A abortion, 197–201, 309, 424 acid rain, 276 adoption, 199, 204–205 Afghanistan, 331, 343 Africa, 406–410, 413, 418; Chinese investment in, 294; PLA deployments in, 408; Sino-Soviet competition in, 378See also individual nations African Development Bank, 418 agricultural producers’ cooperatives (APCs), 65, 71, 73, 75 agricultural reform, 9, 62, 65, 146–148, 250–252, 254–256, 298, 306– 307, 438. See also collectivization agriculture: cash crops, 150; collectivization of, 65, 70, 72–73, 79, 230; communes and, 75, 77, 147; decollectivization of, 137; Develop the West Campaign and, 329–331; environmental factors, 270, 272, 323; feminization of, 284; during Great Leap Forward, 72, 82; in imperial China, 22; industry and, 78–79; infrastructure of, 306–307; Mao and, 70–71, 76; modernization of, 145, 147, 249, 333, 343; price reform and, 257; rural industrialization and, 254–256; urban bias and, 305–306See also agricultural reform AIDS. See human immunodeficiency syndrome (HIV) aircraft carriers, 369 air pollution, 275–277; coal and, 275–276 Algeria, 294, 406–407 All-China Environment Federation, 280 American Institute in Taiwan (AIT), 386 Angola, 267, 406, 408 anti-corruption campaigns, 155–156, 162, 167–168, 172, 353. See also corruption antigovernment protests, 430–431. See also separatism; Tiananmen Square protests (1989) Anti-Rightist Campaign, 68–69, 83, 180, 230 Arms Reduction Act (1982), 385 ASEAN Economic Community (AEC), 399 ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF), 398, 401 Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation forum, 416 assimilation, 229–230 Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), 359–360, 398–399, 401, 420 automotive industry, 425 autonomous counties, 141n28 autonomous regions, 63, 119, 124, 141n20, 228–233; economic development in, 232–234, 330; governing of, 127, 130, 133, 135, 179, 230–232; government repression in, 240–243See also Tibet; Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region Autumn Harvest Uprising, 38 B Bandung Conference, 377 Bandung Spirit, 377–378, 394, 409 baojia system, 22 barefoot doctors, 99, 105n80, 314–315 basic medical insurance system, 191 Beida.
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