Bibliography of R. M. Chisholm
BIBLIOGRAPHY OF R. M. CHISHOLM Abbreviations: JP for Journal of Philosophy; PPR for Philosophy and Phenomeno logical Research; Ph. Rev. for Philosophical Review; and JSL for Journal of Symbolic Logic. [1] 'Sextus Empiricus, and Modern Empiricism', Philosophy of Science vm (1941), 371-384. [2] 'The Problem of the Speckled Hen', MindLI (1942), 368-373. [3] Review of Lewin's Topological and Vector Psychology by Robert W. Leeper, PPRIV (1943),110-113. [4] Review of Art Criticism and Semantic Discipline by Lewis W. Beck, PPR IV (1943),578-580. [5] 'The Relation of Mental Disorders to Race and Nationality', (with R. w. Hyde) New England, Journal ofMedicine 231 (1944), 612-618. [6] 'Russell on the Foundations of Empirical Knowledge', The PhiloS()phy of Ber trand Russell, The Library of Living Philosophers, Vol. V, ed. by P. A. Schilpp, Northwestern University Press, 1944, pp. 421-444. [7] Review of The Philosophy of Marsilio Ficino by Paul Kristeller, PPR IV (1944), 578-580. [8] Review of New Bearings in Esthetics and Art Criticism by Bernard Heyl, PPR V (1945),426-428. [9] 'The Basic Propositions of Empirical Knowledge', in Summaries of Theses: 1942, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, 1946, pp. 334-337. [10] Review of 0 Sentido da Nova Logica by W. V. Quine, PPR VI (1946), 645-648. [11] Review of The A Priori in Physical Theory by Arthur Pap, Ph. Rev. LV (1946), 594-597. [12] 'The Contrary-to-Fact Conditional', MindLV (1945), 289-307. Reprinted with revisions in Herbert Feigl and W. S. Sellars (eds.), Readings in Philosophical Analysis, Appleton Century Crofts, New York, 1949, pp.
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