BIBLIOGRAPHY OF R. M. CHISHOLM Abbreviations: JP for Journal of Philosophy; PPR for Philosophy and Phenomeno­ logical Research; Ph. Rev. for Philosophical Review; and JSL for Journal of Symbolic Logic. [1] 'Sextus Empiricus, and Modern Empiricism', Philosophy of Science vm (1941), 371-384. [2] 'The Problem of the Speckled Hen', MindLI (1942), 368-373. [3] Review of Lewin's Topological and Vector Psychology by Robert W. Leeper, PPRIV (1943),110-113. [4] Review of Art Criticism and Semantic Discipline by Lewis W. Beck, PPR IV (1943),578-580. [5] 'The Relation of Mental Disorders to Race and Nationality', (with R. w. Hyde) New England, Journal ofMedicine 231 (1944), 612-618. [6] 'Russell on the Foundations of Empirical Knowledge', The PhiloS()phy of Ber­ trand Russell, The Library of Living Philosophers, Vol. V, ed. by P. A. Schilpp, Northwestern University Press, 1944, pp. 421-444. [7] Review of The Philosophy of Marsilio Ficino by Paul Kristeller, PPR IV (1944), 578-580. [8] Review of New Bearings in Esthetics and Art Criticism by Bernard Heyl, PPR V (1945),426-428. [9] 'The Basic Propositions of Empirical Knowledge', in Summaries of Theses: 1942, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, 1946, pp. 334-337. [10] Review of 0 Sentido da Nova Logica by W. V. Quine, PPR VI (1946), 645-648. [11] Review of The A Priori in Physical Theory by Arthur Pap, Ph. Rev. LV (1946), 594-597. [12] 'The Contrary-to-Fact Conditional', MindLV (1945), 289-307. Reprinted with revisions in Herbert Feigl and W. S. Sellars (eds.), Readings in Philosophical Analysis, Appleton Century Crofts, New York, 1949, pp. 482-497. [13] Review of 'Os Estados Unidos oe Ressurgimento da Logica', by W. V. Quine, PPR VII (1947), 483-484. [14] Review of Power and Events by A. F. Ushenko, Ph. Rev. LVI (1947), 431-433. [15] 'The Problem of Empiricism', JPXLV (1948),512-517. Reprinted in Robert J. Swartz (ed.), Perceiving' Sensing, and KnoWing, Double­ day & Co., Garden City, N.Y., 1965, pp. 347-355. Reprinted in Ernest Nagel and Richard Brandt (eds.), Meaning and Knowledge, Harcourt, Brace, and World, New York, 1965, pp. 576-580. Reprinted separately as Number 46 in the Reprint Series in Philosophy, The Babbs-Merrill Co., Indianapolis, 1969. [16] Review of Freedom and Experience, ed. by Sidney Hook and M. R. Konvitz, Ph. Rev. LVII (1948), 613-619. [17] Review of'Der Begriff des Guten' by Uuno Saarnio, JSL XIV (1949), 250. Keith Lehrer (ed.), AnalYSis and MetaphYSiCS, 299-308. All Rights Reserved Copyright © 1975 by D. Reidel Publishing Company, Dordrecht-Holland 300 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF R. M. CHISHOLM [18] Review of Symbolische Logik und Grundlegung der exacten Wissenschaften by E. W. Beth, and Der logische Positivismus by Karl Durr, JSL XV (1950), 72. [19] 'The Theory of Appearing', in Max Black (ed.), Philosophical Analysis: A Collec­ tion ofEssays, Cornell University Press, Ithaca, 1950, pp. 102-118. Reprinted in Robert J. Swartz (ed.), Perceiving, Sensing, and Knowing, Double­ day & Co., Garden City, N.Y., 1965, pp. 168-186. [20] 'Bertrand Russell', Collier's Encyclopedia, Vol. 17, New York, 1950, pp. 199-201. Reprinted with revisions in subsequent editions. [21] Review of 'Dialectique et logique' by Ph. Devaux (and a comment by E. W. Beth, F. Gonseth et al.) JSL XV (1950), 145-147. [22] Review of Introduction to Realistic Philosophy by John Wild, Ph. Rev. LIX (1950), 391-394. [23] Review of , Hypothe ticals' by David Pears, JSL XV (1950), 215-216. [24] 'Reichenbach on Observing and Perceiving', Philosophical Studies II (1951), 31-35. [25] 'Psychophysics and Structural Similarity', Revista Brasileira de Filoso/ia 1(1951), 31-35. [26] 'Philosophers and Ordinary Language', Ph. Rev. LX (1951), 317-328. Reprinted in Richard Rorty (ed.), The Linguistic Turn, The University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 1967, pp.175-182. [27] Review of 'Non-accidental and Counterfactual Sentences' by E. L. Beardsley, JSL XVI (1951),63-64. [28] Review of 'Natural Laws and Contrary-to-Fact Conditionals' by William Kneale, JSL XVI (1951), 64. [29] Review of F. Waismann, 'The Many-Level-Structure of Language', E. W. Beth, 'Logical and Psychological Aspects in the Consideration of Language', and F. Waismann, 'Logische und psychologische Aspekte in der Sprachbetrachtung', JSL XVI (1951), 75-76. [30] Review of 'Are all Necessary Propositions Analytic?' by Arthur Pap, JSL XVII (1951),140. [31] Review of 'Categoricals and Hypotheticals in George Boole and his Successors', by A. N. Prior, JSL XVII (1951), 224. [32] Review of Structure, Method, and Meaning, ed. by Paul Henle et ai., United States Quarterly Book Review VII (1951), 250. [33] Review of 'Der Begriff der Function in der symbolischen Logik', by Karl Durr, 'Interpretationen von Kalkulen' by W. Britzelmayer, and 'The Pragmatic Foun­ dations of Semantics' , by A. Grezegorczyk, JSL XVI (1951),292. [34] 'Verification and Perception', Revue Internationale de Philosophie, Cinquieme Annee (1951), pp. 251-256. Reprinted separately as Number 57 in The Reprint Series in Philosophy, The Bobbs-Merrill Co., Indianapolis, 1969. [35] 'Comments on the 'Proposal Theory' of Philosophy', JP XLIX (1952), 301-306. Reprinted in Richard Rorty (ed.), The Linguistic Turn, The University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 1967, pp. 156-159. [36] 'Intentionality and the Theory of Signs', Philosophical Studies m (1952), 56-63. Reprinted in Ernest Nagel and Richard Brandt (eds.), Meaning and Knowledge, Harcourt, Brace, and World, New York, 1965, pp. 101-105. Reprinted separately as Number 54 in The Reprint Series in Philosophy, The Bobbs-Merrill Co., Indianapolis, 1969. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF R. M. CHISHOLM 301 Reprinted in Herbert Feigl, Wilfrid Sellars, and Keith Lehrer (eds.), New Readings in Philosophical Analysis, Appleton-Century-Crofts, New York, 1972, pp. 424- 429. [37] 'Some Theses on Empirical Certainty', Review ofMetaphysics V (1952),625-626. [38] Review of 'Anwendung der Logistik und analytischen Sozialpsychologie in der Grundlagenforschung der Sozialwissenschaften', by E. J. Walter, JSL xvn (1952),61. [39] Review of 'On the Modal and Causal Functions in Symbolic Logic', by Stanis­ law Jaskowski, JSL xvn (1952), 142. [40] Review of Structure, Method and Meaning, ed. by Paul Henle et al., Ph. Rev. LXI (1952),246-248. [41] Review of 'On the Meaningfulness of Vague Language', by G. Watts Cunning­ ham, JSL xvn (1952), 219-220. [42] Review of Anais de Primeiro Congresso Brasileire de Filosojia, PPR XIII (1952), 457-459. [43] Review of 'Boole's Philosophy of Logic', by Mary B. Hesse, JSL xvn (1952), 285. [44] 'Ducasse's Theory of Properties and Qualities', PPR XIII (1952),42-56. [45] 'Reichenbach on Perceiving', Philosophical Studies m (1952),82-83. [46] 'Fallibilism and Belief', in Studies in the Philosophy of Charles Sanders Peirce, ed. by Philip Wiener and Frederic H. Young, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, 1952, pp. 92-110, and 338-340. [47] Review of Die Philosophie by Max Bense, JSL xvm (1953),82. [48] Review of Mind, Perception and Science by W. Russell Brain, JP L (1953), 502- 505. [49] Review of 'Zur Lehre von den KontrapositionsschlUssen' by Ulrich Klug, and 'Ober das System der Modi des Syllogismus', by Bruno von Freytag-Loringhoff, JSL xvm (1953),278. [SO] Review of 'Die vier "ungilltigen" Modi' by G. Lebzeltem, JSL:xvm (1953), 273. [51] Review of Semantics and the Philosophy of Language, Leonard Linsky (ed.), and Meaning, Communication, and Value, by Paul Kecskemeti, PPR XIV (1953). [52] Review of 'Die Anwendung der 10gistischenAnaIyse auf philosophische Probleme' by Bela von Juhos, JSL:xvm (1953), 337-338. [53] Review of 'Was ist Logik?' by Paul F. Linke, JSL XIX (1954), 65. [54] Review of 'Die Implikation als echte Wenn-So-Beziehung' by Paul F. Linke, JSL XIX (1954), 67. [55] Review of The Sensory Order by F. A. Hayek, Ph. Rev. LXIII (1954), 135-136. [56] Review of Meinoing-Gedenkschrijt, ed. by K. Radakovic, A. Silva Tarouca, and F. Weinhandl, Ph. Rev. LXI (1954), 620-623. [57] 'Knowledge and Certainty', Review ofMetaphysics vn (1954),685-687. [58] 'On the Uses of IntentionaI Words', JPLI (1954), 436-441. [59] 'Sellars' Critical Realism', PPR XV (1954),33-47. [60] Review of Philosophical Essays by A. J. Ayer, IP Lll (1955), 571-572. [61] Review of Some Main Problems ofPhilosophy, by G. E. Moore, PPR XV (1955), 571-572. [62] Review of Problems of Analysis by Max Black, Ph. Rev. LXIV (1955), 652-656. [63] 'Law Statements and Counterfactual Inference', Analysis XV (1955), 97-105. Reprinted in Edward Madden (ed.), The Structure of Scientific Thought, Hough­ ton Mifilin Co., Boston, 1960. 302 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF R. M. CHISHOLM Reprinted separately as Number 55 in The Reprint Series in Philosophy, The Babbs-Merrill Co., Indianapolis, 1969. Reprinted in Herbert Feigl, Wilfrid Sellars, and Keith Lehrer (eds.). New Read­ ings in Philosophical Analysis, Appleton-Century-Crofts, New York, 1972, pp. 524-529. [64] 'A Note on Carnap's Meaning Analysis', Philosophical Studies VI (1955), 87-89. Reprinted, together with two papers by Rudolf Carnap, as Number 46 in The Reprint Series in Philosophy, The Bobbs-Merrill Co., Indianapolis, 1969. [65] 'A Priori', in Twentieth Century Encyclopedia of Religious Knowledge (An Exten­ sion ofthe New Schaff-Herzog Encyclopedia ofReligious Knowledge), Baker Book House, Grand Rapids, Mich., 1955, Vol. I, p. 57. [66] 'Dynamism', ibid., Vol. I., p. 355. [67] Editor and co-translator of Johann Gottlieb Fichte, The Vocation of Man, The Liberal Arts Press, New York, 1955, Editor's Introduction, pp. vii-xvii. [68] 'Sentences about Believing', Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society LVI (1955- 56),125-148. Reprinted with revisions in the Minnesota Studies in the Philosophy of Science n (1957),511-520. Reprinted as 'Irreducible Intentionality as the Mark of the Psychological', in Leonard I. Krimerman (ed.), The Nature and Scope of Social Science, Appleton­ Century-Crofts, New York, 1969, pp.
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