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WHOLE NUMBER 395. Nelson, British Columbia, Saturday, March 19! 1898. PRICE FIVE CENTS quoted at 11%. The demand was steBdy, murder of Dennis Connors at Kuskcnook procuring lacrosse sticks etc., the THE CM COUNCIL. especially from abroad, and prices ad A on the night of February 13th, will be GENERAL LOCAL iffS. tickets admitting holder to allschedule vanced during the month until 12c ts. was M chosen from among the following named games in Nelson during the season. reached, which was the highest price of gentlemen: Geo. R. Robson, Gilbert The meeting was adjourned until Fri the year. It was maintained during the MINUTES OF BEOTLAA AND AT- Stanley, W. J. Wilson, J. L. ReUllick, day evening March 25 at' the Hume greater,part of February, but eased off a B0ABD OF TBADE RESOLUTION II. R. Cameron, James Lawrence. C. W. EVEAT8 OF UTESEBT Dl AUD Hotel. JOUBNED MEETINGS. few points in March. The average price West, M. DesBrisay, John Malone, Dan- SURPRISES TBEM. AB0UHD IEL80I. Rossland and Kaslo, which are now for 1898 wus 11.29 cts. can McArtbur, John A. Turner, Arthur sub ports will be made chief ports on Ihe output of copper lost, year was Ferland, H. J. Evans, W. N. Rolfe, Walt 475,338,850 pounds, an increase of nearly April 1. Nakusp will be placed under The Vlnanclul fMatcment fo be TrcMcnled er J. Gjoiulan, James Bannerman. 8,000,000 pounds over that of the pre BeManit why (he Kettle Blvcr Valley Brief .Mention or ntennenlngs In the the survey of Kaslo and Trail under lip to lhe End of Mareh.- vious year. Montana mines furnished Bullway Would Not Uenent Nelnon I*revlnelal ttevenne. B-lalrlet Baring the rase Rossland. •ther BMHIHCMW. ' The second report of the Public Ac 47 per cent of the output, Michigan 31 nnd Vicinity. Seven Bars. The St. Patrick's day dinner at the per cent, Arizona 1G.5 per cent and all counts Committee to the Provincial Leg Club hotel on Thursday evening was other sources 5.5 per cent. Copper pro islative Assembly, shows that the revenue largely attended and the bill of fare duotion in the United States increased collected from July 1st, 1897 to Jan.'Slat, provided by Mr. Curran was thorough Business transacted at the regular -VICTOBIA, B.C., March 18.—(Special)— The regular spring assixes will be 35 per cent in the four years ending with 1898, amounted to $792,630.81. ly enjoyed. meeting of the city council held on Much surprise is felt here at the reported the close of 1897. held at Nelson on June 20. Monday afternoon was principally resolution of the Nelson Board of Trade The names of E. P. Davis, Q.C, and The great increase in electrical work PEBSONAU. John Dean of Ymir has been ap routine. There were present Mayor favoring the granting of admonition Hon. Jos. Martin—two Vancouver throughout the world, during late years pointed a Justice of the Peace. Houston and Aldermen Teetzel, Hillyer charter to the Kettle River Valley rail E. E. Phair visited Rossland this barristers are mentioned in connec has had a tendency to keep the price of and Malone. way, calculated as such a line would be week. BORN.—On Sunday, March 13th to tion with the vacant chief Justiceship A communication was received from copper firm and there is no indication to further build up Spokane and North- W. A. Jowett went to Spokane on the wife of Geo. Hunter, a son. of British Columbia. tbe Kootenay Lake General Hospital that the demand from that source will port to the distinct disinterest of Nelson Wednesday. > Frank Granthan has been appointed Society asking for improvements to the slacken. Electric railway and the elec Farley k Simpson are building a and other British Columbia cities. It is assistant provincial Constable at Ymir. street leading to the hospital. The pub- tric transmission cf power are making R. S. Burton of Burton City spent large four storey addition to the Grand rapid advances which implies greater felt that Nelson's prosperity is in a great lie works committee asked for a week's Sunday in the city. Fort Steele and Moyie City have Central hotel which will increase 03osumption of copper. measure due to the successful operation their accommodation for guests to the time to report on the matter which was been connected by a telephone line. of its smelter which interest today could J. S. Cox of the. Crow's Nest Pass extent of about forty rooms. .granted. ' % J" ,.•'-, use boundary ores. The same condition railway survey is in city. The Genelle lumber company's saw Tenders for laying a sewer pipe, drain applies in regard to the Trail smelter. Engineer H. D. Lumsden late of the Mining News. A. W. Crittenden of Ymir, spent mill at Nakusp has resumed operations. on Hall street were received as follows: The impressiou prevails that the Nelson Crows Nest Pass survey has returned Tuesday evening in the city. ' Newliog k Co., $145; D. Lawson, $72.30; Board of Trade is hardly alive to the full The sawmill at Moyie City was to Ontario where he will act in a 1 ET Frost. $80; John Ellis, $120; Whit- Work will shortly be resumed on the significance of the resolution, nor how W. C. Forrester, provincial constable destroyed by fire on Monday evening similar capacity on the new line to be last. more & McCardle, 885. On motion tbe Boneta mine near Grand Forks. seriously the construction of the Kettle at Ymir, spent Sunday in the city. constructed from Toronto to Sudbury. tender of D. Lawson was accepted. The Le Roi company has ordered a River Valley railway would work against Provincial Constable W.; J. Devitt A large force of men are at work on In future persons who desire to have A communication was received from complete electric plant from San Fran the. advancement of that city in particu of Trail spent Monday in the city. the construction of the new C.P.R. their names placed on the voters' list H. J. Evans & Co., re application for a cisco. lar and the Kootenay generally. transfer wharf. must either present their applications gas franchise. The company ask that It also remarked that Mr. Corbin could Mr and Mi*. H. W. Simkin of Na Water has temporarily stopped work - The government work on the im in person to the collector or make a certain clauses in the agreement proposed not afford to haul Boundary oris to poinls kusp spent Wednesday in the city. on the 100 foot shaft on the Josie copper provements to the Duncan river will statutory declaration before a justice by the council be altered. They ask on the Nelson k Fort Sheppard and Red ,_F. M. Chadbourn, mining broker, mine in Summit camp. ^ begin next week. of the peace. that clause 1 binding them to commence Mountain in British Columbia at the spent Monday and Tuesday inRossland. work within six months be expunged; The Le Roi mining and Smelting Com same rate as to Northport. The estab The infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. New advertisements this week- Frank Watson, manager of the Ar that clause 4 be changed so ns to allow pany paid nuother dividend of $50,000 on lishment of smelters on his lines iu Brit R. G. McLeod died on Wednesday Emory & Walley, gents' furnishings; lington mine, was in the city this week. them to lay gas, mains on streets and Saturday, March I2lh. ish Columbia would so palpably conflict, morning, aged two months. West & Emerson, Coal; J. E. Annable, lanes; that the clause binding the com- with his position and railway interests Bruce White, manager of the Sloean Ontario Mutual Life insurance Co.; The output of bullion from the Everett ' Nelson Lodge, I.O.G.T. will give an pauy to pay to the eity a percentage of Star Mining Co., spent Monday in the Sons of England; Mrs. Kempling, mil smelter during the year 1897 aggregated that it is perfectly safe to assume that be an entertuinmeut in the Methodist the gross receipts each year be struck city. ' linery; Kootenay Cigar Co. over 4500 tons, and the value exceeded would do all in his power to prevent them church on Monday, March 28th. out The communication was referred 81.700,000. ever being erected. In any cose would G. H. Gardner, C. P. R. engineer A. J. Linden, a commercial traveller , The registered school population, of to tbe puclic works committee. the erection of smelters on the lines of locating the Crows Nest Pass railway from Omaha, spent Monday in the British Columbia is about 16,000, Aid. Hillyer brought up the question It is reported from Ottawa that the the Nelson & Fort Sheppard work to the from Goat Riyw landing to Nelson city. according to the latest statistics, • of the disgraceful condition of tbe ceme salary to be paid R. G. McConnell, the detriment uf Nelson. '.The'question is was in the, city last Saturday. The tery, nnd the city engineer was instructed new provincial mineralogist is to be asked, why give to Northport the Boun G. A. McRea, representing Swa- The regular meeting of the South location is surveyed along the west $1000 per annum. to have a Btnall amount of money ex dary ore to-day required by the smelters bnjeher Bros., wholesale grocers. Seat- Kootenay Board of Trade was ad side of the lake to a point opposite pended in temporarily fixing the graves of Nelson and Trail? tic!, speet Monday in the citv.