


A Project

Presented to of the Department of Computer Science

California State University, Sacramento

Submitted in partial satisfaction of the requirements for the degree of



Computer Science


Kaniz Fatema


© 2012

Kaniz Fatema





A Project


Kaniz Fatema

Approved by:

______, Committee Chair Du Zhang

______, Second Reader Bob Buckley



Student: Kaniz Fatema

I certify that this student has met the requirements for format contained in the University format manual, and that this project is suitable for shelving in the Library and credit is to be awarded for the project.

______, Graduate Coordinator ______Nikrouz Faroughi Date

Department of Computer Science







Kaniz Fatema

Widespread adoption of high speed internet connectivity makes streaming media a reality, and these days many streaming devices are increasingly becoming available, including smart TVs, internet-connected Blu-ray players, Apple TV, and so on. One problem users quickly face is the navigation and search of titles. The current approach is far from satisfactory. Since smartphones are everywhere these days, can smartphones help with this discovery problem? In this project we develop an Android-based app for

Netflix, a movie rental and streaming system, to address this problem. One of the nice aspects of Netflix is that offers recommendations. However it is tailored to one account, which is often shared by all of the family members. Therefore, it is hard to differentiate the recommendations for the parents vs. the teenage members of a family. The app we develop does not require a user to login and the recommendations are tailored to the owner of the smartphone only. Our proposed recommendation algorithm is based on the

ratings available on Netflix and , but can also incorporate new data sources. We conduct a limited study and based on the feedback of the subjects, the result is promising.

______, Committee Chair Du Zhang




List of figures...... ix


1. INTRODUCTION ...... 1

1.1 Problem Statement ...... 2

1.2 Solution Sketch ...... 4

1.3 Organization of the report ...... 5

2. RELATED WORK ...... 6

2.1 Related Android Apps...... 6

2.2 Recommendation Algorithms ...... 7

3. DESIGN ...... 10

3.1 User Interface Design ...... 10

3.2 Recommender algorithms ...... 12

3.2.1 Average-Deviated Recommendation algorithm...... 12

3.2.2 Correlation-Weighted Recommendation algorithm...... 14

3.3 Datasets ...... 18


4.1 Back-end ...... 22

4.1.1 Data collection from the web-services ...... 22


4.1.2 Application/Web Server and Database ...... 24

4.2 Client or Front-end ...... 27

4.3 User study ...... 31

4.3.1 Approach ...... 31

4.3.2 Result ...... 32

4.3.3 Performance Analysis ...... 33

4.3.4 Discussion ...... 34

5. CONCLUSION ...... 35

Bibliography ...... 37



Figure 3.1: Overview of the Correlation-weighted recommendation process...... 17

Figure 3.2: Distribution of Netflix titles ...... 18

Figure 3.3: Correlation between various types of ratings...... 20

Figure 4.1: High level application components and data collection...... 24

Figure 4.2: Entity-relationship diagram of the database tables used...... 26

Figure 4.3: The main user interface of RecFlix ...... 28

Figure 4.4: Comprehensive set of options for filtering titles ...... 29

Figure 4.5: Movie description dialog appears when a user clicks on a movie image...... 30

Figure 4.6 Interview prior to RecFlix interaction ...... 32

Figure 4.7: Post-interview questions...... 34



Chapter 1


Streaming media, and, in particular, streaming movies are becoming increasingly commonplace, thanks to the widespread availability of high speed internet, and streaming-able devices including computers, smart TVs, and so on. Streaming, or aptly sometimes called instant movies and TV shows, offer major advantages over that are available on physical media, such as DVDs, etc. Most notable advantage is perhaps the fact that the user gets to choose what she wants to watch, when she feels like it. Netflix

[1] is a pioneer in streaming movies and TV shows, in addition to their original business--

-DVDs-by-mail. As success draws company, quite a few other vendors including

Amazon [2] and [3] are offering streaming movies. We focus on Netflix in this project, as they have the largest streaming customer base.

Smartphones are now ubiquitous, with capabilities of a computer. People are increasingly depending on their smartphones for on-the-spot information, rather than carrying or opening up a laptop everywhere, and for every minute needs. Naturally, information needs such as which movies are available, or which movie I should watch, is expected to be on their fingertips as well.


1.1 Problem Statement

After interviewing a few Netflix-streaming subscribers and going through many postings on the internet, we have identified issues with the information need of Netflix streaming titles.

 Movie information organization: No matter what the streaming device is---

smart TV, internet-connected DVD players, media players like Roku [4] or Apple

TV, and so on, the titles that a user can browse appear to be very limited, leaving

the user wanting for more. Furthermore, options are often limited,

leaving the user with less control to find what she needs. One user commented

that he thought there are 75 titles available under each genre category, since

Netflix shows only 75 titles in each genre. The reality is that Netflix carries

14,000-18,000 titles under streaming. Clearly, the presentation of information

about the extent of titles that are available can be improved. One can argue that

more is not necessarily better; however, it is comforting to know that there are

more titles available, if the user has not found something interesting to watch yet.

 The user in control: interesting titles to watch: The point above contributes to

this issue. Netflix provides top 10 recommended movies, which are rather

generic. The user needs to be in control. If she is in mood for a classic drama, she

finds it desirable to be able to specify the specific date-range and the genre to


discover the top recommended titles in that category. Once she is in control, she

could discard unwanted features, such as foreign titles, as an example.

 Having to login means all history in one bucket: Most Netflix

clients/applications require a customer to login to the Netflix service to use and to

get personalized content delivery and recommendations. When the user need is to

browse available titles and to find out interesting titles, this login requirement can

be a disadvantage for the following reason. A customer who has young children in

the family may watch all sorts of movies. Netflix will generate recommendations

based on this disparate set of titles, and may miss the mark when only the children

are the viewers, or the parents. An alternative is that your mobile device carries

your movie preferences and delivers recommendations only for .

 Inadequate smartphone apps: In this project we focus on smartphones as the

platform of choice, and android as the first mobile operating system to explore.

While there are a few apps that attempts to tackle the problems identified above,

including one from Netflix itself, they all appear to be inadequate. We compare

the features of the apps in the related work section of the paper.


1.2 Solution Sketch

In this paper we design an Android application for Netflix streaming titles that attempts to tackle the issues identified in the last section. In particular, our design has following main features.

 Title information and discovery: We organize available streaming titles in such

a way that the user can realize how many they have seen and how many are still

available to explore. The user can search for titles using various filters that also

guides the user with availability information. For example, the user sees which

genre or which year has more or how many titles with respect to total available.

 Recommendation to help find what might be interesting: We implement a

recommendation algorithm which adapts based on the user’s movie preferences.

As the user keeps rating new movies, it learns more about the user and updates the

recommendation. We build RECFLIX based on a well-known recommendation

algorithm and modify it to accommodate an easy to use system. The user’s ratings

are contrasted against Netflix users’ average ratings and Rotten Tomatoes’ [5]

critics and members’ ratings. Our novelty here is that we keep it very simple, and

we look at users’ preferences at the fine grained genre and other feature level.

 Hassle free: We do not require the user to login to Netflix or any other site.

Further, we do not limit what the user can . It is the user who controls which


way she wants to find the titles. No login also means anybody with an Android

OS-based device can rate a few movies and get personalized recommendation.

Therefore, one combine history for a family with one account is not an issue.

However, a user’s rated movies are not after a session. Since we keep record

by the android device ID, therefore a user can accumulate her ratings as long as

she uses the same device.

1.3 Organization of the Report

This report is organized as follows. Chapter 2 goes through some of the related work, including one of the most cited recommendation algorithms, particularly the one we build our approach on. It also contrasts some of the related and prominent Android apps with our design. Chapter 3 covers our proposed design---both user interface and recommendation algorithms. It explores the datasets we consider in this project, and the relationships between them to explain why we need all of them. Chapter 4 is about our implementation, both server-side back-end and the Android client. It also describes the limited user study we have conducted. Chapter 5 concludes the report with remarks on future work.


Chapter 2


In this section we describe some of the most cited recommendation algorithms, particularly the one we build our approach on. We also contrast here some of the related and prominent Android apps with our design.

2.1 Related Android Apps

Although there are quite a few Android apps for movies, they are primarily for the movies that are currently in theaters, and not for Netflix or for Netflix streaming titles.

Most similar app in functionality that we have found is the app created by Netflix itself.

However, this project is in part to overcome some of the limitations of that app. The

Netflix app, for example, requires a user to login before she can do any operation. Its proprietary recommendation algorithm is generic and one account specific. That is, all family members with the same account gets to see the same set of recommendations.

Another limitation of the app is that the user can explore titles only in a very limited fashion. And it is impossible for her to know or find how many titles are available in total or in any category. Here is a comment from a user of this app: “There are virtually no settings or options or ability to refine or filter searches and browsing. The browsing layout is poor at best.” [6] Another user reviews: “Limited selection of titles. Works in


limited number of phones (at launch). Poor recommendation engine.” [7] Another user commented: “If a family shares an account, the recommendation is not great.” [8]

2.2 Recommendation Algorithms

The recommendation problem can be thought of as predicting a value, that is, how much a user would like an item (movie in this case), based on what we know about the user and other users or data sources. This translates fairly well to the solution space of statistical or machine learning algorithms or approaches. No wonder there have been quite a few algorithms proposed so far [9] to make recommendations, and the contribution of algorithms continues.

Most commonly cited recommendation algorithm [10] [9] is sometimes referred to as

“user-based” algorithm, and it works as follows: First it finds similarity, for which a metric can be correlation, between the target user and other users. We can represent two users as two vectors of numbers, based on the movies they have rated in . Each cell in the vector is the rating on the corresponding movie. We find the similarity between

the two users, expressed as ,using the equation for Pearson correlation coefficient




Where is correlation between two users, ut is the target user, ui is another user,

̅ ̅ is ui’s rating on movie a, is average rating of the target user, is average

rating of other user, is ut’s rating on movie a.

Since the value of correlation is between -1 to +1, the similarity between users can be either positive, 0, or negative.

Once we know the similarities between users, the recommended value of a target movie is estimated by taking others’ rating on the target movie weighted by their similarities

(correlations) with the target user:



Here ut is the target user, at is the target movie, ui is another user, and w is the correlation.

Note that this algorithm is actually a machine learning algorithm called k-nearest neighbor [12]. A known limitation of this algorithm is that it suffers from scalability issues [11], that is, when there are many users, say millions of them, typical in popular e- commerce sites, the algorithm suffers from performance issues. We do not have this problem, however, since for initial assessment we have used four users in total to consider.


Chapter 3


In this section we describe the user interface of the Android app and its components. We also point out how we kept the problem statement in mind while designing the interface.

We describe the structure of our application, including the back-end, how we utilize various APIs provided by Netflix and Rotten Tomatoes, the technologies we have used, and the recommendation algorithms we proposed and implemented.

3.1 User Interface Design

 No login: In order to use our application, that is browse/filter titles, rate titles, and

receive recommendations, no login is necessary. However, this does not mean that

the user has to repeat the same ratings. We store the rating information in the

database using the Android device ID. In some way, therefore, the user's Android

device becomes her very own walking movie-preference keeper. However, in the

future we plan to implement an optional login capability so that she can transfer

her preferences between devices: Android to PC, as an example.

 Rating/recommendation interface: It is common to use the same star-rating

display to both show and collect rating. We show at most 5 stars to display the

recommended value of the movie to the user. The user rate by dragging on the

star-display to express her opinion on the movie. Note that, initially, when we do


not have enough ratings from the user, the star-display shows the average of the

three sources: Netflix average rating, Rotten Tomatoes Critics score, and Rotten

Tomatoes audience score.

 Multiple levels of details: As mentioned before, so far we have used two data

sources: Netflix and Rotten Tomatoes. Rotten Tomatoes is rich with textual

information, such as reviews and so on. Even Netflix genres are very fine grained

now. For example, the "Comedy" genre has many finer grained sub-genres,

including "Independent Comedies", "British Comedies", "Family Comedies",

"Sports Comedies". As a result, the genre information can become quite

voluminous. Since screen-space is very limited on phones, we use a two-level

information display. On the movie-list display, which is the level 1 display, we

show brief information about the movie. By clicking on the movie image,

however, the user can see much more details, including Rotten Tomatoes critics

score and consensus review and all the fine level genres of a movie on a dialog


 Find titles many ways: We want the user to feel as constrain-free as possible to

discover the titles she may like. In order to help with this discovery process, we

design a comprehensive set of filtering tools. The user can play around by

selecting the range of release years, the set of genres, the set of MPAA maturity

ratings, and so on.


3.2 Recommender algorithms

We have applied two recommendation algorithms in this study. The particular algorithm depends on the availability of data from Rotten Tomatoes. If the target user’s rated movies are not in Rotten Tomatoes, then we apply an algorithm we call AVERAGE-

DEVIATED RECOMMENDATION algorithm. Otherwise we apply an algorithm we call

CORRELATION-WEIGHTED RECOMMENDATION algorithm. In the following we describe both of these algorithms. Most of the symbols we use to describe the algorithms are listed in Table 3-1.


This algorithm, explained below, looks at the target user’s ratings against corresponding

Netflix average ratings, and computes average deviation. The recommended value of the target movie is computed by adding this average deviation to the Netflix average rating value of the target movie. Note that the target use’s average deviation can be positive, zero, or negative depending on how she rated the movies. This procedure is applied for various categories, e.g., genres, languages, year, MPAA rating, etc., of the movies, if there are enough ratings in a category. AVERAGE-DEVIATED RECOMMENDATION algorithm is shown in equation 3.1.



̂ ̅ ∑ ( ) 3.1. | |

Where, ut is the target user we want to compute recommendations for, at is the target

̅ movie, is the set of movies rated by the target user so far, is the average rating

̅ of Netflix members on the movie, ai. Therefore, ∑ ( ) is essentially our | |

target user’s average deviation from the Netflix average ratings, since | | stands for the size of the set of movies rated by the target user.

Algorithm 1: AVERAGE-DEVIATED RECOMMENDATION /* Returns list of movies ordered by recommended values */ Function average_deviated_rec(Ratings_ut) Ratings_ut = target user’s rating vector N = size of Ratings_ut Mean_deviation = 0 Foreach movie, a, rated by the target user Mean_deviation = Mean_deviation + (Ratings_ut(a) – Netflix_avg(a)) End Mean_deviation = Mean_deviation/N Predicted_ratings = Empty_list Foreach movie, a, not rated by the target user Predicted_ratings(a) = Netflix_avg(a) + Mean_deviation End Sort(Predicted_ratings) Return Predicted_ratings End Function



When Rotten Tomatoes contains enough data of the target user’s rated movies, we use a different recommendation algorithm. We consider three users in this case to help our target user receive recommendations. Representing a user is as a vector of movie-ratings, the three users we consider essentially are a) The Netflix average rating vector, b) Rotten

Tomatoes Critics’ scores, and c) Rotten Tomatoes audience scores.

CORRELATION-WEIGHTED RECOMMENDATION algorithm is based on the user-based approach described in section 2.2. The algorithm below, also illustrated in Figure 3.1, works as follows. First it finds the similarity, in terms of Pearson correlation coefficient, between the target user

Table 3-1: Meaning of the symbols used in this chapter

Symbol Meaning

Target user---the user we are computing recommendations for

Target movie ̂ Recommended/predicted value for the target user and the target movie

̅ Average rating of the target user

Pearson correlation coefficient between the target user and a user, Representing Netflix, Rotten Tomatoes Critics, and audience respectively

Set of movies rated by a user,


and each of the (three) other users. After that the recommended value of a target movie is estimated by taking each of the three users’ ratings on the target movie into consideration and multiplied or weighted by the similarities (correlations) with the target user, as expressed in equation 3.2.

∑ { }( ̅ ) ̂ ̅ 3.2. ∑ { }

Note that Rotten Tomatoes rating scale is 0-100, which is different from Netflix rating scale. In order to make them compatible, we multiply the Rotten Tomatoes ratings by

5/100 = 0.05. Note further that correlation is scale invariant. Therefore, we do not need to worry about scale during correlation computation.

Algorithm 2: CORRELATION-WEIGHTED RECOMMENDATION /* Returns list of movies ordered by recommended values */ Function correl_weighted_rec(Ratings_ut) Ratings_ut = target user’s rating vector Netflix_avg = Netflix average rating vector RT_critics = Rotten Tomatoes Critics’ rating vector RT_audience = Rotten Tomatoes Audience average rating vector Movies_common = movies in intersection(Ratings_ut, Netflix_avg, RT_critics, RT_audience) If ( size_of(Movies_common) < THRESHOLD) Return average_deviated_rec() End If Correl = list of pairwise correlation between vectors using


Movies_common only Predicted_ratings = Empty_list Avg_ut = average(Ratings_ut) Sum_correl = sum(Correl) Foreach movie, a, not rated by the target user Predicted_ratings(a) = Avg_ut Others_deviation = 0 Foreach user, u, in {NF, RTC, RTU} Others_deviation += (rating(u, a) – average(u))* Correl(u, ut) End Predicted_ratings(a) += Others_deviation/ Sum_correl End Sort(Predicted_ratings) Return Predicted_ratings End Function The CORRELATION-WEIGHTED RECOMMENDATION algorithm described above is refined further as we describe below. As our target user keeps rating movies, we examine if she has rated enough in one category/genre. If she has, then we estimate predicted ratings on the titles of the genre/category. For each category/genre we repeat this process. Finally we present the movies by recommendation order with the preference on the categories she rated so far.


Figure 3.1: Overview of the CORRELATION-WEIGHTED recommendation process. Four users’ rating profiles are shown as rating vectors, using the same scale of 0-5. The target user did not rate the target movie (the last one, The Da Vinci Code) yet. In order to compute the recommendation of this target movie, we first compute the similarities between the target user and three other pseudo-users. Equation 3.2 is then used for recommendation.


3.3 Datasets

In this section we explore the data we utilize, that is, data from Netflix and Rotten

Tomatoes. We also explore the benefit of using both of the sources by showing relationship between them.

(a) (b)

Figure 3.2: Distribution of Netflix titles: (a) By release year---the highlighted bar represents

2005-2007, (b) by average rating---the highlighted bar represents the rating value of 3.0.

We start with Netflix dataset [1] exploration. Figure 3.2 shows the distribution of Netflix titles by release year and users’ average rating. First point to note is that highest number of titles are from 2005-2007. This is because many of the TV shows are from these years.

It is interesting to observe that users’ average rating---almost nothing is in the absolute

‘dislike’ zone with the rating value of 1. This is possibly because users do not want to


waste time by very bad movies that they can sense early, and therefore, they did not report a lot of bad feedback on movies.

Figure 3.3 shows pair-wise correlation between the Netflix average rating, the Rotten

Tomatoes critics’ and audience score of about 3,100 movies where all three sources have valid data. As previously mentioned, Rotten Tomatoes does not carry all the titles that

Netflix carries, reasons including the fact that Netflix has many Foreign titles and TV shows.

One point clear from Figure 3.3 is that none of the correlations are very strong. This is good, since if they were highly correlated, having all of them would not add extra values, since that would be similar to having multiple copies of the same rating dataset. The strongest correlation is between the two sources from Rotten Tomatoes. This is also interesting, given the fact that Rotten Tomatoes audience are regular users like Netflix users as well. Perhaps, the audience who visit Rotten Tomatoes are influenced by the ratings of the critics. Finally, note that audience or regular users’ scores are more positive than that of the critics.


(a) (b)


Figure 3.3: Correlation between various types of ratings. About 3,100 movies considered for this analysis. Each dot in the scatter-plots represent a movie. None of the correlations are very strong

(> ±0.8). Correlation between Netflix average rating and Rotten Tomatoes critics’ score is shown in (a), correlation between Rotten Tomatoes critics’ and audience scores are shown in (b), and


finally, correlation between Netflix average rating and Rotten Tomatoes audience scores are shown in (c).


Chapter 4


In this chapter we describe how we implemented our design as described in the last chapter. We describe the client or the front-end software, the back-end or the server-side components, the protocols or process of collecting data from various web-services, etc.

Figure 4.1 shows a high level overview and flow between various components of the software, and with the data sources residing on the internet. We next describe them.

4.1 Back-end

In this section we give an overview of the implemented back-end.

4.1.1 Data collection from the web-services

We rely on Netflix and Rotten Tomatoes web services for our movie and opinion or ratings data. The collected data is then stored in MySQL relational database tables.

Netflix offers multiple ways to access their web services. Using OData [13], an HTTP and JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) [14]-based querying and updating protocol, is the simplest among them, since their OData service does not require any complex authentication steps, just the authentication key that Netflix gives when someone becomes a Netflix Developer Network member [15]. We have automated Netflix data collection by implementing parser tools in java using odata4j library [16], an open source


java library that lets user create OData consumers and producers. These parsers essentially do two main steps: a) extract and retain only the data fields we care about from quite a lot of redundant information that Netflix provides in their OData, or Rotten

Tomatoes shares in their JSON data, and b) transform the extracted data into a format that is easily transferable into the database.

Rotten Tomatoes offers a JSON API to their developer members to retrieve some of the data they host about movie and rating information. We created a PHP script to collect data using their JSON API that essentially does two things: a) retrieve and parse, if available, each of the titles that Netflix carries, and b) insert the retrieved data into our

MySQL database. Unfortunately, Rotten Tomatoes limits the maximum number of API calls to 10,000/day for each developer account. Since we wanted to download Rotten

Tomatoes data for as many as 80,000 titles that Netflix carries, we had to run the script for a few days. Also, as mentioned before, Rotten Tomatoes carries only a subset of the titles that Netflix carries.


Figure 4.1: High level application components and data collection. Steps a-c are for data

collection routines on the servers to collect movie data from Netflix and Rotten Tomatoes web

services. Dashed lines represent communication path between the Android client and the back-


4.1.2 Application/Web Server and Database

After we collect movie and rating data from Netflix and Rotten Tomatoes, we direct them to various MySQL tables. We store the data in our database server, instead of fetching data off the web, because we generate recommendations on , as the user interacts


with the software, and as she keeps providing new ratings. The recommendation algorithm needs at least one pass through the entire dataset, and it would be a considerable performance bottleneck if we attempt to collect all data from the internet every time the user interacts with the software.

We designed the database tables (Figure 4.2 shows the entity-relationship diagram) with performance in mind, since response delay is not desirable. For example, to avoid expensive join operations while a user is interacting with the system, we kept as much data as possible in a single table, title. We also optimized the tables with re-building indexes after each data refresh from Netflix/Rotten Tomatoes. Note that instead of doing incremental update to our database with only new releases, we replace the existing data with a new batch of data every two weeks. We do this because Netflix keeps changing their genre structure, among other pieces of information. Therefore, it is safer to replace rather than update existing data.

Our application/web server is the open source Apache Server with a PHP module. The application server is the brain of the software, and does quite a few operations including:

 Parse the user requests (in JSON) originating from the client

 Recognize the user, using the Android ID


Figure 4.2: Entity-relationship diagram of the database tables used.

 Set the filtering criteria as directed by the target user

 Decide the appropriate recommendation algorithm and does the computation:

average of Netflix and Rotten Tomatoes ratings, as described in section 3.2.1.


described in section 3.2.2, is computed.

 Sort the movies by recommended values and decide which set of movies to send

based on which page the user was on.


4.2 Client or Front-end

So far we have implemented our smartphone client for the Android platform. We start with the Android platform, since at the time of this writing, Android has the largest market share, at least in the US [17].

Implemented a client which has two major components.

1. Lists movie information. The user can view as many pages of movie information as she wants. At this stage she sees average rating of each movie instead of recommended values for her. The interface allows her to rate any movie shown on any page. Once enough ratings (15 at the moment) are collected, recommended ratings or values are shown for later movies. Figure 4.1 shows the main screen of the app, which shows a list of titles. Clicking on a picture brings the movie details.

2. Filtering: The user can filter the list of movies by selecting various options including genres, languages, year, MPAA rating. Figure 4.4 shows a snapshot of this capability.

3. When the user clicks the movie image a dialog box appears with detailed information of a specific movie. It also display rotten tomatoes critics consensus if available. Figure 4.5 shows an example of this dialog box.


Figure 4.3: The main user interface of RecFlix


Figure 4.4: Comprehensive set of options for filtering titles


Figure 4.5: Movie description dialog appears when a user clicks on a movie image.


4.3 User study

In this section we describe the limited user study we have done to collect their feedback on the existing apps and the app we have developed. In the future when we deploy the app on Android Marketplace (now named Play), we would be able to collect much richer set of reviews on our app through user feedback.

4.3.1 Approach

Our app resides on the Android simulator that comes with the Android development kit.

Therefore, it is not a complete comparison between other Android apps that reside on the phone. However, we believe the simulator mimics the functionality of a real smartphone quite closely, as far as the features of this app are concerned.

We recruited five users who use Android phones and are members of Netflix. All of these subjects are heavy Netflix streaming users, either through smart TVs or through some type of streaming devices. Another disclaimer is that these subjects are colleagues, and therefore it is not a fully scientific randomly assigned controlled experiment. Users gave feedback in two steps. First we interviewed them about their current experience with

Netflix streaming in general, and apps that they use or have seen. Then they have interacted with our app and gave the second round of feedback. Note that we deleted the


ratings a subject provided after her session was over to not mix with preferences of each other, since we identify a user based on the Android ID, and everybody used our PC, and therefore, had one Android ID.

4.3.2 Result

In this section we provide two sets of survey results: one set we asked before the subjects experienced our software, and another set after they have interacted with RecFlix. Figure

4.6 shows the two questions we asked them initially. The goal of these questions is to verify our hypothesis that the Netflix streaming service is somewhat misunderstood

(a) (b)

Figure 4.6 Interview prior to RecFlix interaction: a) Rate the following aspects of Netflix streaming as you experience it through TV/streaming device, b) How many titles do you believe

Netflix streaming has?


in terms of the extent it carries the titles, and to see where improvement is required.

4.3.3 Performance Analysis

Figure 4.7 shows the average response on the three areas we interviewed after the trial of

RecFlix and the Netflix official Android app. As the figure shows, RecFlix is no worse than the mature Android Netflix app with respect to ease of use and recommendation quality, and the subjects found it easier to discover titles on RecFlix. Subjects also commented that the ability to see Rotten Tomatoes content, in addition to the usual information provided by Netflix was helpful.

Not shown here, however, we also asked the participants about what was lacking on

RecFlix. Predominantly, the feature everybody wanted to have was the ability to add the titles to their Netflix queue.


Figure 4.7: Post-interview questions. RecFlix is contrasted against the official Netflix app for


4.3.4 Discussion

From the limited study described above, it is clear that the state of art, both with or without Android apps begs for improvement. Our app, although needs further refinement, is a good step toward meeting some of the need.


Chapter 5


In this report we described our design of an Android app for Netflix streaming titles to offer a retrieval and search of the available titles, better than the other current similar apps that are available. We have provided a simple recommendation algorithm that attempts to overcome requirements common elsewhere, such as having to login. Our recommendation approach also is more tailored to the smartphone user, since in most cases recommendations are generated for one account shared by multiple members who tend to watch different types of movies. Limited trial of the software with some users show the promise of our approach.

Much remains to be done. In the final version of this software, we plan to add the capability to let the user add any movie on the interface to her Netflix queue, so that the movies she wanted to watch are right on the streaming player. Of course, that would require the user to login to her Netflix account. If a user logs in to the Netflix account, we can easily retrieve the movies she has rated on Netflix, and utilize for recommendations.

Other online sites offer rich movie information as well. Amazon.com, for example, has numeric ratings and textual reviews on movie titles. In the future, we can combine this information to make better recommendations. Once we have many users of our system,


however, we would be able to accumulate enough ratings from the users in our database alone and utilize these ratings to make recommendations.

Learning the preferences of a user may need some guidance. In the current version, we simply list movies ordered by average ratings, and the user can rate as many she can from this list. However, prior research [18] [19] tell us that this is not the best approach to collect preferences, since a) the user might not have seen many of the titles to have any opinion about them, and b) opinion on each title may not reveal movie-taste equally--- rating on a movie that has a wide rating distribution may tell us more about the user, instead of a movie which everybody likes and our user likes too is not very informative.



[1] Netflix. [Online]. www.netflix.com

[2] Amazon. [Online]. http://www.amazon.com/

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