Trinity College Bulletin, May 1956
TRINITY COLLEGE BULLETIN MAGAZINE ISSUE • MAY 1956 • HARTFORD, CONNECTICUT IN THIS ISSUE Concerning Costello Drama and the Curriculum Spotlight on Grades " Program of Progress" Report • with the Faculty on Campus Books in Review DR. HARRY ToDD CosTELLO TRINITY COLLEGE BULLETIN VOL. LIII No. 5 May, 1956 Edited by Kenneth C. Parker Staff: Dale W. Hartford David W. Lee, '56 Advisory Committee: Albert E. Hol On Camp us :« :« :« land '34, Thomas A. Smith '44, John F. Butler '33, John A. RADIOCARBO DATING-Dr. W. of marches, classics, and light con Mason '34, Dr. George B. F. Libby, U. S. Atomic Energy Com cert numbers. The Glee Club, con Cooper. missioner, spoke on "Radiocarbon ducted by Dr. Clarence H. Barber, Dating" in an open lecture in the sang religious selections, folk songs, Chemish·y Auditorium May 3. and four excerpts from George Dr. Libby is the originator of the Gershwin's "Of Thee I Sing." The Radiocarbon Dating method of de guest soloist in the Gershwin rendi termining the age of objects originally tions was Miss Patricia Hughes, con obtained from living matter, and dis tralto, of the Hartt School of Music. cussed this method at the lecture. The doctor explained the revolu 0 0 0 0 tionary process, stating that a minute CLASS AGE T-The Class Agent Published e leven times a year by Trinity constant proportion of the carbon in College. Ente red J a nuary 12, 1904, at Hart Committee for the Class of 1956 has ford , Connecticut, as second class matter, living plants or animals is mildly ra been chosen and announced by the under the Act of Congress of July 16, dioactive.
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