# V VMC ROAD RUNNERS NEWSLETTER SEPTEMBER 1982 PRICE $1.00 SEPTEMBER 1982 PRICE $1.00 ANDY LLOYD on his way to take EMIL ZATOPEK 10,000 m. VMC CHAMPIONSHIP December, 1981. Triple Winner of BIG “M” MELBOURNE MARATHON, October 1979, 1980 and 1981. Who will win this October and December? Registered for posting as periodical VBH0488. THE V.M.C.ROAD RUNNERS NEWSLETTER is published for the Information of umbers of the V.M.C.BOAD RUNNERS and is covered by the payment of the Annual Membership Fee. It is issued four times a year* SPRING(September) SUMMER(December) ATTTUMN(March) WlNTKh(June) • All athletes. Irrespective of age or sex, are invited to contribute letters, results, comments, criticisms,etc., to the Editor, 1 Golding St.,CANTERBURY, 3126, Viotoria* PLEASE NOTE that material submitted for publication SHOULD BE on single-spaced, typed A 4 sheets, Irrespective of length, to facilitate lay-out* Articles should not exceed one and a half pages of A 4, preferably half that. Articles for publication MUST BE aooompaMed by the name and address of the contributor, together with his or her signature* The author of the article shall retaih full responsibility for the content of such article. DEADLINE FOR COPY is the 10th day of the month preceding the month of publication, we ask contributors to aim for the 1st day of that month to make editing less rushed* M CHANGES U INTERSTATE LIMES OP COMMUNICATIONS : UA.A.U. of AUSTRALIA: Rick PABNELL, Olympic Park Wo.1,Swan St,MELBOURNE 3002,(03)429 5077 NSW A.A.A.x Clive LEE, P.O.Box N101 ,Grosvenor St,SYDNET 2001, (02) 241 35 38 IIV.A.A. JJohn MILLER,Olympic Park No.1,Swan St,MELBOURNE 3002, (03) 428 8O 49, 428 8195 Q.A.A.A. :John BAILET, 33 Wighton St,NASH7ILLE,Q,*Id 4017t (07) 269 63 07 Q.W.A.A.A. *Joyce Bomrick,10 Leamington StjWOOWONGABBAjQ’ld 4102. (07) 391 20 20 A.A.A.of S.A.:Brian CHAPMAN, P.O.Box 57,KENSINGTON,S.A.5O 68, (08) 332 83 52 ACT A.A.A. tJohn M0IR,G.P.0.Box 63,Canberra,ACT 2601, (O62) 89 67 13 A.A.of W.A. 1 Mrs W.SHERIDAN,P.0.B0X 208,WMBLET,W.A.6014, (09) 387 10 50 A.A.A.of TasiNoel RUDDOCK, 10 Reynolds Court,DYNNHYNE,Tasmania 7005,(002) 23 19 76 MARATHON INFORMATION * Q'land MARATHON CLINIC 1 Andrew SEMPLE, 576 South Pine Bd, E7ERT0N PARK, Q'ld 4053. W.A .MARATHON CLUB* Phil WALL, 53 Cleveland St, DIANELLA, W.A. 6062. SRC of S.A.t Bruce ABRAHAMS, Box 96, GLENELG, S.A. 5045* A c t CC CLUB* DATE CUNDY, 33 Lawrence Cres., EAMBAH, ACT 2902* HEW ENGLAND* John STANLET, "Wood Park”, BMB 410,Old Inverell Bd, ABM3DALE, NSW 2350* NORTH NSW* Angelo JONES, P.O.Box 1, ALST0H7ILLE, NSW 3477* Vic .FUN RUN CO-ORDINATOR* Paul CUNNINGHAM, 103 Pelham St, CARLTON 3053, (03) 347 21 90. VICTORIAN VENUES « Ho. 13 MBLWAT REFERENCE OLYMPIC PARK- Swan St & Batman Ave, trams from Princes Bridge & Richmond Station 44 1 11 MURRUMBEENA TRACE- North Rd/Murrumbeena Bd, 1 *5km from Morrumbeena Station 68 K 9 SANDRINGHAM TRACE- Thomas St, HAMPTON, 1km from Hampton Station 76 E 6 MENTONE TRACK- Opp*Lr .Dandenong Rd/Napean H'way comer, Second St .MENTONE 87 B 7 COBURG TRACK- Outlook Bd, EAST COBURG, off Ifeirray Bd Swimming Pool 18 A 10 ABERFELDTE TRACE- Corio St,ESSENDON 23 D 6 / HEIDELBERG TRACE- Liberty Parade 19 D 12 COLLINGIfOaD TRACE- Heidelberg Bd,CLIFTON HILL, Crosscountry Course opposite 30 G 12 SIBGVCXB TRACE- Hew St and Sylvia Bd, 1*5km from Bingwood Station 49 f 11 DONCASTER TRACE- George St 33 J 11 / BOX HILL TRACE- Elgar Bd, 2km Box Hill Stn. 47 C 7 TWO BRIDGES COURSE- Opposite Botanis Gardens,near Morell Bridge,Alexandra Avenue 44 B 12 ALBERT PARE COURSE- Robinson Hall,at rear of Basketball Stadium,facing lake 57 J 3 PRINCES PARE COURSE- Walker St Pavilion,near Carlton F.G, Royal Parade, trams pass 29 G 12 BOULEVARD- Richmond side of Yarra, behind Burnley Gardens 45 B 12 CRIB POINT ROAD COURSE- Park Road, 500m north of Naval Depot, Football Ground 195 B 1 POINT LEO ROAD COURSE- 200m up from Pt.Leo Beach turn-off in Flinders Bd 196 G 2 SORRENTO- R.S.L.Hall, Ocean Beach Boad shopping centre 157 A 7 DOMAIN- Birdwood Avenue, rear of Shrine of Remembrance, 1*5km from Flinders St 43 Z 12 armv rarrr. zatofek 10 ooom - 1982. ALSO MASTERS MTB. TOT.TOHS MTLTg. JTTITTOR MEW rtOOm. H0TE( rtWM division is for Women Banners only and is open to all women athletes. MASTERS MILE is open to all Veterans Cover 40 ) who have a qualifying time of 4»50 (mile) or 4*30 (1500m) on the track since October 1st. 1981» JUNIOR MEN 3000m is restricted to runners with a qualifying time of 8<30 o r better, on the track since October 1st. 1981. The field maybe restricted to the best 15 entered* PROGRAM FOR THE SERIES? (Timetable to be finalised later) DEC 13 (Mon) HF” division, VMC RR members only .Ho limit. "C" " VMC RR " " 35*00 (10000) & 17tOO (5000) qualifying. VAA 1 Mile Championship heats. DEC 14(Tue)"EM division, VMC HR members only.39*00 & 19*00 qualifying. " W division, Open to all women runners, no limit. VAA 100 yards Championship heats. DEC 15(Wed)'D" division, VMC RR members only.37*00 & 18*00 qualifying. "B" division, VMC HR " " 33*00 & 16*00 qualifying. DEC 16(Thu) MASTER MILE VAA 100 y Championship Semi-final WOMEN'S 0PM MILE VAA 100y CHAMPIONSHIP FINAL JUNIOR MEN 3000m VAA 1 mile CHAMPIONSHIP FINAL "A" division Q d L ZATOPEK 10,000m VMC RR CHAMPIONSHIP VMC RR financialmembers 30(30 & 14*40 qualifying non-members 30(00 & 14*00 qualifying 10,000m qualifying times oust have been achievedon the track since April 1st. 1981. in either 10,000m gr 5000m, road times will be taken with ^ addad. Bitrles for the E.Z.10*000, Masters Mile, Women's Mile, Junior Men 3000m must reach the General Secretary, VMC Road Runners, 1 Golding Street,CANTERBURY, 3126, together with 12 race fee, by Monday. queries will not be answered without an SSAE (Stamped Self Addressed finrelope) (Better times achieved after lodgment of entry will be taken up to November 29th I Veterans may elect to run in a lower division than qualified if doubling for the mile.) H0TE« There will be a number of other events of various kinds oonducted on the four nights (special trials, invitation events, relays, etc.) which will have to be fitted into a balanced program. The likely times for the 10,000m divisions will be 6.30 for the first and 7*30pm for the second race of the night. The "A" division will be close to 9*00 pm. Further infounation will be given out at the VMC RR Wednesday night runs. Please enter me for the Qnil Zatopek 10,000m. My best track time for 10000/5000m since April 1st, 1981 is( (Write in BLOCK LETTERS, please.) T i m e ......... ......Date... at venue.... ............. • Conducted by. ............................. ......... .......... Please enter me for the MASTERS MILE, WOKEN’s OPEN MILE, JUNIOR MEN 3000m(Cross out what not applicable) and fill in above, if for more than one event add extra note. Call Name.................Surname.... ........................ .Date of Birth.„../...,/f..e A d d r e s s ............................ ................... ...... ...... Post code......... I enclose $2 Race F e e ....... S i g n e d ............................. T e l . N o .................... TO COMPETE or NOT TO COMPETE 1 WHAT IS THE QUESTION ?1 Competition is a word which these days can call forth a whole host of emotions ranging from whole-hearted approval to whole-sale condemnation. It certainly is no help for anyone to suggest that the answer lies somewhere in between the extremes since it is very much a matter of a strictly personal point of view. Just have a look at all kinds of expressions used and in the vast majority of cases a resentment has built up against the pressures caused by competition, disguised or undisguised, in all walks of life and age groups. As a result, to many people'competitor'is the picture of a stereotype, a cardboard cut-out, who is out there to prove him or herself better, bigger, richer, cleverer and whatever superlatives you may like to use to lord it over other people. The end result is the ego-tripper or ego-maniao who manages to spoil the enjoyment of whatever we may be doing . But just because competition has got out of hand in many instances that is not necessarily the fault of the word but rather the use it has been put to. Competition needs to be seen as a tool in the growth and development of a person, physically and mentally, muoh in the sane way as mathematics (the use of figures) is a tool for the sciences and logic. Figures by themselves do nothing, it is only when they are applied that they achieve meaning) competition by itself is sterile unless it leads to personal satisfaction* The questions we need to ask of ourselves are* Competition, for WHAT ? Fitness, for WHAT ? Skills, for WHAT ? What do I want to do with my life, MY LIFE ? In the VMC Road Runners we have a long tradition by now of getting together to do the thing we like to do, namely running for whatever satisfaction and enjoyment it may give to everyone of us.
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