A Special Thanks To
A speciAl thAnks to Dialogue on Risk Management in Wine Trade Apec Dialogue on Risk management in wine tRaDe Pullman Hotel, auckland Programme 1 5-6 november 2012 day 1 5 aPec & WWtg Joint Forum 7 november 2012 day 2 43 day 3 93 DAY 1 5 nov Pullman Hotel, auckland 07.30 registrAtion Desk open 08.30 formAl welcome & keynote ADDress Introduction: Clare Fearnley, APEC Chief Official, NZ Keynote Speaker: Wayne McNee, Chief Executive, MPI, NZ Tony Battaglene, Winemakers’ Federation of Australia Tom LaFaille, Wine Institute, USA 12.30 Panel: Sirma Karapeeva, Senior Analyst, MPI, NZ (MC) lunch At pullmAn Philip Gregan, Industry Chair, CEO, NZ Winegrowers, NZ 14.00 2b. risk Assessment & mAnAgement - regulAtors only session 09.00 1. wine & risk - public/privAte DiAlogue Moderator: Carol Barnao MPI, NZ Moderator: Prem Malhotra, TISI, Thailand, a) Common frameworks & international standards, a) Outline of winemaking process, Dr Janet Dorozynski, DFAIT, Canada CODEX & HACCP, Dr Yukiko Yamada, Chief Scientist, MAFF, Japan b) Food safety risks, Dr Markus Herderich, AWRI , Australia b) Managing risks through regulation, Steve McCutcheon, CEO, FSANZ, Australia c) Trade/commercial risks, Dr John Barker, NZ Winegrowers, NZ c) Imports of alcoholic products and risk management, Wang Zhongyue, AQSIQ, China 16.00 10.30 coffee breAk coffee breAk 16.15 10.45 2A. risk Assessment & mAnAgement - regulAtors only session 3. risk strAtegies & trADe - public/privAte DiAlogue Moderator: Carol Barnao, MPI, NZ Moderator: José Raúl Ramírez Ramírez, MOH, Mexico a) Agrichemical Residues in Wine, David Lunn, MPI, NZ 16.45 b) Winemaking & packaging risks, Trade facilitation through coherence in limits and analysis, Claudia Carbonell, Vinos de Chile/Steve Guy, Wine Australia Dr Greg Hodson, Wine Institute, USA c) Labelling & bottling risks, Claudia Carbonell/Steve Guy 17.45 finish 1 | DiAlogue on risk mAnAgement in wine trade 2012 DAY 2 6 nov Pullman Hotel / villa maria, auckland 13.30 trAnsport to villA mAriA lunch 08.30 14.30 4.
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