Social, Economic and Symbolic Perspectives at the Dawn of Metal Production Edited by Cecilia Conati Barbaro Cristina Lemorini BAR International Series 2372 2012 Published by Archaeopress Publishers of British Archaeological Reports Gordon House 276 Banbury Road Oxford OX2 7ED England
[email protected] BAR S2372 Social, Economic and Symbolic Perspectives at the Dawn of Metal Production © Archaeopress and the individual authors 2012 ISBN 978 1 4073 0962 0 Printed in England by 4edge, Hockley All BAR titles are available from: Hadrian Books Ltd 122 Banbury Road Oxford OX2 7BP England The current BAR catalogue with details of all titles in print, prices and means of payment is available free from Hadrian Books or may be downloaded from THE BEGINNING OF METALLURGIC PRODUCTION AND THE SOCIOECONOMIC TRANSFORMATIONS OF THE SARDINIAN ENEOLITHIC Maria Grazia Melis Dipartimento di Scienze Umanistiche e dell’Antichità, Università di Sassari (Italy) Ramona Cappai, Laura Manca and Stefania Piras Ecole doctorale 355, Université de Provence, CNRS, LAMPEA – UMR 6636 (France) Corresponding author:
[email protected] Introduction (MGM) Understanding dynamics of socioeconomic transformations which mark the transition from the Neolithic to the first Copper Age and the development of the Eneolithic in Sardinia requires an analysis of the cultural evolution of the Ozieri phenomenon across its main phases: the Ancient (San Ciriaco), the Middle (Su Tintirriolu), the Recent (Pranu Mutteddu?) and the final (Sub-Ozieri) one (Melis et al., 2007). Especially between the recent phase and the final one, elements of innovations can be noticed. This will produce a gradual change in the Neolithic substrate even if settling strategies and funerary rituals appears to remain largely unchanged.