rro PORTLAND DAILY PRESS.. EOEEi SATURDAY FEBRUARY 1900. PRICE THREE CENTS. '^ESTABLISHED JUNE 23, 1862-VOL. 38. PORTLAND, MAINE, MORNING, 24, FROX BOER SOURCES. TWO ACRES BERT ED OVER. Pretoria IIMpalchri Report Slothing Dnpcnle la Utteotton. Pretoria, Wednesday, February Hi.— war bulletin baa CRONJE’S 4 HEROISM. Tba following official been leeutd here: Half-Million Dollar Fire "Report wna reeelred thla morning of oanoon bring weat of Ooleabnrg. in Philadelphia. "At Petroebetg oannon firing oom- metoed at «li In tbe morning. A big fight wee ei parted today. "llewet telegraphed yeeterday from Petruobarg that all waa qnlat axoapt One Woman Killed and Several Surrounded by Artillery the Boer Leader several oanoon abota and amell oklr- mlabea. Y ester Joy evening tba Brllleb atormed tba federal pealtlona aa far na Severely Injured. Refuses to Yield. Srbaoaer bat were driven back. "A maeaage from Ueneral Cronja Is to the effeot that bla low yeeterday waa four- teea dead and wounded. * Heart of Dis- " Dewet’s low waa nil." Millinery Commandant Fronaman reporta that trict in Flames. from February 16 to February 20 be wee surrounded by tbe lirltlab ut tbe If adder His Is In a Position river, when with a email number of men Army Covering be broke through the river. Un there was beery fight. Monday Bad Fires in Birmingham, ila. a Mile. The British prepared to lay (legs to tbe Only Square We Baer laager, wltb fighting general. and Loudon, ftnt. warn sorronaded by two tbouaaad Brltlan. flva miles from tbs obtef laager. At night we out our wag tbroughfwltb tba low of wren dead and atxtwn wounded. Thu low of tbe British waa l'hlladelphla, Keb urary 28.—One woman heavy. Ywlerday we out our way through was killed, eereral other person* wore General’s Wife Him in Vain to reach Dewet, who was la tbe aelgbhor- severely lnjnrsd and property rained at Urges hood. Jf tftr-tbree prisoners were taken, halt a million dollars was destroyed by a sad fifty -three prisoners formerly taken Ure which broke out tonight In the heart to Surrender. have bass forwarded. It Is reported that of the wholesale mllloery district. The tbe British were continually attacking horned district oorsrsd nearly two acres Koodoo Brand yesterday with Infantry and Tbo woman klllod, Clara Cohen, was a lenoars, but that Ibay were drlren back. seamstress in theempjoj^o^^lerrleand Uernard Cohen, 'ghe met her death LORD METHUEN AT KIUBEK LEY. by Jumping from the flfth floor. February 23.— Kimberley, Thursday, Among the moet seriously hart were Lord Methuen arrived hero Tuesday. He JLadysmith Had Not Been Relieved When will aot as administrator of tbe Kimber- ley dlstrlot, extending southward to tbs Last News Was Received. Orange river. UoL Kekewich will remain In command of tba oall foroas. The Issue of stage soup mares today. There art sixty-four Boar prisoners here. NEWS CONFLICTING. London, February 31.—Tbe Lonrento Marques corespondent of the Dally News London, February 81.—4.15 a. n.—Mr. “General Cronje's wife, according to telegraphing Tuesday, says: " Balfour aoaounoad la tbo Boom of com# of the prisoners la urging him to We are still In a state of doobt and Commons at half twelve this morn- ■urronder. 'loo much strata cannot be events In the Free put anxiety regarding h„ mrfe that no further news regarding lien. laid upon the Importance of sending State. We hear that the tetlegraph wire Quality ing them the in Uronje had bean recilred by tbo govern- oar goes of horeee for remonnte. The between Uen. Cronje and Bloemfontein leading Cigar ment. Ho had lent to the war oOoe necessity ot rapid moremant. whloh was has been severed and the news from the NEW ENGLAND. luring the boar and he asserted that grasped by Lord Huberts, has altered the front In oonUlotlng. A favorite in | nothing had oome to hand there, lien. whole campaign." MR. WILKISON’S SURMISES. every home, club, ICroaJe, therefore, le presumably still un- The Dally News assumed that the fore- or office. of choice London, Febr nary 21. -Mr Spense Every Judge beaten. No other eonetroetlon le planed going despatch refers to Wednesday Wilkinson, In the Morning Poet, says: cigars has upon the thru days' slienoe of Lord Heb- morning. More likely however, It refs a “From Boer dispatches we might Infer Dewat hae n consider- PERFECT CONFIDENCE In erts, to Tneeday. that (sea. gathered able force of scattered Boers at Petrus- Yet no ona ease how It Is pos- A from dated humanly deepatob Cbleveley, berg, abont fifteen miles southeast of Woitt & Bond Blackstones of 24 the HAVE sibly, lodging from the description* Thursday February to Dally Kood ooaraud, with a vltw of relieving No. Si Blackstone St., Boston. WORRY AND CARE tie situation Wednesday morning, for Cbronlole aaya: tieneral Cronje. OVERWORK, “It Is that a battle la also .dm to real*I so Ions- wrest Britain “At dawn Tueeday wo found that thi probable raging la Natal. Anyway, there Is no FIRST EFFECT UPON THE NERVES. does not withheld aumiretloo fnr the Boers had vacated all their pcsltlons ueea fur- alarm. It le quite possible tbat ralor of a losing fight against such odds sioth of Tugela and were la positions after the light Lord Roberts may be en- the Boers whlob would "Bnglisbmea feel something like pride among the high hills midway between gaged in pursuing take him away from tba telegraph wires. NOW .■ even u a says the Dally and the liver, and making a Oroojet foe," Ladysmith “Possibly a big tight la prooeedlng. CELERY COMPOUND Saws. "In a position oovertng only a determined stand. Two creusot gone Lord Roberta may be Ughtlag from tea PAINE’S on tbouaanl to fifteen thousand Basra. This iqnare mile, hemmed In all aides, were In action. IS THE would account for tbe long alienee ae alt : I reled with a chain of fire from rifle, “All the British naval and other heavy experience hae proved tbat tbe battles oc- daslaa aad on dead- ware to btar the new Nerve Force. Howltser, played by guns brought upon cupy some days. Tbe Boers ere experts Makes Nerve Fibre, ly lyddite, bursting la Its own slokly position*. We believe that this show of at digging cover and Cronje. in hie TIME have risked a sortie In greea light, bis hastily built trenobea Boer strength was only Intended te cover desperation may tbe eight." to hare the old Furniture mflladed by a stream of lead sweeping a retreat. Yesterday, Wednesday, thr A. writes: WAR OFFICE SHUTS UP SHOP. I repaired and reuphols- L. Martin, Chillicothe, Mo., lawn the river from the north bank, Boere were retiring all day. General and S3 —11 20 m.—The tered. We are not so for and nervous irn. still eleots to fight. It It a Boiler continued to barrels them, com- London, February p. “I have used Paine’s indigestion debility, CronJe that It hae no news Celery Compound war offloe announces busy now and can do this aagniflcenl oourage." pelling them to give way." of hostilities In South the worn the strain of tedious, from tbe socne work at less than have found it a certain remedy. It rehabilitates system by lien. Groajs's wife la described by the The Dally Chronicle has the following Africa to give out tonight. expense ,<leoaere u urging him to surrender in despatch from Ladysmith, dated Satur- later. and overworked will find it a sure cure.’ litigation and office work, any person order to uve the lives of hie men, bnt he day, February 17. | would not 2 "All day men gathered on the Convent The British cavalry patrol* sent by bill and tried to see Gen. Boiler’s shells F. P. TIBBETTS & WEATHER. CO., THE Lord Methuen north of Kimberley dis- bursting in the distance. The siege hea CONSUMPTION covered the Boers oonoentratlng, whether been inexpressibly tedious for the list 4 & 6 Free St., for offeaso or defease Is simply oonjec- fortnight. Boer camps have entirely dis- Do not think Tj TEL. 887-3. tore. appeared from the old positions wlthlr for a single li teb22d*t, utp The Boon seem to bo retiring from the last few days; and large parties with moment that front at Sterkstroom In art westward. It Is as- | (iea. Oats era's wagons trskklng consumption l wdar to reinforce the Free Btaters. sumed that the Free Staters are going to THE ever strike I /EOLIAN will Ladysmith had not been relieved when resist the advance of Lord Huberts. ANDERSON, ADAMS & CO., a sudden L the latest news left Natal two days ago. "We estimate that about alx thousand you entire of musi- blow. It does E places within the scope of everyone tho range rue Boers had then retired halt way have gone. Keur the foot of Bulwana thr Fire Insurance V Agency cal No matter how difficult the selection, the between Ladysmith and Colenoo. It Boere have been constructing a work not come that composition. 31 Exchange Street. only (1000 went to the Free State as both neat the river, possibly a dam. We can t a manner to the most 'way. JEolian will reuder it, nnd in please < be Boer and the British aeoonnts as- •ee a figure like an old lady In a red pet- It creeps its I t Ir.t Clans American and Foreign Companies February 23.—Fair Saturday; < has. C. Aiiau. critical. Boston, the who are left may tlooat [ Horace AM'KKHON. variable sert, 18,OUO pur- direction operations. along. I decii Thus. J. I.ittls. Ip eodlf probably rain or mow Sunday; way The has absolute control of time and pose to maintain the siege end to resist The Dally Tvlegraph has the following player expression, winds.
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