RE Curriculum Skills Progression
RE curriculum skills Term 1 Term 2 Term 3 Term 4 Term 5 Term 6 Vocabulary EYFS Talk about members of their Recognise some similarities and differences between life love, harvest, immediate family and community. in this country and life in other countries. thank you, trust, Name and describe people who are Explain some similarities and differences between life in generosity, familiar to them. this country and life in other countries, drawing on knowledge from stories, nonfiction texts and (when courage, Bible Understand that some places are appropriate) maps. Christmas, special to members of their Bethlehem, community. Opportunities: Mary, Joseph, Life in other countries donkey, inn, Recognise that people have different Easter beliefs and celebrate special times in shepherds, Star, different ways. stable Easter, Talk about the lives of the people disciples, Palm around them and their roles in Sunday, cross, society. tomb, risen Know some similarities and friend, differences between different friendship, religious and cultural communities in trust, this country, drawing on their Church, experiences and what has been read Holy, in class. Temple. Pray, Opportunities: prayer, Family photos christening, Our environment baptism, Festivals and celebrations – Harvest, wedding, Bonfire Night, Diwali, Christmas, celebration, birthdays birthday Year 1 Describe simply some Christian beliefs Identify Identify some ways Christians Recognise and name some Harvest, about God special celebrate symbols of belonging from their Harvest Describe simply some Christian beliefs objects and Christmas/Easter/Harvest/Pentecost own experience, for Christians Festival, about Jesus symbols and some ways a festival is and at least one other religion, Christian, gift, Retell a story that shows what found in a celebrated in another religion (A1).
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