Health Tour

2 day – 1 night 3 Switzerland (60 years)

Pichincha – Tungurahua Provinces

Written By: Adriana Paredes Teacher: Edison Molina To obtain: Bachelor of National Tour Guide

Quito, June, 2013



Firstly, I want to thank God for giving me the strength to finish my career with success.

I want to dedicate this work to all my family, especially for my mother who

is an important person in my life and always stay with me.

My husband who helps and gave me unconditional support and important advantages and I love a lot for all.

Finally my dear daughter who suffered sometimes the necessity of her mom because I should go to study but She is my fortress in each one of my decisions.



When I started this project I didn’t have much knowledge about the

Tungurahua Province. But thanks to my teacher who taught me and guided me I was able to do this tour.

I also want to thank my husband and my daughter for always being at my side and giving me strength to improve and become a professional.



My thesis topic was Health Tourist of Tungurahua .I had two

months to prepared the tour that lasted two days and one night. My tour started on June first y finished on June second.

The tour was prepared with some characteristics for the Switzerland people and based on what they would want to visit. When I knew my topic I started to look at some options and investigated; I was then able to give Edison some tour alternatives. When we chose one route I started to develop it.

Organizing the tour like the transportation, lodging and food service was not easy but I was able to find the best quality for my passengers. When I had the

route of the tour I started to visit all de communities, parishes, natural and

cultural places around the area.

During my training in the career of National Tourist Guide for the past 3 years I had the opportunity to see many sights and I realize how valuable it is for the country the good use of the tourist attraction in the economy of each town.

My idea was do an excellent tour because it is the first step for my career and can be a good professional also The Tourism encouraged me to give a new direction in my life, where I can


give a grain of sand in the tourist image of the town and the people of .

For that I had to do investigation about the different places to offer the health tourism also that I can do in the Tungurahua province specifically and I had to search in a variety of book and internet page about stadistics about my topic and firstly I needed to know what is health tourism? For having a base and beginning to do my options of tour and can show to my tutor.

It was interesting and I can travel to Tungurahua province for seeing different option and also it is accessible for the age of my tourist and it can cover all the necessities about the topic and development of tour.


Ecuador is located to the Northwest of South America, it limits with

Colombia to the North, Peru to West and South, and the Pacific Ocean to the West.

It is divided into five regions: Coast, Highland, Amazon Region and Galapagos and a little portion of the Antarctic which is used by scientists for some investigations.

Its área is 256,370 km2, and a population of 14,306,876 inhabitants, 60% mixed, 30% indigenous, black and White.

The president is elected democratically, nowadays; our president is

Rafael Correa Delgado, the predominant religion Christian, Mormon, Pente Costes or another one.


From the 2000 year on, the currency in Ecuador is the American dollar, ordered by President Jamil Mahuad, the dollar was valued 25,000 sucres.

Ecuadorian economy is based on the petroleum, banana, sea products, flowers, tourism, and so forth.


The province of Tungurahua is located in the center of the Ecuadorian highland.

The land has an irregular topography. The landscape consists on volcanoes, mountains, plains and valleys, where the principle economical activity is agricultural production and cattle farming.

The province belongs to the eastern Basin of the Patate River, also known as Latacunga-Ambato basin.


Tungurahua volcano is one of the most active in our country; it is in constant eruption and has provoked people´s evacuation for many times, the volcanic activity of this volcano comes from the Pleistocene Period, or Late

Pleistocene Period.


The second phase is maybe 14,000 years ago, and this volcano got s new cone immediately, 2,295 years ago when there was a side collapse provoking an avalanche calculated in 8 km3.

In a third phase that is until these days, the cone of Tungurahua has grown again until the height of 5,020 masl, from this volcano, it is known there have been many eruptions, in our history, the last tones were in 1916 and 1918. In the Prehistory, it is known that there were enormous sliding that ran until 15 km from its origin. In the last sliding that happened 2,995 years ago, it damped

Chambo river and appeared an enormous lagoon that disappeared in a short time.

Definitely, this volcano has suffered several collapses and there is the possibility that another one comes, the origin of these collapses is because there are active failures that cross the volcano and due to steeps of 35° it is possible that easily provoke instability. The lava that the volcano has thrown have varies in its composition, between dacites and andesitic, and there could be lava flows a little thick to very thick, the piroclastics flows have been very frequent, and trefa expulsion, too.

At present, the volcano is constantly watched in its deformation parameters, geochemistry, and seismic city, the visual checking to the volcano are very constant and thanks to deep investigation it has been possible to determine in maps about the risk, and reaction manuals to prevent an eruption.



For its landscapes, the weather, Patate is a beautiful valley with fruits scent, it is at 30 minutes from Ambato, surrounded by mountains and Papate river which gives its name.

The Word Patate means: Which explodes with Scandal, alluding Tungurahua volcano, that is located near the town, it was founded by Antonio Clavijo on July 24th. 1570; on July 3rd. 1860, it was ascended to Civil Parish and on September 13th. 1973, it becomes county.

The weather in Patate is warm, and it is possible to see the traditional fruit orchards, as its great vineyards, tangerine plantations, avocados, passions fruits, babacos, and so forth. It is wonderful to walk by its enchanting park decorated with colorful flowers and cautivating trees own of the place, and its beautiful house of colonial style, still built with adobe.

Patate city is the ideal place to relax, where you can organize excursions to the shores of Patate river where there are some old haciendas and agricultural farms, where there are wine distillers, and it is possible to try five different kinds of White and tint wine.

From Patate, it is possible to travel to Sucre parish where there is a small Panzaleo and Puruha ceramics museum as the mystic cemetery of a surprising culture; in Los Andes parish, it is possible to see the great peach plantations; in addition to these places, the tourists can go to Llanganates National Park.


Or walk ans enjoy nature which has many options, like: Mundug waterfall, with a spectacular fall and collect stones with sparkles of false gold that are a wonderful regard that gives us this magnificent land.

But, undoubtedly the devotion to the Lord of the Earthquakes, that is very ancient and it is the most important festivity to appreciate the culture of the sector, homaging to the land too, to its land with flowers and fruits of agreeable and delicious scents, which with the beauty of the sacred temple, dedicated to its patrón, make of this place one of the most appreciated symbols of development and covered by mountains.


Known as “Land of Flowers and Fruits” and “Of the Three Juanes, Juan Montalvo, Juan Leon Mera and Juan Benigno Vela, it has been one of the most importan tandean commerce centers. Ambato city has been rebuilt many times because of the earthquakes that happened in 1698 and 1797.

The violent eruption of Tungurahua volcano, in 1698, caused very serious damages to the city, obliging the re foundation on August 3rd, 1968. On November 12th, 1820 and after an attack to Fominaya headquarter; Ambato got its independence from Spanish crown. In 1835, it was the seat of Second Ecuadorian Congress, where the Vicente Rocafuerte appeared as a new political personage.

Ambato is recognized worldwide for its Flowers and Fruits festivity, which its first time was on February 17th, 1951, by and Order Act dictated by the City Hall, remembering the ilustrous Ambatean: Juan Montalvo, Juan Leon Mera, Pedro Fermin Cevallos and Juan Benigno Vela. In 1969, this festivity began to take place with the Carnival. The celebration was the central act of the parade with flowers


and fruits, where there was the participation of bands, high schools and dancers. Slowly, the party became a regional attraction in Ecuador. The most important element of this festivity was to play Carnival without water, and full of culture and respect.


It is in Tungurahua Province, only at 180 km from Quito and 35 km from Ambato.

Baños Touristic city is located in a valley with waterfalls and termal water, at a side of Tungurahua volcano, with a height of 5,016 masl

Baños has a population of 18,000 inhabitants; it at a height of 1,816 masl and its temperature average is 20°C. The county invites to rest in its pools of thermal water and spas, adventure for all the family or extreme sports like rafting, climbing, canyoning, trekking and swing jump.

Principal festivities and holidays; Carnival in February. Easter, May 24th. (Pichincha Battle), August 10th. (Independence First Shout), Virgin festivities in October, November 2nd. (Death day), County Festivity in December.

Baños city, is also known as “Door to Amazon Region”, located between Highland and Amazon Region, at the Southwest of Tungurahua Province, so in very short distances it is possible to enjoy the hot and humid weather of the Amazon region and the incredible landscapes of the highland.


An attraction for tourists are the medicinal water springs that were discovered in 1539 by Gonzalo Diaz de Pineda who arrived at this zone of the range, trying to go to the jungle looking for El Dorado. The thermal water springs give Baños the category of a great Balneary that provides health tourism to national and international tourists.

In addition, the city offers many attractions; the zoo and serpentarium San Martin, with more than 200 animals from the Andean region and from Amazon region too, Llanganates National Park where it is supposed Atahualpa´s treasure is hidden; the same attention must be given to Minzas Lagoons in , declared by Unesco in 1983 as Mankind Natural Heritage, these lagoons are at a short distance of Runtun, and behind Tungurahua volcano.

Also, tourists can visit the more than 20 waterfalls, among the most important are: Virgin waterfall or Virgin Hair, that is born in an underground spring that gets out on the slopes of Bellavista hill; Bascun waterfall, near the terrestrial terminal with a fall of 35 m proximately; UIlba waterfall with a fall of 40m; Agoyan waterfall with 40m approximately when the damp opens its doors to the visitors to show the real enchantment of that provides electrical energy; The Goblin Waterfall in Rio Verde, near Pailon del Diablo; Manto de la Novia waterfall one of the most beautiful in Baños and full of legends; and Pailon del Diablo waterfall that is perfectly seen from the road Baños – Puyo, or descending by a path.



07:00 Pick up UCT University. 07:00 – 08:30 Move to Machachi. 08:30 – 09:30 . Breakfast in Machachi 09:30 – 11:30 . Move to Salasacas 11:30 – 12:30 Visit of the Salasaca plantations. 12:30 – 13:00 Sanity bath and cleaning 13:00 – 14:00 Lunch in Salasacas. 14:00 – 14:30 Move to Patate. Tastings of Grape chicha and Pumpkin 14:30 – 14:45 arepas. 14:45 – 15:45 Move to Hostelry in Rio Verde. 15:45 – 16:00 Check in. 16:00 – 17:30 Use of the facilities. 17:30 – 18:30 Box Bath in the hostelry 18:30 – 19:30 free time 19:30 – 20:30 . Dinner and Briefing SECOND DAY

07:00 Pick up UCT University. 05:00 Wake up call. 05:30 – 05:50 Move to Salado hot spring. 05:50 – 06:25 Visit the facilities. 06:25 – 06:45 Move to Hostelry. 06:45 – 08:00 Free time. 08:00 – 09:00 Breakfast and Check out. 09:00 – 11:00 Visit the Pailón Del Diablo. 11:00 – 11:25 Move to Baños. 11:25 – 12:00 City Quito. 12:00 – 12:30 Free time for shopping. 12:30 – 14:30 Move to Lasso. 14:30 – 16:00 Lunch in Pappa Restaurant. 16:00 – 17:30 Arrived to Quito



The pick-up was at 07:00 in the morning at UCT

We took the Simon Bolivar Highway, We had the chance to talk about Ecuador, Quito and some interesting topics about the costumes and activities of Ecuadorian people.

Our first stop, we did in Machachi for breakfast where we ate a popular food in La Posada del Chagra restaurant

We continue our way and the second stop we did in Salasaca community where can saw the costumes.

Friendly we did Sanity bath and cleaning with flower for getting to had a good energy and having lucky in all the activities in our life.

After that the mama of the community blessed the lunch and we had a delicious food with vegetables and fruits that they are producing en their territories.

More late we went to visit Patate parish and Tastings of Grape chicha and Pumpkin arepas.

Finally We moved to Hostlery in Rio Verde near of Baños, we took a Box Bath and using the facilities after We had dinner.

The second day we woke up early for going to hot spring also we returned to have breakfast and then we went to Pailon del Diablo and saw the beautiful landscape the waterfall and the vegetation in that area.


Then we went Baños for doing a city and shopping of tagua handicrafts and popular candies of Ecuador especially in this county.

Also we went to have a lunch in Pappa restaurant near of Lasso.

It was my final degree, it was an interesting experience that I have learn a lot in that trip also it was a big challenge because I have never had a tourist group for two days.



• We took the Simon Bolivar Avenue, and we didn’t have any problem and traffic. • In a part of Highway of Tungurahua province is been fixed by Public Minister and it caused that we should go slowly for avoiding accidents and for the traffic. • I can looking for about the health tourist in Ecuador and I got knowledge about this and where you can practice and giving recommendations. • I put attention to motivate the tourist because the travel is long.



• You should have attention of the health of every one and they are comfortable in all the way. • Always be punctual and patient with the tourists • Bring books, magazines or brochure relating to the tour and if it’s possible a dictionary translating quichua to Spanish • Always be amiable, friendly and kind with the tourists, try to always keep a smile on your face • If it possible learn the names and the family the plants, animals and birds belong to therefore the tourist will be able to recognize them • Elaborate on a topic giving a lot of details and current facts about the volcanoes in Ecuador • If it’s possible learn the height of the volcanoes in feet and the distance in miles. • You have the capacity to give unexpected change in your trip for any eventuality or request of the tourist.



Salasaca community

Sanity bath in Salasaca


Sanity bath in Salasaca

Cleaning in Salasaca


Cleaning in Salasaca

Pailon del Diablo waterfall


Pailon del Diablo

Pailon del Diablo