John Carlin | 288 pages | 01 Mar 2010 | ATLANTIC BOOKS | 9781848876590 | English | , Playing the Enemy: Nelson Mandela and the Game That Made a Nation PDF Book

His plan was ambitious if not far-fetched: use the national rugby team, the Springboks—long an embodiment of white-supremacist rule—to embody and engage a new South Africa as they prepared to host the World Cup. I watched the movie first and I really loved it but I didn't know there was a book about it. During apartheid, the all-white Springboks and their fans had belted out racist fight songs, and blacks would come to Springbok matches to cheer for whatever team was playing against them. Yet Mandela believed that the Springboks could embody--and engage-- the new South Africa. The black South Africans generally viewed the gold and green uniforms of the Springboks, along with the old national flag and national anthem, as a symbol of the oppression they had suffered under decades of apartheid. To have that question answered was one reason I read this book aside from having it selected in a book group. We were amiable colleagues at the time. . But he knew that South Africa was still dangerously divided by almost fifty years of apartheid. Nov 15, Nora Lockett rated it it was amazing. Watching the nation of South Africa change was awe-inspiring. Want to Read Currently Reading Read. Now, in an attempt to reassure the defeated minority that they had a rightful place in the new order, Mandela agreed to host the rugby World Cup games in South Africa. It's a kind of self-hypnosis, a game you play, with deadly seriousness, to disguise your own weaknesses from yourself, as well as from your rival. He met regularly with the mostly apolitical white members of the team, who by the end see him as much a part of their team as any other, and Mandela wears the green jersey and Springbock cap during the run. During apartheid, the all-white Springboks and their fans had belted out racist fight songs, and blacks would come to Springbok matches to cheer for whatever team was playing against them. It tells of the imprisonment of Nelson Mandela, his distinct social power and abilities, and how they eventually led to his release from prison. I am afraid that it is not as appealing as the movie; however, I must add that I am not a fan of For years, they had cheered for whatever team the Springboks were playing against, urging a global boycott on South African rugby while apartheid was still law. This was such an inspiring story about Nelson Mandela and how South Africa was unified after apartheid. Welcome back. Much more than I can express in my review. That was also the year activists scuttled a planned All Black tour of South Africa — which, along with riots in black townships and a rising chorus of international opprobrium, helped convince realists in the white government that they needed Mandela as much as he needed them. John Carlin. By combining the symbol of Mandela with the symbol of Springbok, he helped create the post-Apartheid state nationalism. It was narrow enough, even on his favorite surface in the tournament he played best, for me to know that if I silenced the doubts and fears, and exaggerated hopes, inside my head better than he did, I could beat him. Dec 21, L rated it it was amazing Shelves: non-fiction , fiction , philosophy , entertaining. Playing the Enemy: Nelson Mandela and the Game That Made a Nation Writer

By combining the symbol of Mandela with the symbol of Springbok, he helped create the post-Apartheid state nationalism. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. The miracle of the narrative is the forgiving spirit of Nelson Mandela as he used the Rugby World Cup to unite a nation. Anyway, amazes me that sport can be so influential in bringing people together. As a leader he was in a position to to influence the direction the country would go, and he moved it toward a peaceful end to apartheid. Original Title. The joy that erupted in the streets after we won is a sight I will never forget. Details if other :. It was something like the Rio carnival for days on end. The final victory is one shared by nearly all South Africans. It just goes to show you what happens when you reach out to people, really get to know them and try to understand them. Nov 01, Fern rated it it was amazing. Reviews Review Policy. I've read Mandela's autobiography, but this was a close-up on a short period of time, with a different focus. A caveat is required: the premise that a single rugby game, even a championship game, could heal three centuries of racial division, dispelling accumulated terrors and hatreds in a magic Mandela moment, is romantic overstatement. Really appreciated the insightful portrayal of Mandela as a man who created a new nation with fantastically clear and shrewed mind and a heart full of grace and love. But their chances of capturing the hearts of most South Africans seemed remoter still, as they had long been the embodiment of white supremacist rule. You needed something else to bring people together. Now we sit in ivory towers under white buildings, that look as if someone has set an overturned coffee cup on top of a rectangular whit box, and draw battle lines on paper instead of in the sand. No trivia or quizzes yet. Now suddenly, before the eyes of the whole of South Africa, and much of the world, the two negative symbols had merged to create a new one that was positive, constructive, and good. Having read their history and studied their sport, he astonished the Afrikaners by addressing them in their language learned in prison , but mostly by not hating them. If we don't buy in to that common portrayal of who caued history's woes we sometimes still seem to see these things as "ours to fix" and take ownership where it's difficult to establish who is responsible for what. But because Mandela had this capacity, Carlin writes, he charmed people, making them feel significant and important, always being ready to listen to their viewpoint. So, enjoy the book and the film, and try watching rugby Rugby Union is best in my opinion, far superior to Rugby League. We meet Niel Barnard, the former head of the sinister apartheid-era intelligence service, and Justice Bekebeke, who had spent much of his young life on death row for killing a policeman. From a government headed entirely by whites to a country governed by President Mandela, a black former-prisoner, was a true testament to human forgiveness. This book is a "paean" to Nelson Mandela, who was truly the right man at the right time in the right place. Loved the movie, 'Invictus'. His plan was ambitious if not far-fetched: use the national rugby team, the Springboks—long an embodiment of white-supremacist rule— to embody and engage a new South Africa as they prepared to host the World Cup. Return to Book Page. Aug 04, Alicia rated it really liked it. Exercising your mental and emotional freedom is the foundation of Agile Living and creating all the other types of freedom that you might want for yourself and the people around you. Thanks for telling us about the problem. Mandela makes Clinton and Reagan look like lightweights with his ability to charm,rebound, and chart the right course at critical decision points. As he makes stirringly clear, their championship transcended the mere thrill of victory to erase ancient hatreds and make a nation whole. Get A Copy. By embracing their former enemies, the teeth of anger at the loss of privilege is numbed since white South Africans see black South Africans rooting for their team. In the scheme of things even this Rugby game seeedm to be a bit exaggerated in its importance. Almost three decades of incarceration might be expected to have a hardening effect on a person, particularly when the initial conviction was unjust. Now he takes us behind the scenes, from winning the Wimbledon final -- described by John McEnroe as "the greatest game of tennis" he had ever seen -- to the family problems that brought him low in and the numerous injuries that have threatened his career. Sometimes they are thoughttful and caring and understanding of simple pleasures. He completely disarmed his jailers and the Afrikaner culture with not only his political savvy but his humanity. As he makes stirringly clear, their championship transcended the mere thrill of victory to erase ancient hatreds and make a nation whole. Mandela makes Clinton and Reagan look like lightweights with his ability to charm,rebound, and chart the right course at critical decisio This book is both inspiring and boring. South Africans of every color and political stripe found themselves falling for the team. Playing the Enemy: Nelson Mandela and the Game That Made a Nation Reviews

I think you are unforgettable. View 2 comments. Having read their history and studied their sport, he astonished the Afrikaners by addressing them in their language learned in prison , but mostly by not hating them. But I think you'd really need someone like Mandela to orchestrate it - otherwise, unfortunately, civil war, prejudice and racism will rule the day. He was a hero and a great man. In spite of having many of his freedoms severely constrained and restricted, and having his loved ones tortured and killed in terrible ways, Nelso Nelson Mandela is the epitome of Agile Living and Agile Leadership, which is essentially about living in a way that exercises your freedom and expands freedom for others. However, Nelson Mandela used his time in prison to come to understand his adversary. Some black leaders saw a weakness in Mandela that proved to be one of his strengths. That was the year Nelson Mandela, then 21 years into a life sentence for conspiring to overthrow the regime, made his overture to the white government, beginning the long negotiation that would ultimately turn South Africa right side up. is signed up to play the Springbok captain, and a rugby fan is directing. Just a moment while we sign you in to your Goodreads account. He met regularly with the mostly apolitical white members of the team, who by the end see him as much a part of their team as any other, and Mandela wears the green jersey and Springbock cap during the run. I strongly recommend this book. This book is not really a story of rugby; it is a story of a country struggling with a massive and long-overdue change in the fabric of its society and how one man changed it all with his conviction. When Mandela became President, Carlin argued that he realized how close South Africa was to a civil war, as heavily armed right-wing Afrikaaner militias and members of the military threatened to overthrow the newly elected ANC dominated government or carve out an Afrikaaner state. In , Nelson Mandela, then in prison for twenty-three years, set about winning over the fiercest proponents of apartheid, from his jailers to the head of South Africa' A thrilling, inspiring account of one of the greatest charm offensives in history--Nelson Mandela's decade-long campaign to unite his country, beginning in his jail cell and ending with a rugby tournament. While most of us in the US were absorbed in our own misery and joy, either make believe or real, in South Africa from to a battle raged. Watching the nation of South Africa change was awe-inspiring. Divided into time periods providing the background, two thirds of the book is a setup for the World Cup, in explaining how the moment was a true crossroads, which could have led easily to war. Return to Book Page. Reading this book helped me to see how wonderful you really are. I felt like they helped a lot and I was sad wh President Mandela: I must apologize. This is probably good since I know nothing about Rugby, however I found it more inspiring to read about how Mandela worked with his past enemies to unify a country.

Playing the Enemy: Nelson Mandela and the Game That Made a Nation Read Online

Really appreciated the insightful portrayal of Mandela as a man who created a new nation with fantastically clear and shrewed mind and a heart full of grace and love. From a government headed entirely by whites to a country governed by President Mandela, a black former-prisoner, was a true testament to human forgiveness. By the time I finished this book, my heart was filled with joy and a had a big smile on my face. Anyway, amazes me that sport can be so influential in bringing people together. John Carlin, a former South Africa bureau chief for the London Independent , offers a singular portrait of the greatest statesman of our time in action, blending the volatile cocktail of race, sport, and politics to intoxicating effect. John Carlin. I felt like they helped a lot and I was sad when they dropped Afrikaans from the M. The gap in talent with Federer existed, but it was not impossibly wide. I think you are unforgettable. In his eyes, the "solution" to South Africa's problems didn't include expelling or taking revenge against whites, but rather meant reaching out to them, forgiving them, and alternately manipulating, forcing, seducing them to embrace justice and true democracy. You know the saying: There's no time like the present This is really a great story and much more than a book about a rugby tournament. I cried through this narrative as well. Although it was not as if the first section of the book was not informative. If he couldnat unite his country in a visceral, emotional wayaand fastait would collapse into chaos. The more bottled up they are, the greater your chances of winning, so long as you've trained as hard as you play and the gap in talent is not too wide between you and your rival. This book is a "paean" to Nelson Mandela, who was truly the right man at the right time in the right place. Dec 21, L rated it it was amazing Shelves: non-fiction , fiction , philosophy , entertaining. At that time I also felt that Portugal was united in a way I had never imagined. And when I found it I thought it would talk a lot about rugby but on the contrary! Reviews Review Policy. If you're interested in rugby, this book will probably strike you as just okay, but if you're interested in South African history or Nelson Mandela's amazing life story, then you will love this book. I've seen the footage of the Rugby World Cup, and I've heard firsthand accounts of the way it brought the country together, but this book gave me a new perspective on the attitudes pre- Mandela. In spite of having many of his freedoms severely constrained and restricted, and having his loved ones tortured and killed in terrible ways, Nelso Nelson Mandela is the epitome of Agile Living and Agile Leadership, which is essentially about living in a way that exercises your freedom and expands freedom for others. In his memoir, written with award-winning journalist John Carlin, tennis star Rafael Nadal reveals the secrets of his game and shares the inspiring personal story behind his success.