Order in Council 535/1906
di dry 6°zeca4Ve Zunct/Wamhr, 9Wori . r Qn 15tha47 Septemb er, (,90 gresenl G5(1,6 jiOnougag 3 ' -6. Tallow. iw /ire 'dime% !1< .14. McBride. Green. 0 ...6 . I 04 ,& . l N a h6 4,..„.„,enzi,..n fyih c9Kinesusaa The Attorney-General. aniana‘t gefrom;siona 64 Victoria, ForI4A4 18, U. the 'Liquor License Ast, 1900', 0 and Amendment Acts. 0 aNt eXnema 4170- -g;wiman4dromrinot elaida /n47, 07/ anti wine a awee / gavoulnie gownewe due oat 44 #41" '.that the territory embraced in the Comineea rifins Division, as defined in the British Colmobia Gazette of the 21st of Jun*, 1906, IS be taken from the Skeane. Llamas' District and be formed into a new TH licence District, to be known a. tie OMIUOL ICU= DISTRICT; A° that Edward ORDERED Courtenay Stephenson, Edward H. Hicks Beach A ND A and Charles Frederick Morrison, all of Hazelton;, be and are hereby ED V appointed to be Licence Commissioners RO PP A and that J. Kirby, Provincial Constable, be, and is herobv appointed to be Chief Linen** Inspector for the said Otatailiiitliedi DISTRICT. vast* c risotto tua&l. J-3 e Dated / east along MUNI ISIVIO0 to the eastern boundary of the Province; th *stern hound• ary to the po Jona 91st, 1906.1 DMINTOA MINIS!' DIVISION. Commencing on the eastern boundary of the Prov- ince at a point where such boundary crosses the divide separating the drainage area of the Hay River on the north from the drainage area of the tributaries of the Peace River on the smith; thence westerly along height of land forming divide separating the drainage area of the Hay River and tributaries of the Liar.
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