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6-11-1902 Santa Fe New Mexican, 06-11-1902 New Mexican Printing Company

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VOL. 39 SANTA FE, N. M , WEDNESDAY, JUNE 11, 1902. NO. 95


Arthur Eleoted to Parliament from CANAL Convene for Two Weeks OFT Ljncb, BILL It Will in the REC PROCITY He Was Shot at Wagon Mound by Lola Who ISM Galway and Fought With the Latter Fart of and Will Be Nolan Who Iff HI August Is in Custody Unable to Boers Must Answer the Charge Attended by Fwple from All Furnish the Bond of $5,000 Death ind Destruction Dealt Out to Towns In Senator Fairbanks of Indiana Declares That in Treason. Subsidies Which Have Been Paid to Help ' ; of High Oyer the Southwest. Asked His Enemies in the Pennsylvania Republican f, from Her. Illinois and in Iowa by He is In Favor of Selecting the Pushing the Measure Through Sfafe Convention Went Down in HE WAS ARRESTED UPON HIS ARRIVAL Storms. Panama Route. A GOOD CHIEF JUSTICE MILLS CORPS OF INSTRUCTORS AND ' Congress. IMPOSES SENTENCES Defeat FROM FRANCE AND BAIL IS DENIED HIM Today. LECTURERS HAS BEEN SECURED UPON A LARGE NUMBER OF PRISONERS SEVERAL LIVES WERE LOST PACIFIC CABLE MEASURE June 11. Arthur SUGAR TRUST CONTRIBUTES PENNYPACKER London, Lynch The Santa Special Correspondence New Mexican NOMINATED who with the Boers in South Pe County Normal and fought Summer School Las Vegas, June 10. The board of Africa and who hi November was will open in Santa Fe Tin Town of Laurel In Iowa Dottromd last Richardson It on Ground 18 education held or i Touiido Representative Opposes the on and continue In session Serious admissions Mads by F. B. Thurbsr, President a meeting last night The elected in August Pennsylvania Republicans Pledge Themselves to to represent Galway the two and decided to a sidewalk around Traffic Stopped li Illinois kjf too Storm Blow-lo- t That Uncle San Host Retrench His weeks. Arrangements have been of the Which Is In lack of lay house of commons, was arrested this Expenses Exporters' association Support the denomination already made whereby this normal the new high school building, have the of President Roossvelt, Troei Across Railroad Tracks Many on his arrival at New The Bill Providing for the Election of Sena the In Favor of morning Haven, Agitation Reciprocity leveled off in are In Favor school will be of Interest not only to the ground andthe yard put of Cuban Reciprocity and Farm from Dieppe, France. who was Houses Damaged. , Lynch, ators br a Olrect Vote. of With Cuba,' shape. They will ask the to have teachers Santa Fe city and county, city Against Unlawful accompanied by his wife, was brought 4th and 5th Combinations. uui uiho or general interest to many street sidewalks extenJed to London and afterwards taken to out to the building In time for the next Bloomington, Ills., June 11. Three HOXTSE. parts of New Mexico. An outline course 11. F. B. the Bow street police station. Washington, June Thurber, school term. A number of Harrlsburg, Pa., Juno 11. nomi lives were lost and 20 were In- of study has been prepared by the fol applications The people CHARGED WITH HIGH TREASON. wasnington, June n. Without any president of the Exporters' Assocta are in for nation of Samuel at Merna, ten miles north of this lowing well known educators: Profess the principalshlp of the new Judge F. Pennypack-e- r jured London, June 11. Subsequently preliminary business, the house today tlon, the witness who has been wanted was done with of for In a storm visited vi- or Light, president of the New Mexico high school, but nothing Philadelphia, governor, was place, that this Lynch was arraigned in the Bow street went into committee of the whole and by the committee on Cuban relations, about The dead Normal School; Dr. of the maUer yfit Conslderable routine ractlcally assured, when the Republi cinity midnight. are: police court on a charge of high trea- resumed the debate upon the Corliss Tight, president came before that committee today can state Miss Lena of the University at Pro business was also transacted. convention assembled here Cahagan Leroy; Mrs. Ed son, He was reminded until Saturday, Pacific cable bill. Senator Teller produced a copy of the The ward Mardin of fessor L. V. MarMh of Pro- Secundino Romero, the popular dis today. followers of Attorney Gen Leroy, and Miss Annie June 14. Ho is unconcern Corliss supplemented his speech of Rosweil; voucher for. $2,880, showing that sum to apparently fessor A. trict clerk, went down to Albuquerque eral Elklns are full of fight, though. Kelley of Merna. Mitchell Cunningham was In favor of the bill, H. Owen, Instructor of science have been the ed. He did not apply for ball and yesterday with ad paid by military govern last night. The convention met at 10:40. of Merna, i? Two hundred peo. ' ditional in In the Silver City Normal School; Pro- jilting. taken to a vll. remarks, the course of ment of Cuba, by the authority of David a brother of Senator Quay was .: were a a In fessor Berner of and Mrs. Leahy, "Jerry," unanimously chos pie tending dance the town V which he declared Carlsbad, , BAIL DENIED. he learned, within Governor Wood, to the United States Is down from Raton on business and to en state chairman. hall when torna wrecked the the 24 Cockerel! of the New Mexico Normal t'; f, London, June 11. Lieutenant Colonel last hours, that not a foot of the Exporters' Association, of which Thur shake hands with a few was building, off the roof and crush at Las This course of the boys. Pennypacker nominated govern lifting a this proposed commercial Pacific cable hnd University Vegas. ber is president. Thurber acknowledg on - Philip Nolan, nationalist, applied Sabino Leyba, the man who was shot or the first ballot. The vote stood: ing in tne wans, utner damage was yet been laid. Richardson of Alabama. ot study has been approved by the ter ed amount afternoon for the release of Colonel he had received the and Lola Nolan in some Pennypacker 206; Elkins 152. done at this point, but the then tnnu tho in tt rltorial board of education and has the by Wagon Mound, particulars Lynch on bail, but the magistrate said fl.. .in said it was one of three payments he time ago, died of the effects of his THE PLATFORM. are meagre. The storm in this city was to the called attention to the sneeeh of Can. official signature of Colonel J. Francis received from the same source. The he had no power grant request. - wounds He leaves a wife Pa., June 11. The very severe, but no lives were lost. non In co 1 naves, or puouc in- Sunday. and Harrisburg, plat- yesterday, Which the latter superintendent receipt Is dated April 2, 1902, and states four form I chndren, The NoIan woman is adopted pledges Pennsylvania's The Illinois Wesleyan University was WEST POINT COMMENCEMENT, showed that the appropriations for the struct Ion. it was for a reduction in The are to "advocating still in custody, being unable to give support to the renominatlon of Presi- badly damaged, many buildings were next fiscal vear had alrenrfv pvcwiod following persons expected the duties on Cuban with a I President Roosevelt Presents a Medal to Cadet Calvin I products, the $5,000 ball, and she will most dent Roosevelt; it reaffirms to unroofed, plate glass fronts blown in, the estimated revenues do the work In the normal; Professor C. proba loyalty by $51, 000,000, reciprocal reduction on United States j the extent of the Titos, ... F- - de bly get full the law. protective tariff; it approves of he telegraph and telephone wireB are pros . and urged this as the first reason Hodgin, principal of the normal into Cuba." Witness I why products going Mrs. H. Yeakle of f of the "to trated and the streets were rendered West Point, N. Y., June 11. Presi- the should not nnnn Partment or me new mexKo umveisi Louisville, Ky proceedings attorney general government enter said he thought $20,000 worth of litera former resident of Las check the of unlawful combina- um- -t rroressor A. Vegas and well growth Impassable by the falling trees. The dent Roosevelt arrived at West Point at this ovtmnoi ty at Albuquerque;, j. ture had been circulated. He said he I street of Fe: Professor R, known here. Is exnectert here on Thnra tions"; and It endorses reciprocity with railway traffic is tied up and all 1') o'clock. A saluto of 21 guns was Th M.m n.ii Wood Santa it, received a contribution of $2,500 from the railroad trains are trees of Santa Fe: President Luther day mo,ninK and will ,n attendance Cuba. delayed by fired as be appeared on the top of the cable bill was stricken out in commit Grant blown across of of being the tracks. At Clin cadets In frontof the tee of the whole, which is equivalent to Foster the College Agrieulturi he solicited from that for a District Court. r- hill. The paraded gentleman, coming to visit them. ton, the Chicago and Alton roundhouse stood as the the bill, a vote of 108 to 71. and Mechanic Arts at Mesllla. Park, In the divorce case of Mares vs. Ma barracks and attention killing by substantial subscription. Miss Bessie who been was demolished, but so far as Is known, and on their way to the New Mexican. and others with' whom negotiations are Curran, has res, of Santa Fe county, McFle president party passed Special Dr. for the Judge no lives were lost. At San Jose, the to the superintendent's house. A re- SENATE. pending at present. visiting Bradley past year. tcday granted a divorce, giving the cus s A OFFICIAL MATTERS left today for Colorado She of tho child to tho but grain elevator was blown across the view of the corns of cade followed. June 11. In the senate The delightfully cool summer climate Springs. tody mother, to Cadet Washington, will later go on to her home in denying alimony. Alton tracks, entirely blocking traffic, featuro was the presentation a motion to dlseharee the com of Santa Fe, the city's many qualn Haver of dv today PENsfONS hill, Mass. The case of James C. Massie At Barnes, another elevator was blown Calvin Titus the tneaai proviaca n nnrt historic attractions and magnificent GRANTED. et al. vs. in mittee nrlvlletrea eWtlnna frnm H. O. down. A number of farm houses congress, for his bravery scaling tne the talented fac Pensions have been granted to Wiley Tomas Delgado of Santa Fe, is here Hursum, superintendent of the large wall at China. The president further consideration of the resolution surrounding scenery, New Mexico has been were' Pekln, Instructors and lecturers; the J. Walker of Fort Bayard, Grant coun to have an operation performed on his poiiitontiarv. reported seriously damaged, but the medal to tho coat of the for amending the constitution by pro- - "'ty of settled and the cause dismissed. A pinned outside of $30 a month; Jesus Maria Chaves y eyes. the details are lacking. young man and as he did so he extended vidlng for the election of senators by terge attendance from points ty, parcel of land northeast of Santa Fe on'1 WROUGHT a Manzano, Valencia county, $6 a District court convened this morning RUIN ANT) WOE. his congratulations After the review a direct vote of the people, was defeat- - Santa Fe county already assureu, ana Garcia, which clay banks are situated was in- Los Lunas, and Judge Mills had all the volved In Is Bloomington, Ills., June 11. Death reception was held in Superintendent ed 21 to 35 other drawing caras yei to pe an month: Domingo Perea, prisoners the suit. It understood that $8 month. that had been found and settlement was made and destruction followed last night In Mills' quarters. When the isthmian hill was taken ,,n nounced, bespeak the largest and moBt Valencia county, a guilty, plead on tho basis of the School LAND BUSINESS. ed guilty at this term of court, Territory paying a rental to the the wake of the worst tornado that has Fairbanks of Indiana, declared himself Interesting institute and summer OFFICE brought plaintiffs ever Shrine: Elect Officers. Homestead Entries: J. Rafael Cordo before him for sentence. There was a for tho privilege of hauling clav from visited the central part of Illinois. in favor of the Panama route. His ever held In New Mexico, the lands. The wind ruin and Woe and San Francisco, June 11. The shrlners Not. school teachers, ac- - va. Wagon Mound. 160 acres, Mora large string of them, and a pretty wrought nredllectlon and onlnions were founded only public A. 11. Renehaii, Esq., the loss will be tens of, thous today elected tho following officers but also county: Juan Pablo Sedillo, Mariano, tough looking lot of customers they representing property upon and ademlc and college teachers, certain creditors of Juan Santistevan of fragmentary unsatisfactory .40 were. Following is the list and sen- ands of dollars.- There is no way of among others: imperial r"ot mite, he which had been healthseekers, and tourists will find It acres, Valenclo county. Taos, who two weeks information, said, Mc- - tences: Mauricio assigned ago. really estimating the loss at present, Henry C. AIkin, Omaha, Nebr. Imperial ana 10 an auB tu Desert Land Entry: Robert L. Chavez, guilty of made motion In tho entirely in favor of the proritaoie interesting I yesterday a. district H. Nicaragua anu 320 acres, Valencia larceny of a horse, was sentenced to 1 owing to the uncertainty of the effect Deputy Potentate George Greene, route. But if weight was to be given spend a. week or two in santa xe Cance, Santa Fe, court to set aside the assignment and Texas. year in the but dismiss the case on upon the growing crops, which it Dallas. to of our own attend this school. An endeavor will county penitentiary, judgment the ground that the the opinion Impartial was his behav- - court nas no feared suffered heavily. The saddest men of and be made to obtain special rates over FOREST RESERVES. suspended during good jurisdiction because the The Wool Market. commissioners, experience of forest tor as the fellow was somewhat United htates bankruptcy statute has feature was the killing of three young we muBt discard the railroads for the Chautauqua. A I. B. Hanna, superintendent simple St. Mo., Juno 11. Wool Is capacity, he declared, I superseded the insolvency act the women at a dance at the town hall of Louis, fee of J2.W will be charged public reserves In New Mexico, today received Indaleclo Sena, who pleaded guilty to jf and the Nicaragua route and select the I ten of steady; territory medium, from interior murder in 2d degree, to one of the most Territory. Merna, a village miles east this 11 route. school teachers. Others will be charged notice the department, 14H lujtfc; tine, coarse, Panama I has ever Upon the petition of the Acenula Ca- - There was a of 250 young lsc; $1 week. that h's jurisdiction has been again brutal murders that happened city. party 11 14Xc. per pillita del Rosario vs. Felipe Ortiz and men and women at the dance in the A BREWER'S STRIKE. J. V. extended over the forest reserves oflln this county, was sentenced to 99 CONWAY, rrancisco Anaya, a temporary Injunc- when the tornado struck the build Schools, Arizona, which several months ago had I years in the penitentiary at hard labor. tion was hall MARKET REPORT. All ths Breweries ot Chicago Are to Be Tlsd Up By Superintendent of County granted this morning bv Judua 11 o'clock last Ev. been withdrawn from his Jurisdiction. I His murder was the kicking of his wife McFio tho defendants ing, about night. Tomorrow restraining from for- - A num. Morning. TERRITORIAL FUNDS. I in the abdomen while she was en the mavordomo of north erybody rushed the door. Now York, June 11 Lead unchanged; PROVISIONS OF THE LAW. preventing the 11. J. H. I clente, she three mfer. The side from water from the main her of young wen held the.; doors to copper, $1'2.25 J12.60. Chicago, Ills., June Angered by As the time for holding the city and Territorial Treasurer Vaughn dying days taking col- - I also told the dlkh of tho Sauta Fe river for prevent the people from escaping, fear GRAIN. the refusal of the officers of the United the county normal Institute Is draw. today received from A. F. WItzel, judge prisoner that if the corn- - fori the north side of the A that might be injured or kill States Brewing Company, mor lnar nltrh airain. It be well to call lector of Grant county, $13,719.19 Jury had tried the case, thv verdict city. u3'iig Ing they 11. rfi.y I oe naa on jii.;-,- . Chicago, June Wheat, June, T1K; - win in tne c:ise 27. cd if outside. About half of monly known s the trust, to reinstate the ot new teachers as as 1901 tares- 36 43 of 1900 taxes: from would most probably have bei n uiurder " they got September, 70 70tf. attentlon wU and then the the 30 drivers' helpers who C. collector of in the Jlrst degree, for the sen tht- - them, however, escaped, Horn, Juno,.fl3; September, 584 W brewery oM oneSi to gome of tne provlsloiu, 0f John Spears", wIv' Visit Arcade Club Pool and BII. building collapsed. The others were went on a strike last Monday, thelthB o.,,..,,,,. SPhnn iaw. s nassed bv county, $2,597.G7, taxes of 1901. tence would have been death. iar.l riail now in of Wels and Simon the charge SnapprK; buried in the wreck. 'Three were killed Oats, June, 40; September, 38, other unions connected with the '"ther the last legislative assembly. Adolph Weiner, Hale. Free chairs for all baseball fans. some to call THE REV. J. B. PITAVAL. two Roumanians who were found and 40 or 50 were Injured, of them . ' PORK, LARD, RIKS. Arms are preparing a' general teacher receiving an average Any of The dead are: Miss Lena - strike tomorrow morning. The men 90 a guilty stealing and concealing the NICOLAS DELSADO SHOOTS HIMSELF. seriously. Pork, June, 817.70; September, 017.- grade of per cent will be awarded Ho Has Been appointed Auxiliary Bishop to archbishop Annie and Mrs, are and the lead stolen goods from Ilfeld's, were senten- Jahagam, Miss Kelley thoroughly organized first grade certificate good for three He Pater Bourgade. ced to one each In the Was Bespondent on Account of Nit Continued Edward Martin. They are all daughters Lard, Juno, 010.30; September, $10.35. ers claim that not a barrel of beer can years in any county In New Mexico. year peniten - B. who has been ap Weiner seemed to be re-- Illness the Past Sli atoatkt. of prominent farmers in the vicinity. Ribs, June, 010.373; September, $10.- be moved from the breweries involved. teacher receiving an average grade Rev. J. Pltaval tiary. truly 25. Any to the Rt. Rev. I and cried his sentence Their bodies were horribly mutilated. witnout tneir consent, aner me sinne , fl0 e . nt 70 per pointed auxiliary bishop pentant, after East Las Vegas, June 11. Despond ' h but aljove - I wo ,: STOCK. The struck Peter archbishop of the dlo- Spless acted as ent from continued "for A number of the young men. and call has been issued. helpers centj Qnd not fallns below 50 per cent Bourgade, Attorney interpreter, sickness the In an cese Fe, Is at present parish and the gave them a kind talk men were taken from the ruins Kansas City, Mo., Juno 11. , re Monday to get higher wages. m any one branch, will be awarded a of Santa Judge past six months, Nicolas Delgado, a some of them 7.000; Driest at Durango, Colo. He has beenlan(j g00d advice, citizen of Ribera, blew out his unconscious condition,, ceipts, steady. tic ninocn nil second grade certificate which will be brains In state and is Native steers, $4.75 $7.0.1; lex-and- . iiiict DC cnuniv a worker In the diocese of Colorado for Simon Maes, guilty of larceny of still remaining that it mvQl WLUdtuun ounufti. g00d for two years In. the county In yesterday morning while at his feared there may be other deaths. Mer Indian steers 03.30 $4 45; endorsed in the past 17 years. He was born and horses, was sentenced to one year In the and his brother's home at Los Alamos. rhl WorM'S Fair Blrectors Slin a Contract to That which granted and may be ed- - of and Texas cows, $2.75 $3.05; native cows educated In completing his This Is not Maes' first was well In na the brunt the storm many . the" discretion of France, penitentiary. Delgado known Las Vegas got and heifers, $2.00 $G.80; stackers and Fffn anv other county at of finest houses and barns were de coun- - ucatlon however at Baltimore, Md., offense, he having served a term for and of some In San its 03.15 03.35 ll.-Pre- sident tne scho1 superintendent of that prominence Miguel feeders, 05.50; , . St. Louls.'june Francis to in If stroyed. The storm reached Blooming. and was ordained the priesthood mUrder, and the judge warned him county. He was 46 years of age and 5.75; calves, $2.75 $5.25. authorized bv tho ly' lnoBe 6' in I has been ' exposition He was first stationed be ever came before him he ton about 11 p. m., commencing with a receipts, 11,000; I fall below 70 per cent, will T'be this country. up again, leaves a wife and six children. Sheep, steady. directors to a con with Secre. ng La I extent furious electrical display. The rain Muttons 04.00 $5.30; lambs, 04.10 3 sign racti yea certlflcate gooA Coneios county and later at Junta, wouid sjve him the full of the . to Delivered to the was accompanied with a high wind and $7.10; western wethers, $4.00 (3 $5.65; ., i " one vear in the county in which being from there transferred Aspen, iaw Penitentiary. fr en- - In case of Antonio Sheriff Alfredo Gonzales and district suffered severely. ewes $4.25 $5.20. I where he remained for eight years, The sentence the Deputy the business nnt irx thn fait nr. fii.rtrl..., n i granted windows were Juno 11. himself to everyone by his Castillo, of assault with deadly Isidro the clerk Many of the plate glass Chicago, Cattle, rocelpts, time. The action taken was result Section 4 of the law says that it shall dearing guilty Anaya, present probate were bad 10,500; the and lovable traits of will not out un of deliv- - blown in and stocks of goods steady. of a letter from Shaw the be upon all persons who ex. work his many weapon, the judge give LInco'n county, New Mexico, .uooa to steers, $7.75; requesting compulsory waa two months ago into case 1y damaged. . Hundreds of big trees prime g to with of school district, in- - character. It only tu be has looked the further. ered Damaclo to the to company comply that section nect to teach in any I Gricgo penitentiary off the and the poor medium, $5.25 $7.00; stockers Matz transferred him to Baca, guilty of too sentenced to one for were broken at trunks ana cows the federal act. appropriating 05,000,000, district, or incorporated that Bishop Merejlldo getting today, year larceny reeaers, $.50; $1.50 - dependent as auxu- - san Ml of a Is streets are almost impassable. Tele which states tha condition of the pay- Institute or Durango. His appointment free with a pistol at a dance in horse. Grlogo the man who some 05.60; heifers, $2.50 06.50; canners, town, to. attend the county at- were snapp fUUllb tu bills iu CAijcULt) BlICIl it bishop to Archbishop Bourgade gUel, while intoxicated, was sentenced weeks ago, after being sentenced, graph and telephone poles 01.50 03.50; bulls, 02.50 05.50; cumtui; to show certificate of attendance upon iary to commit suicide In broken wires contract. was made the special request or tne to 18 months in the penitentiary, but tempted by drinking ed two and the trolley calves, 03.50 06.50; Texas fed steers, some county Institute or approved sum by Is In Is an old friend of sentence was concentrated lye. Ho still a very added to the blockade. Buildings all 05.00 07.00. THE CONVICTS SURROUNDED. mer school held within the year. Coun archbishop, who suspended during good weak will recover. Pltaval is -. condition, but nver the city were damaged, but no Sheep, receipts, 17,000; steady; lambs are hereby forbid Father Pltaval. Father behavior.- Merrill la a will ty superintendents 700 lives were lost nor was anyone serious- steady. Trace Ml Trap, lot Hardly Be Taken certificate to, or honor about 45 years of age. Jose Martinez, guilty of stealing Walked Off a Platform. uooa to choice wethers. $4.25 & $6.15: den to Issue a High A man was blown 600 feet, who re. head of sheep, was given two and one ly injured. fair to choice mixed,. 04.50 05.00; tho fortlflcates of any person New Mexico Real Estate Seals, James McGrory accldently walked off bruises. 11. half In the penitentiary, but escaped with only slight western sheen 05.25 06.15 Portland, Oregon, June Harry t0 with the provisions of C. W. of years at & native fuges comply Merchant, Abilene, Texas, of wife the high depot platform Roswell, Just on the eve of commencement, lambs. 05.35 06.75: western lambs. and David Merrill, tho convicts who falla to Isidro Salano, guilty beating, a Tracy this act; but any person has purchased the Wardman residence, In Chaves county, recently and painfully roof the Wesleyan University $5.25 a ; other was given three months the county the of 07.00; spring lambs, 07.60. who escaped from the penitentiary on attend by reason. of sickness or all the contents of furniture himself. and his wife was blown off and the 1 interior was excuse rendered to including Jail, but owing to some mitigating clr. Injured McGrory Monday after killing three guards, are good and sufficient horses and vehicles, from J. K. and child were at tho depot awaiting the water. The rail or and the cumstanceSj and the man's former good badly damaged by now surrounded a posse about 50 and approy. . by the county superintendent waraman ior o.uuu. xuo uiuuoiit . ... 1 a the train and while walking down the damaged tracks due men in the woods, about two miles east roads report many Houses barns were eA and also the territorial --- -- 1 with tho child In his arms he and blown down at by him by luutttcu Mja .. , , .1 i platform and a number of of Gervais. Reinforcements have start- - 1 vi a.t... .1.. off to the washouts Groveland, Minerva; Dillon, - board of eaucatlon, may be excused by Eddy county. Mr. and Mrs. Wardman walked the platform. The child Hopedale a xor nis wire was and It Is due to his freight wrecks, due to the telegraph and Delavan, but so no loss of life superintendent from such will leave for California, and will make niea suit divorce against uninjured trying far, national have been ordered to the county - on the tracks. As far as guard " that thel home. Jose Ramon Trujillo, guilty of dls- to save the child, that McGrory was poles falling at any of those places has been attendance. I no one was killed or Gervais.' It is almost sure the men will Charles Swasn purchased the Potter a within the injured so severely. nof known, never be taken alive. In section 2 of this law, It says: Any charging deadly weapon this manner. Efforts are be- of a dwelling at Carlsbad, Eddy county, city limits, was given eight months in A DESTRUCTIVE HURRICANE. . county superintendent or member Scratch Paper. made to reach the small towns In who fromJ. S. urozier, ine consiuerauuii the penitentiary, but Judgment was ing Lincoln, Ills., June 11. This city and HELD FOR MANSLAUGHTER. school board or county treasurer heine 81.100, Made from ledger, linen flat and book Is believed that several - good behavior. the countryr'It the Immediate locality was visited at shall directly or Indirectly cause the suspended during 10 cents suffered more or less Donaciano Barros, an old thief, gull-- papers at per pound at the of them damage. midnight a severe and destructive The BUM it lelai Places for tta larelii of St. Luke's school funds to be paid for sale o Is DESTROYED. by public of of was two New Mexican. This scrap paper put A TOWN Hospital at Chicago, to otner 80 acres of land southwest ty larceny sheep, given hurricane, Hard rain services any person tZZZirthiunimproved . In and lightning teachers' up and is less than the June 11. Grinnell re- ot to I. S. Osborne for 91,000. years in the penitentiary. pads paper DesMoines, la., did additional damage to the June 11. O. E. Miller, ores- - than a legally qualified teacher under Carlsbad, oost. a limited town of Laurel, Marshall public Chicago, Elmer Calvin and Charles Rivers, the originally Only supply. ports that the buildings. Factories and residences of St. Luke's In the of this act, shall be " ;; ldent Society hospital, provisions Toted Down. county, was destroyed by a tornado were anu Bond Proposition J burglars who broke In the sample room unroofed and the telephone and et which ten 01 a upu.. I last' to the wires being the burning lives were lost, eullty misoemeanpr The to Issue bonds to the next the Record office, and who plead- - night. Owing electric street systems 'were was held for the victton thereof shall be fined in a sum proposition Wagon Mound. The home waa is to secure definite railway manslaughter today by of for an additional school ed were one each prettily down, it impossible badly crippled. The villages of Atlan He gave bond. Miller's not less than $100 nor more than 1500 amoimt 8,000 guilty, given year decorated with roses and the amuse- V .'' magistrate. of W. Andrews as to the facts. ' were con- - hnlMIni at Alamogordo. 0ero county. The remains Roy knowledge " ta, Lawndale, Elkhart and Others In assistants held for disorderly for each and every offense and may be ment was whist. Mrs. Henry Goldstein A TERRIBLE STORM. : A In- - were to his this county suffered heavy losses, No duct. . s removed from office by the governor. was recently defeated. Tho large shipped today parents won the first prize, Mrs. J. Judell the 11. reports of children of school In that I home, Evansvllle, Wis. The ac Chlcatrt. June Meagre loss of was seen from the above that holders crease age parents second and Miss ; life reported, It Is to Lucy Rosenthal the here tell of a destructive tornado that AS AmitM for Cattle Theft. certificates are town has made. It very necessary companled the remains, The NOT AS BAD FTRST REPORTED. of first or second grade CDII-- 1 consolation.; affair was a most de. from the . southern Andrew, nee Jack Messer, was arres Drovlde proper facilities for the Mrs. li. c. Winters and daughter. last night swept Des Moines, la., June 11. Word was as legally bound to attend the county It Is llghtful one, and the ladles congratulat of Wisconsin, the ted at Otero dren, and In the present bulldlnus, MgB Marlo( wll, entertain a number boundary through received-fro- Laurel thls noon to the Alamogordo, county, normal Institute as are those who hold or. . k.u.u. . ed Mrs. Levy on her ability as a charm central of Illinois as far south as was impossioieWcrW, ,u.f frJendg afternoon. - part effect the town been and held for tho Texas no valid certlflcate for the. ensuing gaturday ing hostess. . that had not' recently ,fI with ramifications west - Held Under Bond. , ; F. A. Mnnzanares has received a let Bloomington, swept away, but suffered considerably authorities, who have been trying to get year.: The branches in which appli- 91,500 . E. R. TuthlH, the present day Clerk at The storm who la rhnrirnri ter, from Father O'Keer, tne iormer of the Mississippi. swept from the effects of the strong wind. hold of him for the last six years. A cants for certificates will be examined, Tooi, i.iHintnn the Castaneda, has secured a promotion ac- -' ne is wen ana through' this state about midnight, TRAIN CAUGHT IN. A LANDSLIDE. Texas sheriff took Messer intv custody as determined the territorial board with the shooting; of William Hunter here, saying ctomg as cashier at and will leave him to by Demlng, companled by electrical discharges of a and escorted that state to stand are: ar mat ne is cnapiain ior a resinieiii. i for A Peoria, Ills.," June U, The storm at He-I- s of education English grammar, Portales recently, at the preliminary that place tomorrow. man from . seven Chica- trial.. charged with cattle theft. severe nature, For hours ( held over for tho action of Fort Clark, Texas, Peoria, was very destructive. Many V ithmetic, United States history, geogra, hearing was the east will fill the vacancy here. could obtain no communication with , His ball was fixed at A. the brother of the man go lives were lost; and the property dam 9. Weather jenreau Notes. . phy, reading, writing physiology and the grand jury. Calhoun, Sy M. Dawson went up as , far : as cities In the of the storm. 1,M0. ..: was killed the path ' age 7s extensive. The mercantile loss Forecast for New Mexico: methods of teaching. that Sunday night, arrived Maxwell City with his wife and family '0 HAVOC BY A - Partly i TORNADO, 111 be hundreds Of thousands of doK cloudy tonight and Thursday, with local Mexico Deaths. this afternoon from Denver, where he who are on their way to Wolcott, Colo.,' A" tornado pass- Improvemtmta at the Military School. Bw B. M. Pekln, 111., June It lars. A Chicago, Rock Island and Pa- thunder storms In north portion Thurs- Ros Is chief dispatcher for the and where will join friends for a trip '. 'The board of of tho J. R. Cummins died recently at they ed over Tazewell coynty last night, cific train was in a day. ', ;;;y.. regents Military road. He has made arrangements to Park. v j passenger caught Chaves at the age of 70 through Yellowstone killing three and Injuring two the and mall car ; Yesterday the thermometer Institute at Roswell, Chaves county, has well, county, have the remains shipped to Norton, A Odd Fellows ' fatally landslide and engine a registered - of committee of has at Kingston Mines south' of was as follows: Maximum temperature, 85 ordered the remainder of the school years.- He was a resident that place Kag on No 8 tonight, where his fam persons were hurled. Alt train service de uve been trying to make arrangements to dead are: Mrs. Th'omaaaMur-ra- y degrees at 3:50 p. m.; minimum, 60 with a ior me past years. Hy now resides. "here. The tracks' were washed grounds enclosed neat fence. I have Grover Fleck taken care ttt layed, many away at 4:45 a, m. The mean tem- r - young degrees, and as t5st-orad- o. and Infant, and Wm. M'Elwee, aged and thousands of acres of corn ', are a The barracks, parade grounds Fall From a Tree. j Mrs. Levy gave a at the Salvation home up In perature for the 24 hours was 73 de- welt as the are to be Henry very pleas Army 3 years. Patrick M'Elwee and wife total loss- - One man was killed live Mean campus enlarged. H. D, - of ant to about 80 of He become almost Incorri by grees. dally humidity, 39 per cent. After this tract has had the attention Tho young son of Bowman, party her lady has were Injured. Th entire east wires two were Serious Maximum in de- friends afternoon In honor and needs close In fatally and Injured. temperature sun, 104 of the gardener and gets welt covered Las Cruces. Dona Ana county, recently yesterday gible supervision end- - of a village" of miners of was 4one to m 6:00 a. misfortune of M. Collars can be Kingston, damage the shipping grees. Temperature at in. today, with grass, it will improve the outside felt from a tree and bad. the Mrs. and daughter. Miss soma place where he taught ' ' 60 . . 1,005 Inhabitants, was' swepl away. the river, degrees. appearance of the school very much to break his arm. Minnie and Mrs. A. M. lAdler, all of to mend bis ways,

4' r v I The verdict In the Sophie Hamilton never come to pass. Instead, the army (PROFESSIONAL CARDS case at Las Vegas is of Importance to has been twice reduced in numbers as OJO Santa Fe .Dew common sense have CALIEfiTE r0T SPRINGS. mm every incorporated city in the territory peace and gained WABASH Law. in Luzon, and the Th Attorneys at and yet it is not conclusive that it is around Vlsayas. These Celebrated Hot Springs are lo- tested by the miraculous cures attested COMPAHY to of the government I ThE NEW MEXICAN PRINTING safe for municipal authorities neg- only departments cated la the midst of the Ancient Cliff to in the following diseases: Paralysis, MAX. FROST, increased this of &YHi uu each tloket lect the matter of the laying of good which there are expenses Dwellers, twenty-fiv- e miles west of Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Consumption, Attorney at .Law, Santa Fe, N. M. and safe pavements. The plaintiff year are the navy and the Indians, and WAY Taos, and fifty miles north of Santa Fe, Malaria, Disease of the Kid- B up lervloe. Bright's Entered as Second-CtM- matter at GEO. W. sued for $10,000 for tripping over a bad the increased expenditures on the navy an ibout twelve miles from Barranca neys, Syphilltio and Mercurial Affec- KNAEBBL, Fe Postofflce. New York mid h,,ir-,- . Office in Griffin Block. Collections he Santa in a at Las Vegas and have very little indeed to do with the TO Station, on the Tenver &. Rio Grande tions, Scrofula, La all and piace pavement Catarrh, Grippe, titles a herself. In the trial it was Philippines, where most of the vessels GO Railway, from which point a dally line Female Complaints, etc., etc. .Board, searching speeialty. ei injuring TS-- New Mexican is the oldest news-oap- shown that the pavement on which she are small, light and economical. This a am of stages run to the Springs. The tem- Lodging and Bathing, 12.60 per day; $14 EDWARD L. BARTLHTT, ev-r-y c X the VVhaih rm.s in New Mexico. It is sent to fell was in good condition, that the bad nation is snending more money on Its "AO mmuf vhre perature of these waters is from 80 to per week; $50 per month. Stage meets Lawyer, Santa Fe, New Mexioo. Office in the Writury, and has was caused some because it has a and bet ' 122 degrees. The are carbonic. Al- Denver trains and waits for Santa Fe postofflce spot in it by repairs! navy greater IS there freeCbnir ( nm Yen. lr! gases in the Gapitol. large and growing circulation among that were being made and that in this ter one than ever before. It is the line titude, 6,000 feet. Climate very dry and train upon request This resort Is at " " W." ne and people and the United Fulls at snine price. the round. There is now at all seasons, and is all jrilcPHERON; Intelligent progiessive Instance the city could not be blamed which costs, VIA Niagara delightful year tractive open at law. Practices in all the t the southwest. is now a commodious hotel for the convenience winter. for OJo Caliente can Attorney for neglect. What the verdict would States becoming THE hortest ami l.onii. Passengers courts In the Santa Fe, New It was .in the of the father httot of invalids and tourists. These waters leave Santa Fe at 11:08 a. m. and reach territory. have been if the woman had fallen and what days Mexico. , on such as and to be again, one of the most WABASH. contain 1,686.24 grains of alkaline salts Ojo Caliente at 6 p. m. the same day. OF SUBSCRIPTION. injured herself a pavement ought KATJSH In around formidable in the world. P. P. HITCHCOCK, to the gallon, being the richest alkaline Fare for the round trip from Santa Fe WILLIAM H. H. LLEWELLYN, ween, carrier t .25 is tolerated Santa Fe the Oallj. per by not all At this time in the last fiscal year GENERAL AGT., PASS. DEPT. Hot. Springs in the world. The efficacy to OJo Caliente, $7. For further partic- Attorney-at-La- month, by carrier..- 1.00 Fort Marcy reservation, has at or Oaily, per there was a surplus of $58,000,000. The 1035 17th St.. Denver. Colo. these waters has .been thoroughly ulars, address . Las Cruces, New Mexico. oer month, by mail 1.00 been determined by the Las Vegas case, Oaily. present surplus is $76,000,000. That is the District attorney for Dona Ana, three months, mail 2.00 nor has the matter been passed upon Oaily, by fiscal year 1002 makes a better showing ANTONIO Otero, Grant, Luna and Sierra Counties, mo-J- 4. by a higher court in which the eloquent JOSEPH, Dally, is, by mall Proprietor, Third Judicial of to than the fiscal year 1901 up to June District. mail 7.60 pleadings lawyers are apt have JH Daily, '.ne year, by about $18,000,000. It is entirely Caliente. Taos N. month 25 less weight than the law governing by just Ojo County, CHAS. F. HASLET, Yeekly, per therefore, to wliat 75 such cases, as they have in a jury trial unnecessary, specify (Late Surveyor General.) Weekly, per quarter economic is in what 1.00 such as was had at Las Vegas. To be policy force, and Attorney at law, Santa Fe, N. M. Band Weekly, six months holds the business helm 2.00 on the safe side, and to prevent the political party and mining business a speolalty. Weekly. Der year of the national for it is on possibility of being, mulcted for heavy government under the N. B. LAUGHLIN, damages, city authorities should insist ly Republican protective pol Manifolding WEDNESDAY, JUNE 11. ley that such prosperity is possible. P pew pieiico (Late Associate Justice, Supreme owners upon property keeping their W pitaig Dpi). Court ef New in even BOOK . . . Mexico.) 11 pavements good repair, though SANTA FE - - NEW MEXICO. New Mexico Demands State- the property owner should be as august CONVINCING PROOF. ROSWELL. NEW MEXICO. hood of the 57th a power as the United States of Amer E.C.ABBOTT, Congress. ica. Attorney-iat-La- The Santa Fe Citizen Must Ac MEXICO ESTABLISHED Average THE MILITARY SCHOOL, OF NEW Practices in the district and supreme or and In Justice New cept the following Proof. AMD StTPPOlaTEP BY TMB. TEHB1TORY. courts. Prompt and carefal attention Right The house has killed the bill Mexico Should Bo a State. provid The Sir Isaac Newton, one of given to all business. ing for the management of the forest great 8I1 men alligraduates of' standard Eastern Colleges. the most reasoners the world Instructors, modern and District attorney for the counties of reserves by the instead of profound New Bulidiags, all furnishings and equipments completes Agricultural water-work- s, Santa Fe, Rio Arriba, Taos Third Vice President Kendrick of the ever produced, once cut a large hole in iteam-heate- all convenience!. and San the Interior department. The main baths, Santa Fe has been a Board rence to allow a ravorue cat session. Juan. Santa Fe, I. Li.. Railway Company reason urged against the passage of the Tultloa, board, and laundry, $300 per offered a of $50,000 a year as Eu access to two gardens, and cut a weeks each. Roswell Is a noted health , BENJAMIN M. salary bill was that it would mean the expen Letters Copied Session is three terms, thirteen READ, of the smaller hole to allow her kitten to fol- above sea levels d; excellent "people. Attorney-at-La- ropean representative Westing diture of some money in the west and renort, 8,700 feet house Air Brake There are low her. The weakness manifested in While W. M. Reed, R. S. Hamilton, J. 0, Lea, Santa ,Fe, N. M. Company. that argument generally suffices to Writing.. REGENTS Nathan Jaffa, a few in life in Sir Isaac's action was due to want of and B. A. Can00n. for address Practices In all the ter- evidently things private cause eastern and sena- particulars courts of the congressmen thought. Any reader who and the the United States worth as much as tors to froth at the mouth and to vote mentally ritory departments at Washing, of debates the offered here about Office CoL W. ton, D. C. .:' being president the United States. a measure. The proof Supply Company, J. Willsonf, against Agricultural Doan's Kidney Pills and arrives at department has made a special study A. B. RBNBHAN, Otero county is to any other conclusion than that stated Santa Fe. N. fll. Superintendent beginning produce of forestry, the most work Attornry-at-la- law stone. The stone important in this citizen's statement, Is as short Mining especial. good lithographing appertaining to is un ly. Member National Clear- has stood test and If forestry already of reasoning powers as the philosopher Attorneys' a preliminary it der its and House. 8 9 supervision the control of when he turned carpenter: IIMIMOIIHW ing Rooms and Sena Block, stands a second test now being made, the forest reserves to J IIMIMNIIIIilllllllll Santa N. M. naturally belongs Mr. J. S. Wood, accountant in the St. Fe, v, as successfully as the first, an import- it. In the Interior Renovated and Refur- Cuisine and TaVe department the mat Louis Label Works, living at 306 Mor- ant new product will 'be added to the ter of forest reserves is Stock nished Service Unexcell'"' Real complicated by gan street, St. Louis, says: "My old Throughout Estate Agent and Notary many products of New Mexico and an red tape, but little is had understanding home is in Quincy, 111., a place where In the Public- - important new industry will spring up for needs of west in the real the that Doan's Kidney Pills are a household in the mountains of Otero county. It as is shown MUTUAL BUILDING & LOAN Hotel .. R. L. BACA. respect, by the restrictions necessity. When I first came to St. The Palace is hard to set a limit to the natural which ASSOCIATION Real estate agent and notary public. surround grazing on the forest Louis several druggists on whom I wealth of New Mexico. reserves and the to secure rec Of Santa Fe Expert translator from Spanish to Eng- difficulty called did not have them In stock, and lish and ommendations to from the WILLIAM VAUGHN, PROP. from English to Spanish. Type- segregate I sent to an old friend, a pharmacist in worth share and ma- The initial have been taken to forest reserves tracts of Is $1.40 per writing done correctly and neatly. Of- steps large grazing Quincy, Ills., for them. I had attacks tures when worth $200. The last fice Prince establish an annual summer school and lands which are not and never be Rooms for Commercial Men. block, Palace avenue, Sant will of kidney complaint for five or six dividend was nearly 13 per cent, Large Sample V the Fe. N. M. Chautauqua at Santa Fe. While forest land. But all this is of no ac years, causing my back to ache just Dividends are credited every six - movement count Santa Fe New. Mexico beginning may be slow, the against the argument that it across the loins. I found that Doan's months. Dentists. is certain to grow, if properly encour might cost money to make the transfer Kidney Pills acted as represented and NOW! Is the time to start in. aged by the people of this city and sup and the east needs all the money in the when I noticed them advertised at D. W. Office: MANLET, ' those most in United States for river and Wolff-Wilson'- s,' Catron Block, Stairs ported by immediately treasury corner Sixth street Up Dentist. Office, Southwest Corner of terested. It is a good thing and should harbor improvements, ship building, and Washington avenue, I went there H. N. WILLCOX, Plaza, over Fischer Co's Store. be and other THE SANTA FE TITLE Drug pushed along. The summer school public buildings purposes in for a box; not that I required them at Secretary. 5 of Santa Fe is certain to become .fa which t'he west participates to only a the time, but 1 thought it was a good ABSTRACTS! ABSTRACT COMPANY mous few small 563836XSS3698S6J6SS3eSW63S36SCSCS8SS3eS8S6 SOCIETIES. with years after the first degree. opportunity to adopt precautionary ' Will furnish complete abstracts of title to any real estate or min- sessions have been conducted success methods." ing property situated in Santa Fe County on reasonable terms A TWENTIETH CENTURY TRAIN. Masonic. fully. Just such emphatic indorsement can Office Old Palace Building The run of 900 miles between New be had right here in Santa Fe. Drop N. B. LAUGHLIN ' MARCELINO GARCIA ATANASIO ROMERO MONTEZUMA LODGE, few of honor into Ireland's and ask what Fe Naturally, but positions York and Chicago Is in the future to Pharmacy Santa Filigree . No. 1, A., F. and A. M his customers President. Secretary Treasurer and trust outside of the territory go to be made in 20 hours by fast express report. and Regular communica-- , For sale all 50 cents a citizen of a territory. It is therefore trains, this being an average of 45 by dealers; price tlon first Monday In each Foster-Mllbur- n Mfg. Co peculiarly gratifying that quite a num miles an hour. Great Britain has a box. Co., Buffalo, N. Jewelry month at Masonic forg- sole for United States. HU ber of former and present residents of ed ahead of the United States In late Y.., agents the at 7:80 p. m. Remember the name Doan's and New Mexico have attained to national years in the matter of fast long dis- S. G. CARTWRIGHT. no lw-Mru- prominence. The latest of these, W. H. tance runs. From London to Aberdeen take other. ' ' W. M. me Hotel m Pope, who left last evening for Wash there are 16 trains regularly scheduled 190i Calendars. Excjenije P. CRICHTON, Secretary. ington to receive final instructions be- at an of 40 miles express speed average, The New Mexican Printing Company Best Located Hotel to SANTA FB CHAPTER, No. fore for the Philippines, has of 48 CHy departing and one of them at an average will have the largest line of calendars 1, R. A. M. Regular con- been appointed judge of the court of miles an hour. From Euston to Wick, to offer the trade this year ever shown SILVER FILIGREE. Special Rates by the Week or Month for J.T.FORSHA vocation second Monday la the first Instance, created at 730 recently miles, much of it single track, an in the territory, and it will be worth Table Board with or without Room . . . . each month at Muonio Hall Kanlla, a not even second to Proprietor. position express train makes the same average the while of those desirous of procuring at 7:34 p. m. at of member of commission any the time as the express train from New calendars for the coming year to wait MARCUS ELDODT, H. P. wernlng the Philippines. Although York to Chicago. In other words, the for the of this company ARTHUR 8ELIGMAN, r. is a the honor representative Secretary. Pope but young man, present average speed between New to tall on them with samples. Thu N. MONDRAGON. as been bestowed and If all Mgr. SANTA FE COMMANDERT worthily York and Chicago is barely up to ordl mil 8 are remarkablv cheap. Palace Ave., Griffin Bldg., near Flaza le other officials of the Philippines are time not No. 1, K. T. Regular con- nary English express and does Subscribe for the New Mexican f that jcaliber, the Filipinos are well reachthe express time made on the clave fourth Monday in each ff, In fare than- - The McMillan month fact, they better many French state railways. at Masonic Hall at f the states and whose offl-la- ls 7:30 m. GEO. W. E. C. territories, But there is little virtue in long dis p. KNAEBEL, do no measure up to the same F. 8. Recorder. tance record breaking trains: The long DAVIS, tandard of probity and ability. a Mrs. S. Universal distance record is fancy article. There Laura Webb, Typewriter Book O. G. are several combines in the United of Women's Democratic Clubs of Northern Ohio. I. A case should be brought in the ter States which could run a for AZTLAN LODGE, No. 3, I. O. O. F, from New York to San meets every evening in Odd ritorial courts to test the right of city train IIEKK ARE MANY the change of life which was Friday in fellows' ball, San Francisco street. Vis- - authorities to collect a poll tax to be Francisco record breaking time. But fast While vis- sickly women approaching. Book Records brothers welcome. paid into the public school as the ordinary traveler does not want to T with a friend I noticed Typewritten ittng treasury, the of iting E. A. N. G. well as a case to test the right of street take that ride without a break. It is a ages that she was STEVENS, 45 and but there aro taking your records JOHN 0. SEARS, supervisors in cities to compel citizens tour de force, a freak, an extraordinary 55, Wine of Cardui, and she was Any operator can make the on any standard Secretary. to work on the road or a certain performance, which has been done in very few invalids over 55 so enthusiastic about it that I pay typewriter, and insert them as finished, in a regularly CWNTENNIAL) ENCAMPMBNT, No. ft. sum toward roads in good con- marvelous time on several occasions anil 00 of The decided to a bottle. I ex- placing years ago. try I. O. O. F. Regular communication dition. There is some doubt about the Ninety-fiv- e hours and fifty-fiv- e minutes of perienced some relief the first bound book, (not a file). No special machine required change )ifo coming to the second and fourth Tuesday of eaoH of these laws In cities and is the fastest mail month, so I kept on it application a woman near lior forty- - taking for Book Records. Extraction or substitution of sheets month at Odd Fellows' hall. Vlsltlni many citizens have refused to elth time. A sounder basis for superiority for three months and now I pay fourth either makes welcome. - er or road while others rests upon tralnB over moderate year, menstruate with no pain and patriarchs poll tax tax, regular practically impossible. J. E. HAINES, C. P. of distances at intervals.The fast her an invalid or eives I shall take it off and on now again have paid the collectors these frequent JOHN SEARS, Scribe. taxes. This is neither nor trains from New York to Buffalo aver her a new lease on life. Those who until I have passed the climax. I do not Convenient ' Secure right just I Simple The next should amend age 50 miles and more an hour and the meet this change in ill health sel dread it now, as am sure that your MYRTLE REBEKAH LODGE, No. legislature Wine of Cardui will be of benefit these laws so will be regular express trains from Phlladel dom live ten while great Records of I. O. O. F. and that they years afterward, at this time." !y Used for keeping Typewritten by the Library Regular meeting first, to Atlantic over 60 i clearer and more practical than the phia. City average a woman who lays asido the active Congress, U. S. Patent Office,; New York Life Ins. Co., third Tuesday of each month at Odd laws. Is room miles an hour with' But AVino Fellows' hall. and sis- present There for regularity. duties "of womanhood in health sel- of Cardui is the remedy to many County Clerks and Surrogates and a host of others. Visiting brothers reform, in" the matter of speed is not all. There should not 'only ters welcome.' especially dom fails to live on in a woman against the shock be one fast train on railroad on happiness, f MISS M. TBSSIB C G. collecting a road tax and applying the every , . BEND FOR ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE ALL, N, she lias CO. This that comes with the of life. proceeds to the construction of good which travel justifies It, but many. In years after passed change MISR SALX.IB VAN ARSDELL, Bee. roads. Irresponsible road this England far surpasses the United is truly a critical time. It healthy functions supervisors, WYCKOFF SEAMANS & BENEDICT, 1645 Champa St., DENVER, Colo. it is reported, too often make the col States. Between London and Glasgow Mrs. Laura S. Webb, of Toledo, after years of suffering. In doing JL. O.TJVW. lection of a road tax, a there are in winter 29 fast express suf- private graft Ohio, recognizes the chango of life this it has saved thousands of OFFICE SUPPLY COMPANY. and the fact remains that under the trains daily that average 45 miles an Dealers, GOLDEN LODGE, . No. 8, A. O. C. W as a and she also ferers just in time.' Do not wait meets second aad present road law not a single mile hour. This is a distinct advantage to dangerous period IN. M. every fourth until suffering is upon Thor- Santa Fe, 8 m. of really good road has been construe the traveling public. As a rule, the or- has faith in Wine of Cardui.x She you., Wednesdays at p. e should bo S. M. W. ted in New Mexico although thousands dinary traveler cares-mor- for conven- writes : , ough preparations made SPITZ, ience and for show in advance. the Wine of JOSEPH DIGNEO, Recorder. of dollars have been expended, or are regularity than "As I had always been troubled more Begin of the west supposed to have been spent, on the trains. In many portions or less at the menstrual period, I dreaded Cardui treatment today. ; roads. thus far, regularity and being on time 9 have not been strong points of railroad A million i. SANTA FE LODGE, No. 8, K of gular to suffering women ing, owing topographical and weath have found relief in REMINGTONS meeting every Tuesday The attention of the postofflce de- er " ere, conditions, but the day is coming WINEofCARDVI Wine of Cardui. f ins at 7:S o'clock at Castle hall. Visit-in-g Is called to cut-of- fs partment being the growing when better roadbeds, and an r knights given a cordial welcome. of the money order ' popularity express increase in train and section hands will ; JOHN K. C. to be TYPEWRITERS STATJFFBR, C. . system and legislation is devised remedy these defects and trains speed- J. L. to make i I- ZIMMERMANN, K. of R. and 8. postofflce money orders equal ing at the average rate of 45 miles an BOOKS AND i - ly convenient. Postofflce orders require hour through New Mexico are not at STATIONERY, 1 OFFICE SUPPLY COMPANY, written application giving amount of all a visionary prediction for the future. order, name and location of payee and SANTA FB IXDGB. No. P; Ok Periodicals, School Books, School t - name of purchaser. Some people do Supplies. t Dealers, E., holds Its regular sessions on jth UNCLE SM IS PROSPEROUS. f i not write legibly, hence orders not al. Stationery Sundries, Etc, . . . seoond and fourth Wednesdays of each Is Books not in ordered ... I month. Invited ways correctly drawn by the postmas The United States government as stock at eastern prices; subscriptions taken for all Visiting brothers are periodida i . N f " an- as the Indeed, it is Santa Fe. M. and welcome. A. B. RENBHAN, E. R ter, causing delay in payment and prosperous people. i ; V . . JACOB WELTiWER . B. noylng In other ways. They are not more prosperous. It has a redundant I J. DAVIS, Secretary. . payable upon presentation unless the income and it has been able to reduce (I I 1 postmaster has received advice of the its running expenses, so that thus far national , Issue. Such advices are often delayed, this year the treasury has may have been sent to the heaped up a surplus of no less than office, put into the wrong mall or not $76,000,000. The national , receipts for The FIRST forwarded promptly, "thus causing in May were nearly $50,000,000, or consid- UNITED HEJJRY I.RICH sou Mm ' convenience to payee, loss of time and erably greater than for any of the four possible loss In other ways. They are months preceding, and only $3,000,000 STATES LEMP'S ST. LOUIS BEER. ' Mty&ble only at the particular office less than in May a year ago, although NATIONAL , ALL, KINDS OF MINEBAL WATER. PIONE.3t "which therefore the sys Internal revenue receipts are naturally DESIGNATED upon drawn; The trsde supplied from on bottle to a carload. Mall orders promptly filled ' convenient to and is off, in of the reduc tern is .not payees falling anticipation DEPOSITARY. OUADALUPB STREET, SANTA F too limited in Its availability. They tion of these taxes at the end of June must not bear more than one endorse The expenditures for May were $38,746,- - roent; hence are impracticable for use 000, as compared with $42,136,000 in May BANK a McMuwe beyond a single endorse of a year ago, a reduction In favor of one of $3,389,000, which more than P. F. HAN LEY mnt It not presented within this year got- - war the are Invalid, and to obtain overcomes the reduction In the revenue. duplicate; application must be made to It will Jiarrow the . to reduc- SANTA NEW MEXICO. the postofflce department at washing-ton- generally learn that the large FE, The express money order avoids tion in expenditures thus far this fiscal Fine war where Vifies, Liquors ftCigars (Mm objection and PMes as' readily year is in the department, red the falling off i more than $3,000,000. J. PALEf, Frc&st J. q. VAUGIp, Cashia , Imported and Native Wines for Family Use. S III a cash. They are free from tape d OUR SPECIALTIESOld McBrayer. Quckenheimer at- - the The enormous cost of holding the Phil- Crow, Rye, Taylor. restrictions and are present and Paxton, Old Jordan an4 Monogram, Ky., Whiskies. mr method ippines, which these Ingenious persons L. WALDO. Vice President. cheapest and most convenient ffEJYlJY SANTA N. JH' : , out two or three ago has SAN FRANCISCO ST FE, of remitting money by nail. figured years ''I

mi m a rrxrvmr a I - t tno t t horse's neck when an Indian warrior Rio Grande & Santa Fe TKB- "One Minute Cough Cure beats all leaped out. LOVE AND other medicines I ever tried for I is no & R. coughs, An Old-Ti- disparagement, to Charley Denver Rio Grande R. colds, croup and throat and. Adventure to when he found Lives only in tlie present. Nature throw! Time No. 67. lung say that himself a Table D. Scott Currln of Lo- - face to face glamor around youm and maiden, (Kffwstlve Monday, April 14, 1902.) Maxwell troubles, Bays suddenly with the red Land Grant luai uiiuuuku mty saw miserv anri mar. Pa. One Minute Roueh Cure' f By Fred Myron Colby. man his mouth opened as wide as did SABT BOUND BOUND riage walking hand in hand in every WIST is the only absolutely safe cough rem- his eyes, that the color fled from his ... Ho. 426. UILS no. 420 FARING LAJYDS UJ4DER RIGATIOfT SYSTEI. uvuit: Lv, vucy wouia loudly 9:15 am. .Lv Fe.. Ar.. 5:15 pm edy which acts Immediately. Mothers, Cheeks, that his heart fluttered like oelieve that Siii 84.. they U:M)am..Iv....nspnoia..iJ. isupn These lands with water verywhere testify to the good It has a bird in a cage, and that for a mo- tuuui marry and l:oop m..l.v....itmDudo...L.v.. i:uu p m farming perpcual rights are now being offered sud- ONE of the last of 1750, 8:35 p m..I.v,Trei Pledras.Lv.. 90.. .10:30am for sale in tracts of acres and done their little ones. Croup Is so days May, ment he could not stir. aety miser. 6:45 125... 8:10am lorty upwards. two Charles and pm..Lv....AntoDlto..Lv.. Price of land wltb water from 817 to 825 den in its attacks that the doctor often 0' boys, Flanders "Ugh!" grunted the savage, "white young women 8:15 d m..Lv.... Alamosa... Lv .153... 6:40a m ;?rpotual rights per acre, William 11:20 m .Lv... .La Veta. ..Lv.. 215... 3:25am to location. Payments be nude in ten installments. - too late. at once to Wheeler, were sent out from boy walk the woods with red broth- should be taught p may year arrives It yields block-hous- n:oua m of the e, N. H. to for mar-- m..juv rueoio...i.y..aoi...i2:2ua Alfalfa. Grains, Fruits all kinds, and Sugai Beets grow to perfection. One Minue Cure. Pleasant to at Charlestown, er," meaning he would go with him to prepare 4 :20 a m . . LvColo Springs.!,. . 331 . . .10 :37 p m Cough on the to look two nage. 1 should 7:00 a m.. Ar....Denver....Lv..404... 8:00 p m take. Children like it. Sure cure for Connecticut, for vanada. hey horses that had strayed into the But was not understand how to grip, bronchitis, coughs. Fischer Drug Charley quite ready to their Connections with the main llneand GOLDMINES. . ' woods. do that. back preserve branches as follows: Company. ' Stepping quicklv. he womanlv health On this miles west of New are tack-heade- Grant, about forty Springer, Mexico, the ine missing animals were a gray fitted) one of his d arrows tne tunc At Antonito for Duranco, Silverton horse and a black 1 inrougu in San gold mining districts of Ellzabethtown and'Baldy, where Important min- NATIONAL CONVENTION CHRIST- mare, respectively, to the of his bow and dis- - tional changes of and all points the Juan country. eral discoveries Claims on unlocated n. The mare had with string At tor have lately been made. ground IAN CHURCH. her young colt her, charged it full at the Tndian. - maternity. Doctor Alamosa (with standard gauge) bo made under tho of the which are a ta- La Colorado and Mining Regulations Company, Tiiey both belonged to William's The warrior sprang aside; but he Pierce's Favorite Veta, Pueblo, Springs favorable to tho as the U. S. Government Laws and had is Denver, also with narrow gauge for prospector Omaha, Neb.r Oct. 16-2- 1902. ther, the settler promised the was not quick enough, for the shaft Prescription the ' Monte Del Norte and Denver boy that if he would find the horses, Ihad been well aimed. It most ettective med' Vista, and passed icine for the pre. Creede and all points in the San Luis ' Near Raton, New Mexico, on this are located the COAL MINES For the above the Santa Fe bring them safely home, he would through his neck, between the skin Grant, occasion, him the colt for his labor. servation of worn. valley. of tho Raton Coal and Coke Company, where employment may be found will sell tickets to Omaha and return give and! the flesh. health and the At 'Sanaa with main line (standard . anly at good wages for any wishing to work during tir (easons that farm ine laas started oil about six for all east and west in- (from Santa Fe) at a rate of $30.15 for Uttering a cry Of anger, he leaped 1 cure of womanly gauge) points work oi prospecting can not be successfully done. o'clock in the morning, taking their diseases. - Leadvllle. the round trip. Dates of sale October on. the boy and caught him by the It regu- cluding For particulars and advertising matter apply to way down the river. William had his laies me At Florence with jr. & U. u. it. it. lor 13 and 14, for return passage until throat. He hastily felt for his torn- - . periods, good father's gun; but Charley, who was enfeeblinir the gold of Creek and and in dries: , . camps Cripple November 30, 1902. had ohawk, tho heat of his rage J Victor. younger, not been allowed to talje would have mams, iieais in- H. S. LUTZ, Agent, one. Guns and undoubtedly ended the flammation At Pueblo, Colorado and Den The Maxwell Land Co., ' ammunition were too career then and and Springs Grant Santa Fe, N. M. scarce at the fort to be intrusted to a poor boy's there; but, ulceration, and ver ? ith all Missouri river lines for all the handle at the first cures east. RATON. NEW MEXICO W. J. BLACK, G. P. A., Tdpeka, Kas. boy 11 years old. missing grasp, female weak' points he suddenly changed his mind, and. ness. u wew Reclining Chair Cars between READY TO YIELD. It was really dangerous to go out un prepares ' the boy to the back of the my ine womaniv or-- Santa Fe and Alamosa. Seats free. a lifting "I used DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve armed great distance from the ganism for and makes the For further information address the block-house,-f- gTay horse, tied him securely and led maternity for piles and found it a certain cure," wildcats and wolves birth hour practically painless anderslgned. were numerous in the animal toward the party that was says S. R. Meredith, Willow Grove, that region, and OC' with the canoe. "Favorite Prescription" contains no Through passengers from Santa ta to cure casionally a bear was The alcohol, neither opium, cocaine, nor will have reserved berths in standard THRO' Del. Operations unnecessary seen.j boys The two exchanged a sorrow to DeWitt's themselves little of the boys other narcotic. gauge sleepers from Alamosa If desired. piles. They always yield thought peril, ful smile as their captors Cures skin dis but it was not without misgivings that brought wMy wife was afflicted with uterine trouble T. J. Helm, General Agent, Witch Hazel Salve. them William had been for several writes Mr. C. YELLOWSTONE their mothers had seen them together. years," J. Day, of Little San la Fe, N, M. eases, ail kinds of wounas. Accepi no depart in the canoe, where there were Britain, Lancaster Co., Pa., "and in November, was placed 1898, the doctor said she hod a K. Hoopeb, Q. P A . counterfeits. Fischer Drug Company. Charley the happy possessor of two which miscarriage. He busied-liimsel- f hogs, the savages had treated her lor about two months or so, but Colo. a jack-knif- nnd he in Denvei, PARK there was but x $74 from a settlement lower little improvement. wrote you as he plundered alter she had commenced to talc Pavorifp Pre- - TRIENNIAL CONVENTION, INTER makingabownnd arrows trudged ' The down the river; scription aud you told us to get ' Golden Med- ANNUAL MEETING GRAND LODGE SUNDAY SCHOOL along. bow he fashioned from an ical Discovery f also. She took six or seven NATIONAL These to man ' OF BENEVOLENT AND PRO- Loavo Denver Juno 30. ash limb, and the arrows were of oak, hogs belonged a bottles of Favorite Prescription ' and two of evening, headed named Sargent, who lived in Walpole, ooiueu Medical Discovery ' and got out of bed TECTIVE ORDER OF ELKS. with sharp tacks that the boy nd was able to attend to ner household work." Arrive Yellowstone Park morning, July 2. happened to have in his pocket. The and he and several of his neighbors '26, 2, 1902. .Dr. Pierce's Pleasant bill- - 4, Denver, Colo., June July was had gone out that very in Pellets cure Salt Lake City, August 1902. Rate of 87 includes railroad fare from Denver to the Park an Fe bowstring of stout twine. When morning For this occasion the Panta will it was search of the marauders. They had sell tickets to Denver rind return at one completed, hardly equal to an - back, stago transportation thro' tho Park and fivo and on long-bo- nor was tracked tho thieves to the river, and For this occasion the Santa Fe will " fare the round Dates English Charley a v (16.90) for trip. Robin Hood; but it was nevertheless suspecting they might be Indians, had CHEAP EXCURSION RATES sell tickets to Salt Lake City and re halt days' board at the Park hotels. of sale June 24, for return good passage quite a dangerous weapon in his hands. embarked! in a boat and rowed up turn at a rate of. $31.15 from Santa Fe B. on Write for folder. until July For particulars call any He amused himself stream, hoping to come upon them Via the Denver and Rio Grande rai- for i he round trip. Dates of sale August of the Fe. shooting at squir- agent Santa rels and birds, and was in unaware and recover their stolen lroadThe Scenic Line of-- the World. 8, good for return passage tip to and H. S. high spirits LUTZ, Agent, when he hit one, property. June 1 to October 15, 1902, the follow- including September 30. Call on any r, Santa Fe, N. M. The only traces of the animals A little cove shot into the river at ing rates will be in effect from Santa agent of the Santa Fe. W. J. BLACK, G. P. A., Kas. they Topeka, were hunting after that they had yet the point where the two boys had Fe, to Pueblo and return $17.55; Colora- H. S. LUTZ, Agent, Ticftel Office, 1039 v St. . SPRING FEVER. seen were their tracks, which they been captured, and the stream thus do Spring's and return $19.55; Denver Santa Fe, N. M. fever is another name bil- ever and anon came in made a bend around this of and return $22.55. G. P. A., Kas. Spring for across, the point Final limit to return W.J. BLACK, Topeka, Mipll G. W. VALLERY, General Agent, iousness. It is more serious than most "opens," or imbedded in the banks of land. The Indians, their canoe and 30 days from date of sale; transit limit San Francisco and return $38.45, ' people think. A torpid liver and inact- the streams. their horses were on one side of the 15 days in each direction, with stop- Fe. DENVER. ive bowels mean a bend, and the armed white men jn over poisoned system. If They listened and,.'.listened for the privilege north of Pueblo. Execu- To St. Paul and via the serious illness of the their boat were the tion fee of 25 cents Minneapolis I w neglected,, may follow friendly clinking bells, but could approaching will be charged at Wabash Line. such symptoms. DeWitt's Little not hear them. Yet felt assured other. Just before they turned the the time return of is ex- Early they portion ticket first class Car leave Risers remove all danger stimulat- - that they were on the course bend, one of the white men heard the ecuted. For further information ad Through Sleoplng by right Kansas 9.20 p. m. and arrives St. ing the liver, opening the "bowels and They had proceeded about three snort of a horse. Surprised at this, dress the undersigned. City ' Paul 6.05 p. in. and Minneapolis 6.15 p. cleansing the of miles when William's they rested on their oars a moment, S. K. system impurities. quick ear caught HOOPER, m. next day. ling-a-lin- g and then rowed on more Safe pills. Never gripe., "I have taken the familiar of a bell. But cautiously. G. P. and T. A., Denver, Colo, Most comfortable route to the North. REMINGTON TYPEWRITERS DeWitt's Little Early Risers for torpid it was a great ways off, and seemed to Passing around a low, wooded bank, T. J. HELM, General The Wabash is also the most direct Agent, TTTf liver every spring for years," writes R. be growing more indistinct. they saw a sight that made them halt Santa Fe, New Mexico. and only through car line to the East tTTtfftfTf Tf fTfTTTfTf f ftftftfffffffff y M. W. Va. "It's in the next " said Wil again. A canoe with three Indians in without change at either Si. Louis or Everly, Moundsville, "They 'open,' FILTHY TEMPLES IN INDIA. do me more than liam. "That is It wag pushing away from the shore. Chicago. good anything I have Sukey's. They can't Sacred cows often defile OFFICE SUPPLY CO., Dealers, ever tried.". Fischer be far off. Good luck! Now I'll They could see that it was heavily Indian tem Apply to nearest ticket agent or write Drug Company. but worse is" a to tho who will reserve have my colt and no trouble." laden, for it sunk deep into the water. ples, yet body that' undorslgned SantalFe - New Mexico Dy berti.. in Sleep'ng Cars. ANNUAL MEETING YOUNG PEO- The boys were then in the thick Only one Indian was paddling, and pouuiea constipation. .Don't per mit it. Cleanse your system with Dr, PaiL. P. Hitchcock, PLE'S CHRISTIAN UNION SO- -. forest. The last "open" was half the canoe very slowly advanced into Gen. Pass. ' King's New Life Pills and avoid untold Agt. Dept. CIETY OF THE UNITED PRES- mile behind them; the next might be the middle of the stream. Denver, Colo BYTERIAN CHURCH. as far in front of them. hast A fourth Indian had entered misery. They give lively livers, active They just fine ened forward eagerly, following the the river with two horses, on the bowels, good digestion, appetite, BIENNIAL MEETING KNIGHTS 23-2- Only 25c, at Fischer Drug . OF PYTHIAS. Tacoma, Wash'., July 7, 1902. sound of the bell that came tinkling back of one of which was a white boy, Company. For this occasion the Santa Fe will j at intervals through the woods. with his arms pinioned behind him. SUMMER TOURIST RATES TO COL 2, 1902. place on sale tickets to Tacoma and niey came to tne "open," a In the canoe, by the two dead hogs, ORADO. San Francisco, Calif., Aug. return at a rate of $35.45 from area of four was a prostrate figure, which they June 1st and Oc For the above occasion the Santa Fe Santa Fe nearly acres, lying Commencing until ' for the round trip. Dates of sale July low nnd level on the banks of the had no doubt was another captive. tober 15th, the Santa Fe will 'sell tick will sell tickets to San Francisco and AN 17-2- 1 2, $38.45 for the round inclusive, good for return until Connecticut. All at once the bells Sargent instantly ordered his party ets to Colorado points at the following return at a rate of 4 asms of to 9, 1902, September 15, 1902. ceased tinkling. io fire. They did bo, and two of the low rates: Denver, $32.55; Colorado trip; dates sale August return until Septem- . H. S. LUTZ, Agent, "Hint is singular. Indians in the canoe fell dead or fatal- Springs, $19.55; Pueblo, $17.55; tickets good for passage RIO GRAND Perhaps they call on . Santa Fe, N. M, have gone down to the river to drink,' ly wounded. The Indian' who was will be good for return passage until ber 30, 1902; for particulars any W. J. G. remarked in threw down his and October 31st. agent of the Santa Fe. LVJt2W BLACK, P. A., Topeka, Kas. William, looking that dl paddling paddle, Continuous passage jip H. S. rection. plunged into the river. A shot was to Pueblo, stop-ove- rs allowed at and LUTZ, Agent, A REAL FRIEND. Santa Fe, N. M. TBS P6PITLAR LINE TO "Oh. no, there's the horses over by fired at him, which either killed or north of Pueblo. Reduced rates from "I suffered from and W. J. G. P. A., dyspepsia indiges- thai clump of birches!" cried disabled him, for ho sank, and was all points in New Mexico to Denver, BLACK, tion for fifteen W. T. Charley. " Kansas. Colorado Springs, PoeMe, Cripple Creek, Leadvllle, years," says "tan f you see the old gray s side?" seen no more. Colorado Springs and Pueblo. For par Topeka, Glen Sturdevant of Merry Oaks, N. C. "Aft- wood Springs, Aspen, 6rand Junction, &an Lake "That's anyhow," declared The Indian on; horseback did not ticulars call on any agent of the Santa Hills. er I had tried doctors and med- strange, Gold in the Black City. Ogden, Butte, Helena, San Los Aft- - many Willinin, ' "The Inst .time I heard the lift his gun,? but very quietly urged Fe. H. S. Lutss, Agent, Francisco, icines to no one of friends per- The Burlinston Route has recently getes, avail my bell, f could swear it was on the other his horses across the river. Two of Santa Fe, N. M. Portland, Tacoma, Seattle. suaded me to Kodol. me Issued a 48 page booklet bearing the title try It gave side of the 'open.' " the settlers fired) at him, but the only W. J. BLACK, G. P. A. Mines and Minlne in tho Black Hills." immediate relief. I can eat' almost The boll commenced result was the splashing of his naked Kas. The book is one which should be read I want now and tinkling again. Topeka, REACHES ALL THE PRINCIPAL TOWNS AND MINUTO CAMPS IN COL anything my digestion It most assuredly was on the opposite skin by the disturbed water. bveverv minlne man in Colorado. It is Ko- HAPPY TIME IN OLD TOWN. RALfO, UTAH AN NEW MEXiTO. good. I cheerfully recommend side, nonr the stream. "Those horses are stolen, and the gives more Information about the mines dol." Don't to cure stomach trouble 'We felt very writes R. N. of the Black Hills than has ever before try "Stikcy and her colt must be over red imps mustn't get away wijth happy," That weakens Old Va "when Buck been between twocovers. A copy by dieting. only further there" .aid Chnrley, it's them," said "but don't fire Sevili, Town, placed the You need strange, Sargent; len's Arnica Salve cured our will be mailed tree on 10 ine THE system. wholesome, as you say, that they shouldn't bo to- again. We may injure the boy." wholly application TOURIST S FAVORITE DOUTE strengthening food. Kodol enables you - daughter of a bad case of scald head." undersigned. TO ALL MOUNTAIN RESORTS. gether." The settlers bent to their oars, and Tbe Slack 111119 need uoiorauo men to assimilate what you eat digesting It delights all who use it , for Cuts, by "Well, you go that way and I will In a few moments swept up alongside and money. Several of the shrewdest it without the stomach's aid. Fischer can can Corns, Burns, Bruises,. Boils, Ulcers, invested " go this. Iwe catch them, we of the struggling horses. men in this state have already The Une . Infallible for so Only Passing Through Salt Lake Ctty Enroute tc Drug Company. ride home. I do hope the colt is not The savage did not wait for them Eruptions. piles. Only heavily in the Hills. The results far 25c, The tne Pacific Coast. lost or hurt." Jo come but leaped into the water, at Fischer Drug Company. have been more than satisfactory. ANNUAL MEETING EDUCATIONAL up, comnletlon of the new line Wi'linm direction to- find swam to the aban- Burlington's' ASSOCIATION. started in the deliberately of the Feaoe Dockets to the Nortwest brings the Black Hills ward the nnd of course doned canoe, which was ten Justice Minneapolis, Minn,, July 1902. river, Charley floating The New Mexican Company within a night's ride of Denver. You ' walktu off in n course br a dozen rods from the New Hamp- Printing BETWBBN DENVER For the above occasion the Santa Fe just opposite. has civil and criminal dockets can leave Denver tonight and be in and When, the latter was about half-wa- shire side. This he clambered into. prepared Dead wood or tomorrow after will sell tickets to Minneapolis and re- for the use of of the Load City mm ALAMOSA SALT LAKE U?Yt across the he tnrnrri around Seized the paddle, and to steer especially justices noon. CRIPPLE turn at a rate of $41.10 for the round clearing, began are with ORBBK OODSN to look at William. To his ft toward the Vermont shore. peace. They especially ruled, G. W. VALLERY, LEADVILLE PORTLAND Dates, pf sale 4 and 5. Good surprise, In either or Den- - trip. July his was not to be seen. After had seized the horses, printed headings, Spanish Gen'l Aeent, Burlington Route, PRANfeHSO for return until 1, companion they made of record OLENWOOOSPAjNasgAN passage September 'While. lie was in mat direc- the white men turned their attention ' English, good paper, vor, Colo. UKAND JUNCTION LOS kMOSLM 1902. For call on any agent gazing and bound with leath particulars tion, he saw two Indians rise up to this bold who seemed de- strongly durably of the Santa Fe. warrior, er back and covers and canvas sides; st. from behind a clump of alders nnd termined to escape with the canoe, Plissoofi Code Pleading mm, lwh ixivsu RSfto. . H. S. LUTZ, Agent, have a full Index In front and the fees ,. ' look toward the river. At that in- -' Two of them, who had reloaded, shot Santa Fe, N. II. stant William around a both of justices of the peace and constables By Wt. Brorett W. Patttoon, G. reappeared at him, but, though expert on The W. J. BLACK, P. A., Topeka, K8. bend of the stream, where he had failed to harm him. printed In full the first page. Auhor of Pattison's Complete Digest. marksmen, they 10 Inches. These book 600 $6. Delivered been .hidden from the of his !The close of their pages are Nearly Pages. Price, SAVED FROM AN AWFUL. FATE. sight proximity bullets, are made In civil and criminal doc This hook is a very une friend. . forced him to the up important E. T. JEFFERY, President, RUSSELL Vice-Pre- s. "Everybody-sai- had however, . HARDING, ana I consumption," ' relinquish kets, separate, of 820 pages each or with for all Lawyers., Chambers-bur- g, As soon as William saw the Canoe. Denver, Colo, writes Mrs. A. M. Shields, of savages, both civil and criminal bound in one The New Mexico Code is largely Gen'l Mgr., St. Louis, Mo, he turned to run. One of the Indians above -- M. Pa "I was so low "after six Holding his rifle his head, the 80 civil and 320 crlm modeled On the Missouri Code so that HERBERT, Manager, A. S. HUGHES, Gen'l Traffic Manager, at this fired after the and swam Ver- book, pages pages months' of severe sickness, caused bv fleeing boy undaunted1 savage to the inal. To introduce them are offer this book and the Form book, are the Denver, Colo. Denver, Colo, enot nIm the wrist, mont they most for thereunder. Hay Fever and Asthma that few through shore, and, landing unharmed, - practicable uje S. H. BABCOCK, Asst. Gcn'l Traffic S. K. Gen'l ed at the following low prices: sets as as Is con HOOPER. Pass'rand Tide I could get well, but I learned The shot whirled him violently disappeared in the forest. 00 It forth, succinctly Salt Lake thought Civil or criminal .....$4 sistent with clearness, the con- i Mgr., City, Utah. Agent, Denver, Colo. merit of Dr. round. The savages then seized him, The white men now rowed to - present of 'the marvelous King's up Combination civil and criminal 5 00. of as ond him with a deerskin aim- dition the law governing pleading New Discovery for Consumption, used binding Ithe canoe, which was drifting For 45 cents additional for a single tbe courts of last resort Wrong, carried him interpreted by it. was cured." For to their canoe, lessly round and round. on and completely -- I A Jl A docket or 65 cents additional for a In Missouri. The decisions are mostly M.Ui I., il nu mr .11.1 shoot! desperate Throat and Lung Diseases it i""""' river uistuui,. "Don't I'm a white boy!" docket, they will be sent by those of the Missouri courts; though in - the Cried is the safest cure In the world, and Is Meanwhile, Charley, seeing a voice, as they approached. mall or prepaid express Cash In full some instances Illustrations have been Bron- - of his was drawn from the decisions of other code iJ: Infallible for Coughs, Colds and plight .companion, moving It was poor William, who, with his must accompany order. State plainly chlal Affections. Guaranteed bottles slowly away from the dangerous limbs bound with deerskin, was just or states. 4 IMPORTANT GATEWAYS whether English Spanish printed The Author Believes In 4 60c and $1.00. Trial bottles free at neignDornooa. ne nopea tne Indians able to sit up in the canoe. Is wanted. Address Thoroughly bad not seen him. Alone and heading tbe Advantages of the Code System of Fischer Drug' Company. without "Well, saved horses any- NEW MEXICAN PRIOTTNG CO., M knew you've tjie Pletdlng. any suitable weapon, he that he how; but the colt's gone, sure," he N. M. could do Santa Fe, He further believes that precision and LOW RATES EAST via SANTA FE. nothing toward, rescuing fcxclaimed, as lie glanced around, and His was of exactness are even of more importance poor William, plan to return , From one dozen to twenty copies On June 5, 6, 7, 12, 13, 23, 24, to Baw that the horses were secure. in code pleading than In. pleading at com- to the settlement as quickiy as pos : the New Mexican are sent out dally 12, the, San One of ., men jumped mon law. For, while it is true that the September- sible, Inform his father of the circum Sargent's to and ta ' CaSt Aboard the canoe, end padldled it enquiries applicants concerning common law requires the utmost strict VCket8nw. t.nce. and have a start at once Fe. This Is the best kind at the following low Chicago party ashore, where William and Charley Santa very ness In adherence to iqrms, yet, it its I rPGPI10 of advertisement and Is good forms are followed, the need and $48.35; St. Louis, $43.35; syere both, released from their bonds. bearing practitioner return, In order to reacB43re at the short-- as number of tourist have little fear of attack upon his plead Then the boys mounted their horses, fruit, the large Z-r,- T notice he had made his mind healthseekers In the abund ing, even though that pleading should PA T ' and Minneapolis' up bid their rescuers adieu, and returned and city, as Moines, $40.; to the horse. He could V;'- totally fall to inform his opponent as to nU gray block-hous- e, snows. $46.30; to other in the of (to the which they antly .'.."'. in Issue. On points State jBee the animal still standing half the real points the other Kansas, Nebraska, Missouri. Iowa, the of and had reached Just before sundownv hand, the very object of the Code Is to n(p) grove poplars, Wis-m- jithin was serious to make clear the Illinois, Minnesota, Michigan, and o that was William's wound not a compel parties grounds suspicion anything and soon recovered from upon which their rlebt to recover, or, consin. For further particulars call on' tine, he it; Is jvrong. their defense, based, . ho law who or address, H. S. LUTZ, ' I but ha was accustomed to relate, as f yer ; Agent, Directing his Steps toward the pop-T- Is well grounded In the rules of Dleadlne G". he told the story in after years; that 1 J. BLACK, P. A., Santa Fe. ars, Charley crept up near and near-- J will surely have the advantage in lltiga-- - he never felt so in his life as he Topgka,- Kansas. looking warily around for fear of queer tion. The constant study of this valuable (did while curled down by the set '' . Indians.' v lying work, familiarity with the rules forth I Head when the settlers were In and with the decisions VIRULENT CANCER CURED." ,He wa,ked wlthm flv9 feet of hogs, mm it, enforcing pto and Indians were and those cannot fail 'No Trouble to Answer Questions." Startling proof of a wonderful ad. fche of was on firing the tumbling Cure interpreting rules, :clump poplars, and the canoe. Golden Dyspepsia to make one a good vm' " u lu.uKswi on but of tho Days, pleader. o.t.. Mint of placing his hand the gray . SPECIAL OFFER To those who buy TAtE FAST Digests what you eat. both books at once, we will offer Pat- man there had suffered contains all of old long with CANDV OkTHARTIC . LETTERS COPIED WHILE WRITING This preparation the tison's Pleading Form Book (Price, 5.- - "CAJ10RI what good doctors pronounced Incur, dlgestants and digests all kinds of If ordered within the ' next 30 TljE TRAIJV food.. instant relief and never 00.) days Mil" able cancer. They believed his case It gives for 84.00 additional, thus offering the used fail to cure, v itaiJowsyou to eat all two all there is be said This handsomely equipped train laves El Paso dally andj-un- s through to St hopeless Blectrjc Bitters AY PEN. food wan he most works, giving tj Louis without where direct, connections are Bucklen's Arnica the you t.f sensitive about In Missouri. change, lna" the North and and applied Salve, SMMrfiftf. . i ANY INK. stomachs can take it. By its use many Pleading East; also direct connections via Shreveport or New Orleans for'tan n tha treatment cured- in one order, prepaid for fio.oo. puin which completely him. NONKLAY. y;K ANY PAPER. thousands or dyspeptics nave oeeo Southeast. When Electric Bitters are used to ex- GMobtttUmfwd CC.C Nv told In bulk. cured after everything else failed. It ' Bcwar flit dealer who to mII Ksw Printing Co., pel bilious, kidney and microbe poisons cf Mo prevents formation of gas on the stom- Csilcq Latest Pattern Pullman Buffet Sleepers ' , at the same time this salve exerts its "MmctNnf JutfM good." V TREHURHX KANIF6L0 BOSK. ach, relieving all distressaftcreating, Santa Fe, N. M. Elegant New Chair Cars Seats Free matchless healing power, blood dis- Dieting unnecessary. Pleasant to take. Solid Vestlbuled Trains Throughout eases, skin eruptions, ulcers and sores $48.75 to Portland Tacoma and Seat- Writ far description, uafl ., ' St oan't . " . . . help Pea carbon copy books are for sal For or infoi call on or address. 60c, Salve 25c Fisch- tle and returnSanta Fe. t t fworlrantprieMM descriptive pamphlet, other aatlon, vanish. Bitters at nut no t. n - m i - yon good ,ulu . ' " - K. O. & w er Drug Company. v.v San- OPPIOK SUPPLT COMPANY Prepared only By I)e Wit Co.. Chicago, j "v E. P. TURNER. G P. AT A., DAL TE A ' San. Francisco and return $$8.45, The bottfe coiitaiissi itr 'Wrin- - w Xt the best and cheapest In the agar-- Subscribe for the New Mexican. . ta Ft. FMoast Draft ua. t. a, can ana see Mr ynraeir. R W. CURTIS i. W. P. A EL PASO. TEXAS

A, All Goods MINOR CITY TOPICS PERSONAL MENTION DIAMONDS, WATCHES AND JEWELRY Engraved The Stimulus Free of Cos of Fe Ph. K. Glraldl of Denver, is a visitor JJEW! HEW! Quite a number Santa parties of Pure Blood Clocks, Optical Goods, Jewelry;Novelties, Sterling Silver,Table and Toiletware, are over on the Pecos fishing. in the capital today. is In is is Cut Glass, Fine China, Mexican Caned Leather Goods, Belts, Purses, Card Cases Exchange: Llzbeth Eledge, Jane Na- Jose Montoya of Kl Hscobosa, That what required by Santa Fe tions, Duncan, Ariz.; Jmnes CarrlKiin, buying supplies. every organ of the body, for the YOU WILL FIND JUST RECEIVED Marshal F. W. WEjHAVE THE,M0STaC0MPLETE LINE;INjTHEl,S0UTHWEST Kennedy, Deputy United States functions. Is proper performance of its A Shipment of Bon-To- Pedro A. Sanchez, Ojo Hall In the capital today. Sarca; H. Horsman, Twin Lukes, Colo.; H. K Gibson went to Cenilos this af- It prevents biliousness, dyspep- ternoon T. F. Lawler, Olorleta; J. R White, a. on mining business. sia, constipation, kidney complaint, H. CI. Tsbel Is In terri- Palmer's Latest Perfumes of Denver, the rheumatism, catarrh, nervousness, torial on business San Antonio Day, on Friday of this capital today. n C, L. w e a k ess, faintness, pimples, Violet Leaves, Red Clover, Rose Leaves, week, will be celebrated with a feast Pollard, the Kspanola merchant, and dancing by the Pueblo IntllanB of ;is 1,1 Santa Fe today on business. blotches, and all cutaneous erup- LOOSE JUfTD American Carnation and Other Odors. Santa Clara. Frank Ford will leave this evening tions. OPALS AND TURQUOIS The board of county commissioners for Jemez Springs to take the baths. Professor I. Davlla of Mexico, It perfects all the vital processes. FISCHER DRUG COMPANY is holding evening sessions in order to Parral, All of Our Goods and WorkWill be Found Just as Represented get through Its work as a- board of was an arrival in Santa Fe this noon. W. P. Keeton, Woodstock; Ala,, took Hood's Mexico to make his blood He No. San Francisco Street Santa Fe, New No, 5 County Superintendent of Schools Ssrsaparilla pure. 30 equalization. Today precinct writes that he had not felt well but tired for was completed by the commissioners. John V. Conway is confined to his room South Side with Illness. some time. Before he had finished the first Two prominent railroad men had n bottle of this medicine he felt better and of Plaza TRY clash In the postofflce this noon. Blood W, E. Coxe, Esq., who was a guest when he hod taken the second was lke TRY THErl! THEF1J at the left for flowed freely. One had several fingers Sanitarium, this morning another man -f- ree from that tired feeling his home at Alamosa. and able to do his work. broken and the other received several j GOLD'S bad cuts in the head. The aggressor A. Singer and son of Albuquerque, ar- was arrested and paid his fine. rived last evening and left this morn- Hood's Sarsaparilla & BRO. J. E. Grimes of Mo., a of ing for Mora on a business trip. H. B. CARTWRI6HT Paris, friend Promises to cure and keeps the OLD CURIOSITY SHOP P. S. Davis of this city, died suddenly Miss Grace Albro of Battle Creek, at Salt while on his to the Mich., writes to friends that she In-- " promise. Accept no substitute, No. 4 BAKERY. Lake, way San Francisco conclave of the Shriners at San Fran- tends to visit Santa Fe this summer. but get Hood's today. ' Street, CornenBurro; Alley PLAZA. Mr. Grimes intended to Benlgno Quintana of Hobart, is In SOUTH SIDE OF cisco. had stop ESTABLISHED 1859 off in Santa Fe on his return home. Santa Fe today on business with Coun WANTED: Four bricklayers. Apply to The schools will for the ty Superintendent of Schools J. V. Con Brothers. Wholesale Feed and county open Digneo ABE GOLD and Retail Dealer In Groceries, Crockery. next term in September under the most way. R. L. A. Davis, the plumber, will improve the r0-t- t 551 school dis- MeCanne, W. Bayer and E. IMPERIAL FLOUR. THE BEST, 35. favorable auspices. Each looks of with a Western terms B. Felld left on a along your property, trict has ample funds and the yesterday trip Anchor Iron fence. than CEREALS. toe the route of the Santa Fe Central Rail- Cheaper any will longer than ever before. Good I which aro desireable other fence. Indian and Wo carry a nice line of fresh Uroakfust foods, especially for Santa Fe county. way. Ujexican Curios at thia season of tlio vear. Claire: II. Harman, Twin Lakes; A. James A- Chaves, son of Colonel J. Miss Crane, expert stenographer and of 'Wheat - - r.Oc Indian Indian 3 packages Cream Grapo Nuts, per package St. W. C. Dickerson and Francisco Chaves, arrived this noon typewriter.' Independent Stenographic Navajo Blankets, Moqui Blankets, i li.cian Blankets - 15c Hreakfast Fond 15c Hart. Louis; Chimallo Indian Indian Force, per package Imperial from the Chaves ranch in eastern Va - ; Office, Prince Block. Latest method of Blankets, Apache Baskets, Pima Indian Baskets, 3 Ralston Food - 50c wife. New York; Dr. S. A. Bolander, Shredded Wheat JSIscilit - - 15c packages lencla Papago Indian Baskets, Maricopa Indian Baskets, Pueblo Inndian Baskets, Chicago: Jo E. Sheridan, Silver City; county. practical short hand taught. Indien Acomo Indian ' CANNED FRUIT. Dr. C. M. Whlcher and Guadalajara Baskets, Pottery, Pima Indian Pottery Dalsie Raton; R. D. Gibbon, of Carlsbad, with anti- Indian Cocbiti Indian San Pot- is of and in Now Is the timo to use Patterson, Facial electric treatments Papago Pottery, Pottery, Ildefonso, Indian Frexh fruit scarce, poor quality high price. A. and Miss Sue Darlington Copeland of Char- Santa Clara Indian Zuna Indian Guadala- CANNED FRUIT. Las Vegas: F. McHurg wife, septic face cleansing; baths and com- tery, Pottery, (ancient) Pottery, CALIFORNIA iton, Iowa, will be married at the home Indian Bows and Tom-To- m can - 15c Extra Standard, 3 cans for - - 50c Boulder, Colo. plexion remedies; also electric scalp jara Pottery, Arrows, Drums, War Clubs, Buck- California Table Fruit, per of the bride on June IS. skin Beaded Goods, Dance Rattles, Burnt Leather and Buckskin We also have Eastern canned fruit in large variety. We especially recommend Yesterday was hotter even than the treatment and massage. Apply to Mrs. Goods, Mrs. Simon who has been Navajo Hammered Silver Jewelry, Mexican Jewelry. '. Out Idols, Pot- the FERNDELL BRAND. day before, the thermometer indicating BacharaeTi, Kerr. Dug II- - tery, etc., from the Cliff Dwellings. Our Specialty: Mexican Drawn Work Anderson's .lams (first grade) 2 cans for 25 cents. a maximum heat of 85 degrees. The visiting her mother, Mrs. Henrietta tomorrow for Beauties." HOT WEATHER GOODS. minimum was 60 degrees. The tem- feid, will leave morning "Speckled her home at Las I Mountain trout, Spanish mackerel, Now is the time for foods which require little or no cooking. Wo have an end perature at 6 o'clock this morning was Vegas. Senator W. H. Andrews will chickens, Bob White quail, less variety of canned (ish and meats. GO degrees. For tonight local thunder- probably prairie beef in cans - - 15 and 25c and Senator mountain cottontail, squabs, 2 cans condensed soup - - 25c Chipped storms are predicted. arrive tonight Arthur grouse, 20c Sliced beef In - -- . - 30c look the dovesV and that the market Sardines - 5, 10, 12, jars The train from the west is eight hours Kennedy tomorrow, to after anything -tb - 25c hash 20c Bon-To- n Cottage, Ham or Loaf The train from the south construction work of the Santa Fe affords at the Restaurant. X-- - Reef Salad - 15c late today. ft Veal or Cottago Loaf - irc Central Railway. Pnvn - - 12V.c Forndoll Shrimvjs - 30c came in but failed to bring the mall SPECIAL NOTICE. l.unph Oysters Mr. and Mrs. Samuel of Cha-mit- a, from Albuquerque and points south Eldodt, The New Mexican Printing Company HAY, GRAIN, FEED AND POTATOES. are visitors in Santa Fe for a owing to some red tape regulation. This has on hand a quantity of tablets made We aro handlers of these products and can give you best goods at very low Mr. in large the miserable mall few days. Eldodt reports crops from ledger, linen, flat and book papers Rcnipi again emphasizes FROM prices. Mexico and which the vicinity of San Juan and Chamita 10 cents HIGH GRADE COFFEE. service given to New which they will close out at should to be In excellent condition. for school b the department remedy. per pound.Suitable purposes Chase & Sanborn's Soal brand Java and Mocha, Tb & th cans per-l- - 40c Jo E. Sheridan of Silver City, United ' also useful for the -tti & 2- -tt per-t- - 40c Palace: Sol. St. Louis; F. and businessmen, Ferndoll Java & Mocha Coffee, cans, - - - Rosenberg, States coal mine arrived last ------inspector, limited per-l- b 25c J. Samuel Eldodt home. Only a supply. Ferndell Albion Blond high grado Coffee, Hofheins, Lamar; from Monero, Rio Arriba coun- b --- 25c evening Our Own Coffee, in lb & tb cans, per-l- and wife. Chnmlta; C. L. Pollard, Public, and Type- lti where he Inspected the coal mines, Notary Stenographer Our Leader Mocha & Java, cans, per can - - - - - D. L. Lummis, Peabody, Kas.; ty, and left today for the coal mines in writer. Translations S. Eaton, New York;' Edward Julian Macho canon on the Peoos river forest From Spanish Into English and f om Hale Albuquerque; H. G. Isbel, Den- Into made. Vbolesaie ana Retail Dealer reserve. English Spanish carefully ver; Ph. E. Glraldl, Denver; F. W. Hall, Office with U. S. Attorney for the Court Julian S. Eaton, a New York attor- in the Following Specialties A. Singer and son, Albuquerque. of Private Land Claims, Federal Build- ney, claim examiner for the liability T. J. agent of the Den- ing. Francisco Delgapo. Helm, general of The Travelers' Insur- N. M. OUT AT Hard- ver and Rio Grande in this department Santa Fe, SELLING EASTERN COST! Guns, Pistols, Ammunition, Trimmings, Harness, Railway ance of New York, was being for Company WANTED: ware, Tinware, Crockery, Glassware. Boots, Shoes, city, has completed arrangements shown the of Santa Fe by Experienced dry goods an excursion from Santa Fe to San sights today and Hats, Clothing, Carpets, Plated Ware, Watches. Clocks, H. S. Lutz, the city agent of the Santa clerk, speaks English Spanish. No- Juan Pueblo on June 24, when the References. SELIGMAN BROS. Jewelry, Gems, Fireworks, Stationery, Toys and Fe Railway Company. Having concluded to retire from business July Pueblo Indians of that place will have 1 tions, Japanese Goods, Pipes, Cigars, Tobacco, Curtains Hanna, who Is a law student "A Hare Selection." 1, Will sell entire of Cloth- -- their annual dance and feast. The San Harry my stock, consisting and a Full Line of Musical Instruments and Fixtures Boul- Is most in the University of Colorado at Just received a large assortment Gents' Furnisi Also and Glass Keot on Hand : : ; : : Juan festival the Interesting ing, ig Goods, Hats, Caps, etc., Oils, Paints Pueblo Indian celebration in this vicin- der, has returned home for his vaca- from Old Mexico of nice spring lambs, tion. He was accompanied by his mountain oysters, and Mexican AT COST The Outing Season is ity and undoubtedly a large crowd will Rocky EASTERN mates of the Bon-To- n go to San Juan to witness it. class junior class, Walter rabbits. Call and see us at the M. and All New for a Apple friend, Hugo Walglin, restaurant. new goods, purchased within the last year. Guns, Tents, Outing Supplies, Negotiations are pending game who will leave for California of to be at on tonight and Second Hand, for Sale or Rent ball played Santa Fe AGENTS to 525 han- Fe Centrals with Hon, M. R. Otero.yregister of the eirn ta per day Sunday by the Santa our Newest Patent 20th Cen- J. H. BLAIN, Santa Fe, IS. M. the Browns. The winners land office, returned last evening from dling Albuquerque a to tury Combination Punching, Grip and GO cent of trip Los Lunas and Albuquerque. are to receive per the gate Wrist Slot" Machines. Four combina- 40 cent. He reports that a drouth is prevailing receipts and the losers per Ar tions in one machine. One sent on trial. also made for in the Rio Grande valley, but that thus rangements are being Will giv exclusive Ameri- with the Antonito and Alamosa far there has been sufficient water In territory. games can Auto Engineering Co., 220 Broad- OLD CURIO STORE teams. The of St, the Rio Grande for irrigation purposes. TrE athletic grounds way. New York. A J. W. of the Michael's College Wave been completely Riggs forestry depart- Come THE ORIGINAL ment and a. government : and convince yourself as to fenced in, the grand stand repaired and entomologist, .I'ou ssalj-j- An old established mer prices. will be in Santa Fe In the near future the diamond put In good condition. cantile business and a fine fruit farm to go over the Pecos forest reserve and committee from Carleton worth $10,000 for $6,000 cash. Full crop Gold" Curio Store The Post, other sections to the conditions of SOL. Jake Woman's Relief study of fruit. Thos. McQuiston, Rlnconada, SPIEGELBERG, Corps, having charge forests In New Mexico, as well as to JAKE GOLD, Manager. J. S. CANDELARIO, Prop. of the exercises to be held In the Plaza New Mexico. investigate and recommend certain lo- on June 14, commem Wholesale and Retail Dealers In Saturday evening, calities in which the seeks Santa Fe, New Mexico. oratlve of the 125th of the government anniversary to establish new forest reserves. birth' of the Stars and Stripes, has Pedro A. Sanchez of Taos"! about completed the arrangements for Ojo Sarco, a in Fe x A Few Mexican and Indian Curios a very interesting program. The two county, is visitor Santa today. ... - He that crops are well J", OF TUB -- - city bands have kindly consented to reports standing In his of the The Best Place to Buy Navajo Blankets, Indian and Mexican Potterv, play and Judge A, J. Abbott and A. B part county, that grass- from the Cliff and in Fact all not sec- Office Relics Dwellings, IndianjBaskets, Sons Renehan, Esq., will speak In English, hoppers have yet Invaded that Conveniences of Curios of Indian and, Mexican' Make .Can) Be Found at Our Store tion and and are do- and Colonel J. Francisco Chaves In that, sheep cattle FOR SAI.ti BY ing well. He reports that there Is BOX : : : : N. M Spanish, each to make a ad VENTA A COSTODeToRIENTE P. 0. 346 , SANTAOFE, s, dress. splendid trout flsTiing in the Lns Tram-pa- Rio Pueblo and Santa Barbara Office Supply Company At a of the board of fire meeting creeks. commissioners held last evening, the n Copying books Professor H. A. Owen of tho New THE OXFORD CLUB following committees were appointed Japanese paper lettor press books. Habiendo determinado retfrarme de negocios el dia fro Mat to make arrangements for the usual Mexico Normal School at Silver City, Oiled coping boards for same. de Julio, vendere todo mi surtido que consiste de Ropa, Price h Fourth of celebration: Executive arrived this noon to visit Professor and Roiler copying-clot- baths. Suple para Caballeros, Sombreros, Cachuchas, etc.. July Mrs. J. A. Wood! Japanned zinc WHISKIES AND BRANDIES LEMP'S KEG BEER committee, Major Fred Muller, Jose Next month he will copyingcloth pans. to to Rubber cloths for baths. A COSTO DEL ORIENTE. 3 Drinks for 10 Cents each 2 of those large glasses 5o each Sanchez, A. M. Dettelbach; finance go Minneapolis attend the Nat- ional Educational Association Lover and Screw copying presses, IMPORTED WINES committee, J. B. Sloan, Eugenlo Sena, meeting. Office Ticklers. 2 10 Cents " CIGARS LEADING BRANDS. From there he will to to Todos son efectos nuevos comprados durante este ano. Drinks for Francisco Gonzales y Baca. The an go Chicago Legal blank cabinets. . Climate 3 for - each take a course at the Uni- I CALIFORNIA WINES Dry 12fc nuai military, firemen's and decorated sbort special Document files a descriptions. " 2 before to 2 Drinks for 5 Cents Kins; Coal for 12c wagon parade will be one of the feat versity of Chicago returning Filing envelopes. - -- Posts! scales from to $.1.50. UOTTLED CALIFORNIA WINES Prince Hal 3 for 13Kc ures as will be also the usual races, etc. Silver City. $1.35 VENTA COMEHZABA EL LUNES, DIA 2d0 DEJDHIO 2 1 25c " Copy holders for typewriters. qt bottles for Other brands 2 for 5c - In the afternoon and speeches, music Among the guestB at the hotel of Hon. EXPORT LEMP'S BEER Antonio Taos Remington typewriters. No extra made for clear water and fire works In the evening. Joseph at Ojo Caliente, Swinging stands. 2 rt bottles for 25o ' charge are Peter typewriter ' and matches. City Attorney B. M. Read is now In county, Archbishop Bourgade Large assortment typewriter era- sean convencidos con referenda a los I.UE RIBBON BEER of Santa Fe, his Grace being rapidly on sers. Vengan y precios 1 " The above are to possession of the names of all those 2 qt bottles for 35c prices subject change the road to recovery from an attack of Typewriter ribbon specially mado 1-- pt " who subscribed for the building of the SOL. 2 bottles for 20c after the 1st day of January, 1903. Father Simon of El lor dry climate. SPIEGELBERG, Palace avenue sewer and only such illness, RIto; Father Antonio of Tlerra Carbon paper that does not smut. J. E. LACOME, subscribers are allowed to tap the sew Amarilla; best Proprietor. Father Seux of San V, C. Rocho Large variety typewriter pa- Santa Fe, Nuevo Mexico) er without paying for the tapping. All Juan; per. of San Francisco; Mrs. Venceslao Jar-amll- lo others who have the sewer Faber and Eagle leadponclls, pen- tapped of El Rito her Mrs. without permission from the and and mother, holders; pens, Ink, erasers and city Martinez of Romero - PLEASURE TO THE BUTCHER AND BROWN without for the will be Taos, and Juan f. rubber bands at wholesalers pr.'- CRISP paying tapping and of the San Luis ces and prosecuted unless they at once obtain family valley. PLEASURE TO THE BUYER AND WHOLESOME a and for the EVERYTHING FOR AN OFFICE permit pay tapping. It "Qoodtor We to TonrEyes." Write for circulars and prices. watoh the meat we buy. It cost so We make the : best loaf bread you ever behooves the trespassers forthwith Bon-To- Tame To look in the Ice box at the n much should have the best and is oar'e call on the city attorney and pay up to OFFICE you quality ate. It a combination of in making lies! where they keep all kinds of good SUPPLY COMPANY, be sure avoid a law suit. ,.. of the Greatest good in buying. and judement in baking. enough to to eat. We In v-- ' Santa Fe, N. M. Light things handle anything We BUT as LOW as we CAN and SELL as be wholesome and substantial to be There is much complaint by citizens season in western and south- enough eastern, LOW as we DAEE so that our and about reckless pistol shooting within ern markets. Come and see us. patrons get pleasing strengthening. It is just the city limits. Last Sunday afternoon the benefit and we try as hard as possible brown enough to look right and taste right. "OUR PLACE" a dog on the south side bit Miss E. to satisfy each and every one A trial will convince yon of its merits 1 : Hines In the arm. The owner of , the We have WAGON Will Be Found a Full Line of Table Wines for Family Trade dog offered-t- take lilm outside of the a HUEEY at your disposal, not from the POLICE STATION, but M. " Orders : : s : : limits and shoot him, but Dr. J. by Telephone Will Be Promptly Filled city from the ST0BE that tries to make its delivery system the subjeot of commenda- -, Dlas advised them to keep the dog ten IT'SEASV W. R. PRICE, Santa Fe, IN. M. days longer to determine whether he To make you homes bright tion instead of complaint, v Want anything in a hurry we will get it to your Prop. - had the rabies. The dog was safely auu aaraenve wiin . , . chained to await developments. This R S. DAVIS COAIPANY morning Tiowever, parties who- are The known, commenced filing at the dog, PHONE 53 SAN FRANCISCO STREET SANTA FE entering upon private premises to do Sherwin-I'illiau-s so. The first shot struck the dog in the foot, the' second struck a window Paints blind across the street, while a third CO struck the dog, but did not kill him because they are each made TFE CI(AS. VAGfJEIFURJJITUf(E The parties then went home but return for certain purposes. . . the WE LEAD IN EVERYTHING. ed and fired three shots more at f suffering and howling dog. There were A paint for Furniture, for Floors, many children playing In the neigh- for Bath Tubs, for Houses, in borhood and it is a wonder that no one fact anvthintt oaintable. not one cmDaimer ana CriESALE yaoun, hay, was injured. That kind of criminal S - skpaih mixture for all kinds of heedlessness should be stopped. surfaces. Remember, it's putting the right paint in the right place will HALF FARE EVERYWHERE, VIA thafs the secret of paint success. We tell you the tight paint humeral Director: f ' L THE D. and R. G. to use., C2TA.-- fl GRAIJU, POTATOES, A rate of one fare for round trip will on D. and Ciiarles Wagner, tactical Embalmer. , If be made between all points SOLD BY cz.uc: a G. R. R July 8 and 4, final limit to Chinawsre Olasswaie, JNetnn Tnmts and Molding Movm ud Kusm SALT and SEEDS. return Julv 6. Tickets limited to con- ' IVajn! MaA to Ordr Oooda Sold o s tinuous passage In both directions: W. H. 60EBEL, HARDWARE Stay Vajraimtft . T. 10. - , x J. HELM, Telephone San Francisco Street. RAILROAD BLOCK . . SANTA N. At Calls Answered from Residence s. - - Only Exdzzlve Onin House In City. Santa Fe, N. M. Gen. Agt. ... FE, Night Telephone Ho. ,