bankets, 25 Fur Uobcs, Lap so as he la the execu- African country Is expected fully to off- ip:Y ^ .. ways will be long X of Har- set the desire of the Hoofs to shoot Uillltb Robes, Brushes, Whips, parts tive of this municipality. Financial. offioers The ohanoea of war In kurope nesses, Oila. Soap, Medicine, Horse UNDERWOOD SPRING, Is now The municipal rainpalgn fairly are conildered eo much greater than suob etc. Sold in lots to suit Every Hall always open. Mtislc of here tbat an American has a DAY AT 95c. Boots, Spacious Dining laonoted. A to tparlson the Republi- ohanoea LAST Card and Smoking Booms, all with open tires deolded In this respect when lot to be sold. Sale positive anil without can and Democratic ticket# will convince advantage brilliantly lighted by electr'eity and heated by he lor life Insurance. One big reserve. steam, decorated with palms and evergreen. voter that he has applies BONDS. •very Intelligent nothing A merman oompany considers war risks An excellent menu from which to order. to gain In any direction, and inuob to exactly at It dues the risks of Infections Lame and fl»ti dlnrers a specialty. Arrangements made lor Dinner, Dancing or In control disease and takes risks on the Uvea of Ltd. loss some, by taking muaiolpal Zinc or cars at International Card portlet with without special oltlsena on wbloh hold of 1923 8 Co., that now bolds It and ordinary policies Couity Washington, Me., 4’s, office of Portland A Yarmouth Electric Kall- from the parly ■aki^fkae a insert aftai nil t. In tlirht hie Tax Exempt. w Co., office 440 Cougreas aticet. Telephone In tbs hands of tbs other par- «y plaolng it battles or not, and with no t* 1 r*--3. novJ34ltf country's AFTER TODAY $1.00 PER SHARE. F.O. BAILEYSCO., _ ty- extra charge If be doea go. Even offioer* Maine Central Railroad 7's 1912 __ are In the regular aruiy.and navy Intured FINANCIAL* FIK' 4Kt‘I AIm time of at regular rates, and tbe POKTO 1111 U. In peaoe Raiireai 5's, 1912 Purchasers at Sneli applications, accompanied only difference between tbelr coin tea end Maine Central present price. the oese ot Potto Hloo In considering those ef tbe civilian 1* that they go Into by remittance, must be received at mug', be torne In mind that a olass with wblob a a»Da Aroostook Railroad. 5's. 1943 It always by tbetuselvea, Brngor & officers of the aooount la and loee either of the following that ltland did not ecok our eld. The rate kept, they may Danville Street & Go., on dividends declared 85c. Per Light tha usual Share, Railway profit well contented with & Dit 5's, 1943 fiscal people were (airly on Bangor Piscataquis agents, from year to year their premium pay- ILLINOIS. their lot under the Spanish monarchy ment* if the lore-e happen to be heavy DANVILLE, 1909 secure on their invest- wa West Tu'nel. 5's. |4 per CPilt There waa no rebellion there as there wsa ism> ng them. Now that have tropi- Chicago ooum.rlee as a of tha an divF JOSHUA BROWN & end never bed been. We oal part nation, inent and the monthly CO., In Cube, there added ta the Co,. 5's, 1918; regular extra olanae le being policies Quincy Railroad REFUNDING MORTGAGE GOLD BONDS. Invaded Porto not at the call of the to a March 1st to all share- FIVE PER CENT Hloo, of rrrny offioare requiring them gel dend, payable 89 State St., Bostou. Porto Hi sans for delivoranoe, hot' pertly permit before going Into the tropica, and Portland & Yarmouth Railroad 4’s. 1919 tor aaoh holders of record Feb. 24 ih. 1910 to 1924. inclusive, we to pay a special fee of <50 11000 annually, January 1, as a military measure and partly that York. Maturing #0,000 for whloh they are Insured. l'hls pay- 43 and 47 Wall St., /lew when we oame to make a Oakland Me.. Water Co.. 5’s, 1908-18 for stock at 9f>o. might have, ment Is, however, final for that olare of Applications per and the reiuaiudcr January 1, 1925. with come -err are not Chestnut final settlement Spain, proper- nek. Naval cm nqu’red tc 1929t share must bear date not later 421 St./Philadelphia. extra for to tbe tropics, be- Newport Me- Water Co., 4’s. ty In our band* to Indemnify ourselves pay going December 31, 1899: oausc take tbelr houaee with them. than Feb. 24th l'JOO. The and Expenses year ending for the and trouble we bed been they Saturday, 404 P.ookery, Chicago. Earnings expense the Spanish war the oompaalea And Other Choice lotestaents had During te. The Porto Klc.tns, though they whose pollolre did not ouver tie rlak Cross earnings ,.$ Detcrlptm ClrwuUr seut on applica- ALtAARJtn & aa m. never sited our eld, received ns with to a oil Iren loldler mad* their Insured Special Local litu. r. uu., txcnange ----- tion Representatives, expenses, 69,758.00 men who volunteered tike out permit* Operating open eras, believing, pertly because of and itgrea to pay aa extra fea fer tha rlak, oor when we began the Cuban professions hot he sum of this extra tee wa* not to FOR Net earnings. war, end partly (accuse of our history exceed <10 per <1000 Ineuranoe. lb* MERCANTILE TRUST CO., Interest on outstanding bonds, 28,490.00 ua far bet- loss from the rlak has not been that their let under would be notuul P«rllan4( [Vie. up yet, but It 1* believed to have -8 48,988.31 ter (hen under In, n belief that figured bps a of this extra fae. BONDS Surplus earnings bees only email part )an27d«-ia the FEBRUARY was srrently strengthened by expllolt Every mss ol our volunteer forasa may promisee of our mllltsiy commanders oarry Insurance, but none le taken on NEARLY THREE TIMES THE INTEREST ON BONUS. t f the enlisted men la tha NET EARNINGS Not a single Porte Mloea baa resisted lb* lisas regu- writes moan than INVESTMENTS under lar army. No company are secured a Fund oor sovereignty, bat nil of them have L. 1 Bonds by Sinking provision a <10,000 risk on aa stfioer. Our officers Ralph Merrill, It full trust la I Cin OF of the bonds will aoospted loyally, placing are raid to ha more gsaerally Beared than WESTBROOK, ME., January i, 1910, $6,000 the Kc- which, beginning our prom lies ol betterment under our thoee cf foreign armies, although Wl OFFER considerable lnaurano* REFUNDING rule. gl’s1) offioare oarry BANKtR AND BROKER, FOURS, be retired annually. on thrlr live*. controls all of the Street Railway, Electric It la dtfiioult to ooncelve of e stronger rata* and manner of Insuring tha Due 1*10. Company X'ha in the of claim not merely to jot tioa, but to gener- Mlidle. Cor. Uoloa Stt. Portlaed. Me. Municipal Bonds, Lighting, Gas and Steam Heating business City osity, than the Petti HI case have opaa most substantial and Established Danville, Illinois, one of the progressive tbli country. We deprived them of all ild OH OF BELFAST, MAINE, Water Works size in the Central States. their markets when we oo as polled Spain INVESTMENTS. Bonds, cities of its to relinquish sovereignly over their lv- REFUNDIKC FOURS. I have to offer choice bond* yielding interest. Isnd and assumed It ourselves. We pat Price, IOI and and from 2 to 6 per cent, all of wliiob bare Dm isis. Railroad Bonds, them Is s position which, aere lsved, Tha great BEAUT.FIER of ■ peeeed a rigid esamlaatioo expert* circular on meant their ruin. KotoJy wao ta< are endorsed Special application. and by leading attorneys SALE BY examined their oaae has ever expressed from all parte of tbo country. FOR Bank Stock. doubt of the of their any jostles request Skin Surer Government, Hale, Municipal. that our markets should be opened to all For Flmplea, latter, Ecscme, and High Grade Railroad and them (roe of The President duty. who, Diaeasav at tb* Skin and Mur:out Mem- Electric Rjr. Roads. & wo have been told orer and ever again, outward SWAN & BARRETT W. HARRIS COMPANY, can b* reached N. brane* tfcat bf of the United State*. wee the beat jaggs at toe pel lay that from all parte applies tlsa Particulars BANKERS, thowM bn ngeptog towent oar eoleatee upon application. Lotion Bond* Hated on tne Boatoa A New Bankers, H. M. Payson & Co. ftoap York Stook Exchangee bought and sold1 Mam. Prevents aod aaalata Ik curing all each 67 Milk Street, Boston, oa tbo uaual MA1NE* W EXCHANGE tT. MMI1 coteteUsto^^^^^ Pfc5TLANO* lEDEflu



Welter Corey. J. B. llbbs- I'wpii, Moure A Co. V. M. Fn|lM«n. F. P. 11l*i ®it* A Co. Was Nominated for the Internnilooul Zinc Cow II. II. H*v A 8 n. lico, l. Mm* A CO. Second Time I.or.ng. chert A lliumon. The Newest Silks for Waists. K«»»lerN l>ve lloii«o. C. W. Hul Co. Futinmn Bra*. A Bancroft. I W. |.. W iltOM A Co. T. r. Fin* A .Hona. K. K. l>y*r. When we see our olerks I SATURDAY SALE—To-day. I An'Jfrson. Ada in* A ( o. the Repnbliran Mayoralty Con- I’ortlau *Uov» Foundry. By gather ’round New Mer- CAldcrwood'a. and AMUSKMKNT8. vention Yesterday. chandise with looks Lectur e. exclamations of delight at HELVETIA GROVE ORANGES I New W.nm*. To Lei. For 8alo, leO*t. Found their beauty, then we know 9nd 9lnular advertisement* will be found under From a section of California where soil and climatic conditiona favor the oir head* on we have made no mistake sweet and l 9p|>t«prkate page growth of fine eating fruit. They are rety handsomely colored, seedless, of size and Three Women Were in our selection. unusually juicy. Theaa orange* will be presented in all gradations down to the tree’s smallest fruitage at It It IKK JOTllMiS. A New and Elegant Col- price Also Chosen Acts gently on the lection of Spring Waist IQ and 18 l«2c per tlozen- There will be a meeting of tbe Super- Silks came in on Wednes- Intending School Committee, et their Kidneys, Liver day. Instantly the clerks In Old Fashionrd Stick Candy, 10c per pound room. City building, Monday evening New Orleans Molasses Candr. 12c per pound the next, at 4 SO o'clock. As Cimdidatcs for (he School and Bowels near-by departments English Walnut Frittera, 22c per pound \ 10c * A epee 1*1 m.ctlng of tbe Samaritan around showing Home-made Chocolate Creams, per pound | gathered 1 each Acre elation, will beheld with Mrs. W. Board. the Chocolate Waahiegton Pies. Ir t leanses System their admiration by words Grandmother's Cookies, 5c dozen T. kllbotn, Trnokett street, on Saturday per and looks. Lemon Cookies. 5c per dozen afternoon, at 8 o’clock. ! ^"EFFECTUALLY Molssses Drop Cakes. 03 per dozen Mr. Osman Adame will addreee tbe H we never saw a Certainly English Wine Tea Cakes, 6c per dozen j tioepel meetlag at the Railroad Y. M. C. 10c dozen prettier lot of Silks In one gathering. > New Hampshire Crullers, per A., 481 Commercial street foot cf State, The K»publloan mayoralty contention Small Cucumbers in a light salt brine, 30c per hundred 0c birday, at 3 15 p m. All men and wom- was le'd yesterday afternoon at tbe He^ Medium Cucumber Pickles, per quart Grated Horse Radish Root. 15c en In.lted. publlaan head quart oth. Frank W. Kobln- ij Fresh per pint Unlike 1 Relish. 4c per bottle > Tbe physicians and druggist* of the aon waa nominated frr mayor ty accla- w “FU9SE” TAFFETA. Pepper »IIUAU Cultivated Raspberry Jam. 8c per pound city and no donbt many others will be mation. Tbe convention after a great pERMANENTlY anything j Field Strawberry Jam. 8c per pound Interested In tbs eure guaranteed by of and uineh (1 ieouai Ion aa to ever seen the Taffeta Sur- Sj deal trouble before, along Fresh Hiked Soda Crackers, 7*^« per pound their Mrs. »ester's Dye Hoots In adr. today. the method of balloting nominated face run heavy Crepey aelf color stripes, Oyster Crackers. 6c lb onnduet R. Ur.Smith Baker will the study Catherine A. Baglay and Mrs. Uabil sometimes nil one width, sometimes a Common Crackers, 2c per dozen j of tbe Sunday Seliool Besson In Arsi Brown as tbe female members of tba Buy THe SENUlHt-MANTO by quarter inch atripo alternating with an elatioo ball this at 7.45. eohool board for two and Mra. Duey evening Subject, yrara eight inch stripe, making an odd and “Jesus Kaj oted at Nazareth U. Coolldge for one year. Mra. Coolldge *lYRVP(8 pleasing effect iminmn club jm & neat cm. one ffG held aa (AUfstfNIA At (he recent examination by the waa nominated by tbe L'cmooratt The colors aro blues, rose, corn, mode, of at State Hoard Phantasy Augusta of their candatee fer tbe eohool commit- iucc »uivj in tur heliotrope, pink, red, new blue, black It tt warranted rquat 10 «ny »u crai c the following candidates passed: Regis- tee for two year* and bar name will now in this sftirmation. There has been a aeries of sharp rises in ral- and will bear u« out Hall and Fled twloe. ia white, $1.30 an ad- j tered apothecary, F. K. appear ua tba official ballot It uea on all grades of coffee during the past few weeks, rendering imperative W. U. Polslfer ante of a gold or M. Smith of Portland; a| parent that Mra Coolldge la OOL.U AMD <;ires |M*riuanent vance in our. prices on this popular brand, AM'MIMI'M sliver finish to plumbing, tub: rillieiUPLl.lIKDCREKT of Mechanic Falls and W. M. (Travel serving on the eohool eommlttae but K.\ANKI.h. radiators, gas futures, pic- FRENCH SILK POPLIN. cf Prerqus Isle A pi < h sorry assistant, wbatber she serves ana year or two de- ture frames or an> kind of of 11)0 surface. K. V. Heed of Hlsbmond. There were pends open the will of tbe voters of Fort different PRINCE OF WALES or ao at the old 1!> candidate* who took the examination. land. T7S Lustrous, soft, stylish; fifteen Anticipate your wants for a month and buy figura. Uutlng the three days' sasslon of the 1'he oonvantloD wa« oalled to order by BATH TI B Will give a porcelain finish tints, red, blue, mode, gray, new-blue, la tlio trademark of the celebrated and KNAMKLN to lbs worn tin bath tub cbeeie, made, 11c per pound. about 8ecomiug popular Bee Sage Cheese, rich and creamy, 16c pet pound sraelun H. Honey have I teen added to the lists. The llotn eltv oommlltao. Hon. Jts'ah black and white, TY’a” CORSET. This wonderful corset for ten cent! pervench, ravalsant, Fresh Neufachatels. 4c each—3 j | (or tbe enrollment of new names will Drummond was chosen obatrraan of tbe $1.(0 ami $1.50 is of of the Club House Cheese, ISc VAR' IBH For either new or old work. worthy any’mark nobility American per jar. j on next. Uertert Harmon Ita eec j end Wednesday coavention and NTAiAM tllvrs fine effects on chsirs, makers might choose to put upon it. American Stdton Cheese, 20c per pound j or j Next Monday evening the Union lii'-de nMrj. bedsteads, book shelves Victor Rolled Oats, 2 pound packets, 71* cents any kind of woodwork. By its creation thousand* of women Ctand- In tbe ri Best Native Onions. 2 cents class will meet with Kev. Henry Tbs vaeant plaoe* negations colors, libc can per pound Eight HEMSTITCH STRIPES. have been emancipated from the thrall* 4c «vw«,«av. Vineland Sweet Potatoes. per pound ifr at uia uuuio, nu, iw having been Oiled It was vct»d to proceed Fancy dom of the old stylo comet; they have Evaporated Yellow Crawford Peaches. 12*^c per pound The olasi has quite a large membership to the nomination of a candidal; f.r 1 FI HAITI UK Afford s cliaoce to bring The inch-aud-a-half-apart liemstitcli- secured health, comfort and he+ter New California Prunes, 4c per pound and Is devoting touch time to the study mayor. Mr. Char If a 8. robes thro pre colors of the furniture KX aNELs. ihs Pure Vermont 20c per bottle 1 Into lurmony with the inK alternates with cording, nil solid I forms. It has a blessing to wo Maple, quart of Divine Scriptur?. footed the name of Frank W. Robinson proven can l of roo La, 25c can Standard Maine Corn, unlabeled, 7*'*c per the be other furnishings your colors, 0 tints, SI.25 mankind, and a* such is hailed the ilrs C. H. Lombard entertained In a very u»v»t speech. Hs said that by Extra R-d Ripe Tomatoes 7c per can j who now wear Dlrlgo literary club at her home on Fes understood tbe convention was of one thousands It, and would New Sugar Dates, 6c per pound i eenden street, Oakdale, yesterday after mind and that ther* was no opposition. AT-- not think of wearing any other than New Turkish Figa in pound packctr, 12 'jC per lb alter- BROAD STRIPES. White 22c per i noon. He merely wished to oall tbs stumim of “UER MAJESTY’S” CORSET. Good cooking butter, pound HAY'S with 24c Hoc. Clare U. Darker wilt this eve- tbe convention to the ezce!l«nt financial nating Vermont Dairy Butter. per pound 2 waist Fresh made Hillside Creamery Butter, 29e lb as postmaster and will at condition of tbe as shown In tbs PAINT STORE, colors, veiy rich, only patterns ning qualify olty MEN'S NECKWEAR. 1000 Hard wood Tooth Picks for 3 cents Fred SI. cannot be once take charge of the ollics. Mr. atsterosnt of the olty treasurer and In tbe Ko. S6-J niildlr each, duplicated, SI.50 3c All our Silk Ties that have been 50c, El Trio Cigar, Perfrcto shaped, each H lvtng will also assume his new duties recent address of the mayor at the Board Imperials, bows, Tecks, Four-in-hands, as assistant postmaster. of Trade baLquet. advooallng the proteo at 10c The statement made In an evening pa- He said that he believed the oltlzens gates a platform CREPE DE CHINE. Ac., Ac., go ot the city's tntensts li rrspoatlble Central near Silk per that the funeral of the late William generally were not fully Informed In re tloo Bargain table, Evening of these two lb room. THE STAFF OF LIFE.” on tor the rspssl provisions IS D. Jordan of Llgonla would oeonr gard to this cioellsnt financial showing, Gossamer-light, delicately tinted “BREAD ordinance ttan tbe may an The funeral will be wished to cell their atten tbe olty pobllo Satuiday was error. and merely shades of corn, helio- Saturday Basement Bargains. adtr lslstra' i n and pink, blue, nile, Hs then moved that Frank W. Mkfsly judge wbloh oocur on Sunday ad’rnoon. tlon to it. 24 Indies he entrusted with trope, tau, cardinal, white, Bread Raiser. There it no need of eV.'lg poor brttd. The delegates to the state Robinson be nominated by acclamation whlob party may lately I ltepublloan wide, 11.25 | convention met Thursday to choose and there btlng no objection the nomine power. If elect el I now formally announoe that three delegates at large. C. W. Lombard tlon was made In this manner. exsouts tbs duties of maycr ol the ohuinnan of the and lid- A committee consisting of (ieorge 3. I shall was meeting It’s a Art exhibition, this col- this to the best of ray at llltr. to the genuine ward b. Fasaett was the secretary. The Staples, Emery Knight and Horatio city of new Silks for test of understandlag and with the lection Spring-Summer delegates chosen wrre John Cousins, Clark were appointed to notify tbe mayor my best of Further than that Waists. Levi F. Pennell and Charles 11. Carter. of hts nomination, and after being nbcent iny strength. man oan tliuself. The school ooiumlttee room ii to be from the convention for some time re- no properly pledge At tbe conclusion of Mayor Kotlnson'a furnished with new chairs and an addi- turned with Che nominee ot the oonv*n remarks, he was loudly BLACKS. tion to the table to accommodate the ad- tlon who being reoelvsd with applause applauded. Pend tbe an leal of tbs nomioie ol ditional members who will have places and being formally presented to tbe oon tog tbe convention It was voted to proceed India 23 80c next yaar. There will be just 13 on the ▼ention spoke as follows: Brocade, inch, tbe nomlnellen of thiee female board then. lientlemen of the ConventionMy with Taffeta Brocade and Stripes, $1.0J members of the school committee. Ueorge Ite X 1. club will meet with Mrs. Wil- nomination as your candidate for mayor Fancy Black Taffetas, #1.00 H Staples made a motion to refer tie liam Lowell, 43 State street, Monday, la a renewed expression of your oonddenoe 1 XX Iletinned, footod, ventilated, as to the with which I do not fall to Ihe whole matter mayor powei FeLruary kOth. appreciate. above cut. motion did not and tbe The Franoes K. Willard commemoration unusual conditions and serious dlsad but this prevail SATIN DUCHESS. 8 was now Sic to ballot. Printed quart, otic, nt which was under which our convention proceed meeting Stroudwat^r hall, vantages muniolpal •• isere around tbe 10 00c on ac- for the now Ua*s been ballots passed baarlng 00c, postponed last Sunday evening affairs year closing 1'uutunl $1.50 of Catherine A. Mabel K. values, 15c, $1.U), $1.25, “ count of the storm will take Sun- ndminls red ar* so well understood by a names liaglsy, 14 SOc, 59c place to Hr own and Florence M. Dyer, while $2.50. day evening at 7 80 o'clock. MIcs Anna large portion of las oo mm unity that 1 n 09c other ballots whlob were written were 98c, Cordon will be the irlnolpal speaker. feel 1 may aately rely upon their clear oust at tbe same time for Lucy U. | On Monday evening the Portland club discernment and good judgment for just $L50 Tbs delegates were Instructed PE AU DE SOIE. $uo, $1.25, Snow Shove's, Big sizo. stout, light, will tender the Republican aldsrmanlo eetimrtss and conclusions. I don't know Coolldge. to mark their bn Lius efler the name durable. 25c klud at 10c ami council nominees a reception, In sc as It would bo becoming to review in de- upon of the woman wished to serve for ocrJauce with the club’s annual custom. tail the administration during tbe present they two and one the figures two and one. It will take the place of the weekly cop- year, bat 1 do hot hesitate to car that we year A oommlttee oonstvting of Judge H. H. per of Monday •vsnings. shall be able to present to the inoomlng J. R. LIBBY CO. J. R. LIBBY CO. A. MaoiJowan and one other city government substantially a dean Hill, Ueorge bee Miss Choate 1 ortland Theatre Mon- were to oollect and count tbs slate so far ss concerns expenditures. appointed the day night. < votes. Having ooilected ballots ths I Applause.) In the lTort to keep within TIAIM.N (.KKATESl STOIC K. oommlttee retired and after absent the appropriations I am happy to fay that being PERSONAL. from the room for some time the commit lottroctlona. Util oeptlont bare faithful!' co-operated with tee relumed tor Judge stated that the oommlttee bad found that Onr new “Elastic Her. Dr. Fenn will lecture tomorrow me Whatever abort oomlngs or tinpar- name* had not been marked on *‘l'he New of have been will never come of tbe evening Helpleeeneee faetlona than near mattress were A' Cotton Lap’’ whlob to sern Men.” reach the depth' of perfidy whloh I hap- for tbe years for they In some oases there was tbs figure two a1 a Col. and Mrs. F. t Ucothby are .pend- pen'd to come aero's In my review of a Is almost revolution names and no after tbc log a few daye In New York. administration. 1 was reminded of ter two figure past the art of mattress and in other him there were In Mite Ktbel 8. Morton, aeeletant teaoher what 1 now refer to In reading tha ninth other name two and three niter th< • SPECIALS. le the figures one, _ In tbe Herring High aubool. (pending paragraph In the mnnlolpal platform _. making. It is made by SATURDAY did not know bar vacation wltb friends In Wcroeetnr, whloh waa by the Democratic "one The committee jasi adopted of the Fruit Puddings. uow to conni the votes. The; were giver IAI H a patent process Steamed Man. mayoralty convention which was aa fol- YY that had one The same as wo sold for Thanksgiving and Christmas. Everybody Offloer William White le eojojrlng a va- lows: lnetruetloae to mske • report upon tb> cotton (test long s'aple are. 15c each. east end retired. the 11 knows liow good they Only cation of IS daye end la peering It at "We are opposed to the further grant- ballots During woe to foellititt —do short cotton— borne. ing of valuable and remunerative pnblle efaeenee an attempt made gin maiteis the ballots Iron HAlftfeNm n “CjfLdrToa“ franebleoo, without imposing conditions h; withdrawing and la the best cotton the oandl and restrictions that will protect the In- the committee and nominating JCc'per'dozeu " those wbt mattress ever Think Ease terests of the city and bnllave that tha dates, afterwards selecting § T\/T O'f Tf /^nrt pro- ■ if not want to try it. It'tTJttSl of were to be nominated for two'yeere L; l.i oIuTbRKAD lately? you same role should be applied In extending Vgnaol. It la absolutely G'llave*yot^uied franchises and out this did not prevail as there was an in and see what wo er enlarging existing RYE BREAD is having a great sale, 5c a loaf. Come made to It. The committee to hold Its softness and never down. Being *'oar But Work On pilvllegea" ohjeotlon guaranteed always elaaticity, malting hlV0 made Its ss fallow*: for some years to ISM there was Bnoll; report use cannot even prior a substance tt It moth and vermin proof. Its extensive among 534 CONGRESS STREET. If your blood is impure you Catherine A. had ltd votes foi vegetable strictly 532, on ths ordinance book of the city the fol- Cagle; J‘thinh ease.” The blood is the for one and i the its healthfulnesa. It of lowing provision: two years, Id veto* year hospitals and institutions throughout country guarantees Tel. 871-8. the and when __ greatest sustdiner of body “Section 24 of the revision of 1602, ordi- votes whloh were not marked. is mado In In such manner that if the top becomes injured in any way, it Hood's Sarsa- M had nine vote* foi layers. you make it pure by taking nance relative to elty electrician, eto. Klorenos Dyer for one Lot ui its other parilla you have the perfect health in Perm I salon given by the board of mayor two years, eighteen votes year, may be easily replaced by a new layer. explain good points. aot which even hard work becomes easy. and aldrrmon to erect or maintain snob and four vote* marked. V 3 grades, 912. 913.SO, 913.00. OF and wires may be ravened to whole Mabel & Crown had twenty-one votei SPEAKING FIRES, poles > for on# or la part nr any time after thirty day*’ for two yea re, three vote* yeei •id you ever untie# how unexpectedly | yfccrfS SaUtifxiuffk notice and to ha heard shall end two votes not marked. opportunity in a few votes fe they occur (oxcept poeilbly be given to the partlee Interested, eta" lsuoy I). GooUdgs had thirteen one cases where the assured are uot particu-, The word revoked woe changed to “al- two years end thirteen votes far year The Is tered or amended" at tha laat mealing ol Mr. Drummond, the enelrmen, prompt tally reliable)? only safeguard | J the best aud welli > tbe| administration that endad In Maroh ly announced that Mabel K. Crown soi insurance. Buy keep R I9b». Catherine A. Cagle; had bma oemlnassi protected. If you want expert advice on ! and that there m Similarity there stood on the ordlsnaee for two years was Hre, 1 ! ! oaoloe far the aandldate to serve oa Casualty or ; Insurants YOUR DUSTY CARPET, the follow lx. g prevision: “And suob per Liability ) < son or corporation shall permit any other year. [ S. moved the I ■ —9 See OUR BEATING MACHINE. person or corporation to aaapsad from Mr. Qserge Staples anon wins for ooaduotlng elootri: rioreaoe M. Dyer be nominated for oa * polo, Another bnilot woe eooordlnglj token The eoareatloa then adjourned, baring oar rente for lighting beating or motlm year hr aeelamatioa. hour and a half to Bio: end thooownHln report *1 no folio we: baa mmpM aa whsaavex the oonnetl eball au Mr. Charles A. Maxwell objeoted t DOW & Mix 1 take io tlie spring. power, elty aiaklaa Una nomination*. direct, and upon suob reasonable eoadl thla an the ground that Mrs. Dyer wai We guarantee a ours. S Aa baa been atat*d Man Oooltd,.-. Mona, tarmg ang ransunuvaSltm, aa Hn boat ward tve, whloh was also the van I M CnOTCB*C Kornl Cl«r Of* lions* kitd a urn will appear twloa oa tba afloial PINKHAM. ally oeanoll may approve er prvaorlba" •f Mrs. Brown. Un thought that Ik rUOlCKO >IM« C«nwl Cleansing nominated lor two A I Mrs. woo to bo ballet. Me m year* Works, Similarly at tbs laat mooting of lbs Bearing district ought to bn represent# Oeotid«e then depleted i tba Damoerot* and (be owe year by tba and the te too nominee of the eon notion lor the os* by It F robin §U opp. l*r«ble Honan. admlslstration of lMt that pgnvtoton wa apt dtlngtlm aupport Ug term too Kapobllaaae. Ttltphont M2, etrlekan out. If tha party which prouial d. Qaflfgk jeer on tohool committee. Mwm»«ow. the oooldent end the orient; United Plate. aaii b* of ao malarial baa- labile, la ■iKiLusiuitia._ ■MCMAAintOPW._ Pearl of the Antilles aad the alt to tbo people of tbo Island. Mr. iftr tba □4tn HorneII explained that the ttbnooo (row- 10,000 lelaade near fer-off Cathay, npou LITTLEFIELD orer bane aad ers of Oonneotloul bad ao Interest la ex- aad aad eea, oeheol, ana 0 tobacco. ibureb, the emblem ef our Integrity COKE. *A n nual St atement cluding Puerto Hloap Mil faltb, of liberty aad Irmlon, of Mother and Mr. LlttleOeld of Molno followed. pod We are now to or THE a stir. be Ineellmable of n CbrUtlnn prepared sop- Appeerenoe upon tbe floor Created bleating* the of human gearaateed ply the “Olto Coke” from the UT jM utlul It was known th it ba would oppose ilnllullon, right* COjVjVECTIC bill and tbo high reputation be bad won >y the constitution, not dependent upon Doctor Too Sew England (las k Coke Co., la tba Koberte debate made members an tho eenaeeoeat will of *'ate or national Until the doctor comes, snd for minor Mass. Insurance at their ills snd the mother must > Everett, Life Company both side* anxloas to bear him. leglslataaaa loo Often aOrlgbted accidents, Maine Man On Porto Rican doctor her Tensofthous- 1 to him twa Imbedded In tb* family. { This coke is specially pre- He In time yielded by shadows, right* 1 of Hartford, ('««». spoke ands of mothers have relied upon Democratic leader. Donatltutlon, nor Boating a* tapty tub- 1 for domestic nsa and Ur. Kiohardson, tbe S ANODYNE UNI- > pared turfooe of , JOHNSON Bill. He spoiled with an emphatic declaration ule* on tb* perturbed eloqueat MENT, aud have found it always 1 burns without smoke HET A8SET8, .lanmtrf 1, 1899, tc.|,807,r gas and leaves a small amoiiut measure. aorId-wide, nor ephemeral and internally and it is the remedy $l.93-\.-A9.33 not from cause. Fur Premium*. “I oppoae this bill,” setd be. "beoanse lerlbed, of opportunity, oppression for inBatnniation any if ash. For Interest and Rents, un- ind of not Used for 90 year* as a , Balance. Front IS is uo Republican, uaAuierleen, regeoeretlon, reprosalon. [ continually will its For 1 A (rial demonstrate thus aball It bo and arar , household remedy, its sustained pepu- unwarranted and uneonttl- lb us and only 1 .._ 8.007.757.31 precedented, 1 and use merits as a and eco- remain, by the bleating aad far or of Al- larity increasing every year ( practical tntlonal." to untar are the best possible testimonials $09,814,62464 n ke mighty God, the naaullled and | nomical furl for ranges and Brilliant and Logical He oooupled painful |osltlon, curative 1 sad 1 its powers. said. He was compelled to dissent from alahed symbol of .oar honor glory heaters. KIUI< IN 1W9- D1HHI Address. the polloy adranoed br dlstlngnlabad sod splendors.” death, of followed la For claims by man of Ms party whose long eip.rleuee Mr. Recey Iowa, aopport matured endowments, them lead- >f tho bill. Me bad rlalted Paarto Kieo ami annuities, $4,323,301.93 la legislation muds worthy should of Surplus returned er*. Ha was a Kepubllcan and tnd b* spoke with tb* adraatag* per- to nolle)-hold- the Kspnbllean doctrines, but whan loaal obeervatton. He urged that A. R. WRIGHT GO. ers. 1,26\334.14 support LINIMENT Sur- and a of lalnnd oould be ae) by thla 11 value in chart hcra, cholera trior- Lapsed and a great question of right wrong, leads tb* of greatest treating colie, cramps, Tollcles 5 1 rendered 2,567.51 was wltboat tb* of baring Uz 1 bus, biles, bruises, burns, stings, chafing, colds, coughs, croup, great question of prtaelpls, present- bill neoeaalty (or Western 1 catarrh, bronchitis, la lameness, muscle soreness and pain and Agents Maine, Total to Tolley holier*, fr. 121,303.57 be as ba bad no doobt arery [ethertr* go among tba ptop e gtippe, J Rivals Best Efforts of ed, fell, 1 tiro ood toe. Tbo Reeogniied same tn any pat t of the body, sold in t«» bottioo, *«■ S.iO Commercial ~nn«l SO Ex- on tba floor felt, that eeob Mr. Gardner of Michigan, aald the inflammation to gentleman «H ll aon KOMSIOI. If dooloi hoon't it rood to uo. Ask first. Conimisstnns Agents, liifN root Sis. f eb’JfsJ I w Kl- to think and as ware baarl on thla change ha it ties. Medical House Leaders. Indlridual bad tba right lloomy foreboding House Mass. Fee*. Trlat- I. S. JOHNSON & CO., 22 Custom St., Boston. amluers' had bean board at for- 1 Advertising, Le- ■peas for hliasalf. lull, arary great fng, He nr..**.-*! gal, He*l Estate, all /or himself, ba eboula do right «s Uod ward moremeal In this oountry. A LIMITED AMOUNT OP <»Ui*r Line *cs, 921.544.t2 blm to see tbe right. (Deinorrilla ■aid tb* apeeeb of Mr. UttlaBeld and Taxfh..1A * * 39B.75UU gare ..7.435.945.91 uppleute) and, moreorer, ha submitted, itbar* la opposition would do mlaahlef Development Scrip there were reasons why tbe bill should in epreadlng doubt andVHsoootent among Bai.AF.-E Net Assets. Dec. 31. i,5io.0J of tba Puerto Ricans. waa no wmmmmmmmmmtmm ..$l»..3< not reoolre tbs epproeal Kepobll- Then responsi- IN THE sble Remarkable Demonstra- oaa patty. He waa not aware, ha aald, bility on tb* Democratic elds tn SCHEDULE OF ASSETS. that any seotlon of tba Republican party matter. Ht said tb* Republican eld# bed or bad It Mr. the and be to hie Loans upon Heal Estate, first Hen. $26,192,537.64 tion at Close. at any spot place jnstlfled responsibility appealed BLACKFOOT Loans niton Blocks and Bonds, ...*10.00 Utllelleld argued that tbe regeneration seeoolats* to meet this reepoaslblllty at Notes on Tollcles lu force, 82tv.M.«.i.J Treniinni oonld ba about aad without fear of orltlolem. Coot Of l(e;il Estate owned by the of Puerto HIoj brought patriot* a loan which tbe United dialer Mr. Payne naked unanimous ooasini ••• by CASTORIA Cost of Bonds. COMPANY It to raise. No one elose debate on with and COPPER Cost of Bank and Kailioad stocks, could authorise to general Monday For Infants Children Cash III Banks ... oonld doubt tbe ability of tbe Island to It*bate under the Hre-mlnuta rale on Bill* recalveahle. Island Qnal (now in process of organization) repay tba loan, lbe people of tbe rnesday np to 3 p. m. when the on $02,379,577.15 Hair Dozen Ollier Speeches In 1878 bad paid *li,C00,000 to free lbs rote eball be taken. Less Agent*’ Credit Balances, >.tgw*.tfg The Kind You Have AT slares. Uonlrt not tbrse people, be asked, Mr. iilohardePD, tke Demooratlo Boar The Bill. $02,377,676.93 be trusted to repay a trifling loan to ba leader, contented to tbit and tb* agree- used for the relief of tbe Island. ment was formally entered lots. 1 liter®.*t Uu® and accrued. $9*3.,, ..38 50 cts. Per Share Itcnts due and accrued. lC.80B.tri He eubralltea w» before adjournment It was unnonoMd As- ■ Always Bought Market value of stocks and ^Vegetable Preparaiionfor lo Kloo by tbelr history wars entitled to that a Republican oonferenoe would be bonds over cost. 870,5:6.5. the Food and Reg ula M IN LOTS OK and de- tba hands of tha He- simulating Vet uncollected fair treatment at held at 8 p. m., tomorrow. » lerred 340.015.34 premiums. pnblloan parly. All they asked waa a The House then took a recess nnlll 8 UiigiteSiauuJisandDowelsaf

— and hands off I'bey $2,211,122.01 Washington, February 23 Aa agree- atabls government p. m. or more 5,061.03 themselves. Us said 100 Shares __- $2,206,060.68 ment was reached In the House today could tabeoareof a lean of three or four ■ ■ • ! that tbe vote on the Puerto Kloaa tariff he believed that CASE UP. Write for Pro*pectu«t. OROR9 AhBETR, Dec. 31, 1800. $61,583,039.61 ba sulliLlsnt to plaee QUAY ■ eball be taken at 3 p. m., next Tuesday. millions ahonld Promotes Digestion,Clieerrul LIABILITIES': on bat tba amount ha It B»- neither \W General debate will dost Monday and them tbelr fast, Mr. Fruroar Swccculetl In Cirttliitf ness and Rest.Contalns C. F. Amount to re- who WHITE, required ttre minute rale was to leave to the people nor Mineral. ■ in-sure all outstand- abort speeches under the willing fore tl»r Nrmlr. Opium.Morphine roUclos. net. Com- sots. were to It. ing _ will follow up to tbe t'me of tbe At repay sss- Not Narcotic. I Boston. Daiiv'a s'audnrd. |Ci5,82j.8.'3.00 Bald ba, “that It lies In tbe Washington, February 23 —Today's 45 Milk Street, All other i.546.745. the does of tbe day formal annonnoement “Isay," liabilities, _ .... Interest mao to that Puerto ■lon of tbs Senate was oenauelly f*b23dl«E »2^ was made that a KapubMoao oonferenos mouth of no say (including contingent In of SlRPi.ra, Tbe Kloo eoold not repay a loan of HO.lKKiOOJ Ing from the eery beginning. spite n-SAMVnnnJUl ■' real estaf*. depreciation mem. ac- would be held at 8 p.m., tomorrow. /ton, tfou free trade In free mar- vigorous and influential opposition Mr. count. $750,000.00)...$i.208,341.i).» leaders oontlnue to express tbe belief that If operated ander I'imftm SmU- B that this bill la drawn Penrose of Pennsylvania, succeeded In JUJtnnm tbe bill will pise, but tbe Impression Is kets. f assart ) 1 of the oaae before tbs Senat* Sukia- I M Katiu of expenses management the advice of Usn. Davis,governor getting Quay • cent growing thut a motion to reoommit the against /tmm Smf l V Could to receipt* in 185*9.11.51 per Ibe afternoon three notable meant of tbe Island, tbe pra- ami during P»Ho*» m force Dec. 31. 180'J. t;V bill to tbe committee ou ways and Kestrel against $l00,4J*,4w».oo Puerto were delivered. dSSilju.' ( I 619. Insuring. will command strong support and may ted of tbe people of Kloo, against •perches Ma.JW- 1 ifl tha After a sharp parllmentary squabble, prevail. Mr. Underwood, the Democratic the counsel of feeoretary Root,against of tbe President end Mr. Penroie moved that the resolution JACOB L. GKEENE, President. “whip" today sent out telegrams to all reoommeniatloos Jlround recommendations of Involvlog the seating of Mr. Quay he J JOHN M. TAVI.OB. Vice Prest. absent Democrats to te present on Mon- against tbe original A perfect Remedy for Constipa- tt of the ways and means taken up fcr consideration. On an aye HEKUEKT II. WHITE, Secretary. day when tbs voting may begin. tbs obalrman tion. Sour Stomach.Diarrhoca. H the end nay vote the motion prevailed 34 to H. WELLS, Actuary. Tbe speech of Mr. LittleUeld of Maine oommlttea." Worms.Convulsions Feverish- ■ DANIEL wae so declaim aa to he Mr. Littlefield ohlded Mr. Payne with- 24. ‘ibe majority waa tbe feature of tbe day. Today ucss and LOSS OF SLEEP. Corner reasons for cause some It Is known that added to ble laurels wou lu tbe Koberls out not making pnbllo tbe surprise. | her Ha slid ha thought some Senators who will vole, If the op- of General case In a speech against the bill, which hla change of rt, Tac Simile Signature Into the H. N. FAIRBANKS, Agt., not be offeied to teat Mr. Quay to- Bj for brilliancy, wit and loglo, rivals tbe ha knew tbe reasons, but be would portunity I consideration of tb» 1 4T Main St Bangor. Me. tbe from day, vot'd against * beat efforts of the reoognUed orators of suggest It. But gentleman Years Future 1 others who feb&ftpcolurmst the from Uon- cuse, while, on the oontrery, NEW d tbe House. He made a profouad ltnpree New York and gentleman YORK._ flj Thirty ccr- With any degree of had declared voted for consideration probably will to e qj •Ion. When be concluded It was several n rollout, ( Hueeell), he mid, tair.ty, affairs might be § of and tobaceo seating him. ibe vote, therefore, minutes before tbe demonstration that that .the Importation sugar against arranged so that the necessity cannot he as nulls a test of Mr j followed could be quelled. ^raong the from" Puerto Kloo would not Interfere regarded of Life Insurance would not $ were absolute strength ID the Senate Hut such others who spoke today were Meiers. with oar Industries. If that true. Quay's be so pronounced. * come lo our notice the up of the resolu- is In con- ■ i having Jones of and Maddox or Georgia It would be Interesting to know who Following taking i foresight impossible. J ns Virginia tXACT COPVOF WRAPPE8. linn we lire reported having of base. He tion, Mr. Daniel, Democrat of Virginia, se n:cr.ce, no act of life is more llic limit against tbe bill and Messrs. Kueaejl of auggeatad tha obange yield- Jft rv qj up llic ugeney of In whloh he CASTORIA than Uncer- • given n important protection. of Missouri and ed to no man In hla daeotlon to the party dellveiei speech vigorously ■nnn Piano, wc rice ill it our ilnly Connecticut, liertboldt tea Mr. to a teat. tainty lingers at every footstep. Life to of of Iowa lor but It waa better for hla polltloal friends sup per Quay’s right J lo llic politic, mill oursclvc* Gardiner Michigan, Laoey Insurance does not overcome this m llic now than later on Mr. Ve.t, Democratic of Mi.soorl, and •tote Unit v.c still control It to hear these things in the least, but it makes the com- * Piano, null be Mr. of Ohio, de- sale of llic lluiiIoinii Tbe debate continued at a night ses- tbe stump where they would judged Foraker, Republican existence sure, whatever X lo forts of shall continue a* heretofore the Ame livered notable anent the Ha- sion. by the enlightened oouaolenoa of speeches befall, for those who depend upon 2 in slock a full line off carry waiian government bill. As .i certainty, it * renowned instruincnSs. rioan people. you for support. iIiimc New tbe floor lead- overshad- discounts death's uncertainties. X Mr. Payne of York, The greatest calamity whloh AMENDMENT TO SHIPPING BIEL. Nehv UNION MUTUAL Policies 1*1. STEINER T * SONS CO., er of tbe majority, gave notice that on owed tbe HepuDllcsn party, he said, was $ Washington, February 23.—The Senate meet insurance * Slrcel. be would move to close In tbe completely require- SIT Congress Monday general the calamity Involved pending mode committee on oominerce today pub- merits, q debate. Mr. ltlchirdson of Tennessee, bill. He would waste no (Applause.) lic the amendment, to the shipping bill, T. C.McGOEEDKIC, Mgr to Mr. or tbe minority leader, appealed time In quoting Jeffersjn, Jaoltson Reasonable in Cost febudtf whloh have been made by It. The first of | Payne not to close delate on Monday. Denton. For him It was aufUolent If Liberal in Privileflcs these limits the payment of subsidies pro- | He said It was Impossible for tbosi on William MoKlnley and followed In tbe exact in Ualues posed to ten years lu care of vesicle com- CITY OF PORTLAND. his aide of tbe House tc express their of Washington and Ltncoln. without X footsteps pleted prior to January 1, 19U0, and ex- They give incontestability views this week. Mr. l’owere of Ver- And President MoKlnley had said that limitations, extended insurance with- 2 tends I the period to twenty years In oase mont with Mr. Klobardecn In tbe of Congress to out and many other * ot the joined It was the ‘plain duly" after that data. deductions, fea- To the Electors of vese-lt completed worth. appeal lor more time. Mr. Payne replied give free trade to Puerto Rica. Hires of definite X • a understand- particulars, precise 2 City of Portland. that there Dae been general Mr. Littlefield directed his earoasm DEMOCRATIC CLUBS. Interesting What is the use of at and illustrated X tbat tbe debate should run a week. tbe as an lllustra- dragging figures any age, the Board of Reg- ing against hill, taking 23.—The exeou- Notice Is hereby given that Washington. February w paper sent anywhere. X w be in air. *1UXJt B Ul llgiuin, n uiruiunt wi mo half alive ? istration of voters of said city, ill open oi toe .uuuuh life hy Build live ooiumut?) through sos-iou at Room Number Eleven (ill City Insular waa the first regular Hloo. At San Juan committee, Maine to Puerto lion of Democratic clubs met here today, do it? Is it because Hi,', upon each of the twelve secular days prior do you Elections lo be holaeu on today. He disouseed tbe condi- was oolleoted by the United de- mutual to tlu* Municipal speaker the duty Chairman McMillan preaiding, anl is no cure? Union the fifth of March. Un«. being tbe Island of as think there \ | Moi.a day existed well boen »y, tion which upon States, 'fbsrelore It bad the next at Indian* you February niiieteeuth to the thud day of March. cided to hold meeting of said Puerto Hloo which led to tbe President's the United Stales when It course can’t be blamed inclusive. The first nine secular days oolleoted by apolla, Iud., fc'opteinber 5. Joseph A Of you session, li/.: February nluclrrntli to recommendations of free trade for be? Eiielns. Co., I Inclusive, will left Maine of 1’onasylTanla trodsred bit if don’t know TANGIN, Erluunry twruty-rlglil. Sllbey you ■ « evidence touch- and from the testimony Llttlefleld oontanded that the bill maine. be for tho pm pose of receiving goods, quoted Mr. resignation as a member of the axocutlre who suffers Portland, the ol voters in said city, and that tbe but woman | ing qualification before bis committee to prove was un-Hepublloan. Whenerer before, any to revise and correct the voting li-ts of the sev- committee. worse now than to about it eral wards therein. f'«iii nine o'clock In the conditions were far he asked, had It been prop; md plaoe after sne has heard forenoon to one o'clock in the afternoon, from made bis recommen- and Ame- TKADK SA'l'lSFlKD. when tbe President a duty upon Amerloan capital to for ttirce till live o'clock 111 the afternoon and from has only herself blame, on tire dation. He tbe distress that The of 23.—Uradetreets seven till nine in tue evening, excepting pictured rican labor)’ platform tha’Krpub- New York, February cure dav of said session iFebruary 28th,' when that TANGIN would surely last prevailed on the Island and declared Mean party, h* aaid, declared for the tomorrow will say: General distribution it will not l*e in session after five o'clock In the relief oould the labor and Ami volume ask to take altornoon. The sessions on March 1st, '2nd and only Immediate prevent protection of American of trade Is of satisfactory though her. We don’t you to enable the Board |! 3rd will be for the purpose actual starvation of many of the Inhabi- rlean against foreign labor and affeotod by weather conditions aud boll it — send us a to tin* correctness of said Isis an I to capital our word for The Knack verify tbe motive behind Mr. at and close It- records of said ses- tant!. Ppeaking of capital. 11* challenged Spring business Is enlarging complete up foreign days. and we will send a sion!. ALT A STUB F. GKBIBll, tbe bill, be Charged that ll waa dleoloaed to this new dootrlne. He markets east and wsat, tbs presence postal you JAMES N. READ. Pany* explain many ROBERT K. All KHN by Mr. Moody of Massachusetts yesterday alao assailed as a pretext the theory that of buyers being encouraged by special Free Sample of TANGIN, Of Good is of Voters. | Printing Board ol Registration wben he declaied that be was unwilling tbla tariff for Puerto Hloo waa framed to rates. A softening of prices of medi- Feb. febiyd.'w passenger I with a valuable into the Portland, 19,1900. tbe on and together the artistic that lO.UUC.l'OU Asiatics should enjoy ralae revenue, when a duty sngar specoletlvoly dealt In tuples la to be insight cal treatise on the diseases of “ of all arts.” Immunities of citizenship In tbe United tobacco was levied, while coffee, of wblob ruled, but the read Ions are of narrow ex- art preservative State* wblob had been hie birthright as waa than both the is as a whole and no That’ll the the production greater tent. Money steady | women. prove With us printing is not TO CONTRACTORS. un American citizen. was to b* Im- n week other article* together, higher than ago. story. mechanical—wc treat it as an Mr. Maddox of Georgia followed In op- ported free. 'Ihla was the obeap phllan- llank clearings comparisons are rather The Committee on Public Buildings will re & CO. S Successors, be treated. lirs to the bill. ho remarked, which coat noth- less favorable, beoause of less pro- I i A. M. BININGF.R art should cclve sealed proposals until Thursday the position throphy, partly of day ot March, 1’.'00. at noon, for heating anj Mr. Bartbuldt, Republican Missouri, ing. He argued that If the Industrie* of nounoed speculative activity at tbls time New York. Wouldn’t it be wise for you to ventilating, and also for plumbing for the Ear. In supported tbe bill. lbere Is room the United State* were to be protected last street school building. Portland. Maine, year. place a trial order with us? Separate proposals must be mane for the heat tbe United State* for millions yet—ex- the Industries of Puerto Hloo Structural Iron continues active. Hual- ant against lug ami ventilating; also for the plumbing, of tbe hour. It 108 Is tbe eblbboleto later those of tne Philip- ness failures for the week number forms of proposals lor plumbing may be had a< pansion and against Die office of F. H. & E. F. Fassett. architects has taken bold of men's minds. As law tba Industries of those Islands with 221) In tbls week a year bo used. Elam pines, compared THE THURSTON PRINT 98 Exchange street, aud'must must reokoo o makers and politicians yon never Amerloan oapltal and 183 In 161*8. and specifications may be seen at the office could prosper. ago, sanl architects. Satisfactory bonds will be re with It and It existing laws and consti- would never go to them (or Investment. 97 1-2 EXCHANGE STREET for faithful performance of contract NAVY. qulred tutions do not ooyer It, tbey must give Hloo would remain as an "orange BHITAIN’b KNOKMOUS Proposals Should be marked “Proposals foi Puerto MAINE ‘’hewera •PHONE 30 PORTLAND. Plumbing, etc.. Park street school building.* way. Zorns to squeazo,” 'bar people London, February 38.—the naval esti- and addressed to Frank W. Robinson. Chair for tha TALK warfare American drawer* of for AND WILL “Tbe material of wood and water,” mates 1200-11*01 total pounds GAN The com 37,623,600 WE man Committee oa Public Buildings. of,tha or al and tha United mitteo reserves the right to reject any people depends upon commerce 76,000,000 lnnahltante of an Increase ol 228,100 pounds, providing should it be deemed for the interes proposals and In tbe International struggle for an inorsnss of 220 officers and 4020 of the so to do. feb2ldtd£ trade, States. city bill as touch as philosophers and philanthro- Another aigumant against tba men for new ships. It la propoiod to pists may deprecate It, politloal [system* Mr. Llttlefleld found In the proclama- bulla two new battleships; tlx tint class INSURANCE of no consideration to the of Puer- a second class LOAN. are questions tion of Uen. Miles people armored cruisers, cruiser, MONEY TO For Women. Mr. lizrtboldt In oloslug, referred tc to Hloo when hla army Invaded th* Isl- two twin screw sloops, two gun boats and night. Dr. Tolman's has of Mr. Clark of Mlmourl a th* native* “tha boats. day Monthly Regulator brought the remarks and. H* had promised and two torpedo or small, to sud the bor- to hundreds of anxious wouieu. Any amount, large happiness tbs Uemoorat* were and of our gov- It Is are In Furniture, I ianos, Or- There is no other remedy known few days ago, saying Immunities blessings” Negotiations, added, pro- before you! rower, on Household positively Hits ilie subject been properly placed aud also Farming stock. to medical science, that w4l so and tbe Insinuation that a aeerel had orownad him with of a narnl reserve gans. Sleek Fixture*, quickly proDSgatlug ernment, and they gress for the formation of onr ISCotu- &c.. the same to remalu do the work. Have never had a l« us know, and with the backing Horsei, Carriages. safely single alliance existed In ordoi the He would If tiot, We will ofl furniture failure. Tho and most obst inate cases Angle-American garlands and kissed flag. In Canada. of with the oaner. pay longest we cuu convince you of the necessity at rates as low as relieved iu 3 without fail. No other of tbs Irish and to the we think leases and uU\am*e money are days to arouse tbe resentment never vote, he said, violate pledge There will be under oonstrnotlon In pantes All loans may be paid will do this. No no dauger, no •an h> hud In the state. Yeiuedv pain, It had our facilities. > reducing both with work. The most difficult German voter*. Beorelaiy Hoy'e reply that soldier had made. 1C00, seven teen battleships, twenty trying r>y lustallm^iits. each payment Interference greet Heal estate treated corres- eur hero** priUA ipai and interest. mortgages cases successfully through lo tbe Maoruni resolution, he aald, nailed been written In the blood e( armored ctalaera, a tlrst class protected confidential. the moat satisfaction negotiated. Business strictly pondence,and complete the Ued of battle*. It ooald elaas gnaranteed In every instance. 1 relieve bus tbnt Us. and sealed by cruiser, two wound protested Write for dreds of ladies whom I nevor see. Mr. Hnsssll of Conneotlout, defended not be violated without anllylng our cruisers, n thirl elaas orulser, sight further All letters truthfully particulars. u on kb* oar faith. & answered. Free confidential advice in all tbe bill In careful argument honor end tarnishing sloops, two gunboats, four torpedo boats E. C. JONES CO., a or nature. Bear LOIN matters of private delicate oommsrclsl as well as tbs legal pbesti Mr. Llttlefleld then tosh up the legal and twenty-one toipedo boat destroyers. SHIWMUT GO., in mind this is safe under remedy absolutely fre* and eoaoluded aa Me, condition and will positively of the controversy. He believed of the qoeatlea 13 «8 Market 8C, PoriluitA. every possible phaeee Huso second snots for "Northern Exchange Street._ du leave no after ill effects upon th#health. By trade with Puerto Rico would do u* 1 follows! yon Jaul» mail sealed. *2.00. Dr. K. M. TOL- securely Industries of th< 1 whole rt- Lights" MAN CO., lTO TreuMBl ftt, Boston, Miss. material Injury In the “May car flag fle*#>v*r_th« MW AOVMBTIIBINKIITS. | RAW ADVKRTIRKMKWTI. u4 Mr. Andrew* oo»- Ml wall wltt tta llttla |ltt BpeutoUy >ul bt* InUrrM ” tho Ttmo to Sot Yourootf notable waa do«e and tta Spring Woll. lucted the bualnce* until 1870. For the tta "go* op, WESTBROOK. Andrew* Tbaaa porta wara taken by next 18 yrnr* er until 1888 Mr. polieamaa'a. furniture Masters Knseet Hanson end Obanti* war raoeeeafally looated In the Tbs children wars wall drilled, bualaee*. Blue* 1888 he ha* been retired Boats. Mto- CO. for and ttalr The llttla FRANK P. TIBBETTS & from burl nee*. Mr. Andrew* TaUd attains good. fer Preel Ista, Mlaaat Cm Kimball, Floraaoa Man- DR. C Whig candidate, GREENE’S NERVURA Henry My .the at the Churches Pntrtak bid fair to rlml Services dent in 1884 For three tenon be teeeed ton and Marita board ■oat of tta older lingers before long. the ettr aa a member ef the enheol Blood and Norvo refresh manta wan asrrad tta grad- Sunday. and ua a district aurreyor. Ua atoort the After Romody and Me Intro- draft la 18M far soldiers to serra during oatlng elaat appeared, made their prauep- ih* Aroostook ooonty boundary dispute ductory remarks by It the Greatest Tonic and melted 8prlng Restorative Mr. Andrews married Mery Ana Haley tor, Mr. Willie L. Blokford, wan The Latin the World Has Ever Known. of Bare, who died In laTtt. Boren chil- with shouts cf laughter. Mlaa Andrews was deUv- Officers of Saomi Rfbtkah Circle dren were born to Mr. and Mra Andrews, aalumtory by Isn't It a bam home matt an making ns all Usorge U. Andrews, now deceased; Mra nad la Inspiring way, And what makes It happy ? — ANNUALCLEARANCESALE In the lan- — those*. Addle W. Thorn. Char lee U Andrews, wish oa real Tea as proficient Why, health vigorous, hearty health the kind that moves the world, and fills aa Tha tsaay on music — the kind that comes from and both of Westbrook; Jehn Q.. ef Uaytoa, guage the salatttorlaa. life with blood—rich, red, pare —from nerves va. Moontalna" Annie Marie firm like and to endure. will Ublo, and Arthur K n resident of West- “Ooeaaa l>y steel, strong br|ln Mlaa This glorious Is the of man and also leaves a sister, ltrowa was warmly applauded. strength heritage every brook. Mr Andrews woman In waa next the world. If you have not got It—get It. Bow of N. Caroline Frost's Latin poam Mrs Kachsl Caaney Farmington, 'Is the time when all nature Is about to bloom anew. mem- on tto programme, and caused muoh Annual of Board H. Mr. Andrew* was a dsroted Mfhe a fresh springtime In yttur own life. Get Dr. Report Mlaa Cloudman’s essay on ber of the UnlTsreallst oburch. Tho fn- merriment. Greene’s Bervura blood and nerve MONDAY FEBRUARY 26TH. af- "The Mew and Mra Ulckford'a MORNING, of Health. neial eerrloes are to be held Monday Woman," remedy and take It regularly until the Forward" wore Urn. 'i’be ternoon at 8 o'clock from his lots resi- on “Looking poisons of winter have been driven Mrs. Chaffin waa a vary from Wo shall offer in dence. Hi, rial at Krergiwn o. mot ary. class poem by your system. you extraordinary bargains and waa ren- It will fill the shriveled veins with The fallowing nolmnatloiM bare been orlgltal production llnely the healthful, blood of life. IMmocratlo oommltiee dered. The boy of the class, Mr. leaping mad* by tbc olty It will vital Into Ernest F. Hnnaon, waa exonsad from ue- put electricity Parlor Furniture, Couches, Dentil of Jeremiah II. Andrews for ward fires those weak and trembling Sewell llvarlng hla oration on account of tlm- For Aldermen—John K.Sawyer, nerves. It will build up baahtol 3 pc. Suites, Morris Chairs, Friday. U. B tllty Idtty. Hla Impersonation of the firm, white flesh, vigor- Warden—Udward B. Thayer. hoy waa perfeol, also bis attempts to sing nnt mucrl* cntir nn »h* Constable—Byron A. Keid. Pieces, Music Cabinets, th* close ode at arory opportunity mora appetite, and strengthen WOOD F011DS. tnan langbablo. Mra. iJUIlnge dallraroil the digestion. Chairs and Hockcre, tbs class In an manner Dr. Greene’s Iterrura 10(1(1 history twpreaslve will >lt toe blood and nerve Toilet Hot. S. X. Adarna preach and the local hits and tooohtng allusions remedy Dining Tables, Ladles’ Tables, churon Sunday Is absolutely the best Westbrook Congregational The New England Telephone company's lo the were Mlrs llrndbury's boy enjoyed. spring medicine In the on “Kellglon fora Man's Conaldeiatlon.” men ore at work on Ltnooin and lieaoon to Ut «Aoh one's future, Chairs, Desks, * prophecy seemed world. It cures be A general the tfco subject wlU a new line of In evening streets patting In poles. and the olive evidently received debility, dyspepsia, ner- and If Sideboards ; Library Tables, liond Servant.'1 The new pries are ranch talter, this portion with delight, lhe rnledlu- vousness, insomnia, list- of the Metho- for* Her. C. C. Pbelan, pastor possible more substantial than those tory wna vary pathvtlo as tba sobs an I lessness, “the blues," and dist ohuroh, la to preach Sunday morning merly In use. tears af the class testified. Mlaa Flokett constipation, and the l'ha Val- thousand-and-oce Ulsthat at 10.80 o’olook eu the snbj««t The Portland KtocUto Light company evidently nnderstood'tb# true meaning of Buffets, school at 18 m., an! come from Impoverished D* cf Liberty.” Sunday and tho Westbrook Electric Light tha class part assigned to hrr. Ths may- Willard me- Mood and weak nerves. China Closets, Chiffonieres, followed wltb a Kranoea K. Power company are also engaged in pat- Mr. Charles conferred the or, Hillings, Remember — it curcn. wltb an addrots by at morial at 7 trolook, ling In quite a number of new poke eertalnly In aa original a way diploma, 131 Ani.hnet At*., Chamber Suites, Screens, Mrs. Ij. M. N. Stoveua. Woodfords and vicinity. Tho nsw poles aa It waa laughable.. The class oolcr. Order of For Mood Court City of Westbrook, ere lsrger than those formally In uae» to In tba toilets. Odd Bureaus, Book Cases, (green) predominated WbM lta ball laat eve- them peters, held poalponeu provide for the striln made upon Bouquets were reoelved by several of the West hod. Iron ning at Odd Fallows boll, by the Inoreaced number of wirea put graduates. Mlaa llradbnry and Mr. Dana Beds, Her. hi bolt H. Harbour, partor of the the two to provide which np daring past years Edwards furnished tba muslo, tfonblM, Mjr wlfohM ilIho worlvod briwllt from Circtue’* will Sunday to f single sizes, Culver sails t ohurcb, preaob for the increasing basio»s» being done by was excellent. We understand that the Nervura Mood and nerve remedy our rienda." the at I0.i0 o’olook on antjert o- the dlreo- rooming these companies. entertainment waa given und Dr. Greene, 34 Temple Place, Boston, Maes., 1* the moflt sncoettfnl specialist in curing nervous liitcc V IIrmills aim rorucrus. « end Croat Servloas." Sun- “Little Deeds Mr Kben s>. Ullkey of Massachusetts tlon of Mrs. Charles Hillings, assisted by ami chruolc disease*. He ha* remedies f«»r all forms of disease, and offer* to give free consulta- Y. P. C. U. at day school at 11.45 a. m.; formerly a resident here, has been'calling Miss Busts L. Clement, pianist. tion and advice, personally or by letter. You can tell or write your troubles to I>r. Greene, lot “Frolessioniu mean are are answered in scaled of FORMER PRICES or I 7 p.m. subject, an friends and relatives at WoodXords Earnest request* for repetition were all all communications confidential, and letter* plain, envelope*. Sold regardless been received announcing Card* have daring tb4 past two days. Mr. Uilksy met with Una refusal, but we shall re- of Hev. Abel W. Pottle of PRESENT VALUE. tbe marriage Is a past ohanoellor of Hooky Hill lodge member the auroras scored by the ladles Mies Theresa Carr Whit- | llowdolobara to of Knights of Pytllle^ WoodXords, and of tha first division. The audiences com- I’ortland, February 24,19G0. Mr.Pattis has served ■ more of that town. accompanied the party that oamo from pletely tilled the.chapel. of live each over the two pastorates years Massoohcsstts as guests of Pstor Wood* ’Iba (iorbam High eohool observed BEGINNING FEB. 26 FOR ONE WEEK, this de- Methodist church of city. land lodge cf Lynn, who have been tho Washington's birthday with appropriate Stationery of Woodturds re- Miss Agnes M. 6aHord of at Cumberland Mills at eohool building | guests the lodge exercises Iba High Clearance Sale from partment receives The Furniture you cited the “Fippa Paints” Browning two forenoon, lhe was OUR Biggest the put days Thursday programme | last at the Westbrook Congrega- Wood- orders for all evening Mr. Fred Chaw well known nt aa follows: ever attended. ohurob. tional fords, formerly In the employ of the Music, School | of Cumberland kinds of card and wed- Mrs. A. C. Cloudman Baker hx tract company In the obemloal Sketoh of Washington's Life, by Young I the enter- Claw of 1W1 Mills tang several solas daring but who has during the put Ladle*. I at department, Mahal Deerlng \\ ding plate engraving tainment. Tbe entertainment was highly KttMj, few months represented the Arm of U. Washington's School* and School low enjoyable tbrongbuiit Thay.r & Co., hen reelgned that position musters, Blanche Libby remarkably prices. He- Male At the annual meeting of Naomi u Mnslo, Quartette and aonopted a puil.ioa superintendent llatobet, The work is all done by circle held at the home of Mrs. C. Heading, The Llttla bekah of ths chemical department of B. H. Mildred Thomas oflloors were an house in B. Woodman tbe following Johnson & Co., 22 State street, Cotton. Hooltatlon—Having Company, engraving Mrs. A. A. Cord Annie Doyle i eleotod: President, well; TIBBETTS elub of P. The FRANK Young People's auxiliary New York whose CD., Sarah Hadlock reputa- vlos president, Mrs. Ceorge A. (jalnby; tbe Woot*fords Universalis! church held Sketob, Plano Kdlth Bartlett Mrs. U. J. Ueaelton; treasurer, kolo, tion for fine work is of secretory, an old fuhloned social lut evening in Washington's Home*. Kdwtna Libby Hezelton. 6 Free Street. Mrs. Joseph Lewie ball whtoh wu well attended. Recitation, Ethel Moultoo 4 and School the highest, morever, they A meeting of Naomi Bebekah those Mu. la, le b244* special Quite a number cf preaunt appeared Smith afternoon at A Hoy** Focllah Adventure, Edith Woolens Is to be held Monday Our are leaders of ledge costumes. A line enter- the fashion, In old fashioned Mu do, Male Quartette Spripg 8 j'cluok for tbe purpose of Installing wu dar- Braekeit tainment with tableaux enjoyed Character of Washington. Tjng so are sure to see in who was unable to at- Harlow and Uutbrle Have been received and are now you the noble grand, ing the evening. Vlullo Duett, tend when the other tllloers were In- What We Owe Our Country, for You our books the Members of tha School ready inspection. sample only stalled. A full attendance la detlrad. the Music, sohool can find all annual of the secretary of MORRELLS. newest ideas, the latest The report Carroll S. Chaplin and Philip: Chap S Whenyoubuyan «. tbe board of health of Westbrook shows nun of Portland ar* guests of Edward LATEST NOVELTIES fads and the most correct OUT the following: Population, G.&CU. Tbe J and Hale far a few day*. .IX. the was A sery pleasant enjoyable dancing forms. comber of deetbs during year brother of Mra. E. held In Mr. A. F. Stuart, diseases were party was Thursday evenlug 137. The following reported a few Atlantic W la Id Uorbsia for days. 11< Center. In of Uupllll, of the Range scarlet egg hall, Ileertng charge during tbe year: Diphtheria, 13: ha* bean oon- and Domestic Fabrics. | Wa. P. Kimball is g % Hint Mr. Foreign ifins Charlotte Harmon of Forest avenue, >2 ♦ you gel something «‘ teter, 8; measles, 8; tuberculosis, 8; ty- hour* lllnem tor several An en- llned to bla by assisted several of her friends. ■ ♦ «ct of the ordinary. SF phoid, 10; deaths from diphtheria, 0; by IN SPRING OVERCOATINGS Orders are received at 2 nnmv i DV wu In day*. 7; joyablaforde r of deoces Indulged •osrlet fever,II; measles,U; tuberculosis. selectmen of (iorbam have ;S ORDINARY...... and ths entire aSsIr The we all tho new shades in S: Buies for the of during the evening, have the Notion counter for typhoid, 3. prevention made which are newest Ideas Wtlll the all. the annual reports op in Wool verjr 2* have been Issued by the was much enjoyed by Covert Cloths, and Diag- tMIHH ♦HRtttAM* consumption In the printer's hand*, and they will be Cash's Woven ‘w Mrs. Ira Hudson of Boston Is ths goes! onals and Vicunas wo have the English blsbrit graiit1 workuiuushlp. JL> •tote board, and can be bad of any phy- :4th ready far distribution Saturday, Feb, ■ have Mood Hie test of u si of Mr. Bewell T. Fowler, Ocean avenue. new shades. ATLANTIC RANOES nearly sician In the city. Mrr. Oxford Names, address, etc., J Mr. and Mra John Mansoa, THUS ARE CON I INI ILLY servloes of the late’ Mrs. Ocean vale. quarter of u eentiiry. The funeral Mr. and Mr*. Ueorge are made to order .2 21 an aged Kradurlok Hoblr, IN BUSINESS SUITINGS which NDS. Labrock ware hsld after- Mrs. Cyrus Abbott, resident, .MARINO NEW TRIE Mary yesterday Wentworth of Portland attended the 3» about 80 of age, Is still 11. noon from her late resldenoe, oorntr of being year* quite in a of and entertainment Wednesday evening at the we have a wide variety of stripes variety types .* Are not ready sick at her home, Allan's Corner you Haskell and Pine streets. and la both Worsted and of Woodfords was Congregational chapel. checks in several colors. Prices enlist under the of the Ammonoon- Mrs. W. P. CsDorne ;• to Tbe next meeting Mr. Frederick It. Humoaereldes of State Scotch effects. Our line of tbe Wednesday of Mrs. Nellie Danner of the olnb Is to be held at the borne of guest a few with friends to >2 gln stie It IS •pending day* are selected have been reduced Oman avenue, Ooeanvale. TROUSERINGS Mrs A. U. Porter. “Domestio Scltnos” Swett, In Boston. FernalJ from tho best ENGLISH and a and far tbe afternoon with Mrs. Lyman H. Clark, street, $2.00 gross $1.25 Will be the topio See Mr. Bnrkc Portland Theatre Mon- In the for a few DOMESTIC makers and you will Porter and Mrs. Tolinan in charge Is visiting relatives olty Mrs. day night. for a half gross names. days. find tho largest assortment in DEATH OF JEltKMIAH K. ANDREWS Jerusa- ATLANTIC? Her. Samual Woroester of New CHARLES FROHMAN’S COM- Portland. If you want a Another aged and respected citizen or lem church will tpsek at Young People's next I Vies ebook died early yesterday morning meeting In All Houle' church Han PANY. FANCY VEST our PORTLAND STOVE at his boros. Mr Jeremiah K. Andrews day evening at 7.15, sub ject, "Profession Don’t miss seeing we have them from the quietest I the deceased, was born In Uraut Falls, al Weals.” **TI»c Lttlle Minister.*' to the loudest and swellust new stock of Swiss Em- N. H., August 21, 1811, and was a son of Ft lends Hunday" will t o oelebratxl very I I0UNDRY CO. thing ever made. Benjamin and Mercy Randall Andrews. at Ail Houle' church tomorrow morning. broideries. Fine dainty :» the ut or TtU oiteritoon and tonight at Jeff- R tail Oeparlmeat After leaving the pnbllo schools ot his Let evuty one come and bring one insertions 2 union W to bo Charlei Froh- with Loot of Chcst- native town he wss apprenticed to leitrn more friends. presented by edgings I'm-lory, one that ha* been the bluoksmltb’s trade, bnt subsequently man’s Company, spes- to match. Matched sets '2 nut S:retl. well known manag- left that to learn tbe trade of a maohln- lnlly selected by thla coined‘"The Little REUBEN K. with now famous DYER, wide y 1st. Mr. Andrews located In Westbrook ~GORHAM. es, the flouncings. from Where he entered the of Minister." Thl* Is the play adapted In 1833, employ Merchant Tailor, _ liarrle'a famous novel of the Whitney & Ksade, then engaged In tbs Mr. J. M. entertainment by the ladles name, l'hoae who have hod the oonstrnctlun of the Westbrook Manufaot- rue given name 375 Fere, Near Feot of Ezcunge Street. of the first division of the Ladles’ Circle of • tb* dramatization state feb24dlt nrlng company's plant and after tbe ma- pleasure relax The new thin fabrics, ADAMS & Mr. at the Congregational chapel Wednesday that Mr. Uarrle has made n remarkable, ANDERSON, GO., chinery was placed In running order, »UCce.-s The Me ha* for thread In the new evening was a great and 'entertaining play. designed Andrews span the llret highly DEA1 -IS. specially Hrowniue’ drill oaiua llrst, and wu en- of the strong lnetdeat*. plant. Tn 1838,with Mr. John T.Oilman, retained many shirtwaists, are WALL PAPER Ill Exchange Street, The Brownies’ Intredoeed all the types ae arriving he farmed a In tbe m> ohlnlst thusiastically applauded. and peenllar Fab. S3. Aline Margaret. eldest partnership In tbit cliy. Seaton of 1900. sold costumes were works «f art, end contrast- shown In hie novel. We hove reoelved re- childul He*, ll has. Il.ubuti, (Secretary u( the now and subs qoently Mr.;Ullin»n every day they ... AGENTS OF,... business, Mnlue aged 2 years 3 that the company preeentlng the Missionary Society) port# oimiihs 26 days. are and daintier play without a single .exception hae been I burial at Seaiaport.] prettier wire of UNITED STATES BRANCH OF accorded of the btgbset order, In title city. Feb. *3, Mary Caroline, than those of other praise Charles 2. linker, ageu 30 years 6 mouths and years. wherever It bas been seen. There le to days. Styles-New. _a Anderson Silk FUR REFRESHMENT. our [Funeral Sunday afternoon at o’clock, FIVE MINUTES mueh Interest manifested by regular Ginghams, from No. 17 Frederick street. tboee who eel- The Assor- 4* theatre goers, and mho by In this city, Fob. *3, Sylvia 1’.. widow of the Ginghams, Percales. Dim- Empleyer’s Liability It attend the to eee tale Barker B. (Hidden. aged hu years. little refresh- dom, ever, theatre, o We all know how [Prayers Sunday atternooo at 3 clock at Ihe and all the latest Designs-Novel. This le undoubtedly Na 28 Woodford ities ment is obtained in the tra- this performnnee. residence of T. K. Thoinpeou, ancc Corporation, Lim’d. usually to the (not that the etory le euob ■ street. Deertug diet. ditional five minutes. owing In tills city. Feb. 33. Ernnnuie Parker, aged novelties in white goods. to be able to States Brsuch Mana- popular one. It la pleasant 31 years 1 rnootli 10 days. Prices-Right. Appleton & Dana, United It is often better not to to on a'ternoon at 2 oeloek, gers and Attorneys, 71 Kilby btreet. try get announce that Mr. Frohman'a efforts to Funeral Sunday 111 Wilinot street. Bostou, Mast. to eat, and so save from her late resldeuce, Na anytlung yourself provide a comedy and a company of tbs In Gray. Feb 22. HuaauuaU Graeu, widow ol useless wear and tear on nerves. o( Utlstleld. 88 your highest merit, will be appreciated here, tbe late Joseph .Green aged ASSETS DEC. 31. 1890. ycaip 10 months. But if can a of Chase seats for you get cup 'ibis Is shown by the demand tor I Funeral een .ee Suuday afternoon at 2.80 MOORE & CO. Stocks and Bonds.#079,720.08 Haneock. OWEN, & Sanborn's Seal Brand Coffee you the engagement. o’clock, at tbe house ol Mrs. Harriet L ash hi "fflce and BuuK. ti.78L89 In Standtah. Feb. 22, Mrs. (Hire Mauds Ster- l ash Deposited with Trustee*, with can in five minutes what will re- eos. aged d7 years 7 months 4 days. Kidder Peabody & Co. 53,5*4.54 get FRANK P. XIUHKTTS & CO. wtd- for In Portland. Oregon. Feb. IT. Carolyn H„ SHORT & HARMON. I merest due and accrued ou Bonds 7,148.41 fresh and five eldest mm, invigorate you ow of William H. 1). Joyce and daughter 1S9.083.44 Frank P. llbb.ua & Co., haeo tbeli 1.1)24 eodtf lncollected Premiums, net,. hours. of the late Ira Berry, of Portland, aged u7 yrs. anneal olearontre sale cf furniture tb< In UneolnylUe, Feb. 12. Hobart 0. McOobb, Gross Assets...$1,234,298.4f It is because Chase & Sanborn’s week, Monday, Febru aged 63 years, nomlng beginning In Uucotuyllla Feb. 8, Kben Fernald, aged Mail: Admitted Coffee is unadulterated. thli by ENGINEER OFFICE. 1587 Congress absolutely Mth. As It le wall known that 70 years 1 mouth. m Smtmplm of beautife! Assets...^...#l,2#J,J90.6i ary • Feb. lOoo.- as other In Brooksvlhe, Feb. 10. Mis* Dolly Gray, from th* whole- O K vL US.strew. Portland, Me.. *3. The Seal Brand as well their a stock of One good* Portland Harbor hones carry large 41 AYE m Sealed proposals tor dredging LIABILITIES DEC. 3L 1S99. colored aged years. bate until 12 March Coffees which are packed in parchment-lined highly le need lees for un to my that buyers ni In Feb. 14, Samuel Ilipley, aged 82 81e will be reretved in., high grade it Appleton, Informa- Net losses. ...•••• $327,115.04 that 10 months. 27, 1200, and then publicly opened. unpaid ,,«••••. is all of selected beans the mark down will certainly ae years lOOPER'S SONS, S. ItOKrt- Unearned Premiums 551,319.21 imported bags pure coffee, consisting carefully prices In West Brooksvlilo, Feb. 14, Capt, Eohert tion furnished on application. W, so 1 Outfitters. Portland, Me. ra All other liabilities, unpaid Commis- famous for their coffee that it is ours I Ins. 72 years. Bl.l.K, Mai. Eng feb24.2«,.'7.2emai-a4.20 have been raised on crop, great targe Tapley, aged sion on Premiums 7,2X47 plantations, Feb. 16. Decatur paid. wine color before cream, and In Bucksport. Bridges. delicious. The kind that is deep port MARRIAQEA. In Sesrsmour, Feb. 2, Mrs. Patience Moody 76 Total.“$4*5,454.70 after cream. llosuier, aged years. Bipers Capital, Deposited. 200,ouo.0Q golden In Searsmont. Feb. 10, Mrs. Patience T. it. It Is worth the 11 months. F. O. BAILEY & CO. Surplus over all liabilities. I50.83i.89 Ask for it wherever may be, until you get In Moutvtle. Feb. IT. John L. Beau and Misi Moody, eged So years you Daniel 1C Pierce. RAILROAD WATCHES. EAe M Cain. In Hath, Feb. 4l. trouble. The best is the cheapest. Feb. 16. Jonn Total liabilities and surplus. $i ,230.299.09 always In Bor Harbor. Feb. IT. William K. Martin In Thomaeton. Doherty, eged iietioieers aid C«miinM ierelaab The kind that will pass Inspection. We carry months. of Relllvauand Ullve MayUray of F.den. 78 yeers 6 the stock of It. R. Watches; fust the Feb. 18. wife of Wot 4* Exekaags Street, largest In MUlbridge, Oaorgc Kelley and Mrs. Luri In Beal Harbor. Harriet, SalesrsMi klnJ at the lowest prices, and we will W. a. R, BOOTH BY, E. 22 years 3 mouths. right General Agent. MltebeU, Clark, aged *• * ai#i#BM glee yon time to nay for them. McKENNEV, ndd Mm In Warren, Feb. IE, Piste DcUum, aged lg v. o. baii#a r. Watsrrllle, Maine. In Augusta. Feb. T, Win. F. Herrick u THE JEWELER. Monument Sq. feb24dU (eb24Jcodsw COFFEES. ■nil ly A. Anderson. years B&U f CHASE & SANBQRNS V \ I ■lICCLLtllMPI. I Jr HUCELLA N ROT7*. HAS A STIFF NECK. SUNDAY SERVICES. _■WtU.AAEOri. ___MUCKLI'A KOll._HUftUAmOBI.

notice* are free nn LcnUtoa Boy Falls Fraai Top of Faar Notice-Church published is old saying, but tlie Ship- as an accommodation to the churches. The •lory Block sad Lights ts His publ a hers request that they be sent to the GOOD ping Receipts anti Systems we Bhoaldrri, Does Your Food office by 6.00 p. m. on the day before publica- written and as as arc onto the Ur. r. 8. Moore of Ash sites*, e reel- tion. legibly briefly possible pushing Market such notices are or corrected has a stiff not received by deni of Osgood tints, Lewiston, are Assimilate? side- telephone. I¥ew, Up-to-date, Labor Properly seek. II a was walking along the PUSH IT All Boulr* Church (Btevens Plains A vs). whan thme receive walk on Thursday forenoon, Rev. 8. U. Davis, pastor. Preaching service at Savers. In other words, do you m. Y. was shadow o»er hie and some- 10.4ft a. m. Sunday school at 12.15 p. tho amount of nour- n bead, tl from your diet P. C. U. 7.1ft p. m. All are welcome. should ? This is thing struok him heavily on the bask of ishment that you Bitthant Conci. Church, South Portland. ALON In fact all the Manifold the to be considered hla neck and abonldera. He was momen- Rev. K. H. Newcomb, pastor. Preaching 2.30 principal point 11 in eating:. In it lies the foundation tarily under tbe Impression that a man and 7 p.m. Ail are weloome. 28ft Per* street—Rev. Goods, Hinders. Or- of health. Hoff's bad him with bis and Bethel Church, Holders, good Joliann behind struck fist, Francis Mouth* Residence 108 Malt Extract taken with meals in- orth, pastor. aftsr a step or two be turned angrily Newbury street Services at 10.30 a. m.. 3 and der Loose Leaf sures a and m. service lu the afternoou. Hooks, Ledg- good np|>eti»e perfect around to oomront ble enemy. All be 7.*op. Preaching digestion. It is a certain remedy All are welcome. saw waa a little of eleven Loose Leaf De- for and It toy years lying Church or Tint Mfrsiah. (Untversallst)— ers, Systems, indigestion dyspepsia. India sts. Rev. John M. banishes insomnia. crushed and bleeding upon the sidewalk. corner Congress and Atwood, pastor. Services at 10.80 a. m. and Hlanks and oth- bs saw tbe white eoered fees for posit many Looking up 7. 0 i>. nk Morning Subject, “A Idvine Plan of another down from tbe Our Human Life. Evening Subject: a new boy looking us ers we make arc piayer required for modern condllions. “Give to fill wants. eaves of the his fiat, blgb bulletin?, only Ills day more leisure.” Sunday school at 12 in. Y. P. C.U. »tlft Johann Hoff’s nose and eyre appealing oyur tbe vdse. ni. Junior Y. P. c. IT. 6 p. Let ns till your wants next m. All are invited. Little Charles Vanette, elsyea years p. Brown’s Block, R37 Congress of Or- Christ Science, We also old, bad been at play en tbe tup st. service Sunday 7.3» i>. m; Miss L. B. Gild- time. submit Prices, Malt Extract are welcome. t* good fiats, runalng • I,jut with another den, speaker All Bov are Church tFIrst Unlversa- for the little and outttng op dido, when be Conor km Samples, etc., aking. is not only the world's boy, llst) Rev. l>r. Blanchard, pastor. Service at greatest of the tonic, but is a food as well. One lost bis footing near tbe edge 10.80a.m. The pastor win officiate. Sunday school at 12 m. 4.3o p. in. Y. P. C. U. dozen bottles of Hoff’s bnlldlng and want over tbs edge. Ue fell Vespers Johann 7.30 p. in. contain more tonic and nutritive four and breaking an stories, striking Church of Christ—Corner ot Congress and of ale or power than a cask porter, eleolrlc wire In bla fall, and landing Weymouth streets. Lord’s flupper at 10.30 a. F. E. BACON MANIFOLD deleterious effects. m. Bible at 11.4ft. at 7.30 without their neck end shoulders of study Preaching CO., tbe finally oron C. 8. Black. Inrt*t upon having the Geminlne Johnnn by he tte • • Huff'n .Halt Extract. Do not be Imposed Mr. Moore Literally, fell upon Clark Memorial M. F.. Church. Wood- • In bot- BOOK BINDERS AND PAPER 184 MIDDLE ME. upon by inking worthies* put up neek of Mr. Moore Ins wire and the fords—Rev. Johu R. Clifford, pastor. Resi- PAINTERS, RULERS, ST., PORTLAND, tle* *lmll*r to Johann ItolF* mid which MS dence 81 Pleasant street At 10.30 a. m. sornion it* to recommend It neok of tba man on tbs sidewalk doubt- nothing but cheapness y the pastor. Sundav school st 12 m. At » p when be At fl m. less sated tbe boy's life, and m. Junior League. p. Kpworth League. TO LET. At 7 p. m. and service, led by the WATTin. M A tbe be suffered tbe praise prayer _FOR LfC._ s'ruck sidewalk only 1 .idles of the churcfi. All are welcome. young word* Inifrtrd of bis above the has* WE TEST EYES words Inserted nnder words lawrlMl uadrr this hrad Forty under this head breaking leg Joel Chkntnu r hTRr.T ! Church. (Methodist Forty this head Forty SEVEN one week for nastor. oue oar for ‘43 rente, cosh In advance. Mr. Moore was not hurt mnob, appar- Episcopal)—Rev. Lather Freeman, Free of charge. We have the largest stock of week for '4.1 cents, rash In advance. work 4'» rents, roali la advance. Rev. F. II. Griffiths, assistant Preaching at be blood for an boor Lye Glasses and Spectacles In the eltf.JMIM SUTHERLAND ently, tbongh spat 10.30 a. in. “Th* World viewed from BAI E-11 with Topic, Gold, Gold Filled, Aluminum and Nlckle RENT— Pies sail t otozrapher* studio, en- At 12 m. and sunny brick 11 IKTI I>—Small farm on seashore, must or »o afterwards, aad said at two o'olook a hrlitlan's standpoint.” Sunday Frames. Wo guarantee a fit. Our F’ORtire outfit. a'I ready for business, centrally meet- perfect FORhouse. So 3 I leering Place, near Congress I liars one side hounded hr salt water, SISTERS’ school. At 8.90 p. m. Kpworth league are the our the best. located, on Congress s».. uomg a good that be waa not as well as before prices lowest, glasses Square, bot water heat, evert thing In excellent with shapered cotc suitable for landing business; Hair Grower and Scalp Gleaner. ftellng ing; tonic, “The streng h of tlumllliy.” At 7.30 Monument boats.; reason for owner lias other a McKENN EY TUB OPTICIAN. condition; no basement kitchen. to Answer ad. I.. M. LKIdfl- selling business; Am the that will r**t»r« the hur m. service, sing ng. followed by ser- Apply giving description. bargain to a k only preparation* tbe accident. p. Gospel Square. J*n26dtf IIKNHY F. Me \LI.IS I Kftt. No. 4 63 qul purchaser. Inquire of to it* healthy condition. At *11 rirnggiet*. mon the “The lessons taught Peering St., TOW, EJtrhangs streat._2*1 IIENKY B. 121 street. original by pastor; topic, or BENJAMIN SHAW & CO.. 61 12 Exchange TRlCKKY, Exchange us by a noted man In a Roman PrDon.” street Cler- street. 'ANTED— To do your repairing, cleansing. ___ _I’ll THE COURTS. 8t. M. K. CHURcii-Rev. W. B. 8t. Luke's CATHgnnAi.-State ___24-1 CoNORF.as Services of W and pressing; best w ork at lowest pries*. P.30 a. m. gy-Kev. C. Morton Sills, D. I».. l>ean. O l.kf-One the nyTst deslralilo tene* roil BALE—Close to Congress Square, in first Bovard, Devotional meeting Suits ■ pastor. Communion at 7.30 a. m. Morning men Is at South Portland, rIt > cl.*an*ed and prassad, 7%e; pants. 23e; class lor lou, 9 rooms and bath, new Hub Sunday school at 10.80 a. in. Preaching at —Holy overlooking MUNICIPAL COURT. and Communion at 10.30 a. ni. and harbor, one half ol cust streets. Ths Kev For terms apply lo W.M. M. LK!tiUToN. 779 fl.-io. Price #9<:0; half cash; easy ust X at 7. ft. Seat * tree. All arc welcome. rector. Hour* uf service LET—Pleasant front room with alcove, Middle St Ml terms. KELLEY, .17 l.yndo St.. Boston. 24-1 the bald. William Welob and Jot. Battell Shepherd, »fOi Ueorge Crowell, — furnished or unfurnished, steam heat and Peering Centre Sunday School, No. 3 Brent 10.30 a.m. and 4 p. m. Sunday sehool at were each bath. at 34 PINK HT. 221 X Thomas Weloh, old offenders, wood ML, Hoegg Block, at jf.'io p. m. The In- dole of morning service. Allaro welcome, tf Inquire 1A* A NT ED-1 am now ready to bur all amds LHIR BALE—Reiutlful site for a summer res|- leaning off and • dance four acres, sentenoed to In on tbe ternational Sunday school lesson will l>e stud- State Street Congregational Church. Of cast ladies’, genu' children** containing high tillage ninety days Jail LET—At 62 Spring Kt., a handsome front more than In land on the shore at Freeport de- floors ied. All are luvltsd. I tf Kev. ,1 I* Jenkins, D. I). minister. Morning clothing. | pay any purchaser commanding c, | of common drunkards TO suite of rooms, up one flight, hot und cold the Hand letters to MK or MKH. Da- lightfui % n ws nnd on th*s 1 n of charge being East Defriko M. K. Church—1.45 p. m.. service at 10.30. school at 13 m. Eve- city. contemplated Sunday water, steam and gas, sun nearly all bath li If 70 Middle HU ll el-rtfIc railroad. W. 11. WALDRON ,v CO.. 6 Michael waa sentenoed to alxty School: st 3 sermon by the pas- service at 7.3a day, OUT, janftdlw tiling, Uarrlgen Sunday p.m., ning on earns floor, meals if desired, alto other tie 1(10 Middle st. 22-1 tor. At 7 i». m. Praise and Prayer meeting. All Second ParjshConorkgational 22-1 days In Jail for iDloxlontlon and for tba Church, ■lrable rooms. who wants a new 3ts and 9 are cordially Invited. cor. Pear! St. Kev. Kollln T. Hack, WANTED—Everyone"" James P. Congress, house In Portland or Its suburbs to see u« l^ORSALK My stoeg of groceries and store same offense James Meary, at 10.4ft a. m and Services at 10.30 a. in. and 7.30 p. m, a Free Church. Preaching pastor. LET—Store No. 21 Free BL now occupied at once; we have severs! new houses w Inoh we flxiurt*. stork Is fresh and first class, loca- 9 were fined school at close of morning Sunday school at 13 m. Hard snd Robert Carroll each 7.30 p. m. Sunday TO by Singer Sewing Machine Co. Possession will sail low on easy terms, or will exchange ted on the main street b* tween Baccarappa and finger- ra. Week- service ;Y. P. 8. C. E. meeting 0,1ft p. Second advent Church, Congress Place March 1st- cHAS.McCAKTHV.fr. 211 for no lair offer refused; this is Cumberland Mills. Will sell III store and lot and ousts. tf good collateral; i door- x ly prayer m* etlng Tuesday 7.30 p. m. Rev. E. P. Woodward, Preaching al chance. DALTON k Ca 63 nr lease the same for a t.mo of For fur- pastor. well for one your Exchange years. « South 10.30 a. m. the ••Servants, oi LET—Large room, furnished, street ther narticul.ii*. call on or address .1, K. SUPREME COURT. First Methodist Episcopal hurch. hy pastor. Subject. board If JuoeOdtf , school at 12 in. Christian En- TO dollar, at 273 CONGRESS ST; cer for x Portland. Rev. F. A.Leith, residence Sons?*’Sundav -- DUNN, Westbrook, Maine. feb‘22-2 pastor; desired; bath. Id tbe Supreme court, yesterday li Evans *L Sunday school 1.30 p. m. Preach- deavor meeting at 6.30 p. m. Praise service al _21-1 j 0.30. Gen- followed a short sermon from the I Strout a haarlog on ing service at 2.30. Kpworth League 7.30 p. m., i»y LET Downstairs tenement, 33 Grant BL niSTELLANROVB. BALE-2 counters, j shew eas*. i morning Judge gave ui. AU are web on after which t eral social service at 7.30 p. pastor *Whv Confess Christ?” I'O next door to corner of 8tate street, first FJOlcounter scale. all SOUTH WORTH of Ida Press for the custody tf there will he a short service of and tes » BCILD1 m. Mid tie «'rc#-t. 1 the petition coe. prayer class rent and $ rooms, besides Forty words Inserted under this head Seats free. All are invited. neighborhood, || of her minor son, Arthur, Last ysar she Friends’ Church, Oak street. Ellison R- timony. baih and panfry, laundry, ste;;m heat, very one week for M3 rents, cash In advance. ] VOK BA LB—Fairbanks No. lo*j scales on Purdv.nastor. Morning servlet at 10.80. Sunday St. Lawrence Congregational Church. rent, all modern Improvements, anyone w trucks, large heating coal stove, creasing a divorce from her husband, sunny Chicago O procured school Hi 12 ni. junior unrtsi an endeavor desiring a hous* will Unsatisfied with this. ! machine »<*r leatlu-r, three leather splitting ma- good YOtTR WATCH need or re- Press of but tha cus- 3.SO p. m. Intermediate Christian En- Wright, pastor. Morning service 10.30. Sun- L. M. LEIGHTON, No. M Exchange EL 2. U. Mot nlng Sub led, ll ne, cedar plank, copper fastened, mahogany a $100, Kennard Wlison. 1>. D., pastor. Preaching Smith Baker. pastor. King right hand for over n of century. seph At 7.30 m. lecture to boll._22-1 leek, seats, prating ami. ceiling, all finished in quarter and him endorssd to tbe tn. and 7.30 m. by Rev. W. F. Christ our Life.” p. Waters, ly at 10.80 a. p. Man lu 8ocl 1 will occupy the store No. IM natural wood, polished trass knees, chock". 12 in. Y. P. y omiK People .topic, “The Young want of consid- Berry of Watervllle. Sunday school Nolicfc-IBpring St., near corner ol about Meats, etc. HENRY W. East Booth plaintiff. Xbe defense Is Life." WONTGO. Stalest., KICK, 8. C. E. C.30 p. m. CLOCK March 1st. as a branch store, in connection bay, JO-1 eration. Tbe Is a pbyslolan re- Woonronn’e ItKiVFK.ALiRT riii RCH, Rev- with stau'l. 1 make a Me.__ plaintiff First Presbyterian CiifRrn—Cor. Park Send or It to us. We do the my (.ongress Sr., will • K. Preaching at 10.48 postal bring only west state In and has an Interest and Pleasant Streets. school at 2 p. ni. narry Townsend, pastor. a of It ot and pressing. GEO. D. C*OR SALE—House, located of GOLF, HUNTING, FISHING! siding Brunawlok, Sunday best of work, and have ma le Specialty repairing ■ In Life.” 8unday specialty n rooms w ith hot Preaching at 8 and 7.30 p. in. Rcr. 8ml h a. in. Subject, ’'Religion Hally for All work warranted. McKKNNLY DC EERY, Tailor, 570 1 Congress at., opposite4 street, containing bath, In a sscret method for tbe eure of by 11! in. All arc Invited. years. r* water set fire In Florida West Coast Hotels rup- Baker, D. 1). Seats f ce. All are welcome. school THE Monument .nittdtt Congress Squaro Hotel. 1 heat, tubs, open place dining JEWELER. Square. J etc. I*rlc«* to close e«tat* tures known as tbe Fidelity method. 8. F. WrsT E.nd MeTitomaT KriscopAt. nirarn loom, large yard, NOW OPEN. Gospel Mission—Rev. Pearson, pas- A PUR A—Removes dirt from th" akin »0. Particulars F H FI > K K H' K s. \ A ILL — ltev. H. K. bunnack. Residence 30 OR RENT—Store No. 253 Middle street. ouly S.<>■ method oonslats In the of tor. Rev. II. F. liextcr, assistant pastor. At pastor. whore else It Is Finest semi-tropical Winter Kesorts Inis Injection street. At 10.S0 a. m. sermon. 1.1 1900. For PUR everything fails. guaran- Real Estate, First National Bank Building. lo.3i* a. in. Consc ration service. At 1.30 p. m. Frederic Subject, Possession given April 1st, in the United States onuses a At 11.so First Nat- teed not to injure the most sensitive tk'.o. saw a oertaln Hold wbleb fusion of ■•Christ Meets his Enemy.” Sunday terms apply to P. K. EMERY Jr.. __ Sunday school and Bible classes. At 3 p. m Bend to PUHA PUKA Box 1567, school. At 12 m. Pastor's Bible c ass. At 3 ional Bank or W. M. BRADLEY, 133 postal CO., tbe mnsolea. Union meeting. At 7 p. m. service Building Me. 17 1 V30R Avenue. Fessenden PLANT SYSTEM temperance Junior At #30 p. m. Kp Middle ctreot.febadtf Portland, SALE-IV-erlng J of song and praise. At 8 p. m. preaching by the p. League meeting. r I’aiiK. new nine (v> room house, wit a Through train service. New York to Florida Tbs defendant was treated by Dr. worth League prayer meeting. At 7.30 n. UL. ser- AGKN1S—We pay express on a l dollar every pastor. All arc welcome. street. modern convenience; location unsurpassed, mon Hie pastor. 8 bject, "The bay ol Vic- UTORE TO LET—At 2d? Congress Ap NO water does good work. Pletts for rupture, tbe agreement Mission corner Pearl and Lin- by ® packages: pure electric ears ami baths, etc Price only Triii|ih Hay Hotel. Tampa, Fla being Gospel Chapel, ply to JAMES CUNNINGHAM, 277 Con- WHITE MOUNTAIN STEAM LAUNDRY. lights, At a. in. anti 7.30 m. tory.” •3.600. Easy terms. DALTON Si CO., VI Ex- i A. E. Dick, Mgr. no cure no pay. After receiving seven coln sts. 10.80 p. preach gress street. dec23dtf North Conway. N. Hotel UrllMlru, Hellealr, Fla lug by Mr. Wilson. Mrs. Howard w ill speak at H._febl4-2 change street. febu-ll or tbs defendant was SUNDAY b'ONU SEKVIUJfi. »n In W. A. Barron, Mgr. etgbt treatments, lr.lR p. in. to the children. J. U. smith will give rPO LET-Four elegant rents Peering. to LOAN—On first and second 1 steam MONEY on real on ele- Seminole Hotel, Winter Park, Fla onred by tbs and chalk talk. Ail are welcome. Woodward will deliver the best residential section, beat, lights, mortgages estate; also stocks, Highlands, five 5) pronounced dootor, Hev. K. P. between two car lines, bonds or other A. on car line, O. L. Frlsbee, Mgr. High Street Church—Rev. W. H. Fenn. bells, architects plans, any good securities. c. FmiRSAEK—Peeringgant new houses dliectly Ibis note was for $100 wbloh was Man of al to date and homes are new, LIBBY & 42 l-L* from Ocala Ilunie, Ocala, Fla given 1). Morning service at 10.80. Lec- address on "The Destiny" everything uv CO.. Exchange bt.lo-j_ livery modern convenience; prices range 1)..pastor. never Will rent low if taken at to and terms are and 1*. F. Brown. Mgr. tbs to Waters who was a ture at 7.30 p. in. on "Tlio New Helplessness hall afternoon uttwo o’olook occupied. TO LOAN -On first and second •2,SOU •Veto right easy. \ agreed pries City Sunday once. Look at them before you settle any- 1 is remember. Hotel Klflslminee, Fla Men.” on life insurance leering roiierty Dooming liInsimtare, en- of extra MONEYmortgages Real Estate, H. DletYenbach. Lessee partner with Dr. Pletts, and by him Director Ward ban arranged an where. DaLTON, 63 Exchange 8L DALTON & t o., 51 Exchange St. felotf I Immanuel Lutheran Church. Sherman 26-1if_ policies when three \e;*rs old, personal prop Tlic Iiiu, Port Fla dorsed to tbe The defendant Mist diamonds or other Tampa, plaintiff. street; Rev. A. Aaron, pastor, 14 Sherman st. musical programme for the excision. RENT —House 146 Pine street. Posses erty, any good collateral OR PALI No. Fori .1. II. Murdlck, Mgr. security. W. p. Room 4, Oxford Build- now olalms that be was not oured at Services at 10.30 a. ni. and 7.30 p. in. Wcd- F. L. Jack FORslon given Immediately. Enquire at PORT- CARR, t fords, house has 8 rooms and lo.rvei feet of Punta t.oriln Hotel, 1'unta Gorda, Fla Lillian M. Hose, aopmno; 185 Middle street.4-8 nesday 7.30 p. in. duilog Lent. LAND SAVINGS BANK, S3 Exchange street. ing, land and will he sold at once for •1600: only li. C. Uoger9, Mgr. that time, and never has been from that j son, basso; Mr. W. EL Mason, ton or, will for it. I New Jerusalem Church. New Hgth St. ___Ilf_ FORTUNK&are being derived •300 down, balance $16 per month pays Hatch lb-member it’s on Avenue. DA ETON and all at day to this Decision reserved. 1 Rev. Samuel Worcester pastor. Morning ser- assist in the singing. Mr. W. H. F'NOBMOl'8* from the cultivation of coffee, rubber, Forest Kates Information riiO LET—Summer visitors take notice the Si 53 vice lo.Ho. o sermon, "Music aa a let us CO., F.xchange 8t,felotf J. H. Kousseau for plaintiff, Barrett Subject will "The Palms" on the Frenob 4 Bulne House is located &) Spring oranges and other iropicai products; PLANT SYSTtM OFFICE of Church school at 12 play centrally send irre a i tie how part Worship." Sunday street, cor. OAK, rooms aud board. Price 61.00 you book, showing you SALK OK EXCHANGE- Fine traveling Potter for defendant in. All are welcome. born. In these without con- 130Koutfit. sure aui 5f)0 Washington Street per may partidpa‘e profits Fleasanr, easy, largo day._13-tf -• Also Traveler** 111 format Ion Co U. S. DISXKICX CGUKI. Oakdale Sunday School, In hall on Pitt street, Mr. Fred A. Ulven will render a violin flicting with your regular business. The profits ; also fine magi lantern outfit, si Gray, fiai).si B«t. Walter ltu**ell ol Camilla, ill preach JanZWltf_ ■table aud land at Wd*. rd Beach. Apply The right is reserved to reject any or all of the m. ment with Morrill's creditors on a 60 per a* follow*: At 10.30 a. Subject. The Law of Kiohmond will speak upon the subject LOANED-Salaried people holding to TRUE BROS., No. 3.M Fore street. 31-tf bids. JAMES 1*. HANCOCK. of at 3 ui.. ‘The Palm Tree for a Term of Years. Lovei” p. Subject, _ ska Uvoklklfnew la* All 1 M ■ I Lari To Lease MONEY position with responsible firmsj HENRY C. DOUGHTY, m “The World's permanent SAI F— Magnificent cottage lots and Christiana;” 7.30 p. subject, can in or HARRY repay weekly monthly payments; 110Rnew cottages at Ottawa Paik, (lift Cot- MERRILL, Curse and Cure.” Sunday school 12 in. At 6.30 confidential. this “Private H. N. strictly (Cut out), ) on electric Hue, uear SAWYER, Y. M. O. A. p. m. Kp worth League prayer meeting. Ail are OF INTEREST TO WEN. T will build a three nr four storv brick tage Property Cape GLO. Party, P. O. Box 143A febl7-4 Car.no. Home o! the a (vantages arc good E. MERRILL, welcome. Seats free. to Knit the want* of tenant and Capo feb'iidlw Maine. The Maroon basket ball team returned "The ot Truth" will ho the building streets, excellent car service, Bebago water, Gray, Salvation Armt. 239 FederalSL Meet- Tripod it with all modern facilities includ- GOT TO DO IT—Selling up to date electric lino heath, up to dale resUuraut from Hebron where at *. except Sunday ot Waller RussollT equip light*, Wednesday evening ings every night Tuesday. •ubjeot Evangelist I can HAVEgrocerv. market and provision store, situ- onj!lie grounds, desirable partu s, no 11 a. in., and 3 aud 7.80 ing power, elevator, etc., provided only had suooeeded In the He- at 7 aud p.m. Adju- addrraa at the Y. M. C. A. tomorrow af- ated in the best corner on leading aveuue In strictly hrst cl .st. they defeating and Mrs. McDouall iu All are lease the whole or a for a term of cheap cottages, everything ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. tant charge. part Back Bay, Boston, Mass., doing neat ly $1000 Prices aud at our office. DALTON Si O., bron team a eoore of 40 to a. tf ternoon at 4.80. The male will plaus academy by welcome. quartette years; lot number 5 to 13 Plum St, fron- a week. Three men and team. Mix thousand 53 Kxcha gc street. Jan'Jfidtf St. Pauls Chuurn—Corner and men ere In on S3 with a families in half mile circle. building 0 The Creeos at Salem put np a strong Congress ■tog several selections. All tage Plum St., feet, depth Every In Locust streets, Hev. Jos. Hatlell Shepherd, rec- and ti stories high and all full. Think of It and VOB SALE—The only drug store thriving Kinnia Westland. tbe of their of 50 feet, light on three sides and a A wi'h surround- game considering reputation tor. Hours of service 10.30 a. in. ami 4 p. m. vl'ed. all paying cash for their goods. New store and manufacturing village large on side in addition draw fix! ire*, small, beautiful mare. Emma Westland Sunday school at the close of the ser- drive-way the south swell windows and mir- ing country to iroui, good riUIK opponents. They were beaten by a eoore morulug fixtures, plate glass DRUG J. U.iy‘41. sire Westland (2.29Vs>; dam vice. Strangers always welcome. tf to Plum street frontage. rors. Nothing better in Boston to clear $300 a clean stock, low prior Address MORE, of ill to 7. Y. W. C. A. ami to Box 1657. Josle, sire Charles M., she a sou of Harold, St. Stephen** Church (Protestant Eplsco* month but have got to sell it at ouce go _DOV2T-lt the sli 0 of Maud Seal brown Worth twice what 1 ask S. in color, A team of light weight basket ball Congress street, head of State. Hev Dr, H. W. will at the Boutheiii California. double house, levery- In face, stands 11-3. sound and Mrs. Noyes speak for it. Part cash. Wouldn't sell It nt say |.*OK HALE—Magnificent stripe fearless, {ah•alton, rector. Sunday morning service at A thing entirely separate, <»n Brown street- has a before her. players oompoeed mostly of P. H. S. boys afternoon at the If I could live in this climate. Write great pio>pcet Ideal pole 10.30 a. m. Sunday school at 12 in. W eekly Sunday meeting Young price (now Norwood street.) Deering, open Are- mure. ELIAS GLOVER & WJ Columbus aveuue. Boston. went to Koobester Thursday to the service Wednesday at 4 p. m. tf Asscletlon rooms al THOMAS, LO., steam heat, piaxxa*. suouv, For play Women's Chilstlan Iebl7d0t pieces, baye. very further particulars apply to PHILIPS. Mass. near two lines of electric*, a modern house to 27 Rochester team. afternoon. 1-2 Middle PARKER, Administrator, Stale street, 4 SO Sunday 184 Street. every respect, architects plans aud built by the Boston, fibSS it febl7dtf S. ENGINEER OFFICE, Portsmouth, N. day; you cun live In one rent aud let the other AT U1UU STREET CHURCH. Prevented a Tragedy. mrThkllows' LECTURE. It • II February 21* 190>*. Sealed propoials for t3oo nor yeiu, look It over; eall afternoons, for furnishing Portland cement and sand will I iALTON, 53 Exchange at root._Ift-lf Following Is the musloal programme at 'llrnely Information given Mr*. George Next Saturday afternoon, March 3, at be received here until 12 m.. March 23, 1900, ana Information furnished SA LK—New hou*es In on street Long, of New Straitavllle, Ohio, pre- Rev. John A. Bellows, of FKM A 1. K II El.I* WANTED. then publicly opened. Deering, the High street church Sunday evening: four o'clock. W. L. FISK, Ma\. FORcar for *24(0 and vented a dreadlul tragedy and saved two on application. Kngrs. line, $1600, $2000. $2«o0; so well f a mar-* 1 22 ad modern convenience*, heat, bath room. Aro- Prelude—Selroted—Violin and Organ Z live,. A cough hud Boston, but for many yeora l>21-22-23-24 frightful long kept uonli iuaertrd uuiUr thi« head etc. Terms of same a* rent: Anthem —Adore and He Uoaood She In at the hand of ttae Forty piaces, payment Still, her awake every night. had tried knowu Portland remember our houses are entirely new and Violin our wf< k for a.l ernti, r»»h In ndrancr. Obligato many remedle, and doctor, but iteadlly and ths bust have been Call and seo them. Bohneeker Bellows school, Interpreter LOST AND FOUND. never occupied. So'o—T'h« Angela’ Anthem, worse until urged to try Ur. King', DALTON; 63 Exchange street. of ll-ersturu among ns, will giro SALE—Gi 1st a vertlcnl _3ft-ti Violin Obligato, lew UUoorery. One bottle wholly oured English mill, French Srew buhr mill for corn on or a buff and BALE—House lots at Woodford*. East •esi Miss Clementine Varney. she writes a leotura In tbe First Parish Uoubj. Ul> FOK grinding off the Saturday, February 17. STEPHEN her, and thla marvelous medi- IJ'OR ( for 4o and 5o BERRY, Friend That Waltetn comprising a complete portlble mill out- IOST—UuJ white coon cat. a your and a ball old. Re- Deering and Deering enter, Response—The cine also oured Mr. of a severe at- Louis Stevenson." cobb, aud now Is Long subjeot Is "Robert fit. with hII modern attachments, never been ward will bo given if returned to 104 Park St. per foot; land is rapidly advancing Nlgb, May tack of Pneumonia. .Such cures are pos- used. Will be told to ROOM 20-1 the time to secure a lot at old prices. Easy Violin and pay storage. 4, Job anil Card Offertory—Selected, Organ itive at ths matchless merit of this SPRING PARTY. 185 Middle street,211 payments. Call afternoons- DALTON, 51 ax- Bool, Printer, proof UNDERWOOD — NO. 37 PL CM mtKUT. Poitlude—March, Gallmant rsmedv for ourlng all throat, ohest change grand to street___3>ti Mr. James A. Rain, organist; Mr.Fred and troubles. 60 cents aDd A party of forty-four of tbe olerks at J. ANTED— Smart, capable woman, take lung Only nr charge of a boarding aud lodging BALE— Bargains In our ‘made strong A. Given, violin let. bottle went to Underwood house; 2.00 The ^piniinl nreiln; 11 00. Every guaranteed. 1'rlal R. Llbby'a store do not call but write J. II.. t>4 Free St., city. OLD GOLD 1SORtrousers,'' wu sell for $1.00, 1.2ft, 1.50, bottles at H. P. H. Gould's, 677 Congress a and 2.60 pair. Best value for the m«iney THE SAMARITAN Springe park last evening on special Remodeled, exchanged or bought for cash. We per ASSOCIATION CURTAIN CAUGHT FIRE. and U. _211 sold If uot satisfactory on examin- for the election of officers and such busi- street, U. Starr,s Cumberland the highest cash price as we use it in our anywhere. OF oar leaving tba city at 7.45 and returning took. MRS. JAMES ation money will be refunded by returning to hi Mills, WANTED-A Good We can make vou any article you wish ness may legally come before the meeting, druggist. fT J>uvaotory. been worn. IIABKFIX Si I|The alarm of hre from box & at a few at 11,10 o'clock. A and soda! eve- F. UA\ 1 i It. 61 Uterine street. :o-l from old gold. Maun fac- us before having wjll be held with Mrs. \V. T. Kuborn. Brackett supper your McKEnNKY, Lancaster Building, Monument Square, Volcanic tor lug Jeweler, Monument Square. ]au2«Jdtf JONES, street, Thursday aiteruoon, March l. lo w, at uiinnteg before six o'clook last night gava Eruptions ning was by tbe party. Portland. 31-4 three o'eiock. ieb23dtd unjoyed Maine._ the department a hard run throngh the Are grund, but Skin Eruptions rob Ilfs WANTED- SITUATIONS. 'OTICK—Goss Si Wilson. auctioneer.*, re. of Buckleu's Arnloa Salve ouras to 100 Middle corner of dense lay of snow. A ourtaln In tbe joy. BIDDING U1GU FOR LANGE. moved to 154 BL, also and Fever SL <*lt ENGINEER OFPICK. B37 Congress them, Old, Hunnlng Sores, a a sliuatlou as bouse Bllver house of John who llveg In tbe Oblca u offer of the WANTED—Bv lady, Reward. • o, 13.—A U8,street, Portland. Me., Feb. 21, 1900.-* Phillips doers. Bolls, Felons, Corns, Werte, February with a Protestant $100 Sealed for removing keeper, wealthy family. proposals wreck* of “Old rear of 4U Hanover »tre9t, eaught Are Cuts, Bruises, Burns, Scalds, Chapped aaptalnoy of the Chicago National League Address A. K., 244 Guilford street, St. Johns, Swan.” Marsh River, auu •‘Vicksburg,” Seal fTHK Portland Electric Light company will tVA.MKD-JIALK HELP. from a and sows (lands, Chilblains. Best Pile cure on N. B.t Canad i.19-1 Harbor. Me., will be received here until 12 lamp excited person baaetall dub with a salary of 13400 his A pay $loo to any one who will lurnlsii evi- ni., earth Drives out Palna and Aehes. Only March 20, 1900. and then publicly opened. In the alarm. The Are was ont be- been 15 dence that will convict any person of taiuper- pulled 25cts. a box. Care guaranteed. Sold aooepted by Outer Fielder Lange. druggist, years experience, Information furnished ou application. 8. W. by REGISTEREDfirst class reference, would like permanent n g with their lines, lamps or machinery. WANTED by ttlehner A Sanborn, fore the Uremea reached the scene, end B. P. S. 6TT and This has been oonllrmed MOELLER, Maj, Kugrs. Gould'a, Congress street by Wanager 1 position. Address PHARMACIST, Box 1557. PORTLAND ELECTRIC LIGI*T COMPANY BOYmanufacturing jewe’ers, 311 Vs Congress ft b23,24,26,27mar 23,24 damage whlah woe caused It very slight, H. U. Starr, Cumberland Mill*, Tom Loftaa. novmt Oso. W. Rrowu, Prosldeut •UdSi 2*i i

% i fork. Iteof.. Lard nnl p«»*trtr. ••••••••••••••••••**••*• Hi aMti'IMMMam I Mum ban RAILROADS. ptka.sikn*. oJPU •ll»b soak teal »»P M 0000*14 *• ... spaa tlHikpHi Pork —Heavy. *• abate an Mw fab M la Mai HUU'IIL AJD COBStUCIlL <0413 W hlnpr .. *>l riflf Nar*m AaiMl RUtfnrnt Pork—Medium.on a■■■ tteaa loppl WmI a bakaar 60*1100 Laundry March .... stonaRk, •mMnvv...••••11 10 TJMbpahi Maaa ipr Pa -fir TUB- 60*11 oo .J Uba—f**ipa Beet—light.10 •"tab Sanaa bP.SOii baaa :"/MO baa id B BOSTON bbl*.. «* •• PHILADELPHIA boneless, half Bam brand*.. • ,aorta, aaaa *aak t Ha » al 4a» »a ¥ a*aol; Lard—to* and nail hld.inire.... 7V»*r« PENN MUTUAL LIFE INS. CO. Mo'lmra .. THI-WEEKLY SAICINUS. Lard—tcs and hall bhi.com.... Ml __ Common ..... KM baab ,,.||(> Lard—Pain pure. IHwOH Vua»Maa •I I'MII 4I>CM>HIA. Natural .... ban aaapn A*m> ana* aarmn npr< nrato. Fro* Boston compound. 1 » 7*4 Tuesds). Thursday, Saturday. Lard—Pads, VnlMtb: Ro » PlfFaai NoV a IMP al In Kffrcfl Dccrmbrr 4, 1IU9. l*rd-Pure.;ieaf. • '•*10'* al aWb *4 ba* vara amp a«4 Nd Jn Fioni Products in tlif Or ala ||"i AMtt, ft. mm. Bl market PhilUelphii Moiday, of Staple Chicken*.. 18* 14 0*»l*n*«» I'.labi amt abHa M sapors Wednesday Quotations tera al *!•«« nOa* fas mo oie.sr. Tram* leave Cnloti Mat I Fowl. Jl»l* trffOAuo m.m«ii »r ikaok Rba, on. Railway Krpiare, nd 18416 __ NMKIPTI OI HIRH TUB Y6CAY. lor station* natard and Intermediate stations ai Friday. Turk nr* .—• Wedncsd A MM Ban* ttraPi. fanailf II tanptia aanaa fin# Markets. ?*• «M follow*: For Bangor 7.00 and 10.26 a. m.. From Ontral WIiarL Horton go. m. Fiom Leading Ham*. 11 * llH topb.brsi aaaaa |tl*tl asm tools Pa and A a WMAAS. ♦t2.JLl.20 and •11.00 III. For Belfast 7 00 ft. Tine itrr.t Wharf. at 1 Pioduce. am|»«lM fcultlae ...$7 A 4.247.4A |I. Philadelphia. p. m. to- IWsr. Pw eta. t>4*.mujr> •rv. 1.20 and ll An p.m. Foi llrmunlrk, sitrance atft'hted at oflic-.*. Pea.2 40 a? 46 O—Ira ua anab ansoSri ptekaP ba*«a —( a anal iBMriat. fti.fjn.iM.ai Bean*. «•** Angnsta and U aterv llle 7.0Q and 10.36 a. Freight. tor tits Watt by Ute Petra. B. R. anti r*b.... Para —. Pa baa* —. Beans. California Pea.... 2 «(**2 AO m •»*». 1.30, 6.10 and *11.00 m. For Bath PetlUt for wanted by ronneoUrig Hue*. Mat. •* »*7*. awaanrp * tr«« $ p. Beans Yellow fcye*.O 00*2 6o lard afrti*«a*rm ITHI an 1 liCwlMon «lt Brunswick 7.00 and 10.35 Paaaage gu.00. Bound Trip tilOA Oral* July.„. Fab at a aid I»ia«H HNKNKNTA Krw York Stock, Sloury ou«l Beans. Bed kidnoy...... 2 5un 2 70 ItSiratiPPaanainaalbuai «Oi a m..•12.36.| 6.10 and Ml.no p. in. tor Horklanil Mean and room Included. < mums. a J uo cos*. a A P Tl. raaabaaaP Paa«a. < 7.00 a. an I 5 bbl... 1 75 Ulme H I>*a»h ... in., 12.65 lo p in. For Mkoa lie- For freight or penage apply to F. P. WINt* Rlnrkrl itrvlrw w Part ppoarl m»i .aiaaa pl« P0*io tp, abort 1*. m i.J'» Potatoes bus... «<».r«5 ...... *4»s M Natoral mmb *"■ lAo and ll.oo p m. For Fm- Centre! Wharf, Boatoa. May '*> Afeot, «» 50 rlaar »».#» baa< lll.liu « r**« a Brer a v Sweet Potato**, Norfolk.« * »ft* pH •M Aw—HIM T .. 4*1*74 5* ud. tile 1.20 All I 11-00 p.m. Kof ~r:. B. SAMPSON, Treaaurer and General -Iniy.;*•'* Mr Sweets. V*Inland... 8** arm SOP'S 4 o Ta?al Paul Bold A A. It. K 12.36 and 11.00 p m. For Wash- r*na »olkrf direct wlro to Loula S. Butter. tanc*>r*amei-. «fl 26 IMU. k. <(a Ilia. maa'raaP an lapiivp. I «ri .$3,963.047 06 •ngton Co. H. R. 12 85 and •lt.OO p. in. For (By private ra» Pair 3 I a. Butter, Vermont. .. •. 24 * 26 aasar Pall aaP -anr; Piaap th ; AArfed <• M»- Mallawamkeai 7.00 m.. 1 2o and R.OO n. m of Price, MoCorinlok Mu*.. lOdd Colwell, manager ( hecse, N. York and Ver'mt. ...13*4* 14 ( antrUamal *P last al «»a. Molaaana napar-i wtt» M..1M.4II.M For Vtseehnro. M. Ntrpben. Ilonlton .. 10*74% NEW Sc Co.'s branch tflioe, No. 316 Middle Cranberries.|8«|10 July raknrp a. in. r.ud YORK DIRECT CINE, 11.00 m. For Fruit LOS < HICA«« -f vittM, and HibM »uu |». Ashland, I'rnune Isle, ■fleet, Portland.) wh.aauiaorban Fort Fairfield and Carlbon Messina.. 00 May. 6 82*% UM SN.«7».4$ via A. & A. 1L Maine lemons. ..3PQJT4 Ftaaaaaar. in. Steamship Co. 23—Little of In- 60 .. fl<*> K. 11.00 p. For l.nvlalnn and Mechanic New York, hebrnary t'ranees. California.3 00*3 July. nt orate-Pot -. Has po al MU OPPr ; B lartee. Medical Pee* f»!nncvnnd iU.icor. to Ells- at m. for New York direeL operations Keb.. AA aMain-ahoalPara and Runpnea 45.uw.6l except dp. Returning, leave not Pratt’s Astral.. 14*4 phi*. Dm aoltaP P<«MS<rat pa.noO; A ««6CT«. For llartlett 8.50 a. m., l.oo and 6.V) p. m. remained ••at Flour-rrrriaM I 'A.1 4. V. Llsco'JC.Oeueral flattened out and the market aata For Vlrldgfoa and Harrison 8 60 a. in and Agent Cordage—IlncK. knah; oaro bPa.iaai bunk, PPa « lb.10m if July.82 V% 22 Honda. f *742.267J» Pond, No. Atraiiord and ■p'ui '.i' la Moat PI mai pbta aIteal PP.OOO M« and Or owed Unite (let Lancaster, close. Manilla...16 <*17 •»«.«•• lirrrher Palls 8.60 a. and 1.00 m. For I tors. aaahi corn 70*600 aaabi asm MAMteak UweirT... 14.JW.7JI1.99 in. p. wa# In Manilla bolt rope. Mini Montreal. Chicago, At. One of the special movements May. 19 7ft m 6.000 busk barter ps oos boaa. PrcaHam Mole*, erearel l»j Poll l.wnenhnrg, Sisal (gjlOVfc I'msI, LI an* Ridge and 4a#be« 8 50 a. m. Third avenue and came In tbe shape of a Buck- July. 10 774% PM son Wbrai ooosaP al TPr ter aaah rlea. #4e.... U*0,423.2.1 aaah RaP al 7S«ha; I me on t'ollateral. Pnlftaf f*an*. NCR DA VS. wai an- No 1 .32 UBS White; i*k»a, Mar Jaty ALLAN LINE •harp rally In the price, when It •t* For Lewiston via Watervllle No 3.28 ft PO 7tVaa. 6.775,475.77 Brunswick, May. Home oflW and Heal I Mat*. and a. m. im*l nounced that Vermyle & Co., Uallgart^n No lO.20 rol.RIMt-Whaal dull-aa«R M llangor 7.20 lid* p. tn For at July. ©uo TIHai Mar t»* under 'oreclneur* 2.J M.7I3.46 via Halifax & Co. 10 oz.13 al ;i’a«. ught point* east, August*, except- Hkowliegan Liverpool, Sc HeUlelbacb, Ickelbemlsr & RIBA. 73*k«i duly Uaah in HauAe treat 11.00 in. Co., 8 oz...... 11 1ompaalee. p. at tbe of a ma- and an hand 21« J20.46 ARRIVAL*!. Portland Service. bad given out, request lit ug* anil I)jm. May.... ft 87Mi Catena Marks (a. Acid Carbolic.56 8.23 a. in. from Ro. Con war and jority of tbe stockholders, that they were £00 Net Aeeete .$.17,757,{M0.25 llartlett, Acid Oxalic.12 Portland Prra* Mock IRpTMa^Rk.. l-ed** 8.33 a. m. Lewiston nnd Me- the Dally ((anlallnM „ Mai ket Valua of Stock* and Bond* furnish; From From From prepared to take under consideration Acid tart .30a48 chanic Palls; 8.4.I n. in. Watervllle, Au- Corrected by dwau S Barrett. Bauaers, 1A4 BPtW YOHK-Tk# Cotton mmrkM Uvd»y «u «*er «’oat $443,705.53 Liverpool. STEAMER. Cortland. Halifax. of tlnanoee Ammonia.15,«,20 gusta and Hocklaud ; 11.63 a. in. Beecher matter of a reorganization tbe Middle street. quiet, •! ft*. d© »V©« Net 1let aired aad l an |*Tled Pi a- Ashes, not.6^ «, i) middling ti|>l»<»ftft gnil Falls, l*anraster. Fabyaus, No. Conway — STOCKS. .... And were now to confer with lte utM ooo bairn. ni'iitna *M.3T4R4 10 Fob. •Californian J4~Feb. 23 Feb' ready Buchu Leave*.66 470 and Harrison; 12.15 p. m. Bangor, An " l>«eer1ptlon. Par Value BUL AikH Inmeat ate.. .. 414 /20.70 • *07 RftYON Th© r.7nm rntikM Uae and Accrued, 11 Pa;Isian 8 Mar. y Mar. •Ulcers. NitbiDg was said as to the Hals copabla.B> Caan 1 National Batik..~....10o 1U0 108 CBARI t*4ny and Hocklaud; 12.20 p. in. Klng- Be.sewnx.37 442 HonI *t*»d? ; anlddkmgft •*»« Snstaeld, Phillips, Farnitugton, llemis, 1 Mar. Buenos Ayrcan 17 direct caeoo National Bank.loo 107 l io UroM Jaa. I. " *• terms of the plan, and after the stock Borax.10*11 Ae«et«. I9cr oz.6 <)Oe5.0 li < Hot bland, Hath, in SI. .Volin, liar ■ Klist National Hank.loo 1O0 lu? Dee' lalme reported, XR p. no caiue uira-u uii mcse s. It ned to near the lowest UPMf'MIt- (!©( >«•• Mrkg lftd»T «MM« decl again price Coellin al.40*43 Merchants' National Bank but awaiting preof $Hi»'.7iWOO Harbor, Aroostook County, Moosehrad 2 7ft lot lo* ft**«. Steamers sail from Portland after arrival of a fee Copperas.1‘4A *t*ftd)r j middling* lewro at »i and 4 |w*r lake and Rungor. 5.15 Ik in. Hnnarley, of tbe day. It may be significant National Traders’Hank.loo id ltio lirand Trunk train ( ream lartar. 27V4«30% WKW ui:i.rt?W 1IM Oftttnn'nnikftt eloaod lie-1 u* ui • Farmington. Itnmford Falls, Hallway leaving Toronto Portland National Bank ... 10O IO •rid to Lewiston; that two houses to bo very close Ex Jo* in. m.. or Montreal 4.45 p. ni.t supposed Logwood.12*15 Portland Trust Co.loo 4 lfto firm. middling* • little. Hi-ke ..34,127.4:8 00 8.1 dp. n>. Chicago, Monlrrul, tlueber, and Friday. Gumarahlc.7(k«1 22 all Wine Mountain 1.25 a. ni. dally from N. B.—The new Steani'-n to the were the principal Portland (las Company. 6o nf» oo MOHILK—i'Htoi. tnnrttet nominal, luridueon I'meporied points; Bavarian and re-organizalion middling liar Hath and Lewis- and Glycerine.2i»«n76 Port Hold Water Co.100 1«*3 10ft SAMs Policie* etc. 17.*.A73.60 Harbor, llsngor, TtmsIAN, 10.374 10,200 tons, have Twin of the block during the enily Aloes capo .15.0,25 ton ; and J.50 a. m. from Screws, and will make the from Poit lo buyers Portland St. Railroad Co- ion 140 lft ■ 6ur|duaA % end 4 per dally except Monday, postage aGI'/i NAVA KM All-Tb* CntUHk market rl©n©d llallfa*. Ml. Bar Water- .seven C.unpbor.68 real baelt .... 4A96,fiJ6.'22 39.460.4*0 *2 .Volin, Harbor, Pori in about days. After neon. .62« 65 Main* Central R y loo l«’»o 170 Nine. Mytrn Portland & R. ttrnUy: tnlddltug* « llle anti Augusta, was a 4 8,r» Ogdensliurg R. loo l>0 61 Elsewhere In the market there Opium...3 86 N>w Buelneaeaf the Year; 16,4*3 •Dally. RATES OF PASSACE. M 61 BONUS. verv little doln.* In the wav of real bust- llidlgo.86o ft *rn|iRR* N*rliat«. I ,r« lor. 04A5JO.-Tl/X) GKO. P. V. F. & O. M. .3 'i t a 3 PO Portland 6s. J907.11H 120 EVANS, Cabin— $:-©.UrMb lor 163.329,746.00 Licorice, rt.L»m20 Portland 4s. 1*13. Funding.lod Ion l. OWno*. l'rl>. :*• lftttg-4'mwtlft H*m4 at an the lowest rates. A.S. W. wan one of b*coNi» Cabin—To Liverpool. London or lnlluenclng prices. Morphine.2 36 a 2 « 0 Bangor 6s. lDoft.i Water.112 114 lot Ml for muimj nud 101*. « for account. the weakest stocks the afternoon Londonderry—S.tG.oO single 1 $65.50 return. during lalVKRnmi* r«-h. ta. n*> -The cotton m « n Nor. rod liver.I 50a'1 00 Rath 4y 19/1. Kefimdujg.101 10 ■ an I nnnv v* vn, 8T*» hag*— I aver pool. London, Glasgow, end closed at the lowest of the mnrkrt « lo*©d hUmmIj ; *|n>i ftV»» j btuaval for Malar, Belfast, Londonderry or Queenstown. $23.50. .Municipal.102 botes. Agrat m~~ n eertliie itcs {Some s‘op orders were caught on the way Lemon.I 4»0,« 2 20 alms 4s liH)l—lWli Kefuudlnf.... loO low Prepaid $24. thtve.1 005 2 50 1901. Municipal .103 K>*’» Ale. Children under 12 years, half fare. Kates to news ac- CewlstonOs,* 108 A Kirlmar* HI., I’ort'aud. but there was no to n or irom other points on lo down, Peppt..1 7 5 tK> Lewiston 4«. 1913. Municipal ••.... lo5 107 SAII.INU UA1«0K04 KAYITKINICR« application T. P. no count for the Humors were rife Win ter green.2 fH»«d f>o Saco 4s. 19o 1. Muiuctpat. 1O0 lol MrGOWAV tougrraa Sf., eeliing. MM Curtin I'otiiiB hr'nida.60 uiio Maine Central K K7s.1912.cona.mtf 135 137 TRAINS LEAVE PORTLAND aid. Sir, In to war situation in Sooth Kooan regurd the Chloiate.If. u 2o **4%S" 108 Ho Andes. Kfl« Yon. Cape Ilsyit Fe»» f4 KorrlKH Mmaniliip Agency, I, • '.»*» * ... New York Am? »• i> 24 For S.iO a *0.00 m. First Anttuaaaal Hunk Pert« Africa, but no rooner were they started Iodide.3 ;5.« 48 cons. mtx.... 106 loti Adirondack Kingston j Lewbtoa, m., U5, 4.00. |». lltalltllaag, Quicksilver.73 a 78 103 Meslco -New York i.»\*oa. Feb 24 lalaml liaaaal, Mulair them ftn.iikm.eatairsn.102 For Pond. MO a. IP., 1.30. *0.00 p. 111. than wore denied. One of ... II. At A. ALLAY, 1 India St. declOdtf they Quinine..-»4 «A7 Portland ft fds.iooo. is; mu log io;t Caiiforniaa PtrtiWKl.. Uvtnaal Feh 34 Oga’g For Montreal, tlurhfc, < hlcngo, 8.10 ft. m., was to the t lle.-t that Uuller again met Kheuburb, rt.76 a I 50 Portland Wafer C*r» 4s. 1927.106 u<7 Taormina ...N>w\ork P«Twamb<»eoFe -74 Kt siuiko.3op40 BparndaBi.New York Rotterdam freb 34 •«;oo p. m„ reaching Montreal at TttO a. nu with a reverse. Another was that It had Saltpetre. P«12 Maracalbe.New York, Nau.luan.FIO eb 34 1 |!tnitoa Stork l. 4 iisioin Huisf Boston Mains.....20) laa PsrmaliOTl Peg rura l. Yon can be treated at Wharf, connections. P was another * Permanentlyran eoples' gas 3u d New Montevideo Feb f Ironi I* In ml Sulphur. dose. 198 Cyrene Y<*rk * Pond. *8.10, 1L30 a. in.. 5.43 Hi*. lead....2>>c^23 w York Paraa Feb 96 m. special feature. It rallied from a low Sugar <;en alas*. ora...... 6o Iodide and alUl have ache* p. White wax..6i)u55 Feb 3u Mercury, poieah, [otmnf uriii:' >ov. no 13 l.trorno.New York KW> Jane-re From 8.10 Monday, 1st, 1S!)9. pi ice In the morning, wus again attacked V blue. Hull m pain*. Mu> u« Palcbrf In Mouth. Kora 4’klfJigo, Muutrrul, Uiulirc, Urol, VtAlne • euirai. .100 ..... New York Maran.iam Feb 24 Vanile, Cregojy •ret spot*, rieeri a. in.. 5.43 p. m. traders. The room Is bear- beau.jl.'tufclK Union *>0' I '.New 1 X law— r ehf* j WEKK DAY TDIK TAIILK. by generally Pacific..... m ary part «»t the body. Ilalr or Eyebrows Friesland .... New York Antes* Fab 2* G>u npowder—Mmi. Union Pacilic Dtc.... 70% tC a : out, writ# •Dally. Othei tralus week days. For l’orc*l t llv l.aaia«llaag.>'rnks IkIiiixI, ish to a man, and they have booked their lenarara. Feb 2k ng Mils 25 « 3 60 IIenroll t euirai «§. 77 Tabiman.Nea York. .1 a. ting ..3 train leaves Portlan I every 3.30, 5.45. 4. 0, ;«!.»» in.. 2.15, 4.00. G.13 p. nu to a extent short Ainarii-nti Teutonie... Xrw York lasertend.. F»-b gk Sunday Sunday opinions largo by going SpiTitne—.4 r.o&d 2ft Beil ..33o REMEDY CO. for and Beilin at 7.30 a. in. lor 4 uslaliigM lain ,id, p.45, I0.AU a. 111., 4.00 Slate Nebraska New York <»la««nw M-h 1 COOK Lewiston, Gorham cf the market. 'Abie short Interest U Drop snot. 25 lbs.H4& A B^nwo oucar. . m. Biraw. ear lots.$lOu $12 The following are the closing quotations of Rotterdam. ..New York. .Roller-cam Mrb 9 C. \Y. T. Geueral now. LrnlUn, Bonos Hutton..New York I* rnambueo Mch 6 Tit ket Oflire, Depot nl foot of Imlta CODING. Manager. New York- Feb. 4 nov2 dlf l’he market closed extremely irregular, 23. Fel). 21 Haale.New York. Bremen. Meh Street. O '123d If Light 27JT29 New 4.s. rep.136 134% Hennanli-.New York.. Uverpeel M b 7 but with the of a few stocks, .28<2» exorption Jdiil Weight New 4a. com..136 134% Santiago ..... New \ ork Hou.b tuba M> n 1 Heave.2S./2J ew fairly 6trcng. N 4h. reg...110 11» % IJlldcr brand .. New York I'ara .... Mob 7 < 1 coup. 116 BOSTON A MAINE li. K. Pcrtiani & Sts’nrtoai Co. oodd’mg.20 <*/27 New 4s. 116% New York. ... New York sth*mptotrM*h 7 Bcottiba/ Union backs.3!>o,40 Denver ft 1st.103% 101% Southwark.New York.. Antwerp Mb 7 1 Oct. 1 NKW YORK. Feb. 23. K.;o. JU leet ‘id, Hil'J. Am calf.UO^l OO Ki te gen. 4*.. 7o 71% Hretaime..New York Haste.Meh • KTKAMHH KNTKK Pit IKK leaves Fast was ui. ft 4 Money on call steady 2.g2ts per cent; Lumber. Mo. K Tex. M8.60Vs ( Uarrcaa.New York feguayra .. Mch iioothbay at 7 a. m. Monday, Wednesday and Kansas & Pactflu consols.. • WKITEAN DIVISION. tor closed—. Franc mercantile paper -4 x£5 per WLttewoocl— Parisian.Portland .. l.iveruool Mch 10 Friday Portland, kuuehi..g at So. Biiitoi, Nav.lst.110 110 Mch 16 Train* leave Portia I, Union S'atlon. fo Harbor. with actual busi- No 1&2, 1 in.$40 if*5 Oregon Maranhenso Now York I'ara. I’oothhay cent.sterling Exchange weak, L. G. Sci*»lx*r<* < 10.JU a. in.. 5.25 leave Franklin Sape. 1 In. 35 a, 40 Texas Pacific. lsts....J14 114 r«««lnft, K<-turning, Wharf, Portland, 4 87 for de- bnro »•'«< 'i, I’Uau Point, 7.0(1 it 7 a. m. and ness lu bankers bills Vi s* 87*i Common. 1 lu. 28 a 32 do reg. 2..k p.ra.; l«ai Tuesday, Thursday Saturday tor l«.W xJOl 5.2V 8.30 itu. Old Or [last Booth at mand and 4 83*Ak-&0 00 or sixty days; post d 1 in No 1&2.$40.a.t45 Union Pacific lsts. lt>4”* MIANIIUKK ALM AN At a. in., p. bay, touching Bo>Uiuay Harbor at ions of stocks— rhard. kaco, ID td« Keouebnnk, 7.00 ind Ho. Bristol. lotmucrcial bills at 4 63 North t aroliiia Pine— quo: Sunrises.... <129 I*m.. 400 for.l, rates 4 8f> and 4 88Vi. Feb. 23. Feb. 91 M6. 183*0 .u in„ 12.30. 3.30. 6.25, C.JO l/*.:.d at Two Islands on 1 inch, No l .$2'•.«£$Si* Hun sets. 6 »• I PM... * 90 signal. in. knaoeUaakaort. 7.00. 8.45. lO.on A LFJ.KD 9** u,G0%. l1*, IV* inch. Sui Hi Iter** la k, lluur, No 2.#28«t38 entrul Pacific. Mexican dollars 47*/*. n. .n Seiners Cyprus— Che.s. ft Ohio. 28% 23% 7.00, 8.46, "..'10,5.25 p.m. worth. Loci.ester. 7 no. 8.4 » a. 12 in*. A..to i>. nu Governments buoj ant Saps, lln.. 35 Si 40 Chicara Bur. ft UUinoY.122% 123 % m.. i 4U«u lake and NortUero Dl*U- Common, t In. 28 ie :;2 Dei. m liuu. (sntm go.*16% 116 MABiNB ysw liajr, port, 8.4. in., 1230 p in. Worawlsr (via Hides. Southern pine.$30<£ 40 Del. l.uck. ft West.181% 182% low. Clear Bornrnwortb 7.< M) a. m. Maaetieeter, Concord tt» pine— i»ctiv*7 Line cominou. 45 « 55 FRIDAY.. ret. 33. a ru., 12.no. 8.30 p. m. fttoatou, Fulls and sues...... C c Illinois Genual.112% 113% AH> W* re bead of Elm aireet fur Underwoed 8.46 a. in 12.30, 3.80 p. in. Arrive Boston 1 *’a 10 ArrtvwL l[ Smus— No 1 quality ..lOe Spruce... Like Kr.e A West. 21 vs 21 *t»tUu: and Yarmouth at « 4ft a. m- hourly 7.2.V lo.l5 a. IB 12.46. 4.10. 7.16 p in. Wavs " Hemlock. 14 No 2 ..8 c 12a Lake Shore.194 194 Steamer Gov Dtngiey, Thompson. Boston intii 7.45 p m.. .ban >11 and lu 4X I lira for Boston tor Portias : 0, «.3ua m.. 1.20. 44 ’• No 3 .« lapboards— oun st rsawn. 81% 82'* steamer Merrycoueug. Archibald. Rockland. i.irm' Utii »e-k day* at 3 IS p. tn. 4.16 fun.. At m** in Portland 10.10 21 l.ou a. iu Spruce X. 32a 35 Culls ..26ci£t Manhattan Herat©*.. 97% 97% 8cb Wester near, Cillbert. Pigeon Cose. For Underwood spring uuiy at 1.15, 2.^, 12.10. 6.00 7.50 p.m. Clear. 28 <» 80 Mexican Central. ... 11% 12 Sch .M V It Chase, which arrived 234 from •...ft. fi.ufi au l o.lft p. in. 2d clear. 25 a, 27 for Portland at Ml a. nu. RtMlAT Tit AI VS it« taII Grocers’ Murkel. item can central. Jacksonville, h i* 400,OOO it hard pine (or Deer Lea>a Yarn) >uth new. sf»d. serew fcnqar No 1. Or The superb, steamship )5<$20 M inn. ft St. Lotus. 62 62% Winslow a On—not as before totirly until 5.45 p. m. then s.15 and 9.45. Scar bo re Meaeli, Plus Point, Old Portland market—cut loaf 7c: confectioners Fine. 2i» 50 lug, reported. 'UOVKltNi'K IMNG! h V," Card. John Thomp- si Minn, ft du Louis uid. 92 Laare Underwood for Portland at 6.10 rkard ►•«•<». ill,l«l«fur.l, K'DSnbiiuk.North 91% (Taw rest. Spring K*n. mid tin* staunch and elegant steamer 8c; powdered at Gc: granulated at o' ^c; coffee Missouri Pacific.. 45 45% m.. and hourly until t.lo p.ui.. lhaa l.ftk 2.io. llorwieh, Dover, I leter. Have* kill, lew X cedar .3 255350 •BAY HTA I F.” reuoo, l.owrll. Dost on, 12.55. 4..W*, p, uu crushed 6c;yellow l*c. lear cedar.‘2 75 utrlv leave Franklin Wharf, Portland, and 5i>^3 New York Central.132% 133% Uumburg-Amerlcan Co. Ad 10.10 p. m A>riic IU iluiluu 6.18, S.22 p. UU X 26 «l 75 India Wh.irf, Bostrn, at 7*00 p. rn. ex- No 1 cedar.1 Steamer Strathmbre Hr), Macgre -or. I.ondon two and but omitted Huaday. dally, i'OuI Northern Pacluo com. 63% 63% Flr*t trip# DIVISION. Sunday. Ux)ioru. Spruce.1 75 II Reford A ( o *. 4-TI RX lept Northern Pacific old. 74% 74 % •J..S Sunday. u Sunday.noyjodlf These steamers meet every demand of LIVERPOOL, ENG. Steamship NumWliri— laths, spec. 2 7&&3 00 Hob selh Nyman, Nut'er, tiouldshoro—J II Hoetoii uul way suit uus U.ot) am. Ilulde- Northwestern.lf*w IflO ml rn steamship service in safety, speed, corn do wheat 58 bales IW X W '• Blake. lead, titttrry, l*orl«.noulti, Newbury- 49.882 bush 16.445 L.1 me—Cement. 1 l.i oinfort and of traveling. J II FALL R1VI R -Hid J»d *«ha Georgia 1 a., a t. Lvu«. lte«to«. X'Jt, 0MQm.au. luxury leather 463 boxes meats 9648 do cheese 4413 •adme... Mch Railroad, Simmons, Friendship— Salem. bets for K it*1.-* lrt‘,4 1. iinii K.k.t 11 a, aar ■_ in. Through 11 Providence, Lowell, bids apples 894 |s*s deals 2f>0 sacks meal 3*35 I .line \y cask.86500 manfl. Now York etc., etc. Bf>ck Isiana....lo7Vi» 108 N18—At Ra»i River 73d «‘h Klrlri J lii. 1.** iVO Il»k. 7.00. 7.4V i> ur Arrive Foil- ton 875.730 lbs meats Jo pis lard CIO bdl lu.li- Mute lin. Tabor. THOMAS M BA KILE IT. Agejt SUFauinld .171 171* * NUltFOLK Cld 21st. §eh Auua Murray. (or I a w iu.. 12.0k 4.90 IMS, 10 W Ill ber 282 cattle 121 horses. HAILED— Sfearner Kemun. for Bristol: Ho- «H, 11.4ft I*. deciodtf Star gross .003;55 at. Paul »v Oman*...110 110 York. KNO. Keetnun— ratio Hal for New York. »*l NI'AV. GLASGOW, Steamship Imago .00.14,55 -T. l*am & ouiaua uia. Sid 'Jltl, sch Standard, lor N.*w York. bush 16.625 do 9285 do oats v. 17,280 rye barley 1 oreat Texas Pacme.. 16Vi 165«> Sid 22. sen* i« M Brain* ((.Par, Swan Hirer*; Ill.ltWor I, KlMri Purf«inoulk, Srw sacks oatmeal 4126 do flour 67 do 1.- City.00^50 Bath, Feb 22—The four-mssted achr Calumet, 76i) |»cae Union Pacllic pta. 70*'* 70*4 ■‘lore nee ». Walton, and tdw Smith. Itiii) |>i*i i, Halrm, !.♦ nit. lloktoa, 2.00 a. in.. do oil cake 558 boxes ciieese built here for J s I m*ry A Co. of Hostou. Lockwood, [nteruntioBal Co. I 330 bales hay 720 Metals. Wdfrtsn. 6^ 6%* being New York. I .' tft iu. Airive UmIma, ft..*7 a. in.. 400 Steamship be the first of M.irch. ller li'Vi p. 141 bbls 2701 tie* deal 2366 do bo.ird will lauhclietM)iit -■ ■ — apples Copper— Wabasb pta. 20V* 5»0*s NEWPORT NEWS 2td, barque Jeeet* I it U&M #."0 c. in., 7.0J, p. m. FOlt o bii'h corn 7954 uo wheal 180 tes lari capacity will be 1700 tons. Capt J L Coombs is Aj 25,4 14 a 4» ooinmon.on w 2 Vi Boston & Maine.200 190 tlitegn ger. N or wood, Mitvaondi. \rnve Pot (laud, f-.lu. lu-Ap. ml. 290 boxts meals 2514 pcs lumber 300 cattle 52 Polished to couunaud her. copper.00&22 New York aiul Now fcuc. pi.. NEW LONDON—Ar 22d. ecu Georgia Kerr r. a 1 ally ticopt Mrnday. intiow* Luts'! foals. SL John N.3 .Ha"ia? N.S- horses. Itoits.OOc.2 Did 206 V* lor New York. Colony.207 XXOHAVOR oiirATCRI*. ioatna md .ill part-* of Now Brunswick, Novi Scotia, v M sheath.0oo.i«; Adam* 116V* *rt loth. »ehs Hoary K Thomp- Express.115 PUNCH—In p itw .. l 1 ... I a id Bn t ul 1 lie Portlaud \Vl»oI*«a «* .flarket. Y 4* Bolts.00518 Express.146 1*6 Rid fm Liverpool 23d. steuiuer Car hi an, for Jennie E li* I. New York; w. x A P. 1)1 V INION. Cape American in. lor Brunswick; :i\«iiitc route to auil st- Audrows, bottoms.26 a.31 46 40 Portlaud. c\*ii»pobello PORTLAND. Feb. 23. U. ft. Express. Dice .1 Crabtree. New York. Mulluo Pool of Prrbl* Hlicrt. N. B. iiiaot.itVo.17 People Gas... 08Ml A at Bristol 22d, sterner M ecu non. Harper, PAM AOOl'LA-hid 22d, »ch| Llildegard. fur The markets were easier for Corn, » Wlutrr speculative Pacific Mali. 87 Portland, blturiN. .r vs ofCMlsr, Cllnto i. Aier. Nashua. Armugmii-at. Oats and Wheat. Flour continues steady with Straits..28 530 18/ 187 Ar at Alexandria 15th. steamer New Lugland L XXtodbani ao 00 Railroad Wharf. Hand, Monday Coke.4 uion...... 83 V* 83 » Ar 21 Nineveh. For Manchester. C wor l and North at but at were VYattorn U el, narquo Wilmington. points •i< .3-1 j». in. Returning, leave St. JoUu here, options Chicago easy. SiH»lter. t&® 75 Mcukii iiuil*. 7JO a. nu *nd 12-» m. '•■'..utneru hv pfd. Cld 23 i. ach* Jeuuie C May. f -r Fort'and ; tug p. Kit|.nrt and l.ubec ihursdayouly. The following quouttiaasrepie-oat uw wuolo- Sold© rx Vi.1 i. £‘>2 Ynlthnm. w th hunbtirr. (or Portland, I uf It***-heeler. da. A11 re*I. VVAterboro Brooklyn Rapid Transit. 7IT's 72'* avert. Feb 22—Sch Aunle M Allen. barge Hprtnuv nrough tickets Issued and baggage checked Vineyard-11 1 kens. with barge lllll. dot ami Haco ltlvoi at 7.10 *. in., Ulu and 3.J0 tale prices for the market; Naval Stores. K’juera! Steel common. 63V* 64V* Heed, from RtJohn.NH. for Now York, was UK Fy Maple 0 destination. w~Freight recedved up to 4.00 74 Reedy Inland- fined down 23d. ieb li W in. 1 lour 76 do pin. Mi 74 towed In here to-day leaking badly. haUng been 3.0 > *. Tar *> bbl.3 6053 < Vera KorUorliimit 7J0 aud 0.41 a. in 12.30. 1 8»'» 1 lopkins. li hborn. for Crm. I or Mcke’ an l staterooms at the Fine and low 45^2 69 25 American louacco.••..107*» knocked about for two days by stormy weather. aud 0.J0 in. apply Fuperflne grades.2 Coal tar.5 00.£5 Breakwater 2 Ad. sch John K b.00 i*. or do pfa.136VA *36 She encountered the storm Tuesday iMfnin* off Aral Delaware 1 ice Tn k» t Office. Monument square, for Wheat Bakers.3 46.c3 56 Hoofing Pitch, ^gallon.11 <• 12 1 Keruaudlna. lor sirt*tbro*.k, CumWisod Mills. Wemtbrook Fpnng street K K.174VA 177Vi Cod and soon after started a leak which ovle Kerry. thcr Information at Company's Office, ltaiiroad Whe;K patents.* 25 a4 4.» WU Pitch .3 25rid 50 Metropolitan Cape A DING Ar #cb 8 C Junction and Woodford* at 7.JU, 0.43 u. in., Bpring iron. 96*4 99 tin) use of the to POUT ID 220, Hart, A hart, t. ot ot M ite street. 90 < 4 00 Tenn.coal A’ required constant pumps pre- 12. AM' A JO and A jo o m. Alien, and M.LouissL roller.3 1 Irown. New York. jo, I Nails—Iron—brad. .s. 38‘i J. F. ISCO.MB. Mipt. _ Mich, and St. G5«3 90 ruudier.32*4 veut stnklhg. acb Tr.iwts ari»»• at Portland from Worcet’er at LouisE.clear.. Nall*— PliOVIDKNCE—Ar *2d. Eoluu, Mitchell, novt ill ll. F. C, Hl.RSLY, Agent uU lu LoulujciiUtl Tobacco...31V* 32V* Halifax, Feb 22—Bell Carolina Vaught, from I 26 p m.; from H«.riie«uu at0.3ua.uu, 1.24. Winter Wheat patents.4 i* f 653 25 outh Cut.3 Gloucester, came lu here to-day with fails split AMboy. aud 6.40 iu. front <;orli.ua at fc.40. 0.90 aud Corn uud tmmil. 05 RED BKAClI- Ar 22N |J eb. 23 li 00—The following »r* SE ATTLE-Ar 22d, Eclipse, Peterse a. Corn.bug *47 L ouunou. & 2 *4 Nassau, NP. Feb. 23 Brig Cnroline Gray, of abtp *rj» .If ba;i lots... .tut^uan* »t Provision*. sou.; 1 lonolulu. Meal, >*445 He lined.3 Hock laud, t apt. Meador, irom Humaeoiior __ Oats, car lots... 3.1 34 SABINE PASS—Sid 23d, sch Wm B Herrick. LINE. r* Norway .4 £ 4*4 r ■*. New York, bus arrived here leaking Ladiy. OOMINIGN Oats, ban lois.20 a, 37 Last Steel. 8 a 10 ( Innker. Vera • rur. Cotton need, car lots.On oo.«v26 on SI* tyring patent- 3 00*4 r>0 SAVANNAH Ar Slat, ach Bob Roy, (rein Portland & Rumtord Falls Mioc>teel.3V*£ Winter 3 .so < t 35. Port*. Ry, Cotton Seed, bag lots. .00 t)n« 27 oo sheet iron— patents. Domestic) j 'hiladeluhla. Portland to Liverpoel via. Queenstown .< Plwtr sud 3 26 -4 00. Backed Mian, car lots. Is on HC.*V4 5 5 straight. NEW YOKK— Ar 22d, schs J Frank Slavey. Sid 22d. ach llumaroen. t lark. 1 hliadelphla, backed bag lota.00 00 Joru—steamer yellow 44c. ;iad Annie Provl- hid T Carlton. MUlBrttft*. 1. From Bnui. 00*19 Lien Russia. l3V»ol4 Hostou. .i V Wellington, Gus, 23d. tab Adelia Iu Effect Dec. From hi iR_ Head— liy Tele graph. * Mary Louise, Aliev, Vli eyard-llavei*. ork; Addle uff* M. mix._Steamer*._2i*. Rbeet. @7a,4 Cld sch M A Ac horn, DeWluter, Jackson- ; lur Poland. Meclutalo Fade. B.k »&ell «. iian. haL Fob. 3 Bucar.CoffM.Tua fll K Feb. 23. —Cattle—receipts 22, ** /.me. 9a4 •• 10 AGO. 1900. ‘vINEYARD-HAVEN Ar 2fd. tch S-rili A ton, luxuelu aud Bumtocd Ea i*. lat '-7, Kornaii. West *4 Fugai — Standard granulated. 6 39 3.000: to choice cattle at 6 86; poor Bo* Sat 17 Pipe. £ 8*4 good 00#5 Island—Ar 23d, sch Thos H Lawrence* J ;eed. Caleb (or New York; Fred Jacksou 1.10 aud 6.13 t». in. From I'uloo Ihur. Feb. t. Vancouver. line 6 39 0 4 4 mixed Stockers at 3 *o« City bjna. nu Sugar—Extra granulated...* medium Oo« 761 t >n for do. I bur. 1 •, ImmtiUon, Nat. Mar. 3 Hurricane I«1 md. lor MocbaitM ball* aud lulerinodUU 44 Bugar—Extra C. 6 00 Oils—Paints. 60 btaUon *' 1 6 •; seiec ed feeders 4 26j*4 761 cows at 3 sens and Nel- Lat. 24. < umbromaa. Wed. 14 1« HORTON—Ar 22d. Massasolt, •laUoua. 44 Coffer?—Rio. roasted. 15 (i 4 2'.; heifers 3 26 « 4 60; bulls at 2 26; Wed. 21 Sperm .70580 6044 lie W Hal 11 more, i*u Mar. a, Fioman, Coffee—Java and Mocha.. 27 «< 28 6 fca Texas beeves at 4 OOut Craig. Foreign loro i.10 nu train connect* at Kuuiford FaUo for Whale...r>0u0 4 lives 0O48 00; Sid fm Nantasket Koads 23d, sch Horatio )l I hur. **. Vancouver, Sat. 24 Teas— 30 Feb steamer Columbia. 1m Bcmlo aud 1 allot. •* 4moys 2kg lfcUik.40 <« 46 > o L Hakei. for Portlaud. Ar at Gibraltar 23. Bang, Ivy rhur. Ot iHjinlnlou. Frt A pi. 13 Leas—Congous. 27<«60 and butchers at .. iew York and Genoa. 44 ** bhore.3 "ssiarw R*TF8 PASSAGE. Raisins, 2 26 Lead ■ 713. Western lambs 6 00&7 la. Sid (in Oueenstown Feb 22, Mc.uner German 3 R11 22d, barque John Swau, Nash. do crown.2 26u,2 50 Pure ••••.... 0 6 5700 Amboy; »' from lor New York, First (*«blit 160.00 and upwards. Retwrn ground...... sens Clara E Randall. CUarieson, for New York: :t Liverpool do 4 crown. 2 5o* 3 76 Ned.C P( «7 00 old fm Kio Fet> steamer l ioo oo and upwards, to steamer DoinMlie Market*. Tuns. Philadelphia. Janeiro 17. Naamylh. according R&bins. Loo.' e M us cate. 7 V» 9 \ rn Majy LCrosby. ,nd nccomodatnxi. «. Kmrlish lied.2 00&- 2o 22d. schs 1 ►r New York. iBy Telegraph.) BALTIMORE-Ar Agnes Manning. CO. C or London. $39 Fish end Ann ricah Sin*.6 Oi» a7 00 M do. hid (ui 81 Lucia Slat, steamer Heilucta, from Sarpswell STEAMBOAT kicouii abin—To Liverpool Dry Mackerel. Feb. 23.1900. Boston; Daylight, aud Ellen Odder, l.o’id-m- Hire -Starch. Brad- a antoa lor New York. Oct. t laaa. u.uw AueocUo. sifirage-l'n Liverpool. London, Cod. feliore. 4 -Malt—Spiers NEW YOB K—The Flour market—receipts Sid 22d, schs Chat F Tuttle, Hostou; Bcztmilug large 754* 00 T hid fui Barbados 20th, steamer Hildebrand, lev. fuiiiud hier, I'urUui'l. vJnllr. euo- Irfiy. (Jxasgow, ttueMistowa, $22.50 to $23.00. Medium snore OoawsU®rira. bbls; 3.386 bbis: sales 7.4oo ford C French, do. »111 fish.. 3 5oj4no :6,oBn exports J 1 om Para (or m. I kc ording to »teasu«r. lurks Island salt. U lb hd.2 ro* 2 60 at Portland. New York- eeuieJ. aJ. 10. fu. I.uu« Uuno. Pollock. 2 f»< « 3 75 iackaues; still tlrm on Wluter Wheat Flour Sid 2Ad. soh UtaadaauffiU. I»>, p. «*» CNimi I lvarpooi.3 2Va2 60 sehs Bos- Cld at hi Johu. N It. 22d, sen Roger Drary. UOi. wd Orel <'h*i>er.i*. 11.* la innd, so. Awlv to T. P. McGOWAK. Haddock.. <>i >11 easier. BOOTHBAY-Ar 22d. St Thomas, room 2 2 76 OiMDutMi ** 60 prlcesd spring dull, 1 ow York. sitl <*rr*» IaRmSa I MlJ. H. KEaTINiX. a Kwtu.n- Crystal bbl.. Flour—Winter 3 66'o:3 86;winter straights ton; Prank G Rich, and E M do; Gao IUrs.ir.li H*ltey*n Mr.) V.7A Hake. S'iaft 2 60 pta Sawyer, for fort nad. Ie»« Orr', .I H»u. HuXI.IIjul CHARI.US ASHION saleratua.6£t V4 I 45 Minnesota patents 8 86 a,4 10;Win- H Mills, Lynn; Abbis Ingalls, St John. NB. for Return ItUncnnj « Herring, per Box, sealed. 11 4 it) rf3,55; at. Jtrnrn l orti w. w flAVID TOMAllOK 90 Minnesota bakers 2 Spokea. linn AnJtug, 1.00 n MrJjf Shore er extra* 2 60>k2 9u® New York. m __ Mackerel, is.25 00■* JO00 06 hark Ni.-u. low ®t i tax. 2 i* a 2 49 *24. Mil Uvy J Eu*- Feb 20. tat 40 32 lost N, loo U® (IS W. w-V*’* Mackerel, Share 2s. I 05; do grades KEHNANDINA—81d BAL4H DAMIBLR. Gw Mgr. *5*^ SSvr*. v.v;: *:::::::::: :«£F8 Is 62.800 bush; exports New York. 1 .olverdale, rrotu Mam.a (or Boeton. Nutmegs...40 £49 Wheal—receli 98,966 »U, Smllli. m C”. { j t £